Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1906, p. 1

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Store News 1, - Wednesday gaving ire Chance to By Handkerchiefs aled and Hemstitched Effects Morning . ['o-morrow id Country was the real cause of t roato stores or dkerchiefs from wey in 1 i | his offer a lot of ladies' [| an Old Country mal} atreal), and an inspection wh handkerchief out of possibly every 1." onto store refused he ah ] unconditign,| ta little less than average half-price % this, candidly, use we would raphe (and be delighted to find them better tha han to be disappointed because of thes sale is from 9.30 till 12 o'cl 3 a --Wednesday morning. If y,, cong le in getting just what, you wish and the her, there are only a ut one hundred out ot strictly "0.K."", only, Ladies' Fine Hem Initialed Handkerchiefs, 1 the letters--certainly ali most asked for, with dif os of borders and initials, e qua'itips, ranging in reg- Your Choice at 15, 18 and 20¢. each ice from 9.30 to 12 o'clock 1 Oc. v_ morning, only 10c, each. le Of Four - Doilgr aists At $2.35 ernoon from Closing. buyers of these special hat they were going to "Xmas remembrances. y perfect gifts--style » successfully blended. y registered mail--and ount extra to-morrow, will box and ship the is--safe delivery guar- ~~] \ ists, black or white, sizes 32 vide hemstitched tucks and z up to the shoulders, full d with small pin-tucks, backs e waists are well worth 4.00 e when you see them--and ir choice to-morrow afternoon enty-Five Silk Underskirts are other et will be very popularly bought for + Seven-dollar value Is what .you'ro hon you buy one of thom. Won't you morrow. ------------------ ¥ ppy Thought:Range t the most pleasure has been given to the ton still without a HAPPY THOUGHT Cook vey & Birch «x EE ---------- BRONZE OR ALUMINUM GK SEND YOUR PATTERNS 0. Toronto Phone Main 172 Lace Boots William St., $1.50 Shoes We are always in the lead in at this price. Our stack and our as sortment is large and up-to-date good are as solid as the money will buy Fine Dongola Kid, Blucher Cat, lac Dull: Top, 3 to 7, ......... ' 51.50 Fine Dongola Kid, Lace, Patent ib, Back Strap ... 5. Fine Dongola Kid, Lace, hid Tip, sizen B 40'7 0. es 31.3 Also a splendid line (all sizes) " 5 better grade Donogla Kid, High Cuban Heel, Patent Tip, Baki © Strap... es ai oe . Dlx t ATED SANGER PURL WOOL SLIPPYIS Shoe Store - sa trachan's hardware. rd : VOTERS' LIST, 1907 Municipality of the CITY OF KINGSTON County of Frontenac NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN THAT | pave transmitted or delivered to the per- sous mentioned in Section 8 and 9, of the "Ontario Voters' List Act," the copies required by said sections to be ansanitted or delivered of the list Act of all per- appearing by the last ARsessment sans Fa " Roll of the said Mumicipadity to be en- titled to vote in the said Mymidecipality for wewhers of the Legislative Assembly and at the Muwmicipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office at the City Buildings, on the twentieth day of November, 1906, and reinains there [or inspection. Elitors are called upon to examine the said list, an if any omissions or any r 'errors are found therein to take diate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according. to law. W. W. SANDS, Clerk of the sald Municipality. at Kingston, this 21st 1906. day of TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- 7.30 " EF ¥E3EEER £058 2080 09.05 0 833833: HH ges & 304 28 er g £3 & = 2 key's Pay, Howe Is- Dock and phy's Polut. ey Bay 6.30 am. Ketarning, leaves Kingston 3 pan. 'ime Table subject to change without noice. "E. BRICELAND, Manager Boat calls at Gaiden IMlandgoing to and from Kingston. *Thareday special + Brea land (Walker's Doct) Halliday's A Few Things to Ghoose From 3 For Your 3 'Xmas Gifts | We have been careful to | select the most un-to-date designs in Rings, Brooches, Cuff Links 4 Lockets and Necklets See our stock of DIAMOND RINGS before making your 1 selection. $ KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE 100 Princess St. Phone 363 wa WE endéavor to make the best Footwear that can be made. Try a pair for this fall's use. WEAR ALLENS "84 Brock Street sign of Golden Boot AROBERT J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'Phone 577, - 227 Princess St * herriff sdellyPowder Will be demonstrated in Qur Store for one week, Nov. 16th to 22nd, and an cordial invitation extended to every- body to call and try it. We also have a full stock of ' Sherriff's Pure Extracts Sherriff s Scotch Marmalade Sherrifi's Homemade Marmalade James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groceries firvvaacsscsescscscsccsccnacag es Ceolebrated { Dr. Brock's golerr3ted Female Periodical Is are the best monthly medicine Sold ¢ og in Ki at the BEST DRUG STORE, 124 Mailed on receipt of Ereancsccccnacanacsasl TAKE NOTICE For a Fall' Stove, Parlor Stove. Kitchen Range, or any other Stove Come and see me as I have the largest stock 1 have ever had : also a ISt of Furniture and Carpets. Everything cheap. ) TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE a 308 Princess Street. For Every Variety of REAL . ESTATE AND INSURANCE Enquire at SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSU "- ANCE AGENC Our Not Ugiversal muat chopper is just "he "site for house use. Frosh Nestle's Food at' Gibson's Red DAILY MEMORANDA. The Popularity Of Campbell Bross. fine Furs increases. Chdeso Board, 1.80 Pm. Thursday The sun ris Thursday at and sets at 4.29 pom . Tenders for Jail Supnlies received County Clerk till noon Thursday, Limestone Lodge No. 91, "AO. U.W mests Thursday cvening. 8 o'tlock. ; --This day in history :--Fort. Niagara bombarded, 1812; Chloroform a used, 1847. WHIG TELEFHONES 243--Husiness Office. 220--Fditorial Rooms," 383--J ohbing Department, Embossing and Engraving a tpecialty: 7.02 'am. by ee 80 00 A China! China ! We are at present showing the most complete assortment ever displayed. No only in the city but anywhere in Canada. Come in and examine the pretty China. You dont need to buy, it will please you to see them. * Robertson Bros. That I bid for your business, only on the merits cf the High Grade F 11'S I sell and the standard of values which I have established. Special--1I call attention to the magnificent Fur Jackets, our own Manufacture, in A ~ A WA t Eastern Mink 3 Alaska Sea Persian Lamb Grey Lamb Russian Lamb p $ p 3 Fur Garments of all kinds made to special measure. Style, Fit and Quality Guaranteed JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON DO YOU KNOW McAuley is half-price ? As a matter of fact that Books at D0 You Realize that you ean save money selling bw buying vour Christmas gifts now at MeAuley's ? Do you know that McAuley keeps his shop open until 9 pin. for the use of the public and himself ? If you don't know, it is time you did. + Did you get one of those £1. Foun * We have a few Jeft. tain Pens yet T. McAuley Pearsall's Millinery We have a fine variety of © Dressy Silk Velvet Hats, in styles that catch the eye of the severest critic. And also a large variety of Children's Toques, Tams, Bonnets, Hoods and Coats, all of Bear Skins, at tempting prices. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess Strect Joseph Chamberlain rarely speaks in public at a rate excocding 120 words a minute. Mr. Gladstone's rate was \O Toss drug store, HURLS BABE INTO SEA FROM LINER Swiss Governess Goes Mad and Murders a Child With Whom She Had,Played. New York, Nov. 21.--RdSa Naegle, a governess. and. .nurse of Berne, Switzer- land, returning to this city from a visit ta her native land, won the hearts of all the women and children in the cabins of the big new Holland- American steamship Nieuw Amsterdam from Rotterdam and Boulogne. She embarked at the latter port and straightway walked right into the af- fections of the youpgsters and their mothers. She said she had been in the service of some of the most prominent New York families, and that she never was really happy unless she had chil dren about her. Dr. Kelly, surgeon of the Nicaw Amsterdam, looked upon her passion for children as somewhat in the nature of monomania. On the afternoon of the filth day out from Boulogne, on Nowember 15th in mid-oceqn, while the liner: was plunging through huge seus, the yoihg governess saw on the deck below her {she was a first-cabin passenger) a group of children of the second eabin playing ring games. Some of their mothers, wht could stand the motion of the ship, were sitting nearby. Miss Naegle Tan down to the children gnd Fgrabbed up the baby, and was press ing it to her bosom as if it were her own child. Then she ran to the ship's rail, laid the Kttle one on it. 'the mother ran towards Miss Naegle just as the governesg, with a laugh heard over half the ship, raised the child high in her arms and tossed it into the seas. Then she turned on the mothers and let out a series of shricks that sent them and their litte scampering for protection. At first, it was thought she intended to make a sea sacrifice of others as she ran after the children. But before she had gone half across the deck she was seized by officers, who locked her in a cabin, She had gone stark mad. Volunteers in charge of Second Offi cer Byl' manned a lifeboat, swung swiitly from the davits , over the starboard quarter and were lowered into the sea. After the boat had heen battling an hour with the waves, without finding a trace of the baby, the second officer indicated by a motion of his hands that there was no hope, The distracted mother pleaded on her kneas for the baby's body. She ones began dancing with them and singing } said she knéw that the child was in German, their folklore melodiss. dead, but she wanted to take the body Oe onally she picked up one of | to the father, in Fargo, N.D., who had the smallest, and held - it arms' | never seen the baby, which was born length above her head, while it crowed [soon after he left Russia, Mics XN and gurgled. She seemed. to be es Mics Naegle became quite calm and pecially fascinated hy one-year-old | apparently rational before night, She Aaron Gnoowski, who was too un- | said she eould not explain why she steady on his chubby pins to form a link in the juvenile circle ring. Presently his mother's face took on a look of alarm. The governess had killed the baby. Dr. Kelly said it was a case of emotional insanity. She was turned over to the federal au thorities to await action in her case. had nm THE ALLEGED MISGOVERNMENT If Negotiations Failed Then Britain Would Call a Conference of the Powers Old Age Pension. London, Nov. 21.--Sir Edward Grey, secretary for foreign affairs, received at the foreign office, yesten , an in- fluential delegation with nr mee to the alleged misgovernment of the Con- ES Britain cordially prepared to State. Sir Edward said Bt co-operate with them without any in tention whatever to secure political advantage for herself, Replying, yesterday, to a deputation of members of the House of Commons from the liberal and labor parties, Premier Campbell-Bannerman said the matter of old age pensions would go Free the delegation that if the matter were one of British trade only it would be comparatively easy to deal with as be Great Britain could take isolated ae- |taken up as soon as time and money tion. But greater interests were in- | permitted. He expressed himself gs op volved and besides there was another [posed to the "contributory scheme" country whose title intervened and ;because it involved inquisitorial ma- was fuller and more comprehensive | chinery. Speaking to the same de- than Great Britain; he referred, to Bel- | putation Hon. Mr. Asquith, chancel ginm. In the event of negotiations | lor of the exchequer, said nothing was with Belginm failing of result, Sir [nearer his heart than to be able to Edward declared it would be the duty of Great Britain to summon a confer- ence of thé powers who would find submit a financial plan for such pen sions. He favored one altogether dis associated from the poor law. HE CREATED SENATE SENSATION i sa-- Vicious Attack on the Policy of the Government of France. : Paris, Nov. 20.--Senator Gaudin de | chon and Villaine created a sensation in the | embarked senate, yesterday, by makine & vici- | was true. ous attack on the foreign and interi- M. Clbmencesu, in reply, after warm or policy of the government. After ex- | ly defending M. Pichon and Gen Pie pressing regrets at. the fact that the | quart announced hé could not say Catholics had not the courage to re- | anything recording the Franco-British ply to their persecutors as the terror- | understandi He did not believe that ists did in Russia, M. De Villuine |'a military convention existed, but he charged the government with playing declined to be drawn into a trap, into the hands of Great Britain and | which would place him in the position War Minister Picquart haa with Premier Clemenceau, * demanded to know whether the re- | o discouraging the hopes of all port that a military convention had | Frenchmen. heen signed between Great Britain and | The senate by a great majority of France, as a prelude to the great ad- | 213 to 20 votes rejected the interpelly venture in which Foreign Minister Pi tion and- passed a vote of confidence, 2, body of a young child which had been reported to have died suddenly, he discovered that the death of the child was the result==of one of the most shocking' instances of neglect that has been reported for a dong time, If ap- pears that the child died from an at tack of diphtheria and that the ill4at- ed little victim had received no medi- cal attention whatever, its parents failing to call a physician or to take any steps to remedy its serious condi- tion. Dr. Jolicour, upon learning of the facts of the case, read its heart. less parents a very severe lesson upon their criminal. neglect, which he said was wholly "without exeuse, there he. ing a medical man in the parish who could and should have been called in to attend to: the child. ------------------ A patent authority says that} not more than one invention in 110 is of 7 g any practical use. A' grasihopper can spring: © more 150° words. then 200 times its own length. SHOCKING NEGLECT ESCAPED HIS PURSUERS. Has Led to the Death of An! Man Who Threatens Women a Infant. Nightly Terror. Quebec, Nov. 21.--When Coroner Joli Belleville, © Ont., Nov. 21.-An uh vour went to St. Tite des Caps, yes- known man who attempted criminal terday, to hold an inquest on the | psspult on young women after. night fall is the sensation of the pv of College Hill, this city. During the last few weeks there have been six or seven attempts at criminal assault, and the male portion of the district are n a savage mood, Montay night they chased a villain 'and pearly captured him, but he finally escaped, 1t may be summary justice if he is caught. Cannibalism In Nigeria. London, Nov. 21--~W. Wallace, the acting high, commissioner, has return «d to Zungeru after an official tour up the river ~Begue as far as Zola. While the "party © was coming down river news was received in the neigh borhood of Zola of trouble with the Pagan tribes, ' who had' killed and eaten nine of the protectorate police, A punitive force consisting of sixty troops with two officers and a whité sergeant was to-day ordered fo sent fo look up the murderers. bel os Shortening Ineffective, is Removed in Its Entirety. Saginaw, Mich., Nov, 21; .A case that has baffled the surgeons of this vity is that of George I', Kern, who lives in the village of Frankenmuth, Saginaw county. Mr. Kern was born with a toe--the second on his = right foot--which kept on growing after his foot reached mature size, In less than a year it had grown half an inch longer than its associates and he was unable to wear a shoe. He had the superfluous length cyt off, but: the toe continued to grow. Sue cossive operations followed until he estimates that six inches in all was removed. Finally the doctors decided the only way to stop the growing toe was to amputate it at:the base, and Mr, Kern has just submitted to the oper ation, PLANNED HARBOR. He is Now One of the Country's Veterans. +, CoH. HASWELL. New York; Nov. (@1.-<Charles H. Haswell, the engineer to whom is die the eredit of having planned New York harbor, is minety seven years of age, and elaims to be the oldest de- mocrat in thé country. ------------ Big Church Merger Planned. Pittsburg, Pa. Nov. 21.-The move. ment to mbrgh Lhe Congregational Mé- thodist Protestant and United Brethren churches into ode body is now almost ah assured faet. A large meeting of the ministers of the de- nominations mentioned is being held here to-day. to discuss the project. The movement has been' "in progress for five. years. The' consolidation of the churches into one body to be known as the United Church, will give the new organization a membership of about 1,250,000 and make it one of the strongest Protestant church bodies in the world, Thrown From Third Story. Paris, Nov. 24.--A woman named I'eru, who has been mortally injured by a fall from a third-story window at Vienne, Isere, statés that her hus band threw her from the window in order to kill her and get her for tune. The woman, who is fifty-three years old, married the man, who is thirty- eight, in Algeria, where he was on military duty, She possessed a = com- fortable fortane, and ~ he induced hes to sign a will in his favor. Peru has been arrested. Impending Strike Of Welsh Miners Cardiff, Wales, Nov. 21.---At a meet ing of the South Wales Miners' Feder ation here to-day under the presideney of W. Price, M.P., it was decided ow- ing to the abolition of the coal tax to demand an increase in wages of five per cent. The miners are determin ed in their demand and should a strike take place upwards of 155,000. men will be effected the mines alone besides the number of men engaged in ship- ping, as all ships in the Bristol: Chan nel ports will be tied up. 1t is ex- preted however, that nn settlement will be grrived at. at Desperate Bands Busy. Odessa, Nov. 21.<A desperate at tempt made, here, yesterday, by a band, said to be composed of sodigl revolutioniets, to murder the chief commissary of the Odessa police, The band did nét desist until the police had fire on it with a Maxim gun killing three men and wounding three more. The estgped, An other band composed of © terrorists, yesterday, sbized R2,000 in the office of the Rusdan Navigation company, after killing a police official. opened others Every home should water hottle, possess a hot It pave to buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug seore. What If The Gook Has Left You ? A'Whig Want Finds another so quickly ~ that her going is scarcely noticeable. Advertise in the Whig, LATEST NEWS THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST pos. SIBLE FORM. ---- Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little 'of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Franco has excluded United States pork. Affairs in Morocco are becoming ex- ceadin'-- eritical. The steamer Simla passed Detroit on Tuesday night, bound for King: ston. Wreckage has been seen at Thunder Bay, but what vessel it is from is un- known, - Norway will ask the powers to guarantee the nentrality of her ter ritory. X Body of a young man found at St. Flavie, Que., on the bank of the river, not known. Only about $420,000 of the new pro- vincial loan of $3,000,000 remains to be taken up, Nearly 100,000 horse power has been applied for from the Hydro Electric Power commission, Michael Shannon was killed by a Canadian Pacific train between Lamb- ton and Islington; The American Sugar trust has been convicted of accepting rebates from the New York Central. John Johnson, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., has sold the Devil's Rock pro- perty at Cobalt, for $30,000, ! All the evidence has béen taken in the London bribery case and argu- ment will be heard on Monday, William McKelvey, Bloomsburg, Pa., died from blood poison, caused by the prick of a porcupine's quill. There will be: no' registration- in East Hamilton. A lot of young men will Ye ten out of their votes. . Hen , manager of the Toronto Bill Posting company, died at the Isolation hospital, Toronto, A sailing vessel is ashore on Red Island, below Quebec. Her masts are only visible. The crew's whereabouts is unknown. . This is election day in St. Ann's and St. Mary's divisions of Montreal, for members of the House of {'om- mons. : Polling is proceedine quietly. Thomas, Nicolle is dead at Perth, aged seventyv-four years. He was book-keeper for Senator McLaren, and held that position for thirty-six years, The superstructaral work on the south shore of the Quebec bridge will be completed this week. Work: will now be proceeded with on the north side. \ The new emulsion building of the Eastman Kodak works, Rochester, N. Y. eollapsed thie morning. Three workmen were killed and aver a doz- en injured. Desmmrk and Germany have entered into agreement to close the Baltic doa to fleets hostilé to Germany in time of war, it is said, and the trepty has been drawn. A head on-collicion hetween two Passingers on the Mobile and Ohio railway is reported near Dwight, Ala. Twenty-seven persons are reported in jured, one fatally. Laderoute, of Bryson, Que., for mur dering a Syrian pedlar Has been sent to St. Vincent de Paul prison for twefily vears. He was lucky in coping the gallows Hon. Adam Bock es stimates that To- ronto may obtain "electrical energy ready to distribute at from $15 to £17.75 per horse power if only 15,000 to 20,000 horse power is taken, It will take nearly one million bae- rels of sand for the eonerete work in connection with the Michigan Central railroad tunnel under the Detroit riv- eft All the sand will he secured at the mouth of the Black river. President, sovelt arrived at Ponee, this morning from Colom. He was received hy Governor Winthrop and other prominent insular officials. The town, profusely decora ted, waa crowded with neople, At Toulon, France, the main por tions of the dockyvards, the Societe Dea Forges et Chantiors, were destroy ed by fire to-day. The foreign war ships, in course of comstruction, were saved with diffienlty, The loss will amount to several million francs. An action for $200,000 damages has been entered by J. W. Ford, F, Culvert, Peter Stewart, Harston, ronto, and D. P. Hurlbert, St. Louis, against Wugo Ven Hagen, and Vien Hagen, New York, for the alleged wrongful placing of a caution in the land titles office at North Bay. Charles M. Mavs, general manager of the irand Trunk roilway ecom- pony, avpeared in Toronto police court this morning, to answer to the charoe of having failed to provils third class passenger coaches and pennv fares on the Grand Trark. Fhe court's jurisdiction was contested. It ig lite'y a stated ease will he fifa, when technical eonvietiage.probalile, will be made in order that the ease may be earried to a higher court. The only store that sells a nuality of candy select. enouch for rovalte Gibson's Redd Cross drag store. Me- Conkev's and Muvler's are sold. there, Our No, 1 Universal risat chopper joat the size for house use. Strachan'd hardware, ia We are showing more new hats at 19¢. and 9¢c., at Corrigan's. * Despatches From Near And | Just 50 of these Clot $1 each. of 8 4 Eminent English Kotor pF - By Charles Reade y Q@ With Mr, i in the dual 4 characters "DUBOSC and "LBSURQUES" p Preceded by ¢ eautiful 'Amas | Are We Right ? When we say there is nothing yon could buy that would make a more tasteful, useful or more ae ceptable 'Xmas present to a worthy housekeeper than Beautiful Linens We think wo are right, and its so easy to aike | pelections whens you do your 'ghopping at this Store, FOR INSTANCE Wi ARE SHOWING. | Bleached Table . Cloths Pure While 'Bleach, beautiful designs, all ready Jo yards, fine use, worth ba, 8 to % at, § Quality und well lead and taste, i AEF Re a ui Ext Recinl at tho prige, i tg ~ (Fino quality) of beautiful designs very special at $1. Table Nap kins to match, per dosen, $2.75. See Our Great Collection Of Doyiies, Contres, Tray Cloths, hey oll Carving Cloths, ete. merit your best attention Steacy's GRAND OPERA HOUSE | Thursday, Nov. 22 Only Appearance Hers yu H.B. IRVING Supported By Miss Dorothea Baird And a complete London company in the following plays THE LYONS MAIL : RING RENE'S DAUGHTER As arranged by Sir Henry Irving. ¥ Hi ei, 'rices B50, - hy Le 200, § P Box Seats, $2 4 $ Beats now on Sale. A Thrilling Four Act Play, late with Ludicrous Comedy and Sta situations. A strong acting BRECIAL 15 25-35-50 NoFHINT dn "The Greatest of fi things glican, and devoted to Friday, Nov, 23rd Charles Gilder Presents Neil Twomey's Comedy "The Wayward Son Nib Headed by FDWARD 8. GOLDAIN ¥ Seats now oh Sale. Saturday, November 24th Special Announcement Return Engagement 'of Lo ETIENNE GIRARDOT ; Comedy Successeny CHARLEY'S AUNT x of kngten Players: Drevin Mond NortH, Prices--Matines, 25¢., ' 88¢., 50c. 3 Children 18¢. to any Seat: Prices~--Evening, 25¢., 50¢., Seats on sale Thu his church,

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