'SURE he best t bout 3 88 Woainaiie : EA ving its worth. be: and 80c. Per Poung At to consider it a personal i iths procuring from the be desirab'e, for the coming « ats es--Coats that al merit. 15 to 18.50 [artistic eat and choi ELECT NECKWEAR. RS, HOSIERY, ute. as urgent as we can, when wo ibby Co. 32 PRINCESS Since! 1 ody, delicate fragrance, oo, and invigorating. 1 a lb.--All grovers i MEN | ck of Victoria Shoes ior and Patent Colt. The n excellent wearer, made ucher Styles, Military atent Toes, Leather )¥ narrow lasts, $3.50. 'or Button Style, wide litary Heels, $4.50 and 14.75. ood Shoe ctoria's ' SHOE S STORE INSURANCE AND FINANCE. | Mcintyre & Melnyre BARRISTERS MO MBX. TO LOAN * KING STR ET. KIXCSTON The business "of tho late C. G be Suzied on in lis Bateman QUSTOMS BROKER Who for the last five years has been associated With Mr. Oliver, pe Business Training Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. ble Footwear For Boys $1.50 and $1.75 H. Jennings, King St. Graieful To The Skin » _Stanfield's It is made of a specially selected wool--that is grateful to the most delicate skin. The right weights for comfort. The right sizes to fit all figures. Every * TRURO KNIT * ' garment is guaranteed unshrink- able. Ask ! Your Store * to show you "Truro Knit? o 1 you stop at the Chateau Front c or any hotel pwned by the C.P.R,, or travel in her Pullmans or Steamers, you will find. "Royal Crown" Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap (individual size) supplied for your convenience. The finest and best soap made. gist has loyal Witch Haze) Tol Tollet Soap, Large size You cake. 3 cakesfor 25¢. « 12 A woman will revel in the smoothness--the hexurious loftiness of « = trons the fruit of our efforts il 10% Discount to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives Strachan' s Hardware New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. Wm. Fires, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. E.W.GILLET PURE FOOD INSURES 66D [HEALTH AGC - INSURES PURE FOOD. COMPANY LIMITED TYORONTO.ONT. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Sale of Horses Every Saturday . Hotel, Ladies' Tziloring Workmanship, Up-to- Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar- 236 University Ave. NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princoss Street Open from 10.30 a.m, tc 13.00 am. to get an all round |, ve Lunch in the city: on shortest notice. dishes a specialty, English apd Chinrse ods Phosphoding, Great vigdcaiestho w ho lo ol w Blood in' o fa Veins Ceres Nero. ons Debiiy, Mental and Brain Worry, Dees ondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper natorrhea, and Effects of Abuse or Exeessas, Price $1 per box, six for $3. One will pleaso, six Ra oure. Bod by all druggists or mm vited 2 Try a Pound of Myers' moxz av: Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast. 60 Brock Sireet. ORCHESTRA |.» Ran SUSY ONE." Weddings, E H. "MERRY, Leader ° olin, Vials, instryation. w 332 Shdunhu St, or Theatrs, Kor prompt delivery needs. ¥ Phone 230, Gibson' s Red Uross STERILIZED BARBER SHOP. A Famous shop in the Carrollton Baltimore, Maryland. , : II we barber shop in the Carrollte th s < ) his Wl Y befor: heir used on a cust Where th is no torilization, the h « Newhro's Herpigids \ fT germ nd i fe sealp, amd for A leading these and v cau vou the effect." Sold by lead Ce ------ of th most wonile Iovelonine the figure, vd, rd lips and owe offered, to the Ama Mahood's 1 Universal the size' for house hardware St 8 : The mas F. Rvan, New York, has i from the directorate of 'a num- } ations. Em | HOW'S THIS ? any case of red by Hall's ¢ h Cure {rs firm. r the last perfectly dn all | business transactions and finzneially a Teas end | io carry out any obligations WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drupegists, Tolede al a Catgrrih Cure is taken intern actifig directly upon' the blood os us Bi wes of the system i of drug store mo ninis on Jee Erice Is cents yottle. old hy a Re 'ake Hall's Family Pills for const criticize 'one development. of American drug store, ! pation. ervthing Petroit, toh. GW. Mahood, spocial kv Mountain lea rsal ticat echepptr DAILY BRITISH biti SIR WILFRID LAURIER wii C3 tinier From. from Page -6.) When he was thirteen years old, in 1854, young Laurier had bern sent to the English Protestant school at New Glasgow, New Brunswick, eighteen miles from St. Lin, Quebec, where he was born. After hours he worked--not forg hire, but for practice in English | lin the grocery store of. a Scotchman 'mamed Murray. Afterwards he spent (seven years at L'Assomption College, jand in 1861 entered the law office of { Rudolphe Laflamme, ; at Montreal. { Fourteen - years later he was a col léngue of Mr. Laflamume in the liberal cabinet of Premier Mackenzie, In 1864, having taken' the law course at McGill University, he was valedictorian at the class convocation. At" this time he spoke and wrote chiefly in French, but he read and thought in English. Bright's speeches, Macaulay's history and essays, the poems of Burns and Tennyson were among his favorite | reading. Shapespeare he translated ' back and forth--irom' English. toi French," from French batk to English. "In polities," he said in one of his | earliest addresses, "I belong to the! English liberal school, to the school cof Fox and Gladstone. In religion 1 belong to the school of Montalembert and Lacordaire, of the men who were the greatest, perhaps, of their age in cter and 'nobility of | thought." His literary tastes led him to write before he entered the ficld of active politic A serial story from his pen began to appear in L'Inde pendance Nationale, of Montreal, but the paper dying, the tale never was completed. A constitutional weakness, which seemed to threaten the lungs, led to his leaving Montreal, in 1866, and he moved to Arthabaskaville, where he bought an interest in a newspaper. Te Defrichenr, and for a while combined aw and journalism. But Le Difricheur was moribund, and within a year was abandoned, In 1868 he married Miss Zoe Lafontaine, of Montreal, who has been a tactful and a helpful wife in his later political and social life. In 1871 he was elected to the Quebec leg islature; in 1874 he resigned and v elected 'to the dominion partiamen. and in 1877 he first entered the cabi net as minister of inland revenue in the liberal government of Mr. Macken zie. In the following vear the liberals we defeated, and the era of high pro etive tarifis dawned in Canada. cighteen years thereafter the bers party was but a name, and the con servatives under the vigorous leader triumphantly into power at each elec party which has become but a name, and to-day none doubts that, so long lead, he will be premier, Of the achievements Laurier which have strong a hold upon C f Sir Wilind en him £0 adians, the most important has already been not od, namely, the abatement of racial and sectarian animosity, As compared with this great work, so absolutely es- sential to the. continuance of the dom inion, all else necessarily is of lesser moment. Yet under his leg adership the liberals have "done thin vond the record of their predecessors. The preferential tarifi' extended to im ports from Great Britain, while it has not been productive of important re- silts, has indicated an ability for i itiative which may have a consid able influence in" future tariff n da tions between States. A prog ve policy in trans portation development, in immigra ticn, and in the the country also has been inaugurated Sir Wilfrid was once addressing a Toronto audience which, 'a fow hours before, had listened to a tedious a of fivures submitted by a conserva- tive cabinet official té prove that the country w "My frien relations with the United States. No thing could be farther from the truth. I was present in 189% at Quebee dur ino all the sittings there of the joint high commission, composed of repre sentatives of the United States, Can- la aml Great B n, and at' that time and since have had ormortunities to know the strong personal desire of r Wilfrid for a freer interchange of omiiodities geross the border 2 rding present American-Canadian ov aro: "They are very bad; Hl wish thev were hotter." of Canada with the United States in ore vs from year to véar in or mus Unitex] Stat maintains its present high:turifi wall, Canada must th "stones 'on its side. Whi Han manufacturers are exclu from th American market, "Sir Wilfrid sees that it will be necessary for them, with their narrower home market, to he protected. It is not easy for a commratively small community to - neighbor with east and specialized in : 1 industrial corpor of railroad and industrial i rrh that cannot he F.J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, We the undersigned Jove known F AE in y | tiful adopt free trade alongside a great dustries | Some of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's onin | of American statesmen and af ' re them "to me during a ions ¢ jon, may be set down. | Lincoln he considers, as the greatest We offer One Hundre d Dollars Reward | of our presidents. Not hing imnortant t that is written _ about Lincoln es- |, capes him, and he men tiongd that an Lappreciation from the of Carl vedrs apo, was one of the most beau he had réad. Hardly any other | career in histry has taken sg great {a hold upon him, and perhaps some of his own 'patient purpose and silent cadeavor has been inguired by the life work of the martyred president. it was while speakiig of Lincoln that... Sir Wilfrid - took: 'cengsion NOVEMBER 20. rules, he said, Sen ard i have re Seiad the nomination in 1860. providential inter Larus MAN TRI TRIES T0 DO , then Lincoln' S Was a caso in wel there is a distinet advantage over the American. A ) in that the ytws- tion of availability In Montreal--Investigation Proves Is not a Seeking . won his position valunble trainine [terpt to swindle merchants on a | somewhat smaller scale than that un- dertaken by Karl Kremer. the alloped {Germain heir, las boen disclosed by M. | Cochenthaler, the jeweler. shorter period of us Lincoln ad pwesi- J. G. Stewart, 30 Fort street, trig . u 8 WN hid Cana- dian jon ror gnc oral modified supporter in a a3 Blame Investigation © proved © that {the man was an American Rel in our | a Said {for himself and wife with J. Gi Ste | wart at the address\ mentioned, gn the | strength of a hard luck story. He was also negotiating with a piano fim the governor gun ral, being Pini is not Rihjected to the | The Del reomalitie in- dulged in by critics of Mr. which yarke) the | paigiis of former » |so far as can be learned has so far | Fuited G5 get it. [those Whe represent "the Executive au- { What is Proposed By Anglican nothing from his | wint er "and w hile pe Canadian adusirrs He has absolutely | gravity of the subject asks that the Voung Ievrore and others e who call upon never are turned away. | through "the general synod. The { disposal of the house for the purpos- person w ho wish- es to see him may ha Ottawa people will | alten to union as regards the first | tell vou stories of many ad occ asionally an Indio oF come when an earnest effort should be {made to find out the possibility of | committee suggests that the recasire- | ments of the fourth is he 80Ci 1 centre > of the. capi: fal hut always there quent invitation to frie or gl Walking and re ading are practically! recreation, | urges that the house of bishops auth- v | orire the de legation to confer with the of a a ea a | other communions on that hasis. | hal between his home and Parliament | + weather be not of It was of one of these | would result in a higher and truer | walks pro an incident is 4old which | conception and realization of the A' laborer | Christian ideal, and therefore that no | opportunity shonld be lost in seeking { ordination at the hands of duly eon ship of Sir John Macdonald rode | tion. Since 1996 it is the conservative | DB does not play games. as Nir Wilfrid is able and desires to | illustrates hie human side. was wor Sing z in a drain ne ar his home {ne gitimate atlhorence to. priheiple ike Pehonld be spared. J and | | which gives the committee's finding | first publication in the province com- f ments thus: "It is san interestine » ak him to his gave him the drink and a and loaned him a coat Fron bi 8 Se . _ he ad a strong talen t for he rol hin: r alco is fond of Lis tening to musie, and the United | reneral upbuilding of | clergy from archbishop down to eure, | | ered Bishop Begin in the +» ask of you to show Catholicism is compatible Stocks. Foronto, Nov, 19 The only new de parture in connection with the Co balt situation at the beginning of the } week th Fran geme nt now being | perfected for the floatation of the | Ten ming mine he principals who have bought the property were in consultation to-day, but nothing definit could be ascertained The market for mining shares was not | quite as active or buoyant as it was er, "Mr ster has rea von many colunmms of figteres to show vour proscerity. When you elect me vou will not need the figures. You ean vat vour hands in vour pockets and feel the prosperity." It mav be thought that because the Canadian premier initiated the tariff | giving preference to British goods, he no lonver ig desirous of closer trade d, education is less sub to clerical control, tarian bickerings ar 1h newer properti unre being sought after more 80 than the old ones, which have already "Rawl sub stantial advances, and the enquiries at | brokers" offices, to-day, were largely confmeal to Green MoMehan It was expected that an announcemont of the dividend on Hi Queen would have amnounesd t week, but Gen Manager Colver mood to that although preparatic wer tions h id to me only a | They ought to be better. The trade | J skal rope] tHe ide tha ratio than her trade with Great Brita despite the preferential tari! L Mor r. the ninion not only ships to this comnmiry but receives from gs considerable yuantities of raw ma- | torinls which, according to common notion, sh suppasd to produce in antities. Yet so lone as the | Scotchman to remain sunmnated on Saturday » all these elements build a nation that will be great powers of the world." ! nation i= forming: very Backaches Are Warnings. rp stitch in he back are > the most will find Peck's Kidney churz, which was published. two These pilis are a scientific pre at Wade's drug store, ) back if not satisfactory. y. the. genuine "Hollistor's v | at Gibson's Red Cross there *' ANOTHER - SWINDLER] < EVMELER, Him to Be An American | Named Doyle--He Attempted Tricks With a" Piano Firm. Montreal, Nov. 20~Another at- This time a man giving the name of {to got a- valuable diamond ving - on | payment, tendering a cheque fge the Doyle, who managed to secure board for an expensive American piand, but -- HISTORIC EPISCOPATE. Union Committee. The Anglican church committee con- sidering the communication of the joint committee of the Presbyterians, Methodists and Congregationalists, touching church wnion has drafted a report for submission to the house. of bishops, and in view of the earhest ness and spirit of the invitation and house nae a committee to partici: {Pate in the sencral wnion movement, but not to be committed in advance to what has 'already been done or any duture action to be bindi ~ exoapt n com- mittee on "union places itself at the |= ofthe delegation. The committee thinks there is no three articles of the Lambeth Quadri- lateral and believes that the time has the acceptance by these communions of the historic episcopate. As to this the ticle of the Tambeth Quadrilateral will eventually be attained if all future ministers of the proposed United Church receive scovated bishons, and respeotiully Finally, the committee believes that organic unity such as contemplated it, and no sacrifice consistent with The Ontario Churchman of this city public document, and though there is searcelv a chance of its preentance hy their lordshins. it will be hishorie in one sen in that it expresses the it of an larre vrovortion of the clerov and laity the church This svirit demands as a basis for good will a broader courtesy to sepa rated brethren than now exists' broad s COBALT SITUATION What is Transpiring in the at the close of last week, but prices a'most without exception were stead ily firm, and in no instance were goo tations below the recent low love de for the lithog phone of check that the size of the divi would not he decided upon unti! the had received rons from Al four ear of ore which are now at the smelter & A rumor reached Toronto, on Satur day, that a dividend declaration had decided on by the: Foster dire tors, hut 'this is apparently premature, ww the people who are largely inter ested in. the mine at Toronto deny that an action regarding dividends has t been taker ral new appliea for charters, ' have " prospetting in the Porta Hay ict is exciting keen interest at the t time. The final transaction in wo of the Silver Leaf prop Boston interests was con MORE EVIDENCE And What Frank Pope Says He Heard. Toronto, Nov. 20.-The evidence of fered in the investigation of the charge against Charles MeGill, former man ager of the Ontario baik, in the police court, this morning, opened up no new ground. Frank Pove, the clerk in the head office, who first mase "the, misappropriation of funde known, was cross-examined. He testified to hearing discussions between the gengr- al manacer and some of the dizectors in regard to stocks. Manager Hager man, of the Yonge Street hranch told. : of lending Mr. Cockburn, the president £3.65 on the latter's demand note. Mr. Cockburn wanted the money to | purchase Ontario bank, new #te Give vour eyes a chance by having ! them examined bv the expert opts | cian at Chown's drug store. RELIANGE BAKING POWDER COSTS LESS TO GIVES BEFTER. RESULTS ai Ae a © 'der* is far superior nder the ision of hie ET LEN Baking Are You interested in Picture Post Cards? "Ra STAT Aa BERGE gL PICTURE POST CARDS anSaRTons writing un the following questions, we wi a 4 International Food Company, Toronto, cle VASE Tor the Furpls Package. so ool OF our later dition of boats nd Name this Papen STYLISH BLACK COATS--Many new anil attractive 'odols just to h Po including extra-sizes, In pleasing choice of ison quality materi. "| als, specially priced. AUGMENTED DISPLAYS OF INTER MILLINERY ATE arrivals afford an [unusually wide range of choice in trimmed and ready t trim millinery for winter, embracing ev | ery novelty that has re- cently appeared i m pean or American fashion- WHITE HOODS 'AND FLOPS We have been fortunate in securing a further al- though inextensive sup- ply of these scarce goods. The Leading Millinery and Mantle Story SPENCE"S THE SUNSHINE OF LIFE IS YOURS IF YOU EAT SHREDDE WHEAT Its use means Health to the consumer. healthy man possesses 'a priceless asset. asset is yours, only Get the Habit Eat Shredded Wheat and Triscuit and enjoy Perfect Health. SHREDDED WHEAT AND TRISCUIT For sale by all grocers. 13c. per carton, or 2 for 25¢. COAL OIL We will deliver to any part of the city 20c. Per Gallon Try the Brilliant AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER American, Astral Oil or the Brilliant at Canadian Oil at, =|FLLIOLL BROS. mre 1Sc. per Gallon