Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1906, p. 3

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AY Ianmer. Large boktie, 25 celts, n- Bxéollent. lai "I not aug-Soal ap . pre An alw o , = ave he Jami py De. - Scott's Hite Liftin be : Pr' on b raps S.. iSn oph, N And' "Chaing ; - 5 Hp "a ei} EST Qua 1 EST LITY.. STOCK if ESTFIT . = MALL STORE MALL PROFITS' ELECTED SKINS Xi ton's Onl . Exclusive ol. W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700 Gold Lockets We take drawing vour atte to our, now, full of @old Lockets, Ladies' Round Lockets: plain and stone seft, for the neck oh Oval and Oblong Locuets plain and wit CIETY" i for gentlemen's pleasure ain. vest chains, A, glénce at our Prices for "abdve | pieces will, without doubt, be your advantage. SMITH BROS. Jewellers and Opticians ISUERS OF MARRIAGE « LICENSES When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton as he handlés nothing else TTT RTT RTETTTTTRCRTCT ressrsrcssssanasans i LINENS (FINE TABLIPRUINENS N OA Are kept very prominent at this tore and hence the great quanti y sold. Imported direct lasgow. We from show values un- jualled by our competitors. [able Linens 25c a yard and up able Damasks 49c a yard and up [able Napkins 75¢ to $4.50 a dozen Pieces, 7 ete. Tray Cloths, Centre: oylies, Sideboard Scarfs, 1 new asonable. goods, marked very 'Xmas * Handkerchiefs are lin, and certainly the range i < vell, 2¢. to $2.50 each. Every amber Suppose Our is big value. u see them soon. ~ NEWNAN & SHAW. isting In We are Faney Waistings, new neat figurés, some with small dots, reseda, black and 'white, many other pretty designs; in + * waist patterns only, 3} yards. + "Special at $1.25 each. Eiderdowns "For You nch New Val. Laces and Just received a very large ship ment of tions Inse widths, at from 35¢. Needing a Rain Coat We are styles in Fall long and three-quarter lengths in Tweed Mixtures, Colors, at $4.50 up to $15. Jas. 180 Wellington Street. ' ~ Supplies For The County Gaol. SEALEY TE NDS WILL «BE RI- ceived "at the olf of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up "to noon. of THURSDAY, November 22nd, for the. whole or any part of the fol- lowing supplies to be Tusnished at the County Gaol for ong your commencing Jahuary 1st, 1906. " Beet, Pork, Mutton, Bread Brown Barley, Oatmeal, Cornmeal Salt, Pepper, Brown Family and Electrick Soap. 'at ~-- per 1b Potatoes, Carrots Pons, Heans, Turn- ps, at Molasses, Milk, American Goal *0il° at ~------ per gallon. Hand Threshed Ont, Straw at -------- per handle of 12 Ibs, 4* The above to be supnlied fs required and fo Je subject. to the aporoval of the Goverhor of the Gaol or such other person as the Warden W. J. FRANKLIN J. We For "ance Call at Canada Life Assurance Co. Office, "18 Market St, and getéan DIVIDEND POLICY. For your Accident and Sickness Insurance, For your Fire Insurance, For all Cobalt Stocks and full information For 18 Market St. T J. 0, Business College Head Canada, devoted to higher Com- mercial and All Individual -Fivening classes. time. the .H.F. METCALFE, Prin. will color, * fancy pation Wool and Silk showing -some very Pretty in "all the shades, in stripes 'and in' colors ef Cardinal and Dressing Jackets find . every! desirable An. plain; also' some stripes - and" dresden in 2 inch and 54 es wide. ' ) Insertions fal. Laces and Inser- $s, and all overs Laces and rtions to match all 3c. yard to per yard. . in showing some new swell Raincoats, in and Plain THE Johnston Store -- por bushel may . appoint, Warden, ') IWARDS, County C Your Life Assur- ANNUAL GUARANTEED thereto, North-West "and Cuba Lands, --~CALL AT--- elephone 703. HUTTON, Manager Kingston (LIMITED) of Queen street, Kingston, Shorthand edueation. Commercjal subjects taught. instruction. Day and Enter at anv Rates moderate. Attend best. "Don't Use Too Much" Armours Solid Extract Nya "trorrEDyIN CANADA) Be careful not to 'use too great a proportion of Armour's Beef Extract when making Beef Tea Sgups, or Gravi ies, Too ~much does not improve your dishes, Just 'add - one-quarter "the quantity you would of other 'Bxtracts and Fluid Beefs; because Armour's has four times "the strength of most of them. +» Wrife for, Free Booklet ** CULIN« ARY WRINKLES." == isi ARMOUR LIMITED / CANADIAN FACTORY ™T7 KRONT TREET EAST ) J OTTAWA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - - Ottawa The Agency of the late Gro ZEIGLER has been trdnsfer- redira James F. Lesslie "@FFICE . 151 WELLINGTON ST. Near Clarence Street (Up Stairs). TELEPHONE 201 Private Home Address, 47 William street, Post Offico Box, 111. ------------------------------ A 11 Policy Holders will Bt a se communicate, if necessary, to the above address, * § C. E. CORBOLD, Manager Ellis Unshrinkable °* Underwear Spring Needle Ribbed the only Underwear made in Canada on the famous Spring Needle Circular Ribbed Machine. Elagic' till worn out. Every &itch-- same length--in- sures perfect fit and durability. Just ask your dealer. Union and Two-Piece Suits--for Men and Women. Free booklet and sample of fabric ios The Ellis Manufacturing Co., Li Hamilton, Ont. le / i 2 Sole maters in Canada of Spring © Needls Ribbed Underwear. 6" ans BRITISH - AMERICAN KINGSTON - - Has undergone alterations and 1s now. open to the travelling public. W TELFER - 14th Band and Music HOTEL ONTARIO Proprietor Orchestra 1 Instruction : Bh Docasiona, oat aio Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, byt is best when used in the SHE wi 4 Mowal and |THE: Gry COUNCIL] EXPRESSED CONGRATULA- "TIONS TO W. LESSLIE, -- Over His Marine Féat--Light to Be Placed on Park Kvenue- ~First Reading . of Cigarette By-Law--General Business, of" the Council. + : » thé city council meeting, last there present Mayor were: Alds, © Abvott, 'Angrove, At evening, llassam, Corso Jouper, Craig, Ki lott, Givens, Harkness, Hoag, Bent, McCann, Milian, Nickle, Rigney, Koss and "doye. hese - communications were read and referred to committees : ; Stromberg-Larlson Telephone coin- pany, ¥egurding the establishment of an independent telephone company. Assessor of 5t. 'Thomas regarding the advisability of establishing .a pro- vineial® alsersors' assotiation, Kingston towndhip clerk, ashing $156 for Lr. kdward's inspection. of nuis- Lunce on fair grounds and threates ning action against city if such nuisance is allowed to continue. Joseph Gorrie, asking to be relieved fr om his business taX. Tiacaonnell & Fafgll, Tegarding re mission of taxes-on athlelit grounds iui by Queen's University. i", Rogers,p asking rebate of $12 Horne taxon estate, of late Mps. Muckleston, ! iv 4 C. A. McGill, asking remission of taxes on public library. T. KE. Montcrief, applying tion on fire brigade. Iebward McCormack and Frank Burns, applying for position' of driver on fire department. for posi- DAILY BRITISH we, TUESD AY," NOVEMBER 20. Piles Cured Qulekly and and Painlessly--No Risk, Wo Daager. A Free Trial Package to Couvines' Sent by Mail to All Who Write. Common wise is just as neecssary (even move $0) In medicine as inf busi ness or the affairs. of everyday life. People are eottitg to know more than they used to. Not so long ago, «it was -the fashion to make all sorts of claimé dor a medic e¢ and wind up by asking the reader to go to a drag store and buy"a bottle. "People won't stanfl for 'that Kind of thing now. They want proof-tangible proof. They want to try the remedy first and 4 they find it to be whats glad dnough claimed they will be go and buy it, Ine to Melean Publishing Co., regarding a manufacturing firm in the States looking for place to locate in Canada. Isabella Js ack, asking to have a tree removed from walk. J. McKee, asking for the re moval of a tree at the corner of University avenue and Johnston street. D..A. Weese, asking for five or six lines descriptive of the city buildings picture post card R. Brown ayd others, asking about a drain on Place d'Armes. ace Charlotte, gsking remission of $2 "business 'tax for 1906. . R. G. Armstrong regarding drainage for his property on Maitland street. The Finance Report. The finance committee recommended as follows : That in the matter of schblarship sub, upon the ct-be amended so that pupils writing on the partial and full matriculation examinations be also eligilla for the scholarships aforesaid. On the communication: from Ik. Thompson, asking reduction of as- scasment, peo-aection On the communic arine Baxter, move business a boarding granted, On . the petition from B. Zucks, Pennett and others, asking for a refund of $50 which they paid for license from peity chapmen and hawk- that they receive the um of twen- Mrs, tien - from Cath- asking comicil to re- tax, as she i¥ keeping house, that the request be Lipman, ty-five dollars each. On the communication' of Thomas Merritt asking for remission of in come tax for 1906, that the request be granted, On the communication of Mary Stone asking a rebate of $7.50 paid is under her protest as business tax, that the request be granted. That the sum of $18.02 be added to the appropriation on parks committee, That the finance committee provide funds for a light on Park avenue, and refer the other applications to com- mitteg on fire and light for their report as to the relative needs of the different localities. one recommended for Park avenue was considered to be for one public places in the city, on the way to the General Hospital. Ald. Carson opposed refunding ped dlors' license fees. It was not fair to the merchants to refund part of the licenses as recommended, The mayor * ®aid the refund was a legacy from last year's finance com Mothers Must Have tablet at meals and you'll feel bene fited in a thousand ways. Ferrorope~i-makes healthy, virile, vigor cwomen; try it, 80c. per box of fifty tables, or six Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight and fol- low dir directions. a ree A TEA MNT | dealers, 4 United | from Queen's University the regulgtion | Ald. Ross didn't think that the fin ance compnittee should have recom- mended the erection of a light on Park | avenue. He claimed that was diserimi- nation. Mayor Mowat said he belioved that more money should be apvropriated for the erection of strect lights. The of the most | 5 Abundant Strength | for $250, at A CONVINCING ARGUMENT. That is why we say to every per: son suffering from piles or any torm ot rectal disease, send us your name and we will gladly send you a free tial pnekage. For we know what the result will be. After using the trialy vou will hurry to "vour nearest drugs {mst and met "a Oc. box of Pyramid thousands | Pile Cure, now adanitted by to be one of the most wonderful re liefs pnd cures for+piles ever known 'Please expitse my delay in writing 20 you sooner In'r nd to what your Pile Cur Pyramid done for me I consider it one of the finesy me gines in, the world for piles. I suffer od witold misery for four months when thy wife dered me to send for a He. box. When it was half gone | jhnew 1 was better and it didn't take {anv be ~ding to get me to send for a | second box. 1 think I am about well now, bul" if 1 feel return I™will order from, the Pyramid | sure the eure. 'Tell all fine remedy for pile £ "And if there is anything any svinptoms of a at once. 1 order it to be about Drug Co., of this in this letter you want to use do so. I re ceived our letter. n few dave ago. {Yours for a remedy like Pyramid Pile Cure, . J. McElwee, Honey Grove, Tex., R. R. 9, Box 20 "PP, Si--1 on Iy used two boxes and don't think I need any more, Piles of even months' standing get a Ins Ve to the Pyramid Buil It wi e sondd to 61 Michigan. wid the I asponish trial package Pyramid brug Co., ing, Marshall, turn mail ill come by re results will both delight ane you. mittee, It was a matter of Keeping faith, Ald. McCann said that the object last year of putting on the higher hi cense of 850 was to keep out "outside peddlers. The understanding, however, was that local peddlers who also did business here' were to récvive a re fund, The merchants] Ald, McCann said; were perfectly satisfied with that. Ald. 1 moved seconded by [AM ssa that the refund he not | made. | The mayor advised Ald. Carson to | withdraw his motioh. If the council | didn't make the refund, it would be breaking {uit} with the three 1 | 1 i 0 three ped | dlers interested. The present co it | tee wanted to keep faith, which was of | ter vortance than a mere mat {ter o i Ald, Rioney sup { porte 1 the The men ting { the rebate we already ratepayers of { the city. The éouncil, he said. was lo | gally, morally and by all rules of de cency hound to make the rebate Ald, Carson said he was unaware of | the circumsta and accordingly | withdrew his motion, : The report wis adopted. Other Reports Discussed. -- Ald. Ross moved, second by Ald. A IN| No Mother Can Rear a Healthy | Rigney, tht the clause in the hoard : : | 8 report secommending no ae Child Unless She is Strong (tion on the application of R. J. Me Honest Herself. Clelland, for increase of. salary. he re A woman's anxieties multiply ten- ferred back to the committee for fur Guarantee fold about time the new, baby is x. | ther consideration, This was lost on pected. = the following vote : - We guarantee our milk to If her strength is xhaiitod and her | 'Yeas.--Alds. Anerove, Givens, Hark be ABSOLUTELY pure; bloed jeouk, it goes hard in the hour | Bees Hoag McCann, Nickle, Rigney, of trial. 7 088. put up in sterilized bottles Ferrozone should be used oocelait] Nays--Mavor Mowat, Alds. Bassam, It 1s the best. Try it. makes the blood nutritious and rich, | Carson, Couper, Crair Elliott, Kent, By instilling new strength into every | Millan, Toye.--9, : : D part of the body, it uplifts your sypir- | Ald. Elliott said that there was no Kingston Milk epot its.ut once. | desire on the part' of Davie & Son Childbirth is certainly made easier | to have a fire alarm hov placed on Cor. Bagot and Brock Sts. by Ferrozone. The following statement { their tannery property. The idea was Phone 567. expresses the earnest gratitude of | that the boy should be placed con Mrs. M. E. Duckworth of Durham. It | Venient for his tannery and the pub AAAAAARS | 18 a woman's story,--of ber vwn case liz as well. J | --told that other women may profithy | I Ross said that the Bailey A Few Things to Choose From § | her 'experience : Broom factory objeoted to having the For Your "Before baby was born, 1 was in a | Present alarm hox in that loeality re - weak, miserable, nervous state. I| moved from its present nosition. The 'Xmas Gifts had no reserve strength. I tried to | box was between the broom factory ' build up, but nothing helped me. 11 and the tannery. - We Rave Leen careful to select the looked upon the coming day with Ald. Eliott seid that the city most un-to-date desigps in dread, knowing I was unequal to the conldn't afford to lose any of its in Rings, Brooches, Cuff Links § occasion. duntries, pid Yi best fise alarm pro errozone braced me up at once. It | tections should be given. : Jockos and Necklets = 3, v"me strength and spirits, brought | AM. Bassam prownted his by-law RinaS" hg at Diavong back my nerve and cheerfulness: From f for the requlatine of the sale of cin. selettion. : ) | mv experience with Ferrozone 1 re rettos. It provides that the owners : ' b | comafiend it to all expectant mothers." | and keepers of stores and shons where KINNEAR & d ESTERRE Thre is more concentrated nourish-| tobacco. civars and ciearettes are sold ? b | ment in Ferrozone than you ean ged bv retail shall fake out a license to 100 Princess St. Phone 363 4 from. anything.-else. It. sunphed what-| be issued by the city trensvrer. The wa | Wink 'dystems need. Simply take one | bylaw reccived ite first readin and will be discussed at its hy next meeting, the city council General Auditor Miler reported & St., at night. Apply befpre 6 o'clock, at Lioyd's Store, 238 Princess St, | GENTLEMEN T0 HAVE THEIR overcoats made to look like new, pressed and cleaned or irued, New work guaranteed to eam. Prices right. Galloway, "the Dor. is Brock street, : EE et ------ AT ONCE, CITY SALESMAN, FOR to council | "RATES First' 'insertion, lc. a word. Each con-: secutive insertion therafter 4c. a | word. Minimum charge for ome in sertion, 20. Everybody in Kings(on Reads the WHIG | EEE EEE ETRE TEE, APPLY CONDENSED ADVERTISING | AT ONCE, A STRONG BOY. BOYS AND YOUNG MEN, WHO UN- derstand tying broowo ; also for Sa eral work. Apply Gould & Co., UOr, King and Queen stroets. - A SOBER MAN TO TAKE"CARE George Lloyd's Green House, Neison ; Kingston to sell Mich Class Nursery "Stock fer Canada's Greatest Nurser fes. A perinanent situation right man. on liberal terms. at once, Stone & Wellington, aon arto for Appiw, Toron- BARBER TRADE, graduates earn §10 Branches throughout United States. Help Catalogue free. Queen and TO LEARN in eight, weeks, to $18 'woekly. Canada' and positions. Barper College, AI'PLY TO RAN- io A HOUSE MA AlD APPLY TO MRS Albree, ply street A GOOD 4 AVANT. AP ply to Mrs. W. T. Conpell, 11 Arch street, FIVE MORE GIRLS, FOR SORTING room. -Apply te Gould & Co., King street, pear Queen street, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. RE. required. Apply to Mra. ferences N 119 Earl street a 100D an NF RAI family No C. Lockett, '4 A. Chown & Co., Bagot strevt. 1 --- , : or | WANTED-GENERAL. UR: FINISHERS. APPLY JOHN Me- Kay, 101 "Brock street. ROOMS SIDER cat + A EEN TO RENT, WITH A VIEW DWELLINGS, AT $6, $8, $20 $35, at Aces oh 5 Alfred street © of purchasing, McCann, 51 Brock St. lo5 PROPERTY TO BUY; WILL cash. 8. R.: McCann, 51 oAireek eg 2 5 COMFORTABLE BY STUDENT, room, in oa quiet private house where ne other, students are kept. Address 'X. 4.0 Whine office, . QUALIFIED CPTRACHER © FOR 8. 8S, Hinchinbrooke." Apply, stat- a 2 and qualifications, to A. C. Fing, Enterprise P.O, Ont. MAY ality, IN CENTRAL 1bo7, - House, about 83 «qu, 2 [Houses pt $2,000 each, (single 1st, wr cast, suble).. Wpito Box 83% Whig- POSITION, EXPERIENCED IN Groceries, Boots - and Shoes and Ifardware, either clerk or traveller. Best of réferopees. Address Box J." Whig office. FOR LADY AND GE T™WO unfurnished Roomy heated house, Good loc Pay four dollars per week. attendance res guiged. Apply 'M,, hig office, Carpenters Required Calgary ALBERTA Minimum Wage 40c. per hour Population 17,000 Splendid Climate Longest building season of any part of Canada. Calgary Builders Exchange A NICH COMFORTABLE WITH eee reen e tr. {uasoN & RISCH UPRIGHT GRAND or without board. Apply this Office. tT ------------------------------------------ A STORAGE SPACE ture, eto; W. G. street. | terme eo P------------------------ ROOMS OVER WADH'S, COR KING nd Broek" st ted by Tater. Be ce sy Bren L, a Piano, nearly new and dition, Apoly at White's Insurance | Ole, Bagot street FIRST CLASS SITUATED, AND constructed brick house, i a ---- sDa wie eiviineasoe F RMS, ANY, LOCALITY PESIEED.. Mt . MeOann, 51 Brock street. HORSE | Press NIG MOTOR, EIGHT Ev, E running in Whig ee --------------------------------------. KINDS f lico Sry PROPERTY. ALL a pS Othen, 51" Broek BI JIARD & SABLE, CAROM, uy xb feet cushion a Hake Whig office AMBIICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, Jon at a discount, for NEW on EPUTe... sixteen volumes, spacial reason. 'Apply through SEVENTEEN HORSES. ALL CE! a 2500 vo team for # , Massoy-! arse Agent, THREE BLACK WALNUT COUNTERS =~ in first-class condition. one - being i forty feet low~. the others elahi i foet each. Apply to 305 Alfred St. ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT. OF. i fice, mecond floor over a Drug store, corner I whi Fi *Bawok streets. Entrance on. ot street. Phone, 008. y MONEY AND BUSINESS. | POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER« Brock mn chont's Rank Building, corner A WOMAN TO GO TU Ti k OUNTRY 1 cms an and w arson streets. 'Phone, 213, three miles from city. Woman With A" . i -- he hi Tor! abjeetionabje. Com. | OUR POLICIBS COVER MORE ON | gmNpy |p. SMiTH, ARCHITECT. fortahle home for right party. Ap- building and BamuntE than aty ethes oe. Anehor Building, Market Squa : y ie oe. company offers. Sxaming . hone, © i Sy Nin ofie Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Makk- t et Square. LOST, 3 % MEDICAL. TE , 3 CARTHY, OFFICE LATELY DAF JBARL BROOCH, | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | DR. Mo! CLOVER LINE 4 AR yosterday Fire Insurance Company, Available occupied by DF. Ryan, corner Mons Afternoon. Finder please return to assots $41 187,215, In addition bo treal and streota. 121 Princess po which the policy holders have for ---------------- ------ - -- - security the unlimited lability of alk "Los, STRAYED OR STOLEN. RED COCKER, MALE PUP. RE the. stoekbolders. mand ely re | A BLACK. 'COCKER SPANIRL AN. ward for its return to Geo. Barns pe Before renewing old or. siving awering to the. nae. of "Darkiet 129, Collingwood St. Anyone ha thar- now, husiness got rates from Strange Finder please roturn to 81 Fronumag ing Suing iter this notice 'will te Stran~e, Avents St., and. receive reward. 5 proseeaiml. -- err WILL THE PARTY SFPEN PICKING : dp female thoroustitred English Pue VETERINARY. FOUND. on Clergy rear Colborne St, on | DR. G. W. RELL, V.8., HAS RE | A SCOTCH COLLAR DOG, ON Salon Sund afternoon. Return same to moved to his brick block, on Clarence urday., Owner way haye same hb ¥ owner, 44 Colborne St. at onee street just above the Post Office. proving rranarty and paving, 6x4 otherwise case will be put in the Calls" by telophone or telegraph & penses. B. Orwell, 'Tobacconist, S548 hands of the police promptly attended to. King stroet. ----- A SS ------ The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian. REV C. W CASSON, OTTAWA. Grimmed Hats The Aim Of Religion. enty-three putients in the Hotel Dieu and sixty-nine in the General Hospi tal. Ald. Nickle asked when the council ight expect the board of works to bring down' a bylaw regarding a plumbing inspector. Ald. Carson said he didn't know that the board of works was reqiired to do so. As soon as the council instructed it the board would act, During a discussion on cutting down trees, which Ald. Kent opposed, Ald said there should be a tree inspector who would see that the trees properly trimmed: More sunlight in houses was needed in order to make healthier people. Ald. Angrove wanted to out the steam roller. Some money had heen on it this year, but the reller had never heen put to use, Ald, Carson replied that the roller came from: last vear's board of works to this year's hoard simply as scrap, valued at $500, It had been rot into shape, hut enough macadam was not heing placed upon the streets to inake it worth while. brinrine the roller out, Next year, it mirht be used. Regarding the subwav. Mavor Mow at said that he had written G. T. R, Solicitor Biggar, makine wherohy the subway mioht not reymire built, and savine the city much The G. T. R. solicitor is sat to leave the matter in abey- Jassam were know ah spent sugoestions to be money, isfied ante, There was a discussion on the city paving the cost for medical" examina tion of a Picton. lunatic. Some of the aldermen thought that the amount should be collected from Picton, but the majority dooked vpon the matter as insignificant William Lesslie Congratulated. ALE Craig introduced the following motion by" Ald, Rigney : That this council notes. with very much pleasure the success of William Lesslie, an esteemed vitizen, in per- forming the extraondindry feat of seconded floating the steamship Bavarian, which, for fourteen months, has lain on Wye Hock, in the St. Lawrence that on November Sth: Shere were sev- ona river, below Quebee. Wrecking com. & BE ha Ris Untrimmed Hats | Children's Jat Gailored Hats. Ladies' Coats Ladies' Hosiery It tld be our aim in religion not 0. much to save gouls, as to make them worth the saving, not so much . to make men good, as good for some thing; not so much to find heaven | heroafuor, to help found it here The man who fixes his thought in re | Hrion on the traditional past, or his affection on the celestial future, is a | traitor to the present age in which he lives. Noman can find God in past | or serve Him in the future. He must seck Him and serve Him in the living | present. oF Ladies' Skirts You can get them all at the Somerville Company Ladies' Underwear: 5 Ladies' Corsets High Class Milliners Bedroom Furniture This Week Specialties in Bedroom Suites. James Reid The Leading Undertaker J 'Phone 147 for White Ambulance. Solid Quartered Polished Oak Dress- ors, with shaped bevel mirror, - § §18,00 ONY. cssiuasias vemiasmariaalarasamapetn Solid Quartered ~ Polished Oak Chl foniers to match o.oo $15.00 With Washstands to match for. $3.00 08 up. et Brass and Iron pale blue, apple green, Bedsteads, in colors, and white enamel, from ... .., .. ... $350 up| Also, Net Bed Spread and Bolster Covers, / * panics of Burope and America having failed in their attempt float this ship, Mr. Lewslic's sucess has become the wonder of the whole marine world, This council tenders Mr. Lesslie the city's hearty congratulations and or- ders that a copy of this resolution be sent to him. Ald. Craig said it was now Kings- ton's turn to congratulate her cham- to pion in the marine world, just as Hamilton and Toronto had done in' regard 'to their recent champions in other arenas; having such a Kingston was proud of marine expert as Me. liésslie, who was a native of the Lime- stone city. and lived here all his life. Ald. Rigney said he had great pleas: ure in congratulating a of the stamp of Capt. Kingstonian William Lesshio. rock," but everyone was slut to hear that' the Povarian, had sl off. It w as a bad thing to "slip of "the L v Ald, Angrove nid 'that prey must admire the colrage of Mr. Less lie in such an undertaking, and bel | glad of his success, when so many em= inet experts expressed the view that: the steamship could not be mg ayor Mowat stated that he had anticipated the council's action, aml during the day telegraphed comgratus lations to Mr, Lesslie. The resolution- was passed -unani: mously and amid pe. ounedd pdjourned at 9.40 o "clock. Trusses that give satisfaction, co fort and security av Ix wn'

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