Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1906, p. 2

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ateen Quilts, filled with best quality] down, $4, $5, $0 $7. Frilled Sateen Quilts, $8 : Satin Quilts in beautiful "col frilled or plain, $10and $12. Do you want the best City, Suburban or Farm operty? Houses and lots. cant lots, acreage, lots for siness or lots for homes, in the busines: ntee or on the outskirts ? go where any or al se classes of property € supplied at the mos > prices, and on . DPE oT "little heln in Provisions Macher, Holt, Muckleston, and Meadows. Fak? with ~ra guidance and port of hand of 'God, in enabling members throuch an- if among winter was, on the 1 ference in its expendi- ture, and it is an illustration of the: truth that the poor we have always with us; that the number of recipients of fuel has been exactly the same as that of last winter (forty-five), al- thourh there have a number of Shunges in regard to persons aid- "As during former winters. the re gular beneficiaries of the society have been largely ¢ 1 of widows, with or without families, and of aged « or infirm persons, it being felt unde- sirable to take upon the list the fami- ies of workingmen, except under very many men work durin the = t of 1 © or the ~reater a winter, a fact which says for the growth of inde- and thrift among them. A ve . received a ' ithout During the past. winter number of widows aided by the cae mittee has been twenty-five, most of whom have families to su t. Sev. eral of Shem having been loft widows duri winter, have large yor families, and will require iene quarter during the sum- In wiia or two other cases there A Stress, owing to the tem- ong g ot he Auband, who gone to or work else where; but it. is hoped that these Cases are now no longer in need. About ten aged couples, or single per- sons, who have seen better days, have been regularly assisted, in addition to one where the husband is totally blind, and two where infirmity de- mands help. One family in which sev. eral 'members are more or less imbecile, Presents a problem to the charitable, and it would undoubtedly be better, eould the imbecile members be cared for in an institution. The collections taken up in the city have been as liberal as usual, and to both contributors and collectors the thanks of the committee are heartily given." The report was adopted by a unani. mous vote, and afterwards the re of the treasurer, Miss Grace Holt, Was presented. The. report showed the society to be in a. healthy condition, and this report was adopted. The election of officers and commit tees was then proceeded with, and re- sulted as follows : President, Miss Muckleston; vice-presidents, Mrs. Mae- har, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Mowat; seq- retary, Miss Machar; treasurer, Miss G. Holt. Committee : Mrs. Tandy, Mrs. Oli vor, Mrs, Fairlie, Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. orffer, Miss Mea- dows, Mrs. Duff, Mrs. R. J. Carson, Miss Gibson, Miss J. Lyman, Mrs. Ross, Miss Robertson and Miss Rich- ardson, the committee being given power to add to their number. Collectors. --Ontario ward, Mrs, Ma- char and Mrs. Oberndorfier; Syden- ham, Mrs. Tandy, Miss Holt and Miss A. Gibson; St. Lawrence, Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. R. J. Carson and Miss Muckle- ston; Frontenac, Mrs. Richmond: Ri- deau ward, Miss Meadows, Miss S. Gibson; Cataragui, Miss Richardson and Miss Wilson; Victoria ward, Mrs. Mowat, Mra, Fairlie, Miss J. Lyman, Mrs. Machar. « Principal Gordon and Dean Fartl ing © briefly in regard to 'the work of rendering relief to the poor. Principal Gordon raised the point of having a central information bu- rean, where information concerning all applicants for relief might be secured. The danger of giving to people who had already been assisted should be avoided as far as possible. Dean Farthing pointed out the im- portance of absolute secrecy in the work. There were. people he said who would suffer great want rather than Saving We are learning, year after year, that as a rule finan- cial 'independence cannot be secured by most men except by saving. : It is the man who plans his expenditures and systematical- ly saves a portion of his in- come that accumulates a Competency for old age. Start a savings actount with Interest allowed at highest rates, mer. has | eured the contract from Lloyds; BKITISH INTERESTING FACTS L CL -------- About William Lesslie Who Float: ed the Bavarian. the steamship Bavarian, was - a rapid figurer in his vouth. Ald. Craig sat at the same desk with him in pl Coombe' school, and he says that 8 comrade was a great arithmeti- lot. of i --_-- et ravi ea ¥ any ate . Compressed | air method has been used hy Mr. Lesslie for the past ten years. Last summer, a man came here from New Fark to seek his assis. tance in getting method patented: in Canada. It has been patented the United States and Britain. was astonished to hear that Lesslie had used the method Ars. The Montreal Star attempts to give the credit for the Bavarian's release to a Montreal syndicate. That is absurd. I was Lesslie who se- it was Mr. Lesslie who formed the com- panv, of which a 'number are King- ston men, and it was Mr. Lesslic who superintended the whole work. Marine Notes. The steamer Edmonton is loading hay at Swiit's for Fort Williams. 'The schooner Acacia is being unload- ed of her cargo of coal at Crawford's to-day. The steamer Neebing has arrived from Fort William with grain for Richardsons', The steamer Navajo has arrived from Wolfe Island, and is loading grain at Richardsons' for Montreal. Steamer Belleville, up, to-day; steamer Picton, up, last night; steam- - Aletha, down and up, the_bay,. to- Capt. Van Viack of the Toronto Electric Licht Co's steambarge Van Allen, is said to have been offered the command of thé new Port Hope-Char- lotte ferry, The barge Quebec, sailed Sunday, in tow of the steamer John Rufee, - spite the terrific pounding she receiv- ed, she is comparatively uninjured, although the wrecking bill is said to have been $6,000. . T. company : Steamer Turret Chief, from Fort "William: with 70,000 bushels of wheat, deared for Fort William; steamer Edmonton ftom Fort William with 86,000 bushels of wheat, now loading hay for Fort William; Steamer Donnacona, from Fort Wil- liam, with 90000 bushels of wheat, cleared for Fort William: tug Thomp- son from Montreal with four light barges cleared for MontreaR with three grain barges; tug Jessie Hall from Montreal, with two light barges, cleared for Montreal with three grain barges; tug Emerson from Montreal, with four light barpes, cleared for Montreal with three grain barges. ------ AT THE GRAND. Irving is Said to Be a Fine Actor. 'The Lyons Mail" and "King. Rene's Daughter" will » the plays, on Thursday night, by, the English com- ny. Of "The Lyons Mail" the ontreal Herald says : "Mr. Irving's work in the dual role of Lesurques, the merchant of Paris, and Dubose, his robber double, was of the very highest order in ite kind, and was in perfect keeping with the char- acter of the whole production. There was very little room for fine charac- terization, for subtle effect. As Le- surques, however, he did splendid work, powerful but at the same time restrained, in the great second act. This was the artistic triumph of the evening. But as Dubosc he showed the melodrama in all its glory. In this character he was a fine combina- tion of Mephisto and the Sultan of Sulu. There never before was such a villainous villain with such congenial associates," "The Wayward Son.' Neil Twomy's sensational comedy drama entitled "The Wayward Son," will be the offering next Friday, at the Grand, This play will serve to inaugurate a new epoch in melodrama. The author claims that it is possible to. write plays of this sort with not only a possible, but a probable plot. With all of his plays Mr. Twomy has tried to demonstrate this point, but never so strongly as in "The Way- ward Son," which is consistent, co- herent and feasible. '"Charley's Aunt." Etienne Girardot will make a re turn 'engagement to this city appear- ing" in his famous . play "Charley's Avnt." Mr. Girardot is alone in the field that he has chosen, and there is no actor to-day, who is giving the same class of performances, and the public, recognizing this, has accorded to him a Yosition in its favor, that e can reddily be classed as foremost of comedy stars of the present day. Everv indication points to full hous es during the engagement, at the Grand on Saturday, November 24th, matinee and night. Had Good Luck. Mastor Tailor Creeggan, of Tete do Pont Barracks, has returned from a most successful hunting trip. Al thourh cighty-two years of age, Mr. Creeggan is able to bag as much ~ame as all comers. ----s | Prevost, Brook street, haw received all his fall and winter importations for order work 3a his talloring de Pirtment, consisting of Scotch tweed, ue and black serges, t variety of ~ black cheviot and Va ako a stock of overcoating. Any- one trusting him with an order mey rest assured thév will he well nleased, John Harcourt. born in Armagh, but 'for thirty-eight years a resident of Port Hope, and in charge of the weather bureau there, is dead. He was an Anglican and conservative, and loaves a widow, six sons and three daughtérs. Mrs. John H. Burke, formerly Miss Nugle, Carleton Place, died sudden,y at North Bay. 5 reparation of cod The - teless tas liver oil is sold at Bison's Red Cross | Tr WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, SECOND CHARGE JOHN SID RE-ARRCSTED BY ; ------------ TN Accused of AsSaulting and Tl- Treating Victoria Shatelia, Wife of Assyrian Peddler -- Case Adjourped For a Day. Jobn Sid, the young, Assyrian, Who was arrested at Marlbagk and charged in the police court on Monday - with theft of goods, the property of George "Hassan, Ontario street; must face an- other charge. He is accused of assault- ing and ill-treating Victoria $hatelia, the "wife of the well-known Assyrian peddler. On being «arraigned in the police court this morning he entered o plea of "4 istrate adjow A large number of Assyrians who have interested themselves on Sid's behalf, crowded into the = police court. The Shatelia woman was not in court, as it was necessary that the case he put off for a day. As is well known, the woman fled from her husband about a month after her marriage, and this present charge against Sid. arises out of her conduct, The charge inst the accused "is bein A the father and mother of the woman, who came 'to the city from Picton. In 'the police court Monday the charge of theft made against Sid was adjourned for a week, and late in 'the afternoon the accused was allowed out on Hail, which was provided friends. Sid had only w few hours' freeddm, however, when a second war- rant was issued for his arrest, and shortly afterwards he was placed un- der arrest by Constable James Bate- son, and taken to the lock-up. When the magistrate read the charge agaifist him in the police court he smiled and said that there was no truth Whatever in 'it. Edward Hart, a farmer, came to Kingston Monday to take in the sights, but visited too many bar rooms and towards evening a police officer had to take him in charge. The mjtristrate imposed a fine of 82 and costs or twenty days, and Hart pur chased his freedom. CITY ENGINEER'S PLAN Of Laying the O'Kill Sewer Extension Pipe. The city engineer has reported to the board af works that the best way to lav the O'Kill street sewer exten- sion, pipe is to carry it along the east side of Macdonald park, so that it is not submerged more than a foot, protect it by a concrete re- taining wall, and cover it by filling in the back with earth, which can af- torwards be: sodded. This plan is similar to that recommended by ex- City Engineer Kirkpatrick, the only difference being that Mr. Beckwith would turn the end of the ~~~ west ward instead of castward. He has made some observations regnrding the currents, and 'thinks that the sewage should be emptied towards the west. He would not commence the work till the gpring. as then the concrete re- taining wall would get a chance to set before being subjected to ice shoves. This method would be chean- er than blasting out a passage in the rock for the pipe, and. the filling in would improve that portion of Mue- donald park and also - protect the shore. Mr. Beckwith says that in justice to ex-City Engineer Craig, it should he mentioned that he was planning to lay the pipe under entirely different circumstances. When the matter was first decided upon, it was the inten- tion to strap the pipe to the yacht club pier to be built. The yacht club decided 'to remain where it is, and, hence the city was left with the pipe on its hands, and could not possibly lay it so ohéaplv as attaching it to a pier. The yacht club chanee of plans has caused all the delay. Street Twin Foes To Happiness. A pale face means pale blood. Pale blood means low vitality. Pallor makes you look badly and the poor blood back of the pallor makes you feel badly. There can be no harminess without health and 'energy and these conditions can be secured by building blood and vitality with Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They are a great nerve strengthener and: blood maker. In boxes, 25c.,. at Wades drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. Hard or soft corns cured with' three anplications of Peck"s Corn Salve. Guaranteed. Money back if not satis- factory. In boxes 13c., at Wade's Drug Store. EE Ptr -------------- By the smile on her face She made her friends know That she bought her Mink Set From Georee Mills & Co. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." If Persian Lamb and Alaska | were not the most stylish, dressy, serviceable of furs, there would"nt be so many fine jackets made of them, cause there are lots of cheaper furs, but it's the same old speech, "it pays to pay for quality," and while we make and sell all kinds of fur jackets, we make a juecialty of these two popular urs. Persian Lamb Jackets $100 to $175. Alaska Seal Jackets, 170 to $350. Ity," and the .mag- the case .for aday.. by some of - his | oy Oem CITY AND VICINITY. . i - " r ~~ 'Busy At Work. : of workmeii pag heen ployed op the Kingston aud Pembioke os for 'the pat two vecks raising Mw tracks in the cinity of = Sung City. Ne, im em- Clean Teeth. i "Fo_remove tartar: and &taivs from the teeth try a Dr. Hofsey fibre tooth brush, @* perfect cleansér hind polish- er. Call'and examine theni at Wade's drug store: ¥ Ca i § 00 ---------------- °° Gone Down To Qttawa. Capt. Si of the "House of cou are, staf, left for the Capital, to-day, to be nresent at *the opening of parhament. The genial cantain will be "greatly 'missed by a lurge civelo of friends and ac/minten- ees in this city. 8 A ---------------- Citizens' League To-Night. At the i & the' Citizens" League, " at the Y.M.C.A., tonight, officers will be elected and plans: for carrying on the oposed work. wilk be discussed. The nomirtating commit. tee appointed at the organizgfion meeting have their 'report ready. same, m-- The Public Is Often Faked. i- Unserupulous dealers actuated . by large profits often 'recommend corn cures "as good 'as Putnam's." There is only ome. genuine corm extractor and that. is Putnam's Paisless, which is a miracle of efficacy and promiit- ness. Use ne othey. . She Is Doing Well." © . : Miss M. A. Dickey: a former teacher in the Kingston Collegiate Institute, is mow principal of 'the - Wardsville High Schoul. Inspector Wetherill, who recently inspected the above school, commends her for effective work. The Kingston friends of Miss Dickey - are glad t~ hear of her success. Where Is The Poundman ? M. R. Davis, King street west, com- plains about cattle bein~ allowed to roam over lawns in that vieinity at night. His lawn has been greatly dis figured. Where is the, voundman? This city officer could eon a good many dollars by taking a night juuht out King street west, in the vicinity of the breakwater. To Have A Special Meeting. A special meeting. of the board education will likely be called for Friday nicht to . consider the seport of the management committee' touch- ing the establishment of departments of houschold science and manual training. The management commit- of joint meetine last night. A Successful Dance. The Fortnightly Club gave a most successful dance in the Whig = Hall, last night. About forty couples danced to ,the excellent music provided by Crosby & O'Connor's orchestra. Last night's affair is the last the club will give before the New Year, as there are So many other attractions booked for the club's nights. 12 Hour Cold Cure. A remedy like Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (laxative) simply assists na- ture to doquickly that, unaided, she would take a week to do. It stimulates vital organs to activity, expels pois- onous waste matter and relieves an congestion that may exist. It these properties that also make the remedy effective for la grippe, head- is ache, Semstipation, ete. In boxes, 25c. Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. Gave Him A Present. Last night the workmen who have been engaged for almost six months in laying gas mains, met at the Grima- son house to the number of twenty five and had a supper together after which D. Stone, the efficient foreman was presented with a handsome clock as a mark of regard from those under him. Mr. Stone made a fitting reply. W. C. Bell was chairman and made the presentation. Joseph Saunders the address. -------- Greeted Father Fallon. Heartfolt enthusiasm greeted Rev. M. F. Fallon, O.M.1., form rly of Ot- tawa College, now rector of Holy Angels church, Buffalo, N.Y., on his return to that city from Rome. The . M. 1. cadets were out 200 strong, and with a committes escorted Fath. er Fallon to the church hall, where 1,500 people awaited his comine, He was given $2,000 in gold. alone with the rousing welcome. This well-liked priest is an old Kingstonian, and son of Dominick Fallon, reading a Brock street, S-------- A Fine Magazine. December Travel Magazine is full the Christmas spirit of* travel gives glimpses into all parts of the world at this holiday time. "Christ. mas Round the World" hy Alexander Hume Ford, tells us how 'the day is kent "in every Christian kind of plate," to quote Robert Louis Steven- son, and many pagan lands ns well. George Walsh describes in "The Thrill of Skee Jumping" how four friends went with their Canadian guide to ga skee jumping tournament fifty miles across the snow. . ---- Oppose Convict Labor. The following . resolution was unani- mously adopted at a mecting of local wnion No. 111, Brotherhood Painters and Decorators, on Monday night : Resolved, that as sincere frionds and well-wishers of Queen's University, and .its varigus branches, we regret ex- coedingly, the attempt on the part of some of her authorities to displace free labor by the employment of con- viets, This is so diametrically op posed to the pringiples of our consti- tution, and ideas of a proper public spirit that,{it is: hereby further re solved, That no member of this union willipaise a hand to aid in the cree tion of any building where convict la- bor has been emyfloyed against the in- terests of free labor. Also, 'that as far as we can legally do so, we will induce sister unions throughout the dominion 18 take the same action, and that copies of this resolution be sent to the press, our employers, and the authorities of Queen's Medical Col- of » aud a" tee and the property committee had a 8Y" REV. MONTREAL. inns . | Imperial Federation Best For This Country--Canpadh's' Dity to * a Warship Every Five Years. Rev. E. FE, of the dominion, and proved highly interesting to the audience of about "1 300 who heprd him last evening. The spegker" has' travelled all 'over Canada and knows all its chief 'points of 'in- tarest from "Lathgudor. to British Co- lumbia. - ' . Mri: Seott began * his lecture by bounding 'the Dominion of Canada as follows : '"Hounded gn the north by the north pole, bounded on the east bounded on the by .the rising sun; 0 States, and south hy' the™ United ) bounded on the .west by the setting sunt? The chief points discussed were Canada's area, its pesources and its future, ~ Capada -hae three million square miles": moe oryrthan the United States and Alaska "*ombined and cis the most picturesque -cguntry in. the wold. The resources are un- bounded and, at the pirescnt day, gn- cnown. Many of the stori told , of the wealth' of British Calunibin and the west wore dishelieved until shown ta be so. The: fisheries, for instance, growing immchsely.cand would - gr as. 'the quantity, avpilable was unlim- itedt. h field, ithe forest. © and ° the + mictntain were 'cach dealt with, the speaker con- vincing his that he what he, was talking about. In "closing three gifforont "futures for the ion, first, . dmmexation United States, was and thragen cut. The second was 'political ipdependence;. the, country was young for «f wove of this sort, as she could not protect herself. The imperial federation, was the best for the country and the people" Canada, remarked Mr. Scott, should help imperial governmoit; for instance, by giving a $5,000,000 battleship, at least, 'every five years; and. show the mother country that' the Canadian shbjects were loyal and patriotic. A vote of .thank& wag moved by Dr. A. P. Chow'and secorided by. Rey. W H. Sparling. The lecturer resporided in a pleasing manner. . Dr.. Knapp made an efficient chair- man. 4 A chorus was given by some of the league's members, and 'Mr. .Commings sang. The entertainment came grow szudience doamin to discussed anthem. Discomfort After Eating. 3 Feeling oppressed with a sensation of stuffiness, and finding the food to distend and painfully - hang like a heavy weight at the" pit of the sto- mach, are symptoms of indigestion. With these the sufferers will often have constipation, fullness of the blood in the head, .acidity of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, headache, digust of food, gaseous eructations, sinking: or fluttering of the heart, choking on suffocating sensation when lying down, dizziness on rising suddenly, dots or wobs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side. A few doses of Hutch Tablets will free the system of all the above men- tioned disorders. Purely vegetable; acts without pain, Small and easy to take. One after each meal. An Expert Driver. Frank Bums, who is applying for the additional position of driver of the fire department which it is pro posed to establish, is an ex-fire call man. He served several years in the artillery, and is a most expert driver. The fire department could not get a more capable man for the position than Mr. Burns, To CureA Cold In'One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lots, Druggists refund money if it is on each box, 25c. Completed His Report. Major Bruce Carruthers has just completed his signalling report for the dominion, and has forwarded it to headhtiarters at - Ottawa. The report shows the work to be in a most flourishing condition. -- ITCHING PILES Pimples--are surely cured once a oe img a RADE MARK REGISTE! Ogee i cy ch man wi address we will furnish. on ues, 2d wsed all the salves ik Jerk on pec I wsed Mira Ointment--and obt more 3 il than all the others, J ried J: licted Te Then oi with this complaint," each box--6 for Pond 3 onic and Toi means a quicker cure. a ne Chemis' Canada, Limited, Hamilton-- Toronto. i RR SVN mn RA Ae ; "Tiger Brand" Underwear For MEN and BOYS Soug and comfortable, without too much weight--nothing bulky or burdensome -- delightfully Warm and Healthful LECTURE ON CANADA E. E. SCOTT OF 'the Motherland----Should Give Seott," of ~--Hominion were The "products of the sea, she knew | the lecturer dwelt on the | the. too | third, | the to T close with' the singing of the nationa fails to cure. E. W. Groves signature |_ Piles, writes ome | For Headache and Neural Inhale DR. SCOTT'S 1iniae bathe the back of the hema He bp Reel. Tt ives nein For COTDTR THE BAD, Fo ; same manner. ls : 4 . Large bogtle, R5 ceiity An Excellent, Hair Restores - and'Sealp Cleanser © - "I not for. mle af. Vour can always "be procdied McLeod's. +! Shu KFPEST STOCK ESTFIT _. MALL STORE _ MALL PROFITS' Kingston's Onl Exclusive Furrier. W. F. COURDIER 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700 We take pleasure in drawing your attention to our, now, full stock . of Gold Lockets. Ladies' Round Lockets® plain and ston : for the neck chy Oval and Oblong Loghets plain and with "80 CIETY" DESIGNS. for gentlemen's vest chains, A, glance at for without your advantage. our Prices "abave | pieces will, doubt, be to SMITH BROS, Jewellers and Opticians ISUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES eee a --- » Ssssassseres f When You Buy} COAL « : From ' ¢ P. WALSH : ¢ 4 You get genuine Scranton as he handlés nothing else Srrsvasssssscsssasasss] | | | | INENS cv FINET, 1 OA { { Are kept very prominent at this | store and' hence the great quanti- ty sold. Imported direct | Glasgow. We show values from un- | equalled by our competitors 'Table Linens | 25c a yard and up 'Table Damasks 49c a yard and up 'Table Napkins 75c¢ to $4.50 a dozen | Tray Cloths, Centre. Pieces | Doylies, Sideboard Scarfs, etc, {all new goods, marked very } reasonable. lh : Our "Xmas Handkerchiefs are | all in, and certainly the range 18 swell, 2c. to $2.50 each. Every {number is big value. Suppose | you see them soon. ~ EST QUALITY. | ELECTED SKINS | NEWMAN & SHAN. on or ne druggist 5-7 a Tomy Squarg Methodist church, Montreal, pit as oan Bb Titian * Cs., leetured in Sydenham Street: Métho- | ford, Mass, © © Sond. Chglng dist church, last evening, under+ "the ; - "auspices - cof, - the Young' Pesple's : p ou League, . i; The "ecture,. entitled, "The Land of U RS 4 the Maple," has. been given hy the hi . . hg 2 rnd doctor, in nearly' every eify LINENS in : sith ; W 1 ii I s: ; % : 3 2 ~ In'Wool and Silk A; We are showing -some very Prett a Fanty Waistitigs, in "all tb new shades, in stripes 'an neat figurés, some with sma dots, in' colors ef Carding . " feseda, black and 'white, an many other pretty designs; i waist patterns only, 3} yard Special at $1.25 each. Eiderdowns "For Dressing Jackets "F + You Will Bnd every! desirab) oF color, dn. plain; also som * fancy' stripes - and" dresde patterns, ip 27 inch and 5 inches wide. y , New Val. Laces and Insertions Just received a very large shi ment of Fal. Laces and Inse tions, and all overs Laces av Insertions to match widths, at from "35¢. per yard. in a 3c. yard Needing a Rain Coat We are showing some new swe styles in Fall Raincoats, long and three-quarter lengt in Tweed Mixtures, and Pla Colors, at $4.50 up to $15. THE Jas. Johnston Stor 180 Wellington Street. ¢ -~ 5 Supplies For The Coun: Gaol. TENDERS ceived "at the otfico of the Clerk, Court House, Kingston, " noon. of THURSDAY, November for the whole or any part of the lowing supplies to be Tfusnished at County Gaol for ong your commence Jahuary 1st, 1906 Beef, I1'ork, wa? "Sugar, Salt, SIA LE WILL «BE I Cow up wm, Bread, Br Oatmeal, Cornm Brown Family imme DOT 1b Peas, Means, Pepper, Electrics Soap: 'at Carrots, Potatoes, Tv - per gallon. Hand Threshed Oat, Straw at ------ bundle of 12° ibs, . 4" The above to be supnlied @s requ and fo Je subject to the aporoval the Goverhor of the Gaol or such of appoint, as the Warden may J. FRANKLIN W. Warden, For Your Ue Asst "ance Call at The-- Canada Life Assurance Office, "18 Market St and gotémn ANNUAL GUARANTY DIVIDEND POLICY. For your Accident and Sickness Insurance, For your Fire Insurance, For all Cobalt Stocks and full information thereto, For North-West "and Cuba Land --CALL AT- 18 Market St Telephone 703. J. 0, HUTTON, Manag Kingston Business College (LIMITED) Head of Queen street, Kingstor Canada, devoted to higher Cow mercial and Shorthand education All Commercial subjects taught Individual jnstruction. Day an -Fivening classes. Enter at nn time. Rates moderate. Atten the best. _H.F. METCALFE, Prin. BRITISH - AMERIC! HOTEL KINGSTON ONTA Has undergone alterations 18 now: open. to the travel public. W TELFER 14th Band ar Orchestra Music for all Military Propri A

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