Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Nov 1906, p. 1

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_Flannelettes an perettes, Etc. vomal's while to visit that section of gy terials are shown to-morrow. Flanneletts erettes in the best effects, the new kimony other fabrics will be found there iq great he prices at which they're marked are at ff ure of that--indeed, some you'il find, ae very apparent quality. A summary : S, very pure and fine, closely woven, I 3 in ellent wearing and washing qualities, at § rd. : sttes, of English make, becoming more in otheir merits become known, superior jg nel costing half-again as much, at 15 and TTES, in pretty designs of pleasing colors 36 inches "wide, easily worth lic. --special a yard. s for Underwear, neat ,cficcts 3, 9, and Oc. a yard. for Nightgowns and Children's Wear, ex- Lieg, at 10, 124 and 15c. a yard. for Shirts, pleasing color combinations, ex- 15, 17 and 20c. a yard. 8, for house-wrappers bloust and- pretty color . designs, at 10, d. INO CLOTHS, in very dainty al the fine French Flannels, 27 inch at rd. N CLOTH, of exceptionally good American heavy house jackets, kimonos, cic, extras 35 and 3%. a yard. pleasing rood qual: comforter coverings, in h colors absolutely fast, extra ard. many _-- IRIE GR SETAE 68 -- day Goods for the best assortment and first hoice shop now. ie of the nice things we have: 1 Fire Iron Sets Joxes, in Brass, Copper and Iron s and Stands. and Platters, Chafing Dishes. d Boards, Serving Trays Coffee Cookers. y suggestions, come in and see the other goods. & BIR.CH 69-71 Brock Strest | Ee -- ---- EE S. BRONZE OR ALUMINOW JUICK SEND YOUR PATTERNS | Co. 's Lace Boots! \t $1.50 . We are always in ) at this price. Our = William St, Toronto |. Phone Main 129] a 2 sortment is large and up-to-® ) are as solid as the money will buy A . 3 Fine Domgola Kid, Blucher cut, " Dull Top, 3 to 7, ronnie J ; Ti Fine Dongola Kid, Lace, Patent Back Strap ...... . Fine Dongola Kid, Is sizes 3 to T oer vias en | Also a splendid Line (all & Better, grade Donogla Kid Cuban Heel, Patent Tip, Bieap iin oe ett Shoe Sto LEBRAT ED JAEGER PURE WOOL 8 . Jurniture Specials DRESSERS AND STANDS-- In Oak, Mahogany or White Fn amel, large stock, prices from $6.50, $7.50 up; some beauties at $id. TRON BEDS--- White Enamel and Brass, strong and durable, $2.75, £3 $3.50, ete. SPRINGS AND MATTRES Hercules, the best mad $5.) Some cheaper lines at Robert J. Reid Leading Undertaker 230 & 23034 Princess Street 6 Doors sbove the Opera House Telephone 577 Ambulance Call 577 WE endeavor to make the best Footwear that can be made. Try a pair for this fall's use. WEAR ALLENS 84 Brock Street sign of Golden Boot Auction Sale of Farm and Stock At the residence of Mr. W. D. Mec- Fartane, Lot 12, 5th Concession, Town- ship of Pittsburg, near Zion Church, on Friday, November 23rd at 12 o'clock noon. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. PUBLIC NOTICE Sale of Unclaimed Goods We m.ore réom, we will "eonguet a rummage sale of all Unclaimed Goods. Persons having goods over three months, at 109 Brock St., will kindly call and claim them at once, or, they will be sold for cost of cleaning or dyeing: The Parker Dye Works W. KELLY, Manager Sherriff'sdellyPowder Will be demonstrated in Our Store for week, Nov. 16th to extended to every- one 22ud, and a cordial invitation is body to call and try it. We also have a full stock of Sherriff"s Pure Extracts Sheriff s Seoteh Marmalade Sherrift's Homemade Marmalade James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groceries TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come and see me as I have the largest stock 1 have ever had ; also a lot of Furniture and Carpets. Everything TURKS SECOND-HAND STORE 593 Princess Street. emia cam -- To Contractors TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE erection of a Frame and Iron Stable Clarence stieet, for R, HF. Building, on ? 3 Tove, Esq. Plans and specifications now ready for inspection. Toners wanted tre- fore 5 p.m. WEDNEX Y, Nov. 21st. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- ceped ARTHUR BELLIS, _ Architect, Office, Cor. Queen ond Bagot Streets For Every Variety of REAL ESTATE ~ AND INSURANCE Enquire at sQ REAL ESTATE SWIFT'S [a88 inasey Tender WILL BE RFCEIVED FOR CATER- ink at Collegiate Institute "At Home. Address--W.' Jarrell Dyde, Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston. THE BLACK HAND. Buffalo Wreaks jVengeance 'ion . Ttaliafdd' Noffalo, N.Y., Nov. 20.-After hav: ing received two letters, in both of which his life was threatened, unless ke should agree to May 8600 to the Black Hand, Dominico Bellissimo, a wealthy butéher and labor "contractor, was thrown from his bed, this morn- ing. by the explosion of a bomh plac ed on his doorstep. Rellissimo and "the members of his family esegped un- mired. Bvery window in the build ing was shattered, however, and the inside of the huteher shop was badly . while windows in buildings, wveral feet away, were DAILY MEMORANDA. Every Good style In fine Furs at Campbell Bros. Board of "Trade, 8 p.m. County Council, 10 a.m., Wednesday. or siseny League," 8 pm. 'at ¥Y. M. Court Earl Roberts' Hall, to-night. The sun rises Wednesday at 7.01 a.m., and sets at 4.30 p.m. Tenders received till 5 p.n., Wednes- day, by Architect Ellis, for It, H. Toye's stabte. hy This day in history :--Lord Elgin died, 1863 ; Battle of Belle Isle, 1750 ; King Pdward I. crowned, 1272, WHIG TELErYHONZTS. 243--Business Office: Assembly, Whig . Embosgsifit and Engraving a specialty. - China! China! We are at present showing the most complete assortment ever displayed. No only in the city but anywhere in Canada. Come in and examine the pretty China. You dont need to buy, it will please you to see them. » Robertson Bros. In regard to Furs we secure our raw Shins direct from the trappers, and make them up in our own workrooms. This enables us to offer strictly . high-grade Furs at lower prices than ordinary Furs retail for elsewhere. Sable Throw Over Stole, 100 inches long ...... $18 to $17 Sable Muffs, Cornation and large Pillow..... $12 to $15 You save . all intermediate profits bing here, and have a definite guarantee with every Garment we sell. Always a pleasure to show goods, and no obligation to buy unless you want to. Pleasant, good natured ser- vice, no matter when you come. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 139-158 BROCK STREET KINGSTON "TRAIN PRINCES FOR SEA. King Edward's Grandsons to Enter Royal Naval College. London, Nov. 20.--I1t has been cided that at Easter next the two eld- est sons of the Prince of Wales will procgyd to the Royal -Navy College at Ushorne as maval cadets. Prince Ed- ward 'will enter his fourteenth year next Juuwe, and thus he will be more or less of the same age as was the Prince of Wales, when, in company with the late Prince Albert Vietor, he proceeded, to the old cadet training ship at Dartmouth. ---------------------- de Gives vigor, streneth, vitality to vour nerves, stomach and.every part of your hody. It's easy to take: swal- low a little Hollister's Rocky Moum- tain Tea: it does the business. Tea or Tablets, Muhood's drug store. King erick of Denmark and Queen Lon are in Berlin, on a visit to the kai Young Men Wanted For Firemen and Brakemen. Experience unnecessary. Over 500 positions open at the present time. High wages. Rapid promotion to Engineers and Conductors. £76 to $200 per month. Instructions hy mai] at your home without interruption with present occupation. We assist each student in securing a position. Don't de lay. Write to-day for free catalogue, in- structions and application blank. NATIONAL RAILWAY TRAIN- ING SCHOOL, INC. re KINGSTON, « A Revolution Likely Made In Electricity. A POOR QUEBECKER DISCOVERY. Current Generated Directly From the Earth--Sells Rights For Million and a Half--Plan of His Discovery. Quebec, Nov. 20.--1t is claimed that a poor young French-Canadian here has made a wonderful discovery in the generation of electricity which will re- duce the cost of house lighting and heating to a mere trifle and seriously threaten investments everywhere in coal gas and electric companies should it come into general application, and that all the patent rights have been purchased by a poweriul American coal mining syndicate to keep them out of the market. The amount paid' is said to be $1,500,000, of which $250,000 is in cash. The fortunate discoverer of this new principle is a young fellow named Leclere, aged twenty-two, who was born and resides in this city with his parents, He is entirely uneducated, and is a plumber by trade. It appears that while engaged as an apprentice in learning his trade, he developed spe- cial interest and remarkable aptitude in electrical work and devoted all his spare time and money to acquiring in formation on. the subject, though he could neither read nor write, concern- ing the idea that sufficient electric cur- rent might be generated directly from the earth instead of by costly water and steam power plants located at a distance from the points of consump- He worked along the lines of first merely bells, in whieh y ful, and then to light in which, it is claim ed, he also fully' succeeded some 3 time ago. Since then the secret has been carefully kept until all the patent rights were scéured in America and Europe. 'With the aid of a machine of his invention, which it is said may be placed in an ornamental hox or case, taking up very little space, a sufficient electrie current can be gon erated to light and heat any build ing from the ground directly under- neath at an annual cost so small as to seem almost ridiculous. Every householder way thus manufacture his own electricity for all his heating and lighting 'purposes. The genuineness of the discovery is said to be vouched for by experts. 5 ---- CONVICT MAIL ROBBER. Is Sued By a United States . Senator. Philadelphia, Pa., May. 20.--Ce ge Mitchell, alias Alfred Henry, now a prisoner in Carson City penitentiary, undergoing sentence for mail robbery, has been made the defendant in a civil action brought in the Montgomery County courts to recover a lot at Glenside, which it is alleged, he pur chased by forging a draft found amongst the contents of a stolen mail pouch. George B. Nixon, United States senator of Nevada; John 8S. Cook and George Wingfield of Goldfield, Neb., are the plaintiffs in this unique suit which will proceed to-morrow or the day after as the order fixing service on defendant was returned to-day. The plaintifis state that on November 20th, 1905, they mailed to Russell Joy, of this city a draft on Cook and company for $1,244 which was stolen from the sack at Hazen Junction, Neh. This draft to which the names of Russell T. Joy and January Jones, the latter a Nevada banker, were forged, was paid by Cook and com- pany. Latter it was learned that jt had heen given in payment for allot in Glenside, and they now ask the courts that the property be conweved over to them. The action is dended. SAVED FOUR LIVES. Parrot in Lins For Carnegie Medal New York, Nav. 20. "Swipes," a Brazilian parrot. owned by W. H. Brown, of Pittsburg, is in line for a Carnegie medal for saving the lives of four men on board Mr. Brown's vacht, the Visitor. The parrot is today re- garded as a mascot of worth. While the yacht was lying at Erie basin, Brooklyn, gaseous fumes from two other yachts along side, entered the forecastle where four members of the Visitor's eréw were asleep. "Swipes" upon deck began screaming "Get up," "Get up." It awakened Steward Melausen just in time to pet to the air before being overcome. He called help and dragged out his com panigns. "Swipes" has been voted the saviour of the little erew, . Kaiser Travels Much. Bérlin, Nov. 20.Statistics show dollars yearly in travelling about his spire. He alwaye has a special train and pays the ordinary rates for it. His majesty .now increasingly uses the automobiles, which are cheaper, but he still considers that alk ceremonial journeys demand that he travel by railway. : ------------ Our No. 1 Universal reat chopper HIS Bla FIND Lf HAS MADE A REMARKABLE thatethe kaiser spends half a million, FOUGHT BOTH SIDES. He is a Veteran of Eighty-Two | Winters. ORSON NICHERSON. Washington, D.C., Nov. 20.-- Orson Nicherson, eighty-two years old, is a veteran of the Mexican war and serv- ed under General Lee when Ulysses Grant was Heutenant. Subsequently in the eivil war Nicherson was array: wl in the ranks oi the union under Gen. Grant against his former com- mander, THE POPE IN DANGER GETS LETTERS THREATEN- ING ASSASSINATION In Walls of the Apostolic Palace --Roman Police Mobilised-- Anarchists Being Arrested -- Precautions to. Guard King. Rome, Nov, 20.~Owing to the bomb i in St. Peter's, on Sunday, recent similar outrages, the police force has been mobilized and is arresting suspected anarchists, who are generally distinguished by black neckties, Several mistakes have been made, the persons arrested being res- pectable citizens, who were wearing mourning. The man suspected 'of causing the explosions in St. Peter's and the Cafe D'Aragno had a woman accomplice, who carried the bombs. The woman lighted the fuse of one inside St. Peter's «while: pretending to kneel in prayer, but no clies have been found that would lead to her or 'the prin- cipal's arrest. Extraordinary precautions have been taken to guard the king of Greece during his forthcoming visit, The pope has received personal let ters containing threats that he will be as inated in the apostolic palace as a protest against the present ganization of society. or- PITH OF THE NEWS. Spr The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Mrs. John M. Upham was found dead at Brockville. The nope will receive King George of Greece on Sunday next. Three medical experts have declared that Harry Thaw was insane when he shot White i A Birmingham smalljarms company is sending a representalive to Canada to establish agencies there Salvadore Maeri, the Italian mur- | derer, was sentenced, nt Winnipeg, to be | i on January 15th. Frederick Heyk, the Galician found guilty of manslanghter, at Winnipeg, was sentenced to fifteen years' im- prisonment Niagara power was flashed to To ronto, Monday afternoon, over the wirgs of the Toronto amd Niagara Power company. During a force gale on the Irish Sea a passenger stoamship ran up signals of distress, A lidhoat from Holyhead, Wales, was sent out, Donald Ford, an alleged bigamist, being conveved from Montreal to Brandon for trial, escaped from a moving train near North Bay. Seven d ion cabinet ministers and Hon. G. W. Ross have signitied their intention to be present at the Fielding banquet at Montreal. Alexander Ward, a Niagara-on-the Lake hotel keoper, is charged, in Lon- don, Eng., with stealing seven theu sand dollars from William Olcott. In an address before the Canadian Club, J. M. Courtney, ex-deputy min- ister of finunee, referred to a possible danger to Canada that might arise from undue exploitation of foreign eapital in developing Canadian indus- tries, . The latest worldfamed authority to condemn liggior and tobacco is Dr. Osler. At a meeting of the Working: men's College 'in London, he declared that the world would*he vastly bets ter oft' if all the likgmor amd tobacco were dumped fhto the seg. But it would he hard on the fishes. Our No. 1 Universal meat chopper je just the «ize for house use. Strachan's hardware. For high class: candy, MeConkey's or Huyler's, go to Gipson's= Red Cross Roston Block, Minneapolis, Mian., A 23 USA : is jost the size for house use. | Strachan's ONTARIO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1906. THE FINISH Of The Suffragettes Tac- tics Was Arrest. THE POLICE READY AND TOOK THE SCREAMING LADIES IN TOW. They Gathered to Take the House of Comumons By Storm, and Were Ignominiously Led Cap- tive By London's Guardians. London, Nov. 20.-A considerable number of suffcagettes, headed by Mrs. Despurd, weré in attendance when the House of Commons met, vestenday afternoon, with the inten: tion of carrying the house by storm, scattered about Old Palace Yard in groups. Several attempted to munke speeches, and when the police inter fered the women became violent. A continually swelling erowd added to the excitement. Finally several of the suffragettes, including Mrs, Des: pard, were arrested. . BAVARIAN AT QUEBEC Will Lie There All Winter. 20~The = Bavarian, safely beached in the mud, at Indian Cove, to the eastward of Gilmour's wharf, last evening, will pass the win- ter there, This is the decision which has heen taken this morning. She is drawing thirty three feet of water, aft and only ten feet forward, All con- nected with the floating of the. Bavari- an are in a happy state of mind now And She Quebec, Nov. 'They are certainly deserving the congratulations they are recs an alk siden; i... des di A rity connected North nr y Wrecking ith She. sand which consists of Mr. and Mrs. ©, J. Maclean, J. W.' Maclean, W. W. Wotherspoon, Capt. P. S. Saunders, W. 4. Rainsford of New York, and R. 0. King, Tonawanda, N.Y., who have been on board the Bavarian, since Wednesday last, is at the Chateau Frontenac, Mr, Wotherspoon, engineer in charge and Mr. King, consulting engineer, have been on the steamer since September last, and seventy men have been at work there during the last sixty days, most of these men being Canadians from Quebec, Mont- real, Kingston, and some from New- foundland, and their work wae satis- factory to those in charge including Captain Lesslie, the marine superin- tendent of the company. The officers of the North American Wrecking 'company are : Pregident, T. J. Drummond, Montreal; vice-presj- dent, W. E. Stokes, New York; secre tary, A. B. Rainsford, New York. Among the directors and others in- terested in the company are Messrs. Percival Molson, CIR. Hosmer, Mont real, C. F. Maclean, James B. Brady, Jacob Rubino, New York, and R. O. Kin», of North Tonawanda, N.Y. TO AMALGAMATE And John J. Hill Will Be in Control. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 20.--The Bee save : "Within one week the equity which the Northern Pacific now holds in the Burlington will pass into the hands of the Great Northern and within fifteen days the Burlington and Great Northern will be merged into rast system with James J. Hill in control, \ "This statement was made to a re om porter for the Bee by a man close to the official family of the Hill roads, who has just returned from Chicago. where the intricate opers- tions of this gigantic transaction now: are being perfected." QUEEN ADMIRED WORK. Orders Small Portrait Done By Forbes. London, Nov. 20.-Colin Foriws, when - painting the picture of the queen, at Buckingham Palace, used a smaller canvas to paint the head. The Canadian Associated Press imderstands Princess Victoria admired the study, and wished to have it when completed, but the queen has purchased it. Mr, Forbes has been commanded to send it to Samiringham, so that the King and Queen lof Norway may see it. Hearst Will Run No More" San Antonio, ,Tex., Nov. 20.-Wil liam KH. Hearst passed through San Antonio on his way to Monterey, Mex, where he holds property. In re- ference to polities in New York, he said : "I will never again be a can: didate. I shall continue to live in New York and continue to support the principles of reform which 1 al ways have stood for, but these prin- ciple are now sufficiently understood by the general public for it to be ne longer necowsary for=#hé to be a can- didate, and on that account to be at- tacked with much bitterness." The genuine Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is sold at Gib drug store, "Phone drug store, son's Red Cross 230 but the police recognised them, and refused to allow them to enter the parliament buildings. The women tried to foree an en] trance, but were compelled to aban- don the effort, owing to the over whelming force of police. They de- clined to move away, however, amd that their ardubns task is completed. | A GRAVE CHARGE. Simi, Convict; Promised Liberty if He Would Swear Falsely. . the recent assizes here, and who was sent down for three years for arson, hus made a statement, that he committed Perjury against his pal, S, Buchanan, who re- ceived a seven-year sentence for the same offence. Hale says he gave false evidence at the suggestion of the erown detective, who promised him he should be free, provided Buchanen was con- victed, and also promised to secure him a job with the license department as a spotter at fifty dollars a month, This confession has heen forwarded to the attorney-general's department. - JUDGE WOODS DEAD. Passed Away at Chatham Tuesday. Chatham, Ont, Nov. 20.--After an illness extending over a period of sev- eral weoks, Robert Stuart Woods, K. C,, died here, today, righty- seven years. Up to the time his death he was revising officer of the electoral district of Kent county, pte- vious to which he was junior judge of Kent, local judge of the high court of justice, surrogate judge in the western district. Two Schooners Missing. Quebec, Nov. 20.-The schooner Florida (Capt. Ouellotte) and ~ Jos- ephine (Capt. McDonald), which left here some days ago for St. Anne Monts, with a general cargo, have not been heard of since and fears are en- tertained for their safety. The Jos- ephine was loaded with supplies for J. T. Lamontagne. The schooner St, Cerice (Capt. Deslauriers), is ashore at River du Loup, but will be got off as she is not much damaged. A HOT CAMPAIGN WILL BE OTTAWA'S MUNI- CIPAL CONTEST. City Auditor Resigns, Assessment pon Ottawa, A Cluff was owner of the Gilmore hotel, which was destroyed by fire some time ago. Subsequently the ruined walls fell on a street car, injuring mix peo- ple. ¥ The council, last night, dismissed Asscssment Commissioner Pratt for not ordering the walls down, and de- cided to investigate the city auditor's responsibility. To<day Mr. Clu exploded a bomb by resigning. Me will appear before the committee and then enter the field for aldermanic honors, when revelations are expected, as Mr. Sluf, as auditor, knows all the ""'weak- nesses" around the aldermanic board, and Ottawa is likely to experience the hottest municipal campaign in ifs his- tory. This is Sir Wilfrid's birthday. He was born in 1881, He is receiving con- gratulations from> all sources. The premier is enjoying good health and is in fine fettle for the opening of parliament on Thurdday. : The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, to<dmy, held its first sitting in Ottawa to hear the application of the city for power to raise 85,000, by de bentures for the extension of the municipal lighting system. The appli- cation is being opposed by the Ot tawa Electric company. The case was not concluded at noon. The electric company object chiofly, as ratepayers, that the plant is ° not paying and they have to help make up deficits, The city's reply is that the extension is asked for so that the plant can be made a profitable investment. Steel Company's Ramages. Montreal, Nov. 20.-~The Dominion Steel company has already suffered the loss of a quarter of a million, and wil} seck damages from the coal com- pany. The steel company will also ask the courts to compel the co com- pany to pay all over $51.25 per ton for coal, this being the original con: tract price, Fernie Strike Ends. . Fernie, Nov. 20.-G. G. 8. Lind wy, general manager of Crow's Nest Coal company, was notified yesterday that John Mitchell, president of the United Mine workers, has ratified the settlement of the strike made by his agent, Mr. Burke, and has instructed the men to return to work at once. Indicted For Peonage. Jackson, Mass., Nov. 20.--Green Wor. mack, a Simpeon coundy farmer, wns indicted yesterday by the federal grand jury on' a charge of peonace, It is alleged he has held sovéral ne groes in slavery for . the last eight years, City Bought Ground. Totonto, Nov. 20.~The government has sold to -the city the vacant lots at the corner of Queen and 1 streets, formerly part of asylum grounds. The pri The city will erect a breneh library Toronto Epidemic Of Typhoid Fever. Langton, Ont., Nov. 20. There is epidemic of "typhoid fever here; i i disease in \estitying || Nov. 20.-City Auditor! was 87,640. | Fall, those that atk most attention are the 1 Plaids, Roman S Floral and Persian -- : : E 7 H: Ribbon ) effects, several widths, Holi b 20e. } See Ribbon Display just street door. Sto ays F J x FOLGER.--At 224 Johnson St. po Rn . a he . . daugh J ] . THE LEADING UNDERTAKER "Phone 577, 227 Princess nN A Thrilling with Lud 4 situations. A &* Headed gEReiel 159 Seats on Sale Wednesday: Set, Nov. 4G

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