EE LR Ss ROVAL INSURANCE c0' OF ENGLAND Mn SEES" Kingston Business Gllge [STOMACH *~ TROUBLES 0 imperfectly flleneiisnotderive from it | Date Meltons, Beavers and | Tweeds, $4.50, $5.50, $8.35 and $10. The best of lining and latest effects. SATURDAY ONLY, 3 Cents a Day Will Cure Your Kidneys of price, 50c. | THE SLAFLIN CHTMICAL CO. LIMITED abnlication will be ment thereof, for the the the Statutes § Of the Statutes of 1905 amd to the forexoing, nower 4 to enabl ern Ontario Brockville, Westport and North Western Raflway Com November, digested the " Erb tis udy) only. Up-to- $7,50, Remember--These prices are for ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. 3¢ & day for a specialist--thai will cure you of every teace of Kidney Trouble. That's all it | costs--~3c a day-to take Bu-du THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL And "Buju" cures--remember that. Not merely eases the pain and makes you feel better--but heals and strengthens the Kid. neys and completely cures. Take " Bu-Ju * on our gurantee that they cure or money refunded At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt Winbeon, ont. ------ NOTICE NOTICE 18. HEREBY GIVEN THAT nade to the Parlia- of Canada at tho next Session for an Act extending the time commencement and completion of nes and branches railway and authorized hy Chapter ), of of 1904, and Chapter 86, in addition will be asked the Dominion Central Railway One or mors or all of the fol. Companies :-- Grand Trunk way Co ny The Canadian Pacific Iwav Company. The Cunadian North. Railway Commany, The © ny. . SMITH, Prescott, For, the applicants, Dated at Thouseott, the 8th doy of to the partizah appeals and city meant the a better class of men. This has not been the experience in Hamilton and St. Catharines, and it must be assum- ol that it might not be the exoerience here, '| prising if the Daily Failures In Elections. i discrimination 'which was expected. Is this not the result of excessive political . zeal the average = municipal legislator. Half a dozen of men in the council now do its business. "The rest," says our contemporary, "might as well be at home." There is a reason for this, and the Herald gives it. Men are wrged to vote fir the political ticket, which ticket containe the names of those who have had the party's endorse: ment. "It is too true," says ~~ the Herald, "that most eitizens respond allow their loyalty to party to get the het- ter of their loyalty to the city." Thank goodness all the electors are not influenced by political apmeal. "A good many citizens," we are told, 1"vote the party ticket, not so much because they are blind partizans as because they don't know many of the vandidates. To vote the straight tic ket is less trouble than to inform one's self about the merits of all the candidates. Under the ward system most of the citizens had to make. n choice from a list of men whom they know. I they voted for a nonentity or a scamp because he was of the same party stripe as themselves in proference to a candidute, who, though not of the same party. was an able and honest. man, they did so open- ayed and deliberately. They could not plead ignorance, as they tan under the prosent system." There were those in Kinoston who thought. that the selection of mem- bers of the council from the whole elevation to office of State Insurance Proposed. The life insurance managers were pretty well rehearsed in regard to the memorial which they presented to the insuranse commission. This document submitted the stock company's side of the case, and the side that affects the dividends and profits. The policy hold- +18 were heard the same day, and they presented their ideas which will not Le lost sight of in the recommenda- tions of the commissioners which will accompany their 'toport to parlia- ment, The insurance companies' managers ere singularly out of harmony with regard to state insurance, which has been discussed with grea vigour of late in the English and Canadian press. For instance one man regards the venture as exceedingly practical. It would dé good, and educate, the people respecting the virtue of life in- surance, As a mesult of this education the regular companies would be large- ly benefited, A second manager said state insur- ance had no terrors for the Canadian companies. In England it had been a failure. In Conada"it would furnish o parallel experience with that of the Intercolonial railway, which because of its political status had been a heavy financial load for the country. Other men thought the state depart. ment would be a harmless affair. And yet from the cancern which they mani- {sted with regard to the Now Zealand insurance system it was quite evi- dent that a stale experiment in life insurance in Canada was not at all desired--by the. insurance men, The Financial Review of England. dos mot consider" the state depart- went as forbidding. It thinks that lifo insurance can be conducted by the government as successfully and as economically as the post office busi- ns, and granted that the cest will be heavier than the postal, the differ- ence in management from seven to twenty-three per cent. (the latter be- ing the company rate), would repre- sent an' annual giving of $65,000,000. The conclusion of the = Financial Re- Jviewtis that lils insurance can' be 'con: solidated by the government and cheapened to a rematkable degree. "State insurance is a natural depart ment of the government, and it must ultimately come." Tt will not be sur insurance commission deals with the subject in "its report. Col. Hendrie, of Hamilton, accord- ing to the Spectator, has not crpwl: od under a harn or hid himself. He will eral somewhere bofore - the bye- is. over. He certainly and Whig, 1 Hamilton papers aro opposed to the election of aldermen from the | | city at large. The larger choice of (he men ropresoting the entire electorate in place of a few of them-- {is not attended with the wisdom and or interference ? The | Spectagor deprecates the qpality of a rd to tr | it is expected that startling revelations "IL, © sayse' the' Montreal Herald, "the int, 8 of the conservative party were confined to one riding and one election, such. appallingly despica- ble methods as are now being brought see no object in politics further ~ bff than the 'beating ofa local opponent, |ScHoOL TEACHERS WANT and when the case will be to light in East Elgin might be worth | while. For loeal politicians who an' DOWN IN GANANOQUE MORE PAY. They Swept Down Upon the Board of Education, Then Went Of and Ate Oysters-- Chief Ryan After the Sleigh Riding Boys. Gananoque, Nov, 16.--At the meet: ing of the board of education, the lob cal teaching stafi attended tn massd with an urgent appeal for a raise of salariia. Considerable discussion en- sued and favorable action is expected from the board in the near future. Following . the board = meeting the teachers went to the home of Mise Ylnak il and p pi acy and sland aro useful enough' methods. But if the conservative party hadi an 'organic unity throughout the country, if it enjoyed even the slightest discipline at the hands of 'leaders who were some- thing more than ward-heelors and Company-grafters, such things. would be impossible, The East Elgin ' con- spitacy must have involved the com- plicity of a large part of the comser- vative organization in the riding. The whole organization was not ashamed to profit by it." The St. Thomas patriots profess not to understand why the election should be protested, but they seem to realize that it presents a very serious issue and that it will not stand much dis- cussion im' public, The tlandering of Mr; Hepburn, and the driving of him out of public life, has been sov- 'erely rebuked by Judge Colter, but the censure will be more Personally felt when the election trial opens up all the acte to which the conservative party resorted in its desperation. Editorial Notes, The. fire department will he under fire at the city council on Monday evening. It really wants a touching up. -- The local government will repeat the tricks it tried in Kingston in connee- tion with the Hamilton bye-election, Will they succead * Time will tell, p. S---- The conservative party in Hamilton has been very fond of using the la: bour vote and appealing to it for sup- port. Why not now give the labour candidate a show ? ri, ---- Mr. Whitney * is cultivating his fiercest facial expression in anticipa- tion of his visit to Hamilton. He tay terrify the folks in the Ambitious City and he may not. ---- The Citizen is wight when it says that the members, of parliament who lot Mnckenzie & Mann finance their lands deals cannot scrutinize railway legislation "with an eye single to the public interest. The tory triumvirate may not assent to this. -- The Spectator assures the Whig that the members of the government are not losing any sloap over the Hamil- ton bye-clection. We doubt that. A good conservative print says the la- bour candidate is "formidable," and the evidence points that way. -- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Windmill On The Hill. Ottawa Citizen. Two weeks from on the © to-day the windmill hill will start up. Raising The Rate. Montreal Herald. : The dail seems to have a fiort- gage on a good many peopls and they keep on paying high interest. Scriptural Graft, Mercury, Ca adidn publishers "cannot publish the Bile. Some da they will, and then we shall see the | ible, as well as the text books, in the bands of the graftors, Guel, A Serious Loss. Toronto Siar, ST Meanwhile one of our sacldest re- flevtions, as the mighty are pulled down from their seats, is that we are gradually lcsing our reverence for the early Gothic type of whiskers, 'Sage's Real Grief. Hamilton Times. If people in heaven know what is go- ing on among those left here, what will be Russell Sage's feelings when he thinks of his widow giving away all those millions | The People's Good. Toronto Glole. If Toronto gets power from Niagara at $17 or $17.50 per horse-power, we will feel that Niagara has not been harnessed for the profit of corpora- tions, but for the benefit of the public, Question Of Development. Syracuse Post-Standard. 4 'olumbus, (0, is now about to issue bonds for $140,000 to repair--not con- struct, mind you, merely repair--its electric light plant, which has out of use for some weeks, the citi- zens meanwhile getting better resnlts from private companies. Those who own real estate in Pay 03 per $100 of general city taxes Tn this sort of thing. , Fdward Nalty, aged fifty, Alexan- dria Bay, N.Y., died in Brockville hos- pital from an operation made neces- sary by an "injury sustained sometime Bileans for bitionsness is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone Salvadore Maeti was found uilty of murdering Romanelli at Winnipeg. oF Timberlake, where an oyster supper was enjoyed, 4 ; 3 : - Hn. Who has been Roosevelt to mimstor to Panama. born, at Madoc, 4. SQUIRES selected by President fill the post of Awerican He is a Canadian, J. J. Tilly, inspector of model schools, was "in town on an official Visit yesterday, in consequence of which the school closed at jntermis sion in the afternoon. A business meet- ing of the teachers was held in the high school assembly rooms, and an address given hy Mn Tilley. Chief Ryan is looking closely after the youngsters, who have been making a practice of sleigh riding on the sidewalk of the town. Several'. coms plaints have already been made and the chief will put » stop to the an- noyance, 'the D. F. Jon's' Rolling Mills are now rvmning night' and day. Several § of the other establishments are also working overtime, The hard times ball, advertised by the Citizens' Band for last evening, will be held next Wednesday evening, November 21st, inf Turner's assembly hall. The band will furnish music and parade in hard times attire. welcome meeting was held in the Salvation Army barracks, Pine street, last - evening for Captain and Mrs. Owens, who are now in charge of the local corps. There was a fairly good attendance to greet. them.' Miss Smith, Blackpool, Eng., is the guest of Mrs. Frederick Arthur, River street, for a short time, Miss Mand McLellan, corner First and River street, who has been ape nding the past two months with friends in Merrick ville and Monkreal, has returned home, Messrs. William Hagel, Sydenham street, and William Donevan, Victoria avenue, left yesterday on = hanting expedition. Stanley Acton has ~one ta Chicago, where he purposes locating. Ganat nogue rughy and hockey teams will miss him, as he was an enthusiastic lover of these sports. MAKES BUSINESS GROW. An Article Must Have Superior Merit to Back Up Publicity. "Our business for the first six months of 1906 shows an increase of over $200,000," said Charles Sla- ter, president of the Slater Shoe com: pany. It was Mr. Slater who asserted positively at the beginning of the year that he was opposed to any in crease in the tariff on shoes, and he held that a good shoe which made its goodness known need have no fear of American competition. This substan tial increase for the first half year in the sales of Slater' Shoes would go to prove his contention in his own particular case. The minicter of fin ance, Hon. W. S, Fielding, asked ga shoe man, "Why don't you advertise like Slater does 2" Mr. Slater says, "Why dan't yo make shoes hike Slater does?" F. (. Lockett, exclu sive agent, Kingston. « STRANGE DISCOVERY. Ear Looked Like Hand. ' Clyds, Nov, 16.--~Charles Hicox, who works the Peter Baggerly farm, one mil: éast of Clyde, was given pe- caliar shock while husking silo corn a few days ago. As he was removing the husks froin ona ear, which was apparently like al the rést, out dropped what he at first glance supposed was a human hand and wrist. Instead of one ear the husks contained five ears so join- ed as to form a close resemblance to a hand, even to the joints in the fing- ere. The corn beine of a flesh color still mor: heightened the resemblance, a Human a See Pibby's Bannerman overconts. - Immorality amone the workmen has saald the fate of Chinese labor in South Africa. | es------------ea---------- Tow "uch Food. Fxery, time you cat too fast, cram ton much food into the stomach, you ofiend a law. of nature and will prob. ably suffer. headaches, nousea, bilions. ness and all' the horrid » which are so caused. Nowhif vou will assist natore a litle jn ol acreeabls manyer with such a pleasant ond offi cacions treatment as Hutch you need not suffer all these troubles, Huteh will give vou instant veliof from these little complaints and if von give it n trial you will find that it em, Huteh js and 50c., 8. JAMES McPARLAND WE MAKE--BRASS Canada Metal Co. Tr -- 000000000, Rapid changes of temperature are har on the to constitu tion. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform--the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind--know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott's Emulsion strengthens 'the body so that it better withstand * the danger of cold of temperature, It will help you toavoid taking cold. "ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00. Regular Value Your choic QOD HO0OOOOO000080 »> BIBBY'S «<« OVERCOAT um You: owe. yourseli an' Qvercont right--the that ow proper protection and wear youll not find that of Overcoat everywher Overcoat But Kind" You'll certainly shop at random. not find H you patronize most any kind « clothing store most anywher If you jump at the price advertised, that "right Lind" must go to the To procure Overcoat you store. The kind of a store that confine advertising to facts and invites tigation and comparison. If you consider these lieve that you coat money here, points, w "w Our Overcoat Price Range Is From - $7.50 to $20 Satisfaction is this store' best salesman, -- | | Saturd Amongst these s many of the date aon e-- \ man-tailored respect to what yo Tweed, | Cheviot AAA AAAAAA AAAS AA Also Man Every size wi if vou first reduced- See Window © R. W/ inves. will leave your Over Business Training 8 silent and rontenac The H. D. Bibby Co. THE OVERCOAT STORF--_78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET /4 . spring water, selected bar< ley malt, and a blend of the choicest growth of hops. No sub- stitutes for hops or barley p are used. An aid to diges- tion and a cause of comfort after RAN Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, CASTINGS --QUiCK William 8 Toronto¥ That's where the George A. Slater It you try them you will say £0, another consignment them._they are' better fin- ished and more up-to date than ever, We have them in + Valour,: Box Calt Gun Metal and. Corona Colt. © $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 he SAWYER SHOE STORE Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. T, N. STOCKDALE, A WARM SUBJE There's nothing in the world we ich. Interested tn as Conl at thi Speak of coal huying science, but that's what we've m made are that complete matisfacti bur customers pays best, Way to win business is to deserve Booth & C FOOT OF WEST ST. « AGENT '338-341 KING ST. -- BRITISH - AMERIC , BRONZE OR ALUMINUM | SEND YOUR PATTERNS Has undergone alterations "Phone Main'l729 eee wn. rere Right At The Top | 15 now open to the trav INSURANCE AND FINAN( Mcintyre & Mclntyr BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET. KINGSTON Invictus Shoes Are . To:da) We have just received; & 'The husiness of the late C. office, 79 Clarence stn G. A. Batema CUSTOMS BROKER Who tor the last five