Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1906, p. 3

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Is the best for man or peg - al N A sis.8 HORSE ..LINIMENT | : ute, kuin, a Sain: assed. Ungup., rr Large bottle, 25 cents. mer {AD Excellent Hair "Rofippe of and Scalp Cleansep op t > the San nlvave aa roi" yes, x nen- 1 pr Scott's White Li = fare. fords Mang. Jobn, Np. an Cay 2 has Sev- v een 2 nt [FURS dled I g a west : : iam, EST QUALITY = os EST STOCK 3 e | cil @ MALL STORE | | MALL L PROFITS 3 e Ol s ELECTED _ SKINS - rain éton's Onl oF. Brecon 20 ally y put . A Ny "| W.F. GOURDIER ~ LN ' IER 78-80. BROCK ST. 3 the Phone 700 agen ent- g the low- Mth, 5 his 3 --_-- 3 7 ring es EEN v ) : : da orn- Cold Lockets ; o it We take pleasure in way drawing your atientiog The ~ our, now full stock P cod fwvo of Gold Lockets, ~ this _ Ladies' Round Eockets: and Pliin atid 'stone sett, 5 ied or the neck chain, Fn hro- Oval and Oblon bi Lockets ' Ed i plain and with "SO. that CIETY" 'DESIGNS onx for gentlemen's voor t Ko chains, 3 will-}- A glance at .- our Prices Ad to for. @bove pieces will; without doubt, be to me. your advantage. | Yl SMITH Bos. half Jewellers and are) Opticians da 1S UERS OF MARRIAGE well LICENSES lour ef- an con- in t is : ae im] When You Buy ¢ ore, th ! ti COAL | ali- ¢ rely $ From ' 'ith une ¢! P. WALSH ! inly : You get genuine ¢ ml t Seranton as he § ial | § handles nothing $ else $ $reressarrresssrreasesd nging Bargains aturday o see the big range of Ladies' Blouse Waists ve are showing. Cream Lustre Waists, special at $1.39 ery Dainty Ivory Silk Waists 98 and up. Too Many 8' Skirts we need so 'much room for Christmas inl price on 75 of the very.newest and, fo go 'at one price, $2.50 cach. Of ope sent on approval. Specials 18x34, ize were 350. a pair. Saturday, 38, fringed and with colored border, ex: He. a pair, red border, all linen, cheap at 9c. 8 a big reduction. To lines to clear-- yard, and Th yard, rade of Kingston. See the ts at $2. so and Thi : Tobe : Given Away On SATURDAY, from 8 o'clock un Absolicty He | tile Closing | fin er will receive a White Swiss Emb roidered Handkerchief, '2c. value, with every Junchang 1 of one dollar made in any part of this Store. Ladies Waists to 10 inch. ; this 'means--in addition to our already low prices. spend 8, you get one Handkerchief ; $2 you get: two; and so on. Hosiery, Glay, Ladies Coats All Wool Shirts a erent, N's a splendid lob, oF Ladiss! "Coats, in [uD to 82 tre garment. a, Bie. Dino and: all . ReWest mixtures, Back = "Sinn callar and cuffs, Ladies' Ried and Plain Vests and Mire ok cnt is very nicely | Drawers, Vests, nicely finished with silk oy ag vale, TO-MOR- | Tape, 2 styles of Drawers, 25c., 85c. How, $0.75. and 10¢. each: * ges Ringwood and Lined Cashmere I adies Skirts 'loves, in black and colors, also white, 25¢. - pair. Hose less than full 75 stylish up-to-date' Skirts that are 8c. quality, TO-MORROW, worth from $4.75 to $6, in all the new can't match 'this mixtures, plaigted . circulur effect, well S ; made and "perfect fitting: your choice | Te eo TO-MORROW, $2.89 each. Ladies' Cashmere Stockings, # fashioned and scamless, in all 'sizes, 8} Never sold for less then 335¢. Special TO-MORROW, 25c. pair. Ladies' White and Black Waists, made of Sicilian trimmed 'With fancy gimps.'| Ten dozen Men's Cashmere Socks. Some made with: clustre of tucks. Two | back, seamless, and all Pure Wool, specials for TO-MORROW, $1.75 for [extra heavy weight, 33c. value for 23e. $1.29, $2.25 for $1.89, Pair 1000 yards Outing Flaane', 36 in , 12}c quality, for rec. The James Johnston Store : 130 Wellington Street > To Met! The man or woman who thinks that, is very apt to get the worst of it #n tend our ads. to be--and they are--an our store--a newspaper looking-glass that we've got ta offer you. Do you think is the man or 'woman a search for yvahwes. index of what's All Ads. Look Alike who We in- occurring in reflects the bist things we pay good momey to ad- vertise high prices ? Would it pay us--doing as much H& we do-- if we didn't offer really unusual values ? Read Our Ads.! o They'll prove to be worth your. while In Men's, Young Men's and Boys' ( the very latest up-to-the-minute styles. ed as they should be, and, moreo + of getting just what he thinks he Overcoats for Men and Young $7.50 and $8.50. Men, in dollars and cents. Jvercoats, we are Overcoats are ver, every is getting. $1.50, 85 at 50, $6, A Few Specials on Sale Saturday High grade qualities, at $9.50, £11 50, 50 to $16.50. f13 Boys' Overcoats, all ages, from $2 to $9.58. Men's and Boys' 50c. Winter Caps, 75¢. Caps, at 59. each. Woollen Mitts--farmer's knit--19c. 39¢. each. per pair. showing tailor- purchaser 'is sure 86.75, 25 Boys' Owercoats--ages 5 to S--regular $2.80 to $5--odd lines y 0 2 your choice Saturday, £2.65 each. Special Discount on Some Odd Lines of Men's Overcoats : Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE . OF OUR CAR AFTER CAR BEST COAL OIL still the demand increases TRY IT! Comes to Kingston and If You Want the Best MKELVEY & BIRCH 69-71 BROCK STRENY {BOARD of WORKS] 1 Jdo 'was to approve of the plans HAD THE SUBWAY 'MATTER BEFORE THEM. ------ 4 sh {ial Civic' Finance Committee to Deal With Paying G.T.R. Co's - Claim=--Qity. Solicitor Reports Upon thé Dedication . of Streets. The board of works met last even ing." lu attendance were Aldermen Carson (chairmen), Couper, Gaskin, Bassam and Craig. Uity Sglicitor Melntyre reported that Mrs. Margaret Prophy had no claim upon the city for remuneration for land usid in openii hg Bho street. He stated that has divided her land into' buil we lots and sold some "of them. Houses were built, and eventually land for a street was dedicated 'to the city hy Mrs. Brophy "filing a plan of lots. Tie city accepted the land, and was in no wise Hable. for any payment. Upon the- application of L. J. Day for permission to lay out a sircet forty feet wide through his propecty, rola Hill street. to Johnsoa street (west of Macdonnell street), the aty solicitor gave some information as to the law. Unless 2 three-quarter vote of council is secured, nothing less than a sixty-foot street can be accepted by the city. The opinion of the commit- tee was that there couldn't be demand enough for building lots in that viel nity for the city to accept forty-foot street. It was degided to leave the matter over in the Tdeantime, and, ad- vise the parties interested to try md' come to some arrangement whereby each of them (L. J. Dayand J. HB. farruthers), would give enough land to make the street sixty-six feet. Mr. Carruthers has s0-far 'refused to give any of his land for the proposed street, claiming that it would not benefit him The city 'engineer was instructed %o report upon the simplest way of giv- ing relief to the people of Vine street, near Ellice street, who complain of A bad sewer. The enginéer was also instructed to report upon 'a petition for a drain on Cherry street near Plumb stréet. The solicitor and the engineer were instructed to report upon the claim of Mrs, Kenealy for damages for injuries sustained by falling on a bad walk on the north side of William street, he- tween Bagot and Wellington streets. The city's liability in connection with the subway to be built at the G. T. R, junction, received the consider ation of thé committee. The city soli- citor advised payment of the G. T. R. company "s bill of $485 as the city's share of the land purchased. He said he could not advise the city to resist payments, Resides being responsible for hali the cost * of the land pureh- ased, the city has to pay for half of the excavation and half of the cost of drainage. The county pays likewise. The Kingston and Storrington Road company is to macadamize the new road. The board of works had noth- ing to do with the financial part of the matter: the finance committee will deal with that. What it was asked to or There the construction of the was no disposition on the part of the committee to tither approve or disapprove of the plans for something that was outside of the city limits, subway. and into which the city has been drawn in such a ridiculous way by the railway committee of the privy coun-il. Accordingly no action was taken for the present. ' J. McClelland, assistant engineer, applied for increase of salary, from £750 to $1,000. The members of the committee were of the opinion that the city could not afford to pay any more for 'engineer's clerk. Ald. Craig said that Mr. McClelland had extra labor last summer in view of there being no city engineer. He moved that he be given a bonus of fifty dol- lars, for that work. Ald. Gaskin mov- ed that no action he taken. The vate was a tia and accordingly no action was taken on the communication, Alds. Gaskin and Carson intimated J that they were opposed to raising the salnri civie servants, just now anyway. Ald. Craie Jd Ald. Bassam held that Mr. MoOlelland was at least entitled to a bonus for a large am: ount of work he did in the sémmer, when the city had no enginesr. ANY ARREST LEGAL. Though Person Be Sentenced By Force or Fraud. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 16.--In deny- ing a writ of habeas corpus in the case of Louis de Bauvel, an alleged boat thief, who was arrested in Can. adian waters in the St, Lawrence last summer, Justice William Andrews, of the supreme court, said : "Any person may be lawfully ar rested and held for trial on a erimin- al process issued by a court of com- petont jurisdiction, even though he was brought within the jurisdiction of such 'eourt by force or fraud.' Parks Committee. There was a short session of the parks committee Thursday afternoon. The chairman, Ald. Givens, presided, and Alds. Cook and Toye were the on- ly other members who were. present. It was decided to ask the finance cominit- tee to pay accounts of the commitice totalling $34.00, for which there are no funds, the appropriation having been spent, The money i= for work that had to be done. This will in all likelihood be the last meeting of this +4 committee this year. - ---------- The ine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Take no other, Plans for the alleged combination of Bostow's principal fish dealers are re teil once, customers always, for Swift's Scranton coal. An attempted hold up was mpde in New York by men in an automobile, one man was killed, The Nestor: rend Tell Where Trouble Lay. "For t 'past seven years I have been a victim of dyspepsia and chron- ie constipation have consulted the most noted speialists to be found on diseases of this character. None, how- ever, seemed to locate the difficulty or; give relief. Jn addition to this medi- cal treatment, I have resorted to the use of many dies and have given them faithful trial, but all t6 no pur- "Upon. the reednmendation of a close P iriend, A purchased a 50c. pack- age of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and in os than five ays noticed that I wis receiving more benefit than from any tembdy 'I had used before. 1eon- tinued to use the fablets after each meal for oie month, and by that time my stomach was in a healthy condi tion, capable of digesting anything which my increasing appetite de ded. "I have not experienced any return of my former trouble, though three months Fave elapsed since taking your remedy." We wish that vou could sce with your own eves the countless other bona-fidé signed letters from gratetul men and women all over the land whe had suffered years of agony with dys pepsia, tried évery kiown remedy and consulted eminent specialists without result, until they gave Stuart's Dye pepsia Talilets "a trial, Fike the doe tor above, they couldn't locate the seat of the trouble. Dyspepsia ig a disease which hos long baffled physicians. So difficult of ldeation is" the disease; that cure seems next to miraculdus. There is only one way to treat dyspepsia--to supply the clynents which satare has ordained to perforin this finction and to cause them to enter the digestive : organs, supplying the fluigh which they lack. Stuart's Dyspepsip Tablets alone fill these requirements, as is shown hy the fact. that 40,000 physicians in the United States and Canada unite in re- commending them to their pationts for stomach disorders. We do not claim or expect Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to cure anything but disordered conditions of the stom- ach and other digestive grgans, but this they never fail to do. They work wpon the inmer lining of the stomach and intestines, Stimulate the gastric glands "and "&id in' the secretion of Juices necessafy to digestion. Stuart's Dysppsin Tablets are for sale by all Urujggists at 50 conts n box, One box. will feequently effect a per- fect cure. If in doubt and wish more adequate proof send us your name and address and wo will gladly mail you a sample package free. F. A. Stuart Co., 61 Stuart Bldg... Marshall, Mich. HYPNOTIC EXHIBITION ° (f Sevengala Was Amusing. Sevengala, the hypnotist, Varied and created a favorable impression at the Grand, last night, by his clever work, The entertninment was very amusing, after the usual delay caused by _ the difficulty - he experienced in gelling subjects from the audience, The first rt of the entertainment was an ex- ibition of hypnotism, many clever tricks being played on the subjects, Cne in particular proved very amus- ing. After Sevengala had his man une der control, he told him a little brown spot in his hand was a flea, which when the subject tried to catch dis appeared up his arm. The gubject dis rohed to a certain extent in pursuit of it, only to be brought up by a snap of the fingers, The sccond part of the entertain: ment was an exhibition of telepa fy. A woman was hypnotized and she followed Sevengala through the audi ence performing tricks of various kinds, (ne prominent county official asked Sevencala to have the young lady sit beside him. She did =o, and besides placed her arms about his neck, The large audience was delighted with the diferent parts of the entertain ment, which was varied enough to not prove tiring and was at the same time amusing from start to finish. MISS DOROTHY BAIRD, H. B. Irving at The Grand, on Noveniver 28nd. With Here On November 22nd. The Montreal Star says H. 8B. Ir ving, playing there, seored an artis tie triumph wm "The Lyons' Mail." It is a grand, old 'mélodrama of the king . that are not written tosdaye-- "their's was the giant' race before the flood," and it was played in a grand- ly melodramatic way, as melodramas are very seldom played in these de generate. ti . Mr. Irving's work in the dual role of Lesurqaos, the nr chant of Paris, aod Dubosc, his robber double, was of the very high- est order in its kind,' and was in per fect keeping with the character of the whole production. His pals were a pretty lot of cut-throats themselves, Chopard and Fouinard, , Played by Charles Dodsworth and T. Reynolds, being 'particularly villainous and par- | tictlarly well played. In fact the | whole support was good almost with- out exception. If was a fine, live [ro duction. Not a thrill was spared. | Bach inhabitant of England uses, i on an average, twenty: "three steel pens | ie itr ae f by thewuality, Swift's | ATTRA | Red Cross drug store. "Phone 200, {CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 1 FUR FIN 8. APPLY Kay, Sagas. street. ¥ JOAN Me: First insertion, lc. a wond. Each con setutive' insertion therafter 4c. a word. Minimum charge for one ine sertion, 25a. Adve. & lines. or under a week, $1 2 bei, he Sri A JIEW ony , PROPERTY 3 BUY; WILL WeCanny 51! cash. J. 8S. R. street, Advt. 4 lines or unter a wonth, $3 Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG HELP WANTED-MALE. = LASER. BELL BOY. APPLY AT BRITISH American Hotel office, at once, BOYS AND YouRa MEN 0 UN- derstand t e FIVE MORE GIRLS, FOR ORT Som. Apply to Gould & Co., Kiug + Doar stroet. Queen ee RA be. A YOUNG MAN DESIRNS PRIVATE a tal, to act aw treasurer, T Co., mow playing. ad nventigate. Grand Opera House. FURNISHED Comvenienies © FY Av, ying broom ; eral work. onty Gould & Cou, dor I King and; Queen streets. TOR SALK, GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR |pARMS, ANY ALITY = DESIRED. vercoats made to look like new, , Brock street, NE | wol 4 i 181 | ELECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT HORSE Theht alloway the Tailor, wer, now runsing in in Whig ml rock ] Room. . --- pt ------------------------ ---- MEN TO LEARN BARBER "TRADE, FALL KINDS 'OF ory PROPERTY, in eight Meeks, graduates earn $10 at McCann Taal Estate to $18 weekly throughout Office, bl Brock street Conada and Inited, Hata. Het - Cl 8 ons. Jatal [ow 00. L & 1 A RO Molex narber a College, : and 3 A Vat A isha ace. na. oron Ja rer a HELP WANTED--FEMALE. AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW lL i) for AN EXPERIENCED Apply to Mrs, Albree, PARLOR MAID, Emily St, QoOoD GENERAL SERVANT, AT once. Apply to Dr. Helen Ryan, 438 Brock street. AT ONCE, A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply in the evening, to Mrs, I'. H. Small, 28 Barl Street, ---------------------------------------- A WOMAN TO GO TO THE COUNTRY three miles from city. Woman With ona child not \ obivetionable. Come fortable home for right party, Ape viv Whig office y VETERINARY. Pin G. W. RELL, V.8., HAS RE- moved to his brick block, om Clarence street, just above the Post Office. Calls tele hans or telegraph DR. * FOUND, A SMALL WHITE DOG WITH BLACK on head, with new collar. Owner may have some by applying 245 Victoria street. New Arrivals at . Van Luven's Our List May Contain Some Item of Interest to You you have shndruff. The mere scouring less you destroy that germ; and the new seientilie discovery, Newhro's Her picide, In fact no other hair prepara tion claims to kill the dandruff germ ~all of them will clean = the scalp; |! soap and water will do that, but only | ¥ DIES FROM HICCOUGHS. afliiction he laughed, and thought hia | trouble. was a Pt joke, as "it was | Mhe fist me he had Te aficoted, | 1 Within a week he had to quit work. Two weeks ago he was removed to the hospital. Several years ago William .7, ° Beck, n business man and ' local politician of Pottsville, Pa., was seized with a similar attack. A newspaper account of his illnesy was read by some owe in Burlington, ldwa, who wired Beck to make some ice-cream without sugar or flavoring, and take a every fiw minutes. Beck wag nearly | "0 . . dead when the message came. His fom: ad -_ {ily made the icc-cream as differed, | Dr. Shoons Rhenmatie { however, and wave it to him: It { when used fuithfully will reach chronie brought relief and ina few days Deck recovel ---------- Our Bannerman overcoats are hean- \eladn, ont and completely bara dies, $12, $14.50, $15 and $18.50. Vib wes iE of rhe c. Yainon from m the {oh jae Sle Wo hy Aloe: BAe "After dinner mints fresh at Gibwon's | Paddack and Palator' overcome 248 bishop Bond, ment Greok will twor vavolvers at him; clerks appeared, and the trio literally threw him into the street. sorry now they didn't hold him- and give him into eustody. A fow of the rare relics of the noet Keats sre soon to don. locks of his heanty, and the portrait sketch made teaspoonful i! id most _relinble * Hibhy's, GIRLS. APPLY N. C. POLSON & ps Apply gh AAAAA Co., 265 Ontario strect. ------------------------------------------------ 1 GENERAL SERVANT, FAMILY OF oa rune team fg? BB 3: 4 four. Apply 1862 King street, Hey, Masse; y Tw . stroat. i wo THREN BLACK WALNUT COUNTERS one © being in Riedie condition, riy deet feet dnch, AT _ A SACRIFICE a Soon CITY roperty, Store, Ste Fixtures also up-to-date Bk a would ex- , change for Apply Box "48, Whig office. ARCHITECTS. wa, NEWLANDS, store, corner Princess streets. Fntrancs on "Phone, 608. POWER & SON and Welll --_ HENRY P. SMITH, ete. Anchor B i Phone, 3485. ARTHUR BLLIS, fice, Cor, Queen' PITH oF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled Over The World, The Moroccan government is verge of ool 1talian ememons are ehdravoring New Jamaica Oranges, per dozen, 20c, Mexican Sweet presen 20¢. and 256. to start. an anti-elerical m: dozen The ~ population of Durbam and Mule rapes be i 15¢, Northumberland counties is 61,120, le Fig .. 1%§c. - y Tar ats En I Ae The C.P.R. announces that the wine New Peels, Orange, Lemon, Citron. ter mails will bo token on and off at 3 eit Syrun an, We, dnd oc. Halifax. ft teial 9 ted Corn Flakes, packages, 10e. Q cr Imported Herings. _ Tommto Sauce, Jody Scott, K.C, was nominated cans, 12ic. for the legislature by Kast Hamiltan Clark's Pork sant Beans, in Chilli Sauce, | conservatives, Rod es. and Ibe, General Botha has repudiated all Crossed Fish Brand = Sardines, 2 cans, | connection with the Boer freebooters : 25¢. in Sout joa. Farioer's Choice Butter, olin, #3¢. in South Ales. ouch. he The Agency of the Package, Teas, Lipton's. Salada, Charm, A monument to: hc on, 1 G ZEB1G Red Rose inventor of the steamboat, is to be ate EO. ZLEIGLER Assolstines' Yarn. We have in stock, | orected at Spuston Duyvil. . this Ture Wool Yarn, Arthur O Baxter Windsor, in joi hag been transfer. F. W. Van Luven for i of his wife, has been red to refused release from prison. 'Phone 417 246 Princess Street Two brothers, named Jansen, con: . . vieted of highway robbery at Fort James b Lesslie SCOURING YOUR SCALP. William, were cach sentenced to seven . years, Will Remove the Loose Dandruff | The man who: fling a bomb at the OFFICE Scales But It Won't Cure Buk of the Moscow police on Mon- 151 WELLINGTON ST. Dandruff. ; diay Jaat has been sentenced to be Near Clarence Street anoed, If your hair is brittle and thinning, Alexander McDougall, the plaintiff (Up Btairs) in a suit for alienation of wile's af- of the scalp of the loosé scales, won't | factions, was awarded $2500 and cure dandruff; bécause dandraff is no: | costs mt Orangeville, thing but scales of scalp being thrown | Sydney, N.S., is having a well or bry up by a pestiferous little germ in {ganized technical school," Started un- Trivaig Hama Addeens. burrowing its way to the root of the | der the joint control of Dalhousie Por ¢ Offic B Ty hair where it saps the vitality, enus- [and King's Colleges. ---------- a da-- ing falling hair and, in time, bald: | Rov. Oswald Righv. headmaster of ness. Now you can't stop dandruff not | Trinity College School, Port Hope, All Policy Holders will 24 falling hair, nor prevent baldness un. | will leave * December 1st for 4 tour > throwgh Europe for the benefit of his only preparation that can do it is the | health, Ax a memorial to be endows real Diocesan College. 50,000, Newhro's Herpicide gets at the root of ' Fmma Rogers, one year oid. died 1 a APA A AA : the trouble, and kills the dandroff | from pmenmoenin on board the wreck. geom. Sold by leading druggists. Send [od ship Kensington, Inst Sunday, and |§ Leather Goods 0c. Sn stampa for sample to The thet hody was brought to Quebec for We have § ved a now 3 Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. |buria just rdcei Mahood, ape ial agent. A conference of the heads of different | 4 Shipment of Tagther Goods, s art galleries was being arranged, the to-date 'desi and Pr ; object being to take steps to prevent | 9 . gns. ~- the further sale of art treasures to Ameren. Ice Crea, Jithout Sugaz OF | Horace Grieg, n Toronto traveller, Pocket Books 'and Purses, New York, an any i had a-striggle with a Montreal high- from $2 to $5. 4 Nes ol o or UE | wayman, the latter shooting him in |§ Gent's Bill ' F months' continuous hiccoughing An- the chest, and stomach as he ran. { $ $2.25 to $5. vids, from 3 tonio Ragganielo of Port Chester died Grigg is in a serious condition. y Jeewgday in % bospital at that place. Mre, Jacob Hanes, Morrisburg, of KINNEAR & d o hiccoughed until the last, despite | n° | Lovalist stock. fall de wn Ale 4 the best efforts of the physicians. collar. & i Se oe 18 100 Princess St. Phone R ollar stairs while visiting in Toron agganielo was twenty two years to, and is dead 1 mventy-sight cld. When he was first seized with the | : o. AQ iid . Four' dangers and two sons survive, clothier,, par- who war pointing Lill his V. Plante, Montreal ved with a thief, Thev consist of hair so famous Severn of the poet on his and difficult eases heretofore regarded a® incurable by physicians and is the preseéription known | fo} Tone, the others eighteen Apply to 305 Alfred Nt. ARCHITECT, OF. ce, second floor aver Mahood's Drug an Sauce Bagot street. ARCHITECT, chant's Bunk Building, corner 1) ARCHITECT, Market 8 ARCHI and Bagot the late n chair in New It will on. salefin Ton- "a will, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND @ ait LTT 10 han: ia) which 3 Sscurity the unlimited Hany of ER insured at rates. B rates new & a eof Phone, 313. TECT, OF streets. - From All on. thel TELEPHONE 204 ple ase communicate, if necessary, to theabove Arch address, ee : Tosta- 1 in Mon. C. E. CORBOLD, Manager i ont 4 Hand Bags from $3.50 to. two ; OR INSUR. you want to buy, They are on Pro rty, see GEO. at 95° street, Post Office two ite Noted Nun Dies. Chicago, Nov. W.~ Sister Mary. Ju- lia, founder and mother ering of St. Vincent's lum in, for 4 death- putation in pw Boe i evolence and ae caus to 4 poor, died at the orshanage of pn pneumonia after an ness of afe Remedy

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