Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Nov 1906, p. 7

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u Our Word OWN ' CAN COMPARE wiry REEN TEA Strength and Flavor 2, 30¢. and 60c. Per Pound. At rocers'. yah S BROWNE'S ODYNE D ONLY GENUINE). admitted by the he most wonderful and valuable rem dy ever discoverdd. profession to my - thei best remedy known for COUGHS, OLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCRI. 1S, ASTHMA. ota like a charm in DIARRHOEA nd is the only Specific fn CHOLERA, nd DYSENTERY, Tectually cuts short all attacks of PILEPSY, HYSTERIA, -PALPITA. ION and SPASMS. the oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, HEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, OOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete, WNE'S CHIORODYNE," and beware The genuine begrs the words "DR. J. n thé Governimeat Stamp of each 1s. 13d.,.25°94., 4s. ny accompanies each bottle.] ENPORT, Limited, LONDON, DS. CO., Limited, Toronto. nen and Boys rely stylish shoes-- just put together to shoes have no style -day want both style you should see that e Invictus Shoes are rand that he Highest The Very Latest 5 are made to fit all ok dressy--we have Vici Kid, Velour id Patent Colt, for Boys. D AT hy's SHOE STORE cifications call for tic Hardware --§ to show you Sar- irhish estimates for Sargent's Artistic he eye--beautiful ign, harmonizing erior finish. " & BIRCH K STREET : pa ¥ INSURANCE AND FINANCE. EEE -------- Mcintyre & Mcintyre BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET. KINGSTON 'Ibusiness of the late C. ©. Rh will be carried on in his office, 79 Clarence street. . G. A. Bateman CUSTOMS BROKER... ho for the last five years has ||| ied with Mr. Oliver. | If You Want a Home or | /% Insurance Have & talk with George Zeigler Real Estate and Insurance 67 BROCK STREET Footwear TO-ORDER Made to Fit your feet. Will not Squeak. A. E. HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Kingston 500,000 Babies' pe 3 = "Are Sacrificed State Official Declares Adulterated Foods an Appalling Menace. At 'a recent meeting of the executive committee of the National Association of State Dalry and Food Departments, the secretary of a state hoard made the assertion, and produced figures to prove it, that the death of nearly halt a million little children in America last year was due to polsons adminise tered in impure foods. Welcome, indeed, is a food that is ksown to be pure and wholesome, rich in nutrition and good to eat,--so good that no other food can take its place. 'We refer to Malta-Vita, that delicious crisp, whole-wheat food. Among all the cerea] foods we believe Malta.Vita is the only f that is simply and wholly pure grain product and nothing else, except a little salt, It is free from any foreign sweetening agent or other adulterant, and is made in ab- solute cleanliness perfeet breakfast is impossible without Malta-Vita, and it's just as good three times a day. Containing every food element of the best white wheat and pure barley malt extract, it is Intensely vitallzing and easily ai- gested. Let your children have all the Malta-Vith they want and you need not fear for fheir health. Try some your self with cream or fruit, You never tasted anything quite so Ald grocers, now 10 cents, Grand dnion Rotel From $1.00 Pes Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK Baggage To and From Station Free | An excellec: yuide-book and map of the City of New Yoek | ®t on receipt of two cents in postage. HOMESTEAD RBGULATIONS; Any eVen-ay fon Lands i taba or North: West Province, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by 'any over 18 years of age, to one-quarter section, of or less. Application for homestead entry or in- the extent of 160 acres. wore Business College (LIMITEL) Queent street, Kingston, 'devoted to higher Com- and Shorthand education. ommercial subjects taught. Individual instruction. Day and Evening classes. Enter ut n time. Rates - maderite, Attend oe t. H. F. METCALFE, Prin. AUCTION SALES Book at once with the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday Ladies' Teiloring spection must be wade in persom by the applicant at the office of the local went or Sub-agent. An application for entry or inspection mude personally at any Sub-agent's oflice ; may be wired to the local Agent by the | Sub-agent, ut the expense of the ap ¢ plicant, and if the land applied for is § Yacant on' receipt of the telegram such application is to have priority and the {land will be held | bapers to complete | received by mail. in case of "personation" the entry will be summarily cancelled end the app)i- cant will forfuit all griority of claini. An applicant for inspection must he eligible for howestead one application for receiv from an individuci until application has been disposed of. A homesteader whose entry is in good stundiug and not liable to cancellation, may, subject to approval of Department, relinquish it in favour of father, mothe; son, daughter, brother or sister, if eligible, but tq ho one else, on filing de- claration of abandonment. Where an entry is suinmarily cancelled or voluntarily" abandoned," subsequent to stitution of cancéliation proceedings, the applicant for inspection will be en- titled to prior right of entry. Applicants fog, jnspection must state in what particulars the homesteader is in default, and if Subsequentry the stite ment is found to be incorrect in mater inl particulars, the apnlcant will Jose any vrior right of re-entry should the land become vacant, or if entry has hoen granted it may be summarily cancelled. Duties.--A settler is required to per- form the conditions under one of the following plans :-- (1) At least six months' residence up- on and 'Cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) If tbe father (or mother, if the father is deccased) of ,a homesteader resides upon a furm in the vicinity of the land entered for bv such homesteader the requirement us to residence may he satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother untii the pecessary the transaction are that Finest of Workmanship, Up-to- Date Styles, and ' Good Fit Gua: | anteed. | 236 University Ave. | NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Pringess Street | . Open from 1C.30 a.m. to 2.00 a.m The best place to met an all round Lunch in the city, Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. NewRestaurant Hotel Congress 338-342 King Street Everything Served in Season BILLY HARRIS, Prop. Ye Old English 'Floor Wax (tm AT eee Strachan's Hardware .. 14th Band and Orchestra Occasions, Tnstruction i Instruments ; also Alolin, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. ddress: Bandmaster Watson H. Walker, -- Cenadian Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street CpenZfrom 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m' The best place to wee ait wit. rind 2 se==x ORCHESTRA / "THE BUSY ONE." b Inga Rates for Weddings, Teas and vi x HN MERRY, Leador 0 10| strunet X Papin, la, Instruction uer, B. . 155 S$ oston St.. or Theatre. : Tey a Pound of SAE Myers' ows aior Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast. ! anthracite. Not Lunch in the' city. Meals wf. all Khon... ow on shortest notice. English aud 'Chirese Le shes & specially. "Phone, 655. y ANGROVE BROS. (8) It the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by Aim in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land. Before .making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writifx to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten- tion to do so. OF CANADIAN NORTH- MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for more than 3820 acres can be acquired by ome individual or Company. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output; Quariz.--A freé miner's certificate 'is granted upon payment in advance of $5 per annum for an individual, and/ from $50 to $100 per annum for a cofnpuny according to capital. free miner, haviag discovered miner- al in place, way locate a claim 1,500x L500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. Whea $3500 hus been expended or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase thé land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee $5, renewable A free miner may obtain two leases te dredge for gold of five miles each for term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a drodge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the gate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ex- | 0,000. chads 3104 W. W. CORY, Peputy of the Minister the' Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this | ment will not be id for. Footballs Punching adverti Boxing Gloves AT 7] i SO Brock Street. Rei Tg Bicycle Weert ms, | 88-90 PRINCESS I person "the sole head of a family, or male, | eral ducks. JJ, if 1 & NEWS 6F NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points People Are Doing Apd What They Are Saying. " Frosts At Night. Morven, Nov. 5.11 is freezing quite hard at night. E. M. Smith and E. Lund have been each investing in a manure spreader. Byren Jackson has bought a farm of forty-two acres the same in March. Quarterly service in the Brick church, on Sunday morn- ing, was quite: largely sttended, con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Horton. A Happy Recurrence. Willetsholme, Nov. 6---On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wenburn cele- brated the fifth anniversary of their wedding. Many friends gathered to wish them happy returns of the day, and surprised them with many heauti- ful and useful proofs of their esteem. Among these was a handsome and valuable .gold, sugar shell, several beautiful cut glass pickle dishes, some handsome china, a ladies' work hes- ket, two large rockine chairs of solid oak, silver tray and plush foot stool, and other useful things. The brides- maid who assisted on the first occa- sion was present, and also cut the handsome, three-storey cake on this occasion. A very pleasant evening was spent with music from the organ, a present from the groom. It the wep sma' hours the guests prepared to de part with best wishes from all for this bright and happy host "and host- ess. - To Build A Park. : Leo Lake, Nov. 5.--Simpson- Bros. hdve finished threshing in this viehni ty, and left for their home. Hallowe'- en passed off quietly. A few of our young men attended the dance at Long Point, on Thursday evening. Miss McCabe has taken a week's holi day for graduation at Notre Dame Convent, Kingston. .J. McElroy is'en. gaged pminting for G, Fisher. G. GiF bert is doing the carpenter work on John Webb's" new residence, Mrs. Glin, Mrs. Murchie and son, Joseph, spent Thursday at Mrs. M. Webb's Miss M."Forrester is visiting frie nds in Kingston. G. Fisher "spent Sundav at Harrowsmith. J. Tiernev, R. Webb and sister. at Mr. Murray's, Brewer's Mills: E. Donnelly at Jones' Falls: Webb 'returned from Flgin and will retigin at home. Mrs. James Donpel- v spent last week visiting friends in the city. The building of a park is hein} arranged for. Echo Lake Events. Echo Lake, Nov. 52 --Hunting is the order of day. There have been sev eral deer seen in the fields hereabouts. Scarlet fever has again, ontered our | neighborhood and has for its victims Daniel McLeod's family. C. MeCulln is very sick in the hospital at Kinoston, with typhoid fever. His mother is still {in the hospital attending him. Miss | Mina Ruttan is visiting friends in | this place. Mrs. Jackson and Miss | Joseph Wagar spent Sunday at Allen | Wagar's, and at H. Hick's. Miss Anna Burns, Oates, spent a week with her sister, Maisie, at A. Wagar's; Miss Burn ent Sunday at Carmanville. Miss Nellie and Michael Moran spent | Sunday evening at Allen Wagar's. The | cheese factory has closed for the sea- son, patrons receiving $1.15 per owt. for September milk, D. McLeod has campleted his roadwork, making a grand improvement on the hills and bad places.: The road needs as'much more money to complete it through to Wagarville road, and then people could run an automobile, Point Road, Pointers. Point Road, Nov. 7.--The recent dry weather has been a great boon to the farmers to enable them to finish up their fall work; some of them are now predicting an open fall: 'we hope their predictions will prove true, S.C. Barrett has returned from Glémburnip with his threshing outfit after having a long and prosperous season, Some of our young men Hittended a raffle on the Isle of Man, and secured sev- Wood has had several of his fine bronze turkeys captured by Guy Fawke and sports are lving in ambush every evenine. but Mr, Fox has a little better sent than the sports. W, Milton is erecting a . very fine house which will he occupied hy R. Patterson in"the near future. C. Kennedy has purchased a very fine rubber tired rig. Mr. and Mrs, Arm- strong, city, are the cuests of Mr. and Mrs, John Baxter. Mr. De Paun- voy, of Prinés Edward, is the euest of Mr, and Mrs. Ruttan. F. Doyle has purchased his * brother's farm. which will make him one of the finest farms in the township. Thomas Simpkins, wife and family have taken up resi dence in J. Wood's cottage. B. Quinn spent Sunday at the corner, Kaladar Station News. Kaladar Station, Nov. 5.--The oys- ter supper 'held at the King Edward House on October 26th, in aid of the Methodist church was a erand success. Messrs, William and ~~ Peter Morton, Walter Cympney, Nelson MeBride, C. Kellar and George Kellar left for Dry- den on-_ Tuesday last. Miss Dougan, Perry Road. spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Fleming. E. Morton has been conducting divine services while here. Mr. apd Mrs. J. Anderson and Miss Verna "spent Sunday at A. Flem- ing's. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dunn, and Miss Laidley were in Flinton en Sun y EE ---------- HOW'S THIS ? i. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward jor any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O We the undersigmed have nF. J. Cheney for the iast 15 years, and Le ieve "him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made hy his firm WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesalé Drugeists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catatrh Cure is tak internal ly. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sistem. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75 centsi "per tthe, Sold by all Druseists, Take Hall's Family Pills for osnsti- wr pation. In Eastern Ontario -- What | down on Big Creek, and will move to | fail Try them. s * DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. SHILOH Thé most stubborn hacking coughs yield easily to the curing power of Shiloh. No cough can resist it. Spec- ially good for chil dren. 25c.,50c., $1, with guarantee. Cures Coughs & Colds Thomas Mills 9 Clarence St, Kingston, Ont. Nothing can or will break up and drive away a cold RE S------. Private Banking * _ Mortage Loans General Insurance QUEEN, NORTHERN, LONDON AND LANCASHIRE LIFE, All Strong, Sound Companies: I sell FIRST CLASS MINING and other INDUSTRIAL STOCKS (TREASURY SHARES EXCLUSIVE- LY). I do not sell or deal ir Market shares of any kind. Will be pleased to have you call und examine ore samples and got full in- formation, whether you buy or not. N.B.--Have you over thought seri ously of proving what an assistance a HOME SAVINGS might be ta vw as a GENUINE SAVER? you TRY ITS USE? Won't Our$2.50 Shoes Extra fine Viei Kid, patent tip, heavy soles, eytension edge or light' SBI soles, with fast color Eeolets, Our $2.50 Shoes Oe no JENNINGS, - KING ST. Weak Kidneys Bright's Diseaso and Diabetes Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative to Cure the Cause, If You Suffer From These Symptoms. Here are the symptoms of Kidney complaints: Urine laden with sediment, brick dust in url highly colored urine, froth or bi in It stringy mucous in urine, unusual de- sire to urinate, pain in passing water, pain i the back and over the Kidneys, hot, dry ng. waxy n, fever, shifting one foot to the other in standing. An Improp- er treat diuretics. These kidney physics, act on the bowels, seives the frequent cause of serious kidney disease. 't try to doctor the kidneys themselves, for you will only harm them. heir only strength nerve Power. Dr. Shoop's Restorative vitalizes the nerves that operate the Kidneys. Sold "ALL PRUGGISTS & met day last. 8 ming, Miss Dougan and Mr, and Mes. O. H. Dumm; spant Saturday in Tweed. Mr, and Miss Al. bott, Northbrook, were guests of Mrs, Morton's a few days this week, J, A. Rocke, C.P.R. operator, was among the 'guests at A Fleming's last week. F. C, Andlerson, 1.p.8., paid the school a visit and an excellent report was given, The teacher is to be congratu lated upon her able management of the little ones. 0. H. Dunn has re turned from "7T¢ ronto, Niagara and other points wes 2 vhere he hag been Spending his he Wellington Cas ada, Perry Road; wns here Saturday, collecting taxes. The Kaladarians were all happy to we Kis smiling face a Miss Flemine spent a few days t week at Mr. Cassada's, Perry Romd the guest of Miss Dougan. Mrs, C. Godfrey and daughter Hazel, were vie- iting Mrs, Morton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleming returned home from their annual trip at Norwood and Pet- terboro, Mrs. 1. Alport spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Picker ingJ: A. Roche. operator, is think- ing of going to Manvers. Stewart Me Bride | spent Saturday in Tweed, with his brother Otto Dempsey. Miss Mag- rie Bongard is on the sick list. Mr. and 'Mrs. Mills, Marlbank, are at the Alérian guests of Mr. and Mes, M. McBride, B. F. Detlor, Ardendale was calling on friends here Sathirdav. Mr. Jemmison, manager of the Star of thd Fast mine wsed through here *m raute to Je Will be found an excellent remedy for cick headache, Carter's ttle Liver Pills. Thonsands of letters. from: jrwo- rle who have used them prove this MAN RUN TO EARTH AFTER A DECIDEDLY LONG Guides Being Disguised as Mountaineers -- Was Senseless When Found. Rome, Nov. 8.~Giuseppe Crealin has been run to earth at last. His ro! mantic capture was effected with great | difficulty. % dozen selected solders, | all experienced mountaineers, disguis- | od as guides, but heavily armed, wero | sent to capture the Capture Somewhat Romantic 1 { 1 bandit's almost | inacessible stronghold on the summit | of Monte Zeda, 6,700 feet above sea | level. In parties of two, the men slow- ly woiled upwards through the pine woods, holding every path towards the summit, sot fire to the dry under- growth, thus delaying their ascent for ha time. Finally, the brigand took re fuge in his hiding place, and a regular siege began. Towards evening, when the cold had become intense, and the soldiers' numbed hands scarcely per- mitted them to take aim, Crealin sud- denly ceased firing. The besiegers foar- ed a stratagem, but when they finally took the fortress by storm, Crealin was found senseless with a wound in his head. His stone hut, which was provided with loopholes for firing. contained large quantities of ammuni tion and provisions, also money, valu. ables and a' ereat number of love lot ters, When the hrigand recovered eon- , sciousness his first words were. "Well, gatlenen, it savas a splendid fight | anvhow." Crealin, who is a tall, handsome man of about forty, has heen - sent' under strong escort te Milan, where he will stand trial. PRODUCE AND PRICES. Prices At Present . Prevailing in The City. Kingston, Nov." 7.~The = followiag prices prevailed in the city to-day : Flour and feed--Flour, bakers, strong, $2 to $2.10; farmers, $2.10 to $2.30; Hungarian patent, $2.30 to $2.50; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50; cornmeal, $150 to $1.65; bran, $19 to $20 a ton; shorts, $22 to $23 a ton; straw, $6 to $8; hay, loose, $7.50 to $10; pressed $10 to S12. Kggs--New laid, 30c. dozen; held gps 2de. to We. dozen. . Butter--Choice, creamery, 28¢. to 30c. a db farmers' butter, in prints, 28¢, todo. a Ib.; packed, 24c. Moat.-- Meef, carcase, $4 to $6.50 ewt.; choice, cuts, 10c. to I12§e. per lb; veal, by the quarter, Be. to Be, fer Ib.; -cuts, Ge, to 10e.; by the carcase; 5c. to Te. per lb.; cutlets, 12{c.; hogs, live weight, $5.25 per: ewty carcase, $8 to $9 per owt; cuts, 12je. to 1c. a lb; lamb, 10e. to 15¢: a Ib. Fish--Salmon trout, 124. a 1b; whitefish, 12}c.; pike, 10¢, a Ib.: Chin- ook salmon, 0c. a Ib, emelts 200 a lb: lkippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, d0c. a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 30c. a Ib; salt cod- fish, 7c. to 15¢. a Ib; halibut, 20c, a lbs fresh haddock, 10c, a lb.; bull: heads, 10¢, a Ib.# red herring, 15c. a Hox; mackerel, 15¢. a Ib; white fish and trout. 124c. a Ib.; perch, 30c. a doz; frog's legs, 40c. a lb.; ciscoes, 15¢. a lb; oysters, 40c., bOe., and 60c, per quart; bluefish. 15¢. per Ib. butter fish, 15c, per Ih. : Poultry--Fowl, from #0c. to 90e. a pair; spring chickens, 40c. to 5c. a pair; young ducks. 7c. tp $1.25 o pair; turkeys, $1 to $2 each; wild ducks. 75¢. to 81 a Pair, Fruit--Lemons, 30c. to 40c. a doz: oranges, 30c. to G0e. per doz.: hanan- as, 5c. to 20c. a doz; grapes, 25¢ and 30¢, a - basket. Vepetables--Potatoes, 60c. to TOe, bushel new cabbage, 5c. to 10c. a head: celery, Be. a head, or 50c. a dozén; 'parsnips, 25c. peek; turnips, 35¢." peck } 20¢, peck. : John McKay, Brook street, reports the following prices for hides, 10c, per beets, 20c, peck; carrots, Ib; tallow, rendered, de. per Ib. Big Scenic Melodrama. One of the novelties of the season Will be the attraction at the Grand J to-night, when the big scenic melo drama, "Nettie the News Girl", will open an ong it. The play is in four acts, introflucing several thrilling scenes, and sensational climaxes, all of which are taken from different parts of New York city. One of the most pow erful situations is the scene in the New Penna, railroad tunnel "beneath tho North river. This scene ik said to be one of the most sensational ever introdiesd melodrama, and uptly illustrates the progress of lat terday realism in the dramatic Held. Plenty of good clean comedy is inter spersed mlo a throughout the piece, and 5 number of high-class specialties are in troduced 4t Must Cure Colds. Wade's Cold Care Tablets (laxative) guaranteed remedy. Jt can be guaranteed because it has been thor oughly tested and has cured peaetical v every time when faithfully used. You should try it and learn ils value. is a Cure colds, la grippe, headache and constipation In boxes, 25¢. Sold only at Wade's drig store. Money back if not satidactory. Thompson, a eomvict from Stony Mountain penitentiary, told a remark able story at the Doyle mirder trial at Morden, Man. He said Doyle ar ranged with others to put the princi pal érown witness out of the way, and the registration of Weilosw' name after his murder at the Battleford hotel, was also the work of Doyle's accomplices, i f i ; i 4 h Es t £ Tl 8 i i | E Have a hobby | Let it be your coffee. It should be Chase & Sanborn's. ALL GROCERS BISON ---- FURNACE) Twice as much heating sur- face is covered by the fire in a ison Hot Water Furnace as In other furnaces the fire travel is tically a direct one val important top section getting less than any of the others. THE H. R. IVES CO, 63 [1 | in any other. IT so" dm the side t down 'and to the chi through the middle flue. ~ . Burns all the gas and traps the heat against the top section.' Fo prac- to the chimney, and uable heat escapes, the The Bisa hus ior good heating points than all other heaters 'combined. * MONTREAL. Limited, J. 8, Ib.; dairy skins, 85¢.: veal skins, 120. Shoes per Ib.: wool, wasWed, 25¢. to 26e. a Summer is ended and the cool weatheris, It's now time to change one's shoes. Our the latest shoes are to be found, and at the least prices The hour creations. Heavy and light Walking Shoes for men and womer, shoes for the boys and girls, shoes for the en-\ tire family. : Rain ble kinds. combined. For whatever purpose you may require Boots and Shoes we have them and atthe lowest prices. ~ J. H. Sutherland & Bro. 10 Lbs. HENDERSON, Agent, Kingston, store is the place were the best, the newest freshest designs, the up to the-day and the y day boots, storm shoes aud all other desira- Beauty, service, comfort, and small cost The House of Good Shoe Making SWEET POTATOES 2. cd . Street 5

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