-- : $ § Ne. or . #3 1 . . * You Wish, Sj; wers for men, are found ne men want the heavy nly the. light weight, but » everyone, and submit hirts and Drawers, 1 guaranteed ab- ble, 99¢., 1.25 and Shirts and Draw- h. Shirts and Draw- _-- nds "' are chance to save garments--a thread le--nothing to hurt OHN LAIDLAW & SON -- Je | Warm Fabric Gloves for Winter s of good ngly vor. in a va lads Ladies' this Cashmere Gloves; some Jersey wrist, others with do eners, in black at '25 2: with ¥ | ads fawns, greys, nove ap |. and white, per pair, 4 45 2 | 89,35 and... 00 . Ladies' Fancy Knitted Gloves, in mix | tures of navy, brown, J { black and white, per pair, 45, 25 § | and . | Ladies' Golf Gloves, in brown, grey fawn, navy, tan, black and | - white, all sizes, per pair, 25, i 49 | Ladies' Black Wiktsr Silk Gloves stitching on back, all wante % lany Pretty Styles ith your last * sold to | heavy warm silk mixtures, with very | fine cashmere | wrist, 49 | sizes, special, per pair . 9 JHN LAIDLAW & SON e thoroughly ion. If you ore choosing arment right es of a very re have these ing, 42 9.75 aver, 46 ling yoke 14.50 IN LAIDLAW & SON laids and Mixtures Bach . . : NAVY BLUE VENETIAN SKIRT, 11- gored, in the latest pleated efiect, pleats ending at hip forming pl yoke, inverted pleated back, perfect ly stitched and pressed, our " extra-special navy-blue skirt, 6 J only a . BLACK VENBTIAN SKIRT, 0-gored, with clusters of four side pl in each gore half-way down skirt, strap of sélf and Ee . d but | pleated \ tons for trimmings, inver! back. A very dressy skirt --of exeeptio ¢ fine vene- tian eo fe 6.30 + Stock, Narrow, Medium £ © ° Light and Heavy Soles vy Sole, regular $5, now $3.75. vy. Sole, regular $5, now $3.75. tht Sole, regular $5, now $3.85. So le; regular $5, now $3.75. ,. Heavy and Single Sole, regular ~ y Sole, regular $3.50, now $2.50. p Sole, regular §5, now $4. 3 e, regular $5, now $3.75. 3 and Dressy, regular $5, now $4. ] ai ns, in sizes 93 and 10. ve list of Men!s Shoes, but we have An y foot with a good pair of Shoes, ater Shoes Reduced ures and we the regular / 3 rice to Be. oorrect, YEAR 73. NO. 261. We Mean Business E_ will ask for it, hunt for and get it, and-waen we get it we expect to keep it. We go slow but we get their jost the same: Have you tried our capacity yet to please--satisfy and surprise ? |; If not, give us a call. Come once and you'll» come back. They all do. Robert J. Reid Jurniture Sealer 230 & 23014 Princess Street 6 Doors atove the Opera House Telephone 577 Ambulance Call 577 Queen's vs. Ottawa At 2.30 P.M. SATURDAY, NOV. 10th Queen's Athletic Grounds West Side and Grand Stand, 50c. East Eide, 25c. Bleachers, 10c. Extra. Liberal Ward Meetings Liberal Ward' Meetings for the election of sub-division Chairmen will be held in the Reform Rooms, Golden Lion Blogk, as follows :-- TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. 13 inst. at 8 o'clock. | Nos. 1 and 2 Sydenham Ward. No. 4 Ontario Ward Nos. 5 and 6 St. Lawrence Ward Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10 Cataraqui Ward Nos. 22, 28, 24 and 25 Victoria Ward "WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 14th inst at 8 o'clock. No.- 3 Ontario Ward Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Front- enac Ward 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 Rideau Ward Kingston, Nov. 5th, 1906. J. McDONALD MOWAT, President Kingston Reform Association The "Royal Scots" CITY HALL Thursday Evening,Nov.8 MISS FLORIA DONALDSON Queen of Nos. Concert Company BIL Scotland's Greatest | : "Tenok. FRED. HOWARD, V.I.C.B.S. Ventriloguist and Musical tainer, MISS McGRBOGOR Solo Pianist and Ac- Companist. See bills and 75c., 50c., 25¢. Soldier Enter- programmes. Tickets, Plan at Uglow's. We Guarantee to Fit You Feet ! Durability and Style in Our Shoes ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 84 Brock Street syn of Gaiden Boot NOTICE ALL pilEGA 5 OF THE TRADES and Labour Council ary 'requested to meet. ot Uniop Hull, on PRIDAY even- ng inst. at 8 pom. Business of import ance, By order of Rxeputivg TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come and see. me as I have the largest stock 1 have ever had : also a lot of Furniture and Carpets. > Everything cheap. - TURK'S 'SECOND-HAND STORE A 898 Princess Street. . IMPORTANT Buy ®ritisk Columbian Amalgs- mated Cpal Co's. Stock at 25¢. before the rise. Nov. 15th to 50c. A few hundred dollars now may make a fortune. 4 JOR ¥, BWIFT, FINANCIAL AGENT Miss K. Sullivan Ladies' Tailor and Dressmaker, has re DAILY MEMORANDA. The guarantee necessary 1s to kpow that your pew Persian Lami Jacket Came from Campbell Bros loin i the ereat Zephri Y. M. C. A. Concert, 8 p.m. Board of Education, Scottish Concert City Hall, 8 p.m . Salé and Concert, Y.M.C.A e. 8 pun this even- m Perth Road Arbitration, 2.30 p.m, Friday. The sun rises Friday at 6.46 a.m." and sets at 441 'num "Nettie the Newsgirl" Grand Opera 3 pam, 8 Sale,. Collingweod street, OW morning. at 10.30 Limestone Liodge, A.0E.W. jue ts to- marrow night at eight o'clock, Y.W. Cr A, Jumble & . Friday night and Safurday, 53 Brock street, Zephra practices at Whig: Hall this evemng, to-morrow afternoon, at 4 and to-morrow evening. This {dav history :--Winiipeg incor- porated; 1878 : Treaty of John Mi ton died, 1674. . -- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--FEditorial Rooms, 292--Jobbing Department. Ghent, 1576 : "Bleu de Roi" | The latest triumph in Ceramic Art A very handsome wide band, rich blue, speci- ally adapted for Dinner Sets Don't/Fail'fo See it at Robertson Bros. Established It is worth the statement that we've been in business for neatly half-a-century. Our close connection with the In- dians, and trappers cf the Northern forests are interwov- en with 'the early history of Canadian fur interests, We ha reputation all over for the quality and value of our Furs, and the manner in which we consider the in- terests of customers on a par with our own, Experience counts. We know what we're about when we do 'the very best we can for you. We-invite you to call and inspect our Beautiful Furs. Write for Catalog B, JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Assignee's Sale Goods, Chattels and Stock | in Trade of Wm. Pollitt, Baker, | on the premises, Collingwood street, near Earl, on Friday, November 9th 1906, at 10.30 a.m. Household Furniture Buggies, Bread Waggons "and Sleighs, BRBréad Mixing Machine, Show Cases, Tools of Trade, Groceries and General Supplies. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING ° UNDERTAKER 'Phone 577, 227 Princess St. or soft corns cured with three apie tions of Peck's Corn Salve. Guaranteed. Money back. if not satis- factory. In boxes 15c. at Wade's drug store. . Buy Honor bright stove pipe varn: ish: the best yet, at Strachan's Hard- moved (rofl 108 Bock street; to 215 Princess street, opposite pega House. . 4 ware, VERY ON I But Mr. Hearst-- Demo- crats Swept New- York. THE POLICE RETURNS MUCH HIGHER THAN THE NEWS ASSOCIATION. If it is Correct it Will Make Con- siderable Difference -- Mr. Hughes' Plurality is 60,000-- Clase Vote on State Offices. New York, Nov. S.--Ti Intest re- turns from unofficial sources indicate that all of the democratic candidates for office in the state, with the exXeep tion of Mr. Hearst, have hoen elected. Mr. Hughes' plurality is about 60,000, So close 15 thy vote on state offices from licutenant-governor down, that it will be impossible to tell, definitely, who has been eolected until after the several boards of country eanvassers meet, next Tuesday, in this city. 'olice returns on the vote for state s jare much higher than the re- turnis gathered by the news associa tions, In some cases the difference is as great. as 6,000 votes. In cake the police returns are; inaceurgde; apd the newspaper figures more nearly correct, Prue®, republican candidate for re election, as lieutenant-governor, may be succgssful, and Lewis, the republi- can candidate for controller, also, DENIAL FROM RUSSIA. Country Will Not Issue Sup- plementary Loan. St. Petersburg, Nov. 8. It is auth oritatively dented 'the government is considering the question of. an of a supplementary loan of 500,000,000 roubles (8250,000,000), at four per cent., or that it has been decided to give to foreign banks as security shares of the Peasants' Land bank. There ie no truth © in the statement that #t is planned to give a concession to an American syndicate for exploit- ing the economic riches of the coun- try. These reports, it is claimed, ® aro spread by the opposition press, with the view of discrediting the ministry. issue FOUND HIS BONES. Remains of Englishman Found Scattered Around. : Edmonton, Nov. 8.--~The skeleton -of Duckworth, one of the Englishmen lost up the river Inst summer, has been found by D. Logan, at Goose encampment. He found the skeleton in the back water of Buck Creek, eight miles below where the camp outfit and spades of the missing men were dis- covered. - The body had apparently been hauled out of the water by a beaver or coyote. The skeleton was tered around. The body of Pen ton; the other victim, was report- ed floating dowh 'the: river' keveral miles below the city. Farm Lauds Going Up. Washington, Nov. 8.--In its forth- coming report the department of agri culture will deal with land values in the United States. The report will show that farm lands in the United States have risen in value' more than thirty-cight per cent. sinee 1900. This is the average rise the . whole country. In the South Central states the increase has been "forty per cent. in the western states forty per eent., in the South Atlantic states thirteen per cent. Cotton land = showed the Lreatest increase, amounting to forty eight per cent. Hay and grain land advanced thirty-five per dent., gnd stock farm thirty-four per cent. The department gives the following rea sons for the increase-rural free de livery; electric railways and goed roads; the movement of tawnspeopls to the country; the pressure of popu lation and the scarcity of free land; better. agricultural methods, resulting in improvement of the soil itself, hy draining, fencing gnd better fertiliza tion, ete, Piling Up In New York. New York, Nov. 8.--Apples are pil- ing up here beyond the promise of immediate demands, and though me- dium grades are not high in price re duction. in prices are expected owing to the season's splendid crop. About seven thousand barrels are daily re- ceived here and it is expected that further shipments will "Add to the stock in hand. It is not mon sight to see quantities of. ap ples on the piers and in the Failway vards and dealers are gelling. under the market quotations to redijes their stock western, shippers would do well to bear these facts in mind Japan's Copper Indust). Nagasaki, Nov. 8--The high price of copper in America, and England has stimulated exports from this coun try. Since the first. of the present year 11.000. 000 have been exported as compared with 80.000 during the pre vious year. Sint the close.of the war large quantities of 'mining machinery have 'been brought into the comtry and every offort is being made to carry the copper industry to its ut most development, Any thin or undeveloped gird or wo- man will be benefited bv taking Hol- lister's Rocky Motntain Tea. It is one of the greatest known! pavisdies for making * peoplé strong Kealthy nnd well. Tea or ' Tablets, 35c. Mahood's Drug. Store. an uneom- | 'OLD FOLKS' SERVICE 108 a Lady is Attend. At Able t ° MRS. JOHN WONDHRLY. New York, Nov. Sabre. John Won- derly, 103 years oli, hale and hearty, together with 150 old persons; v larlg attends the "oki folks' service' in the Park Avenue M. E. church. DRINK IS A CURSE THE MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM THE DEAD. A Strong Temperance Sermon From George = Ziegler -- He Wowd Teach Young Men to Shun Liquor. Coroner Mundell secured two letters on the body of the late George Ziegler, one a personal and pathetic letter to those who mourn so sorrow- fully, the second pn message to young men, It was headed "Drik A Curse" with a sub-head : "*A word to all young men and "women; also to all classes from one who has fallen." The message reads : "I would ask you to kindly leave strong drink. of any kind ghd keep out of bar.:rogms. They are a curse to us all and may God help them\o fol- low out this example of keeping" aut of them. I trast the temperdhee people and the ministers of all the churches, in our fair dominion, be they Protes- tants or Catholics, take an active ftep in suppwessing the liquor sale and the manufacture thereof, 'ht is ruining more young men than any other thing 1 koow of. It has rained me and will Surely do likewise with: you should you indulge in in- toxicants. "For God's sake 1 would ask yon take heed, for lest you will fall as 1 have. 1 am only a young men, mar tied, wife and one child and it is they who will suffer most by my actions of which I am 'exchedingly sorry. "May this be a lesson to vou, which you shall never forget, God be with you all? This is all I ean say to you. *In all sincerity, Ziegler, was highly and "Cec "Who at oné time truly respected." ISAO M TO TOUR CANADA. : London, Nov, §.--~The Ex- press is informed that the Duke of Connaught, in- spector-genesal of the forces, will make an official tour of Canada after visit- ing the far east, He will he accompanied by the Duchess and Princess Patricia. The Duke of" Connaught starts on his tour next month. ' HEEFFEEFFEFEEEXRES ® * # ¥ W we * w ARIS v WIFE DESERTIONS. At Least 3,000 Husbands Aban- don Spouses There. Chicago, Nov. S.~Wife abandonmem has \grown to such huge proportions in Chicago that the county hans be gun the prosecution of runaway hus bands in the hope that the evil ean be ridneed Yearly 1,000 families are county & because hushands have bon, donod, their and children' The sur of these families has taxed the &otinty"s resources for outdoor re 1905 assistance was omen who had been de In the vear given to 939 w serted by their husbands, Of this nimber 891 had from ome to seven children. The chariby = reports = for 1902 show that 557 deserted wives ap plid to the county agent for relief These figures show an inervase in wife desertion of nearly seventy per cent. .in three Years, and these were Fonts of prospurity "Only about 'one-third of the women abandoned apply to the county for reid," said President Brundfge, of thé "county board, "There must be 3,000 wives abandoned in Chicago every year." -- Newman & Shaw's "Friday Snap." --- : An Information Bureau That comes into your hands every day is sure to be of pood value The WHIG WANTS are full of information for you every day. NOVEMBER | | laborer in New York. has confessed to q blue and bldek serges, great variety : et LATEST EWS THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. ---- Matters That. Interest Prerybody ~--Notes From All Over--Littls Marocco has apologized to France for the assaults on French sailors at Tangier, The London Times warns the United States, that Hearst, though beaten, is not crushed, The Liverpool Mercury. advises Canes dian banks to warn British investors ugainst wild-cat schemes. The five-year-old son of Mr, Benecal, recordur of Maisonneuve, Que., had his fdot cut off by a street oar, The Montreal Streot Railway com pany has decided to increase the cap- ital stock by two millions, at a premiom of $75 a share. The G. T. R. pension fund will be reorganized. The company will make changes to accord with the recent de cision 'of the privy. eouncil. Joseph H. Grenier, charged with robbing his emplofers at Montreal, is alleged to have lost large sums of money in Toronto bucket shops. New York has gone wild over the craze in minino shares, Nothing like the excitement' now prevailing in the "carb market" has been seen in years. G. W. Fowler, M.P,, appeared before the insurance commission at Ottawa, and was' examined at length regarding the British Columbia lumber property deals. The conference at Fernie, between the Crow's Nest Coal company and the officials of the United Mine Workers, now on strike, ended in a disagree. ment. Rir Mackenzie 'Bowell, entertained by the Canadian Club of Vancouver, expressed the hope that Newfoundland would soon hecome a part of the do: minion. At a meeting of the direstors of the Hlinois Central Railwa: company, Vige-Pregident J, T. was elec président in place Stayves: ant Fish The Grand Trunk Pacific has decid- ed upon the Yellow Head Pass as the oné 'which it is to use to reach the Pacific const. This has been done af- ter careful surveys. John Wachinee, a young Austrian the murder of Mrs. Magoie Gordon on Sunday last, whose husband is now held awaiting an ihquest. Uonstraction supplies fron eastern Canada for Prince Rupert will be shinped by G.T.R. American conhec- tions via Chicago and Great North- ern railway from Seattle in American vessels to Prince Rupert, RAILROAD ADVANCES PAY. 125,000 Men Profit By the In- crease. Philadk lphia, Pa., Nov. 8.--The board of dirdctors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. at a meeting yes tevday. ordered an advance of ten per: gent. in the wages of all employées receiving less than $300 a month, The increase goes into effect on Décember 14st, The director gave the cost f living and the present prosperity of the country ad a rénson for the ad- CABINET CHANGES, James Garfield to Become Secre- tary of Interior. Washington, Nov. 5.-1t is officially announced that Mr. Hitchcock, secre- tary of the interior, will petire on March 4th on, account of his health. James Garfield, commissioner of eor- porations, and son of the lute | martyred president, has) heen godin ed to succeed him. William H. Mgody, attorney general, also will Orbtire shortly to become associate jultice of the supreme court, succeeding Henry I. Brown, Michigan, retired, To Form Military Reserve.» Nov. S.--Premier Deakin, 3 rday, gave a sympathetic answer ton deputation which proposed the voluntary enlistment of 50,000 Aus tralian titimns in a national military London, Is To Retire Soon. Washington, Nov. # --Sir H. M. Dar- and, the British ambassador to the United States, ik to retire curly' in the now year. - a ---------- Prevost, Brock all his fall and winter importations for order work in his tailoring ' de partment, consisting of Scotch tweed, of black cheviot and Vieunas: sho a splendid stock of overcoating. Any. one trusting him with an 'grder may rest asgured they will be well pleased, The great white plague consumption often starts with a cough or "cold. t cures 'ot any cough. Sold only vance. Similar action will be taken |to four years in Kingston peniten by all the companies in the Pennsyl- | tiary, - vania 'system vast and west of Pigty- Saf uevetastn min bure. About 125000 men are affected THEY WERE THE MEN by the advance. lo Who Committed Murders and reserve. Personally, he said, he did Bot shirk from - compulsory service, | to $1.75; all guaranteed. Strachan's but some such scheme should first be | Hardware. . tried. v : Get . Swift's . Soranton coal at Bwift's. left Jurt. y and will not be responsible for any debts . contracted by hip or by any of his street, has received .| fami : oe OF CATTLE HAY AND STRAW sold on Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at 1' e'olodk over Toke ' , W amount. 12 months credit, at 6 por cont, Toke Gibson's Red Cross cough syrup. by fursishing approved. nel VERY INTERESTING Was the Presentation of Prizes to : QO Ri JTaeronto, Nov. Bo+The . first annual inspection of the Queen's Own Rifles, as a twobattalion regiment, took place in the armouries last night. Tho roll call, all ranks, totaled 827, constituting one of the largest mus- ters on record, The function was ren- dered unusually intercsting by the presentation of the medal of the Royal Canadian Humane Association, by H. P. Dwight. chairman of the in- vestimating governors of the associa tion, te Lieut. FE. I. H. Pauley for bravery in rescuing two children from a id building in the fire, which Tollowdl the explosion of the powder Magy at Cobalt, on May ISth last. The Teut.-Gov. and Mrs. Clark were present, and Mrs. Clark, with other ladies, participated in' bresent- ing the prizes won during the year by the various divisions of the regi. ment, No ---------- A Section Man Killed. Coaticooke, Que., Nov. 8,--At 7.15 o'clock, this morning, about one miles west of hee, ax two Grand Trunk see- tion men were going over the section on their hand-car, an gine overtook and struck them, killing W. Sage in- stanily and badly injuring M. Dien, NEW YORK ELECTION L. BRUCE RUNNING EQUAL WITH MR. HUGHES, Republican Victories. : Suggest Possibility of Tarif War Be tween States and Germany-- Alabama Goes Republican -- Very Unusual. ~ New York, Nov. &-dlieutsC : Linn Bruce, according to returns fi all but fourteén counties receivéd, was running oh equal terms with Mr. Hughes above the Harlem. As Nr. Chanler's plurality below the Har lem was 134,440. Mr. Bruce will be elected by less then one thousand Votes assuming that he comes down to this city with a vote equal to that of Mr. Hughes. Look For Tariff War. Berlin, Nov. §.---In view of repuby- lican victories in the American elec: tions, especially in the ecorigressional fivhta, many German newspapers lock or a tariff war between Germany the United States to begin next year. Republican At Last. Mobile, Ala, Nov. 8. --<For the first time since the reconstruction daye a county in Alahama has gone republi- can. This is Winston, the smallest county in the state, every democratic candidate having been defeated on Tuesday. Concerning Street Watering. Complaints continue to be made about the board of works requiring crossings to be watered, practice should be stopped. The streets are be- ing watered later than usual this year, on account of the lack of rain. FOR KILLING BROTHER. Man Sentenced to Four Years in Penitentiary. Perth, Ont., Nov. 8.--At the Lanark county fall ~assizes, being held here, this week. miich interest was $Hown at the trigl of George Bradley, who was charged with killing his brother John during a drunkén carousal in a gasoline lawnch nekr Carleton Place. A strong petition for clemency was presented on behalf of Bradley. Jug tice MacMahon sentonced the prisoner Thefts in 'Frisco. San Francisco, Nov, 8.--Louis Dab- ner who, with John Siemsen, was ar rested for an assault on Jeweler Reh rend, 'confessed to Chief of Deteptives Dunn that ho and his companion had committed a number of crimes which have recently startled the city. The crifiés include the murder of three men phery of the Japanese Hank. -------- - Movements, Of Valdis. (hicheg,. Mont 8% RMS. Empress ol: Britain, C.P.R. line, for Quebec, in-] ward, 100 miles cast of Cape Ray, Nfid., at 4.30 a.m. to-day. : Montreal, Nov. B. Steamer Vietori- an, for Liverpool, sailed from Mont. real, 6 a.m; steamer Mongolian, fc Glasgow, sailed firom Montreal; /at R456 am; steamer Sardinian, from London, passed Fathée Point, bam. -------------- eo] Universal meat choppers. from $1.35 Take Notice -------- THAT I, THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE my hesband Willism Mec iy. Kingston. Nov, 5th, 1908, CATHARINE McOUTCHEON. Auction Sale The property of William. Duft, will pe Terms--Undfr $10 cash, that roy WILLIAM MURRAY, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. uiabuiiiot be disappointed if you buy blankets herve. We carry | 1 ; f | s be disappointed. Its easy to write the word leadership carelegsly. To achiave it is a great thing. To show that we have achieved Blanket : leadership we need but to say that people come from all parts of Kingston miles around to buy bla : here, AND WHY? THEY SAVE MONEY." ' ' | We have u tremendous stock of White . Pure Wool Blankets, 3 of the best s wools, thoroughly \shruak, 3 and scoured, with pink and blue borders, luxuriously ) soft and warm, at $3, $8.50, $4.50 to $6.75. : Great 13 wear PE black borders. Special at $5. Flannelette Blankets Best qualities. in te and gray, at 90c., $1.18 rH tay Comf 'ortables from $1 to $6.50 Includine the celebrated **Maish' Comforts, which every house keeper sh see, Price, $3.50. Steacy's Popular Store. . ROBERTSON. Hroeksi le, on Nav, 6th, to Dr. TT. F. and Mrs. Robertson, a_ son. \ CRAIG .~In Kingston, on Nov. Sth, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Craig, be PATERSON .~In St. od 8 Ly. t TS, Funeral private. fronf the reaponce of J. A Minnps, 124. F GRAND OPERA HOUSE The New Musical ville, Costumes, Maenificent Wednesday, Home-Made Specialties Chow Onion Picciola per bottle 30 cents. Green Tomato Relish per bottla Red Currant Crab Apple Jelly per pot 25 cents. Marmalade per pot 25 cents. Citron Preserves per pot 25 cents. University: Avena, a son. NE a RT ~DEED, | 3 Paul, Minn., on Nov, 6th, 1908, Capt. Francis Pater- son, ae Baqt St, Friday afternoon. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th The Big Mclodramatic Novelty Nettie The News Girl Splendid Company, Headed by ISS ISABELLE LOWER Scenic Investiture Unsurpassed. Every Act Carried in Its: Pntivety. FEVG20-B0-30 Bil" MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th Ofas. HB. Yale Amusemient Co. Present PAINTING THE TOWN Written for Lisuching Purposes Only. Sixty People in the Cast HEADED BY HALLIDAY AND LEONARD All the best features of Opera, Vaude- Comedy and Ballet, Sum fi Scenery. Prices, 26c., 50e., 78¢c., $1. Seats on Sale Friday. Nov. 1dth--"THE CESS BEGGAR." Elspeth Moffat's PRIN Chow_ per bottle 30 cents. 30 cents. per pot 80 cents. i ;