Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1906, p. 6

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'Honest Quararitee rantee our milk to be k Reports from all the AG ame Sections of seizure by Mr. Newbury, collector 'customs, for violation of the customs hi The gi Fg mate o the _ves- "place responsibility "on Sikuwa, 'who, they say, chartered the No action will be taken by the au- thorities until all have been captured. A' representative of the Japanese con- «ul in Vancouver is in the city looki to the matter on behalf of that oft cial. SIR WIBRIAM HENRY PERKIN, The inventor of mauve and the "Magician of Coul Tal" a noted scientist. : BARRIEFIELD NEWS. ------ Busy Hay Pressers--Six Weddings - to Take Place. " Barriefield, Oct. 30.--R. Fowler has Me, Nelson's hay press, and a gang of hn. at work, putting up. thirty Jus X ay a day, to to E 8 Aust, teams lnke it fo the eo city. Mr. Fowler ex- eight hundred tons and left to feed his stock over winter. A second steam presser is working at J. Wilmot's for export to > . Presses also are engaged: as far as Brockville, all along the road and through. the country, te for shipment. The prospects are hart good bay will be scarce before spring. ~C. Bowman has had carpenters, ma- sofis and painters at work for some weeks. His howse is. mow improved greatly in appearance and Mr. Bow- man has moved in. He intends putping one thousand dollars improvements oun another building on' his. property, making two ! good tenement; houses, whick are miéh in demand in the vil- lame. Were itinot for the vovernment land blocking the way of 'advancement, a handsome gnd busy city ;jwould lone since have covered 'our bare hills and shores with mills, foundries and ship- ne, Six weddings around Barriefieldawill shortly come off, in which Watertown, Kinoston Mills; Isle of Man, as 'well as BarriefieJd, will 'be interested. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders spent Sunday at her mother's, Mry: © Staton. Mr. Kin- caid is on hig -fOuitde,. with the tax bills, Mr. and Mrs. T. Pugh held a card party at Mrs. Cherie's. W. Van- 'horn purchased all the cows and calves around Barriefield, and secured a large dreve, giving good prices. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Ald. Daniel Reeves Writes From , Michigan. Marshall, Mich., Oct. 29. (To the Fditor) : Looking over your paper, | see that the old city 'of Kingston is still ongthe map. Many deaths are recorded, but I failed to sce where any of our leading men are alive. 1 see the mayor and some of the members. of the city council, have been chairmen of © difiérent meetings, such a8 the Urphans' * Hon®, the churches, ete. This is very kind of them, and makes them, popular with certain classes of cifieena, but better if they 'got busy and did something for the dear, old city we all love so well. 1 have visited about: twenty-five towns and cities, with populations from 3,- 000 'to 100,000, Not one of them but hae nart of their streets paved. The town I am now im, peptlation 4,000, one mile of paved streets. The \town is Marshall. All their walks are artificial stone. It makes. me foel as- hamed of our city te think we are vay the highest: taxes and our streets worse than those of any vlace have ever visited. It seems the only thing our officials do is to huild, enstles in the ait and raise our ta I wrote to City Clerk Shannon or a letter of introduction. T thought in my humble way, I might gather some information from the several TERRIBLY DISTRESSING N othing can we liven are Sintmnty more pala and more many Tile sufferers say and treatments muy he track Bagdcsk, any box; Application for homestead entry or in- tion in person by the spec must be wade applicant 2y the office of the local Agent | & An Pbiicauion fur entry or inspection: mude a any baton Chey may be wired to the local A, Sub-agent, at thd expense of the abe licant, and if the land applied for rpcant eh, Foralut of the telegram such pics ds to have priority and the Will be held until the necessary papers Wa the transaction are is § In case of "'personation' the entry will cancelled wnd the appli sit all priority of claim. for i nl h entry, y for Inaeon a ay Hoy from an dndividual until PA" homastaster gent by the summarily cancelled loned, subsequent to cancellation proceedings, the applicant for inspection will be en- titled prior right of entry. A te for inspection must state in ars mesteader is in and if subsequentry the state- found to be incorrect in mater- the apnticant will lose of re-entry id e default, ment is ial if the 3 of a homesteader upon a farm ia the vicinity of the land entered for, by , such homesteader the requiremeni as to. residence ay be sa bY .suth person residing with the his permanent nd. ore aking lication for patent settler] must Rive a months' notice Writing to the Commissioner of Do- inion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten- tig to do so. > SYNOPSIS "OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING. REGULATIONS. by ome . Royalty at the per ton of 2,000 pounds shall collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A froe miner's certificate 'is granted upon payment in advance of $5 per annum for aa individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for & company according to capitals A free miner, baving discovered miner al in place, may locate a claim 1.5600x 1,500 foet. ¢ The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expeiitied the claim each year or paid to thé ining recorder in:lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, upon Having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee « Temewable yearly. - . A free-miner may obtain two 'leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty years; rebgwable at the discretion of the Sinister of the Interior. lessee shall have a drodee' in oper ation within pne season from the date of the lease for each five. miles, Rental $10 per annum fof each mile of river leased. Royalty at. the rate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ox- ceeds $10,000. WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of "the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. Free An excelle: guide-book and map of the City of New York Wan receipt of two cents in postage. city officials I could come in contact with, but I suppose Clerk Shannon was 80 busy with his new job he over looked the interest of our city. Iwill be in Detroit about November 10th: Will you please have this letter sent me, as I may have a chance to put: some of the large manufacturers who want to locate a branch in Canada in touch with our mayor. Yours, for a new Kingston, DANIEL REEVES. St. HELENA UNGARRISONED For the First Since it Became Jamestown, Island of . St. Helena, Nova-l--For the first-time in its his tory since it became a British pos sion, St. Helena is without a sarrison. All the troops have heen withdrawn | as a measure of cconomy; the guns and ammumition have been removed, amd the island is Joit defenceless. The. outlook for the islanders is dark, as they practically lived the garri- "| son. and now will have no market for their produce. - The demand for Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup has increased so much that it has been necessary to. put a large size bottle, "family size," on the market. A 5c. bottle for B0c. only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, - The appointment of Montreal repre-|. ve of the Torgmto Globe. has given to J. C.' Ross, formerly of tag vr; 3 Try. Bibby's special $1.50 glove, t | head; celery al Oct, 31, Me following 1008 wailed in the city to-day : a feed--Flour, bakers, trong, $2 fo 3.10; farmers, $ 30; Hungarian patent, 150; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.50; corhmedl, $1.50 to an, $19 to $20 a ton; shorts, & 13 a ton; straw, $6 to $5; hay, loose, B50 to $10; pressed $10 to ¥12. © Eggs New laid, 30c. dozen; held eggs ie. to 27e. dozen. Butter--Choice, creamery, 28. to 30c. a dby farmers' butter, in prints, 28, to Me. a 1b.; packed, 24c. Meat. -- Beef, carcase, $1 to $6.50 ewt.; choice, cuts, Ic. to 13¥c. per Ib; veal, by the quarter, 8c. per Ib.; cuts, Ge. to 1l0c; by the carcase, Se. to 7c. per lb; cutlets, 12jc.; hogs, live weight, $6.25 per cwt.; carcase, $9 to $10 per cwt.; cuts, 124c. to 15c. a lb; Jamb," 10e. to J3e. a lb. Fish--Salmaon trout, 124c. a lb; whitefish, 12ic.; pike, 10c. a Ib.; Chin- ook salmon, 0c. a 1b." smelts 200. a lb; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 80c, a sik salt cod- , Te. to 15c. a Ib; halibut, 20c. a 10c. a lb; bull- heads, 10c. a Ib; vd herring, 15c. a mackerel, 15¢. a Ib.; white- fish and trout, 12je. a Ib.; perch, a doz; frog's legs, 40c. a lb.; ciscoe: 15¢. a lb.; oysters, 40c., 50c., and Goc. per quart;- bluefish. 15¢. per Ib. butter: sh, 15c. pasdb. v Poultry-<Fdwl, from 50c. to 90c. a pair; spring chickens, 40¢c. to 75ec. i g ducks, Tec. $1.25 wx; to" 200. & doz; grape and 50c. a basket; pears, 60c.to basket, Veoetables--Potatdes, Gc. bushel new cabbage, 5c. to to Toe. 10e. a % , or Sle. a doz; 'all " , 3c. a bunch. John Me street, reports the follow prices for hides; Ib.; dairy 8, S50.; veal skins per Ib.: wool, washed, 25c. to 26e. 1; tallow, rendered, 4c. per Ib. Applecuts In Order. Leland, Uet. 27.--Apple-cuts are the order of the day. One at 'Mr. Brev Friday evening proved a great cess. The school is progressi favorably under the able of Miss Miller, Look out for the school concert to be held in December. Prac- tice has commenced now, Mr. i a very interesting sermon to mday morn- | BD. Keeley, proprietor of chee Railton, No. 2, paid off & for the month of September, Sorry to hear A. Ritchie has not been i i lately on account of severe illness. Look out girls for ga merry cutter drive; Frank Kellar is giving his cutter a couple of coats of paint. Misses Eva and Ada Smith. left on Monday, h ng secured a position at the mica house, V Mr. and T. Young at J. ¥ ung's, on Mr. and Mrs. William Koen, kerman's on Sunday eve ing; ellar, at W. Kennedy' Ors iss Georgina and on dnd Mr. Ferguson, at J. Young, at S. Dick- nolds, at f n, at WV Campbell, at J. ulass'; ) 0. Cumpson, Opinicon, ¢ Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Inv J. 3 Mr. and Mrs, Me Young's; --~Farmers say too len for cood plough- Folkes | NTA THE BEST NATURAL PURGATIVE WATER in Bilious Attacks and Disorders of the Liver. A WINEGLASSFUL A DOSE. SPARKLING APENTA (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED), IN SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperieat for Morning Use, Sole Exporters: THE "APOLLINARIS CO., Ltd, Lond, You can heat By installing a combination hot water and hot air heater. By this means you secure' a quick. warmth when the fire is started, combined with ample ventil- ation, while the hot water radiators in more distant apartments and at outside walls assure a uniform heat throughout the house. 3 : BUCK'S "LEADER" Combination Heater Is adapted perfectly to the varying seasons of this country. The smallest fire can be perfectly "main- tained in the spring and fall months, giving the needed warmth by hot air, while in winter weather all the advantages of hot water heating are auto- matically secured. : Besides, it burns less coal than any other heater, and that soon saves its whole cost. Write for our heater catalogue. 35 It tells a lot of things Bhoutheat- = ek Lov ing that are worth knowing, Combication Heater oh SR The WM. BUCK STOVE CQ., Limitca Brantiord Montreal Windigeg McKelvey & Birch LOCAL AGENTS 69-71 BROCK STREET ot mearly completed | to the heavy windstorm on | and. Sunday, the steamer Aletha had to lay here Morday mornin are at work he ton, is being paid. A changed. hands here. B. bought the Patterson Filson takes the farm lately el by B. Wemp, DT y chased the Huth road. ocoupi Captain H. purchased a house in the until Wemp has farm, and R. | . Finlay has pur- | Rothwell farm on the | p d | 1s: about to retire A. Howard has h ent wall ready for his new bam, which will be raised in n Jew days; ti is 110 feet long, by thirty-cight feet wide, with a sivteen- foot post on top of an eicht foot all with cement floor. A. Filson and Frederick Richards have arrived home from the . west. Mrs. J. Howard and Miss Annie McDonald also from the we Visitors len, Picton, visiting tain H. A. Bolton, visiting W. H. Moutrav a -- to $1.75; all guaranteed. Strachan's pe Hardwa: cash it's doughnuts to fudge there wouldn't be so much of it wasted. Ail posses- = can't nurse the new baby, © ane pertest substrate for moter bn TE |d. H. Sutherland gent, Kingston. Shoes | For Universal meat choppers from $1.25 "Th If sympathy could be converted into | e Family It's now time to change one's shoes. Our store is the place where the best, the newest, the latest shoes are to be found, and at the least prices. The freshest designs, the up-to-the-day and the hour creations Heavy and light Walking Shoes for men and womer, shoes for the Boys and girls, shoes for the en- | tire family, _ Rainy day boots, storm shoes and all other desira- Beauty, service, comfort, and small cost ble kinds. combined. yohr farthest room Summer is ended and the cool weather is he! a ; 1 4 ip . <3 For whatever purpose you may require Boots and 4 Shoes we have them and at the lowest prices. : 1 Good & Bro. - The Bose: ; Nelntyre & Molntyre BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET. KINGSTON he business of the late C. or. will be carried on in Clarence street, G. his CUSTOMS BROKER fho for the last five years has iad with Mr. Oliver. If You Want a Home or fInsurance Have a talk with | George Zeigler Real Estate and Insurance 57 BROCK STREET JE SURE AND GALL TO § {WAGGONER'S ISTOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S Fall "and Winter Suiting Overcoatings, Trousering And Fancy Vestings. Stock is now complete for and winter. Prices to suit buyers--fit and finish guarant in all the latest styles. 188 WELLINGTON S THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 18683 President--Sir Richard Cartwrig Money loaned on City and Farm P perties. Municipal and tures. Mortgages pu ¥ received and interest allowed. S.C. McGill, Managing Directc Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston WANTEI All the Furniture and Stov Highest prices realized by JOHN H. MILLS, The Leading Auction Wm. Murray, Auctione 27 BROCK ST. New 'Carriages, Cutters, Harne etc, for sale. Sile of Horses Every Saturd Ladies' Tailoring Finest of Workmanship, Up-t Date Styles, and Good Fit Gus anteed. 236 University Av i ee OY NewYork Chinese Restaura S 83 Princess Street "Openifrom 1€.30 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. The best plac to met an all rou Lunch {a the cityy Meals of all kin on shortest notice. English and Chin dis] specialty. New Restaura Hotel Congress 338-342 King Street Everything Served in" Seas BILLY HARRIS, Prop. 14th Band anc Orchestra Co he for all Occasions, Instructi Vig llilitary Band Instruments : al Allin, Mandolin, uitar and Banj dress Bandmaster Watson H. Walke (enadian (Chinese Restaurar << 331 King Street Pen from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 The best place 'to .get an all roun Lunch in the city. Meals of all kim On shortest motice. English and Chines J Specially. 'Phone, 655, OPERA R nous ORGHESTRA 5 "THE BUSY ONE." 8 a PNouOm res Jor Weddings, Teas an oy MERRY, Leader on, Vighs, . FoR: Lia inet ruation. 155 Sydenham St., Try a Pound of ' Myers HOME-MADE Sausage For Sunday's Breaktast. €0 Brock Street ----h Mtreet Ye Old English | Floor Wax » Strachan's Hardware .

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