re 2 m- yes ng d= of re- ly rt, Purposes and we 4p Je go astern satisfacto, ke ot be obtained from any other ps A ar ria) of this _linlment wil convincing than pages ) w he tions and arguments. Ba An Excellent Hair Resiorep aid Sealp Cleanser Large bottle, 25--cents: "If mot for sale st your o Sry an wees Te procured st, ames' B 3 Lo White Lintment prog St. John, N.B., ead of expla tal FURS Seal. Skin Sacks Persian Lamb Sacks ' Fur-lined Coats: Ruffs and Muffs and Fancy Neck Pieces W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Fur Store Phone 700 t Silver We are ever on - the "Lookout' for new godds of this kind, and have steadly increased our line ; having lately add- ed numerous exclusive de- signs in Pierced Silver Fruit and Nut Bowls, Dishes, Salt Bon-Bon Sets. Fern Coasters, etc. No two pieces are quite alike ; a fact which adds to the value of a gift of this Kind. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians "Phone 666. Issuers of Marriage A WARM SUBJECT auch interested in as Coal at this time Uf the year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as = science, but that's what we've made it. Two important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to our customers pays best, and that the way to wia business is to deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Friday We ill Sell All our Remnants at special low prices-- Dress Goods Linings Flannelettes Towellings eable Linens Trints Ptc., ef. Double Coupons on all Dress Goods cut from the piece on Friday. NEWMAN& SHAW There's nothing in the world we're sg . 2% friday Bargains. Bleached Table Damask 200 yards Three-quarter Bleached Table Damask, all pure linen, 72 inches wide, the best value ever shown in Kingston at 50c the yard. To-morrow you can buy it for 38c. yard Pure Linen Huck Towels 50 dozen AY Pare Linen Huck Towels, fringed or plain ends, red border, large size. ~ Special for one day only, "To-morrow. 20c. the pair THE Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. LIFE ASSURANCE May be obtained atia Minimum Cost in the ==» ROYAL INSURANGE 60'Y 'OF ENGLAND LARGE PROFITS, ECONO- NICAL MENAGEMENT For Particulars apply to W. J B. White, Agent, Kingston Footballs Punching Bags Boxing Gloves A ANGROVE BROS. Bicycle Warerooms, 88-90 PRIRCESS STREET 'Thomas Mills 9 Clarence St., Kingston, Ont. Private Banking Mortage Loans General Insurance A ABBR, QUEEN; NORTHERN, LONDON AND LANCASHIRE LIFE, All Strong, 'Sound Companies. I sell FIRST CL ASS MINING and other INDUSTRIAL STOURS (TREASURY SHARES EXCLUSIVE LY).- 1 do not sell or deal in Market shares of any kind. Will be pleased to have you call and examine ore samples and get full" in- formation, whether you buy or not. Ri. ven you. ever thought seri- onsly of Hn what an assistance a HOME NUS BANK might be to Vo as a "GE NUINE SAVER 7 Won't you TRY ITS USE? ; Kingston Business College (LIMITED) Heid of Queen' strect, Kingston, Canada, doveiad Jor Tuwrcial and rithand education. 1 Commercial subjects taught. Individual © instruction. Pay and Evening classes: Enter ans time, R, the hese! ates moderate, *attond < HER METCALFE, Prin. Piles Quickly Trial Pdckage Mailed Free to ~All 'in Plain Wrapper. An operation with 'the gerous, cruel, ressary, knife is dan | humdliating and * unnec- There i$ just one other sure be cured--painless, vacy of ybur own mid Pile Cure. We mail a trial package free wha write. It will give you instant vou the harmle painless nhture of this! great remedy and start you well on this way toward ® perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sized from any drufrgist for 500, way to ie and in the pri home--it is P'yra- to all relief, show box | and often he makes more money on the substi- work and he and comfortable all the time. It is well worth trying. Just send your name and address to | Pyramid Drug Co., 5 Pyramid Build- ing, Marshall, Mich., and receive free by return mail the trial package in a plain wrapper. Thousands have been cured in painless and inexpensive of the home. torture. bills. Write this cas way, in the No nif No doctor A'l drueoi a free packare. In a Ailments and Weaknesses Dr. Shoop's Night Cure Soothes, Heals and Cures while the Patient Sleeps. privacy and its nd ¥ to-day for The best remedy which physicians know for * Female Weaknesses is composed of parts of a certain white lily, To this are added other remedies which dfaw out the poisons and heal the inflamed membranes. This so. nz anti septic local application is kaown by druggists and physicians everywhere as DR. Alt cures while the pa. tient sleeps and the J8 morning finds the WN they are sick, o well day--vet and sickness thatDr, Shoop pends\§ 87 nis message of hope apd life and good ycheer. It is to these sickand ailing women\§gthat DR. SHoOP'S Nigar E willcomeWas a Balm of Gilead. You may vot know your trouble by the name ysicians give it, but remember DR. SHQOP'S GHT CURE may be relied upon in all cases of womb ulceration, falling of the womb, pains in ghe womb or ovaries, leucorrhcea, (whites), inflammation, congestion, irregular or painful menstruation. Ask for Dr. 0OP'S NIGHT mmended and sold by 'ALEMORVIGGISTS Watches Solid 14k. Gold Ladies' Watches, from $25 up. Abso- lutely reliable time keepers. Solid = 14k Gold Gent's, Watches, from $50 up. Ac curately made movements sthat will give a life-time of good service. Watch Rep ning Our ect KINNEAR ad ESTERRE 100 Princess St. + + Le The Americas Ladies' Tailoring Co 261 Princess treet We take plensure in announcing the ur- fval of Mr. Metz, a most expert de- i 8ffher and ladies' tailor, baving had the rare opportunity meted out to a man 'an his trade to practice in the most lashionahle cities of the world, viz : London, England and Paris, France. It 'a, therefore, not necessary for us to say 'that the best workmanship apd fit Lis guaranteed, Customers can supply their own goods or secure them from the company. Mon- 'Phone 666. 0B rr rvsrvssrvsverene OO When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton as he Handles nothing elise @rsssasssssanssssasssag | ep ---------------------- The body of "the late Charles E. Fulford, who died at, Tennant Hills, Anstralia, on Auweust 26th last, has | arrived at Brockville, and the funeral sSasssssssiess took' 'place Wisnestlay "from his father's residency to Prockaille ceme- tery. Cured at Home| Instant Relick Permanent | Piles is a fearful dise wise, but easy to | eure if you £0 at it right, | one box cures. It/ the druggist tries to sell you | something just as good, it is becguse NMAAPRAPNAI NSP ev returned if work is not Sasisfactory.- THE TONIC SOL FA MR, MEDLEY STR STRONGLY AD- VOCATES | ITS USE. v Than Staff Notation--No In- strument Needed--In General Use in. England. {| An important matter to' a fore - the management committal of the \ board of education on Friday night is to report on the petition of { the nublie school teachers in regard to appointing an instructor to teach the louir Sol Fa systdm of singine - to | the pugils of tho local schools. 'W. H | Medley was interviswed, this morning, by a representative of the Whig, and said that he thoroughly understood { both the Tonic Sol Fa system and the fecnan svstem of staff notation, | Staff notation, he remarked, was in- vented to teach imatrumental musi», and it was impossible tobe sure of one's notes without accompaniment, | On the other hand," declared Mr. { Medlev, "the Tonic Sol Fa system consists of what is termed as move- | able Do, and takes the . beginner | through an intelligent and compre- { hensive system which, in. comparison | with staff notation, cauld easily be | likened the key of € major," The time is rive for the introduction of this svstem into Kingston. Toron- to has found it very beneficial; after ga experience of some twenily vears. rn England. said Mr. Medley, five mil Linn children are, at present, learning | the system at the public schools, and it is also in 0 throhgh our domin- nin, the maritimé provinces; in Q to learning bee, "and fn all the important citivs | throughout Ontario. It has heen said I that the 7T Sol Fa svstem is { dead; if foreign news is at all depend seen that the system advodtes to-day than ever It has heen proved that pu- {able it is easily | has more before, tute, : . i wils of Tonic Sol Fa system can sin Insist on hating what you call for | from the staff note i but to oe The cure begins at _once and con erse this is absolutely impossible. tinues. rapidly. until it is complete anc Numbers of singers are asainst this permanint, : stem of teaching, but that is only You can go right ahead with VOUrg hacause they know nothing of the ensy stem it being much the easier learn- and; in Toronto, last year's five | choruses were sung by 30.000 publiz school pupils not in unison, but in parts. Mr. Medley' closed hé was strongly in favor of the svs- tem, and agreed with the teachers that what would prove a littls diver sion from the regular work would he | af benefit the pupils, and woull gst them. An expert to propound the {system was abaelutely necessary. As no instruments! are needed for this system the only expense world be the instructor. A competent man cor 11 be retained at a cost of a few hun- dred dollars per annum, and the benefit derived by the students woul} r repay the . ratepayers for any extra expenditure. ed, by saving that to MISS HALSON'S ADDRESS Was Thoroughly Practical and Useful One. Miss Halson, general Doreas secre tary of the Woman's Awiiary to the M.8.0.C., addressed Tn large meeting in St. George's hall, on Wednesday, several of the clergy being "resent. She has just returned from vi i'ing missions and schools for the Indigps and whites from Algoma to helo fic coast. The information she glean vary shims q N EA Sige h improved. methods of pact ing made strong Ri 5) Ppo-may be |halos, and greater wisdom in their e W veérje i RY . made to *5 \ SH iNence une distribution. The Indign department ust and wer y uy healthy wo how only refimds freight 'on now n . 1i8 ever-in- ine ER n hood. t 18 to AASBARLIRL AL othine sent to the North-West. Miss Halson brings word-that up in the north regions othe clergy ind bishops are desirons of forming a Dative ministry, a section, under the pastoral care of several native clergy ing under © the supe rvision of a white priest. Only in this w ay is i felt the church can be built up, « ion of the Indians to their re very great, many ecamest among them calling others sund them for daily praver. when no | man was near. The interesting tors of Lytton hospital. of the Bay | Rock coast British Colum { bia, and thy cheerful heroism: of work ers in the west and north was dwelt on: graphically hy tary, who seems the the right place. "The Rheumatic Group. When there is an excess of uric acid in the blood one of the group of affec | ligion 1 ymoen mission, the Dorcas secre right woman in tions is bound to appear sooner or later, rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbaco or neuralgia. To exvel agy of these diseases ' the poison in the blood must be neutral ized and expelled and the disorde red condition of the kidneys and divestivo organs must be removed. If this is done the and its return Rheumatic Cure sary things ever, prompt, _certai days' treatment. drug store. disease is cured prevented. Dr. Hall's will do these neces- ¢ time. Its action is and "thorough. Ten Price 50c., at Wade's ---- meat choppers from $1.25 all. guaranteed. Strachan's Hardware, The nosulation of October 30th ladies made, a tion for church the affiliations Methodist, 1,590 man Catholics 061; Baptiste, 60; "Brethren, was house-to-house visita- purposes and found of the peorfte to be: : Anclicar, 1,220; Ro- 875; Prespaterians, 1, 411; Salvation Armwv, 54; Hebrews, 25. Hg ness Movement, 20: Christian Science, 44; nde, 2; Church of Jesus, 1: no preference and not at home 139. To- tal, 5,583. ---------------------------- HOW'S THIS ? i We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward {for any case of Catarrh that camnot be { Hall's Caturrh Cure | cured by | ¥. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0 | We the undersigned have known F. J, | Cheney for the last 15 years, and he- lieve him perfectly honorable in . all | business tranBactions and financially ate to eagry out any obligations made hy his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, | Wholesale Drupgists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- Hy. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the oo "Ho Testi- Faille sent free. Pri 5 cents \ per jrottie. Sold by all D: 4 Take Hdlt's. Family oe for consti- pation. . . oo DAILY BRITISH ae, THURSDAY, It is Much More Easily Learned] ed on her "trip will doubtless result inl fi ET and mors © ocarnest thought as to how to people are giving more start gw day so as to put TRseIves in t Pn possible physi- bs mental condition for the work of the day. It is an interesting sube 80 interesting indeed that it has acted the attention of a host of the oTIEy leading scholars and authors on kh r many different opin. ance of the people. On one point, at Dons have. been written for the guid-| NOVEMBER 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, le. a word, Each con- secutive lusertion thereafter fe. a word. Minimum charge for one in: sertion, 28¢. Advi, 4 lines or under a week, $i. Adut. 4 lines or wwder a month, $2. Everybody in Kugswa Reads the WHIG east, all are This is thay the ty kind of 8 breakfast is essential A t breakfast is jm without Malfa-Vita, that eh crisp, vitalizing, whole-wheat food. In maki {ta-Vita the whole of ng ftor being cleaned, is thor. Ne nen a A eamed and cooked in abso- lute parity an Shen Tizeq with alt powerful digestive agen oh ORE the starch of the wheat Lig lA Ig Ags and assimilates it without ef. Fy * Stier being rolled into thim wafer-llke flakes the malted wheat it baked under such intense heat that if comes tl ovens crisp and browr DOS! the most delicious, healthful food, In the world. Always ready to eat. All grocers, now 10 cents into maltose, or malt sugar. Ma'tose is Business Training Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO 91y and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. To N. STOCKDALE, Pripcipal. Phone, 680 ee eee e-- TO CURE DANDRUFF. It'is Necessary, That the Dandruff Germ Be Eradicated. "Destroy the cause; vou remave the effect." Rill the germ that, causes dan druff, falling hific and baldness, you will have no more dandruff, and your hair must grow Inxuriantly, Herpicide not only contains the dandruff germ destrovés, but it is"also a most de- lizhtful hair dressing for regular toi- let use. No other hair preparation on this scientific basis 'of the dandruff germ, and claims to be, for the simple reason that it is only recently. that a de- stroyer of the germ has been discov. is destroying none other erdd--Newbro's ~ Herpicide, the only hair preparation that actually kills dandrafi, Sold by leading druggists. Send 0c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. Ordered Footwear Repairs Good advertising serves to call attention for: a time, but the test of time. : A E. Herod, "ore ' Yi. ces Bt, merit alone cam stand The great Uterin, Tonic, and sonly i effoe! tocthinl Monthly 3 a "idm th anen can depend. Sol threo Des No. 1,81 § No. 2 i No 3, S08, por box. Sold. 5 ah druggists, or sent 7 Freo pamphlet, K look Mevioing Co..ToronTo. ONT, (formerly Windsor) prepa ic on reco of price Address SPIRIT OF FRIENDSHIP With United States Exists 'Every- where in Canada. The Daily State Gazette, of Trent on, N.J., savs "Howard D. Van Sant, the Ameri can consul at Kingston, Ont), Canada. is in this cily visiting his brother tev. 8S. Monroe Van Sant, pastor of the Cenfrai M.E. church. While here he will pay his respects to Governor Stokes and General C, Edward Mur ray, who.are personal Trifhds of his "In speaking to a State Gazette re porter, Mr. Van Sant said that while he is not permitted to talk of politics or international" matters, he could say that the relations between Canada and this éountry are codinle entente, 'He said that as a church-eoing and law-abiding country Canada is one of the leading nations, the Sabbath be ing mare strictly" observed throvehout the Dominion than in any other coun try. : "The United States, he said, was making tremendous strides in. her merzial relations . with, Canada, last year the American exports to Canada amounting to $180,000,000, while Fog land's exports in that country am: ountel fo only SELON THis, he said is accounted for by the geogra- phical position the two countries. "Similar customs, tastes and the gradual introduction of American goods and ideas have cteated sales of American products, has recently heen invested by Ameri cans in manofactories in that coun- o Vv. "Mr. Van Sant said that Canadians are "kindly disposed towards this country and 'the spirit of friendship existe _avervwhere. y "Mier leaving this city he will snend the rest of his furlongh in his old home in Ocean county, N.J. 1d Seattle is planning a monument" to an H. Seward, secretary of state under Lincoln, who secured the pureh- ase of Alaska from Russia. United States paid 87,200,000 for the terri =e, thirty-nine vears ago, and since rn mare. than $105.000900 hes heen taken out fx alone:s Bibby's, the home of men's wndler- | wear. HELP WANTED--MALE, . A DOZEN LABORERS. APPLY AR- Lillery Park, Burracks, YOUNG MEN TO MAKE BROOMS, Apply to Gould & C@., Cor King and Queen streets. TEN MEN TO RUN'TIN PEDDLING carts, good job and sober, indust rions he on Jno. N. us: x steady work to wen. Address or + Sullivan, Brownville, Over $100,000,000 | GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR overcoats made to look like new, pressed and cleaned or turned. New v ranteed. to please. Prices Jalloway, the Tailor, 131 street. ' i) MAN, OF GOOD ADDRESS ~ character, 18 to 20 years; as salesman and assistant. Good ops portunity for the right between | 8 and 9 pana. W. Spungenboerg. man. Apply al store, I MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN eight woeks, Graduates earn ten to eighteen rer werk, Branches thiough- out Canada and United Statés. Help secure positions. Catalogue free Moler Barber College, 3883 West Queen, Toronto. EEE HELP WAN TED FEMALE. mre MALIN. APPLY OK AND HOUS 252 King stréet. TRANG A COOK. APPLY ; 3 King street, >» MRS Cor. Unig APPLY Beverly street. EXPERIENCED Apply to Mrs. Meowtreal. A COOK, NO WASHING. TO Mrs. Walkem, HOUSEMAID, Abbott, Bank of AN AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS COOK, {FOR Steamer New Island Wanderer. Wages per month. Apply Folger's T fcket Nice. WANTED-GENERAL. Ra eR ea 3 A FARM TO RENT, WITH A VIEW of pur MeéCann, 51 Broek St. CMY PROPERTY TO BUY: WILL wy cash. J, 8S. R., WeCatm, 31 rock street. f PLAIN SEWING OR LIGHT HOU TSE. work to do for board. Address 'lL. GQ." Whig office. rm te FAMILY WASHING TO DO AT HOME, Ly @& Brst-Class launddress, Satisfac. tien guaranteed, Apply 59 Chatham street. AN EXPERIENCED ""ROOKREEPER. Bhgagement Janpary (1st. State ex- rience, salary, ste. Apply Box "X. 7..." Whi office. tl U SITUATION AS STENGGRAPHER IN city, aWould - duo, 'clerical work also. Lovg experiences 'of erences furnished. Apply Box 26, care 'Whig office. it wo A Quick Return An Amethyst Brooch, lost by a well-known Kingston- ian and advertised for in last night's Whig, was re- turned before the office was closed for the night. The youthful finder, Leo Cassidy, of 29 Ontario street re- ceived a dollar as a reward for having bright eyes and honesty: If people read the small advt. that brought back this valuable article, they will read your advt. Did you ever think of that? It doesn't cost much to give it a test, either. ps x FOR SALE. FARMS, ANY LOCALITY DESIRED. J §. R. McCann, 51 Brock street, ELECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT HORSE owaE, now running in Whig Press oom. or Johnson Sts. Finder turn to 220 Alfred St. reward. kindly re- and receive a A CHAIN PURSE, CONTAINING A small sum of money and owner's name on card, on Stuart St. Res ward for its return to this Office, BROWN 1 THER FINGER PURSE. contain small © sum of Wweney, knifp, ete., Wednesday evening, er "will be rewarded by Whig office. Find- calling at ACK COCKER SPANIEL PU months old on Monday. Pgrties this notice will hy BL harborine same after bo prosecuted Hheral rn J. Crothers BOARD AND ROOMS. PWS no, 3 hogan. ee roe Frage = ture; ONE LARGE DOUBLE ROOM, wLh heated, and furnished. Apply at 144 Barrie street. FARM TO RENT. TOWN: Nel 51 od oek- street. THAT DESIRABLE, comfortable centrally © residence, Nol 142 Johoson | present occupied by Mr. R. Apply at once, o p at 141 Princess street. FIRST SLASH sommes fatale] FOR SALE-DOURLE > BRICK HOUSE, "rooms y ne . rick House W000, adjoining, $2,000. ugh Cast . Frame House and | te we vs ne month, Farms For ate, loan. J. A. Gardiner, Toa ton street. Two welldarsished rooms to let ; bright, good location; on Apply J. P, Forrest, Gents' } Furnisher, 348 King street. p dds dha NEW SEVENTEEN' HORSES. ALL KINDS, _a 2.500 round team for $65. D. J. "Hel Massey-Harris Clarence oS Agent, mem ---------- war | NEWDANDS, ARCHITECT, -- 1 5 ioe second floor over A VoMAN TO GO TO THE 1D BNTRY, se i eons RROPERTY: store, Sarver Princess aud family of two ; woman with oneehild A . \ streets. nLrance on Bago! not objectionable. No hard work, Ottce, 51 Brock street. 3 "Phone, 608. Arpiy Whip office. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW ES York make ; 9x5 fest cushion space. | POWER & SON ARCHITBOR, LOST. Apply through Whig office, Shants Bank 8 siding, corner SKID OF DELIVERY WAGGON, ON|AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW a : Friday lst. Finder wilt ba rewarded sixteen volumes, at a discsunt, tor a LY reporting to Wilk offite, L- eparial reason. Apply: through Whig] "Fpl nel 845. ; i A PEARL NBCKLACH, ON CLERGY - pe TEN, ACRES OF GOOD LAND In 4 miles of city Hit, wikia hoa) for cash. bi Clarence street NINE - HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL buy a house nearly new, good cellar, hard and soft water, now barn, good JocaliLy: For. [further particulars, ap- hig office. FARM, ON BATH ROAD, LES: than two miles. from Kingston, i taining about 130 acres, three never failing wells on the property, creck running throuwh same, deep soil, clay loam. One of the best, kta ¥ FRONT ROOMS, WELL LOCATED, warm and bright, with or withont board, Apply Box '63, Whig office. the County. Apnly to Ferris, on the farm, at 874 Alfred street, Kingston. " LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire I Avaliable atoms S41 sA1. T8720, (FA 'to ¥ _poliey ho have for = piri wo lability of all Beni kholders. 3 I on 3 rates. Nels rénew i oY ving now , Delard rane oe aS fne & Stranwe. Acents, Th MEDICAL. DR. MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATHLY occupied led_by Dr. Dr. "Ryan; corner Mon treal treets. IN MEMORIAM. THé ' Late Mrs. Bryce Turnbull Davidson. The late Mrs. Rachel, widow of Bryce Turnbull Davidson, who passed awny on Wednesday morning at the home of her . daughter, Mrs. F. A. Vanorder, Albert street, was born in Limerick, Ireland, seventy-four years ago. Her husband belonged to the and she went with hint she lived "eleven years. and Mrs. Davidson firet taking up resi In 1888, they came to Kingston. Mr, Davidson. died here fiitcen years ago. The late Mrs. David 5 a member of Chalmers church and a woman of fine Christian char acter. Six weeks ago she was stricken with paralysis, and slowly sank, She survived by five sons and one Williem = and Duncan, and of Kingston; Bryce D.g Toronto, and British army, to India, where Afterwards, Mr, to Canada, dence in Montreal, came Son was 18 daughter Mrs. Vanorder, of "Michigan: Douglas of Richard of Regina . The Late Mrs. Edwin Charles. The death occurred, Wednesday, of Mrs. Edwin Charles, Division street, after a long illness. Deceased was born on Garden lsland fiftv-two years ago Her maiden nant sas Margaret Ann Abiian. She married Edwin Charles, at the time shin carpenter with the Calvin company. For the past twenty-five vears she lived in Kingston. Surviving are her hus bund, two sons and two daurhters. The latter are Mrs. James MeDonald, Wolfe Island: Mrs. Fdward Tanner, and John and George in Toronto. Her mother, one sister and two brothers mio survive. The deceased was wember of St. James' church, * a Be Ready ¥or Colds. A hard cold so lowers the vitality that lit takes the system a month to throw it off. These are danger periods when ailments more serious than colds get their start. Don't have colds; they can absolntely be prevent ed by prompt use of Wade's Cold Care Tablots (laxative) A ewe also for la grippe, headache and constipa- tion. In boxes, 25¢, Soll on at Wasde's drag store. Money back if not satisfactory. ane em Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter importations for order work in his tailoring . de- artment, consisting of Scotch tweed, Blue and black serges, great variety of black cheviot and Vicunas; also a splondid stock of overcoating, Ahy- one trusting him with an order 1aay rest assured they will be well pleased. A weok's pay is badly split up bny- ing a ton of coal. Itis, therélore, wis- dom Ao get the most for your nfoney. trust that the dd is far distant when Regular 35 cent Un Regular 25 cent Un Regular 60 cent Un Regular 35 cent Dr: AN APPRECIATION Of "The Work of the Liberal Members, The following was the resolution un- animously adopted by. the Reform As- sociation at its meeting on Tuesday evening : - It was moved by Dr. J. G. Bvans, seconded by James Redden, "that: the meeting place om record their appreei-, gtion of dhe long ahd faithful services { the Hon, William Harty, who for forty years has given the catise of ltl his best thought and ener- gies, 'and' who has ever bien loyal and devoted to the city of Kingston, and contributed 'so largely to its commer clal success and devilopment. We pledge him BIE ie fidelity and support as lobg as he may feel dis- posed to acodpt our suffers, and we mare thun: ever appreciate. him as an socal onest, honorable and most wofthy member of the Dominion House of Commons, of whom the city haf eause to be proud. We are satisfied that he was in nowise resporsible for the blunder of the minister of militia, and, that he has carried out to the best of his ability and" possibility the wishes of his workers and advisers.. We: have at ull times 'raceived the most over- whelming proofs of "his loyalty to local liberalism, and we sineerdy Have You Seen Our Bargains in Loadies- Winter Underwear and Stockings Regular 35 cent Stockin Regular 50 cent Stockings....fer 35 cents Come in and Have a Look at Them, They Are Bargains Worth Looking at Somerville Company dervests for 25 cents dervests for 20 cents dervests for 50 cents wers...... for 25 cents gs....for 25 cents High Class Milliners { We wish also to place 8 record admiration for the work ter of the member of Bouse, Kdw. J. B. Pens¢, who hay at all times werved 'us in 'unselfish and - self-sacrificing manner, ' He has, con: tributed both intellivence and sub- stance to the cause of liberalism, and fins spent the best days of his useful | life-in 'the: building up of "the vity of Kingstor.," The resolution was dacceptod wi outhurst of enthusiasm, thet mad building ring. * Every /man fp 3 his feet and ~ave that old that has told much to their ir A our and charae- the proviacial WE 38 J in many campaigns, Those who thought that the matter of "spoils" had wrecked the liberal cause should have been within an acre of the meeting of Tuesday evenine, and they would haye. changed « their -onin- ions. The Farge meoting broke up with- out a single difference hetween members of the liberal cause in the city. and with the most perfect satis- faction stamped on the face of evers liberal present. Ah Clean Teeth. To remove tartar and stains fr the teeth try a Dr. Horsey fibre too brush, a perfect cleanser and er. Call and examine them at W, drug store. we shall be called upon to Part with ' Get Swift's Scranton coal at Swift's, such a devoted servant of the cause. Bi et ia of English finned shirts V8.