Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1906, p. 5

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IFE OF LYDIA'E. PINGAy, ww How the Vegetable Compoung How the "Panic of '73" Cayseg or Public Sale in Drug Stores, their mother, combined forces to estore the family fortune. They Ettore medicine which was ny Eu thatthe 'woman friends and Reigh bors was The Pinkhams had no money little credit. Their firet laboratory oa the kitchen, where roots and herbd were steeped on the etove, gradually filling a gross of bottles. Then came the question of welling it, 'for always before they had given it away freely. They hired 3 job Brite to run off some pamphlets gets rth the merits of the medicine, now called Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and these were distributed 4 the nkham sons in ew York, and Brooklyn. The wonderful curative properti the medicine were, to a Pope _-- selfadvertising, for whoever used it re- commended it to others, and the demand gradually increased. In 1877, by combined efforts the famil had saved enough money to mT newspaper advertising and from that time the growth and success of the enter rise were assured, until to-day Lydia E. nkham and her Vegetable Compound have become household words every. "where; amd many tous of roots and her are used annually in its manufdéture, Lydia E. Pinkharth herself did not live to see the it success of this work. She passed to her reward years ago, but not ; till she had provided means 'or conting- ing her work as effectively as she could have done it herself. During her Yong and eventful experi. ence she was ever methodical in her work aftd she was always\careful to pre- serve a record of every that~came to her attention. The case of\every sick womas who applied to her for advice-- and there were thousands--received careful study and the details, including symptoms, treatment and results were recorded for future reference, and to-day. these records, together with hundreds of thousands made since, are available to sick women the world over, and repre. sent a vast collaboration of information regarding the treatment of woman's ills, which for authenticity and accuracy can hardly be equaled in'any library in the world. . 'With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her daughter-in-law, the nt Mrs. Pink- . She was carefully instructed in~ all her hard-won knowledge, snd for " years she assisted her in her vast corres- pondence. To her hands naturally fell the direc tion of the work when its originator passed away. For nearly twenty-five Jou she has continued it, and nothing n the work shows when the first Lydia E. Pinkham dropped her pen, and the present Mrs. Pinkham, now the mother of a large family, took it up. With woman asistants, some as capable as her- self, the present Mrs. Pinkharg continues this great work, and probably from the office of no other person have so many women heen advised how to regain health. Sick women, this advice is "Yours for Health' freely given if you only write to ask for it. Such is the history of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound : made from simple roots and herbs; the one great medicine for women's ailments, and the fitting monument to the noble woman whose name it bears. of the emale is and pound quite ithout labor struck re too erests il de- | year swept e had ham's nown , with 3BY'S -- -- ingston urish | : Loyal > Your vn City sent out of Kingston ity so much poorer Want r Trade ase--Buy in Kingston . B.. D. Bibby Co. NG AND CLOTHING HOUSE PRINCESS STREET ee ------ | ARE WILLING TO SELL SAYS THE GOVERNMENT CAN HAVE RAILROADS, But as Private Citizen is Opposed | to Public Ownership Sugges- | tion and Believes Private Cap- | ital Better Equipped Than | Governments to Direct Rail- will couvince ove he i & Rota ry houseteife in = | is far superior to sny other roads--Points to E | ware. chobasoverused. It is prope ; 9 Lurape. | 2 . a CL png ry ec BRR from St. Louls, Oct. 39.<"If the govers' | H. E. Mariln, Toronto, formerly of money ean buy, under the BI Dillaves ec. MARS Co | Kingston, is spending a few days in Hone. pA ment believes it can manage our rail- | the ty erefore roads better 5 1i 'we can, jhe e11¥ : therefor hat George Co for ni Coal that is promptly delivered, a lia bree 4 St. Louis, "and it wishes ty operate | bh By luv mi 3 ve premium offers to Boys and them, I hate no objection to selling |, Sttueday night's gale. caused the Girls. If interested drop us a postal. the properties. I would 5 to the | breakage of a plate glass window in TIFUL PICTURE Ais : het government as willingly as to an in FREE *% FREE POST CARDS dividual or company, were the lines to | Taauy user of bakin Pe ei be Jieposid of, Jalthough ours are glad! a set of four af ourlatested ition good properties and are not on the leture post cards lithographed in market. This is how 1 feel; as a rail- rifliam ST ay rite ue, an- road aman, in regard to the public ownership of carriers. "But, as a private citizen, | am op- posed to the public ownership sugges- tion. The government could not man- age the properties successfully. = Pri vate capital or enterprise is beiter cguipped than the government for dis recting railroads, and would realize successfully results against failnres on the part of the government. There seems to be an impression that the government would be superior to pri- | vate enterprise, which impression is apparently founded on experience in] Europe. Public ownership, or govern- | ¢ mental ownership, as it is more prop- | erly called, in countries having a dif- forent political organization, is not the in Europe that by some Americans it is believed to be. In fact, government ownership iz a fail- ure in Europe, "haly, ior surrender its 1 Name your Grocer. 2nd, Name this paper. INTERNATIONAL FOOD COMPANY Toronto, Canada "Ask rom THE Pureic Packaas ! SUCCOSS Hick Headache and relieve sll the troubles nok dent to a billous state of the system, such as Digzh , Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after iting, Pun in the Bide, &c. While their most pemarkable success Las been showa in curing example, would gladly | proprietary. interests and | ' its public obligations, and it is even now takifig steps to turn the state's hnes over to private companies. Gov- crnmental ownership and management Thaeadan 's Lit'ie Phe ave ] n By of the telagraph lines of Great Britain venting thisannoying com; aint, while they aise is an eorrectall disorders of the Stomach stimnlate the | | | River and regulate the bowels, - Even if they oulp ~ HEAD i expensive experiment for the admipistration. The - burden of the comparative failure of + this form governmental enterprise. rests on tistairs of Fnsland "Fresh" Huyler's delicious candy, "he chief reason that state owner- only. at Gibson's Red Cross drug che they would beelmost priceluss to those whe store, ilraads from this distressing complaint; bus forts ship of r prevails in Europe is mately theirgoodness does notoud here, and those th or d neg ity ire to provide am- Whotneetsy them will Sd these Little pills vam . 1 pk tions against the possibility |of Mrs. J. A. Gardiner, University $6 io do without therm. But after alleick head f war. Europe is virtually armed at | avenue, for the past week, returned, alletimes and it is for the purpose of | Saturday, to her home in Tamwort the arteries of | travel in the event of hostilities that | being able to control the bane of so many lives that hems is wha bane od Our pills cure it while igthers do not. |" Carter's Littlo Liver Pillsare very vmall and wery easy to take: Ono or two pills :nakea doa They are strictly vegetabloand do not grips 6. 8, but by their gentle action please all wha them. Invialsat23pents: fivofor§l, Sub {by druggists everywhere, or scant py mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, the general policy. From other stand- | points governmental ownership of car- not a success," riers is ' | | Ee DYING HE HELD BRIDE. i ------ | Terribly Wounded By His Effort | ; to Call Help. New York, Oct. 29.--Leéroy Mclean, trician, was found in his . 664 East One Hundred and f ghth street yesterday with this artery in his right wrist severed, and 00 d S bleeding to death, and with the hody of his bride in his arms She had died = of heart disease, and he "in a frantic Punching w effort to summon help, had jammed his arm through the window glass, ripping theflesh to the hone McLean had Been married Jess than a vear. Neighbors say that he was al ways a sweetheart-hushand. He was with his pretty young wife constant 11v, except when business called. . To keen a business engagement, Me- Lean came down-town, and he was net* home until 11 o'clock. His wife | met him on the stairway. She was | pale and trembling and cried out "leroy, I'm so glad vou have come, " I have been having fainting spells, one after another." The young husband took his wife in- to their apartments, when suddenly | she Ill unconscious. He tried to re- | -- AT -- vive her, byt failed, ahd then he be- | came panic-stricken. He velled for help | but no one in the avartment-house | heard him, and then he rushed to the | window and tried to open it. It was locked, and in his terror he broke the | glass with his J arm, Then he began velling \ | Policeman Lenergan of the Morris | ania station, heard the for help and ran up to the McLean apartments He foreed open the door ANGROVE BROS. Bicycle Warerooms, 88-00 PRINCESS STREET MEN KIND WO Use Big @ for unnarur | cries [5 and came Ta are Bar a nhatul union, th young husband, hi apm | Guaruoteed ittications or wioeratis | bl ding, On the sofa lav the voun; ot 10 strictare. of mucous membran. sr Re o with | . * "Patalese, and hot astrio | Wile, her face and hands covered with | , gent or poisonous. the blood 'of her hushand, who was | Sold by Braggtets. |} thine hor face and bx wr 10 | or seut in plain wrepper by express, prepeid, to | Come to life." | Ee * You need treatment, oo," said the | policeman. " "You'd better tor. I'll attend to your Wife." The policeman ~ then tore of the strap from his nicht stick and form ad a tourniouet with it about thé man's asked the got a doe Kingston arm. "Then he man again | to come to the doctor | : "Don't mind me," cried McLean, | usiness 0 ege "You pet a doctor her," and he | 3 > avain hecan to bathe her face. | (LIMITED) A vhysician "came from L hos'ital. One olane® at the wife show ed him that she was dead. "She iz be anon | Head of Queen etree, Kings! Canada, devoted to higher ( mercial and Shorthand educat oh: vond my wid," he told the husband I Commercial jects taught. Ra ht ne" the} Individual instructipn. Day and Ske died of Heart disease, € Evening classes. Entér at and coroner's doetor said. | time. Rates noderate. Attend. t he banc. v From The West. ~ H. F. METCALFE, Prin. y WRT. Ploughing is the | ordi tlhe dp erry Kennelly ha his exciting | AN oi wildasnd: woelly west, He BRITISH - AMERIC ¥ | was "abtcomipamed by Edward Guina, ~ v 'I who has -eome to pay his parents a visit after @h_ absence of 'five years, HOTEL Edward Nola iscstill busy at lis dwelling' and when finished, he will, have one ob the finest between Kala- dar end Sloyne. Hunters are coming TheAdl Be veady for hunting when the season 'Gpens, Mr. and Mrs. Craigen, Miss Mary Studrt dnd Timothy Hunt spent Shnday at J. Kopmelly's; Migs Eva Ohittert®n, Leo and Eugene Mal- fen, di Kennelly's: 3 3 | - ; , Wanted ; 1,000 Ministass. Pittsburg, Pa.' Oct. 29.One" thon sand ministers are 'needed "to equip KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has uddergone 'alterations and 15. now open to the] travelling public. W. TELFER - TA IN 6 P ROTS ! of the Lutheram church throughout AD. Sn rite for Price List, , the country. This conclusion was pth 14 peaally low prices to wet these reached at a conference of 'officers of birds in oh pares of Canadas to miver | the home mission' hoard: and the min- ue. " isters of Pittsburg synod, in session COTTAM BIRD SEED here. Now A2 WNathurst St., London, Ontario. ¥ ar Proprietor . Sg ------------ ' § "Don't Cough," take Gibson's Red | _ Fresh Bovril at Gibson's Red Cross | drug store, | Hamilton, have gone on a hunt in the neighborhood of Denbigh. real, will come to the government dry- dock, here, on Wednesday, for repairs, inches of smow fell there during night. 0 AREE | Hardware. made by the police on Saturday o or Sundav. | who went to Los Angeles; Ual., three one good for. istic work Prous" Guy governmental ownership of railroads is | 25th. Red Cross drag store, | council's meeting of July 9th, { each applicant, | The | at ning o'clock. Jibonrd wilk mest to-night at 8 o'clock. 4 ---- 3 i" & 3 jthe vacant charges Wild new 'missions | DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, OCTOBER . 29. - " ------ " INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Conl that saves' the money. Switt " Buy cough cures gt Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Fresh there, ; Cheer up. Two months more and the diys will start to get longer, W. J. Savage and party will leave Fuesdny on a hunting trip to Pete: Wawa. - Buy Honor bright stove: pipe varn h; the best yet, at Strachan's Hard- the store of D. A. Weese. Dr. R. E. Sparks and Mr. Morden, D. H. Preston, K.C., Napanee, been appointed crown prosecutor Perth a , on November 5th. The steamer -Bickerdike, of has t Mont- | People in the city fram Sharbot Lake and vicinity report -that three the Universal meat choppers from $1.25 all guaranteed. Strachan's There was ourt this no session of the police morning. No arrests were Fresh Taylor made chips at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. . John McCullough, of Tyendinaga, months ago, is dead, there, aged fifty- years The last batch of delegates to Sunday' school convention: retyrned home to-day. The railway tekets, rere until to-day. Your order for coal, Swift's coal yard, Crossley and Hinter begin evangel- in Brockville on November They hope to secure. some reli- Fawkes', : the wf ufe looking ith. Mrs. DD. Rose, who h been the guest Queen Street Methodist church hold its anniversary on November Rev. C, T. Scott, of Douglas church, Montreal, will be the preacher. Taylor made chips fresh at Gibson's At St. Thomas, Omt., James H. Jordan was sentenced to four years in Kingston penitentiary for asgaulting and robbing Edward Gobbé, of Yar- mouth. Enquiry at the city engineer's office reveals the fact that permits are re quired for all building operations, and that those who fail to get them are liable to prosecution, Three artillerymen in "a row boat were swamped below Cataraoui bridee ve:terday afternoon, and were brought to land with difficulty. They were pretty well worn out. The civie committees have a wageon load of delayed communications be- fore them this week. These communi cations have been viling up since the Camphor ice for rough skin, 10c, at iibson's Red Cross drug store, mes FF. McHugh, Washington, D. arv "of the National Stone Union, is in the city, visiting the lceal union, on a' trip® through Canada as far west as Vietoria B.C The board of works has not vet con Cutter sidered the probable closing yn of the thoroughfare in front of the Hotel Dien. Some of these frosty mornings a fence may be discovered at each end, Preventice, ag the name imulies, pre- vent all colds and. grippe when "taken at the sneeze stage." Preventics are toothsome candy tab- lets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early, when you first feel that a cold is coming, they check and prevent them, Preventics are thoroughly: safe for children, and as effectual far adults. Sold 'and recom- mended in 50. and 2c. hokes by all dealers. 3 Y. M. C. A. AFFAIRS. Another Business Men's Physical Class Formed. Shaw igave a thoroughly at the association on sports. J. Dunn, the boys' sacretary, gave a violin solo that was much appreciated, The physica. examinafions of the junior wembers "@mmenceds Ehis after noon, W, JURE, ThESph sical dir ector, examinesyghe boys in regard to the amount aud Kind of work advis for each' individual, and Dr. able Mylks will test the hewrt and lungs of Abraham enjoyable address rooms yesterday To-morrgw~evening the physical de, partment 'committee will hold their inauguration meeting in the parlor, manbers meet af 6,30 pan. for supper, after .which $e Edéneral meet ing will Be held. It has been found advitable to form another business men's class, to meet Tuesday, and Thirsday mornings on School Board Matters. . The . public school teichers of (the city will ietition the bolird of/idyca: tion to appoint a musical instrugeor to teach them the tonic sol fx Rystem of voice culture that they '; ijmayv teach their pupils. Rip: & "About thirty-five new pupils webe'en- rolled during tHE pist month. of this Enumber twenty ive 'are new arrivals in the city mapagement commitice of the Love is blisd-and there would probably be more domestis bliss on top if marriagt failed to act as an eye-opener : if the oceans suildenly beonme © dry, Lit would take thé rivers of the world | about 35,000 years to refill the dry beds. The carved sereen in King's Collage GIRL SHOT IN CAB. COMPANIONS ACCUSED AND | ATEEMPTS SUICIDE. ce ET ------ As. a Result 'of Lovers' Quarrel - "Laura Osten is Mortally Wounded and Louis Brown is! Prisoner in' New York Cell. New York, Oct. 39. --Laurg Osten, an East = Orange, N.J., young woman, | was shot, and it is believed, mortally | kill himself, but was prevented by an officer who took a revolver from him. At the station howe where he was charged with felonious assault; Brown w agent to have said that the two! had quat] d ~over the woman's re- | peated refusal to marry him, i Brown is employed as a clerk in a brokerage. office in this city, Mise Os- ten has been stopping recently with friends in an uptown hotel here, Last night, according to the police, she met { Brown by appointment and the two dined together. Later Brown sum moned a cab and the two drove up Broadway. Brown and Miss Osten ave members of families prominent in Fast Orange. HALLOWE'EN SCHEMES. Good Matching Game. Prepare a card for cach guest, cut. ting it 'in the shape of a bat. er owl, or broom, and looping with a ribbon to pin by. Number the cards and the girls' cards in pairs to correspond, fo that every boy will find a girl, Next, take familiar name-couplets for example, Romeo-Juliet, Jack-Jill --and make charades 'or rebuses out of | them, For instance, to represent Ro meo-Juliet, have a picture of Rome, a | boys' letter OO, a picture of a Jow, 'the let ters L 1 KE 1. Give each charade a number corre sponding to that on the ecards of the persons you apply the to--and set the guests to - work guessing the names from the charades names | Cracker Contest. } We bought a quart of those ele phant crackers and emptied them into a dish and placed the dish on a table at one end of the room... Then while mamma. held her watch one of us took a table knife and tried to how many crackers we could manage to get on it without any help from our other hand, and then ta see if we could car ry the crackers on the knife all the way across the room and put them into another: dish, and all within a minutesby the watch. Each one was given one minute, and the one who succeeded in getting the most crackers into the dish across the room won the prize, Soe -- Bow And Arrow Stunt. Take a tub of 'water, and set 'afloat in it a numbér of red, yellow and green apples. Let the © ~uests take turns shooting with a bow and ar- row at the apples. Whoever fires an arrow into a red apple will have good health' a yellow apple means plenty health, a yellow apple means plenty luck, Candles For Months. Place twelve lighted candles on the floor at intervals of two or three feet mame them for twelve months, | Let each person in turn jumn over | the candles, one at a time. If any | candle goes out that will be the month the person's wedding will oceur. Dismissed A Claim. Ottawa, Oct. 29.--In the exchequer court, this morning, Justice Burbridge dismissed a claim for damages made by Randolph McDonnell, a contractor A dredge struck a reef in the St. Law rence channel near Dickinson's Land ing, and the government ,was held re sponsible. The judge ruled that the channel was not a public work under the section of the exchequer court sued on. -------- Koiling Mills Open. Belleville, Ont., Oct. 29.--There is | great gratification in this_ city. to- | day, over the fact that the rolling | mills, which have lain idle fof years, | started operations this mornine.' The | eighteen-inch mill is running and the othet will start in a short time. Somé} eighty-five men are now employed and | the number will he sneedily increased | to two hundred or more: | Were Well Conducted. { Over one hundred students from Me | Gill University, epent Friday and | Saturday, at the British-American. Generally when a ° crowd of students get 'together, they play all kinds of | , a : pranks, wsuilly destroying . property. | The McGill Hien, however received the | best possible at and responded | ih a quiet manner. They left for | Montreal on Saturday ni-ht, i tention Lie Sandford Fleming, chancellor of | Queert's, is expected from Ottawa to | attend some of the alumni conference | sessions, His lectureship this vear is to be given by Rev. Prof.' Jordan. Thomas McGuire, butcher, of Rocks wood: asylem, and Thomas MceCam mon; bakér, left this morning for a hunting trip up the Rideau. Ex-City Crrk Shannon leaves on Wednesday ¥ar London, Ont., to take up his duties as district stafi adjut- ant, # ? wife left to- i going You feel to stay down | Or nf like thirty eosti And Ti one "thing. Af water gi refiefs indtantly. Al most "like mag] inthe change vou experience, The chile of the Awhsen is removed, every \s of... iti and indigestion is cured. chagel at Cambridge 4 is the finest work of its kind in the world. . Soh Werth Brides in 3,008 fet long, Cross Cough Syrap. "It cures any nnd cost three millions, cough. It pays to buy_chamois vests at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, minntes, When, Polgiin's Nori » trusty and)" economical, & city ? The old chestnut market clerk was : work), had to _pav that therefore he might ag Will co ent cofactor fo | time. sheild fice and he, | ceived from | government {#rvidion of | ago | was arrested on THE MARKET TOLLS. Nigger in Fehice Somewhere, Says « Writer. | Kingston, Oet. 20.(To the Edi- tor) © I notice in Saturday's. Whig an article giving in detail the : market collections for August, September and October. The article states that the total receipts for that. period amount.' ed to $255, The receipts for each week, when totalled, however, givd only #235! How is this discrepayed' adeounted for ¥ At this ralg the eof lectiong for a, year would afibunt te only 8950, not over $1,000 as your; no market ? Was this condition i" taken into consideration at '&lF¥ The receipts will fall off at least' one-third during the winter months, This would make the yearly collections, figuring them on | the basis of the last three { months, only about $700. From these receipts must he deduct- od the cost of collecting the tolls. It now rejuires the combined energies of three men--a policeman, a clerk from the treasurer's office, and the scaven- gor men's time not worth anything ? Are to make the collections. Is these they giving their services freer tagtho. to the effect the ela ny WV the § wilkndt do now, If thé city isipaying the three prec. their time, then ihat ihe . charged up against the, receipts: MW th + does not re- pire the extn Pe 'man on the foree, the extra clerk nthe treasurer's of- eavenger, "then would it not be het bx-let them 'go and thus save the anid cen $LA00 and $1, 500 in salatiesi*They 'abe too expen- sive men to be put at'making one and five cents collections. I nointed out above fhat the ap- proximate recoijts for the vear using the Whig's own [for small winter -aigrkets {about $700, Deducting: from this, say, | 8400 for expense of tollecting by three fifrures and allowing would he civic officials, the worth only ghout 3 Contrast this with whgt the, cif ide I esgees Pale] : and others during the pastitheee: or four years. These pentlemés paid the city not less than $1,450, asd even as, much as 81.600, per vear for the Phiv viloge. of collecting tolls. 18 it © Hos. sible these gentlemen worked for wo' thing ? They must hyve made' few hundred out of it, they weuldn't beso anxious to tender again: According to these figures, ap helieve they are reliable, the cites lose over 81.000 this * vear bv the change: in the method of colledting market tolls. What does the finance committee think of this? Is the mat- ter not important enongh to warrant them to do some figuring in the mat. ter? There is something radically wrong somewhere, Whore ix it ? There' A. TAX or "eorew PAYER loose" somewhere. READY FOR HALLOWE'EN, Special Crnstables Will Be Sworn in For Occasion. The "city of Kingston will be well an ded on Wednesday night--Hal lowe'sn. Besides the regular staff of police, twenty-five special men will be sworn in for the occasion, pnd small boys who are in the habit of "turn- ing things loose," as it were on this night, had better take warning, 'The oie, are determined to put a stop all damage to property and all who violate the law will spend a night inthe cells, and be given an opportun ity to explain matters before the magistrate. 'The chief is now on the look-out for good special constables, and is in a position to take on a few more, The boy with the "pea-shooter and the tick-tack has already thade his appearance in Kingston, and this goes to show that Hallowe'en has not by any means been forgotten, to Chicago The Beautiful. Chicago, Oct. 29. Chicago is to be made offe af the most artistic cities in the United States. Comprehensive plans for the development of the eity along architectural lines, with beauti ful public places © and: driveways, a connecting north and south 'boule vard, an outer, parkway extending the entire length of the city along the lake front, and in tink an outer park system, will be prepared under the direction ~of * the Merchants' Club. Daniel H. Burnham, who recently pre pared plane for the United States for Washington, D.C., and for Manila. and also for the City of San Francisco, will have general sup- the work, As consultants the famops artists and archi- tects of the world wi:* be asked to to Chicago. +4 . most come His Bail Forfeited. Ont... Bet, 20.-A week Bronstein, a junk dealer, a charge of stealing four hundred pounds of brass from the (TR. company: He war admitted to bail on his own recognizance in $400, together with the surety of his part ner in 'business for $200 for his ap- pearance, He has since left for parts unknown, and not being on hand when his name: was: called in court, Yhe magistrate ordered the forfeiture of the bail. Vexler also gave a marked chaque for the amount of Bronstein's bond, making $600 in all. A warrant Brockville, Jacob has been issued for PBronstein's ar rest, = Change. Of Time, Kingston & Cape Vincent. Commencing, Monday, October 29th, Steamer will ipgke only one trip a day Teaving Kingston : 2 p.m. Mondays there will be ai extra trip leaving at 5 a.m. L The London Financial News is in- formed that already there are a laree puinber of applicants for the £1 shares in the Cobalt Town Site Silver home wouldn't be "amiss Lire ones for a quarter at alk dealers, y | mining ébmpany, at the' premivm above the price' of £2, at which they will be offered here on Monday. wounidled while riding in a cab with | informant stated. The three months Loyis Re Heown in Browdway, last | under veview wore We © best thiee night. Her companion, who is twenty months in the year. These were the one years ol age and also a resident i fall months, when, as everyone knows, of East® Orange; was arrested and | the great bulk of produce is marketed. locked up. . {| But what about the months of De" According + to the police, Brown, jcomber, January, February, Marek," following the shooting, attempted to | April and Mav, when there' ls lithe oF | . not, | LADIES' FLANNELETTE UNDER Have you ever worn Flannelet to Underwear ? If not just some this winter and you will be surprised and gratified at the solid 'comfort obtained. Ladies' Flannelette Night Gowns, prettily trimmed with flannelette embroidery and tucks, lots o fulness in back and splendid lengths, per garment, BOec., Sc., $1. ' : Ladies' Flannelette Underwais ts, pretty patterns and finished, 1 . : and closed styles, med closed, all sizes, per suit. Ladies' Union Underwear, nice fine qualitjes and many to the all wool, made in same styles as the suit, 50e¢., 5c... ; cies Rad : LADIES' HOSIERY Fr Rb 5 We have an enviable reputation for our Hosiery, and we tainly live up to it this season. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose weight, fof 25¢. per pair. Ladies! platn and fine, 36¢. per pair. , "vy CASH COUPONS. sizes. Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, opm good shapes, and well made, 75¢., $1. * © LADIES' FLANNEL UNDERWEAR Buy 'your winter Underwear now and be the weather nan has in store for us, Ladies' All Wool Underwear, unshrinkable, suits or vests, and drawers separ ate, fine soft quality that' not scratch, in white and natural colors. , fast ~eolors, well shaped, good gnd ribbed blaclke-Cashmere Hose, TR in pink, blue, neatly trim. Fg TUE td in combina & prepared for anything Drawers open 'or closed, waa Lie Sot " exceptionally soft & + - + ® Happy Brantford So Simple -- So Scientific ~~ So Perfect There are scores of little points in range-making thought out and embodied in to shake, easy to dump; a combination grate for coal or a corrugated oven, adding a full third to the heating surface and a transparefit door through which the watched without ¢ooling off the oven, ; Ask your dealer to explain how itds.that a. : . ThoughtRange >is the best in the world Sold by stove dealers all over Canada, Write us for Illustrated Catulogue-- Free. The WM. BUCK STOVE CO.,Limited Winnipeg McKELVEY &B Local Agents; 69.71 Brock Strset, ' Montreal the " Happy Thought." ws on cooking may be em GALVANIZING wer Caniada Metal Co. Toronto" Phone Main1729 Overgaiters and Leggings. OVERGAITERS TO MATCH Ladies' Overgaiters in Brown, Greea + «4 YOUR GARMENT Navy Blue and Garnet. ~~ White and Brown. : Ladies' Black Overgaiters, fro a + 60c. to $1.00 ph

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