Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Oct 1906, p. 3

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Te the freely. It For COLD IN TH same manner, . B HEAD, i? Large bottle, 25 cents. An S| "Il mot for sale at y can Siwavs be procured. to SuEist, Dr. Seott" | ropes. Su ornite, Jldniment 5 8 NB. and ves instant reilet use in the Excellent Hair Resiope Onaieg AY pe | -- 'FURS «| Seal Skin Sacks . Persian Lamb Sacks "| Fur-lined Coats Rufis and Muffs and s Fancy Neck Pieces he :' W. F. GOURDIER as Exclusive Fur Store Phone 700 Fancy Silver We are ever on the *'Lookout" for new goods of this kind, and have steadly increased line ; having lately add- ed numerous exclusive de- signs in Pierced Silver Fruit and Nut Bowls Bon-Bon Salt Sets, ete. our Dishes, Fern Coasters, No two pieces are quite alike : a fact which adds to the valve of a gift of this kind. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians "Phone 666. Issuers of Marriage Ah The | § "ADAMANT Wall Plaster | " Ready for use by adding water. bs _ Put ap In bags, 100 ibs. In each. : | { White Rock Finish Put up in bags, 50 Ibs. In each ; P. Walsh 5557 narran 4 @vssnnaasaasasananend Frid gaa 11000 Yards of Flannelette : 36 inches wide,in pret- : ly stripes of Pink, Grey and Blue, also ( Plain White, Plain Pink, and Plain Pale Blue, A regular 12%c. line. On Friday 10c. a Yard 'We are agents for Standard Patterns | best in the world 10c. and 15c. tach No i NEWMAN & SHAW DressGoods HI * BRAKEMAN FRANCISCOLOST Shree "clock. morning, W, B ECIAIS |W oma Fropassion Dos MIS LIFE. lock on Thursiey moryog, \, MA \ of Greatest : Westlake, the e West ; g us In Devaloy- 1» ; lke hotel, "Portsmouth, was gwaken: ; WANTED--GENERAL ; for . ment of Body and Mind. His Foot Caught in Frog Near G. led by a strat smell "of bv . No CONDENSED ADVERTISING . . "The growing child especially needs T. R. City Station--Both Legs | io vestigation needed "to" show PLAIN SEWING TO DO BY THE DAY . those el i v fire, as vol a \ 4 E ie 4 grain pre ents that are found in whale ou NedDied. in ol thal. bis hutel was oy Sr NO RATES Apoly 297 Queen street. Saas Jagan Ae. 0a Ths Bast Hospital. floor. Mr. Westlake alarmed Lis fam- ) A FARM TO REN WITH A VIEW Malta-Vita is the "perfect whale | With his left foot caught in the |ily and in a fow 'minutes all were safe- | Firat / insertion, le. a word. Each con of purchasing. MeCann, 51 Brock. St. , ! wheat food, rich In every nutritive | frog of a G. T. R. track, while coupl- | ly out, with the exception of his five- secutive Insertion thereafter de. 8] Gly PROPERTY TO BUY: WILL ard \ hl pag handed by the body. Of the ling a car, Henry Francisco, a brakes: year-okl daughter, and his brother, word. Minimum charge for ome in ol So J. SOR. McCann, 51 300 Y. Ss strengthening for the child's parents | an on the local suburban train, bad | George. The little girl was partly sertion, '350. ) rock street. . : sisters an of Heavy Coating Serge, strictly all wool, and, well worth 75e. the yard, is full 54 inches wide. We have only, Black, Navy, Brown, Green and Maroon, put these are the most want- ed shades; " just now, .for FRIDAY, ONLY 42c. per yard 350 Yards Of All Wool Venetian, in Black, Navy and Maroon, guaranteed to wear, and will not spot. This cloth is sold by others. at 89cii pen yard. If the color you want is' here, you buy it TO-MORROW for 49c. the yard. : 36 inch Black Taffeta; the Chiffon finish, nice Lustrous Black makes beautiful skirt or suif- able for coat lining, $1.25 quality for 79¢c. the yard. 300 Yards 0f Roller Towelling, : all pure linen, with red border, 17 inches wide, 10c. 'quality, TO- a brothers. Being & pure gain prodict,--simply the whole of the best white wheat and a Httle salt, mixed with pure barley malt extract---Malta-Vita supplies the body with all those food elements which make bone, blood, muscle and brain and bring ect 3 The malt extract is added after the wheat has been thoroughly cooked and steamed and converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt sugar, which is highly nutritious and ily assimilated even by very weak n= achs. Physicians recommend maltose for its strongth-giving qualities and treated w! t malt extract, the wheat, 'rolled into lit'le wafer fi goes to the ovens, where it is bak crisp and bro elicious beyond de- Seription. All gFocers, now 10 cents. For the Stomach Heart and Kidneys Dr. Shoops Restorative is a [PE Cure --not a Symptom Cure. Tt isa common mistake to take artificial diges. ters for stomach troubles--or heart stimulants or r So-called kidney remedies for diseased kidneys. These organs do not act separ ately or of their own acogrd--they have no con. trol over themselves--and not ounce in 800 times is sickness the fault of the organ. Itisthe fault of the nerves which control the ol and only through these gAnerves oan Sig) kidney jor heart disorders be cured. MORROW, 7c. yard. Shoop of Racine. fellow to stand, and he died about one 5 i | early in his medical, o'clock this morning. 3 8x4 Bleached Sheeting, nice even | hele luside ores Dr. Anglin found that the right thread, and free from dress- | only was a « thigh had been crushed close t6 the, ing. We have about 200 | a ation. he | body, and that the left leg hung only yards of the 30c. value to | pirrweik § | by a-thread, below. the knee. -- self TO-MORROW at 25c. yard. | Bright's dis- \g% Jt is said that he had given the sig: Factody Remnants, in from 1} ydtds to 15," 10c. and 12jc. quality, TO-MORROW at 7c. the yard. . > THE Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. WANTED Alk the Furniture and Stoves. | re | merely symptoms of \§ 3 ness, and when the \SER The remedy which Dr.VS these alling neryes is known as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. It relieves the pain and distress of kidney, stomach and heart troubles quickereven than those medicines designed simply to give temporary velief. Dr. Shoop's Restorative can | mow be had of drugwists everywhere. sole | and recommen by "ALL PRUGGISTS.V = An Honest Guarantee RUN OVER BY his legs awfully mangled by the wheels of & car passing over him. He died six hours later. The awful ac- cident occurred at hali-past six o'clock last evening, close to the swijch just cast of Johnson street. The train was just about to be made up for the sev- en o'clock run to the junction, and was backing near the foot of the street. Brakesman Fraoeisco was be tween two cars, but just how he got into the predicament which cost him so dearly is not known. It was dark when the accident happened, and the first thing known was cries. for help. Conductor John Doyle rushed around the train apd saw the brpkesman ly- ing across the outer track. He was quite conscious, though both legs had been run ower. left one was al most completely severed below the knee. The conductor, with the assist- ance of an express driver, lifted him gently from the rail, and. the former hurried to the station office and tele phoned for doctors and ambulance. Dr. Anglin arrivéll in a few minutes, and had the terribly injured brakes man removed to the General Hospi- tal. The doctor found that the injur- jes were likely to prove fatal, and that the brakesman. could not possi: bly stand an operation. In the mean- time. hie relatives had been sent for. The shock was too great for the poor nal to the engineer to back just im- mediately before the accident. He had gone between two cars, and in step- 'ping out, in the darkness, his foot caught and it was impossible to re lease it with the train right on him. ning is certainly a dangerous thing, % -------- And ; There', Were Some Narrow Escapes, Between half * past two-and suffocated by the smoke in her room and fell to the floor: in a faint. Her father, however, er am experience which resulted in the blistering of his face and hands, got the little girl to a place of safety and his brother es caped by jumping from an upstairs window in Very scant attire. The fire department of the city re sponded to a hurry call but arrived on the scene too late to be of mmch assistance as the high south-west gala soon had the frame on ling in a Apply Whigs SITUATION AS STENOGRAPHER IN | YN A X mass of flames. The buil fin- collap- -- ay. Would do Slerieal work also. a od ap HR aah Eg © ence. Best «© erences p . sed soon after the firemen arrived. GENTLEMEN 204 HAVE HEIR Rn er rely to. Box 320, care A SNAP. Had the wind been a few points avereants I a Juok ny Whig office. a Tan . farther to t n south the whole west prea. guaranteed to please. Prices Two 'well-furnished office end of the wi p woul lil have t. i! , the Tailor, 131 § . lage we kely hav rieh : away 1 FOR SALE & rooms to let; bright, y been destroyed. The cause of tlie fire is unknown, Advt. 4 lines or under a week. $1. Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG STRONG BOY Cis ge Adut. 4 lines or under a month, $3. | , at McCann's, DWELLINGS, AT $0. og fp oy street. SPoRAGE SURGE , TOR FURR GOOD DAIRY - FARM, WITH STOCK ONE LARGE DOUBLE HELP WANTED--MALE. 18 LEARN PRINTING. © . YOUNG MAN SEEKS EMPLOY G years eX- Brock street. ood references. Twelve care Whig office. perience in office work, Apply smeNT. | FURNISHED Box 4 good location, on King Gents' . ROOM : WELL at once, will rent for it. Apply ented, and furnished. Apply at 144 Mox. JT, Whi office, Burrie street. i. 8 rly s 3 AT ONCE, TWO COAT MAKERS, |p ow : work at the store or at homeo. A a RENT 2X, Jownspp x Must apply at once. to Z. Prevost, McCann, 51 Brock street. © 3 BRICK RESIDENCE, Queen's Uhlvapaity Apply at hove : ' : MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN FARMS, ANY LOCALITY DESIRED. .P. Phut the theory advanced by a West. ae woke. Graduates ears ton. 10 J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. | 4 Apply J. P. Forrest, i. lake is that gas escaping from the eighteen ner week. Branches through: | em. « co-- | J Furnisher, 348 King street. kitchen stove had caused the wood out Cannda and United Stuten. Hep SLECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT HORSE |} work of the warm room to ignite. ei plone b 1 re peer pow running in Whig Press IIIA, Nothing was saved from the buildings or outhouses: The proprictor valued his property at $4,000, only partly covered by insurance. Af present Mr, Westlake will not rebwkl, but a new hotel wi'l be erceted bv him on the site of the destroyed buildings in the spring. ACCIDENTAL POISONING. A Young Woman Took Too Much Strychnine. Minnedosa Tribune, Oct. 18th, A most regrettable occurrence took place on Monday last at the residence of George Bradshaw, a farmer living near Fothersby Station, a few niles north 'east of Minnedosa. It is stated that Mrs. Bradshaw had been in the habit of taking small doses of strych nine for an aildent. On Sunday she had taken the usual dose, but it had not the desired effect. On Monday she She was a young woman, only twen- Queen, Toronto. ee -------------- ALL KINDS OF CITY PROPER FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS, Modern © . $1 per week ES ---- , BRTY, : cheap, at McCann's Estate Table board next door. Apply 619 HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Office, 51 Brock street. _ Princess street. : BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM. NEW LARGE BRICK RESIDENCE. 410 ISK b. APPLY, 230 KING ork make ; 9x5 cushion space. Princess St, Cor. ve. . ROUSE Maz PPL Apply trough Whig office. Modern improvements. . mmediate N ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW - , Appiy vext Your, A COOK. NO WASHING. APPLY To | AMERICA SNCYCLOP: . . sixteen volumes, at a discoun for > " Mrs. Walkem, Beverly street hixteen volumes, at, 8 SUE) i LARGE FRONT «BEDROOMS. WI rit GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY MRS, 1 offies roomed house, with barn und stable. C. A. Macpherson, 162 Earl St & SEVENTEEN HORSES, ALL KINDS, Apply ng 3 corne y a 2.500 round team for . J i N BXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. : " AR EXEERIBNOED aaa] Say. Yassy-Hucit= Aft, Clarents | pips SS SITUATED, AND Calvin, 181 King s.reet. t------ A . con a ~ house; 11 rooms, ee eee | AN IMPERIAL OXFORD COOK STOVE moder improvements, Fonts Hay: N EXPERIENCED COOK. REFER- 6 hold, number 8, nearly new Ah near oh jon AN _DXI ERIN. Apply = wt-70 Barrie first-clusy condition. Apply to 66 next m , may sell. Fo hile strect. Lower Bagot street. bread, 198 Union street ig eee tee tree DINING ROOM GIRL OR CHAMBER- maid, at omte. Apply Grand Union Hotel. TEN ACRES OF GOOD LAND in 4 miles of city limits, will cheap, 95 Clarence street, NINE 'be sod for cash. Apply Geo. Cuff, DOLLARS WILL WITH. Rd ARR: TOOMS, \ ve Tulrteen Her a" can 3 either furnished Possession may be ocoupied or THE RESIDENCE, 184 BARRIE ST. nder Mackie. heating ted - unfurnishod. obtained on Nov. pe rewarded by leaving at 174 Earl taining about 130 acres, three He was knocked down outside. the Nua sity with Se sur fewing, CO ony A sox buy Daily oan: Jed pellar, 1st. Apply on the pramises. south rail. Had «he. fallen the ather - hap that the drug, had Madam Waitee Mig. Co., Dundee, hard and soft water, now barb, wood 3 way he would have been killed ~ _in- no effect and that she would take a Que. i locality. 'For further particulars, ap | FOR SALE LE BRI HOUSE, - tantly little more. She did 50, and again sgt | s------------------ ply "1. Whig office. . ~' 12-rooms oa: $0,500, use. rh : : flown to her sewing. In a little while a x \ 1 000. " T se who 'helped to raise him | el A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN, WHO DFE ly Cast Ne Hate who helped rine tx one | She felt cramps, when she said she |" aires w good home to take core Ola | THE FINE LARGE RESIDENCE OF adjoining. $2,000, Rouch ast h d Lire & tnkm. would go and lie down, and asked for feeble old gentleman. Wages $15 « A. Williamson, 115 Gow. St, near lot, uses, $18. $19 $20 of the chances which a brakesman has K 1 $ month. Address "Spero," Whig office, Bagot. A splendid -- location. Pro- Farms For to to take." He thought only of his an emetic: It was 'too late, for n_.a . perty 66 feet frontage and fect Roa "J. A. Gardiner, 0 Ce ne voung wife and children and caid short time she was seized with con- deep. Garden and "orchard in rear, ton street. or "Oh 8 hat will they do (is * | vulsions. A doctor was telephoned for, LOST. viApply to J. Fo Swift. i a REET A a * Ny mie rcatl but she was dead before he reached r 1 Bei bout n intersection of = E a tr one a shit A trains are run- her. A GOLD MEDAL BELT BUCKLE | FARM, ON BATH ROAD, LESS ache ab "mii, y with dresden ribbon belt, Finder will than two miles from Kingston, con- Highest prices realiz 3 8 P! ealized by nl trainmen and trackmen never ty-three years of age, leaving behind street. failing wells on the property. creck JOHN H. MILLS Ww . » . r haw 1 her two small children beside her hus- running throush same, deep sofl, . » e guarantee our milk to be | know when they may have a 00 | band, for.. whom the greatest sym- . i SRP 3. WITE clay loam. One of the best farms in Te Leading Auctioneer ABSOLUTELY : +! caught in a frog: : heats . te, A FOX TERRIER PUP, WHITE, WITH the County. Annly to Jo Pe . purée ; put up In The deco was about thirty years pathy is felt. She was a daughter of | | brown ote, Bmp collar around Ferris, on the farm, -or at 374 «le . Te oT : > ol i pe K. ward pr ry > . . sterilized battles It is the best. | of age and leaves 'a wife and two Mr. and Mus. J. M. Campbell, of Ire Beck Rew n to Alfred streot, Kingston Wm. Mum Aucti Try it chikdfon, Me rgsided nt the outer sto- | land Eve, Clanwillinm. 'he corner, s m. urray, uc oneer TY 1 : tion. Beforey becoming a G.T.R. Pr. Poole, after making inquiries; de- | | 10 Upp COMMUNION CUP BELONG- MONEY AND BUSINESS. yf > . brakesman two vears ago, he was ia cided that no inquest was necessary. ing to St. Luke's church. If the { 14.27:BROCK ST in sto il De the employment" of: McKelvey & Birch, | The foneral; which 'was very largely finder, will hand it to Me. All. er ------------ : : ; eee attended, took place on Tuehday, the | Shannon, at Whe (TERE SO 0 POLICIES COVER MORE ON s : 1 remains being interred in St. An- ontiol ed . building and contents than any other New Carriages, Cutters, Harness Cor. Brook and Fagot ° ts. A VENERABLE MAN teen?s church-yard, Westhops. Rev. ucHtions asi y "OMers. Examine thom at f | 'Phone 667. ---- 1 Rest ot |M 1a Thompson officiating. Several Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Marke ete., . i tern ost at fda cu 0 ng. Dove et Square. bi Jot Sle Passed to Bis Su a : beautiful wreaths were laid upon the BOARD AND ROOMS. : Sale of Horses Every Saturday WAGGONS Arden, Oct. S2--Aner sine davs. of coffin, be _ sorrewing relatives, and | ROOMS, AT 8 WELLINGTON ST. |[IvERPOOL LONDON AND GLOBE . a 2 : . » a . sym hizing riends, ith t ho rd. - WY. pg. N fine fail weather up to and including m-------------- or without. hoa assots 841 187,215. In addition to i Vali p- el ry holders have for : rapt § thursday lust, Indien suminer preva i CHASED A SMUGGLER. Wc ee Bolicited Hamiity of all | IRON FOUNDRY (STOVE PREFER. (ar adian (Chinese Restaurant Just what you Want, tye Shoffem'. . Up lriday 'moming shout 9.30 : MEDICAL. Sosurity the a oity. pro- ) ho man re on yry ng a easiest draught wagron ever | | j,k rain began to fall, and con- | pra Who Ferried a Horse From CARTHY, OFFICE LATELY perty insured at lowest possible royalty Hollow y A ding 1331 King Street made. It is. short turning. large front { i, 4 all night, till considerably over : DR. MeCARTHY, 8 gL rates. Before renewing old or _mving lock "and - wheels, easy draught; wheols do mot = Ba : Prescott Finally Caught. occupied by Dr. Ryen, corner Mon- new husiness get rates from Strange ready_ fntroduced, Francis Machine m 1 4 © an inc ha aden. . treal and Brock streets. & Stran~e, Avénts. 0, uis Mo. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 &.m | ;rike body: cannot tip over, and many h had fallen. 4 Mita : OR ioront asaith k Co., St. Louis M Don | ke boty a eae svoares an | Un Saturday morning about 3 a. [Lie Sorsi Fd. Smith hal. | se-- mies -------------------------- Lunch 'in the city. Meals of all kinds | o show you if you call at a venerable, and much respected and er . Conadion a ee on shortest notice. English and Chinese | fcr. apany years a resident of Arden, {8 acke a ta a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. dishes a 'specially. 'Fhone, 655. -- THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City end Farm Pro- pertioe. ae uniolpal County Deben- ures. ortga, purchased. Deposits received and Tatorest allowed. . S.C. McGill, Managing Direcjor. Office, 87 - Clurence street, Kingston. 14th Band and -- Orchestra Music for all Oocasions, Instruction on Military Band Instruments ;: a Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Add: Bandm » Watson H. Walker, 0 OPERA or=ex ORCHESTRA s {xan BUSY ONE." Speckal Rates for Weddings, | Teas and UNot-Out" Parties. BE. H. MERRY, Leader Violin, Vie's, Instruction. Pupil of Mollenhauer, Boston. + 155 Sydenham St., or Theatre. Ladies' Tciloring Finest of Workmanship, Up-to- Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar: anteed. 236 University Ave. || W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston NewYorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8.00 am The best place to met an all round Lunch in the city: Meals 'of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese dishes a specialty. NewRestaurant Hotel Congress 338.382 King Street Everything Served in Season BILLY HARRIS, Prop. "Try a Pound of Myers' nous woos Sausages Sunday's Breakfast. | James Laturney's The Carriage Maker | 390 Princess Street, Kingston | | Carriage Painting Neatly and promptly done' Come to us for good work at reasonable. prices. Qur work 1s sure to be satisfae- WwW. G. FROST 200 pucen St. Telephove 526 Big Storage Warehouse in con- nection, ; moderate rates. l{ LIFE ASSURANCE | May be obtained at a Minimum Cost in the # ROYAL INSURANCE CO'Y "OF ENGLAND' LARGE PROFITS, ECONO- MICAL MANAGEMENT « For Particulars apply to EMBOSSING And... lw ENGRAVING Neatly done at the Whig Office. i -------------- Serve As Range Lights. \ of Kennebec, and who has just 60 Brock Street- gould no doubt' give un govern J ¢ for improved light- inereased frrant As the "lighted clock fials in the | Cross 'drug store. Fresh there. city - buildings' - tower serve as range J. E. Cunningham, mining broker. lights for vessels coming into King- | hse gone to Cobalt to look over some ston harbor at : might, the Dominion. | of the mining properties of which he | Thomas Youmans + ¢ away. Although bordering on el few days, his death was unexpected He was around cabinet shop on Friday, the days be fore his death. Deceased leaves a wi dow but no family, he many years a mémber of the Method- jst church. An ardent lover of child- ren, he took great interest in the Sun- day school, and was a great Worker in the temperance cause, The funcinl took place yesterday (Sunday) alter noon, The Methodist church was filled to overflowing. A large number of the Sunday school children and teachers preceded the hearse from the house to the church, where an excellent sermon was preached from Psalm cxii, verse 6: "Ihe righteous shall: be in everlasting remembrance," by the Rev. Mr. Crowe, after which the body was /interred in the Arden cemetery. The patrons of the Harlowe cheese factory were paid at the rate of ome dollar and twenty-two cents per hund- red 'pounds of milk, delivered in Sep- tember, and thosa of ° the Arden fac- tory for the same. period, at one dol- lar and eighteen cents per hundred. John W. Miller, Newburgh, formerly re turned from visiting three of his sons in Manitoba, and visited friends here for a day or two, has returned home. Mrs. Charles Wood, from Odessa has been visiting here. A new telophond i being erected from H. H. Hall's stork in the village, to the Ardendale sta- tion, placing the! old one belonging to the Bissonette company, who form- erly occupied the same premises. Chas. Scott, blacksmith has come back to Arden. eee Cure The Cause Of Cough. A cough is a symptom merely. The of the ages, "The Diamond Certain cure for _tolds, sore throa store. Some say that city ignorant things. Some of them can not tell a horse from a cow, but they do know that beautifiers known. cents. Mahood's drug store. is selling stock. Buy Honor bright stove pine varn- ing. At present the government grant is about $400 for the purpose. A ish: the best yet, at Strachan's Hard patsed peacetully vears"of age, and slightly ailing for a and working in his has been for Joseph Doran; who smuggled a horse into this country move than a month ago, says the Ogdensburg Journal. Phe man has been held to await the ction of the United States ovamd jury and the horse and buwer have been comfiscated by the government. Doran crossed on the ferry with the horse on September 27th. Deputy ty tm Makes a Suggestion. Deseronto, Oct, 24.--(1¢ the Editor): I read a very good suggestion about Thanksgiving day in the Whig 'a day or two ago and 1 Deg leave to make another, 1 think that in future, the Canadian and American governments Collector Frank Johnston duty and told main office cording to the Doran failed Daniels. Doran was traced to where he was arrested. mitted to the await the action of the' grand to 'go Vincent, where it was learned Port Leyden. It js' claimed Doran is the man who seat the that he then drove the horse tc the Harbor. Craig's : Steamer Stranger « morning, for Ottawa; Mura, up, today; steamer down and up, to-day. A most pleasant affair in con with the convention was Doran to go to and enter .the horse usual custom. But E near Collector Port Leyden, He was com- Lewis commty jail Doran comes frony back of Kineston. He says he has a wife and children The first cle obtained was from Cape some household furniture had heen en tered fromm Kingston and "comsigned to ture across, using. another name, and cott and deliberately tried to evade the United States customs law. MARINE NEWS. What is Gathered Around stepmer Dun- Tendered An "At Home." was the on the ae to jury. 1 that that furni y Pres leared this morning, for Smith" Falls; pro n ¢ peller Pérsia, down, ia Ful bEw flow and dropsical- swelling of the ing; prapeller Cuba, up," to-night. limbs, + Swift's : Steamer Picton, up, to-day Physicians know of no remedy ®o steamer Rideau. King cleared, this) prompt in results as Ferrozone, which Aletha, nection p "At real trouble is the congested condition membrances of the air pass Cough Remedy cures the cough by curing the cause. and hoarsencss, 25c. at Wade's drug girls are poor, Hollister™ Rocky Mountain , Tea is one of the greatest Tea or tablets, 35 Buy 'infants' foods at Gibson's Red Home," tendered the visiting and local Sunday school superintendents by T. F. ! Harrison, in the Brock Street Mothodist church. Upwards of sixty- t | five were present, and spent a most enjoyable time. After a dainty lon- cheon had been partakén of, a gues tion drawer was opened' and 'conduct. od by E. A. Hardy, of Toronto. r -------------------- 1 Left For The West. Dr. G. F. Cliff, a reegt graduate in medicine from Queen's University, and son of the editor of the, Central Can- adian, Carleton Place, has, left for Regina, Sask. He intends to locate in chould agree to hold Thanksgiving daw on the same date, so that we could go to visit our relatives and friends on the American side and vice versa. Respectfully, THANKFUL, Smallpox is prevalent among Indinns around Fort Saskatchewan. VERY PREVALENT " IN YOUNG WOMEN. A Condition of '"'White-Blooded- ness" is Fast Increasing. It is always associated with langour and sensitiveness to cold. All the mucous surfaces, such as the gums, lips and eyelids, are blanched and waxy looking, "the skin is pallid and colorless, The pulse becomes rapid and Teeble; there is also loss of appetite and en feebled digestion, palpitation of the heart, breathlessness and tendency to faint. In extreme chses there is com- plete disappearance of the menstrual contains all 'the elements lacking in debilitated blood, KFerrozone not only improves the present quality. of the blood, but act ually forms more blood--the rich, red kind that nourishes and feeds the organs that require assistance. "About a year ago," writes Mrs, 8S. G. Stanliope, of Rothesay, '"'my daughter complained of feeling tired. She was very pale and listless, and kept losing strength until too weak to attend school. "We read of a similar case, that of Miss* "Descent, Stirling, Ont., being ered by Ferrozone, and this induce us to get it for Elaine, It took th | hoxes of Ferrozone to make any 'de cided improvement, but when six hoxes were used my daughter was beginning to be her old self again. It didn't take much longer to make a complete cure. It has made a new girl of Elaine. She has gained ten pounds in weight some purt of the, west: as a sure of good wishes his professional earveer. Henry Cunningham, Sunct ware. 0 tioner, and will' dnjoy the fullest mea- everybody in Chickering's, at McAuley's book store. practi- from and looks the picture of perfect health. She is stronger and enjoys the best of pivits." Every growing girl and young wo- man' ean make hersell strong and healthy with Ferrozone, Price B0c. per QI Q wo, If you want a Stylish and Dressy Hat, at a reasonable . price, come in and have a look at our $3.00, $4.00 and $8.00 Hats. If we have'nt one that suits you we will make you one that does suit. We also carry a large and assorted line of Ladies' Ready-To-Wear and Knockabout Hats. Somerville Company High Class -Milliners rans inn Free LL G00D MILL, more of the buyers. box, or six for $2.50, at all dealers. SELKIRK, PERFECTION, OR SILVER MOON F will do the convincing when it-has a shows UR idea of milling success 1 is to buy the BEST WHEAT we san get in the great NORTH- WEST. Mill it the best we can in our WELL EQUIPPED MILL, and sell it to dealers and consumers who want the Hedley, Shaw Company's brands of Flour! We have the GOOD WHEAT, the and lots of such: BUYERS. We only want. a few LOR 1

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