Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Oct 1906, p. 1

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y stamps it ors of Can- 'ment man- 9.75 ~ . weed, full seven-eighth length ned body and sleeves. Tae i al to any coat sold in the bios 13.50 ie very excellent quality of the ppings of self, full length the mater h 16.00 ex only 13.95 * 4 Section ood Sta sther stores ide of the big cities osition of t ing able to offer oJ Tee moneygsaving oppartunities-- almost ecause we get all our staples with jin. he size of the orders, of which our t were able to do so. For us to as well as undignified. - But for you lege. and in trath--your only safe suffer from comparison with this prettiest patterns of fancy d ¢ ts thty inches wide, at many -- 40, 45, . flour-de. 5149 ull. bleached "an , ete~--all perfectly finished in ev- da ices, each cloth, 83¢c., 1.15, 1.75, 6 5H s 3.99, 4.50, 4.99, 5.75, 556 and Ve sk designs to match the choicest and sand cloths, made and finished ma 1.00'a dozen upwards, with en, 1.89, 2.49, 299, 350, 3.75 and 4.25 Fall Quilts CROCHET QUILTS, all sizes; pure white, excellently made and 75 . finished, each, to-morrow, 1.99, 1.49, 1.25 99, 90 and .. SATIN QUILTS, all sizes, soft and of the most pleasing texture, many prices to-morrow--4.50, 2.95 l. popu 90, 95¢. 50, 60, 69, 75 with 10 15 2.75, 2.40, Lh 1.98, 01, pure, od and ..... ches ~ ~ Sheetings BLEACHED, and twilled, 2] yards wide, per yard, 25, 30, 33, 35 1 alll 40, 45 and 4Se.;: sam yards 25 lam-| wide, 23 and .. . 19 BLEACHED, and plain, 2} yards wide, per yard, 25, 30, 33, 35 LS, and 45¢c.; same, 2 yards wide, 13 wet-| 20, 25, 30 and ni? UNBLEACHED, and twilled, 2} yards wide, per yard, 30 35 ETE . UNBLEACHED, and plain, - 2 9p 15 yards wide, per yard, 15, 20 25 and = i? ny kind, it gives a : » OF worn » by--bring t on. The : erlla. ---- o The Shoe Business ow is Filled with Good ] 75c. Clothes Brushes. )EA IS THIS] ck the best assortment | To-Date $5.00 Shoes ._ Just have a look at of one of these 75c. Clothes cK pair of $5.00 Shoes tt Shoe Store | YEAR 73. NO. 249, Furniture Specials "for Next Week A Fine Assortment of Dressers, Washstands ~~ and Iron Beds From $11.50 to $75.00 Robt. J. Reid NEW STORE The sun rises Priliy at 6.87 a. Russia, | man a farmer living twenty-seven oa ire TY nema will Be Held In 8, | miles south-shst of Topeka, was 'seri {Perth Road Arbitration, 2.80 _p.iil., cember " ously injured, to-day. The calf found Friday. in Police Court Room. De 30th. sticks of dynamite, which Tat- 230 Princesa St. Telephone, 577<Night calls 230}. R. M. C. 1). vs. QUEEN'S III. at 1 pm. McBILL vs. QUEEN'S At 2.30 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 27th, Queen's Athletic Grounds. West side and Grand Stand 50c. East side, 25c.; Bleechers 10c. extra. MeGILL Atsociation F.8. vs. QUEEN'S Association F.B _10.30 a.m. Saturday, Lower Campus. Admission, 15¢, Pearsall's Millinery Call in and see what we are doing in Hats this week, especially Friday and Saturday. It will certain- ly pay you to do so, if at all interested, and at the sanfe time take a look at our Ostrich Plumes . and Tips which were 'bought at special prices this week, and will be sold accord- + ingly. Pearsall's Millinery 228 Princess Street We Guarantee to Fit Your Feet! . Durability and Style in Our Wear Shoes ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 84 Brock Street . sign of Golden Boot NOTICE TO SAVE THE TIME OF ANSWER- ing verbal 'guestions on the matter, we respectfully announce that the firm of Mills & Cunningham was finally, and absolutely disselved, on the Sth day August last. Mr. Cunpingham is now doing busi- ness on hi§ own account. solely, at No. 40 Clarende St. Mr. Mills will be found at the old stand Clarence street J. E, CUNNINGHAM, & THOMAS MILLS. ASSIGNEE"S SALE Thres Horses and ome Cow, the pro- perty-. of the estate of Wm. Pollitt, Baker, one Grey Horse, one Brown Mare, one Fox Horse, one He:fer : also fore whom it way concern, one Bay Horse, * city broken, one Bugey, o Spring War~on. and set of Heavy E press Harness." Sale at 11 a.m. SAT- URDAY, October. 27th, 1906, at Market Square. WM. MURRAY. Auctioneer. Concert and Sale THURSDAY, NON. : 8th... UNDER Auspices of the Ladies Auxitiary of the ¥. M. C. A. Sale Fancy Goods, Real Home-Made Candy, Concert, by Local Talent. TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove. Kitchen Range, or any other Stove comme and set me as I have the largest stock I have ever had : also a lot of Furiituré and Carpets. Everything cheap. . IMPORTANT Boy British Columbia Amala- mated Coal Co's. Stock at 25¢ before the rise, Nov. 13th to Sc. A few 'hundred dollars now may of of ete. Good make a fortune. 'Crow's Nest Coal Co's. shares Paris, Oct. 25. The Clemenceau sold 10 years ago 10¢., now cabinet has begun the fornadation of $300, WI its progranmane and the indications are JOB. F. awirr, AGENT this willbe very broad and that pos- wibly some surprises are in store. In --- . well-informed circles the impression FSIS ast Ty EC © | prevails that the government plans Husband Or Wife Must Go. ' |i clue, besides the complete Washington, - Oct. 35. -- Presid raving ont of the law grovidieg for Roosevelt has determined to prevent |the separation of church and state, the further simultaneous employment | legislation establishing workmen's in fowenmental service of husband. | pensions upon reaching a certain ape, "wife. One of the other must tire. He has requested the civil ser vice commission to furnish him a list «of all such eases. It is understood that SECOND-HAND STORE 308 Princess Street. 5 re. DAILY MEMORANDA. 1 3 Hest place In every city te buy Furs In Kingston, it's Camphell Bros. "Charley's Aunt,"" Grand Opera House 813 pom! : Sunday School Convention at B o'clock. Meeting, | This day in history :--King George II, died, 1760 : Battle of Balaclava, 1854 | them Sngli ) : : jane ov Fish defented; French: at Agincuurt, ' | "Tatman saw. the calf just as the tL ---- THE ENTIRE PR last stick disappeared down its WHIG TELEPHONES, throat. He started to drives the ani: 243--Business Office. 229Kditorial Rooms, 203 Tovoine Department. ] ° [ «Bleu de Roi" The latest triumph in Ceramic Art A very handsorfie wide band, rich blue, speci- ally adapted for Dinner Sets Don't Fail to See it at We make Fur Garments to order and incorporate the very latest jdeas in regard to style. The time has long since gone when any old thing was good enough for buyers of Furs. Styles change each season and we keep to the front rank with such novelties as dyed) Seal Skins Crown Head Persians in our garments. In Richness of Lustre and Dura- bility they are vastly superior to all other grades. Send us your name for Catalog B. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 139-163 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Kingston Reform Association The Annual Meeting will be held, on TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 30th, at 8 o'clock, in Whig Hall. ---------------------- MAY BE SURPRISING. The Programme of the Clem- enceau Cabinet. the state purchase of the western amd . {some of the southern railways, and the creation of a state monopoly of petroleum and aleohol. The draft of he already has been advised of a Henst oue hundred. WEN on t | the budget of the Sarvion ministry the opposition parties, luding the Robertson Bros deportation apd imprisonment of . pernicious agitators. As practically We Import and use only Genuine Alaska (London Kills Farmer ; Chasing It. Topeka, Kun, Oct. 3.-Ry the ex Hoston of a six-months-cold calf, part Iv filled with dynamite, James Tat Nearly Who i AN ELECTION three . man 'was using to blast a well, ' and mal away when: the dynamite ex FAVOURS ELECTION OF CON- ploded with a roar heard at the farm TITUTIONAL DEMOCRATS. cali had swallowed a dynamite with the vest of its strange meal. Tatman was knocked into the well the concussion Will Turn Provincial Gazettes In- _ to Campaign Journals--Dem- onStration 'on "October 30th, Will Be Dispersed By Troops. St. Petersburg, Oct. 25.--As a res sult of recent conferences the govern- ment has decided, tentatively, on Decetulser 30th as the divte for hold ing the election of members to the new parliament. As far as possible these elections will be held simul tancously. throughout the empive. A civeulur has been sént. to the various provincial governors, advising them of this decision, and instructing them to bend all their efforts. to procure the election of government candidates. The circular suggests a number of measures to hamper the campaim of internally that he may not recover. the entire press favors the constitu- tional democrhits and the mare radical parties, the various governors? are directed to turn the official ~aZottes, published in the larger towns of cach provinee; into campaign organs. PROFESSOR J. J. THOMSON, Whose researchiés on the discharge of electricity through yascs have heen vossible many of force is now applied Troops Will Act. Odessa, Oct. 25.--~The gowrnor-~one- ral, last night; had posted throughout the city a proclamation to the ofierct that any demonstrations on October 30th would be dispersed by the troops, The imperial # manifesto granting a measure of self-government, to the Russian people, was issnl an October 30th, 1903. The proclamation adds that only church celdbratigns will be permitted next Tueslay. "Strikers will be sentenced to deportation, and in stightors to disorder will be imprison- ed for three months and; then exiled. Scholars who indvlge in demonstra tions will he arrested and their ta rents will bo held pecountable for their conduet. MUST DEFEAT HEARST, . From Presidency. Watertown, N.Y., Oct. 25.--Charac the party and a bolter of its nomina tion, former democratic state com mitteoman, John cannot leave the party . to vote Hearst has announced himself, anc -------- Many Arrests Made. Cronsthedt, Oct: 25 ~-Two hundred or more soldiers of the garrison here have been arrested on the charge of being members of a revolutionary ot ganization, and, in addition, a large number of arrests have been made in connection with the mutiny here last August, vote. Mr. Carlisle says the independence that the duty of every democrat; fo the preservation of the party; is no | HEARST'S PREDICTION. , . Graveyard Plotters Punished. Waterbury, Conn. Oct. 25.--The so- called graveyard conspiracy cases of New York, Oct. 25.--Pre- dicting that he will be elected by 150,000 major- KEEFER EEEES * » »* * * 'atrick H. McKie , Louis Strauss, ity, Willia: R. J) Hearst, 3 ladies' want and know they want Fh Shen : gi a A. Sa onrat Mand independ- 3 the minute they see them. Grady, charged with attempting to de- ence league candidate for * y eo W p he World the ; Although always of the fang She Astor ut Ye oe the i. ie andl get gt Te * latest fashion, our styles perior court when all thd men plead- | ¥ astic meeting of his cam- ¥ are conservative, not ed guilty. Judge Case sentenced | 3 paign in Madison Square. ¥ eccentric, leaving the in- Strauss to one year in jail and im- | 3 Garden last night.: » delible stamp of -good posed fines of "$500 on McKiernan and | 3 A * : $100 each on Dr. wrady and Brophy. | S3SSG0ERGRI0IBIGII0000E taste. The charges grew out of the death of Frank Reynolds on November 20th last. He had been insured in the Wood men shortly before his death; and it was alleged that the four men con- spired 10 defraud the order in that they had a hand in the admission and examination of Reynolds, who Arms Literally Torn Off. N.Y., Oct. 25.--A tre Schenectady, the carve at Union and McClelle ed ov m its side, and injured was w house, a mile and a half away. The cap and so badly hurt thé uses 10 which that Duty of Democrats to Keep sin tariging W. R, Hearst as a disrupter of 3 Carlisle, afnounces in his statement, made public, that he for an independence league candidate, as for which Hearst has declared he will that in two years: Hearst will run for president on Jeague ¥ ticket, and only to defeat him, but to bury him, ley car bound' to Tray, failed to take streets, dashed into a huge pole, turn " iti, 15 SETI The Dispute In The Scot- tish Churches, HAS BROUGHT DOWN ITS RE- PORT. : United Free Church Gets Bulk of $55,000,000 Worth of Property Involved--Action of House of Lords. London, Oct, 25 The Elgin com- mission on the Scottish church dis- pute, bas issued a report dealing with the. i se properties, the fight for the "Possession of which led to the long drawn out battle just ended. The commission hps awarded to the United Free church the assembly hall and college buildings at - Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, while he Face bri) ts a block of 'office buildings mn Reliitbarigh and the annual sum of £15,000 for the maintenance of its dol- loge, for which there is sufficient ac- commodation in the office buildings at Fdinburgh apportioned to that church, he Free church is also awarded two additional churches at Glasgow. The foreign mission funds are mostly given tthe -Enited Free church, but the commission promises the church to allocate sufficient funds its 'missions. : The house of lords, on August 4th, 1904, as the result of a long-standing dispute between the - United Free ' church and the Free shurch, each pro- fesging to be the original Free church, decided in favor of the Free chuteh's claim, which had refused recognition to the union in 1847 of the Free church with the United Presbyterian church, the union which constituted the United Free church. The decision involved the | transference of the whole of the prop. erty of the original Free church, most for of which was held by the United Free church, valued at about $55,000,000, to the twenty-four Free church ministers known as the "Wee Kirkers," owing to the paucity of their number. The In- ited Free church faced poverty, and the "Wee Kirkers" came into posses- 1 sion of property far too vast for them to handlé, Fence a royal com- mission was appointed to Induite into the differences between the a two churches. Cs *1 The. report of this commission re- tl commended that the Free church should hand over to the United Free church all the property it could not itself adequately administer. But lat- er it became necegsary to appoint an- other commission, known gs the Elgin commission, to divide the property. It is the report of this commission which has just been issued. ---------------------- PITH OF THE NEWS. - The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias have adopted a set of mew insurance laws. Walter 'Westwood, been appointed orgunigfe nadian Foresters. Many important reforms are being contemplated by the Spanish parlia- ment at present in session, ' The Medicine Hat Times hans been purchased from W. C. Harris by W. 1.. Amv, formerly of Toronto. The Lake Superior corporation will Brantford, has for the Ca- \ 51- An a as Dixons novel, deals with the score of passengers. The accident was due to the slippery condition 'of the tracks caused by the falling leaves. The motorman applied the brakes, but Several passengers had r elbows out of the open and these members were a consumptive, Wants German Lover. New York, Oct. 25.=The family of a well-known millionaire, whose name has been withheld, is making a world- wide search for Albrecht Becker, a former lieutenant in the German army, and brother- of the Baroness Von Koskel, of Munich. The couple met in 1900 and Becker deserted and came to this country and started out té earn sufficient money to keep the girl he loved, her family having discouraged his suit. The girl is pining away and the family is now anxious to Tind the German 4 u windows, actually torn off. A human hand lay in the street with a cuff on a portion of the wrist. Another passenger was walking about the wreck with his arm hanging by a few strings of flesh at the shoulder. It was an awful sight. Another Troy -car was following and bumped into the wreck, but capid injury itp p-- Seven Men Killed. Johnstown, Pa., Oct. 25.--By an ex- plosion in the rolling mill of the ( bria Steel Co., last' evening, seven men are dead and two are painfully injured but not fatally. The exact A Low Down Crime. Chicago; Oct, 25.--Mrs, Margaret Leslie, the actress, found dead in her room in the Palace Hotel last Thurs. day did not commit suicide as was | cquse of the explosion is not known, supposed, but was murdered, Herbert! hut it is supposed the gas was fird E. Nicholas, a theatrical manager, ar- | by the setting off of a blast. rested on suspicion has confessed that | ~ ------ he sided in the = murder and that Flower's Son-In-Law Bolts. George Leopold, a drag clerk for Whte N.Y Oc a5 Jol whom" the police are now searching, Sertowy, hat re hn Byron Talor, who married the only daughter of the late Governor Ros- well P. Flower, is out against Hearst for governor and will support Hughes. For the past few years Mr. Taylor has contributed largely to democratic cam paign funds. was an accomplice. The woman's dia- monds and money were the motive fon the crime, ETT Ten Killed ; Seventeen Escaped. Irkutsk, Siberia, Oct, 25. -An at tempt of the convicts here to break out of jail, led to a serious fight, dur ing - which nine convicts and the gov ernor of the prison were killed and soveral persons wire wounded. Seven teen convicts succeded in making their escape. : Sues A Paper. Paris, Oct. 25---Major Alfred Drey- fus has brought suit against the Liye Parol: for refusing to correct state- ments made in that paper which were at variance with the decision of the court of carsation on July 12th, an- nulling his condemnation without a retrial. Illinois Banker Sentenced. oliet, M., Oct. Howard 8, Barker, president of a bank at Frank- fort, Ill., which recently failed, plead- ed guilty to two indictments for em- bezzlement and was given eoncurrent sentences of one to fifteen years. B- Policeman Shot Wife. Arkansas City, Kan., Oct, 25.~John C, Moore, the policeman who on Sun: day shot and killed his wife in, the Mrs. Samuel. Mumia was awarded | street as she was retwming from © the $3,000 damages far the death, of ber | church, and who eseabed with a posse husband on the CT. at the Brant lin porsuit bent upon lynching him. spend $1,000,900 in enlarging the pow: er plant at the Michigan Sob. Two fuli-grown wolves have been son in Brome county on the road be- tween Fulford and Brome Lake. The Great North railway, in Quebec, has adopted the C. #. R. schedulé of pay for idx enginvers and firemen. The Countess of Warwick say® Eng land is sick and tired of the old social order and sees in socialism its only hone. -- The directors of the Ontario Bank have resigned, andl a meeting of the shareholders has been called for De- cember 11th. ° McCormick Bros, of New York and Salt Lake City, are reported to have purchased the Mel.eod-Gléndenning mine nt Cobalt for $600,000 Rev. John N. Norton has received a eall to the pastorate of Strathaven Bantist church, near Flesherton. It is understood he will accept it. The immigration into Canada for the months of July and ' August to- talled 35.369. which represents an in- crease of 12,901 over the correspond- ing months of 1905. Two cargoes of fossils of extinct animals are now on their way from the Rocky mountaing to the Americin museum of natoral history in New York. Amone them are two dinosaurs hitherto unknown to science, Josevh Tames." farmer, perished of fold pnd homeer in hie shack, six wiles from Roblin, Man. His wife left him iN, caving B¢ was evazy. For four dave he was alone, without fuel or fend. When rescued he was dying. « Wier Pankhorst, who took so pro winent a part in the woman suffrage disturbances in the British House of (Commons last year with nine other women, were arraigned for riofing within the precincts of the honee. They rifrsed to vromize to keen the peace 'and were returped to custddy, pp -- The average vohng woman of to-day fa hose. Beauty is only another name for health, and it comes to 99 nut of ery 100 whet tobe Hollister's (Rocky Mamtain Tes. Ten or tablets, 35 probably will be révised. ford assizes, surrendered vesterday. J FOUND HIS MAN ° a ---- To Whom Fort Francis, Ont., Oct. 25.--F. Beat- tie, Bay City, Mich., is now the part owner of one of the richest mines in the Rainy River district, carrying high values in gold, silver and copper. The sectet of 4 ne a rs more tl twenty years Almos, an old hali-breed trapper, who heard of it from his Indian relatives, For years he had sought a man whom he considered sufficiently honest to share his secret. Because of his prompt weekly payment to his men, employed in the Argentine mine, Almos conclud- ed Beattie was the man that he might safely impart the secret' to. This he accordingly did with the under standing that he was to have one-half of the earnings. The Play Suppressed. Philadelphia, Oct. 28. Mayor Weaver as sul play placed on the boards at Walnut street theatre re construction period and the Ku Klux Klan. Its chief villain is a mulatto officer holder who wants to marry ao feeling in the south, and incited od ings: Hefore it was presented on Mon. : k white woman. The play aroused local : day, n committe of ministers called the play, and thousands cfrds were sent to the sixty thousand negroes in town, calling upon to march to the theatre and stop the play by force. By eight o'clock, three thousand negroes had assembled service was blocked, windows broken, and a sore of bhadhs badly juan. e police repeatedly charged mob. It was = quieted only through promige of a city council meeting, { -- Sho y Brutal Murder. Red Bud., HL, Oct. 26.--Anton Milli- bach, a German , residing at Renault, was whitetapped last 'Lues- day night and died Friday night. Millibach went to town and. became Slightly intoxicated. A Jong surround- od him in a saloon and threatened to hang him. He resisted, but the lights were put out and he was beaten thrown out. Millibach then got inte his waggon and started for home. Part of the gang was waiting for him at the outskirts of the village. They showored him with stones. He fell 'in his. whgifen and was taken home by a young men ng around sas loons of {he village and persecute A b. HT How To Grade Kisses. Chicago, 'Oct. 26.--~Mrs, Kathryn Doelle, the preity thirty-two-year-old widow is suing Frank E. Dooling, a Springfield politician, for $800, w! she claims she lent him and kisses which she confesses blushingly, she gave him outright. "Few single men know how to kiss," declared the pret: ty widow. 'I should have known Mr. Dooling was married by: the way he kissed me. Married men know how to kiss kisses are longer and more heartfelt." -------- Burglars Lose Money. Wilkesbarre, . Penn., Oct," 25-The second safe cracking within three days which yielded the burglars barely enough to pay for the explosives used, took place on the safe in the Erie railroad station at Pittston, near here, was blown open. The burglars got only $8, The safe was blown to to pieces, and the station was dam- aged. Three days ago five masked men blew open a safe at Parsons, near here, and got only $4. . ------------ Died In Ottawa. Ottawa, Oct, 235.~Mrs. Spencer, wile of H. B. Spencer, €, P. R. divisional superintendent here, died ot 2:30 o'clock, this morning. C, W, Spencer, of the Canadian Northern, was pre sent when the end came. She was a body will be taken there for burial. She has sisters living at North. Bay and Sudbury. : . Portable Church. New York, Oct. 25.---A church house and parish building to cost $10,000, and so constructed that it can be sep arated into sections and shipped from point to point at a moment's notice will be sent to Panama for mission work there by the home missions board of the Presbyterian church. Worth Having. : A good glothe , good for ten years, and the "pair of patent or calf shoes to be had in Kingston for 85, at the Lockett shoe store. Ten days ago the government launch Tleee, started on i . trip to Georgian Bay. Since that time so word been received from the mem! of the crew and their fries in Windsor are anxious. $100 Reward, $100. isease that science has able to' cure in all its stages, and is rrhe o Cure only positive cure w known to Sh Sy . requ Lreatme) Hall's ure tonal, taken internally, acti di blood and mucous surfa thereb; y ure. Address F. J. Sold by Tak NBY & CO,, Toledo, ants, Mahood's deng store. @ Hal upon Mayor Weaver to protest against | 4 of postal [4 , oar 4 better than single men. Their | Miss Barr, of Prescott, Ont., and the | Dependability lu the greatent 4 Le Sw \ reg Ah to Fine rib kuit, color, white, | LE Petal ht hy Ried o> oi ul 3 & Pay a visit to this Depart ment. : ) Tyr. igual Ais LA aA MILLS--REID.~In tin on Qt. 24th, 1906, b Starr, Rev, Roid, to as Honey' Mints, Toth i A of this eity, . D THE LEADING © UNDERTAKER m® RAND. [OPI ITH lou TO=NIGHT Tuesday Oct. 30th, "Gika Wil Ba Girls Makes the Weak Strong Makes the Strong: Stronget In 1, 2, 4, 8; 16 oz! Jars, * Accept No Substitute SEE OUR WINDOW. James Redden & -. ti )\|k, © The Home of Good "A Drastic Bill. ii Dfueiate THe Const

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