Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Oct 1906, p. 3

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[FROST BITES, GhiLbLung ATED SKIN OR Chap APPLY... a| Aso, An Excellent Hair Restore 5 ang Sealp Cleanser. fe Large bottle, 25 centq, earth nat for sale at your a 2) » Slwave be procured at a - Sey Lint [Ep Ea 3 FURS Seal Skin Sacks Persian Lamb Sacks : Fur-lined Coats x Ruffs and Muffs ang - Fancy Ne¢k Pieces Exclusive Fur Store ¥ Phone 700 ant 4 One PENDANTS We are in receipt of a series of New Crea- tions im 14k Gold and Pearl Pendants. The designs this time ave, if possible, more dainty than ever, with loose hanging drops of Pearls, Topazes Amyvthests. The prices range from $6.00 to $25.00 The articles are the newest suggestions we can offer you. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. and . Ready for rse Dy adding water. : {~ Pat up In bags, 100 Ibs. In each. : d . To «| + White Rock Finish a Put up in bags, 50 ibs. In each > © 55-57 Rarrack : : P. Wals St. "Phone 109 $ e | @vevaecas vu The Thanksgiving Dinner Will be enjoyed to a greaterextent if the table Cover, such as we sell Our linens are all i import- ed from Glasgow, and care- fully selected from a great range of samples. Quality, style and price go to make up the kinds that we buy. Beautiful Table. Damask rom soc. to $1.50 a d, with Napkins to ab ot at from 7sc. to $5 a dozen. Tray Cloths, lies, Cen- trepieces, etc. big as- sortment just received. You will need a new Coat for Thanksgiving' Day, and this being the case we cill your attention to our showing of the lat- est New York ideas. We have some handsome gar- ments at $10.00, $12.00, $1s. 00. NEWMAN & SHAW || ADAMANT Wall Plaster i . "Dr. Scotts Liniment ! has a snowy white Damask - LF ee re mr Ready For Use | 5 dosem Pillow Cases, size 42 inches, some Hemstitched and others Plain Hem, made of good strong cotton, iree from dressing, price 5c. regular each, to-morrow, 35¢. per pair. Thanksgiving Linens, Your Turkey Will Taste So much better if you have a snowy . white Table Cloth, with Na to match, some very, special Prices for toanor- row, in Table Cloths.' 10x4 Bleached Table Cloth, all ready for use, doub.e 'Satin Daniask, guaranteed, all pure linen; regular price $1.75, to- morrow, $1.20 each; $2 for Tea, Soups, or Gravies. Too Solid Extract v {vorreo nv canada) Be careful not fo use. tb great a propottion of Armour's Beef Extract whet making Beef much does not improve your dishes, 'Just add one-quarter the guantity you would of other and Fluid Beefs, i's has fh: times most of them. Booklet ** CULIN- Toronto 31.50 each; 5 for $2.19 ea 10x4 od; Rates fine guality, double « Satin Damask and wear guaranteed, regular price: $5, special for $3.49 each: We have Table Napkins to match, any of the above cloths. Something Very New, in Neck Scarfs. Chiften. Scarfs in some very hand- some designs, Hand Painted apd extra long, in white and cream, and, black and white, 65¢c., $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. Havé You Got Your New Coat for Thanksgiving Day Agreeable to the most sensitive skin -- unequalled in its soft,' smooth finish. "Tiger Brand" Underwear For MEN and BOYS No burrs or lumps £6 rasp the flesh. So Comfortable Ii not come here and we can ow you some very swell rments. Our Coats are winning great praise for Our Rbady-to-Wear Department. Jas. Johnston Store The: Store That Serves You Best. '180 Wellington Street. --------------------es setts: Shoesforthe| Ladies That 'are particularly stylish in shape, and wile in a very skillful manner are the kind we are showing The Woman who puts her feet in a pair of our $2 or $2.50 Box Calf Dongola Kid Rlucher or Laced Boots will not nced to be afraid of the wet H. JENNINGS KING SI. BE SURE AND GALL TO SEE WAGGONER'S STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S Fall and Winter Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings, And Fancy . Vestings. Stock is now complete for fall and "winter, Prices to suit all buyers--f{it and finish guaranteed in all*the latest styles. 188 WELLINGTON ST. and ------ " 4 DIAMOND DYES (RE FIRM Br; ala R {AH FADED s*¢ DINGY Be] 3 COSTUMES SKIRTS, LOUSES. CAPES. JACKETS & SUITS, FOR MEN & ms oo Esai ie ET UBSTITUTES IMITATIONS coe DIAMOND DYES LUARANITELL .PERFEC? ie IS A SCPE Does Your Stomach Bother You 1 Dr. Distressing Stomach Troubles Through the Inside Nerves. As you value your health Fy , sense of ot Jassitude org Newleet thesecondi- lovite distressing 4 become a sallow, 4 Carriage Painting Neatly and promptly done Come to us for good work at reasonable prices. Qur 'work is sure to be satisfac- tory. W. G. FROST 299 pucen St. Telephone 526 ~ Big Storage Warehouse in con- nection ; moderate rates. WAGGONS Ordered Footwear . Repairs Shoop's Restorative Cares All appiness don™ neglect to care for the slightest stomach pain he first sign of distress use they are ise 10 iguore er eat a hearty meal with f\rollowed by a period Ever Seen on a Capital Grid- iron--What the Limestones Ars Dathg-Giensral Notes on Sports. g Ottawa Citizen: Outs College in- augurated the intercollegiate series on Saturday © by trimming the fourteen young geatlanen from the Prosbyterian college, Kingston, Ont., to the tune of 13 to 13 At that the bunch of young. to old Kine Clancy the, ts on thy gentle game of football hate nothing to blow about, and not nik dhe whistle sounded for full Sie was the victory assured, for the Queen's aggregation were right on the job, every minute of the game. It was an exciting finish to a fast and exciting match. Mf Williams had put over a goal from the field or the ball had been pushed over, or the dead line crossed 4 few times, it would have been) all off, Queen's team consists of Ken Williams, brother of "Jack" Wil- liams of the Rough Riders' bunch. Take him off the Presbyterian line-up and there would be a general break- down. Of course there are other men in the team, but Williams is the whole thing for speed and "ground gaining punts. They play to him and he punts. ° A pretty catch, a smile, a little hop, skip and jump, another smile and a long leg goes up in the air and the ball Perth To be frank, Mr. Williams kicks too far. A little sneaky kick in- to vacant territory is frequently bet- ter play. Durocher, Joron, McDonald, and "Chump" (F'Neil could live and grow fat on Kenneth's long Hardisty 'ounsell kicks. run to the opposing wings, and a swilt return to open spaces often gained ground for college, and had Williams working overtime. Neither u am proved heavy aggregations, al ough Queen's with their barber-pole ey looked a little heavier than the slightly built Ottawans. On A good catch, a | Co WATR SOFT a8 SILK. New Sctentifis "Te "Treatment Dandruff Gemms, Hair Soft. It is an sccepted fact, a proven fact, that is a germ disease; anfl it is also a demonstrated fact at ~ Newbro's Herpicide kills the dandruff germ. Without dandruff fall- ing hair would stop, and thin hair will' thicken. Horpicide not only kills the dandruff germ, but it also makes hair as soft ns silkl lu is the most delightful hair dressing made. It cleanses the seulp from dandruff and kee it clenn and healthy. Itching and irritation are instantly relieved, and be rmanently qured. There's noth: Kills and Makes ing "just as good" Take no substi: wate. Ask for "Herpicide." Seld by lending druggists. Send 10g, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Detroit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, special agent. lost his good form of the spring, and the best rider at the Kentucky track it Mountain, who was the le ader on the Canadian circuit this ason. At Ripon, Wis., Sir Thomas Liptow saw his first American game of foot. with such brilllancy as to eclipse the others, He is a powerful punter and | on one occasion drove the ball a dis- tance of between sixty and' sixty-five vards. He is what micht be called an all-round player. Fegg, the quarter, Was a hard nut to crack. Crawford at full got in some nice runs. Ottawa Journal : Queen's team ap peared to be much heavier than: Ot tawa College, but not as speedy; por are .they as good tacklers as the locals: The game was one of the hard- est fought in the capital for many a long day, and when time was called Queen's had the ball on the fifteen [ vard line and their good for going over. A whole lot of time was wasted on the throw-in, which caused no end of. petty serap ping among the players. Many people in comparing the Intercollegiate with the Quebec game think the fatter now far abead of the former from a specta- tor's standpoint, and théy are about right in this view. The throw-in could well be cut out of the Intercollegiate came; Williams of Queen's is one « of the best men ever scen on a locul foot ball field. Not Disheartened. The Limestone football players 'are not disheartened they received in Brockville, Saturday last, but are practising hard and hope | to make things warm for Gananoque on the 17th. What the boys want is some one to coach them in team work. The back division will likely | stay unchanged, there: will likely be two or three changes on' the fine. "Spike" Dick made good on Satur day, and will kkely finish the season on. the hali, Birch going up to his | o'd position on the wing. Limpstonges on the Cricket field to-night, and expert to arrange for a practice | with a city team to take place Thursday 'morning. practice Will 'Varsity Play ? The senate of Toronto University was to meet this afternoon to decide | the Varsity rugby team will | whether the gamé scheduled for Thurs. day afternoon will be played. ein Sporting Notes. Angelos, Cal. Wi ouisville the best horses 1 Canadian cirenit. Jockey Ottawa Free Press : Wikiams was the bright particular star of the Queen's aggregation, and he shone | chances 'looked | over the drubbing | on i whether 3 pal ! finish the season or mot. It is to be | sluggish, tired-out "Jiyory™ feeling, hoped that no steps will be taken to | and made me feel bright and buoy break the schedule at this late date. [ant No word has been received vet as to | corrpspondent save that Ahere are from the | Nicol has | ball at Ripon College where a spisial game of football between the Lest fond | second 'teams of the callege had ben | hastily arranged om Sir Thomas' ex pressed desire to see the United States | game, At the eanclusiop of the {Sir Thomas complimented the playets ! on their spirit but deplored the rough | mess. of the "game, saving that the {rugby game furnishid ws much enjoy- | ment and exe reise without the danger. | He hoped to see the English rughy | game introduced in the States and said he would like to give a cup for the purpose, CONSTIPATION AND RESULTS. Why Bileans Are Beneficial. About eight women out of every ten sutier from constipation. Certain por tions of the food We cat are useless as food: and the wark -of the bowels is to expel those portions. Their work is aid- led by a secretion of the liver--the bile. | When this secretion fails, or is secret: od in insufficient "quantity, the bowels become inactive and constipation re | sults. Impurities which should {be ex- | polled gather, and then note what | happeus ! The blood' comes in contact | with this foul accumulation, is filled with poison, and the circulation car { ries these poisons all over the body. { That is why constipated persons have so much headache, that dull, heavy | feeling, bad breath, foul taste in the { mouth, ete. { From this it is sem that if the liver {be corrected, the bile flow will be set right, that in turn will correct the intestines, and the constipation will | ke ended. This js exactly what Bileans | do and why they dre sa superior to or- | dinary medicine or - purgatives. These { flush the bowels, but do not get to the | cause of the evil (the liver). Bieans do. Mrs. Frances Greene of Earl street, | Out., says: "My liver was sluggish and out of order, and 1 had great trouble from constipation. Every movement of the bowels had to he { forced. I doctored and tried all man Iner of remeglics, but nothing brought { permanent cure until I tried Bileans {| They cured the constipation, ended the So Highly Similar evidence { all quarters oi the globe. Bileans | constipation, piles, headaches, | ailments and | indigestion, liver | anaemia, and wll chill, | Capital Cotnwall latrosse witch, | Fortune Goes To State. Good advertising serves to call attention for a time, wheels, sasy draught: wheels do mot strike body: Sum un on over, and many ts which we will be pleased to # you if you call at James Laturney's The. Carriage Maker hut merit alone can stand i the test of time. | A. E. Hi oe . 9 oess Bt. Clean Teeth. To femow Yartar the teeth Uv a Dr. brash, A perfect cleanser and er. Call and examine them at ade' 3901 Princess Street, ~ Kingston «drug store. and stains from Horsey fibre tooth | lish- Good Blood | § Good blood, good health; bad bicod, { | bad health; there you have it. Why not help nature just a little and change the bad to the good? Bad blood to good blood ; poor blood to rich blood! Ask your doctor how this appliés to Ayeér's Sarsaperilla, and how it applies' to you! Could anything be more fair? Wa ave 0a Brent Oy putin {.5. Aegis. LE a) SA STRONG BOY 10 LEARN PRINTING. Ape ie forthcoming from oure female rreculasities, debility, wind spasms, disorders arising YOUNG LADY, PLAIN SEWING, y He A Queen SL . Apply Whig office. STRONG BOY oo LIBARN PLUMBING: alse boys | vinswithing. Ap ply Fem tiny & Bons, A PA RENT, WIT A VIEW anit: McCans, 31 Broek Sv. CilY PROPERTY wv cash. J. street. TO ¥ ; WILL SR n FURN] TR TL se paste tment . TAILOR TO DO REPAIRING AND . - M STORAGE SPACE FURNE i Steady job the yew | TEACHERS. FOR JuXior AND ete, W. G. 299 Queen rei Bros, . r- senior depar t Seeley's Bay et. RR = - Sh Be Servies. to ayoain BOYS FOR SORTING ROOM, uo "an + ig: ASR sta ary, | FURNISIIED BRICK DENCE, can earn oi J. F. Cha s Secretary. No. 94 oppasite Apply to Gould & Co, Con ot a and Queen strvets. GOOD STEADY BOY, years 18 on 17 i ------ TWO GOOD TINSMITHS---FURNACE York a shesiity.; Wastes 25 per must he day good wen ; single Pre- ferred. Apply Pamilton & State, St. Thomas, Ont. GENTLEMEN TO HAVE | Sp ar rand. Taw loway, Be ", right. i: HELP W. A © HOUSEMAID., APPLY "AT. THIS Offige, ial SE -- GIRL TO ASSIST ™N LIGHT ROUSE work. Apply to 239 Division St. e-------------------- CFR SERVANT. APPLY | Bagot street. A UBNERAL Mrs. A. Strachan, 98 ee ------------------------------ A GENURAL SPFRVANT, EEL ™ Mrs. M n, 200 Queen: st THE olger, A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN Howard 8, T' ee rp ---- A -OENBRAL SERVANT. NO WAS | ing: Apol¥ vo Ae and Sade TH Bagot. street. ay San AN BEXPERIENCED PARLOR ab, Apply in the evenine to Mra. W. Albree, Emily street: GOOP "COOK, FOR PRIVATE HOS- pital. Must he thoroughly Om [€. enercetic and clean. Sainey a month. ences R Apply Box 19. care Whis oon EC TT TE RET LOST. etre TERR GOLD BRACELET, BETWEEN GRAND Trunk Station end Cor. Fark and West Sts. Kindly leaws at Whiz office and. receive reward. ------------ ---------------------- A PAIR OF GOLD SPEOTACLES, IN case, on Sunday evening, on wither Brock or Aldred Ste. Reward for ree turn to 208 Alfred stroet- BABY SARRIAGE. ALL KINDS cheap, w SEVENTEEN Ju HORSES, ior Raa D3: FOR SALE. A ol, an genernl helper, in. a a : storehouse, steady job to v > 3 Abily Jo ¥, arkhil, miss. LTRCTRIO MOTOR Ria ORSE Room: Punsion Presa] Goorye stitel -------------------------- THE PRICK ; RESIDENCE, 5 ; i Ep Ea PROM THE Pir Nov. ALMOST NEW, city. Apply to: 33 MoCann RARE: Office, 51 Brock street. AMERICAN ENOYOLOPRDIA, NEW apaelal reason. Apply through Wik Fihneon stro. OF CITY . wound Hey, Moasey Hares Arent Gintence root. NINE: HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL ba house nearly new. good eellar; hard and soft water, new barn further varticilars, ap | he office. FARM, ON BATH ROAD. LESS than two wiles from Ki con taining about aches; three "mever fulting wells on teu wretk running deen clay loam. One of "the heat best arma ¥ the County. Avnly to J. Ferris, on the farm, or 4 374 Alfred street, Kinuston. MONEY AND BUSINESS. EE TET EEE TS OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON building and contents than any other company offlers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark. et Square. -------------------------------- LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Sombany A assots S41 187.915. In thon which the policy holders have for security the Unlimited Hability of all st Fi pro- the city perty inmired at lowest possible J rates, renuWing old or sivine new business get rates from Strange & Stran=e. Acents, FOR S span R aLE Stone , PE rick House at ahove FURNISHED oly 5 COMFORTABLE, Gomera ampitel. George i = ] he rooms to let; bright, goad location, on King Apply J. P, Forest, Sats Houses, $1 month. Farms For to loan. J. Ay; Gurdiser, ir ine 3 Co., St. Louis Mo. TO ERECT A BUILDING. Canada's Great Transpért Line at Jamestown Exposition. Norfolk, Va., Oct, 15.--Among the interesting transportation exhibits at the Jamestown exposition, to be held on the shores of H.mpton Roads near Norfolk, in 1907, will be that of the Grand Trunk railway, the pioneer road of Cenada and the ody double track system of that country. Not only is this road to participate in the transportation display at the Ter: Centennial, but they will have a spe cial building to house their expensive exhibit. Although the headquarters of this immense system is located in Canada, the company intend to have a display second to none, and with this in view, they will erect a handsome building in a central location of the exposition grounds, The deision of the company lo par ticipate in the exposition makes them the second trunk line to determine up on such a course, the Southern rail: way having decided to display a sple ndid exhibit of the varied resource es along its thoussmds of miles of track, The Baltimore and Ohio rail- road are considering an exhibit in en: gine construction, the plan being to illustration of the of royalty. The sewers Jgborate system of of Parie are the most subways as vet % PAIR OF SPECTACL ES, IN BROWN > case, on Saturday. between Market BOARD AND ROOMS. and: Sydenham St. Finder il rr EER rewarded by ledving same at i" ROOYS, AT 36 WELLINGTON 8ST. am arated, wari and bright, with TT or a hoard. BUSI. : STRAYED OR STOLEN. TRON FOUNDRY -ASTOVE XREFER- . 5 NDS <red) Canadinn. manufncture on BHOWH HORSE ABGUT 18 HA! royalty iT 0 Ora Bullltine high, 7 ofr 8 years old ' hind feet R Block und Fonce-post Machine. A - te. fram Jorn. 4. outs. Wie, DR. ine ASLbrod i . ready introduced. Francis " Westbrook, Any information. in 8 Pattern Hats Millinery Novelties ; If you wish to buy a hat come Show Room. large and complete stock of hats in every design and shape = & and can also 247 Assure You of Exclusive Styles. Somerville Company wo Hood i) 4 a and inspect our Millinery We carry a High Class Milliners { these symp toms? -- dis Lord Dunraven has refused an offer {from liver and stomach derangement give a graphic = . Es ne oe ot Fre Re of 20,000 guineas for his St. Simon | All dealers and stores at B0c. a box, | Progress made a this line ou jude. FOURTEEN BALLOONS gnawing at pit ot stom | (tallion Desmond. . or post free from the BRlegrCo.. Tor by wxhibiting ion ist wg Be ~ of wind, -- mech The Ottawa Free Press says Ovide | onta, on receipt of prices. Six boxes the B. & ( EN oo In Race For Emperor's Cup tite, heartburn, \§ headache, dix | Lafleur and "Jimmy" Lraig are the | for $2.50. present day monster k rail Have Landed giness? It utfer in any of 'the Canadian gridiren The exhibit of. the Grand Trunk rai a an . eats ars sour Gut ie clear = nstest men on the a ; e | & road will be unigue, in that it will Berlin, Oct. 16.-Fourteen of the oy ous | SEA Crybe--these special thing Champion: Frank Gotch | A 'Mysterious contain enlarged pictures of the sume | seventeon balloons which started from trieaccoldie Vine tia eT failed in his attempt to throw Dr. 1 Hrotiyille, Oct. 15, W ibatday mer resorts along their (Facks, beauti gel, near here, on Sunday, in the evidence of disease. igestive ho 3 three Mtawn men 7 ewirt ot ik oted artists, which' for Fmperor William's cup, have {3s unture intepded they shou versity of Pennsyl "fully exécuted by no al ri or Emmy n "up. condi ol a Sa Ruler, of the University ) | mimiat and Ba \ VIR chane herd on' the |. 1 meelves will be works ~ art, | heen reported Jandel The Bes, the nerves natural {oree, gentle nal ing nan wen 0 rouse o> . Dr. Shoop's iestarative should vo ds Miss Harriet Curtis, of JBoston, Fain] Fire: A Stewart whom * he Hy Spacineng of Sah fave ni po wie a he buiiocns; Navigation this--it actin MCh Dati : ' ducts so abun » : oF even attempls to restore the inside stomach | {he final for the women R golf cham- | 1 cing the other two on the walk. hrough which the sysiewa passes will | Society. Dr. Brockelmann, appears to recommended b: hip, defeating Miss Adams, ol t 2 : perves. Sold and a pique hp. oy al ¥, Lo Later he found Davis lying on the all be displayed. The feature of the | have won the contest, as it landed at *ALL ARIIGRINTSY Raston hy = uf Ba bucks in the Qebee {walk and W. E. Stewart misdag. The disolay, however, will be the mineral | Brieg. Austria; 200 miles away. 3 gs Jour quarter pv ki Re h | former knew nothing of Stewart's <hibit. One from the great mines at Wood rigby union are: tkinson, Ugh | movements. This mornihg «Shady | TL 1, + "{ rio." called the The oy Riders; Smith, St. Patrick 5; Gordon, | was found floating. outside (h# Brew- |, Cobalts i : a of its HUNDRED DELEGATES Ort A al ontreal; and Baillie, Westmount. All Lory dook, the coat bearing the dame, aint ire of ave, will be made, This = sn : Gonaust vst | ny we ner = ou shes DOW four are small men, 3 W. E. Stewart, and a watch in the gral Bos godin Kot voor and is con. rom Railway Con ue ors Union our Mental and re Jack - O'Brien and Tommy Burns | pocket. which had stoppetl at 1.27. Tored one of the richest silver fidds Hold Meeting. rondency, Sedhal akness, Emissions, (Noah Brusso) affixed their signatures | Mr. Stewart wos foremad in = his ro the il 8. Paul, Minn, Oct. 16. Three hun: fatorrh:ray oa, ond Effocts of A Hic NE to a set of articles calling for 8 H-- | father's painting bus siness in Ottawa, | in the deed delvgates of the Order of Rail will ¢ are Brive ail drogity or) ma in] ty rounfl contest for a purse of | Baan aged - thirty one, and leaves a . : Gik road Comduetors are holding a meet: o pamphlet | a0, scheduled for the evening of No- widow and five childon. He. hid Fresh MeUonkey's candies at Gib doo 0 0," pre golegntes represent 213 vember 29th, at the Pacific A.C. , Los | come up with his riendy 10 see the [son's Red Cross drug store, the choice divisions of the order in the United States and Canada. The meetings are soeret. : Toronto Organist Invited. Toronto, Oct, 10. --Arthur Ingham, organist of the Centred Methodist church, has been invited by the trus tees of the Carnegie library at Fitts burg to compete for the position of organist of the music hall in connec tion with the library there. The duties of the. position include bi-weekly Saturday and Sunday afternoon reci- tals! from November to June, and the salary is $1,000 a year. Have your eyes examined bythe expert optician at Dr. Chown's + drug store. Cranberries, cranberries, at Fd- whrds & Jenkin, 274 Prinepes street, Lisbon, ©., Oct. 16.=The estate of |compi=ted. . | Gen. JJ. W. Telly, who died a vear ago in Wellsville, Has passed into the hands of thé slate. Gen. Reilly was 'one. of 'the foremost mem. bers of the Columbiana county bar, aml died, lfaving ab estate. estimated at $150,000 and net' a heir. | Blood Tonic & » sale, plesssirt cure for The property, under the law, oscheats | sctvous hamid of the Jean, to the state of Ohia, vadiable appetite, sour otherdisorden tpn caused by bed blood or Hearst Not A Quitter. & Don't neglet yoursell. Clesir the poison out od . 3 Bath, N.Y, Ot, 16-Wilkat I. uty wing Wirt Bleak Yotke Hearst, sbRogscos that after the : oe Fitenlly state election." no © fudbr whist the a aratstnon he mad deine result, he wonll com nue his Tight for formula offered by modem science. $1 a-bottle. a Pecount of the foie Sash Last year | Ay drug-Qores--ot The Chemists' Co. of in the New York city Jmayaralty i gon, Limited, Te wih tion. mnt tn "ables and Ointwneni=--a trio for hoallh, Pay water rate and save discount. Unshrinkable Underwear Spring Needle Risged Frey Sch same sures i

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