s supply of blankets was all d this small lot at what was ice--considering the articles as could be held over until > accepted the offer--because itrons and friends would a chance which would offer ch blankets as these: Grey Flan- ize--full 62x v" of which said than lered excep- urs to-mor- pair, only... Worth Dollars hd aR Twenty-Five an offer of ideal travelling e shilling over half what it And, mind you, the useful- not by any means. confined are about the best things e back of a chair, or spread >. Just look over your haven't good use for one of 1.25 ounge. lugs, large | ral differ 1g colors, equality it), fully s sold in rularly at lo-morrow or the above Filled 7 and Quickly. 7 75 arm Travelling HE MOST CRITICAL MAN IN THE CITY COULD NOT HELP ADMIRING OUR STOCK OF GENTLEMEN 8 rom the East, the West; h and every pair the the money, ° IWS the different styles e you to see the shoes tt Shoe Store -. Madame Claravina Dupre ee z gars 3 os YEAR 73. NO. 210. rr Specials for | Next Week A Fine Assortment Of Dressers, Washstands and Iron Beds From $11.50 to $75.00 Robt. J. Reid NEW STORE 230 Princess St. Telephone; 577--Night calls 230}. Queen's Athletic Grounds -- ANNUAL -- Track Sports Beginning 1.00 p.m. Tuesday, Ovtober 16th West Side and Grand Stand, 25c. Queen's vs. Toronto At 2.30 pom. THANKSCIVING DA Thursdiy, October 18th West side and grand stand, 56c. Hust sidé, 25¢. Bleachers, 10c. extra Farms for Sale. We would be pleased to show any of the Farms we have for sale. lid will cost you nothing only your time The following is about one-half of our list : YOu over 50 acres. Price $1200 50 * 1400 100. * 8 1800 100 = oe 1900 50... + as 2000 ui son pnt 100° " 100 . " kad * " " 12000 14000 T. 4. LOCKHART Real Estate Agent Wellington Street - - Kingston EMBOSSING And... ENGRAVING Neatly done at the Whig Office.' We Guarantee to Fit Your Feet! Durability and Style in Our : Wear Shoes ities MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 84 Brock Street OPERA sotss ORGHESTRA HOUSE ORCHESTRAS and There . are RA ORG HI STRAS, but only ONE recogmii- We aré ed full Orchestra doing business. busy gall the time: There's a reason. E. H. MERRY, Leader 155 Sydenham St., or Theatre. TAKE NOTICE Far a:Hall or any other Stove ses me. 1 have a lot of Furniture and Carpets. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 308 Princess Street. Sign of Golden Boot by TH VALLEY" And nes Buy "DBAY oe by New Yea: buys 1000 shares. buy s 600 shares. ares. 200 shares, , Steiead a 3 F. SWIFT, Financh h Axt WILL HE PLEASED TO GIVE AT- tention to customers at her office, Room 10, Windsor Hotel, on Scientific Palmis- try, Card Reading : also Manicuring Fucial - : Magsage, Shampooime Seuln Cleaning, ete. Hours. 9 a.m. Yo 10.30 p.m. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Have your stoves and furnaces refit ted chy rienoad workmen at Sim mons Bros' Yellow Hasdware Store J mpm rrr ee er taser , + KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, ------ imap OCTOBER 13, 1906. ONTARIOBANK Rumors As To Its Finan. cial Condition. NO OFFICIAL BIDS -------- BANK OF MONTREAL TO THE RESCUE. DAILY MEMOR ANDA. The Popularity OF Cy bell Bros. Hes Still eontinues to increa cred Recital' St. Andrew «+ Thanksgiving Day Men's Soeist, Quesn St. 30th, Mark the date. A big time, Remember the , 14th Band's Skered Concert, Sundav evening, Opera Housg, 8.30. Silver collection 's church. 8 Church, Oct, WHIG TELEPHONES, 243--Business Office. Editorial Rooms, 2---lobibing 'Department. . Rich White and Gold ---- This Will Prevent Any Lats. ko . Depositors or Holders of Notes, and Will Greatly Re- See the Beautiful CHINA we are showing at pre- lieve Any Anxiety as to the Financial Situation. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Ont., Uct. 13. the difficulties in caused some Rumors of the Ontario Bank excitem in financial and. investing -eircles, YWsterduy, and cansed a drop in the stock from 132} to 1244. At this figure there 'were no sales and on the ourb, it was stated, the stock could be Bought at par. sent. You have never seen anything as pretty and dainty, and very There were no official bids at any . 9 price. reasonable in price. Reliable information, last night, however, is to the -effcct that the Bank of Montreal has offered to take over the business of the Ontario Rank and pay all depositors in full. This aetion will prevent any loss whatever to depositors or holders of the notes of the Ontario Bank. It should also relieve all interested from any @nxiety as to the soundness of the general financial situation, for the difficulties of the Ontario Bank are due entirely to, ind hal faults of management, and are im no way indicative of gene ral banking conditions. The Ontario Bank has bei brought to its present position as the result of 'New York stock speculation by the ral manager, C. MeGill, me time ago, it is understood, negotiations. were opened for the pur chase of the Omtario Bank by the Bank of Montreal. which came to no result. Later th val Bos opened negotiations, and, it is undeFSood that in the course ~ of the latter bank's examination -6f the Ontario 4 Bank's affairs irregularities were firsy discovered. The president of the Ontario Bank, G. R. R. Cockburn, who was them in England, was ealled to return and ar- vived homeabout «n -fertnight avo. Since that time the directors have J boen endeavoring to stenighten out We are Fur specialists and | the bank's affairs and this week have a distinct advantage of them went to Montreal to inter virw Mr. (louston, general manager ROBERTSON BROS.. Store Open Saturday Night, 10 O'clock. two over general stores with their |of the Bank of Montreal with the 3 + fs : nel Je |Tesult that the Bank of Montreal widely different interests. We made an offer to take over the On- insist that no- house in Cana- da can do better for you in ['ities a Ibe sum of the deal means that the regard to values. We do not | depositors will be paid in full that attempt to compete with une-|th® Bank of Montreal will take over the assets, and also contribute a sign. reliable Furs, because every tario Bank, guaranteeing ar all liahi- lities and with further conditions. stated to be fI50,000, for the good article sold by us must carry a [will of the business. surplus of realized assets over i a recommendation to customers. other distributed to the sharchélders. Apart from its capital of $1,500,000, the last statement of the Ontario Bank. August 31st, showed liabilities of $13,500,000, ywhich includdd a rest fund of $700,000 and assets totalling £17,371,000, The extent of Mr. McGill's market operations or those earried on with Ontario Bank monev is not known, and, it is doubtful 4f even the bank's directors have: yet been able to deter mine it. Manufacturing as we do and saving all middlemen's profits enables us to offer Furs of a high standard at incredibly low prices. Sable Ties . $7.00 Sable Stoles, 100 _ inches long, Avi eiveniaiee *$13. 00 to $23. 06 Miak Mauls. $36.00 0 $100.00 ornk mitlding on Mink Stoles, 65 inches long, | Th Srsstsennsions woven 350.00 up The Run At Montreal. Montreal, Oct. 13 gress on the morning, at the A run is in pro. Montreal branch, this offices in the Alliance Place @'Armes Square officials are meeting all' demands as quickly as they can be attended to The crowd has not been very large at any, time, but has beer continuous Jinoy the opening hour. Ome of the Mink Scarfs.............. .. $20.00 up first to draw out. took $7,000 and re- We make to special measure | fused Ontario bank bills. He was paid the best $150 Persian Lamb |in bills of other bahks During the . % first half hour it is estimated that be Jacket in Canada. twetn $35,000 and $10,000 was token out. The regular staff of the Ontario % J bank is in charge It is announced M KAY that a deal has been clossd whereby JOHN C the Bank of Montreal assumes the lia bilities. FUR HOUSE - Not Much Excitement. 149-168 BROCK STREET Otfawa, Oct. 13--There was not KINGSTON much excitement here over the Ohtario bank roubles, largely due to the-an nouncement that the Bank of Montreal is to protect depositors. Thy infor mation here is that the deallbetween the two banks is about consummated There's Many a Sip "Twixt the cup and the lip if the o'clock by the posting of notices that Price 40c. the deal with the Bank of Montreal was completed and the bank was now Jas. Redden & Co. a branch of that. solid institution. The Home of Good Groceries. eesti CITY HALL R TUESDAY, OCT. 23rd MISS ALYS BATEMAN, THE All Qujet At Trenton. Trenton, Ont., Oct. 13. ~There is no excitemeft here over the bank trouble. ing business ag sual, ~~ Women After Money. Alliston, Ont, Octy 3 The report ENG- Sce Bibby's new fancy vests ings. The rush still continues, There was a' Lirge number of with. | m., while running at fifty wnilen an cup contains our drawals' during the early banking hour, fourteen miles this side of Pro hours, but Manager Simpson seemed | vidence, struck a large rock on the ava and Mocha Coffee to have abundant money to hand over | road bed, partly derailing the sleep | the counter, and everyone went away | Ing car and throwing the passengers happy... There was nothing that | in a heap from their berths. None, of It is of that rare quality so |'agid be constravd as a run on the | the passengers were injured. sought for by Coffee lovers. bank! Thy largest individiml deposit | Try Fibby's Mocha gloves. withdrawa wae $45,000.00 The danger | Sunlight Soap is better than other It is pure, satisfying, healthful. | oi 4 panic was averted at eleven | Soaps, but is best when used in the Ontario The local branch is do- of the Ontario 'bank 2 ne up reached lish Soprano, Mr. Bdward Parlovitz | here early this morning and crowds Pianist, Mins Orate Murry, ns oaaner<] soon gathered at the doors . for the * o 50¢., 75. o / 19¢h. at lslow's bank to open to. withdraw their sav- more women than nen RE thei money. ~ A New Sign Fut Up. Bowmanville, Unt. Oct, "ther: is no excitement to speak. of in con: pection with the Ontario bank here today. A few of the depositors are withdrawing their accounts. The man: ager received instructions by wire this worning from the president to put 'Bank of Montreal" on the windows and doors which has had & reaseuring effect on the most timid depodi tors. -- : Some Took Money. Collingwood, Ont., Oct 13. The doors of the Ontario bank were open® od as usual, this morning. Many de- positors thinking to be on the safe side crowded the bank and withdrew their money. Soon after eloven o'clock cards were to be scen on the bank windows and doors reading "'Pank of Montreal." Was A Big Rush. Buckingham, Que., Oct. 13. There was a big rush on the Ontario bank, here, to-day. Long before the place opened there was a crowd at the door. It was rumored, last evening, that the branch was to close, but thas story proved untrue Scores cof de positors drew all the money which they had to their credit. The tellers re kept hustling, and not a dollar was deposited. were Causes No Excitement. Tweed, Ont, Oct. 13--All is quiot here over the Ontarie bank trouble: The vcitizens seem to be well pleased with the announcement that the bank has merged into the Bank of Mont real,and the matter has caused no oxeitement, . Deposits Not Withdrawn. Forekt, Ont., Oct. 13. Everything is quiet at the Ontario bank here, The depositors have not withdrawn their accounts, antl have every confidence in the bank, Thé bank is now placard ed, "Bank of Montreal." Met The Run Promptly. Waterford, © Ont, Oct. 13.--This morning when the news became gener al that the Ontario bank was in dif ficulty, uneasy depositors made a run, but the bank met all comers promptly, and the excitement. was al taved when - the announcement was made that the Bank of Montreahyould assume the liability. Very Heavy Run Poterboro, Ont., Oct. 13.~There was a' very heavy run on the Ontario bank, this morning, especially in the savings department. Shortly after the opening it was announced the united banks had clubbed together and would protect the Ontario's patrons from any loss, but the demand kept on, TO REACH EVERY MAN. di There Will Be Attempt to Reach All. Oct. 13.- The social democrats have direction of the organized movement for the refusal to perform military which the constitutional democrats at their convention at Helingfors de cided to avoid. At a secret and argely attended meeting of the een tral committee of the social crate, at St. Petersburg, it was- decided to begin the work im mediately conscripts of 1906 The presses of the revolutionists are printing thousands of the mocrats' proclummtions and an or St. Petershurg, assumed the service, demo vesterday, among sovial de ganized coffort will be made to reach eviry man on this year's list of con serinds, To Settle In Ontario. , Toronto, Oct. 13.~The deputy land and forests re ceived gn | correspondence yesterday, signed by twenty-four young men, all born in Canada, but now residing in New York who want to return to the country and settle in Ontario. They have formed a club with that end in view, and in their lettér ask for in formation as to homesteading. minister of . » Found In Churches. Tithe, Oet. 13.-A rifles, quantity of bombs, has been found in two Armenian churches at Shusha, Seéveral priests have been arrested. Reserved The Bill. London, Oct! 13.--Lond Northcote, governorgeneral of Australia, has re serveel the British preference bill for royal assent The Knickerbocker. Express, Boston, due at New York, at from 730 a Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight and follow directions. Get your stove repmirsd at Lemmon & Sous. They have a stafl of compe- tent men and" have a full stock of castings on hand. Cuaubirries and grapes at Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess street, Reuotber. the 14th band's" sacred concert, Sunday evening. opera house, 2:30. Silver collection. H vour house mons Bros. You Charles KE. Macoon asumed the gov- ernorship of Caba, at sean, {odav. They seck in vain for power who fea: all pain, Soap i* cold come to Sim We will make it warm for the child "tupned to the conductor and cartrilges amd dagyers , A CHILD'S 1 Kd Robber Was De Detegted On A Tram Car. THE GOLD STOLEN WAS FOUND BURIED IN PUBLIC PARK. A Soldier Was Found to 'Be: the Burglar--The Authors of the Great Mint Robbery--A Little Girl Gave a Conductor the Tip. Berlin, Oct. 13:-The authors of the great mint robbery at Munich have boen discovered, and the police have recovered possession of nearly all the stolen coins. The merit of the discov. ery belongs to a child who, while sit- ting in a tramway car yesterday, ob- served that Ker neighbor, 'a man jin workman's clothes, paid his fare from a_phrss full of golden ten-mark picoes. fith a_quick sense of apprehension g conductor signaled the driver to stop the car, and handed the workman over to a constable, who conveyed him to the police headquarters. These the prisoner confessed to having been associated with the burglary, but averred that he had not actually com- mitted the "crime. He gave his name cognizanre of his superiors through a postman, At about midnight, on Thursday wiek, n letter marked "expross' was brought to Koenig at the barracks, and his-bed was found to be empty. Early on the following morning climbed over a railing and regained his sleeping berth. To the corporal who called on him for an explanation he said he had been on an amorous quest From that day Koenig was watch- od, and at the very hour when the child in the tramway car was calling the attention of the conductor to the contents of her neighbor's purse, Koenig was arrested at the dwelling of hix sweetheart, where large quanti- ties of gold were found. To-day fur- ther sums of money were discovered in a house on , the outskirts of Mu. nich, where Ruf, the accomplice of Koenig, had established a workshop for-thes execution of-repairs to motor- oars, The rest of the coins were unearth- od by a detective in, the celebrated English gurden in Munich, where the burglars had buried some $15,000 of their booty under a heap of twigs and wood. Altogether .a_ su of 830, 000 has been regained tm ------ SAYS MAN DECEIVED HER. Miss Sarah Barnes Sues Rich Port Huronite. Port Huron, Mich., Oet, 13,--Miss Sarah Barnes, aged twentygeven, a dressmaker, hus started suit by sum mons for $15,000 damages against Van 3. Crane, aged sixty-five, alleging breach of promise to wed. Some months ago he inherited $100,000 from hix mother. He has been twice married and has several adult chil dren. ° ; Miss Barnes {elle that her wedding was set for June and \that she pre pared her trousseau for the "month of roses." Mr. Crane was a é¢andidete for nomination for the state legislature recently, but was defeated by Wiliam F; Dunning. He has been preparing for a five months' tour of Earope. Restored To Service. widens' of the Ontario Bank, is author: ity for the ager MeGill will reduce the bank funds by $1,250,000, of, however, of surety, ' Q_ th any steps had been taken toward quietly observed, "This man has * % " stolen money from the mint. oe placing the res ility | for; th great loss the sl for.. "The Phi " he said, yet know in any detail how the bank's money was lost orithe class of specu lations volved. Anything in prosecutions is bank's solicitors, and that phase of the situntion must, of course, be ld fore that ovent they intued a civoular stating that "it seems likely that the directors on a seven per eont. and adeling © stondily advances "from the hui da not lens than 150." " ET ------ crowpING CEASED When the Words "Bank of Mon- treal'" Appeared. Toronto, Oct. 13.--There was a live: Iy run on the main office and - es of the Ontario Bank offices, H Snug but as Sudh as placards were -- ye a foupicuous, tise, treal,' % the anxicty seemed to te, ans the crowding and shovi Up, Nk noon, however, the clerks were kept busy p owt sums ing from $5 oy rT) Bly doors of the bank were opened the Bank of Montreal kad placed many thousands of dollars at the disposal of each office, and with this in hand, in addition to the ready money was already in the offices. no culty was experienced in paying all Who dened he doo Rd their deposits. At twelve ol the doors 'of the offices closed a : nd, on Monday, « the Ontario Bank. books will be hanged for Bank of George R. statement, this morning, that the speculations of General Man. The public are assur: gelting all their | J money through the Bank of Montreal One of the directors of the Ontario Bank, who would not, however, mit his name to be used, was kil 1 it "do not in which its credit was in- the nature of a matter for the reviewing the bank's progress and will soon plage the shares dividend Hadi," "In view of the forego: feel that the shares ould ing we manager roceived at re | porter in his at the King Edward, where he hiss been a guest since the hotel opened, Heo said : *'Any investments 1 mado, 1 ninde in the interests of the bank." The reporter used the word "specul: ations," "No, not speculations--investments" corrected Mr, MeGill, Sketch Of The Manager. Peterbore, Oct, 13.--~Charles MoGill, general man: , has resided in the city since 1570, coming here from Guelph ax accountant and assistant to, Manager George Shaw. He was blr in Bowmanville and was educat- ed at the local schools there. He ob. tained his banking experience with the Bank. of Ontario, which hé entered reholdors" mast suf- | § citing soft finish, elastic double heel « toe, © value to clenv, . Woman's fine ody Hibbed 1 Cotton Vests long sleeves, buttoned front, natural "sslory drawers hs a weight, 25¢. as Max Ruf, by occupation an expert |, sly considered." Goperal Manage Ladies dies' fine piv glace mechanic. oa | MeGill js in the city. He has Tittle t ge finished Meanwhile, by a remarkable coineill- say. - 4 ence, the polive had discovered, | inde That the direct th > 1% pendently of Ruf, the real burglar. are otra ay a Ives, He Kid Gloves This was a soldier nam oni, | nlutely --deecivert about the ws | € 2 : who, before he began his two years powition is shbwn their . _ made ith ona. dome fasten- compulsory service. it the army, was increasing the dividend rate . last 3 er, mann a. worker in the mint, where his fath- | quine fram six to seven por cent, A point backs, : er m still employed. On the wight of | lool hrokernoe firm seem to have 4 every new she the burglary Koenig was absent from | pea, oqunlly lod astray, for just bee worth $1, special price, 5c. barracks, and this fact came to the : Sew Beautiful Lace ORITIOL L $ INSPECTION ' | MYIIRD L Steacy' | as a junior clerk in 1869, On the death of Mr. Shaw in 1850, Mr, McGill was appointed manager of the Peterhoro branch, which position he filled with energy! and ability until 1895, when he was appointed inal manager of the 'bank, He worked up-'a large business for the bank hefe and was always regard. od as a shrewd bulsiy ess man of good judgment, He was xy popular with all classes, who had every confidence in him, and his removal to Toronto was greally vegretted, He was at one time town treasurer. His wife and family have continued to reside here in their beautiful home, 226 Brock street, Mr. McGill paying Peterboro frequent visite, Mrs. McGill and family spent two years in Europe, and have been so- journing the past summer in Muskoka. They have not yot returned here, In 1858 Mr, "McGill was appointed one of the axecutors of the. estate of the late Charlotte J. Nicholls, who died in 1890, Mrs, Nicholls left an es tatd valued at over $1,000,000, Thi appointment as excoutor wus a testi mony to his business ability, and the trust reposed o in him by the public, St. Potershurg, Oct. 13. Capt. Cla do, whose published attacks on the | admiralty Wend foreign office; early in | 1005, -cesaltod in his dismissal from | the nave. hgs been restored to duty und assigned to" a professorship ~ at the Nicholas naval aseademy. The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, has been appointed excoutor of the last will and testament of. Elisabeth Calluott, late of Pow- manville, who appointed the company in a will made by het during her lifo- time. Her estate is valued 'at about £2,500, The "Rowans," the beautiful resi denoe of Mre. John Mudie, was sold today by Swift's real citate agency, to Bryan Derbyshire, for a handsome figure. = Hamel, the defaulting secretary of the railway telographers, at Mostits, real, was found guilty of detravding the brotherhood out of 35,000, © Hon 7 Emmerson intends to! call fr tenders 'for the construction of & canal between Holland Landing and New Markat. John McSwain, Victoria county, nt Bobeaygeon, It is estimated = that a thousar tons of grapes were ruined by frost in agora district, Fight thousand rebels have been dist handed im Cuba. police magistrate of died' rather suddenly Peninan's sider irohs at Bibby' #, y No Kingston Milk Depot. Mrs. Nicholle, * in her bequests, left large sums . to charity and to the Proshyterian church. She also\gave the diy the Nicholls hospital, the Y. MC building and several parks. Mn MeGill is an ardent curler, oni ex-president of Peterhoro eurling club. He otherwise devoted all his time to business. He wax obliging, and, under his direction and that of his successors, the Ontario bank here Is credited with making more profit than any other of its branches. Edwhtds & Jenkin for frosh Port chocolates, 'Best in the oi Penman's under¥oari' nt I beg to wotily the Public that I am ail) selling Milk produced direct hy the nrmers at the old price, viz : Sc. =» quart, and will continue to 'do so daily. De livery piremint. ¢ Hughas' City Milk Delivery. -117 King street West. "EMERGENT MEETING AN EMERGENT u NERTING OF Diwjsion N 0. K ba hed oh RA Nan pam, NDAY, Sa to tied the fu er Edward Ga take notice of he . » See Bibby's autumn neckwear, . Lo LAS. %, vAgip, DIED. HENDERSON --At 18th, Janet of Mrs. John ¥ eal TIVAN, or Ing Kinston, =€ Cn hos Sass yea Funeral rom his S Ththee's residence. Raglan Road, at ? o'clock, to St. 1, - whers & olen Fog = he nts Foi ab THE LEADING UNDERTAKER 'Phone 577, 227 Princess St.