wan only after one we of the mast aA 5 Dili hotly contested battles ever known in Alabama that the "al termate"' senators were chosen. gomplete. returns had when : br rte was it kon that Con- rosie Tare o Mt wpe on an owitle future appointment by the in seloetion pun simply: that 1. = has such a novel poli- tion been presented in any for "alternate" senator it in the neighboring t has been call<l the "pall race,' and the "contest for de untly put, the situation is that the men then an alternates are wait for the death or resignation of - of Alabama's venerable sena- tors. It means that their only hope of the senate is hy the taking i i senator was created by e state de- moeratic executive © rittee at 3 meeting last , The prospects of the elsction Shetint. The of ky Co- mer Mr Spas by most of men , composing the committee, and the possibility--even | would have .an opportunity of ap pointing a senator, resulted in the de cision that the people should vote for the men they wished 14 succeed Bor or Pettus. taking the appintment gon. the hands of the governor. The so-called offios of , "alternate" by Anrouncement of this plan was 'met * with general criticism by the state pa- , which pointed out the gruesome tures of the situdtion, In spite of a of y MVR men announc ves as candidates for 'al "ternates."" They were John H. Bank- head, of Jasper; R. H. Clarke and Wil Siam 0 Fitts, of Mobile; Jokeph F. 'Johnston, of Birmidgham; John 1B. Noor of Aniston; William C, Oates, i. Jionigomary snd and Jesse F. Stal head received 'the largest vote and will be given the first vacancy. Johnston led the third candidate by about two thousand, and will be ac corded the second chance While they esr balloted for candidates to succeed Moran or Pot tus, or both, should they fail to fll t the coming term, : Riabume unanimously decided that these venerable statesmen be returned for 0 another six years cach, Morgan's term will begin March Should he complete it he will have rounded out eighty-nine "w 1907. 'of life. The next term of Mr. tus will date from March 4th, 1900, and he must live to the age of ninety. four years in order to fill out the new on, While both the present senators are aM men, they are in prime mental and physical condition and appear good for a considerably longer term of usefulness. Hutch Induces Sleep. When the body contains a lot of impurities these impurities are ab Tam cari hem. Yoo bean an | I "turn carries to ain i uoe unnatural conditions they which troy one's peace 'and rast, goblins, to thar you to pieces all an sleep \ WH \ \ 3 \ AWN » \ ! WN Lamune WPettrs, es, , however, gently NO Ting that death might claim at least! one of the venerable stateemen, insisted that, in deorivine the Rgver. annointive power, race 4 great oxeitoment in Alabama | Both Banidhead and Johnston hardly more than past middle age, but the speculation that Morgan and T'et- tus may outlive / them has subject for biting eritielem among pa- to their candidacy. have pictured Alabama's ven eh. senators as pefl-bearers at the funerals of their would-be sucess. | , and other grucsome comment has "It ie safe to sav. despatch from that state, Alabama would be delighted gan and Pettus should re throuch another six years of office, after their present terms have expired, were possible to find humor in sich a joke in the history of Alama politics. " men have acouired hold upon the affections of their com- stituents than Edmund W, probability that he Csent, Armed 73 s Lumar herrnte Sens rie . Senator and Mrs sixty third anniverary VIAL eTd, Nomtizatiod os Tor 77 Vermse Jennztaor * y theie two dadghters, ing the aN draguan route he still insists that the racuan eg nal will have averland to 6 or r Nera Pettus; diad, « ahfornia core regret throughout . Pettus were born and pnd there was sin- : cjvil war hy joined the judgeship down in i 1 want you 'to he gan's alts with William 1 They a boasted of the. fact esyans o ape the Qliest fombear of the Sense H. Bankhead, ane of those chosen as "alternates," seems to be something of a surprise. Outside of Alabama, at have been closed by his defeat in last Auit's primaries at the hands of of Merrimac fame Mr. Bankhead is now closing his tenth consecutive year as a member of congress, and, like the two senators from this state, is a eivil war veteran. Dangerously wounded three 'times during his military service, Bankhead at the. close of the vonflict was sent to the state legislature by his county people as a mark of their esteem. He served three terms in the house, and one in the senate. and was then made warden of the state penitenti- ary, In 1856 he was elected to con gress and has been there ever since. Joseph F...Johnston 'has been active im Alabama, polities. for manv vears and was governor of #he state from 1896 to 1900. For some years after his | unsuccessful rgce arainst Senator Mor can in 1900, when he carried but five out of sicty-six counties, his political star was dimmed A fighter and effective campaigner, however, Mr. Johnston set resolutely about to re ilitate himself. His sue- ss in being chosen an "'alternate' re cently was due, it is said, almost en tirelv to his strong and active canvass of the state 'He worked harder probably than any cother of the aspirants. and will have his weward by anpointment to the second vacancy that may occur at Washington AERIAL TORPEDO INVENTED. New Missile to Revolutionize Warfare. Paris, Oct. 13. M. Henri Bondy. of atexd that upon one oc called a fore the J was the first amd only love of the the sen; ator | is ss a to TR other, and they never Salted oa h oth- ponde nt in Washing ing Senator Pettne, sl thiect of his toalth, a man of rerular habits He lleoed that Mr ten methods of warf The effet of this Tettrk can better W, ee offidial ei ed the attention and avohsed the NT thivation of President and Mee ¥ Hor war though towel hed by or war ; discharged on the enc my the tendency shouted, indignant- A ViZOrous Spe ker, in from the shoulder, tatesman promis p louse have been s 1 am too old to Be been like "the Reerls, 5 and even defective." and his silver-haived "sweetheart." the votegs of who wax eloquent limitation would do well to con- Edmund Winston According to Prof. Osler, should have been ready to retire from "think of Senator. J 1e occasion of his aloe British lion" s tail" shoton in that strain a height of 16,000 feet. { be directed in any | means of propellers. stoam © ould cary ans and bomite was performing certain reckless deeds ) n He PR ral senate. of during 'in th detonon ob Vicksburg. years ot pi Fr service ted States senate tn til then in his seventy sixth 3 vear that others who 'were the buzzing of the mena forial hee dl not regard him. ax through the civil war, . : otha) erate army as a privy ging as a brigadier veneral 4 an overwhelming vie tory, Norgon <p ok op. th spoke ¢ he "Hour ing a floor, "and whe 'n he had do- cuments to be read he pie side nti tal lector . His.warm personal fri nls ate sending. them to the manbe eed on bath sides of the Sh ng of his vouth, preacher, hut 1 le hat I was scare ls Fook dough for that, more than 20000 words on had never aarded him as 'a oasible While Pugh owed nich of Ms success to the Pettus influence, - it jever oveurred to him that this elder- who had been aniot Nin profession for half a showing ine! ijna thon Possessine a stron the amed Alabama senator * has the re putation of being a wit, He has heen Pract ising law : "smiling at hie desk every During Semoaeratie ascehdanes in the - Morgan was chairman Upon one' occasion a strikin committee on fortign Dear were One suffers from hallucinations, night- mare, wild dreams in which horrible and { his wondvtud find of I; ion anc is logue nt 'speeches made him a Pow. tinued prternea Simi ten and upon ha 8 just heen selected | 0 tal takin ne the' aprosite fie to. > } {mitated ade mannerisms of Peveridge 'and made one of the most mirth-pro- ' voldng addresses , and without any pre; Sates. this veteran de- i a desire to become a federal jug in thik state. i Washinwton' to enlist the nid of Sen. Give me authority, of -- upper For Years he hat been dusty i i ht on was snowed under ' Adventure and warfare day is busy. Peawty is only name for health, and it comes tn anv { 99 bhrimful of infaeniation a Find of noliti cal ae hes for « re fo one to offer ouposition to either United: States somatars of Ala- The tary is told the latter's house carly in He Dist arly aie wl the so doe tion of the Tanarma canal 'route, firmly heliev- store. Rordeaux, has invented an aerial tor- pedo which, he says, will revolutiowize are. It is declared to be neither lightor than the air, and its bal ed by shells and grenades ses. As the cargo is to rise is diminished by a piece of in Uicate mechanism, the seeret of whi-h M. Boudy refuses to divulge" except to the French minister of war, before whom it has already been laid. It is claimed that the balloon can [Tomain in the air for. several days-at It can also coprse required by -------- When She Came "To, Glory. noe W nson, in the tate, ¥ bands and let me post *S pierce and fright I want my house, my fires, my brea My sheets to wy iSh and whites. I liked the dusty roads of eart he 'brambles and the roaw I liked the flowers that uséad Tho small lamp in the The fields 0] God that blind wy eves Dread is this heavenly tillase ¥ I want the swast lost howweliness Of, the doorvards of our village. ceustomed common things ¢ drank toaether © "Ss that he laerd for me; for rainy weather ? I old sh The cape our stumbling humah ws His Words' (mnetuous furry, Hix tossed hair, the kind anXious brow The Step's too eager hurry are Hangel* With such wines, 2 is too burning © mare my thredbare dress And the sound of his fect returning Your The average Foung Foman of to- nanatler mt of evry 100 whe take Hol r's Rocky Montain Tea. Ten i : or Tablets; 35 cents. Mahoo Fs drug The victory of Conoressman. John ATTEMPT TO BLOW UP FORT rrested on Charge least, his career was supposed to' powder magarine ¢ Captain Richmond Pearson .Hohson, | He is sixty-six years of age charge of spying for : + | which passed between the private and about the mechanism of | plied with a specimen of Be Disease Proof Don't C1 atch cold, The Pauper's Fie | meetine to diston tinue 'th use and of snuff t BLT | "What shall I feed my Nestlé's Food comple tely takes the place of ° Nestlé"s Food agrees with baby's delicate stomach. Nestle's Food contains nourishment baby's fragile system © change intostrength and 1 Nestlé's-Food is Baan pre pared with water--no milk Samp! e--enough for 8 meals --sent FREE to mothers. ™E Leeming, MES Co, Limrren, YEAR 73. NO B. P. Jankins Clot} Just this season of tl what is more appropriat a Stylish Fall Overcoat what do you need more BLACK CHEVIOT-- Self collar, silk faced BLACK VICUNA.- Self collar, silk faced . 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