8 the ho the hi ties a tiny You v. winter. wn Land, far £ Pasoinating Procession of. Calos- sal, Fantastic Icebergs. ther. And in the us company. you \The settlement is on wn island pes plows waves of prow' of sors gigantic, ocean liner. In ace sea wall, lim . Away to the morth and 'out the vast/ procession of the nd. coast, some turn west : the teat and ihre swept J 3. the .. into the gull of St. Law- ! icobexgs are Labra foe field - yo extended far into the vious are natives of Kane bay and man has never been, -------- Serving Hints, arsley is the almost universal gar- all ki cold meat, I bute cheese, eter adish i of alternately. with heaps of horse. Slices of lemon' for shoiled fowl, 'tus and fish and for roast veal and at os allo. fon ( or boiled beef, hot ot cold. They may be cut into org: mental forms if desired. | Barberries, fresh or preserved, foe Fried smolts for turbot. Red beet root, sliced, boiled beef and salt fish Cea Life In North Carolina. leemee Banner, Miss Jonnie J. bargains this he 's uncle," who is reported to 'of thoney and Bricht's dis: ) certainly g them t intrusion and fall of this to Battle , and ocean like the ray leaps almost across . A cove hides behind and on its rim nes of | whitewashed cot- the hill to the look: hilltop you ve brol has filled the bays and ocean in the pre July's bergs come from 'while the huge bulks of rim of Greenland, of the garish for roast in. general. For the : on; are sometimes for cold meat, , grocery store on: Main a good patron of our lumns, and has a week, any other store in town. left on the ten Milwaukee to visit has an eye for the the | eventually drive the : ¥ Pip south | date out that men and was the also here oar rate this Anti stuff " me. Fyle in these S882 a3 } F | i i HF 'f e fact that the | made under protest and indi 0, Mm Latest William a er fe 18 Lo. 0 " Court. mystery one of those most difficult enigmas of the campaign. At one of his meetin Mr. Hearst was speaking in the audience sang out "How Ab- Feplio i don't fuvor of me or not; I am not in favor of Mr. Murphy." This announcement called Jumped, up and the commitice from Buffalo, Chairman Comons took rooms cratio campaign headquarters, Hearst was notified that the executive campaign comthittee was ready receive his time, the committee learned that Mr. Hearst pronosed to run his own cam- Paign. and handle his own cash, This announcement coming from the head of tne ticket commitiee- in a position; the patriots who work for candidates on election day seldom do it for love al The first electric | train is found to he better every way than the use of steam, as it has been used on engines for the past century. application of electricity 'to railroads shows a marvelous development power, without additional cost, and it adjustments sixty miles an hour. An eminent en- ginter who has been at work for sev- ergl years on increasing electrio power informed me the other day that his work was practically and when his improvements were attached to those wonderful are now being developed to twenty-five and thirty thousand tons, o ship will be able to furnish commodation for three thousand pas- sengers, and cross the ocean from New Yark to 9 nen | LL Kingston, Man Tells How He [Suf- fared . the use of Dr. Leo C. H. POWELL porae's Anti-Pill." Many from Mr. Powell's story that there is hope ~ t ~ continués : "I was Pill by reading some one who teen made Doctors told Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill is for sale hy all dru i = tes and obeyed without question. nomination was wi t re- akes the solition of the nortrait of. Secretly of Wa H. Taft whose mission to Cuba his as rit upretie or the candi- neXt President different candidates when a man Murphy 1" Mr. Hearst immediate- wd, "I am not in favor of him, care whether Mr. Murphy is in orth a storm of applause shook the building; men and wo- down and yelled, was some minutes before order restored. Just after the return of it, the demo- Mr. for to bank. Then for the first places the executive very embarrassing one, j came. over Pennsylvania railroad this week, the first great steamship arrived using "the turbine power which The ol not be many. months when all the between the track end are perfected, when the regular of our oxpress trains will be ginnts that twenty, ac Liverpool in four days. While wnd Now He Was Released. "For years a mar- yn is how Charles i jo wdl, of 108 8 street, Kings- ton, begins his story. "A martyr ta chron. ic constipation, but now I am free from it and all through who are now. sufferi from complaint will be ing glad to learn he most stubborn case, He induced to try the testimony of been cured of con- I had suffered for years and had taken tons of recommended as cures but which me worse rather than better. me was no cure for tion, by it. ts or by The Wilson- Co., ted, Niagara Falls, Ont. 7 Tammany plenty 44 i if gos LE it I 358 fs i ng daughter, while travelling in ope, met, and me infatuate. with a foreign adventurer whose evil reputation was known all over Fur- ope; he had the title of count, but no cash; the young American girl bad of cash, but no title; to be a countess, and the marriage was arranged, nt brought his hal everything was O0.K., and the first thing that the bride had to do was to pay all the count's debts, which were reported to be over a million of dollars; the wed- ding was affair. Immediately a after the a auf. 1 his count- ship started for Europe with his bride with a grip sack stuffed with Ameri- can eagles. On his arrival in Paris, the count 'started in to show ooded count could spend a Yankee's money. Hundreds of thousands of dol: lar vanished like hoar frost in the rays of a morning's sun; ina short time the depletion of the bride's for- tune amounted to millions; but this life of riot and extravagance brought no happiness, and after long and bit- tor trial and suffering, the countess was compelled to seek a divorce, The most aggravating feature is that pe- cording to the - marriage settlement this worthless vagabond as been drawing eight' thousand dollars a month from his wife's estate and will continue to do so till the divorce is settled. How difierent was the fate and life "of the glder sister, blessed with a for= tune of many millions, she constituted herself "God's almoner"; she sought the homes of the poor, the sick and the forsaken; she gathered in a com- fortable cottage the homeless waifs of the streets and she trained them up to lives of honest endeavor and her pathway was strewn with blessings all her days. Money rightfully used is a blessing; recklessly dissipated, is a curse, and has been justly named "The root of all evil." A pitiful sight greeted the eyes of the voters of the empire state when they saw their senior senator carried about on a stretcher, a poor, helpless thrall, surrounded by a body guard of detec- tives to prevent the attacks of his young and beautiful wife; what in the name of all that's gurious ever induced a withered, used up, sick old man, who was rapidly approaching eighty, to marry a beautiful young woman of thirty is beyond my ken, The lady gives her share of the contract a very satisfactory explanation ; "He mas- ried me for my beauty, and I mar- ried him for his money." The most absorbing sensation of the week, dwarfing everything, has been the auto race for the Vanderbilt cup. A subway, explosion, where twenty people were killed and nearly a bun- dred wounded where several acres were. shaken as if, by = an. earthquake and houses crumbled as if built of cards; this dreadful calamity was mentioned as a matter of interesting news, but the auto race was an- nounced in flaming head lines exceed: ing the latest news from Cuba and the landing of 500 marines. All through Friday night the whiz, whizz, whizz, and chug, chug, chug kept the borough of Brooklyn in a condition of the wildest excitement, for all of her beautiful avenues were crammed with autos hastening to the racing ground where the contest for the Van- derbilt cup was to be decided. The historian ° who recorded the downfall of the Roman empire, tells us that seated in. the mighty coliscum eighty thousand Romans saw human beings cast into the aremh to be torn to pieces by savage beasts, while pa- tricians and plebeians alike looked 'on and enjoyed the bloody spectacle. Three hundred thousand spectators saw the auty race, and as the death list has swelled from two to seven, and as the fual list of the wounded has not yet bec made -up, let us hope that the patrons of this nokle sport will feel satisfied that they have received the full worth of their money. : --BROADBRIM, Don't Gorge Om Pickles. Medical men frequently ats per- sons suffering from ohesity to be care- ful in adopting remedies, oudck or otherwise. They tell us that it is in- finitely worse to be excessively thin than" outrageously fat. Mise Annie Brows, St. Louis, at the earlv age of twenty-five was excessivly stout, and for a long He her diet was pti y pickles a vinegar. It re Jolly, Yickl but she died, and a post mortem examination revealed that the inner walls of hér stomach were al- most completely eaten away. S-- Dr. Jameson's Windfall. Dr. Jameson, who led the famous raid into the Transvaal, receives $125,- 000 from the estate of the late Al fred Beit, the. South African million- aire. While those with whom . Dr. Jameson was associated 'were niling up huge fortunes he made practically nothing. Perhaps it was this abso- lute for money which earned for him the devotion snd confidence of Cecil: Rhodes. It has just come to light that Jameson for years carried in his pocket Mr. ! power of attomey. asbdadu---- Bank of England notes ave number Powell will verify every word of statements, 503 NEED A LAW. What the City of New York is Giving Away. Leslie's Weekiy, Unless = the legislature soon inter: venes with -a law absolutely forbid: ding the practice of granting unlimit- ed franchises for the ise of public utilities to private corporations, New York State will wake up at an early date, and when .too late, to the fact that it had granted away! practically for nothing, to railroad companies and electric light concerns, not only the power of Niagara Fal's, but near- ly all the available power of all the rivers and streams in the state. The extent ' to which this scheme of an- riching a comparatively few individu- als at the expense of the state has already gone is hardly realized. The three electric operating from Niagara have already secured the equivalent of 415,000 horse-power, and another pow- er company located in the upver Hud- son valley has secured exclusive water rights under unlimited franchises, cov- eving less. than seventeen counties in the eastegn and central portions of the state, he supplying power in ten of these coun- ties to railroads and other business enterprises. Plans for the electrifica- ton of several of the great trunk railroads of the state are under way, and it is expected that these will cre. ate a demand for all the power that can be generated at a rood market rate. It is proposed to build storage and reservoirs at the state's expense in the Adirondacks to help the nower companies out in the drv season. ---- An Exciting Dash. Not long ago there was a great reli- gious excitement among negroes in the neighborhood of Smithland. Numbers were baptized nearly every day. On occasion the colored preacher. was leading a hig-he negro, named Bob, into the water. . Bob was a little in advance, and, coming to a "stepping-ofi place' down he went, dragging the preacher after him. After considerable floundering and spluttering they both meached the shore, when Bob, very much excited, deliveted himself thus: "Now, look heah! Some man'll loose a nigger yet, by dis d--n fool ishness !"" The solemnity of the occasion was somewhat disturbed bv this outburst, and Bob, concluding that hydropathy was not exactly the thing, marched off. \ + The Deacon's Hard Luck. Elder Matthews was popular among the sick of his congregation. He had an unswerving belief in the medicinal value of whiskey, and boldly pulled the bottle from his pocket whenever he called to see some sick parishioner who had passed well into the middle stages of life. Deacon Sercum had been sick for some time, and gladly welcomed the frequent visits of the concerned elder. But, one morning, Matthews produced the welcome bottle, and in it poor Sercum saw only a sufficient quantity to give his tongue a single coat. He looked inguiringly at the elder, "Couldnt help it," protested embarrassed visitor, '"'our pastor was taken sick this morning, and, of course, I had to visit him first." the Most Highly Paid Judicial Official The provision in the bill introduced by Mr. Bryce in the house of com mons to reduce the salary of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland from £8,000 to of Ireland holder of a ited Kingdom. The salary attached to h's office is £3,000 a year more than the salary attaching to the office of the Lord Chancellor of England, whose salary as lord chancellor is £5,000 a year only, although an additional salary of £5,000 a vear is voted to him annually by parliament by virtue of his office as speaker of the house of lords. should a a hol Silver Cloth"; polishes 'silverware, all bright metals and 'mountings like magic; no paste or powder required, simply rub the article to be polished briskly with the prepared cloth and a brilliant polish is secured "in a clean, quick, handy 25c. For sale by L. 'F. t; Princess street. Trial is the most highly paid know about More than eighty per een. of the ed backwards--from 10,000, hence the figures y - ships of the world are byilt in the British Isles. company is already | wW. For the toilet a ell as laundr PTOI ELS Write for Catalogue of andsome..illustrated s given free for on Richards Pure wrappers. BB FREE a us five Richards Puge fy p wrappers and ten Richards , Paro ements. from : any paper, and o beautifuld 5 Wy souvenir, The Richards Pure Sapp Co., Limited Woods ivok, Ont mi bu Eo £6,000 a year may render it of inter ' est to know that the Lord Chancellor | judicial office in the Un- ! REPRESERT THE LATEST SUCCESS wi sewing exceweent WORK, ARTISTIC APPEARANCE ano ABSOLUTE Tie Hlew AY THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. QOMPANY OFFICES: Cut this ad. out -It is valuable (oP CY & Sp RU bn LLL EL LINAS cE AY Please mention "Kingston Whig," when answering this hdvt. EE ---- SE -- | MADZ IN CANADA Bya CANADIAN COMPANY. A ---------- -- ) CHINE MARUFACTURE. RABLE COHXSTRUCTION. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME LIMITED, MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST.JOHN, N. 8B, AQENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. g . Thursday, Oct. 18, trip tickets will by First Class F! Going da Oct. 17th and from destination Oct. 22nd, 1906. Hunters' Excu ~ At Single Far Going Oct. 9 to } ints in Temagami, -- hod Port Arthur, to Marie and Port Arthur, ° Navigation Company. 1 Bay and Lake Superior po Co. (Teo points o% Northe 3 extra charge "wil nad berths returning points in . Going Oct. 25 to | To Penetang, Midland, points Severn to North Bs Coboconk, dsay 0 points Madawaska to De points on Muskoka Lakes, and Magnetawan River. All Tickets Good Returning Reduced Fares to Ko Pacific Coast P: From August 27th to ( 1906. - For tickets, Pullman ac #nd all other information ; J. P. HANLE Corner Johnson and On Kinston Pe! RAILWA In Connection Canadian Pacific | Single Fan Thanksgivis Going Oct. 17th a Returning until Oct. 22nd. Reduced Fares to and Pacific Goas From August 27th to 1908. Full particulars at K. & Tickét Office. Ontario stre F. CONWAY, F, Gen. Pass. Agent, Bay of Quinte New short line for T Dessronto, and all local leave City Hall Depot CONWAY, Agent B, Q. Rj INTERCOL( § SPORTS ® SATISFI Reports from Game Sectic the Maritime Pr indicate a successful ses Write for ** Fishing and Huntin, "Trail of the N *" Week in Cana: "Moose of the TO GENERAL P/ DEPARTMENT, M QUEBEC STEAMSHI LIMITEL River and Gulf of § Summer Cruises in Co Twin Screw Iron SS with electric lights, elects modern comforts, Sails from Montreal on p.m. 10th and 34th Se N.S,, calling at Quebec, ( 'erce, Cape 'Cove, Grand side, P.E.I., and Charlo BERM Summer Bagurglon, X new Twin w fan," 5.500 tons. Sailis York, 12th and 26th S nerature cool by sea rises above egTees. The finest trips of health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Se For tickets and staterc J. P, HANLEY J. SLERVE, Ticket Ager ont, : ROY MAI MONTREAL TO LI foniam .. . O Virginian . . x Tunisian ©... Victorian |... 4 RATES OF PAS First-Class, $70 an Seeond-Class, 50 Third-Class. Riducod- Winter Rates in Weekly Sailings from Glasgow, For rates and further y to J.P. HANLEY, Ag P. GILDERSLBEVE, A ~