Meat en Perfection. mati, you would rever = tne n; ge Meat. Much of the crip deticrons leat is due to their matchiess bak; at has been Shoal, steam 'pooked . ed --the moist flakes . rs to the bvens. a tyed by screens carry the flakes back and ft ake to a rich, golden brown the 1. rless process. of converting a grain of nost perfect food known to science. part of every meal for thin people-- gudicss 3 folk --~those Whose Systems own"--and especially for children s a place that nothing else can satisfy, Walkerton says: 'Orange Meat is very My brother at 81 old, has taken toit, and I am glad, as it 3 k ood F g! na uch i with stomach trouble." in 15¢. and 25¢c. packages. Ew 8 a coupon, good for Premiums vy fate contains id times the quantity rite 'Orange eat, Kingston," for n Orange "HE PURE FOOD) Sand too strong to break. LOC | FEV] Ts uld take. Issued 4 ages beautifully rite jor sample « Co.Ltd, St. Johns, PQ. vay & Light Co. Preferred Stock Price Apply to - 0 TORONTO #4 5200-01-02 ® OSOEOEEO ©2590 EDDY"S Et Sir r Match boxes containing about LATCHES : rocer For Them only §c. to try them. ® ® ® ® ® ® ®. @ ® ® . 0G 9HTOO® 90ONe®0 ) ¥ How to Exercise the . .Bowels OUR Intestines are lined inside with millions of suckers, that draw the Nutrition from food as it passes them. But, if the food passes too slowly, it ascays. before it gets | throagh. Then the little suckers draw Poison from 1t instead of Nutrition. This 'Poison makes a Gas that injures your system more than the'food should-have nourished it. The usuil remedy for this delayed pass- age '(called' Constipation) is to take a big dose of Castor Dil. * ® = 'This merely make slippery the passage for unicading the current cargo. It dogs fot help the Cause of delay a trifle. It'does slacken' the Bowel-Muscles, and weakens them for their next task. Another remedy is to take a strong "Physic," like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos- phate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any of these mixed. 'What does the "Physic" do? It merely flushes-out the Bowels with a wasteof Digestive Juice, set flowing into the Intestines through the tiny suckers. * W . Cascarets are the only safe medicine for the bowels. They do not waste any precious fluid of the Bowels, as '/Physics"-do. . : They do not relax tiie Intestines by greas- ing them inside like Castor Oil or Glycerine. They simply stimulate the Bowel Muscles to do their work naturally, com- fortably, and nutritiously, - * * They are put up in thin, flat, round-corn- ered Enamel boxes, so they can be carried, in a man's vest pocket, or'in a woman's purse, all the time, without bulk or trouble. The timé to take a Cascaret is not only when you are Sick, -but when you first Ssuspet you need one. Price, 10cabox. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and never sold in bulk. . Every table! stam "CCC." All druggists. ™ THINGS THENTRION NOTES ABOUT PLAYS, PLAY- \ en To Be No Orchestra in Chicago's New: Theatfe--Bernhardt: Ibzen's Hilde--To Dramatime Silly Love Stories.' k + Lilian Russell presented. "Barbara's Millions in New York on October 9th. Lewis 'Wallet will be seen in London this month" in his mew plav. "Robin Tood." Mrs. 'Teslie Carter's new play is named "Cleo," and is from the pen of Edwin Milton Royle. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hubbard have written a play "founded on the his toric love tale of Justinian snd Theo- ora, "Caught in the Rain," of which William Collier is part author, will be presented by him during his London season. Sir Charles © Wyndham and Mary Moore will be seen Ali Captain Drew Margaret Rolf: II ern series of Grae, Betting 83,000 to the hold of insurance policies. 5 The Pan-Hellenic Society presented Greek sketches and Soags in Jarnecis Lyceum at New York TJast C ERS AND PLAYHOUSES, {yok It. in described as the frat per: tivebora' Greoks in. that cit. and it was a vaudeville show in Greek com- Js ymenciag with. Hymonos Ethnikds of Greece and ending with "America." Mme. Bernhardt, during 4 vedent brief 'engagement at Genova, Switeer- land, devoted an evening to thie pres- entation of Thsen's "Lady of the Sea," she assuming the role, of Hilda. It is claimed that this was the first time the great French woman ever played 'an Ibsen part, and the critios scold her for wasting an evening. The "company 'which will support Robert Hilliard in "The Turn of the Tide," includes Frederick Tyler, Kath- erine Florence; -Lida MacMillan and Annie Blanckie. The play is laid in New York city, and is a story of the high-pressure life of the social 400 and their operations on Wall street. The play was written by W. A. Tremayne RB H. Peple. Lauata Jane Libbey is to drama- ¥ 8 ates' 3 7 ~ e and Mer Bridesmaids in "NeTHE WOMAN IN THE CASE." The Iren Frame quality is do- signed and made only by experts. 5 ~Thoy are four ply, linen z throughout and specially. pros SOMES alee laid wear. They wear longer than othe? callacs. ue TOOKE BROTHERS, MONTREAL. « Limited. MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT, MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LioNT. Order from your Grocer. EW.GILLETT 007s LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. . is more easi- ly and eco- nomically ap- plied than wooden -sid- ing. Itrepels \ fire from out- \! side (reduc- retains inside (saving coat bill). *Warth knowiv more about. Write for Cat:lggue and Classik Kids Booklat. This is the Choet Metal: Age. GALT SELMER. C0- Lie WAGGONS Just what you want, the shortest tirntag ahd easiest draught wagon aver mide. It is short turning, large (front wheels, gasy draught; whecls do mot strike Body: emmmot tip over, and many ther points which we will be pleased to © show you If you call at James Laturney's The Carriage Makef on Leave," when they come to Ameri- ca soon. "1 het Beauty, Shop," Lulu Glaser's per musical ply; has been completed by Paul Potter, and rehearsals will begins next' week. Madame © Bertha XKalich has been compelled for a time to close her sea son in "The Kreutzer Sonata." Bho was opergted ort in New York forap pendicitis. Whin $thel Barre completes her tour in - 'SAlice-Sit-by-the-Fire," - she will he seen in New York in a new comedy," "Kathleen,"" written by H. V. Esmond. <= The New York correspondents of the London press cabled more matter .to their 5 4 regarding "The Hypo crits' EH ever "before been sent over om -an: American production, "(Voor dd Padres, the London pro- ducipg" minager, is responsible for the statement that the #pecudation of th | hcatricdl trust in that city last vear involved "them in a loss of £330,000. Nat * Gogdwin ahd Mav "vin have decided da, & jolt siarring tow, Both claim "fe will «he their farewell to the stage. > Sapo they did a song and dance' speettlty in the variety houses, In her | Play, The. New York Tdea,"" Mire F will play a woman of "the fashionable world, a part which will give great scope for her abilities, and which she is said to find most congenial. A musical version of "Mrs. Wiggs of | the Cabbage Patch" will be produced MISS CERALDINE FARRAR, The new American operatic star for whom Herr Conried predicts a most brilliapt future. She is a, daughter of "Sid". Farrar an old Philadelphia basc- ball player ee te see next season. It will be a novelty in that it will be the first time a musi cal production has been shabbily cos: tumed, by. intention. . There Will be no chorus. Miss Ellen Terry's leading mén on her American tour is to be James Carew. = Mr. Carew appeared with 'Waxific Elliott in london im "Her Own Way," by Clyde Fitch, and since has played in "The Little Stranger," tthe Criterion. Richard Mansfield recently stage maobaged # fire at Néw London, Conn, during © whieh » stage hand, the head of the local fire department, punched the actor most irreverently. But it was a very successful per Pale? Thin? How is it with the children these days? Have they plenty of grit, , strength? Or are they thin, pale, delicate? This reminds you of Ayet's Safsaparilla. It does great things for children. It gives them a good appetite, improves their diges- tion, builds up their general health. Ask 'your dggtor if he endorses this. te 3.C. Ayer Co., tneraty ty petiich = Weber Oo formate of 94 sor mohcrsT | then he 390 Princess Street, Kingston tize her novels, and Charlis Blaney will produce the result. They will be presented in the following order: "When His Love Grew Cold," "Lov ers Once, But Strangers now," "When Lovely Maiden = Stoops to Folly," "Miss Middleton's Lover," '"That Pretty Young Girl," and "Olive's Courtship." There ,will be ng orchestra at the new theatre, Chicago. After consider: ation the trustees decided to eliminate the entracte music and as far as pos- gible the incidental * music. This de- parture, - while it appears radical for an' American theatre, is followed in- variabl> and has bien for many vears, by the 'best playhouses in Burove. The Comedie Francaise, the model theatre of the world, in Paris, has no orchestra. 3 WOMAN = GARROTERS. Masquerading as Men, They As- sail and Rob. Paris, Oct. 13.--Two women have been arrested who masqueraded as men, and made a trade of rarrotting and robbing people in the streets of Paris: A policoman came on thegn in the carly hours one morning while they were in the act of garroting a man in the Avenue de la Grand Arnice. The two viragoes . left their = victim and turned "fiercely to the policeman, one of them bury her teeth in his neck. Fortunately reinforcements arrived, and the women desperadoes were tak- en to the &tation. They were found to be plentifully tattooed with hearts pierced by young Cupid's arrows, and were both armed with revolvers and knives. I They confessed that, they sent some of the proceeds of thiir_pébheries to men friends serving in "the penal set tlements of Guiana. Lost Torpedo Recovered. Rome, Oct. 13.--When the, Mediter ranean fleet was leavine Fiume re cently an Austrian torpedo boat steamad alongside the admiral's flag ship and returned a torpedo which had been picked up by fishermen on the shore at Paolo Cysome. It was lost by the destroyer Albatross eich teen months before, many miles from the place where it was found. Butter Boycotted. Antwerp, Oct. 13.--A boycott by the women of Turmbout, near Antwerp, against the butter sold by the grocers of the town, has just ended in a vie for the women. The merchants raised their prices, and for three weeks not an ounce of butter was sold. Then the prices were reduced to the old level. : VY tory A Considerate Ghost. Cape Town, Oct, 13.--A ghost which ie fond of childrn has taken posses- sion of a farm in the Potchefstroom district of the Transvaal. It throws ahout' the furniture, shakes and pinch es the adult members of the family and visitors, and frightens the api mals, but it never molests the chil dren. Bees In A Steeple. London, Oct. 13.--A swarm of bees has established itsell in the tower of the old parish church of 8t. John, at Ripe, Sussex, and has collected a storn oi honey there. It i: supposed that the bees were attracted be the vibra. tion of the belle Tipless Yarmouth. London, Oct. 15.--A Yarmouth wait or, who was summened to contribute to his mother's maintenance, tell the magistrate that the peenle who visit Yarmouth had not much mone: Lt for tips when they - had\ paid their bills, 4 r York State was discovered hy mano, a Florentine in the French », about the year 1523, and re d¥ecovered by Hudson in 1. The first stopm fire engine was con: structed By Braithwaite in 1530, bat the fire brigades for phblic sorvies were not. formed smtil about 1852, Heavenly mansions cannot be leassd 'THE DAILY T Yiy BERMUDA. IS. THE PARADISE OF THE WORLD: No Taxes in the © Country--Lilies Grow By the Acre -Housss, Built = of Coral--Hedges of pratica i; There are ically no taxes in Bermuda Islands, not oven on the land or for ronds--which, by the way, are superb. The only tax 1 could dis. cover, says a writer in an Awmerichn paper, was what is called a parish tax, which means that if you go to the Established Church you pay a few shillings a year to support it. he tourist agent speaks of Ber- muda as the "Land of the Lily and the Rose," which: correct enough since lilies are grown by the acre for the bulbs, which. American florists force into Eastern blooms, and of roses there is a plenty the year around. Really the onion and the potato extract the most wealth from the land. The farmer grows from one to four crops a year of many of her pro: ducts, Cultivation is confined chiefly tu the hollows where the soil has ae: cumulated in pockets over the coral beds which form the islands, This soil in most places is not more than ten to eighteen inches deep, a mellow cocoa. v Truck farming is scarcely concider. ed. Potatoes and onions and lily bulbs are too easily raised, and several hun. dred and even a thousand dollars or more profit may he made from a single acre. But with prices falling ay the Texans growing vast quan- tities of cmions, Bermuda will eoven- tually have to turn to' other crops. The working farmer here is a Pore tuguese, He was imported as a farm laborer, but by thrift and good man. agement has Become a tenant instead of a hired man, and now raises cer tainly half if not more than hall the crops of Bermuda. The negro is not the problem he is in our own southern states. Of the 17,000 souls on the islands about six- ty or seventy per cent. are negroes, They are law-abiding and remarkably industrious citizens, on the average very well educatéd hy.ithe colony, and they surprise 4 stranger by speaking with the accent. of an Englishman, with little or no negro dialect: When the Bermudan wishes to build a house he removes from the site the top soil, which will probably be not above ten inches thick, per- haps less. Under this ic a coral lime- stone, a little harder to eut than cheese. Instead of digging this out with pick and shovel, he saws it into blocks, sets it in the sun to dry, and by the time he has excavated his cel- lar the blocks are hard stone fit to made. into the walls of his hofise, He mixes a little coment and lime with his shavings "and all his mater. als are at hand. These cool stone houses, limewashed a dassling white, shine out through the deep green juni. per trees and stand 'on the rocky shores above the wonderful ultra- marine blue water with its thousand iridescent hucs, a picturesque in the panorama of beauty. Hedges of oleander which grow to be veritable trees divide the farms as stone walls or rail fences do those in New England, and in "April the is lands, from the sea, appear to buried under pink bloom, The affairs of Bermuda are practical ly in the hands of a house of be as sembly, elected by the people and serving without pay for' a term of seven years, though they do receive a fee of eizht shillings. for earringe hire~there being neither railway, trol ley, nor automobile in this peaceful land. A Cold Error. Because vou have always bad colds and had little success in curing them you are apt to think that there is no escape from the ailment. This i= an error; Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (laxa tive) do cure colds, usually fwelve hours. If Fou start treatment early enough you need have no eolds at ull, » These tablets plzo cure headache and constipation. In boxes, 25 conts, Sold only: at Wade's drag store. Money back if not satisfactory, ; Cork Leg To Save The Rates. London, Oct, 13-<AC"R meeting of the Rye Board of € on Sa turday it was decid®d to discontinige an allowance of thee 'shillings a weok to a man .who lost his le~ and was 80: prevented from fo dng his 'ocou pation; and to spp ly with an artificinl limb: "hie soos Jog will cost £15, which the ratepmyers would ex pend 'in two years ik Sap-rylict was continued. t= 8 -------- Town Without Debt. Cape Town, Oct. 18. <Durine the 100 years of its existence Durbagsglle, near Cape Town, has never raided a public loan. Tt is a flourishing municipality, and its centenary has just Been ocle brated by the Jayne of 'the founda tion stone of a nove gown; hall of ela borate design. ------ Kaffir. Triplets. : Cape Town, Oct. 13.~The first Kaffir triplets on record have bees born at Louwshurg, in Northern Natal Ap- [Hentidn has been made for the ing's bomnt\, Happy at Last with the rent from reeking tenements, free snd giving fon testimonials and price sent it oon . Core respondence sacred] Address: THI SAMARIA rey : is 18 Jotdan Chainliers, Jusdan Bt, Toronto, Canada, Also for sale by Henry Wade, £ WHIO, 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1{ SUMMER! loam which looks like finely powdered 3. oven while the odors perfection, "London, = Toronto, HUNGARY'S GYPSIES, Vagabond ~~ Propensities turesque Tziganes. Chicago News. Hungary s government 'is endeavor- ing to put an end to the vagabond propensities of the Triganes. 'his means that one of the most pictures que of © Hungarian national life may torn bxone a thing of the past. Among the many races that inake up the population - of Austria-Hungary certainly the most curious people are the Tziganes, a term equivalent to Bohemians in France and gypsies in the United States. Hungary is home of Tiziganes, in $0 far as: they have any home, In all other Eure pean countries they. were. persecuted for centurivs as being emissarics of Satan and cnemics of Christianity, but in the fiftognth century the Hin- garians took wity on them and treat od wanderers like lost. children. There are about 150,000 Trigones in Hun. gary, and, with few exceptions, they ore musicians, who excel in playing of Hungarian madpdies. Their favorite instrument is the fbas alja," as they term the violin. Liszt, who made . a study of the Tziganes, said that mu sic is to them a sublime language, a mystic song, which they often make use of instead of conversation, and that they have, in fact, invented a musie of their own. Their camps are always set up some" distance from the lage and, if possible, néar a forest. Their huts have but one room and are of ' Ple- at devoid of furniture, Triganes toke their © meals and seen on the bare boards. From sunrise to sunset there is a smouldering fire in the hut, over which hangs a sandstone pot, for the Tzigane has no fixed hour for hig meals, but eats when he feels hungry, The Tziganes have a horror of work or restraint of any kind, Most of them 'are horse de rm blgeksmithg, shesp shoarers amd, above a'l, beg gars. The women, as a rule, ~o about half naked. The boys also wear but tittle clothing until their marriage, which takes nlace when they® are be: tween twelve and fifteen vears of age Many unsucosssfol attempts have been made to restrain the Tzicanes, The Emperor Joseph 11. once allotted land, distributed aericultural imple ments among the {tribes and ordered them to cultivate their aeres. I hey turped their houses into stables for ther hors'® 'and cows, set up, tents rested hete, to-day, er Husband ne nar by for their own use and, to are Ta eet ntdnieaied prevent corn riven them for seed from This 2% Por the ' 8 routing, they boiled it. Next to nd be fis tee their liberty, the Tzipanes love their be and or has pipes--men, women and children all oof Several months | S10ke constantly. Yet their exvres S°. ou sent me 8 fros sample sion is one of perpetual molagkisds a vi Sod and their language has no terms to he Entmiediet Cay | #xDIeRR haopiness, wealth or prosper to its ih his sex aod food | ity. 2 1 then got & fall prestment a-- -- and 2 [ypuiarly. Tt be . and oo sue. | ) Four-Year-Old Thief. RT ene mst Paris, Oct. 13.~A woman wis ar howe,* earrying in her arms & foursvear-old child. which had been trained to snatch watches and scarf-pins ax its mother carried it through a crowd. Tha infant was seen to. secure two watches and goven nina in less than hail an hour, = =. + A Ventilating Oven that Ventiiates. There is only one practical way of ventilating a range nd that way has been adopted in the Pandora--is an acetal, positive, NI ing feature and not a mere talking point. -- Fresh air is drawn from the outside through small vents into the : through small vents into the smoke flues, and up the chimney, Roasts cooked in a Pandora oven retain their sweet, natural flavor, entirely free from cooking edors, absolutely unmixed with any foreign flavor. Puddings, cakes, bread, meats, etc,, are always light, fresh and. free from mixed odors or flavors, ie In the Pandora range you get all that scientific study, practical experience, skilled workmanship and an immense and finely equipped plant combined, can produce--the highest possible attainment in range Ask your local dealer to show you the Pandora range, or write to us for free catalogue before buying any other. hy - MClarys the town or vil and cooking fumes are forced by the fresh air ug . = 4 v € Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, FE The London Life Insurance Com- pany hashad only four morgage sales since it was incorporated 81 years ago, and in all four cases the property was disposed of without loss. This remarkable record is only one evidence of the careful 'managemént of this Company---one reason why the profits to policy-holders are larger than those paid by most companies. You should investigate our policies before taking any other, and be sure of 'value as Good as Gold. Se DIAMOND DYES SUCCESSIUL HOME DYEING. THE ONLY PERFECT DYES o] 3] WOOL SILK COTTON WW MIXED GOODS ASK FOR THI CELEBRATED DIAMOND DY? REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. "BABBI All Grades » © CANADA METAL 00, Toroito, M. 1720