Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1906, p. 6

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Rubbers at this and see the latest arrivals. ial, cut and trimmi flannel. In. «25 and $1.00, MN ; beston e oc' to the rule. Lodies ight wool, ribbed and ibbed, extra I fil | i Eg EF Es v i i i 3e i Jit" the ear. G. G! Publow chief dairy i ii FF i of tl in i f E i i | for her. at a pace that might autoist. now grown where be- fore was a raw and Eight boxes of Zam-Buk have 'done the work, I can now walk about, and up and down stairs; and I cannot for "what Zam-Buk . I deem it my duty to let others who suffe as I have suf- mow of this excellent prepara #4 =i gs v i FF Zam-Buk' burbs eczema, ring-worm, scalp sores, and all diseases by a process of clearing out the poisonous' secretions and builfing up new healthy tissue. cure for cuts, burns, bryises, sore feet, chafing sores, chapped hands ete. stops bleeding. ogses the itching and smarting of piles, wavs is the handiest and best h druggists sell at 30 cents a box or direct from the Zam- Buk Co., Toronto, on receipt of price. (Six boxes for $2.50.) Send one cent stamp and full name and address and a free sample box wil be mailed 1] motorist was just the man ati ig LL ¥F § z iF £ Tif F : 2 i i : 5 'Wednesday's Fashion Note. The plate shows 'one of the new mil linery 'models for dress wear, the shape being rather a large one, with a bowl crown. Pale blue PA formed the hat, which was tilted up on the left side, the bantdean being filled in with draped knot of pale blue velvet. Brown tulle was used under the brim across 'the back, the tehmming con sisting of shaded hydrangea blooms, in blue, Bink ahd mauve, with foliage. A pale -blue aigrette sprang from the centre of the front, giving the required height. Death Of An Dld Resident. Glen Buell, Oct. 9.--The angel of death visited the home of Eric Hayes, on Sabbath évening, and claimed for i father, Joseph hating spent the greater part of his life here. He was in his _eighty-cighth year and for. the five weeks had i 'a great sul- church J. T. Towriss, who have been spending the summer with their daughter at iverton, returned to their home on Thursday, Alvin Gilroy is expected to |' return from Halifax, N.S. to-day Back To His Old Home. y Ferguson's Falls, Oct. 8 Thomas FHI ther it it Ir fe fore. James Stout has had a busy summer movin~ and rebuilding his ontbuildings. The job is nearly . com- pleted. Edward Kerr, Jr, has pur- chased a very pretty broncho from Orme Murphy, Portland. Rev, Mr. Chisholm, = of Philipsville, filled the Rov. Mr. Pearson's. apbointment in the church last Sunday. Mr. Pearson it on an extended trip through the North-West visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Henderson, Smith's Falls, were the guests of €. W. Can- non over Sunday. many lives that whore ~ boast. Se Pits are very small Rate Se sod. C/RTER MEDICINE CO., New York, fod Don fall Pr" Better than® YES, THERE'S A BIG DifFERBNCE 'Phone 703 4. 0. Hutton, Manager INCREASE in assets was $1,075,560.70-- $231,210.01 -- Grrr rrvasasssaccccsang abundance of everything except pota- toes, which: are below the average. Leadbeater & Church made another shipment of live stock from our sta- tion last Satusday. The price pmid for hogs was six and one-fjuarter cents instructor for Eastern Ontario, paid a visit to the cheese factory and pro- noimeed it one of the best in his dis- trict. Roy Derbyshire, the proprietor and manufacturer, has given great satisfaction, his goods being the finest. muse, not being off color once during the season. Alexander McDougall, of Brodkwille, was throwfth here last week: buying cattle and apples. He drove about the nicest black horse that has been seen heére for some time. He veglues him at $200. Public School | Inspector Jolmston has called a faecting of the trustees to explain more fully the new educa tional act. It is said the old school: house will have to be replaced by a new structure at a cost of about $1,- 800. J. N. Knowlton contemplates taking a trip to the North-West soon to look over his property there. J. D. Knowlton has enraged as a farm laborer a just-out Irishman. A great many from here attended the Westport. cattle fair, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lush, Newhoro, Were the guests of B. A. Leggett, last week, W. H. Murphy, Portland, drives a very fast mir of steppers to the sta- tion ovcgsdonally. They are "King Ben™ and "Miss Appleby." the fast mare he purchased" at Brockville fair for 3600. She won handily the 2:40 stake race there. George Powell will have them in training for the ice races next winter. Mr. and Mrs. Storms, of Wilton, who were recently married, visited Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Singleton. Thomas Culbert, who Ras been under the weather for a few days, is able to be about again. W. Beker leaves on a deer hunting expedition as soon as the season opens. A horse driven by a couple of wo- men took fright and made a wild rush through our main street one day last" week. HH was stopped by coming in contact with another bugev. Both buggies were slightly damaged. The occupants were" unhurt. Nearly all the tourists who have been sojourning on the Big Rideau Lake, Portland, have returned home. George Cannon has been kept hustling transferring them to the B, & W. sta: tion. More tourists have visited the Pig Rideau this season than ever be- Have vou placed your order for coal yet? Think a bit this time and get Swift's Scranton coal. > No man has a poorer outlook on life than he who always is on the lookout for himself. Try Bibby's for men's underwear. in Life Insurance. Don't take out a policy until you have read the conditions in the G. A. C. Policy issued by the Canada Life Assuranes Co. 18 Market Street for which we are sole agents in this city. It is free from irksome conditions, costs less than the average policy of its class, and gives greater benefits to the hold- er. 'ADAMANT' Wall Plaster Ready for use by adding water, Put up In bags, 100 ibs. is each. White Rock Finish Pat up in bags, 50 Ibs. 1a cach PF. Walsh 2551 Racca St. "Phone 109 LIFE ASSURANCE "May be obtained at a Minimum Cost in the ROYAL INSURANCE cO'Y OF ENGLAND LARGE PROFITS, EGONO- MICAL MANAGEMENT For Barticulars apply to JF your flour doesn't acy + 1 right whem do you 'blame? The grocer? He "didn't make it.© The tra. velling salesman told him it was good and somebody else told the salesman, When you buy Royal Household Flour your protection comesfrom us. We make it, know its . goodness and guarantee it * toboth you and the grocer, It is always sold under qur name and trademark, so you. cannot go wrong, Ask your grocer for Royal Household Flour. It's the key to better living, Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid. MONTREAL '"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," con. tains 130 pages of excellent recipes, some mever Pablisied before. Your grocer can tell you how toget it FRER, " Grand Peninsular" <, \ Is an Ornament to the Home. Popular taste no longer clings to deeply carved, highly ornamental ranges. People now want rich, yet simple, elegance. Thatis the way I make my new Grand Peninsular Range. The "Grand Peninsular" is easy to keep clean, because there are no deep carvings to og = collect the dust and dirt. The design is simple but effective. No fuss or frills. : Just smooth surfaces which take a beautiful bright polish. The nickelled castings are detachable, and can be lifted off -without; loosening a bolt, when the range is to be brushed or cleaned. Then there isthe ALL-STEEE OVEN_the THERMOMETER on the oven door--extra large ARATE BARS---and- a dowen ether time~- and-labor-savings. conveniencks--that are exclusive with my GRAND PENINSULAR. Have your dealer show you all these points; a2 + CLARE BROS, & CO. LIMITED, - . PRESTON, On. KINGSTON AGENT : ELLIOTT BROS. / A.E. HEROD Combines your peculiar Foot needs: of Leather giving you: COMFORT AND DURABILITY. \ "TRUFEIT" With our ABILITY and Choice 286 Princess St. MPFR GPP OO) FPOORPIPFFOD GANONSG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY 30c. per Ib: A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. ey FINANCE AND INSURANCE y - CUSTOMS BROKER . |If You Want a Heme Money to Loan FARMS FOR SALE W. J.B. White, Agent, Kingston _ The bigisioss of the late C. @. Or \ < ouvert ponding Insurance, have »; G. A. BATEMAN [George Zeigler, ™4=mare = ¢ Who for the last & Brock Street been associated with Mr. oi a 8Y $ . Wednesday " Oct. 17th and 18th. Valid from destination om or belore Oct. 22ud, 1906. Hunters' Excursi At Single Fare Going Oct. 9 to Nov. points in Temagami, poi ve to Port Arthur, to Sa tion - Company. To Jashut) Lake Superior -points Co. (To points on Northern N Company extra charge will be meals and berths returning). 71 points in Quebec, Going Oct. 25 to Nov Coboconk, Lindsay to Ha points Madawaska to Depot points on Muskoka Lakes, Lak and Maymetawan River. All Tickets Geod Returning Uni Reduced Fares to Kooters Pacific Coast Point From August 27th to Octol 1906. For tickets, Pullman accom and all other information apply J. P. HANLEY turner Johnson and Ontario KincsTong Pema RAILWAY In Connection Wit! Canadian Pacific Rail Single Fare Thanksgiving Going Oct. 17th and Returning until' Mo Oct. 22nd. Reduced Fares to Ke and Pacific Coast F From August 27th to Octo 1906. Full particulars at K. & 7. a Ticket Office, Ontario street. ¥F. CONWAY, F.A F Gen. Pass. Agent, C Bay of Quinte R New short line for Tweed, Déseronto, and all loeal noint feavé City Hall Depot at 4 RAILWAY SPORTS SATISFIED Reports from all t Game Sections the Maritime Provin indicate a m successful seaso Write for *JFishing and Hunting" "Trail of the Mic-] ** Week it Canaan V "Moose of the Mi TO GENERAL PASS EEPARTMENT, Monct, _ QUEBEC STEAMSHIP Cl LIMITED River and Galf of St. L 'Summer Cruises in Cool Lat Twin Screw Irom S.8. "C with electric lights, electric hel modern comforts. Salls from Montreal on Mon p.m. 10th and 24th Sept. Kk N.S. calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, side, P.E.I., and Ubarlottetow Bee BEAM Summer Bxcursion, $35 sew Twin WS. fan," 5.500 tons. Sailing fr York, 12th and 26th Septem) The finest trips of the » bealth and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretar For tickets and staterooms, J. P. HANLEY, or J. P. SLEBVE, Ticket Agents, Ont. MONTRELL TO LIVERF lonian sitters ne Oct. 19, irginian ......... - Tunisian ... Victorian ...........cos « RATES OF PASSAGI] First-Class, $70 and upw Second-Closs, £42.50 and u Third-Clasd, 7.50 and up Reduced Winter Rates in Effect Weekly Sailines from Mo Glasgow. For rates and further particu to J. PP. HANLEY, Agent G FP. QILPERSLBEVE, Agent |

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