Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1906, p. 4

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? fs of a condition which has incapa: "Mr. Chamberlain, as he has His unfitness for active campaign ing now is a sore disappointment to his friends, It will be tolerable if he emerges later from retreat to take up the work he has temporarily laid down, but the suspicion is that he i laid: aside by something more serious than an attack of gout, Borden Splitting Hairs, Nr. Borden, the leader of the op- position, has made uw declaration with rogard to the land speculations which have brought some of his associates ito unpleasant notoriety. It is--and he has emphasized it by repetition that he "never had the slightest in terest 'in, or connection with, the pur chase of these lands." The evidence of Mr. Lefurgey. loads to on somewhat J difierent conclusion. Likewise the let: ter which Mr. Fowler wrote to "My dear Lefurgey." The deal was conceived during the frip of Mr. Borden and his friends J through "the North-West during the summer or early fall of 1902. The mutter was talked: over by the party and Mr. Lefurgey, in his evidence, said {had from the CPR" to Mr. Lefurgey, in which he about Mr. Mann giving thom the for "Bennett, Borden aud 1," and Mr. Leturgey admitted the commission that he had under. "Borden bad come in." : In Ostoler, on the 4th, pr ee ; ; ay. There wore two Tib-| If Mr. Borden said that he was of- = : '405. o fered an. interest in it and declined hub wan horn © bought he field, and they fought , , which grew up 3 r furiously. Mr. Murray was | the same he would have caught the d had no playmates it candidate. He was «| popular favour. Instead of that he a reliable watchdog He play ful und faith con al wabbler, He wanted to re [wants it to be understood that he pasion. "Sport" as they called th both conservatives and liter | "never had any interest' in the deal, | op, "wax 'very * gentle "sud peaceful, at one time made an appeal {and that what his associntes did is { hetly. kind to everyone, -~ TRE i > worthy the fuss it has occa | pec : ¥, whom he adored, support. : j nt. BY Borden is reading the | 10 the summer of the year that my. opposition of Mr. White cured : ord y took up his ranch he was the idea that all closes were | independént pros, and some conserve. , one hot July day, to leave for him. The situation | tive papers, he will have cause to re home for a t1ip to the nearest town. wal or 'the with: | vise his views. Hho hunt for some Haye hee oem most = and | thi y the atmos- » who took the -- like a brazen furnace. Hob- choice of the element in Editorial Notes. dug a cyclone cellur near the liberal party, who refused tofol- | The quarrel between Lefurgey and #0 and told his wife to run to it Mr. Murray. Some men, who | Bennett against:Fowler and Pope will | 8% i' a orm atone. He caution: Shttenlve on the Veople, send not be aired n gout. The suit has » where she was playing with the Mr. Murray receiv. | been settled: How . ; ould the same result' not 5 ---- "As Mrs, Roberts went about ker orved by Dr. MeKay ™ An independent party in the east | work in the morning she noticed that of the contest? against the solid west. That is one [the baby had run away with the oon a tices i dog, and on going out of the door she should two liberals quarrel and | way of getting justice in the land, found the. animal tugging bard at hor to the enemy ? The | but it is not the Way conunon sense | shirt. 1 little one was crying and will hail the re- | dictates, Jirotest 8 ut the, dug was steadily i -------- L towarc dry creek bed ill ae a great victary for the plat: The fellows who get excited over |across the field, where he was fond of Re a which Mr. Borden laid down mining stock, and imperil their small | *cratching. k's visit to the constituency i : A Mrs. ts told the dog to let . savings in buying stock, must be to of the baby, but he paid x is simply the triumph of an or. i > . IR aby, but he paid no atten- disorganised silly. The man who buys on margin on, 'growling furiouely at her when is up against it all the while, The Mail begs the people to hush up about Mr, Foster and give him a show. He has something ey to say, and, by George, it is hope 0 will not look so sad and worried when the limelight is again turned on. The chaps who went into deals pre- sumably for the benefit of others, and "fenthered their nests," are getting it roughly. When the tory press turns on the Foster-Lefurgey-Pope-Bennett gang they must be in a pretty bad way. ' The Toronto News commands Mr. Borden to beware of the result of king light "of, the land specula- tions, Some of his fellows are in trou: ble, in deep waters, but they will be the better of struggling or crawling out alone. : A ------ The tories of Queen's and Shelbourne were going to do great things whe the case went to the supreme court. Now they are going to do. big things when the case goes back to the people. * Always going to do some- thing, but never doing it. The "pointers" of Mr. Bordem, in Renfrew, had nothing to do with 'the result of the election. Bob Berming- ham kept the White: supporters in line, while the liberals had a division of their forces. The Murray-McKay factions got, we opine, what they were working for. What is to be gained by cup races in 'which the automobiles run away or covolt and kill the people before they can be stopped * The Vanderbilt cup adds, says the Telegram, as much to the success of motoring as the loop- the-lop does to the success of rail- roading. And the Telegram is right. GREAT BRITAIN ISOLATED At International Wireless Tele- graph Meeting. London, - Oet.. 10.--The Berlin cor. rospandent of the « Daily Mail reports sensational developments at the inter national wireless telegraph conference. He says Great Britain is practically isolated, There is a split among thé British * delegates, while both Japan and France have deserted her. Only Italy 'thus far has given any indica- tion of supporting' the British opposi- tion to Germany's proposal for an interchange of communication by all systems, It is stated the delegates represent. ing the British post office regard Great Britain's ition as foolish, while the admiralty delegates feel bound to adhere to the admiralty's agreement with Marconi, The United States dele gates, who were wavering, have now ided to support Germany, ------ Jumping With Nerve Pain, oe That's how you feel with neuralgia. But why lie awake at night, erumble' or complain. Get busy with a bottle of Nerviline. It does act like magic, seeks out the Pain and destroys it. Harmless and certain, instant in ef. hen, Jiathing is so popular as Nervi: ine a and pains of all kinds. Try it for mbago, test it in rheum. a » Prove it in neuralgia, pleurisy or You'll soon acknowledge that Palson's Nerviline beats them a, 2a everywhere in large 95 cent ttles. Mrs. Lewis King is dead at her home cast of Athens, leaving a husband and family of ten to mourn her loss, She was a faithful Methodist. death of Daniel Vaneleal, of > TOMOVEs a prominent per- sonality, and one greatly resvected. she came near, She was following the dog helplessly t6 the creck bank when she looked up, and far across the plains saw a black cloud bearing Awiftly down on the farm. "She screamed and tried to grab the baby, but the dog again resisted Cher, whining and growlin~ and drag- ging the baby toward what she could t 00 Was a great hole he had at one time scratched in the creck bank. "When they reached it the dog seem< ol content. Mrs. Roberts, with the Y, sapggled down in the hole Just as the cyclone broke over the farm. "When the storm had passed she Srusled ub ol the hole with the baby and t og, all uninjured, She found both barn and house swept away, while the cyclone cellar had been ut- terly ed. Had she been in it she would assuredly have been killed, "hen 6 returned home that night and found his family safe you can believe he was thankful. "Now, do you submose that the dog's instinot ~ told him that the cvelone cellar was not safe or was i just. accident that he picked out the ost place on tne ranch in which to hide. his little companion SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. You Don't Say? Ottawa Frie Press. Toronto's street bad repair. Most of car tracks are in the city's spiire Rome, Sori, the died old played the storm. pois well lights for realized. store will dog. And pearing. money has been bine track, Invisible Means Of Support. London Advertiser. ' essrs, Fowler, Pope, Lefurgey and | Bennett had other ways of making politics pay than by increasing indemnity. § spent on the Wood- ea A3Wonderful Find. Toronto Globe. Another great coal discovered in Britain. the exhadstion of the modified by the gures., area has been Prophecies as to supply must be | addition of a few Politics Don't Pay. Belleville Intelligencer. "The only man' who can retain his popularity, is the man who keeps out of politics and minds his own busi- ness, Good Work For All Exchange, ' Anpther big mill is; froni the Michigan to the of the lakes, and located Sound. The work of the ment of this to be moved Ontario side near Parry late govern- province is still in evi- op- Posite each other in a game of freon. ont, and you have the political situgy- tion in London. In one ease marked cards, oxtra aces, ed deals will be the re it. o other the ut In. the ! result for years has been bribery, direct and indirect, intimida- tion, treating, whiskey, pigs' feet beer, sandwiches, roorbachs and an entire absence of moral sense, | ------ Moly Old Debt To Railroad. ount Vernon, Ill, Oct. 10. Mrs. Frederick Branmeyer, of this city, has lust paid into the conscience fund of the Southern railway fifty conts for a ride on the company's train from Centralia to Mount Vernon, two years ago. She bought an excursion ticket trom, St. Louis to Centfalia and rode to Mount Vernon without paying fare from Centralia, About a year ago her husband paid 'a Belleville woman sév- |p enty-five cents for a rake he had brok. } en twenty years previously, ---- Made A Fine Flight. Preiderishoh, Wurtembery, Oct, 10. Count Zeppelin madé a skilful flight in his new 'dirigible 'air. ship, sailing | fc toward the Swiss frontic® and returp- ing besides executing many manoeu- res, > 'wrote to Mr. Lefurgey Toronto excursion tomorrow; gives there days, A long, lasting, hot fire, Swift's ton coal. \ the ' 4 Ross the ankle wift's. at young Grillo. In 1555 she ADELAIDE RISTORIL. Cet, 9. ~The Grillo, better known as Adelaide 1 under completed soon. being installed in plant to be the he Bongard, | South Bay last week, picking apples, i had the misfortune to fall from an an | Ple waegon, which breaking of his .right Marchesi sonbrette . and Capranien took - -------- AT THE PARK. Improvements and Repairs Being Tholi@nd 1s! new cement walk building steamboat dhding to the New Welles- i 'way and will be ~Made. and Park, Oct. 9.-- 71 A new oil engine the hotels when the large engine is not running. An addition to the light plant will be needed to ac commodate it; considerable repairing being done here this fall, The Ladie Aid gave a supper at the residence of Nirs. McGonigal, ileadland avenue, Friday evening and a goodly sum wy The heavy rain of Saturday did hun- dreds of doFars worth of good through this locality. The water if the river is still lowering. Duck hunters are kept busy late and early just now. Th plumbing shop will be k til 'the first meal while 'employed a resulted in th kg just abov Bigger sales! Buvers thinking these days, and get Swift's Scranton sh Cod Liver Oil at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, John Metcalfe, Hallowell, has chased from brick some Mrs. residence Main and. Fairfield strepts, Picton. Try Ribby's for fine underwear. About Female Ailments Not Hard to Cure if Properly and Promptly Treated. Ask any intelligent physician causes nine-tenths ease, even including gnaemia, nervous- ness and consumption. Back comes the answer quick sharp "constipated bowels." There is scarcely a single female ail- ment that had not in its earlier stages symptoms of constipation, How much better off the system is the poisonous accumulations by constipation. complexion, dence, An Accurate Sizing-Up. without Toronto News caused ; Put two hardened, conscienceless | clearer the trans-Atlantic pokes sharps fresher one feels pure and clean, wha an when the system i Think it over yourself. Isn't it apparent that a bowel reg- stacking and crook. i lator and | ills 1 moti ly vegetable, free gredients, healthful and antiseptic. Dr. Hamilton's Pills . will assist you in a | thousand ways, | As delay is alwavi' das plain dutr is to follow th Mrs. F. Rowe, Eve wa ood and I bought six went right to work tion and supposed fom, bladder disea: increased ei who sends the ing letter from Gravel, Port Aa Port, Newfoundland : "Four years ago I got kidney and bladder trouble. I thought it was 'female t accordingly. John said it "In reading about als, atroubie, 8, was cured. My weight | ight bounds and never re was I as well ge ilton's Pills did 4 all. iver stimulant like Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills is sure to do good ? Gay spirits, good health have returned woman, through Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Better get a few boxes to-day: pure from injurious in- looks and happy rouble' and tregt it n my doctor in « 8 80, Dr, Homilton's symploms like mine boxes. These pills on my sick condi. me from the first. My he. to-day. De. Ham. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25%¢. per box mail from N, ford, Conn, Ont. - or ©. USA, or Kingston, five boxes for $i. Py Polson & Co, . Hart- Del Ris- celebrated Italian actyess, yesterday of pneumonia. Adelaide Ristori was born in 1821, She was the daughter of obscure com. ecians, who caused her to appear on the stage when she was two months oll, At four years of age, she played children's voles, and when twelve yea ingenue parts. She made rapid progress in her chosen profession, and in 1547 married Marquis Del Paris by from the cpt oben un- of November. The park kept open all winter. Quite a number 'from this locality took in the excursion to New York. The Ts lander is making two trips daily be tween Alexandria Bay Mrs. Hutchinson, Miss Kemp, Mr, and Mrs. Willix, are visiting friends o Wolfe Island. ------ ; When the tip of a dog's nose is cold and moist that dog is feverish dry nose means sickness with a so with the Dry, cracked and colorless lips feverishness, and are To have and Clayton. not sidk. A human lips. as well iM-yp- btautiful, velver- like lips, apply at bedtime a coating of Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free trial box of our store, and be convinced. Large nickel capped glass jars, 250. All dealers. It will conl pur- Merrill the hand- on corner of of all female dis How® much how much | to many kh sick gerous, vour | © example of | follow: which was | The 'change of lie' is the most critical period of a Woman's C the anxiety felt by women a8 it draws near is not without reason. Every woman who ne- lects the care of her feat at thisyime invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition, or she is predisposed to apo- plexy, or congestion of any organ, the tendency is tod Ii oh pat Shia potiod likely Ao a this time, also, cancers and priedei iu more liable to form and begin their des- En wait Syvptuiid warning sym, as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back- aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, of the heart, sparks before the «eyes, irregul con oo, variable appetite, weakness, inquictude, and dizziness are promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be ex rs ens the the weakened nervous system, write to has been free J sven to sick women. rr Read what ann : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- is on | nion than I am. 1s | life I suffered until I was was not fit to live with. to m If andg®thers. that | Lydia E. MIDDLE © Dread Diseases--Intelligent for I& Two Relate Their Experiences. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound was prepared to meet the needs! of woman's system at this trying period of her life. - Ti invigorates and strength- female organism snd builds up For special advice regarding this im- portant period woinen are invited to Sire Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass, we | and it will be furnished absolutely free of Sharge. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink- ham, her assistant before her decease, is | and for twenty-five years since her advice electric light 1 sed ive, powe i ydia E. Pinkham's Com- a Rive power i nd did for Mrs. Powless and Mrs, "In my opinion there is no medicine made for women which can compare with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and you have no firmer friend in the Domi. At the time of change of nearly crazy, anc I was so irritable, irrational and nervous that I was atormen I surely thought would lose my reason before | got through, when fortunately an oid friend your Vegetable Compound. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall, Women Prepare I took it for five months and then on until the critical period had passe restortd me to perfect health. to suffering wom » try your | Compou and they will not b disap. pointed." --Mrs. BE. Powless, Deser nto, Ont, Another Woman's Case. Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "As I owe my splendid heal E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co very pleased to write rience. with it. I am children grown to w safely passed the change of ¥o and as strong as I di ago, and I know that this woman's friend, Lydia E. table Compound. I used it } children were born, and it great nature and saved me much pain the change of life, I took it, off and n, for four years, and had but litle trouble and sickness that most women have ndure." --Mrs. James K. Mann, 80 t St, Toronto, Canada. What Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable 11Compound' did for Mrs. Powles and 1 | Mrs. Mann, it will do for other women * | at this time of life. It has conquered pain, restored health, and prolonged life in cases that utterly baffled physicians. n n t o °e the limit of fine New Overcoats We want every young man in Town to see our New Overcoats The Paletot The Paddock The Bannerman. These' are by all odds the smartest coats that have been offered the trade for many a day. The tailoring and the fabric is while the new cut is the Come, see these New Coats at 15, 16, to 20. Other lines, $7.50 to 14.50. Overcoat production, Limit of Swaggerdom 514,50, HE MEN'S WEAR STORE oY fv | | | | } The Sawyer The H. D. Bibby Co. 78-82 PRINCESS ST, Stylish Shoes For You Se Made of Patent Colt, Velor . Calf, Gun Metal and Demi Glace Kid. They are made in Blucher Lace, or College Cut Button in Nobbiest Shapes and Swellest Designs. Our Prices are Right $3.00, $3.50 and §4.00 Sule Ag ute for Utz and Dunn and L & T. Boll Shoe Store LIFE] Mr. P. Brien, Accoun writes: "The fatigues entailec system about a year ag the severo strain upon would long for office he "I gradually grew w paired. | then broke ¢ was also suffering fron "After a few weeks' t ical condition, and as t cided to experiment on "I took soveral rer benefit. "Peruna was then g my condition improvin which time I follawes system became firmer, "My expectations we JA8 accountant at the ofl "Feruns certainly w down from overwork, AAAS AA Assistont War Correspo mends Pe-ru- Mr. H. B. Manley, assis respondent during the W care "Tilack and White," Montreal, Canada, writes "When a man travels in. or cold climates, he realis ble a friend ho has if he ¢ of Poruna. "1 know of no article in outfit which I have lear higher, . "If yon are suffering treme hoat. Peruna resto P) coal Rom rscturer' s jhe.time to buy. \; ~~ McK . 69 Or. KOHR MEDICH WHO'S RESPON® A ' Question Thi't : Diplomats. Washinton, Ogi, 10.0 sible for the ervation « Sea in Southern Califo ready covers an area miles, and -throatens 1 2.000 'symare miles, if diverting the Cc lorado be devised ? » This question is perple and. U.S, diplomats, a tries are bonding every | the river, which has bi tumed from its courte t of the California .. Devel pny to irrigate lands Mexico nnd Southan Cy irrieation canal quarter of a mile from point. in Mesico where a through. the - sandy bun conmeeting with the gv canal. No gates sere | with the high ®ater of | rade: titer was divertad ¢

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