Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1906, p. 5

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BBY ing the Arrival obby Clothing Toggery ay still linger, but Jack Frost ornev ready to pounce upon 'new season with everything require. ck Suits, in latest fabric: 0, 14, 15 to 18 50. French Bick, Paletot, nd Bannerman, $12, 15.00 to 20.00. Qvercoats, $4.50, 5.00, 7 50 to 10.00. N Gloves New Shirts D. Bibby Co. RE 78-82 PRINCESS §1, ERN OON AT HOME Fea is the most delisions-- Ribbon Ca giving flavor. It!€timulates the who lesome tomic'. for all. 260. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers' HA TIE 203 GENTIRY TREATMENT, Tio Source of all Power, oon The Fountain of Youth, yur c.2 The result of 50 yenrs of scientific research, Lost manhood brought back after years of weakness and despair, Nature's Secret restored by combining three of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, This if no experimert. itis proved by its use in the Hospital of Curore. Tens of thousands of weak and hopeles * cascs cured by 30 cays treatment. 'This is a fact] Prove it yourself by atest. A § days treatment with full particulars sent absolutely free: All packages are carefully sealed ina plain wrapper with no mark, A full 30 days treatment (180 doses) wih guaranteed cure or refund of money, for $3.00. received wichin the last twelve months, m ©. P.O. Drawer L 2341. MONTREAL HA ot LISH OES.. § ything that should be in a . aality is of little or no use. uality are not the height of shoe should be made to fit ire the particular features of Ive you style, fit and quali- We recommend the In- : women and boys. 1S Shoes LL FOR : id 4:00 for Women nd 5.00 for Men S % 3 + LD. AT---- (ETHY'S " MRS.ADDIE HARDING, ROBABLY every case of consump- fion begins with a cold. Consumption is generally classed as a hereditary disease, but consumption is not hereditary. A constitutional weakness is inherited which renders one liable to consump- tion. Even people who have strong lungs may acquire consumption from a cold. Mrs, Addie Harding, 121 W, Brighton Ave, Syracuse, N. Y., writes: "T have been a user of Peruna for the last twelve years and can truthfully say that there is'no better. medicine on earth. "With me it is a cure preventative for colds and man "A SURE other ills. In my PREVENTATIVE" | home can always be found a bottle of Peruna. Two or three times a yedr I am troubled with my throat. 1 always had to have the services of my physician two or three times incach case. «Although a user of Peruns, I nover thought of taking it for my throat until about two years ago. "] tried Peruna to check it, and to my grest delight l was not troubled with the smothered and choked feeling aud never have since, «I can cheek it every time with Peruna. - "I certainly "vomld not ba without Peruna one minute," . -- very special, $9 und $10... SPENCE': q ov Children's and Girls' -3 to coughs and colds. MBS. MARY MEYER. Mrs. Mary Meyer, Thomson gven near Shell Road, Winfield, L. I, N. Y,, | paton, Mass., writes. writes: ze, | "I have been snnoyed with a cough for years, "Often it was so bad that I could not "A woman recommended Poruna to me two yecurs ago. Peruna and now I am perfectly free from a cough, "T am glad to say that Peruna cured me cnlirely. ally when 1 do not feel well and I also give it to my children. 1 take Poefena "Peruna is tho best medicine /Ho scarcely recovers from the cold when he takes the second, Still he gives it no heed, and possibly takes another cold, and so on. Hé doses himself with ninine and various expectorants., His case is ci#tarrh, at this stage, and his case should be treated as eatarrh. A common cold is acute catarrh, Finally, if the cold is allowed to con- tinue, it becomes ehronie catarrh, More New Coats VERY STYLISH TWEED COATS (as illustrated), full length, with velvet collar, fly front and patch pocksts, three full length pleats down back and one each side of front, Coats 10 nd evdinal «dT with fahey buttons, & th size, $1.90. and Misses' Plain Greys and Fancy Piieeds, sizs 10 to 18 yours, il the latest 8 8, $3.50 6.50 Women's Very Handsome Black Coats med, with) two i. front of rOWs or fandy stitched . strappy : half lined : $18; unlined . 16.50 alse. Wome vu Conts at $4.50, 85, $8, SV .50 up to S20, Little Girls' Frieze Skirts, wry strong ahd oxford tabs pd stitd 24 w and durable, in nhvy trimmed with Huttons ng, ein «nly . 29.ineh, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store: I bogan to take occasion- I have told many people how much Peruna has helped me," 3 A neglected cold is a well-worn path to consumption: Many a person catches cold and pays no attention to it, \ first bromides, slecp half the 1 night. Many peo- } - CONSUMPTION |}! .¢, ple thought I had WAS FEARED. consumption. ------ | for | trass, Study Tables, ) Cases and Students Easy Chairs, mes - S------ Boarding House Furnishings We're supplying the greater percentage of board- ing houses this fall with Iron Bedstead, Odd Dresser and Stand, Spring and Mat- Study Desk, Book! A Match With the Brockville | James Reid The Leading Undertaker Ca RO "Phone 147 for White Ambulance. a msm es $ GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES 50c. 3 A. J Da 3 4 SH THE FINEST IN THE CITY erlb. . Rees. BD Princess St. -- RT MRS. FRANCES WILSON, drs. Frances Wilson, 32 Nelson street, "Had you seen me af te ime of my illness and now, yon would not wonder that I take delight in sounding the praises of Poruns. x "Myailingnt wap a severe cold which cked the bronchial tubes and lungs. lowed your special directions and wing six bottles of Peruna I was y foot again, ; "I think Peruna a wonderful medi. cing." : Alreolas, conghs, bronchitis, laryngt- tis and tonsilitis should be treated as catarrh, as they are in reality catarrh, The success of Peruana in relieving these cases ¢ ntiroly depends upon the fact that Peruna is a-eatarrh remedy, It relieves catarrh wherever located in the system. Whether in the throat, bronchial tubes or Inngs. It has saved a multitude of peo- ple from consump- tion by eradicat- ing catarrh before it reaches the lungs. The tendency of catarrh of tho throat or head is to spread downward to the lungs. If taken in time, Peruna will prevent theso eases, ; We have in our files many testimen- ials from people who thought they were victims of consumption, but have been permanently relieved by the faithful use of Peruna. thus showing that estarrh was really the cause of their allmenus monty CONSUMPTION PREVENTED. Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets for Women Make Healthy Women. Upon being taken into the stom- ach, the various ingredients are absorbed by the blood, and then find their way to every organ and tissue, Some reach the uterine system. These allay inflammation, stop all drains on the system and make women regular, Some strengthen the stomach. They help digestion and increase the appetite. On act on the bowels! They cure constipation. Other ingredients stimulate the liver and kidneys in carrying off impurities from the system. thers reach the nerves. These tone up the nervous system and supply vital energy, thereby cur- ing the nervousness, irritability, and melancholy, lo which so ma- ny women are subject. : "The full effect of all the medi- caments in the tablets is to arouse the entire female system to renew- ed life and vigor. . Improvement is noticed the first week. 50c. at dealers or by mail. B. N. Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Que, en -------- BORN. Picton, Sept. 20th, to J. R. Ferguson, a som FERGUSON "Mr --~In and Mrs | MARRIED. HUGHES ~HUDGIN On Oct 2nd, ) ald, son of George FE. Hughes | 1 Es to Amelia Arm, eldest dpnehtor of Philip Huedgin, Wanpoos ret sw: | DIED. ANCLEAF.--In Bloomfield, on Oct 8rd, Daniel Vancleal, aged seventy. five years { KINGSTON LADS WON, | oleae 1 Boys. \ ih Kingston colligiate ten easily defeated the team from Brockville Col. Institute, - at the athletic this morning. At half time ale grounds, the vw stood 1 to 0, in favor of Brockville; in the nd half the, coll giate boys + and HE fore Lime was the to 3' to 1. Broewille failad to thi= half. The lineun was: Jn ile Graham, full; Slack v. Fountain, halves; "Heyward, quarter; Daly, snap; Price, MeCam mon, Menish, Mallette, Stewart, Fitz patrick, wir Kingstone holon, full; Hunter, Fliott (capiain), Haoffaer, halves; Grimshaw, quarter; Horsey, snip; Muncll, Dyde, Calvin, Reid, Hazlett Wright, wings. oh Ear. Brockvills; referead and gave general satisfaction. The Kingston = buds will "play a return match with Brockville next Saturiay, Graped at Edwards & Jenkin, : SH aboard his boat to slooy DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, OCIOBER 6. he re ---------------------- POLICE COURT CASES! LADS FINED FOR DEFACING _' CONCRETE WALKS. en -- dnd Breaking Street Lanterns-- There Were Seven Offenders Two Boys Fined For Riding Bicycles on the Sidewalk. : For a long time, the city engineer's department has bien Waiting a chance to cateh buys who in soe Jocalities ke a practice of defacing newly laid concrete walks and meddling with the lanterns. Two vears aro, a oab was "driven into a drain on Johnson street, through the absence of the lan- tern lights, which had been put out by young vandals. Ofttimgs the works' departnent has been i] to expense and inconvenionce in repmiring the damaged walks, Ag fat, Steent Foreman Timms has succeeded in cor- ralling some offenders, and this morn- nz seven boys appeared before the police magistrate in his private of fice, They were all little. fellows, rang. ing. from seven to ten vears dld. Five pleaded guilty to defacing about thir- ty feet of a walk down on Montreal Street, and after g_severs reprimand, each was. required to pay one dollar towards the damage s Evidence was given by the city ongincer and the foreman of streets, The parents of the lads were present and paid the amounts. The same charce was levi ed on' the two bovs who pleaded guil ty to breaking the lanterns, The next batch of offenders 'will not get off so easily. > Two lads were before the magistrate for ridine their bicycles on the side walks, This dangerous again become common, althouch pro hibited by the by-law. The police are after all those who wersist in wheeling on the walks instead of the roads, in wet weather not. Little neonle onngo just as much dénger ta pedes trans as big veople, and the two lads were fined two dollars and costs : One drunk vleaded epilte to imbih- ng too mach bad liquid, It was his first nnpearance in a nrisoner's dock and the wmacistrate " done, practicd has or fac } allowed him to 70, with a warnine that it would not ro So easy with him if he appeared again. KILLED ON THE TRACKS. : A Gananoque Sailor Met a Tragie Death. John MeDonald, o home is in Gananoque, death at noon to-day, near the foot of Princess street He was strongly under the influence of liquor, and not long before he met his death, he ap- peared on Ontario street, with his clothing disgrranged, and in his shirt sleeves, A vessel cantain got him fixed UP a bit, and tried to get him to go » and get sob- ered. However, McDonald wandered away again, amd took to the G. T° R. track at the foot of Princess street. The "wubtithay "gine was backine some freicht cars en route to the, city station yard, but McDonald stag wreved along and paid no attention to a warning from a brakesmhan on top of the first car or to the shouts given at the corner. The car knocked him down and the wheels passed over him crushing the right of his whose met a terrible sailor, side head and his richt arm. The unfortunate man was dragged for thirty feet, be fore the train was stopped. Death was instantancons, The mutilated body was raised from the tracks, and laid to one side, Core bett's ambulance arrived, and took it to the undertaking rooms. Coroner Ross, 'after enquiring into the circum stances, decided that an innecessary, Inquest was The doceased was: abont thirty vears of During the season of navien tion remaing here, and sails on various. vessels whenédver a job affords This season he has been on several, and was last on the schooner Pilot. MRS. BATE IS DEAD. Passed Away at Ottawa on Fri. day Night. Ottawa, Oct, 6---Mrs. Henry N Bate, wile of one of Ottawa's fore most citizens, died on Friday night at the family residence, Trenwick House, For some time she had heen ailing and death was hat expected The deceased; whose maidon name was Catherine Cameron, was a most esti mable lady, devoted to her family and friends and interested in many chari table objects. She leaves to mourn their loss H. N., Bate, husband, head of the big wholesale grocery house and chairman of the Ottawa Improve ment commission five sons, H ald, I. Cumeron, Lieut.-Col. Harry Llewellgn and Frank Bate and four daughtogs, Mra. Aldrich, Winnipeg; Mrs of Montreal: Mrs, Chris tie, and Mrs. Dewar, of this city Geer Lewis, GIVE HIM A"PLACE. World Suggests Cleveland For U. phen S. Senator. New-York; Oct. -6.~The World edi torially suggests Grover Clevelanil to the democriis of New Jersey, who are secking a candidate for United States spator. After deciding that the elec: tion of Mr. Cleveland would not be against precedent, two former presi dents having served in congress after they had left the White House, the World says: *Mr, Cleveland undoubt- edly would not he a candidate for United States senator in the sense hat he would actively week an elec fon. But if the New Jogdey legisla cure should elect hii. Whe can hélieve that he would decline 7 When did Gro- wr Cleveland dvr shirk, a public futy ? E In this age-of agitation for pure {o dean foods, it is refreshing 40 know that "Salada" Ceylon tea is sold to the public in all 6f Tle native fresh ness and fragrance, preserved in seal- od air-tight packets direct from the gardens, to the consumer, insuring a cup of ten "in perfection," hitherto unknown. This fact ie alone account: able for its enormous and ever-frow- ing popularity. 'But as in the case of any other successful articles, many worthless imitations abound,' there: fore, it is necessary to demand 'Sa. LATE SOCIAL NOTES. ~Ailowing ~with the living gold and deep nd height werlet-of dahlias mn their greatest perfection, "Somers: by House' was yesterday, more than usually attractive, when Mrs. R. E, Kent gave her most enjoyable bridge party. THis hostess has the gift making her entertainments, large or small, most pleasant, and yesterday's bridge was as its predecessors, The prizes were won by Mrs. Iva Martin, who received a cut glass vase with sil- ver rim; and by Mrs Arthur Flower Marsh, her trophy being a pack of cards in a pretty case. The players were Mrs, John Bell Carruthers, Mrs. Brownfield, Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. Ramsay Dufi, Mrs, Vietor Williams, Mrs, A. F. March, Mis, James Cap- pon, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. H, J Dawson, Mis, H. Tandy, Mrs, F. Strange, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Mrs, Richard Hooper, Mrs, W. 8, Hugin, Miss Lois Saunders, Miss E. Mae donell, Miss Lillian Mowat, Miss Lily Norton-Faylor. Miss Bessie Gordon, and Miss abel Prownfield. After play was ove E. T. Taylor, Mrs, W, D. wm, Mrs, J. A, Fages, Mrs. H.R. V. DeBury, and Miss re othy Brownfield came in for tea. Miss Gordon and Miss Brownfield were in charge of the tea table, which looked very lovely. The first bridge of the indeed a4 success, . season was - The ogher day, at Mrs, 'W. 8S. Ellis' little tea, the bird which somehow manages to hear. things whispered in the car of some of the youthful fuests and presently the young daughter of the hostess, Miss Jessie, was having all sorts of nice things said to her in various accents of pleasure ----and withal of the most complete surprise, For that little bird had said that their dear little girl friend was en- gaged, the very happy man in the case being Mr. kindsay Malcolm, who i# taking his science course at Queen's, Both the young people are great fy- vourites, and the . news has a great interest for all their friends, * - - w On Tuesday there will be a luncheon at the Country Club, when covers will be laid for eight © oe eile The invitations have been issued for the mardnoe of Miss Huttic Mae Hanham, of Carleton Plade, to Mr. J. F. Moffatt, manager of the Bank of Ottawa in Martintown, Ont® The wed ding take place on October 17th. - - - - ' Mrs. Brailsford, of Bradford, Fng- lund, who has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Arthur Robimson, of West mount, Will come to town. on Mon- day, to visit her brother, Colonel E. T. Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor, for a few days at the commuandnnt's residence, were - Miss. "A. Jenking, Princess street, spent. yesterday in Odessa. Me. and Mrs, T. Ross, of Sudbury, will 'be with Mrs, James Bermey, Al fred street, for the winter, Miss Mayne Smith, of Windsor, is avain with hey 'nuns, Mes: WF Hoag, Alfred street, Mrs. Walter Macnee has gone up to Toronto, Te a Mrs. KE. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, and Miss Gaylord arrived home on Satur day. They were pussengers on the steamship | Tunisian from Livervool, and experienced a rough voyage over. Madame Pacaud, Montreal, is the guest of her daughter. Mes, F. D. Laf: ferty, at the Roval Military College. Friends of Miss Constance Hora, King streat, will be very pleased to hear 'she is much better, le ede The engagement is announced of : Mist Maud |, Louisa McNish to Dr, Archibald George MoPhedran, of Stroud, Ont. The marrigage will take place at Elm Grove, Lyn, on Octo ber 21th 3 In Quebee, of Mise Hove. Glass Lieutenant Snider, of Royal Canadian Regiment. to Douglas the LEAP MAY BE FATAL. Said to Have Jumped. From Bridge to Death, Cincinnati, Oct, 6.--~A story was publish@l here to-day that Edward Cannon, an amateur pugilist, on a wager, had jumped from the suspen 'sion bridge to his death, but his bro ther, F. J. Cannon, this afternoon said he had been unable to find a per- son Whe wolld admit having seen the leap, i=7 THe police of Cincinnati and Coy- ington were notified of the story last night, but their efforts to pstablish beyond a doubt the correctness of the report. had not succeeded up to a late hour this afternoon. MOTHER OF 19 CHILDREN. Mrs. Emma Chatlos Dies at of 44 Years. York, Oct. G-Mrs. Age New Emma teen children, Of living this number ten are tie sguadron, on the charge of surren- dering to the Japanese. without fight ing, at the battle of the Sea of Jap- an, began at Cronstadt, to-day, before a special conrt-martial, Ear Have Paid A Fine. black bass allowed by law, have ad- mitted the offence, and paid a fine of ten dollars, . Potatoes, Potatoes. Snow white -potatoes, dryer and whiter than any potato, in bushel, 5c; in bags, 81. J. Crawford.; Yada?' and steadinstly refuse substic tutes, es kin. Biin's: new. derhion are Bove of Chatlos, died at her home in Tuckahoe yesterday, Mrs, Chatlos is said to have been the mother of the largest fumily in this state, having had nine- Two of the citizens, who were sum- mond by Game Inspector Brickwood for cateliing more than the number of Baltimore oysters, Edwards & Jen- of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. > ; The 8.8. Devohia, Thomson | Line from Shields inward, at Father Point, at 6.40 a.m. Duncan A. McDonald has heen ap pointed sub-collector at recently created a . fhioh school teach- Five hundred I hoo! ten efs are coming to America thi to study westérn methods. . Rear Admiral Brownson's squadron of American cruisers has arrived at Athens, and is anchored in Phalerum v The Canadian Masonic Protective Association and the National Accident and Guarantee company, of Canada, are applying for The total trade of Windsor, Ont., with the United States, for the last six months of 1968, a \g to Con- i Conant, amutisted to $4,089,418, t St. Petersburg, it "is reported that the French pod AN NM. Bom- ward, will be recalled for expressing imsell against the regime of Premier Stolypin. The agents of treasury in Europe are meeting in Paris to discuss matters designed to produce greater efficiency and har: mony in the service, ; The Saskatchewan Valley and Hud- son Bay company, will apply for a charter at the next session of parlia- ment. The proposed' route is from Ed- monton to Fort Ohurchill by way of Prince Albert, ' iy Clerks, according; to a London doc- tor, are the only ones who live as long as they ought, while clergymen live twenty or thirty years too long, but he does not seem to specify what age in the right one. D. M. Finnie, Bank of Ottaway J. W, Woods, manufacturer, Ottawa; Guy Osler, barrister, Ottawa, and Shirley Ogilvie, Montreal, have been incorpor- ated as 'the Imperial Realty company with a capital stock of one million dollars. The McKay steamer was rvoléased, this morning, by the tug Traveller and Magnolia, of the Midland Tow- ing and Wrecking company's fleet, off the shoal, outside Midland harbor, "off Grant's Tomb, Thirty-five thousand bushels of wheat had to be lightered. ERNESTIOWN FAIR. It Drew a Fine Company--Ex- hibits Good. The fair at Odessa -on Friday brought on great aggregation of people, 'I streets were "a sight," as this event in the popular thing of the year in the populous township. The exhibits fine not only of the smaller things of growth drill whed, but of fine animals on the grounds. The hotels could not accom: modate more than a fraction of the crowd for dinner, so the villagers had the "meals ut all hours' 'gystem in operation in a number. of shops and houses, There was again a rendezvous of militia transport outfits, twenty-seven teams in all, and Lieut.-Col, y with Lieut.-Col. Clyde, acting AD.C., made. inspection Owners were paid the $3 varade fee. Lieut. -Col. Mabee of- fered two. prizes for the best equipped outfits, : : The winners of these prizes were Messrs. Clancy, of Thorpe, and Sni- der, of Emestiown. \ The rain hud ceased in the early morn, but it left Odessa in a soa of mud in places, It should petition Ernesttown council for more macadam and crowned road beds. . The: concert at: the town hall was a ~reat wuccess, crowded and popular, Miss Yeatrice Tandy, of Kingston, was heardily en- cored, z Must Pay For The Wine. Mpntreal Star, Railway and legal circles are con- siderably interested just now In the termination yesterday afternoon of a suit which was brought against John Skinner of the Canadian Pacific by Antonio Cordusco, the Italian immi- gration agent, whose suit against the company for 830,000 is to be heard this month. "Justice Champagne cave judgment against Mr. Skinner for $10 which was the value of a case of wine sold to him by Cordusco, apd deliv: ored in May, 1904, It was claimed by Mr. Skinner that the wine was! a wedding present. Mr. Cordasco also odaimed ) borrowed money and $4 for work déne. 'There was no proof presented of the latter claims, but the judge decided that the wine must he paid for, and ghve judgment actond- ingly. te ppg Couple At The Soo. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, - Oct, 6. -- Maxim Gorkey and Madame Andrew- sky arrived at the Michigan Soo, last night, on a pleasure trin, accompan: inl by an interpreter, They came di- rect from Cleveland and leave this Mrs, Chatlos was only forty-four | norning. The pair stopped at the vears old, Her eighteenth child she Iroquois hotel, but. Gorkey did not named Theodore Rookevelt Chatlos, § register. Ho refused to be interview- Her oldest child is twenty-four and | od. i the voungest three. She was a native . : of Hungary. A. Superior School, In every respect, the Frontenac Court-Martial Begun. Business College, Clergy . strat, is Rt. Potersburg, Oct. 0.--The trial of | proving itself to be a "Business Rear Admiral. Nebogatofi, the captains | training institution of the highest and part of the erow of the third Bal- | standard." The stan®hrd set dor its gradoation and its complete equip ment attract those pupils who. appre ciate the best, Individual - instauction and moderate rates, Day and evening classey; :'Phone 680, T. N. Stotkdale, principal; Ld » te - Now is the time of the year to register for evening classes af * the Busitiess College, "Phione Frontenac 680, Be progressive. Come along on Monday evening - and join our dlasscs at the Frontenac Busindss Celleg Clergy street. . i . vi Snow white potatoes a little whiter, a little dryer wid fine flavor that any; Matters That Interest Everybody | the United States | Hi i E SE sl i E i i gE = uh lds Lica. H. 1 hwell hae | poi nstructor in nj at the Royal Military College. People: er than wait for the belated Duh flowering bulbs at Cl tore, De Edwards & Jenkin, Rev. F. B. Stratton passed a p night and to-day was Suffering vol iderable . He ix IE Mutou," forges of the Medical Social Clul c in in the city to take his at 8. g "I waited almost half taste or manufacture in the] tals. derbies 8 Mrs. W. Watte and Watts, of Montreal for : ston, have returnet home after ing two weeks ia visiting fi ington. Bi oat Ald. William E. Bassam and have been called to Oxford Mi attend the funeral of Mrs, a New Scobie, A Dawley, Morton I, and Vaughan, Ogdensburg, have | ona la for a fow duye' ¢ the picturesque. Ridegu. from ston. . ! The Trusts and Guarantee eg limited, Toronto, has been ap administrator of the estaté. o C. Gillis, Jute of Toronto; who ried on the business of a bookb under the firm npme of "West & lis." The estate in valued at £10,000, ; See the duplex neckwear at Bibby! Stewart Livingston. Princess is improving. He had his knee kno od out at Queen's: football last Wednesday and is expected® b inthe game not later than Tue next, WHY STAY RHEUMATIC Nothing Short of Folly Cure is Guaranteed Ferrogone. 3 Rheumatism can't be cured so long as your system is weak and run down, You must first build up and get strength to fight off the disease. Nos Ferrozone cures because st builds up, because it renews the blood und digs solves the Uric Acid and the poisons that cause rheumatism. - : It is proved right here that Ferro- Rr a t Edwards, : Col. H. M. Russ, ol ° Lawrence Co., 'one of the fine heroes of the fivil War, was plutaly restored by Ferrozone. t is statement : Se "1 couldn't get around without cane, and then only with difficulty; "Kheumatism took complete 80 of my limbs. x "I'he suffering wus more § than hardships on the battlefield. "When my doctor had done his 1 got Ferrozone, ok W "Then came a quick change. "'Ferrozone ve "me comfort once, eased pain and took wtifiness out of 'my muscles. "I am well Jodiay. i me somlotely. can jump like I forty years ago." § "Be sensible about your case. If present medicine is useless give if Don't experiment signin. Fi is known on all sides to he a that does cube. Why not get a to-day, The sooner you begin zone the quicker you'll av well 'She. per box or six for dealers. 3 Cova other, Try them, that's all. . Craw-

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