Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1906, p. 7

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1gazine' BE GI CRUG for SHITE ENTRANCE => = AF - Household oads Lead to itchen Work | 7 a skilled mechanic it is a strong man's len the wind is ina yes whose work is so king worry lest. the + child can' shake &t minute ; its heat is / "baking and hardly \ y itchen cool ; it saves you backaches and a " do 's and Factories: 1) ronto,, Montreal, » Vancouver, N. B., Hamilton TRAVELLING. 1 ™ NEW Via' New York | October nd OM $7 00" K BoM. $7.00 Ten Days Return Limit. fal Through Trains First-Class Day Coaches - Ask New York Central Agents and watch -» SN need SesasteRenee waesesew TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXCURSION YORK Central Lines EF and 3, 06 ing -- Thursday, Oct. 18, 1806 Round trip tickets will be sold at low- est one way First Class Fare: Going dates Wednesday and Thursday. , Oct. 17th and 18th alid returning from destination on or before. Monday, Oct. 22nd, 1906. Hunters' Excursions At Single Fare Going Oct. 8 to Nov. 8 To points in Temagami, points Mat- tawa to Port Arthur, to Sault Ste Marie und. Port Arthur, via Northern Navigation Company. To Georgian Hay and Lake Superior noints via N.N Co. (To puints' on Northern sNuvigation Company extra charge will be wade for meals and berths returning). To certain points in Quebec. Going Oct. 25 to Nov. 6 To Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, points Severn to North Bay, Argyle Coboconk, Lindsay to points. Madawaska to Depot points on Muskoka Lakes, Luke and Magnetawan Rive All Tickets Good Returning Until Dec, 8 Reduced Fares to Kootenay and Pacific Coast Points ull tor Harbor : of Bays From August 27th to October 31st, 1906, For tickets, Pullman accommodation; and all other information apply to J. P. HANLREY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario streets KiNcsTONS PEMBROKE wi Poise In Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway SPECIAL RATES "ro THE COAST {VANCOUVER YICTORIA $46.30 foo $43.80 {zoseivo Secor! class one-way, on sale only un- til Oct. 1st. Proportionately low rates to other points. Full particulars at XK. & P. and C.P.R, Ticket Office, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Ontario street A. FOLGER, Gen. Supt. Agen Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local noints. Trains feave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston: THLE RAILWAY SPORTSMEN SATISFIED Reports from all the Game Sections of the Maritime Provinces indicate a most successful season. Write for ** Fishing and Hunting" "Trail of the Mic-Macs" * Week in Canaan Wouds "Moose of the Miramichi" TO GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Moncton, N,B. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Tunisian Oct: SirNov. 2. Victorian Oot, T gv. 8. Toniaf - ep 10 Kow 10 c. Virginian ora - 28, MONTREAL +0' "GLA Moderate "Rate Service WM 11 a diane hr ar Sicilian: Opt 18. AY: £7, Jo rates, to, + F HANLEY 2 gv 2 Q. Haliburton ; . wh calle at Garden Islandguing to and from 'sido, New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Vincent, N.Y. Lv. Kingston (str.) 5:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Arr. Cape Vincent (str) 7:00 a.m. 4 p.m. Lvs Ca Vincent, 7:20 a.m. 4:50 p.m. Arr, atertown, 8: 10 a.m, 5:50 p.m. Arr, Oswego, 11:59 a.m, 9:12 p.m. Arr. Syracuse, UE 18 p.m¢ 9:83 pom. Arr, 238 pm. 1:20 am, Arr. Utica, 12 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Arr. . New York, 28:00 pm. 7:13 a.m. Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. Steamer may secure staterooms ahoard. Convenient train direction, PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS 2 Cents a Mile Hooks for 500 miles of travel on New York Central and leasod lines within State of New York cost only $10, while bodks for 1,000 miles over New York Central, Boston & Albany. Buffale. Rochester & Pittsburg, Philadelphia & and Central R.R. of New Jersey cost $20. Secure er information service im opndsite and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, New. York Central Agent, Kingston, C. ¥. DALY, Passeriger Trae Manager, Az H, Smith, General Manager, Gs C. Gridley, General Agent. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Beginning Sept. 4th. Leave Wolfe Astand Monday ..[...7.80 53 3.00 PM, 300 3.00 83 Te Fort tt pt 5 E232 a » = = 222 8E382g B23E P% riage Bisa 75s = & ial : Breakey's y . "Thursday # land (Walker! + Dock), Halliday 's Dock ard Bro Bay; Howe Ts. phy's Point. ves, Breakey s Day 630 a.m. Returning, leaves Kingston 3 p.m. Time Table subject to change without notice. E. BRICELAND, Manwg®r ingston, QUEBEG™STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes 5.8. "Campana," with electric lights, electric bells and all moderna comforts. Twin Screw. Iron Sails from Montreal on Mondays at 2 p.m., 10th and 24th Sept. for Pictou, .8., calling_at Quebec, Gnspe, Mal Bay, erce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Syitien P.E.l., and Charl E, Otlotitown, PEI BERMUD Summer | JBxcursion, by the new Pr **Bermud- inn," 5.500 tons. , "trom New York, 12th and 26th September. Temn- nerature cooled by sea breezss seldom rises above 80 degrees The finest trips of health and comfort. the season for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and atatefShigs. apply t J. P. HANLEY, or Ji Gu En SLEEVE, Ticket heats, Kingston, Omt. boat Company, Limited STR. CASPIAN 1000 islands-~Rochester Commencing Sent. 2a, Ssamer 10h lea! Kingston, unday only, a pr. a Bay. Rockport, «10 toa, gnd Thousand Islands. Re- turning will leave at p.m., for Rochester, NX, calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA _ day at 8 m., Leaves daily, except Sunday a ay for Picton and intermediate of Quinte Ports, on uesday, Thursday 4d Ssturday Steames calls at on- 35 Northport and Belleville, For full information, arclv to By! EB. fiorsey, General Manacer, Kin J, pe Tianley, Ticket Agent : Jas. Swift & Freight Agents. iri ---------------- HE The United Stated army has: adopts od a new bullet; it is Whee, longer od sharper, with a flatter trajectory and a greater velocity than the old GUY CURTIS 15. COACHING his share of the fight pictures. v double-header e | small boats. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam. } yi - ROUGH RIDERS. | And "walkie Them Through Their Facings--The Latest Sporting Notes From Many Quarters. Joe Gang' has refused $15,000 for {Cornwall will make one last desper- ate struggle for the ze. 'They will not' yet concede that the Capitals are the befter team. A son of Joo Wright, the famous veteran oarsman and rugby player, is "following in, big father's footsteps." He is playing with the jupior Argos. 'There i= a chance that Juck Lush, the clever hali-back of last year's "Varsity team, will turn out with the Argonauts, of Toronto. He would be a great help. i greatest event in the Babu racing world, this week, will be the Kentucky Futurity for three-year-old trotters, for a purse of $14,000, the richest 1 stake of the year. Seuverpl horses belonging to "James R. Keine were sold at Brooklyn = on Saturday. Vox Populi, a two-year: old by Voter, was sold to 8. Me Naughton for $1,300, the top price, Sir Thomas Lipton said, in an in: terview, that whether he would chal lenge for the fourth time for the America's cup would depend upon the developments of his visit to the Uni- ted States. The new Montreal Jockey Club track where the Montreal Hunt will hold their annual steeplechases on October 4th and 6th, will, on account of the transportation arrangements which have been made, be easily reached from all varts of the city. loo Walcott, of - Boston, and Billy Rhodes, of Buffalo, fought a twenty- round draw on an island in the Mis: souri river, 120 miles below Kansas City. The fighters and spectators went to the island by steamer, abe the ring was pitched in the sand. Mrs. Parsall, of New Lotherp, wife of Peter Parsall, owner of Allenwood, the pacing stallion, drove him mile at Flint, Mich., fair, This time it i¢ claimed is the fastest made by any woman driver in the world, Allenwood has a mark of 2.907. "Pilly" O'Tlara, the Toronto player, is holding down left field for & 8t. Louis Nationals. He 'made three of St. Louis' eight hits in Saturday's off «McGinnity and Wiltse, dnd acodpted five chances "in the field, as well as stealing a base. He is leading off at the bat. The Manchester Yacht Club and the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club are arranging the terms of the races for the Seawanaka gold challenge cup for This cup was won by the Manchester, of the Manchester Club, last year, after it had been in Canada for a: long time. The Ottawa civil service has had . a | successful year in baseball. Only two ourside games have been played, one with 8t. Regis Falls at Cornwall, which resulted in a shut-out for the Yankee team, the final score standing 4-0, and one at Smith's Falls, where they lost a hard-fought game, T1-8. After negotiations - which have ex- tended over the past two months, Abe Attell, featherweight champion of the world, has been matched with Terry McGovern for a six-rotind bout in Philadelphia. The matter of weight was settled when Attell agréed to meet McGovern at catch weights, with = the proviso~ that the actuml poundage of 'both men be announced to the audience from the ringside. " United States Consul George Hor- ton writes from Athens that the Olym. pic games have aroused a very gene ral interest in 'athletics among the Greek people. Two wealthy Greeks, of Egypt, Messrs. Rostovitz and Tsanak- les, have presented 860, 000 to the gov- ernment for the erection of a gymma- sium at Athens, the building "and equipme ut of which will be personally superintended by Crown Prinee Con stantine, The Swedish system ° of gymnastics will "be largely followed, and, if present plans are carried out, officers of the Swedish army will be employed as instruetors. During the first three years the running expenses will be defrayed by the two countries, Ottgwa Free Press: Coach Guy Cartit had the ~ Rough Rider candi: dates in ohnrge yesterday afternoon, and certainly put them. to the lash from the time he stepped on the field till darkness: settled down and drove the players to- the coop. Curtis in sists on working the backs af all stages. He had Gleeson, Williams and Mciiee plaviog up close to the serimi- mage, 50 -that all Quarterback Atkin- fon had to do after getting the ball was to hand it to the tentre-half, who woke through a wéak portion of the line. It is a Kttle unusual to see half- backs bucking the line, but Williams was sent in re) peatedly for short gains, This method is not nearly so open as the pass J back and run around the ond. It i% presumed, however, Cu ris will put the men through all vuria- tions of the new game later on, You Should Visit 'New York In October. The most pleasant month of the year in the big city. All [theatres open and large stores displaying their choicest fall and win- ter ngs. You can go there and hek fér 87 on the New York Central i "twenty-first annual excursion Oateber 2nd and 3rd. Ten days' res turn limit. Fast through special traing © on October 2nd: Through coaches on certain trains® on return trip. Make your plans now to join. Ask ticket agents for particulars. It pays to buy Gibson's Red fresh there. Twenty-five acres of land in Revel- stoke, B.C., have been washed away lately by the Columbia river. and the whole town of five thousand is threat- ened cough sypups Cross drug store. ot Al . Assists Digestion. .. Too much food is not good for the digestion. When you ran and cram food into your stomach destroy the process of dissolving and assimi- you knew it was going to rip you 4 yi t buy the kind of under- ---- fe out at the seams { The machine widens and narrows the piece: ax it makes it and builds the | garment to fit, the limbs, Even the ends gre made right on the garment pnd 5)' 'not scwed on. Not sewed on the sew- ing machine, thece are no i irritating seams. i 3 No - THE "C TURNBULL £0.11. GALT, CANADA Tosist wpon trade wa a ee. Grim. ake & it back An Jtie dealer CELTE! Li he 2 A SAN FRANCISCO PHYSICIAN Uses Herpicide Successfully, in Treating Sycosis of the Beard. He. says: "I yecently treated a case of sycosis (similor to barber's itch) of the jower lip, with Newhro's Herpi: cide. 'There was an. extensive loss of beard with inflammation extending well down the chin, "The result: of the ap- plication 'of Herpivide was most grati- fying. The loss of beard ceased and a new growth of hair is now taking place over the once inflamed" areq. "(Ligned) Melville KE. O'Neill, M.D, "815 Howard St. "San Francisco, Cal," Herpicide kills - the dandroff germ and hair to prow abund- antly. Sold by le in stamps for sample cide -Co., Detroit, hood, special agent, Wood's English Re Toe onés Gr nvigtenisetbe permits the Wing druggists, Send 10c, to "The Herpi- Mich. G. W. Ma- ous Debility, Mental and reine Worry, Beual Weakness, malo and Iffects of Abuse or Fixcexses Rp. coir Sle neds will o 1 uy o RoE , OB rece Tot ot To New pamphlet vei. The Formerly Wirdsor) Toronto, Ont. WAGGONS Just what you wang, the shortest turning and easiest draught wageon aver madd, It is short turning, large front wheels, sasy draught; wheels do 'not strike body; cannot tip over, and many sther points which we will be pleased to o show you.il you eall at James Laturney's The Carriage Maker LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid at the Centres.' Toronto Junction, Oct. 1.~At the Union Stock Yards, export prices ranged from £1.25 to 84.790, the bulk selling at $1.10 to $4.60; export bulls to $1.25. Butchers' pric- od lots of choice, ranged good, from 34 to $4.25; £3.75 to 23.90: common, £3 to 833.50; butchers' cows, S250 to $3.25; canners, $1.50 to 82. Veal calves sold at #5.50 to 86.50, per 100 THs.; milch cows and springers, at 830 to B55. Export ewes from $4 to bucks, £3. to 83.75; Fring lambs, 86 to 30.128 Hogs, selects, sold at 86.60; light, 33 Montreal, Oct. |. Various A from $4.25; medium, About »1,200 head of butchers' cattle, 20 mileh cows, %0 calves, R000 sheep and lambs, and B00 fat hogs were offered for sale at the East d Abattoir, to-day. The butchers were present in full force and trade was brisk with the prices about the same as on last week's markets, really prime cattle being searct and slightly higher in price. The best cattle sold at from 4}e. to dic. Ih; pretty good animals, 3¢. to dec. and the common stock 2¢. to 3c. per Wy, -Miloh cows =old at from $30 to £50 each. There were ne good veal énlves-on the masket, the grassers sold at 2ic. to 3c. per Ib. Sheep lating. You render the gastric juices useless and make yourself nnhealthy. "Wiliam Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's book store. " Hutch will assist the digestion and! from 5c. per Ib. for large sows np to will make you healthy. Hutch is a near jc. per 1b. for selects, weighed doctor for ten cents: All druggists or off the cars. ? by mail from the Woodward Chemical -- Co., 299 Washington strect;" Buffalo, | - 3 Ib. boxes soda biscuit 23c. at Mul NX. 'libs, Sh and the lambs at Fat hogs sold at sold at 3ic. 10 dc, 150. to 5. per 1h. shilled to open its 390 Princess Street, Kingston} . Organisation is to Play an Castern Canada ' and New | York State. ] Ottawa, Ont, Oct. 2. --Chief De Ln Ronde, of the Ottawa police has bron applied to by a number of "Ot: tawa mothers to, aid them in securing the return to the city of thee da ters, who have heen persuaded tofor: sake their homes, by the alluring dhs ducemeonts of a theatrical a representative of a troupe wi which he being orgenized to play in light operas in Ontario, Quebec, and North: ern New York State Jotne, came to Ottawa a few and induced about twenty girls rv join thd com- Phe mothers of about hall the' girls objected, and they promptly skipped out. There may be interesting de: velopments in the case before Jong, as the mothers are "determined to have their daughters back, while the mah agers + of the company, which was wonson at Alexan- dria, are cqually determined that it shall not be broken up, A few of the girls have been induced to return to the city, Chief De La Ronde says that the managers ' of the company certainly used good judgment in se lecting their troupe, as all the yirls are fine looking. Tuesday's Fashion Plate. wool of thin trimmed with silk. The model was off' dark blue voile over a slip of #ilk to Girlish street frock canvas or etamine, of the same shade. match. The upper part of the skirt was made with fitted bands of silk stitched on in panel effect, these bands being double, so that they hung loose on tho outside edge. The material in between was tucked to yoke depth. The skirt was in round length and was trimmed around the lower part by a three-inch-and-a-hall band, of silk. The orsage was owl, out nround the neck over a yoke of lace and was trimmed about the top by a shaped band of the silk stitched and ornamented by embroidered silk buttons, It was trim- med in bolero style by double folds of the silk, trimmed with buttons and cord loops in front, and also in the centre of 'the back, The sleeves were short and were trimmed with the +ilk and buttons and finished by frills of lace. Kingston And Smith's Falls. The steamer Rideau Queen for the balanve of the season will carry pas Sengers from Kingston to Smith's Falls and return at the very low rate of $1 or $3, including meals and berth. This is a rare opportunity to see the beauties of the Rideau. Leave King ston of Wednesday and Saturday, am, James Swift & Co. agents, Appeared To-Day. Niagara Falls, Ont, Oct. 2. Eighteen out of nineteen hotel pro- prietors of this city received their papers yesterday to appear before Police Magistrate Cruickshanks this morning for selling liguor during for- hidden hours. p------------------ "Rexl Cross Cough Syrup," the only cough syrup that cures, a cough, 20e, Soll only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The new British Dreadnought it is expected will be launched within six mentite from the daying 6f 'her keel. Pritain "pnd Russia arc egch urging the. calling of the secand peace con ference at The Hague. Gin Pills Will Cure Your Sick Kidneys OR MONEY REFUNDED, Don't you want to be rid of that na om end rough their? Don't you want to through i the a night without being disturbed by the neys? Don't you want to feel well and be well? Here's the way : el) whic! a, fi & HE Rheumatism oa? up and around the house. y are gone now, and I have noghad a re turth of the old trouble since. "And Gin' "ROBT. DERRAUGH, You can't honestly doubt ter such testimony as hold out certain relief are sold with an ironclad i i £, J Is $8E » fe i 7 tobe found in Ives Brass Beds. - The two important points in brass bed construction are the the bending. BE £18 Look forthe Label. Tri-City Railway ae | re Piet PA With our ABILITY and Choice of Leather giving you COMFORT AND DURABILITY. GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY 4 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. PARGACFFIGE FRAIIIOF coms . - other ambitious young men and women. NIGHT SCHOOL Kingston Business College Limited, Hoad of Queen Street. Bessions-- Monday, Wednesday and Friday everivgs, 7.80 to 9.80 o'clock. Individual Tustruction--Equipment and Teaching Staff second to none in Canada. The Colvege that appeals to nniversity graduates as well as al aq Regis'er now: Rates moderate. Office open: lay and evening. 'Phone 440.

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