Ar MAHOOD'S Stu, {with more or leas dem are going the ongtituencies and izing effects, Then came the London election case, which has been Jong . {alked of, "but action concerning which has only now "been decided on. Tt is asserted that it y and nothing more, Are the electors to be moved by | seandals, or by considerations for the i with as. they desprve. The elébtor that will be in- fluenced by partizan emotions or mo- tives will not be carrying himself as . . & Does Borden Catch On. The Toronto World, before the last session of parliament, attacked the loader: of the apposition and intima: ted that he was lacking in agressive. ness. During the session Mr. Maclean {refrained from personal cviticism, but not 3% ¥ a chi Sole Agents not; if you ties 5 ip to the mark launclmg his bills, atl motions with- out consultation with My. Borden. | washes: | Clearly the plan was to make this Wi gentleman 'realize that he was not equal to the emergencies of the hour, aml that this could by demonstrated by act rather than by words. Mr. Maclean did not miccesd very | can use it | well with his scheme, but he did not take the rejection of them to heart. He showed that he had ideas of his pwn, and © he was satisfied with the advertising of them. A friendly critic added that some one else, with his ammunition, would have moved the house to action. The World has been passive for some time, "but it has not changed iis tactics. Tn the Sunday edition it is "Is it not time for the conservative party to advocate something affirma: | tive, to take some stand, and 10 de- for some issue on its own ae count ¥ Waiting for dead men's shoes has been a disappointment. Na- ippod before he died: whi v Ifrid" Lowder why find his Mr. Borden is not laying siege to the government benches, He is waiting until there are vacancies by natural process, and this to the World is not your digestive acceptable, Does Mr. Borden realize Tee , Mahood Streats: etoregard H whitney has | United States ? Tt would. em $0. | asleep in 1908, when, 'according to voting in the hye | that some one else is more far-secing than he, and. more capable of doing his work ? j Editorial Notes. Mr. Foster is suffering from expo- sure, without s'riking back. aleaid of his associates ? The Mail bowails the influence of an ovil 'press. It does not, of course, pre Hearst, of New York, a candidate lor the governorship, is alleged {0 neither drink nor smoke, These are not pod the most detestable vices. "fired" a license in- spector, He must dispose of some one in order to keep in practios, and lib oral officials are becoming scares. 3 A -------- RX ig Cuba under the governorship of Mr. Toft. Ts this. the fits preliminary to the anuexation of the island to the Were {he conseentive Jeremiah Collins, elections wos on the go-as-you-please plan? | " the Farmer--Enlargment of Welland Canal Only Hope For ~~ Canadian Route. In concluding his evidence before the Royal Grain tovemiszsion,- yesterday afternoon, H. Ww. Ri d he did. hot think that 'it was necessary to bond the elevators. The more the restrictions, the less the western farm: ers would receive for their grain, B. Hori, manager for. the J 1 Shaw Milling company, gave half Bo to the effect that their eleva.' tor was used more for private pur t liberals, and seem to the party's doings. A crew voted Mm the primaries, Perhaps they didn't vote to suit his worship. Brantford, which is a progressive city, finds, "fo its surprise, that ac- 0g to assessor the popula- down about 600. The assess howevet, has gone' up | three-quarters of a million. ~ Colling, who has so much to say about the Lomdon liberals, accusing them of corruption, is in an impecuni- ous condition. He is accused of trying to hlackmails the Londen people. Fail- ing in that he heoo the tool of the The Toronto - News hopes that the London election scandal will be close: ly examined, but it does not wait un- til all the evidence is heard before commenting upon the case in a parti- ran away. Its. heat will be justified only when the federal government is .| conservative.' That will suit Flavelle. -------------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Soc He Could. Biratford Des ; : : Nit, Bowell could now re- mark to Oronhyatekha anent his "dis obedient servant"-<"1 told you so." Why Should They ? ni) Free Pi % It nat \ikely' that the people of Canada will be in a hurry to put their trust funds in George E. Foster's care, ' No Harm Meant. Hamilton Herald, The London Outlook thinks must be two 'Marie Corellis, - wishes that. one' of 'them might be drowned. Tt is a moderate wish. No Money In Politics. | Brantford Expositor. "he late Henry Carscallen, K.C., M. P.P,; left an estate at sc thing like $7,000. A very good tration of the fact that public | n poverishics most men who enter it. When In Luck. Rochester Post-Fxpress. 4 John D. Rookefoller struck oil and go, on his Cleveland property while ring for water. He is like the wn- lucky hero of Bret Hart's ballad who was looking for water and struck gold, - : there and Results Of Delta Races. Delta, Oct. 1.-The following is a summany- of the paces held at Delta fair : 2.50 Class. » AH, OC, Hamilton) 5. Stokes) s. 2 23.2. ar. (EK. 8 Pegey Slender, (H. Gorman) 4.4.4. 2.30 Class. Miss Appleby, (W. H, Mos y) | ilkes, (J. Knapp) | Pay Roll, (J. Mulvilie) ... me, 2435; 2.48; 2.42. nares Smlie S., (B, Stokes) .... . Harry H . Hamilton) Perey Slonder. (H. Gormin) Time, 2.54 - 2.58 + 2.50. a 2.18 Class. B. 0. Wy Mins Avg (WI Mam Torwy Wilkes, (J. Knapp) ....... 3.2.8, Time, 2.98 ; 2.34 ; 2.83. . In the 2.18 class, Councillor" better known as 0.0.1, although inexpericne- on the track, proved . himseli as having few pears, Resides: winning in this class he captured the gold medal, con tested for ¥ nine horses, the rules governing the same or any age, size or breading.' He also won first prize for catriage stallion, a ---------------- The Jones' Falls Trip. Because of demand for a of these popular "trips, the Rideau Lakes 'Navigation company have de- |; cided to rin their steamer Wednesday and " Satarday, & mm, 50c. These 5 nih Tey Ribby's for men's gloves, TP OC of Uni and | stay well, nothing als of | Port: Colborne, a full Saturday at ir. | in 1905. to one of ndture's most beau- | fies will . As the boats were Hfhtered at 1 0 Was never eceived at the elevator here. { 4. L. Henderson, local agent of the M. T. company, stated that the com- pany was entirely in the warehouse d_{ransportation business. In thor Intgest barges, 70,000 bushels could be taken 'to Montreal. If the Welland canal was enlarged it ought to be 0 enlarged as 'to take through a 600 foot boat, capable of carrying 300,000 Bushels. Tot would viktuully mean ilding of a new cana Ie un- derbtood that a shorter route covll be laid out. Asked as to the reason of Canadian grain going through Ul. Ss. t#, Mr. Henderson said that it mi; be accounted for hy the fact that the grain comes into Fort Wil Ham late in the fall, and the Mon- treal houses close so early in Decem- Shippers, of course, took the best rates they could get. He had no direct knowledge of any understanding among carriers 16 keep rates above thee] minimum rate which: was a settled one. He didn't belisve there was. As to. weighing, he thought that when the government weigher at Fort William weighed the grain, then the government should become responsikle for shortages and overages. He didn't think that any shortage meant loss of grain. fe was an overage some- where. The grain shipped from. here to Montreal was weighed at the latter port. If thee was a shortage, the consignee was paid; if an overage, the company Was paid. Regarding insur ance, a quarter of a cent was charged in the carrying rates. The iusuranes included damage to grain through leakage of the vessel, The way to gt the grain down the Canadian channel, = Mr. Henderson said, was to cheapen the route, and the hest way "to do that was by en- larging the Welland canal. He knew of no other way. - At present, in his opinion, there was Guite sufficient lake tonnage to carry the grain. 'There was a heavy de- mand for Canadian boats in spring dnd fall, but not in midsuenmer, Hence there was not much encouragement to build. However, the tonnage was in- ereasing quite sufficiently to. meet the earrving demand. Edward Bennett, foreman of the M. T. company elevator, gave evidence as to the working of the elevator. Re garding wheat stored for some time, he suid there was no material shrink. age noticeablé. Grain, in his opinion, was getting dirtier every year. * The grain edmmissioners left on the night train for Montreal, -------------- Brights' Disease. In ite advanced stages it is incur- able, but it is due to irritable eondi- tions of the kidneys which may easily be removed in the beginning, Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills will remove any irritable conditions. of the kidneys, liver or bladder and restore these organs to perfect health. Cure backache and weak backs. In boxes 25c. For sale only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satis actory, ------ s Called Home. J. Stewart, Frontenac street, visiting in Perth, was called home, on Monday, owing to the ous illness of her son, Percy, who removed to the general hos al, fering from typhoil fever. Mrs. Ste. wart was on her .way to Ottawa to attend the Woman's Missionary So- clety's annual meeting. -------------------- Kingston And Smith's Falls. The steamer Rideau Queen will leave Swift's wha pvery Wednesday and am. James Swift & Co., agents, A Great Increase. H, M. Molson, a director of the Ri- cheljen & Ontario Navigation eom- pany, is quoted as saying that earn- mes this, year are $100,000° more than BVERY PALE WOMAN. -- Read This and Learn the Way to Good Color and Better Health. Pale people, have pale blood. n other words the blood js watery and lacks red corpuscles. The. stomach is wrong. Assimilation is poor and food is not changed into blood Naturally the system is robbed of vitality, lacks strength and reconstructive hower. Don't lip from vigor into weakn: ss. . Don't allow the appetite to fail, but instead use Ferrosone. You're bound to feel rejuvenated ahd strengthened at once. Apvetite is braced up. digestion is stimulated, vigor imparted {o the stomach. Evervthing you eat is trans. formed 'into nutriment . that sunrlies whut your thin wepk system needs.' Vital. lif>giving blood that makes rosy cheeks and dancing eyes--that's ot PTR, de streno moyancy that de- depression and tiredness. that's the sort vou get with Ferrozone. E pale woman can transform a out appenrance with Forrozone. w Not only will it imnrove looks "and spirits, but by rebuildi tired oteans. feed well: to Took well, to be well snd is so cortuin av Fer Dancenteater eves saber form known in the an: | a Now, it's Overcoat time again. © We've Overcoats galore. We're think- ing that we've the best Overcoats in Kingston, The New French Back Overcoats, in rich Black and Greys, $14 50, 15.00, 16.50 and 1 8.00. The Nobby Bannerman," $12 00, 14.50, 15.00 to $13 50. The Long Westminster, At $10.00, 15.00. 12.00, 1350, 1400 and The Dressy Paddock and Paletot, At-$15.00, 18.00 and 20.00. Our Overcoats are the fruit of great pains-taking. Come, see these Coats. | The H. D. Bibby Co. THE OVERCOAT STORE OF THE TOWN our shoes. We can give you style, STYLISH ..SHOES.. Style is not everything that should be in a shoe style without quality is of little Or no use. Even style-and quality are not the height of good shoe making --a shoe should be made fo fit comfortable. These are the particular features of ty at almost any price, victus Shoes for men, women and boys. Invictus Shoes SELL FOR $3.50, 3.75 and 4.00 for Women . $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 for Men $3.50 for Boys fit and quali- We recommend. the In- --SOLD AT---- ETHY'S i A A prices ranging from $5 to $15. Coats for the Giris Younger ladies want New Couts as well as their elders. We Kingston's Best Display Of Smart New Fall Coats, position of exclusive coats from the Skirts, for women and misses. A' brilliant ex- world's leading fashion centre, at 2 have ms al effort this season to meet their every need. at prices. from " " Children's Rear Skin Coats, foli lined, nicely © trimmed," at prices from $1.75 to $5 In Dress Goods: We are showing all that is now Coats. in Tweeds, Some very special values at 50, 69c.," $1 and $1.25 New Venotians, in all shivdes, Broadeloths, Poplins, dona, and in fact every thing that is Separate yard. for Suits and Crepe, Re- It will pay Armures new in Dress Goods. you to sag our stock hefore buying. The James Johnston Store £4 180. Wellington Street. _The Store That Serves You Best at All Times. 5 slapd off the 0oast of Africa, The Water Supply. of tree is found power of the oy and, British growing cn leaves of er supply « of Wash. Columbia, recs have also been observed hich drip copiously through the night and until ten to eleven o'clock the follow: ing morning. Best's Short-8top never. faily 1ic. a bottle at Best's. y Madame Hersee, the fami donna, who, after a tour th States, was summons striel troublé ustal |r quate and gave me r a report about Bileans sing as it another am now recommending quentls to frionds and papi Bileans are : old r unsirpossed Pheir on, the liver i transform into a he gia, female ail clears the blood of a boon to pe 2 women. Of hex, or post fg fr DIATMOX NEOs RILEY 28-8331 FN] BE] "DRESSES (ikl Re CRT 3p NPA FOR'MEN & BO REFUSE ALL V NIRV IMITATIONS BEEN GUARANTEE PERFECT RESU A jo You know the youngs kicking their shoes to pie we <are prepared for them $1.25, $1.50 Sche Mothers say they x fong wearing shoes. The have 16 he fitted out and do better than get a "shoes, H. JENNINGS, - "1,000 Tslands--R Steamer Caspi at 1:15 am, Returning, leaves at ester and Bay of Quinte p---------------- Try Pibby's for men's v