Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1906, p. 3

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Sore Throat dp Storrs LINIMENT Bathe frecly and band, with a wll nt keeping it Dan ce Lares 'bottle, 25 etnta. "I not for sale at your dr can always be procured gRaist, McLeod's. at James 2 Dr. Scott's Whi Lnimen: Props St. John, a. B., C lord, Co and Chelmer Notice On account of so many new Jacket Orders already in, we will not be able to take in any OLD garments to re-model after October 10th W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 Brock St. lasses Our Specials Genaine "LEMAIRE" Opera Glasses, bound in Black Morocco, cased, at $5 pair. A pair of Small Fold- Opera Glasse powerful), in Choice Black Leather, at §7.50 pair. The Field, in both the above styles, is ex- ceptionally . clear. "SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 6866. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing. in. the world. we're sa auch interested in as Cool at this tims ul the "year. It may sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling as' a science, "but that's what we've made it. Two Important discoveries. we have made are that complete satisfactien to our customers pays best, and that the way to win business is to deserve ft. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. Dress WE show are the newest out, while the values can- not be equalled elsewhere. All the most popular shades in Greys, Blues, Reds, etc., in Tweeds, Broadcloths and other desirable weaves. See the line of 'All.wool , Suitings we are show- ing at soc, 'and 6gc. yd. Chey are wonderful values. The best line of Scotch weeds Lever shown in this ity. Ask to see the tine of Navy or Myrtle Broad- cloths we are showing at $1 and $1.25. Some extra good lines for school wear at 25¢. and 30c¢. a yard. Remember, too, that this the place for Swagger oats at Popular prices. EWMAN & SHAW A shipnient "come Agents We have HL 'recived 3 Jew Pens. fel T Every ren arated. + Waterman's Ideal. KINNEAR _§ & dESTERRE, 100 Prices y eon at our cost any Pen- mot to buy by the barriage Painting EE of styles, | fhe ye women, men and children. Form-fitted, | Dealers are authorized Make it so good | 1 veplucs intaudy tad you can't afford whole idea is to Neatly and Jrommly done | Come to us for good work reasonable prices. Our work is sure to be Satake i tory... w. G. FROST 299 pucen St. Telephone 526 Big Storage Warehouse in con- nection ; moderate rates. A baba ater 'ADAMANT Wall Plaster Ready for ust by adding water. Put up In bags, 100 ibs. la each. ¢ | hite Rock Finish Put up in bogs, 80 ibs. In gach ¢ | | 55-57 Barrack ¢ | S€ "Phone 109 Pores cssscscscsses@ WANTED All the Furniture and Stoves, Highest prices realized by JOHN H. MILLS, The Leading Auctioneer ! ' ' ' ' { ' ¢ ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ (anadian Chinese Restaurat 231 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m best place to wet an all round Tunch im the city Meals of. all kinds on shortést notice. Euglish and Chinese dishes a speCially. CAPILL! FORMA A Clean, Healthy Tonic Produces a.lexuriant growth .of hair, The positive 'cure for headache, neuralgia, nositive cure for headache, neuralgia, dandruff, and eczema. Excellent for moustaches and other toasorial purposes. Manufactured and sold by. 86, MME. E. ELDER, 283 Fringe enham., Ladies' Shifipvo = Specialty. * «TE FRONTENAC ~LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTASLISRED 1863, President--Sir Ricard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- pertiés. Municipal and County Deben- tures, Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. S. 0. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10:30 a.m. to 2.00 a.m. The best place all Lunch in the eity., all on shortest notice. and round kinds Chinese to wet an' Meals English "Phone, of dishes a speciaily. 655. OPERA ORCHESTRA HOUSE No wedding gcamplete without suitable music. Special rates for "Not Out" parties and afternoon teas. E.H. MERRY, Leader Violit Instruction 155 Sydenham Street or Theatre Ye Old English Floor. Wax -- aT " - Strachias S Hardware .. Dressmaking Elder's Parlors 253 Princess St. Cor. Sydenham Ladies' Tailored Suits. Coats and - UNDERWEAR "Tiger Brand" NEL, Underwear For MEN and BOYS Not a bit afraid of the<tub --made of high-grade wool in a way so that it Won't Shrink PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 26¢ E.W.GILLETT Sour 1 TORONTO, ONT. Weak Kidneys 9% . Bright's he eer) and Diabetes Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative to Care the Cause, If You Suffer From These Symptoms. Here are the symptoms of Kidney complaints: Urine laden with sediment, brick dust in urine, highly colored urine. greasy froth or bicod in it, stringy mucqus in urine, unusual de sire to urinate, pain in passing water, pain in the back and over the kidneys, hot, dry and ftehing skin, A d tions, loss of mond 1 1- ity, irregular g heart disor of trouble with the other in J An improp- & mont isoften nome. MoSt\ cines get their Ng remedies called \§ sre practically \ acting as cathartics They excite the kid \§ neys to undsual ao tion, they cause over-\g strain. These diur- etic remedies ure them ¥ seives the jréquen t cayse of scrious kidney disease. ry to doctor the kidners themselves, for you -- only harm them. 'Their only stréngih is nerve power. Dr. Shoop's Restorative vitalizes the perves that operate the Kidneys. Sold by "ALL PRIGGISTS.Y Kidney medi. effect from diuretics. These kidoey physics, act on the bowels. it's blended. Manitoba Spring Wheat Flour is rich in gluten--takes up water readily stands up in the oven. Ontario Fall Wheat is not so strong but makes ideal cake and pastry Beaver Flour is a blend of Masitbs Spd Wraps, Byenine Costumes, 'Trousseaux, Shirt Waists] Practical EN vsctious given in cutting by nitasure, designing, trimminr. ete. Dressmakers sent out by the day. 263 Princess Street. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Beery: Saturday Try a Pound of a. Myers' HOME-MADE Sausages nday's Breakfast. 60 | rock Street. [igeiriainly more blessed to give up without a struggle than to receive it in the Wook from a sandbag. To dream that you have nothing but money is a sign that your will 'soon get noisy. alarm | in just the right proportions of each to make the most whole- some, most nutritious bread-- the whitest, lightest cake and Pastry--and yield the MOST of each to the barrel, AT ALL GROCERS. Dealers, write for prices on all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Cereals. - Tv HM. Taylor Co, Admited, Chatham, Ont. AT QUEEN'S GOES UP WITH the wok bat they EACH PRACTICE. Speedy, Light and Young is the ... Team's Baek Divisjon--T=o Yankees Oandidates For a Place-- Bill" Raisedy May Be-All Right. Two good teams opposing one an- other, the players all chyck full of en: thusissmy and work, and the older heads coaching throughout the prac tise. Condigions suck as these were responsible for the crowd which lined the field, yesterday afternoon, and discussed the chances which the fates held in store whem two weeks from now the representatives of the old tricolor line up for their first battle on the gridiron. Speaking generally, the idea one derives from watching of the local collegians are a somewhat enthiv] hunch, but with more speed than one usually encounters in the game. Care fi considered, the outlook for this steadily improves, and cach prac tice Paises the rugby stock a few points. While there are numercus va- cancies from Inst year, which will have to be filled with new men, enough of the old guard remains to maintain - a well-balanced aggre: gation gd prevent any skyward fights. Taking last evening's prac tise as a criterion, a whole new back division will probably represent the call we this fall. Livingston, at full-back, has had some experience, and though light, he is swift-footed, a good kwk, and a tackle. With these netessary and with the "work-out in senior company which came his way. last year, he should make good. oh ht Hoe the likely ones + are Sram r, Williams and Cooke, The for- is an ex-McGill plaver, and is Cabin hold nicely. Williams, in the pentre, continues to improve and will become famous before the series are at an ond. His stronghold lies in run- wing and kicking. Ernig Coo at right half, is an old Limestone player, and pune of the hard st, workers on the campus. He can travel | round the end a few, and the pan who tries to pass him is in the mip of a deadly tackle. "Burk" Crawford, last year's quar er, i as good as ever. He is slight: sure qualifications, v heavier than last fall, and a more woficient tackler. So much for the wok division. Speedy, light, and oung, it may yet make some of the Ad ones look up a bit. On the line there is as usual all inds of material. One of the most yromising wing men is Buck. An old sociation player he has speed to burn, and he uses it propeily at hat. His chances of figming on the ing line are good. The most no ivoble figure, however, is Hugh Mae fonell. Tried on the back diviion,' ast year, he has been shoved 1% to he line this fall. During the sum- ner's work ina swmvey camp. "Hughie" took on weight, and now he is head and shoulders over the most. players and of corresponding pounds. 'He can kick well, if neces: sary, and has surprising speed. There scoms little doubt of his making . the Josition 1 he can be used when mention, save that they are playing just as fine ball as ever, and needless to say that quality is gilt-edged Of Fegg it can be said that he is fitting At inside wing "'Senator™ Platt isa likely one, though he may be thrown into the scrimmage and Fegy played at inside. Two old American players, vither side of the border. There are two men needed on the team, and Kennedy. the repair list, though Jast night they kod after the coaching of the play- namely, ars. Fhe {former is -- Hmping on a prainéd ankle, but will bé back-in the rame soon. Last fall Turner made his reputation nf an outside wing in the intercollegiate 'Union, ay were he incapacitated his would be keenly felt by the red, low and black. Capt, "Bill" Kennedy, the hero of the calamity in Ottawa, vhere he sought to tackle & street ear to aid him in shaping into practice, is not a 'forlorn hope yet, and the that he will be able to don the moleskine before long. The surprise of the afternoon drop- ned with. a hump vesterday, when George Richardson walked on the cam- ous in full football attire. He worked it quarter and at half, and ymt the boys, onto many tricks. Indeed. the lifference his advent caused in. the snap and ginger of the practice was perceptible. Of his ability as a chas er of the pigskin, no comment need be loss vel census of opinion is there is a Strong probability that he sion. At any rate here's hoping he will, for they nead him. W. H. Maclnnes, of Queen's athletic committee pected hack at collage to dey. The Polo Prospects. Things needs] behind the line also. mug. In the scrimmage: the likely trio will] The following Thursday the King be tiibson, Donovan 'and Fegg. The | Sion team play acainst the Quen first two are old players and need no City polaists, so the captain of the in nicely with the other two men. He [to have the Kingstonians remain over aleo is an old Limestone player, and for it, and enter -- their ponies. The a husky lad at that. His style looks home team by the way, also intend to good from' the side line, 4nd has been | W ind' up their season with' a gymk favorably commented upon. hana at Lake Ontario Park, one of Scott and Hale, are also candidates{ be held as far ge Kingston iscgoneern for the line. They are both of fine phy- od, when the Toronto club' are trying sique, and fast picking up the points fo afrange to be present' for two of difference betwen the games: on | matches. The local club was never as who are badly Turner At present both are on and needless to con: made, hut the main question worrying | «orale roll" was well in evidenve, The the side liners is whether he. intends | 4.00 Jitgle tots, present for the | first to enter college this fall. His pre- | time nny of them, were models: in sence, last odo' was the result of bo o5d behavior. Five reeeived: corti a promise to do what he could to fiea tes of graduation from the "eradls help hie old team mates along, but} jp 4; the primary departmint, and will be back at collage again this sess socretary-treasurer was ex- are stirring is polo circles, 2) Mv Hatrison Birr. Brisk: A 3 Supoat Li 4 5. Thomas. OR tia givin 5.00 S. Etta en Ee English ave, : n, Eanes sh Toray 5.00 1 a Inwood, $ 5 ide B00 8. Clin. ton, sw EER ke Gh Ae 5.00 9. A. IL Mclachlan, Carman, Man, ooo 20 10... Mrs. Stephen Moore, 36 Ban patman avenue, - Winnipeg. RT DTA 2.00 11. We "H. Shrapnel Watford, Ont. 2.00 1% I. Rohema, | mister PO. Kil J donan 'Wi . 200 130 Arthur Davis oi. 4: 2 Wellington st. east, Toronto, OB. asvvns ara rrr ras 2.00 14. Albert £ Hin "Misstsquol So Durham P.O. Queber, 1. 2.00 15. Miss Frances Nisbot. 143 Hun- ; ter st. east, Hamilton, Ont 2.00 6. Miss G. Thomas, 4168 Dorches- ter St. Westmount, Que.. 2.00 17. Miss Helen A: Browne. Mis: q Cas! -2.00 18, Dr, HJ ant soil 2.00 19. 1" Penobsauls, "ine County, New Bruns ass 2.00 20. John a. "Whetstone; Port Hope, 2.00 21. Wilbert WH "Eby, Paquette 'Stas tion, Ont. von 22. Sonhie C. Wood, "4 Henry st. Victoria, B.C: aa L200 23. Miss E. Thomas, oar of M Hopewell, 88 Youville Square, a trellis 2:00 2M. 3 ® Gardiner, Kimberley Lon WA aaa aah ant 2.00 25. | Bimer D. jelstin, 194 "Albert © i 0 ont. 2.06 26. Mr. Hoh A ant, West Main . 2.00 Mi PO Bx i 2.00 Lionel Tavis. . . onan i Het "ne Peiy XTPA~T OF 18 deter. mined he iv "anpal The Contest closed July 3), hist Shares number of liste entered and care rel ta check them thorolghl® made "I dmposs'ble to an- | nounce the. win a an an .ear'ier date Prizes will he distr BA [mnie iately There were Several ghonsand lisfs su% witfed In thik 'comiititlon, and. anaw from: its educationgl value, the interect shawn demonsfratés hat ARMOUR'S SOLID EXTRACT OF BEEF is now ron erally: and fayorably known all pver Cn ada as being suneror and more economt cal than Fluid Beef Extracts ARMOUR LIMITED. Toronto, Canadian Factory, 77 Front st, ont: east, First indiBion, 1c. a word, Iach con- Advi. 4 lines Bverybody in Kingston Reads the WHO OND ENSED ADVERTISING | RATES" secutive insertion thereafter en "word, Miskwun charge Yor ome ine sertion, 25¢. or under a week. $1. * Adut. 4 lines or under a wonth, $3. LSE, HELP WANTED MALE, BOY, WAGES 88 PER WEBK. JOHN Laidlaw & Sen, STRONG BOY T0 LEARN PRINTING. Apply Whig office. BOY TO TAKE CARE OF HORSES Apply, 168 Princess street. CHINESE 000K. APPLY 431 King street. © A "GOOD to Oharlie Hum, slip tn ee ee --------r A MAP OF THE COUNTY OF FRONT. wae. Apply "H. 8." Whig offies, rh -- A GENERAL SERVANT. Goon wages to a competent person. Apply Mrs. Felix Shaw. 115 Bagot Su A HANDY MAR TO "WORK IN OUR stove renair shop. Good wages to a man who has had experience in this line. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock street. J GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR overcoats made to look like new, piessol nd or _ turnvd. Now ork guaranteed to please, Prices Tint. Galloway, the 'Tailor, 181 Brock street. aad HELP WANTED-FEMALE. ASSISTANT, FOIt DENTAL RAS tory. Apply No. 48, AL LAO: A FARM TO RENT, A VIEW of purchwsing, McCamn, ore Brook. St. Would be permanent Sengnt. at onde, Box. BL. Whig ol LY THE FIRST NAPTIST CHUPCIH, an organist 'and choir. director, Sn ined. Apply to Rev. Di Laing, C FURNISHED 3 HOUSE, ros NOVEM. Apply ery PROBERTY TO BUY WILL puy cash. J, 8. R. MC 31- rock street. . House, NEAR WATER FRONT: | D! -- A COMFORTA. STORAG WELLINGS. Storage, ROOMS, | LOVER THE BLE ROOM Sydenbain St., Cor. of Queen. rn rp ores. Syeg WADE n! STU RUG STORE: Tarones, OFFICE McCann, '51 Broek SPACE _ FOR FURNI- 200 Qusen ete, w. G. Prout, June Tat, MOTOR, Fiat HORSE ing in Whine power, now run nit po asmar. SIX GOOD WORK HORSES | WILL well cheap. 3 Massey" Hurris, Agent. ALL KINDS OF €ITY PROPERTY, chetip, ut MeCann's. Real Fastate Office, S10 Jrock street. a FURNISHED BRICK = RESIDENCE, tuart to May 1st mext. Auy parties havin oy "such to rent, com municate with "Desirable" Whig] pupNISHED, a ------ Anton and 10 FOR SALE. 5 BREROTRIO- Rinty"to 90H Wake . street, | opposite Queen's University: Apply ot. shove ™R BRICK RESIDENCE, 9 NE fam street, with water hoat Apply west ¢ Sighi-toota, en Jud FIRST CLASS a PRUATED, stand, © Dining Room Table, nearly new. Can he seen at Frost's City Storage; 209 Queen street, TEN ACRES OF GOOD LAND win: in 4 niles of city limits, will bo sold AMERICAN PNCYCLOPEDIA ~NEW sixtoun volumes, at a discount, Tor special - reason. - Apply through Whig constructed office, twodern ONE SIDETOARD, BUREAU, WASH-| Dear Ba next bread, 1 ee ------ tes -------------- A GENERAL SFRVANT. APPLY TO Mrs. MeGann, 200 Queen street. A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED wont; to assist with general house work. Apply 120 Wellington St, GENBRAL SERVANT. NO WASHING or ironing. References reawirsdy An- ply to Mrs. Hamilton, 184 Forl St. at present, and or one member of the lo cal club is receiVitig handsome tributes to hi¥ reputation' as a player of in- ternational répute, by endeavors he- ing made to have him represent his oll regiment in its championship matches. Indeed so highly were his ser- vices valued that the series was post. posed to allow Mm to participate. The reference is to the father of polo in Kingston, + that superb horseman and expert exponent. of the sport, Lisut~Col. Victor Williams. Though foread, through inability to leave his official duties; to refuse juvitations to play against Rochester, Bufialo, and oth r cities] the colonel will figure on the Royal Canadian Dragoons' team a week from to-morrow, when it meets the team from the Toronto Hunt Club for the handsome sliver championships richt on the ground A week from Satur- lib will hold a are endeavoring locals will be with his 'ponies day the Toronto gymkhana; and they the features of which 'will 'be' a three period polo match The week after next it is likely the final polo games of the sedson will strona as 'nt present, ond ite roll in cludes a list of ten active nlayine members, The latest acauigition is Prof. Blair, instrgetor in vunnery' at the R. MM, C. Thd improvement in the play of the -Kinostoh men thie sum er has heen most. marked and doubt less when Toronto meets them here a grand exhibition will be seen, Want Players To Come. A. good turn out of the Tinwstones and all interested in: the tram, is a od for this evening, at' eight o'clock at the armourie tee First Baptist Rally Day. Sunday was rally diy in the Sun- day school of the Firat Baptist church and a genuine rally it wis. Very few of the pid scholars or warkers in. the school were missing, and all were pleased to see many bright new faceg and to know that many ef these pur posed to join the classest The attend: ance was probably the largest in the history of the school: It awax a' "real inspiration' to see £0 many of the par: ents present, The "home department" top, was well repredented, and" the proud they were of their parchment. The whole programme' was full' of in terest, Dr. Lake, the superintendent, was in charge. Mr. Osborne, asxsfgtant super intendent, gave an address of welcome, Harold Singleton told 'ii a brief state: ment some things the school needs, Jennie Dixon gave a pleasing recita- tion. The whole programme. was full of interest, LIFE ASSURANCE May be obtained at a Minimum Cost In the ROYAL INSURANCE CO'Y OF ENGLAND LARGE 'PROFITS, ECONO- MICAL MANAGEMENT For Particulars apply to Not Milk for Babies Don't risk baby's lifé by feeding city milk. Beonthesafeside. Give Nestle's Food "The perfect substitute for mother's milk. Always the same. Sample (sufficient for 8 meals) FREE. THE LEEWIRG, MILES £0, Uimited, MONTREAL Belleville friends of Rev. G. 8. Filli- ter, have heard of his death at ~ Hol: gate Lodee,- Hamewaorth, Yorkshire, Fnglimd, on September 3rd.- He wad the oldest son of the late Georve Fil- liter, Thurlow, and went to school in Belleville, He was or in 187], sid married a daughter of Rev, G. W. Brewwa'd, vicar © of Markham, Eng- land, who pre-deccased him. He leaves one son and dauchier, No fower than four times has ball been forbidden by law in land. The dates are 1365, 1388, foot- Eng- Hn NERAT SERVANT : "god Wages {no wash- evening, at 127 A GooD G family of two ; in the ing: Apply Bagot street. GOOD COOK, FOR PRIVATE HOS- pital. Must no therough com- tent, energetic and clean. Salary 30 a month. References _requi Apply Box 19, care Whi office. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. BLACK POODLE, ANSWERING TO the name of Biddy." Reward for its return to Hotel Congress. y MEDICAL. ) PPL 8. am NG Bs cheap, for cash. Apply Geo. Cliff, A 10 Fos PLY TO MR RA ¥ os Broncos street, . oI s, APPLY TO N. C, POLSON & rARM, ON BATH AD, LESS Co., Ontario street. : than two miles from ton," gon taining about 180 ac three "ever failing Wells' on the property, ruining throurh samo, deop Soild clay loam. Ope of the best toe i fhe County. Apoly to VJ. a, on the farm, or 5 874 straat. Kinmston. £ ARCHITECTS. . NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, or fice, ecu floor over Mahood's"D ug store, corner Princess and Bagol streets. Entrance on Bagot street. 'Phone, 608. ? nr ---------- POWER & SON. ARCHITECT, MER chant's Bank Tuilding, corner B: _ansets SR] 1RT.215, which the poli seturity the unli the stockholders. FUT ED TOONS WT out board, coud L one doer + ck and Wellington streets, 'Phono, 213. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 'OF ce site New Dsl Halli, near cor ner of Queen and Montreal stree i ------------------------------ HENRY ©. SMIPH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 845. MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied hy Dr. Ryan; corner Mone treal and Brock streets. ~ DR. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Dance Postponed Out of Respect to Dead Pricst. Gananoque, Uct. 2. Out of respect to the memory of the late Father J. 1. O'Gorman the have been held in hall last evening, was postponed, having secured trans. Arlington hotel, Purner's assembly George Genge, Hor the fer of license has taken bakuessioh. er. and oo Wilson, of Desers onto, spent Noy with" Mrs. Wil Mr. and Mrs. Thomas son's parents, Meggs,~ Stone street, Miss Preston, of romford, who has been in town for the past few. days, le ft yesterday for Ottawa where will attend the branch meeting. of the Women's Mis sionary Society. Miss Blanche Wilson, of Kingston, sis spending n short time friends and relatives in town, A. 'Robinson was at home vesterday afternoon five o'clot Timberlake left 'yester for Ottawa, as dele of she with Mrs. to her from George friends three till Mrs. William day afternoon pate from Gananoque's auxiliary the Women's - Missionary soeiety, to the branch meeting which is to take place there to-day' and Wednesday, Russell Shanviman, son of TO. J. Khaneman, Tanner strect, has been promoted" to the manage rpip of the Merchants' bank at Russell, Manitoba. A. Cheeseman, Charles street, épend ing tho past few days in Montreal, res turned home yesterday. i------ Blood Purifer, only at Gibson's The. Red "Red Cross not $1. Sold (Foss drug store, The largest Druidical cifele in Eng. land is that at Avebury, in Wiltshire, The main circle is 1,400 feet in dine meter, dance which was to | ROOMS TO LET, |! FURNISHED ROOMS 70 LET. 218 Uglversity Avenus. Our Display of \ Marks the highest attainment in the realm of Hats. We onrry all that ia X NEE A RRACRLIVE RE] of pearls Barris street, A SMALL a and" some ing a dare SLi HEE Millinery Up-to-date - And feel sure we are ready to meet the requirements of the most exacting. We give values, such as no up-to- date buyer can 'afford to overlook. "When in ask to have a look at our jas Filled Corsets for all figures. Someryvillle Company High Class Milliners °°' CONSULT ANY LIST YOU PLEASE . You will not find anywhere the equal in gualicy at the price of Thé most wholesome and delicious, beverage for table or soeial use. and vivitylng Think It Only + Stomach. Trouble, ---- "It is only stomach téoubls," many people say, when in reality the" liver, bowels and kidneys are also affected. Such symptoms as headnche, coated tongue, disgust for food, vomiting, foe Hrs of weight and soreness, dull pain near shoulders, muddy com- plexion, constiption, alternating with looseness of the bowels, irrita- bility of temper, are sure indications of biliousness or torpid liver. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Fills are marvelously prompt and certain as a cure for slugirjsh action ~of the liver. While awakening the liver they also regulate the bowels and invigorate the Kidouy "getion, In this way: the Bltering and extre- tory systems ares thoroughly cleansed of all poironous fripyrities and the couse of pain, sickness "and suffering removed. Ini every family 'there is feed of just such. a medicine as Dr. Chase's Kil- ney. Liver Pills to cure constipmiion,. backnche, biliousness, indigestion and prevent dangerous 'and fatal dikonses of the kidneys and bowels. One pill a dose, 25 cents uw box; at all dealers, and 1191, W. J B. White, Agent. Kingston T Try Bibby' special 81 shirts. or Edmunson, Bates & Co., Toronto. THE WORK BEGINNING. J. W. A. of Cathedral Has Re opening Meeting. The re opening meeting for the 'sea son of the J. W. A. of St. George's cathedral was held, on Monday even: ing, utider the superintendency of Miss Frances Macauley. There was a large attendance, and the vear's work has begtn enthusiastically. Miss Annie Clark tend her report of the annual maétng in Belleville, at which sue had been present as delegate. Canon Stare addressed the meeting, asking for the seciety's help towards the need in the North-West. He sail he would put before parochial claims the necessity of building the church there, snd giving people there who are without the chupth's care, that spiritual. help which they need if the home and the mation are to be. pre served. He deprecated the raising of motiey. by. entertainments and wo forth, and felt the nocedsary funds should be raised by individual sacrifice, fo goll shirts at Bibby's. wk Winston Churchill did not get the nomination for governor in New Hampshire because the railroads were against bint. In Goorgin Hoke Smith got it beofiuge they were Try Bibby's for men's s underwear. Black, groan, mixed 260. to $1 a IB.--All grocars SL -- YES, THERE'S A BIG Di+PBRENCE in Life Insurance. Don't take out a. policy until you have the conditions in the G. A. €. Policy issued by the ; : Canada Life Assurances Co. 7 18 Market Stret for which we are sale age this city. It is free from conditions, average policy of its class, and gives greater benefits to the held. Tosa hl Hot, Namaor sin costs less iar the wy

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