Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1906, p. 1

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BE a A prehensive that ity to_ fit per- | find here the makes ~<whose d words because y have receiv- you will ap- osing at once-- practically un- ew dress may Let these sug- e to buy your orites at 33c., others at The. ther grey or white coutille, at 50 roy hit o grey or white coutille, at 50 nd odels--with low bust and extra-long tra-long hips--with splendid hose and sides, at 1.80 and 1.75. , 'the most popular and serviceable n-special at 1.50, Same, for extry i FEW Rag Foy wg Eds finest in the world at their a 2.00.2 50 and 3.50, 19 and 75c. five all sizes, at from 23 to 9c. ls, at 35 and 9c. aists, at 25e. ------ " All" Here Surely | several examples of what our popu ction can do for you to-morrow et 1 ow, wanted kind--good dependable mer- to guarantee, contains "full dolly,' €0 ollar's Look at this list : RE/THE CELEBRATED "LEATHER vol KNIT® STOCKINGS, for 1or |X velll girls, of which our sales have doubled and doubled again J! during the last two years 15 | per pair, 25, 23, 90, 18 and SH-| CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHMERE ah-| STOCKINGS, plain and art even makes, fast black | three qualities, priced pec size, per pair, 49¢., from 25 to 25 | from 20. to... . ex-|CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHMERE {CHILDREN'S BL: ASHMERI 8 STOCKINGS, ribbed and of excel 9 lent makes, priced according 25 . to size from 25 to 49¢,, from SE, IMEN'S. 80X:--of fine wool, at from 3 and been I of $trouy dye, in ording to from 25 1, 35 and 25 to 3%., and from 20 to ny| 15 to 2c. a. pair; of fine cash the] meres for present wear, at from 25 nd} to 35¢,, and 39 to 49. a pair; and of strong Heavy wool, per pair, 35, 39, 19 BH and . ra Sell You of a Stove 'roublesome Y & BIRCH, c Street, Kingston irades * ., Toronto, M. 1739 s for Kingston SED LADIES ek now alty people t.style. y .are pre= d to a it too, ba must have fort. The ess and thy Dodd s have style and ort. hem, mnt EA Furniture . Opening In Our New Store 2334 Princess Street Special prices for thirty days to ad- vertise our new stofe :-- Acreen's Oak, - regular 9 x . mE oe This day in history :-- Aristotle phitos $2.50 and $330, for 50c, Tie., 31, | ue de¥, I bstory Aristotle, hike Couches, 'spring . seat, $3.50 and £5 United , 1588; Neal Dow, died, to ha ---- Parlor Cabinet, in mahogany finish, WHIG TELEPHONES. 26.50 to $35. 243--Business Hardwood Sideboard, 26:50 to $15. 202--Jobbing Ouk Sideboard, $18 to $125. 'Robt. 'd. Reid THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Telephone, 577. Residence, 230} Erincess street Good Sense . . People who decline as good an article show Good Sense. Our Own Special Blend Tea Is a 50 cent quality, sold for 35 cents. Try it. In pound packages only. Jas. Redden & Co The Home of Good Groceries. TENDERS 'WILL BE RECEIVED ur to noan ol. Qetober inst. to" ¥ Fagineer, for 160 tons more or less, of anthractic com! and 15 cords of 4 ft. long hardwood, more or less, ope - cit, to be delivered frov time to tino awd in suth ouantities an in such places-as may be required at Cit Buildings and Fire Halls. Specifications of the above may he se(n information obtained at other flice of the undersigned. ERNEST R. BECKWITH, £ City Engineer. Kineston, 27th September, 1906. PP ------------------------ Half a Century Making Shoes and all the 3 Still the same high, standard both ia New Work and Re- pairing. Wear **Allen's' Miigary Bootmakers . Sign of Geiden Boot. 84 Brock St. 1 . Seal Line TI ! : For TARE NO [ICE Stove, Mink Lined Kit Reupe, or or Sto ny - coms and see me as I have the largest stock 1 have Furniture and ever had: also a lot Carpets. 808 Princess Street. INSTRUCTION. B. ' HERRINGTON, New York. {T ur OEAL teachers in state of : wii KAY pupil of Shakespeare and Lamperti), will C open 'a studio at 855 Princess street, Sept. 15th. Method endorsed musician in state of Maine. Sopra Soloist, Oratorio, Italian .Opera. modeMite, Voice tried free. YEAR 78. NO. 230. price $1.50, ta. pay 50 cents when they can get equally for 35 cents Everything chegp. . TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE by best 'erms DAILY MEMORANDA. Nowadays. I's Campbell Bros. Hats and Furs. City Property Comanittee, 4 pam. Weds nesdiy. Excursion to New York, 5 aun, and 2 naw. Wedncsday. "Trip to the Highlands," Grand Ope House, 8.15 n 'The sun' Wednesday at 5.58 a.m. alot sats at aap. » * Tenders fof Coal and Wood, for City received up to noon, to-morrow Abnual Tea and Concert, Princess St. church, to-night. Admission g The metnbers of No. .3 yy. 14th Regt., will amueet at Or. Simpson's office, to-night at 7.30 Constantly Arriving All the latest novelties can be found in our assort- ment. We are opening New Goods ! everyday. ROBERTSON BROS. McRay Furs WE HAVE THE "REPUTATION Of cash buy- ers @f Prime Furs and Skins, and M a n ufactur- ing the Finest and High Class Furs f or medium prices. in Canada. an d ¥ OUR FUR COATS In Natural Raccoon Natural Beaver » Natural Otter Sealskin Persian Lamb ve Muskrat Lined Are the best values in sight We invite comparison. of ¢ Send us your name for Catalog B on be FUR HOUSE 149 & 153 BROCK STREET foo September Bulletin--For Sal® The '"'Rowans," the - beautiful home and grounds of the late Jolin Mudie : all modern improve ments : conveniently situated on ear lise, overlooking Jake Ontario, wider . A REAJ, RETATR AND SWIFT'S. INSURANGR AGENCY Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailorin Miss K. Sullivan has returned fr Chicago and will cater to customers. the same plage, 105 Brock St. 'Phone. 677. Baseball Summary. National Louis, 048. Chicago, 2-4; phia, 0-3. Boston, 4: Cincinnati, Littshurg, 5 Brooklyn, 1. American innings.) 21st Annual New ¥ork Excursion. 'Via New York Central lines, Octo- ber 2nd and Sed. Ten daye' return limit; 87 from Kingston. Fast special trains on Ootober 2nd, equivoed with first-class day coaches running thro to New York. Tickets good between Albany and New York by boat if LSited. Consult ticket agents. "Red Cross Beel. Tron and Wine" sold only at Gibson's Red Cross d store, flc.m not 75¢. 3 164. Vanilla bars, 25c. at Mullin's, Try Bibby's for men's underwear, \ we ~New York, 3-2; St. Philadel leagne--Detreit, 3; Clove land, 2. Chicago, 1; St. Louis, 0, (13 4 TO BURN SHEDS. ' Strikers Stcod By and Hooted Firemen. Fort Willman, Ont, Oct, 2.-At tempts have been mate to burn the Canadian Pacific freight sheds, but the blaze wax discoverad early and yas put out without serious damage. While the firemen were at work the stetkers stood by and hooted at their efforts. Special officers have since been' placed at all the property of the at | Canadian Pacific. Freight bandlers at the Canadian Northern docks, 150 in number, have hot yet gone out. It is possible (the Fort William coal dock employees will go out. Seven boats are now waiting-te unload, the Ara bign abd Monarch having arrived on 2. | Mdnday. $100 Reward, $100. g. om od, to Jewrn that t disease that hil to cure in'all its stages, 8 tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is only veositive cure now known to wedical fraternity. stitutional disease, tional treatment. blood snd mucous surfaces of the system igh Ly buikdine up the sisting _pature in proprietors have so ou de- doibg it work. mack Cure. Send for ligt of testimonials Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. Said by all. Dgueiists, 7 rag readers of this paper will be pleas re is ot least one science has been and that the the Catarrh being a con- reguires a constitu- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, unG giving the patient strength constitution aki as i The faith in its rietive "~wers that they offer One Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it feiis to Toledo, ment Official, INCITED MURDER mination of the Jews, and who has been described as an official of the ministry of the interior, has escaped with a fine of $50. It was established at his trial that the pamphlet was printed in a typo- graphical establishiient of the minis try of the interior. 'The pamphlet urged on the population that it is their sacred duty to kill Jews on sight. Treatment Of Peasants. Kherson, Oct. 2.--Ninety-seven peas ants were tried here, yesterday, on the charge of having devastated the es tate of M. Krivoshein, ex-minister of railroads. Sixtythree were sentenced to imprisomnent, while thirty-four others wore acquitted. The trial brought out a recital of the horrible atrocities committed Ly the authorities upon the accused. 'The chief of the distriet, accompanid iy Cossacks reached the estate soon af- ter the devastation. All the peasants on the grounds at once were gathered in. 'No investigation was made. The chief invited priests to administer the last sacraments to the prisonors and then ordered the Cossacks to beat them all to death. The butchery last. el for four hours, Twenty-three peas ants were killed and 130 mutilated. The Cossacks, them thoroughly tired out, compelled 'the peasants to comn- tinue flogring each other and mon had to heat their own brothers, sons and fathers. The victims of this slhaurtiter were inneoent, those really Hult hav ing escaped! by flight. In_shite of these revelations the court found sentences hs related above. Sold Frontier Plans. Petersburg, Oct. 2. There is good reason to anticipate the dis closure of a grave military scandal, a colonél of enginters having bheea ar rested in alleged connection with the sale of important frontier plans to the agents of a foreign power. St. A DARING HOLD-UP. A Night Watchman Robbed. Rochester, N.Y. Oct. 2A daring hold-up was perpetrated in the Mount Morris jail yesterday. Two strangers attacked Cleary, the night watchman, bopnd and gagged him and locked hii in' a coll, after robbing him of some money, a revolver and a flashlight. He managed to get the gag out of his mouth and his cries for help attracted attention. The fire alarm was rung and the whale town turned out to hunt for the thieves, When Richmond's jewellery store was opened, it was found that the safe, in which there was four thousand dollars, Gagged and James was loaded with fuse, powder and soap. The men are supposed to be Yeggmen, and it is believed that the Le ringing of the bell frightened them away. . PESERTED HIS SON. A Little Boy is Stranded at the Sault. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Oct, 2. Leslie Ferguson, ten years old. is strafded in the Sos because his fathon mysteriously deserted him at Saxon, a statign on the, south shore, in Wis congin, © while travelling from the Canatlian North-West to Collingwood. The father gave the, boy two dollars and got off the phter telling the boy to come to the 860 and, wait for him. All efforts #4 locate him have proved unavailing. "The boy is being cared for in an hotel here. Ir WALKED STREETS TWO DAYS. Could Get No Employment in Detroit. Detroit, Oct. -2.---An eighteen-vear old girl, who says her name is Lizzie Allen, and that she recetly came from Windsor In search of employ ment in Detroit, was picked up on the git] is mow/in St. Mary's hospital. She is too weak to give anv details, but she save she had been walking the strets two days. . Big Steamer Founded. Bafoelona, Spmin, ' Ot. 2-<The cap- tain of the steamer Liga, which ar rived here, yesterday, reports having observed, off Oporto, a big steamer which had foundered. The vessel was surrottnded - by _ floating bodies. No "It's a good reasin" why =o many seidlitz powders are sold at Gibson's Take Hall's Family pation, : & * 78¢. Pills for Comsti- details of the disaster were oblainahble. ONT Make An Anti-American Demon- stration. ¥ Havana, Oct. 2. The first anti-Am- erican ation occurred in Have oi last evening, when 150 academy A Fine Put On Govern. [Miva a othr vous srg PS through some of the downtown streets thauting . Viva the Cuban republic" and "Down with the American con. rol." This = demonstration was not ropted seriously. The crowd received few accessions. The executive committee of the fod Grate' party has issued a manifesto, strong inferoing that the American PEASANTS TRIED FOR DEVAS. | commission is to blame for the inter TATING ESTATE. vention. Over Sixty Were Sefit to Prison A MIGHEY TYPHOON. and Others Were Acquitted--A | Wrotight Severe Damage at Night of Horrid ' Atrocities Pakhoi, China. Committed By the Authorities Hong Kong, Oct. 2 The South Upon the Peasants. China Morping Post reports that St. Petersburg, Oct. 2.--N. Levroff, Pakhai suffered from a Seatructive the author of an anti-Jewish pamph- h . an Soemdes Mh. : let, entitled "Measures for' Rooting | 080 LOGO lives shed a oR My Out the Evil in Russia," published in {Per tent. of the isidog boats. am} arch last, and calling for the exter junks wera Bunk. or destroyed, ne vessel that was sunk had 200,000 Mexican dollars abpard. The Chinese of the port suffered heavily financindly. AGE OF INDECISION A DOCTOR'S: REASON FOR GREAT 'DISASTERS. anon He Says That Between the Ages of 5 and 62 There is a Téin- porary Loss of Will Power and Judgment. New York, Oct. 1.--The Sun has the following' cable from London : Writing in 'all seriousness a doctor develops a curious theory to explain the errors which are responsible for disasters on land and sea, Such as the Grantham railway disaster, the collision of Ad miral Tryon's flagship Victoria with the Camperdown in 1593 and various episodes. in the South African war, According to the writer, time betwern the ages of fifty-five and sixty-two men Jose their will power and judgment in a moment of crisis, The ~ loss is only temporary, peychological change taking place be tweet the meridian of life and commencement of age Business men, according -to this theorist, the 'point, show similar signs of wesk are a little older they are again rp liable and. wiser in counsel, Rest ang patience are needed BRANTFORD ASSESSMENT. creasing. Brantford, Oct. 2. Assessment fig ures announced have proven a disap pointment. Population returns only 19.104 persons, as cqmpared with last year, and 302 With two years ago. Assessment Commissioner what of a sensation when he ammoune ed that last year's list had been pad ded. The value of real property busi ness assessment and income is r £10475641. an ingrease of $39, over last year show by a gang of thirty dranken Malians Cole was ri vital organs were exposed, a heavy dagger imbedded in his spine The mounted members of the yang. R. bridge workmen Offers Of The. Priests. Ottawa, Oct. 2 for local option is being conducted i Carp, Carleton county, by the Fathers McPhail and Holland of S rofuspd stabline for their horses whe of the hotels To Send In Another Note. street in a fainting "condifion, last bassy, yesterday, and ened an night. A docte saitl she had col. | amended collective note with reference lapsed from | of nourishment. The | 10 the three per dnt. inerense in the Turkish customs does. The note wj he presented to the porte, today. Picquart Promoted. Pirie, Oct. 2.-Qeneral gade, | three months named general of a division. bility in ten that yield to the use swents, ote., should try "them. Red Cross drug store. Fresh there, Try Bibby's for men's hosiery. OCTOBER : FSonE CUBAN STUDENTS px at some the the who says Ne has collected data 8: substantiate ness, irrosolution and suspicion at the some time of fifo, but when they Place Going Back--Population De- a decrease of 639 | of Conductor Thorburn sprung some: this HORRID CRIME a worker in Chinatown after the m-- : divorce, Drunken Italians Knife Two Ranchers. Movements Of Vessels: Caleary.. AH Oct. 2-H. BE Montreal, Oct, 2.---Movements: of Hina Falw arth Cole. two oy '| Allan line steamers Corean, for WILE ane a » Pro- } phitidelphin, waited from Halifax --on mipent runchers, riding near Coch " 1 . rane, were fatally stabbed, Sunday October 151; Corinthian, from Glas wil to pieces so that his while Hewitt was found with twa inches of police arrested thirteen They are C.P, A vigorous crusade tov Ann's parish, Montreal, and the Rev. Mr. Raney, the Methodist minister at | their daughters who persist in poing Carp. Threaquarters: of the voters | down town at night, sesking adven have already promised to vote | tur The mayor says the gitle , ate Against licenses People whe feared laraely to blame for the mashing that closing the saloons would in evil. Many mothers have promised crease their taxes Father Holland as sured it would really save them money and those who feared they would be they drove to town 'were told that | dian steamer Indign has gone into they were quite at liberty to put up | Kinyon's shipwardgat Marine City, their horses in the priests' barns, | for decking and hatches. She oxpects where they would find gmple accom modation without pay, and be at the same time free from the tempiations Constantinople, Od: 2.--The foreign ambassatiors met af the German em Piequart, who was dismissed from the army on the occasion of the first Droyfus trial, and who was appointed general of bri- ago, has been Thee arg many forme of nervousfy- fir. Carter's Tron Vills, Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night 2, 1908. MANY AERONAUTS MADE TRY FOR THE COVETED Across English Channel, and Landed one Mile Inland -- Santos Dumont Had Accident. Paris, Oct. 2A semfofficial an-|t nouncement of the result of the com- petition for the James Gordon Ben- nett cup for was given out last night as follows : Winoer, Liwmt. Frank P. Lahm of Auierica, 'with the balloon United Italy, with "the balldon Elie; third, Count De La Vaulx, of France, with the balloon Walhalla. A definite and official announcement of the result will not be issued until verification that the rules of the eon. test were carried out has been obtain: ed. Lieut. Lahm was carried across the Eoglish channel and descended about one mile inland." Santos Dumont had an accident which compelled him to descend. re PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All. Over The World. Bennett, the Hamilton contestant, §, broke the pecord in the Marathon race at Chicago. The extraordinary story that Mr, Carnegie would give $35,000,000 to humanity, is denied from Skibo Castle. William Bradley, lock tender on the new canal, near Merritton, was struck by « pilot engine wet Killed instantly. Commander Spain opens his enquiry into the collision wn the Ottawa river, between the Ottawa and the Maude, at Hudson, on Wednesday. A charge that a'givl was beaten in the Bellevilla Deaf aud Dumb Institute was made By the mother and is to be investigated. by the government, =| Bishop Williams, Episcopali Michigan; says the Bi literal word of God. fence, but only a square deal. To use 1]it ue a heathen his amulet is wicked, # Kenneth Clark and Edgar Clark, both of London, at the conspiracy in vestigation, swore they each accepted a R10 bribe to vote for the liberal candidate in the London lye-election of 1905. The verdict of -the coroner's jury, in the Gourlock collision, was that the cause of the accident was negligence on the part of Engineer Reid and Thompson of the fruit an, is not. the, spe@ial. Ella May Clemmons, San Francisco, now Mrs. Sun Yue, and a sister of Mrs. Howard Gould, New York, says che is perfectly happy with her Chinese husband, who is working as a day laborer in the city's. ruins, The wo- man is the divorced wife of Charles Overacker,: a rich merchant, and was gow, passed Father Point on October 1st; Pomeranian, for Montreal, passed Martin. River at 6:30 am. Siberian. from Philadelphia for Glasgow, passed + {Cape Race at 10 am, Father Point, -Que., Oct. 2.88. Ro- man, Dominian line," from Bristol, in- ward at 1:25 a.m. Spank Girls Who Flirt. Cleveland, Oct. 2. -Mayor Kenpel, nl of Akron, in his 'crusade against "mashers" who flirt with girls on the t. | street, has issued a statement asking the mothers to help him by spanking to comply with his request, To Make Repairs. n Detroit, Mich., Oct. 2--The Cana- to get out at the end of the week. nsec ---- Deputy Postmaster Dead. Guelph, Ont., Oct. 2.-John H. tle, deputy postmaster died this morning at 3 o'clock. The enuse of death was paralysis. Mr, Little was aged forty years. Lit Now Is The Best Time. IH To buy furs and hers ix the place to buy them, Sec the choice Alaska sable scarfs at 87, $0, $10, $12, $15 and up, mink scarfs $15 up at Campbell Bros, the store of big values in fine furs. Try Bibby's for 'cardigan jackets. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter importations for order work in his tailoring . de: partment, consisting of Scotch tweed, blue and black sergés;, great vakisty of 'black cheviot and Vieunas:' alec of Ln splendid stock of overcosting, Any: one trusting him wit'man order may rest assubéd they will be well pleased officials here have received two ters from the interior of Ontavio don: taining conscience money for payment of 'duty on goutls smuggled from De Bennett" Cup ACE, | troit One sniuggler signed himesell A 3S : R 7, Fridad In Christ," ano rie Payton Wheelor was married to- day to Gordon M. Buck, of New York. TROPHY. Miss Wheeler is the daughter of the late Gen. Joseph Wheeler, wedding Winner Lieut. Lahm Carried | ¥8% a very quiet one. Miss Wheslerq | is the youngest of the four daughters of the renowned fighter. She is still in her teens nnd is pretty and 5 She was -the sponser' for the south at aus at Louisville last summer and her appearance in the hall with her ged international seronauts | father war the signal for a memoral demonstration, southerner afthough he has resided in New York &ity for some time. We is a States; second, Signor Von Willer of | lawyer and a member of a number of | clubs and the southern society. ; T0 STRENGTHEN IT EXTENSIVE MANOEUVRES TO Japan State that Japan is about to strengthen its navy. Th $12,000,000 will bo weed to repair. pro- sent vessols, among them the Russian 'yossels will he 'replaced. battleship sqiindron of eight' vessels, representing the strongest amd newest types, tv.0 armored cruiser squadrons cruiser weir ons { needs no do Ty. -- Paid For Goods Smuggled From Detroit. Windsor, Ont., Oet. Zc-Tho cuptums et , Who smug- led some sporting goods si his 'tter "A Loyal Canadian C ristian," Marriage Of Daughter, Wheeler, Ala, Oct. 2.-Miss Cure he reunion of the confederate veter- Mr. Buck is also a BE HELD IN JAPAN. Japan Flans a Mighty Force of]. Fighting Craft=Diet is Asked to Vote $135,000,000 Ship Building. Victoria, B.C, Oct, 2. Advices from: The dist is ask- xd to vote ¥135,000,000, of which former - captured and raised, Many of the vessels now in wrviee o progrume will be to have a of eight ships cach, and three fast of four ships each, reproventifig a programme of ship building for the next dedade. Extensive military © manoewres wifl be held near Kokurn by the Japunese main consideration being n . orks practice i w i The manoouyres will be held "private permitted to attend. A WARRANT OUT. -- Revivalist Said to Have Three Wives. Brandon, Man. Oet, 2,<A" warrant has been jssued for the arrest of Leader Ford, who bag up till lately been teaching school at Kenmay, charging him with bighniy. Last June or July, Ford, in company with a Miss Burns, deughter of a well} known farmer at Kenmay, came to Brandon, and were marriod. Mr. and Mrs. Ford returned to Kenmay: Stories. wetit the round of Ford's past. and it ended in: the young maw disappearing. It is how said this was Leader's third time for getting mar ried, with his other wives still Hving. He is reported to have one in the maritime provinces and one in Boston. Ho was very prominent in the revival meetings which were held here lust winter. ' IT I3 A LIE. E eens No Disagreement Batween Senator and Wife. New York, Oct. 2.-United . States Senator Thomas Platt said, to day, that there was no truth in the report of an estrangement between Mre. Platt and himsell. The story, ha said, was a malicious lic. 3 Mrs. Platt, the senator's wile, said: "There is no truth in the sory, It is all a lie. There is no trouble be: tween Mr. Platt and myself." The report to which Senator and Mrs. Platt referred was to the offcct that there had been Hevore disagroe: ments between them and that a suit for Idivoree was about' 10. bd in stituted, Further Nominations. Toronto, -Oct. 2.~The following no- minations for the educational advisory council have been made : Public 'school teachers--Sanwel Ache son, Ottawn; Johnson EK. Dawson, Elna: M. W. Althouse, London. Public school inspectors--W. J. Chisholm, Kincardine; W. Mcintosh, Madoc. High school teachers F, C. Coll: beck, Toronto Junetion, . Threw Cat Through Window. Belleville, Ong, Oct. 2, James Col ling, sixteen years old, this morning, pleaded guilty, in the Slice court to throwing-a cat through a window of 8. Marsh's residence, oitting the ani- mal severely and soaring the ocou- nts of the house badly. Ma ate "lint 'sentenced him 9 fifteen days in jail and a fime ol "$10 or ten days additional in jail. y : pi tp. There is nothifig "that takes away the beautiful, womanly charms like a plodding, stooped, awkward' carriage. There is absolutely no exense for that as long as Hollister"s Rocky Mountain Ten is made, Ten or Tablets, 3c. Ma hoods drug store. | 4 lots of women . quarrel with their husbands because deem it an im- portant part of thelr domestic duties. Progress--wirké up 'to saving and burn Swift's Scranton A for not oven forcign attadlies being 1° Cail at this Store pad see them. nan the : A price in hogs + 8 ¥ £ FF CHRISTLEY ~In Kingston, 'on Oct. 1st, 1908, ry Jane loved wife of Joht Srey wixty-Aheee. yeqrs. Fidneral private, from her late relidrncn, © 20 Stephen street. aan fea bi ©. iid The Beautiful b Musica A TRIP © TOW With Spotswood 'Alkens, the Gront Seoteh Comedian, and a Clever Company of Principals. "e 2 Prices, 26c., 86e., 80g, 75c.; $1. Seats now on sale. x = Tnarsday, Oct. ra PRATHER" Operatic he ta ie Sn ogg represent. Spectacle ever & 4 ing an ex ture of $72,000 for Scenery, umes and Eiisots. pry in securing a good fit at low, prices. New golf shirts at Bibby's, coal. James Denny is in the city from ontreal, -

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