Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1906, p. 1

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the a8 none His i the like are who nch Vith lion- Rose ated has wing tary with him cided or wane ting Vices pres. njust kers, and m for t the ious, rem- sov- busi- + his lums the ities, » the has wife, was 10WR the idol," am,' K up ob- andle dered liant -- Lo] 3 / B --- ns ae | jo SE. Peter ut; monme.., TENDERS UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR No one likes to have his. undershirt shrink so small that he can hardly find it with a magnifying glass. Some makers' goods t shrinks ® i i Some are positively upshfinkablo. TWO GUARANTEE! TIVES Celtic Brand for fine wear. Stanfield's for heawies"wear. Our guarantee goes, with every gar- ment. Two other good values Spring Needle Ribbed. _Penman's Ribbed. EB. P. Jenkins Clothing bo. Good Sense . . People Who decline to pay 50 cents when they can get equally as good an article for 35 cenls show Good SenSa Our Own Special Blend Tea ! Is a 50 cent quality, sold for 35 cents. Try it. In pound packages only: Jas. Redden & Co. satisfactory lines and The Home of Good Groceries. TENDURS WILL BE RECEIVED UP to moon of the 8rd day of October inst.. addressed to the City Engineer, for 100 tons more or less, of anthractic coal and 15 cords of 4 ft. long hardwood, more or liss, one cut, to be delivered froin time to tite and in such quantities and in such plages ag may be required at City Buildings and Fire Halls. Specifications of the above may be Seen and aH other information. obtained at the office of the undersigned. ERNEST R. BECKWITH, , City Engineer. September, 1906. Half a Century Making Shoes Still the same high standard both in New Work and Re- pairing. Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. _ 84 Brock St. TAKE NOTICE . For a. Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come and ses we as I have the largest stock I have ever had: also & lot of Furniture and Carpets. Everything TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 808 Princess Street. AUCTION SALE oF FURNITURE At the Residence of Jas. A. Jaquith, Vaughn Terrace, Princess Street Tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer, Kineston, 27th The "Rowans' howe and ae late John Mudie : all modern improve- ments | conveniently situated om Rar Jie, overlooking kake Ontario, SWIFT S REAL RESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY tok aad returned from t rs. at 'Phone, Miss K. Ladi has Chicago und will cater fo cu the same. place, 105 Brock St. 677. Cannot Swallow Heater. Rochester, N.Y., Oct, 1.--The Union Advertiser of this city, = ablished in 15996, the oldest daily newspaper "in the "United States west of the Hudson ¥iver, declined to support Hearst. It hae always been democratic, but in its issue it avers that it "owes no allegi- Anes 16 the candidate of the demo- day. v Board of Health, 4.15 p.m., Tuesday. Civic Light Committee, 4 pm... Tues 4 County "Court, nonjufy, 2 pin. Tues a The and sets at 5.43 nan. This and Spanish peace conference, at Paris, 1808. McKinley id passed, 1890 ; Amiens, 1801. Dainty China can. be found in our assort- ment. ROBERTSON BROS. WE HAVE THE OUR FUR COATS Popular 4 Prices On. Fine Furs dt Camuphell Aros Salo at Vaughn Terrice, at 10.80 to- morrow, : Soe Cul, meets at Whig Hall to-mor- 0 om hae Rooms, Send us your name for Catalog B DAILY MEMORANDA. v. 2.80 sun - rises Tuesday at 5.57 a.m.. day in history :--1I. §. Peace of + WHIG TELEPHONES. --Dusiness obbing Pepartment. Constantly Arriving All 'the latest novelties We are opening New Goods everyday. McRay Furs REPUTATION Of cash buy- ers of Prime Furs and Skins, and M a n utactur- and High Class Furs for medium prices in Canada. In Natural Raccoon Natural Beaver Natural Otter Sealskin Persian Lamb Seal. Lined Mink Lined Muskrat Lined Are the best values in sight We invite comparison. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 140 & 153 BROCK STREET Cobalt Stocks "Foster" "Hudson Bay Extended" and Cobalt" at goc, J. E. CUNNINGHAM Board of Trade Chambers 'Phone 701 Cuban Editor Freed.' the Palma since heen hth released, yesterday, the government, incofununieadd, wa charge. v cratic 'convention at Buffalo." "Rad Cross Worm Powders" sold 'only at Gibéon's Red Cross Mare, | 5c. not ne" i N ullin's, | RECEIVED IT WITH MUCH EN- "ing the Finest BOUGHT AND SOLD "Buffalo" paying 12 per cent. | "Silver Queen" A good j surchase is "Abitibi Clarence Street Havana, Oct. 1.---Gonzalez Munoz, editor of the Spanish edition' of the Havana Post, arrested.' Septembe 90th, for priming an article criticizing and who had court finding that "there was no foundation for the HLPLEASED clamation Well. INSURGENT CHIEFS THUSIASM, iin. a Agree to Proposal to Lay Down Arms--Taft Orders Release of Revolutionist Prisoners ~~ Palma a Private Citizen. Havana, Oct™® of War "E~Secretary. Taft's proclamation, | United States intervention, wit provisional governor, has both parties received, thus far, by Cuba. Insurgent leaders in the field in Havana province received it on Sat- urday night, with enthusiasm, and agreed to the proposal to lay down their arms. No trouble is anticipated with the men in the field. One of Mr, Talt's first acts as gov- ernor was to order the release from prison of the revolutionary. leaders, Thi caused great rejoicing among the liberals; the total number of prison ers ordervd released was seventy: The prisoners on being released signed an agreement at once to lay down their arms, and return to their homes and restore the property which was tiken by them for military purposes, and which is now in their possession, They alse requested the appointment of a commission, by the provisional gov. ernment, to meet a similar commis sion appointed by them, to arrange the details for surrender of arms and property, and the return of the men to their homes. Governor Taft has appointed the following commission to carry out the delivery of 'the arms : Gen. Funston, president; Major Ladd, Gen. Menocal, Col. Agrimonte, and Col. Hernandez, and Lieut. Mitchell, and Lieut. Burton, Gen. Funston's aides President Palma probably will re main at the palac e¢ a few days more ns a private citizen, Governor Taft making his headquarters meanwhile at the American legation. i GIRL'S LONG CHASE, 3 hs Folfuws Sweetheart From Town to Town. Pranktm Pas Oet--h--Alter chasing him from tow to town since Muy Ist, Eleanor Lengyel, aged twenty-one years, giving her 'residence as Bridge port, Comn., yesterday, drove her faithless lover, Joseph Peto, to bay and induced him to" marry her. They were to have been married in Bridgeport last May, but Joseph dis: appeared on the wedding day. Flea- nor took up his trail and followed' him evervwhere he went, but coald not get him cornered. Three = weeks ago he came here and she was on his heels, But Joseph kept his tracks in the city. coven until last night. Eleanor, in the meantime, had secur- el a position in a store. Saturday she had a constable take her Peto into custody on a false charge, and when he was haled before a magistrate Eleanor induced him to keep his promise to marry her. Joseph seemed to be glad the Bhase wos over and said he thought they could be happy together, BIG EXEMPTIONS. ------ An Reported in . Toronto--The Total Assessinent. Toronto, Oct. 1.--~The report of the Assessment commissioner gives the po- pulation of Toronto, this year, at 238,642 and figuring on the natural in: crease the population- next year will be 253,720. The total assessment for i is completed and reaches $185, | 718,845, an increase, of $17,852,000. The exemptions have reached the en- ormous figure of $26,876,200, BASEBALL SUMMARY. Saturday and Sunday Games Played. National League--New York, 6-0; St. Louis, 2-1. Boston, 7; Cincinpati, 3. Philadelphia, 6-1;. Chicago, 2-3. Brook- lyn, -6; Pittsburg, 3-5. American League--Cleveland, 1; New York, 4 Sunday Games. National leagune---Chicago, 8-0: Wash: ington, 53. St. Louis, 70; Boston; 1-2 : Japs Pass Rigid Postal Law. Tokio, Oct. 1.---The government has prohibited the transportation of to- baceo destined] for foreign transporta- tion through Japan. The following ar- ticles are prohibited from jrnpurtatitn into China and Korea through- the Japanese postoflices, in those coun tries © Info China--Arms, ammunition and munitions of war, except at the re quisition of the Chinese ort ont, r | oInto Korea--Opium (except for medi- cinal purpopsy; adulterated dings and medicines, arms and other munitions we | of war. J Ennis Dell Farrington, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Farrington, drowned ---- Rg [8 RVR NE alii ABDUL TANT. }.=The Berlin corres: Mail says that A { London, pondent of the a y figured in dramatic no Turkish physicians 0 not oxpeet that | sister or the assailant, a man named Abdul Hamid will ive more than six | William Thompson. had married a months. 3 neighbor © named Thomas a The Constantinogie corvespotide nt of {The martdage was an A one, the Expres: re nt in diplomatic circles the "Su condition is re gardad with iRgi¥ings. TA cuneerous growth having appear. IN A FIERCE STORM THREE VESSELS WRECKED AND LIVES LOST. 8 Pounded to Pieces--A Steam- the Beach. Cleveland, Oct. .1.--Duri a fierce storm, a raged on Erie on Saturday fight, three vessels wore wrecked and three lives are known to have been snuffed out. The first bopt "to feel the ofieccts « the great seas. was the steamer Fayette tirown, bound from Cleveland to Lor ain light. When off Lorain harbor, the waves were mountain high and the boat, in drying to make the piers, struck the brepkwiter. The engines ] pamediately Sopeversed, but the "heavy seas and ae swept thie boat to the heach, from where the crew were taken off after comsiderable dif fienlly. The steamer City of Concord was sunk near Hurgn, the schooner Negaunee wos beached and pounded to pieces and the barge Montpelier is missing, The three people lot were members of the. crew of the Concord. They were evidently too Arightened to take to the ye awl when the mest of the crew were forodd to aliahdon their: boat. X Eo Another Disaster, Chicago, Oct. l.--~Three-#atlors were drowned and twenty-four railway cars, together with 800 tons of iron ore and car uttachments, were lost in the lake, on' Saturday night, when a car ferry capsized loss than a mile outside of the Chicago. harbor. « The drowned are Capt. John Olsen, com- manding the capsized barge, and two sailors: whose identity has not been es tablished. Rx ¥ SISTERS ALL SUICIDES. Ww ¥ 3, Freeport, Il,, Oect.. 1.-- ¥ 3 Miss Julia Winslow, who 3% belonged to & prominent ¥ family several miles from 3 here, near Warten, commit- 8% ted suicide by saturating # her clothes with kerosene 8 and then setting fire to ™ 3% herself. She was the last » M4 of six sisters, all of whom # committed suicide. *» * i SEAS EEAEIIIINAK A NEW MINING DISTRICT. » Henry r McGuire is Appointed as Recorder. Toronto, Uct. 1.<A new mining dis trict hae been comstituted on the re commendation of the minister of lands, forests and mines. It embraces the districts of Party Sound and Muskoka, exclusive of the islands ly- ing west of these districts in Georgian Bay. it will be known as the, Parry Sound district, and Henry EE. Mc Guire has been appointed mining re- corder at A salary of $500. The head office will 'be at Parry. Bound. Charles W, Belyea hax been appointed recorder of the Kenora mining division with head office at Kenora; salary 3500, Four mining lease have been can called for default, ase each in Nipis sing and Algoma, dnd two in Rainy River North. ' ' 'Made Money In Meals. St. Louis, Det. 1.--A eablegram was reerived here. vesterday, © announcing that Tony Faust, Sr.. has died in Wicghadin, Germany. He was seventy years old and wag one of the most widely kntwn restaurant men in ihe United Seige 8. He 'loaves a large for- tune, at Gibson's Red Cross deng store, CRIME OF 1 F LONG AGO| > Mie 2a HAS Ar ast) Srrrm---- | Eluded Police For Eighteen Years his brother-in-law at the altar on his Hill, after eluding the vigiliney of anthorities for, éightoen" eich, and the murder was commit: nel [William Thompron asserted that his sister's enc-had boon - about by the husbands ill-treatment, Lis résentment was fur incensed when the husband neglected to attend the funeral. parish church of Portadeen, and 4d Ham "Thompson took a geance. Stealing into the Av with A gn as ceremony wis protped- ing. he took a obatate_ alm at He The Hurricane a Over Take bridegroom ag he wi Manding ' a! Erie and the Crafts Were [the altar, and shot im "dead capture, ant at the tial great posure, and before his livernd a long speech to the joey. Wedding Day. GIVEN UP. ~Was Sent to Insane Asylin After His Trial, But Managed to Make His Escape. Dublin, Oct. 1.-A man who shot i The motive of the crime was = ven: wler circumstances that ha A 10 the death of the woman upon and Some time later Thomas Thompson arranged to be married at ih » assailant Jol and self-sa! He o hid own defenor, recei the Sentehée of death' with gi com- The murder and trial caused in- tense excitement shroughout Ireland, and soon after the sentence Was com- muted to one of penal servitude for life, While in prison Thompson was, declared to he insane, and was re moved to the lunatic asylum at Dug-¢ drum. Bp he ia he mign sion, we ? that time he wits nok om a hy the authorities until he surrendered himself a couple of days avo, EXPORTS FROM ONTARIO. Through the Windsor Consulate Increase. Windsor, Ont., Oct. 1.--~The exports from Ontario through the United States consulate here have increased considerably since some of the smaller consulites in Western | Ontario were closed and their busines transfirred Windsor. The exports for the Garter jmst endl amounted to $729,765, op increase of over $181,000 over the, same period in 1905, Whis- key, as usual, is one of the heaviest items, amounting to over $178,000, WIRE TAPPERS FINED: One Must Pay $100 and Three Others $50 Each. Windsor, 'Oct. 1.--Tne four men charged with tapping the. wires of the G.NW. Telegraph company, at Wind- sor, on September. 1st, were arraigned before Judge Horne, At and entered a plea of guilty. 'The judge imposed a fine of $100 on Frank Robinson, the leader, and $50 each on the others, Philip MeGory, Arthur Welch and Lawrence Moran, 7s. FEE 52 '& Movements Of Vessels. Father Point, Que; Oct. 1.<The S88. Cassandra, Donaldson line, from Glas- gow, inward, av 12:16 a. ing 106 se- cond, 177 storage passen Montreal, Oct. 1. "The Allan liner Pretorian arrived at Glasgow on Sep- tember 30th, The Allan liner Tonian arrived at Liverpool on September 29th. : The Allan liner Sardinian, for Havre and London, passed Belle Isle on September 30th. I'he Allan liner Corenn, from Glas- gow arrived at Halifax on 8 30th. The 88, Pomeranian, from London, passed Belle Isle on September 30th. The SK. Corinthian, from Glasgow, for Montreal, inward, at Martin river, at S530 am, Largest hicken Farin In World. Faston, Pas, Oct, 1The largest chicken form in the world is soon to be started in Palmer township, Ahies pnd onehalf miles from here. The far, which consists of 107} acres, has been ~ shased from Wilson Bros, of Egston, iy William Talmage, of To- ronta, Can, and John Haupt, of this city, The land was purchased for $15, 00. The new owners will take pos. session to-day. This fall 1,000 laying hens will be placed upon it, and the number will he "increased to 10,000, The largest chickin farm at present is said to contain 8,400, To equip and stock the new farm will wean an outlay eatimatid at from #40,000 to 850,000. Mr, Tak ia Pretired. wholesale druggist, of Toronto. "N'% a good Feoson" why 50 many seidlite powders are sold at: Gibson's Red Cross drag store. Fresh there, William Swain, piano tuner. Orders last and taken farmer, al inl, Tie place and THE GENESTS. GIVEN OF THE LAND DEAL THAT months 1s FIGURED PROWINERTLY In the I1O0.F. Investigations} Lefurgy, M.¥. For Prince, P.E. I. the Informant--An Interest. ing Letter Read. Poronto, Ost: Tish, "Ai Lefurgy, NP or Prine, PE io mo gave She royal "commission insure and Lefurgy tha Lh speculation to Lo up wild lands, and nd ho thet rise in value, The pe duced showed that some of bine understood wp till a la the transaction that Me. Borden in: tended joining the combine, but any such intention was not 1 out, A letter from George Fowler to a. was quoted Wu he wethods ¥ which it was hoped to wnake n saccess of the venture. The 'letter reads: "Dear: Loburgy,~We have wn beyond our wildest hopes. We oud D3 on he met us at the train, To r , took us to his office and gave us the route so Tar as local of course, under cover of ' the strictest seercey, so keep it mim, Mein to Borden, Bentiett and > We ox- peet to have n wealthy BE ih | named Listen, the head of the Canada Chemical company, and in the combine with us. We have in- crensgd the thing to 200,000 'aéves On arriving here we interviewed Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, and have resson to expect molt Remashe treatment is fo terme and fice. He 'Waid we should | got the best ¢ was on We want] to arrange for a meeting therd when the party returns to Montreal. Tell Mesars. Borden and Bennett about the meeting: It' will be necessary. for at least twe of ue to go this fall, as it could not be done in the spring, and that is one of the things that ust be arranged 'at the meeting. (Signed) G. W. Fowler." Before Mr. Lefurgy. went into the box, W. P. Bull gave evidence, in con- nection with the sale of the Okanagan Lumber company, in which he had a one-tenth interest, t Mr. Fowler, Mr, MeCormack and Trivin told him She Jule fut heen made by ih | Kamloops Lumber sompany at a which would net the sharvholders two for one in' the investment. He held £5,000 stock in the eof which had a capital of 850, Mr. - ng his A dM. Fowler gave him for $6,000, and Me. Bull was relieved from payment of a note for $4.00. which he had given on accomt of stock: Marines Landed. + Hovana, Oét. 1.-A brigade of ma- rines, consisting of seventy-five men, was landed at eight o'clock, this morning, from United States ware ships. e was no demonstration of any kind. The departure of Senor Palma from Havana hes been post poned until to-morrow. 3 recommended a the street railway James E. Grande! street, Toronto, died 'trom a earbolie acid. ti ot ota orth, Toronto, t tlantic City to spend a fort wight there, of pay for. dgge of Col." Pellatt | The arbitrators at Humilton have mn tll 181 Harbord, i 3 of Prindipals, . Prices, 28e.. ate. Seats now on sale. ps in Lake Erie, thirteen years ago, with 'Slight Eacthquakes, Gibraltar is storm- swept. Houses {every soul on board the foundered Simla, Oct, 1. : sharp shock of higve collapsed, am® the Algevirns | Lakeside, is dead in Picton. The little | eorthouake "was 'le here, at 11.03 railway has been damaged. The bay | girl will 'leave het grandmother very | o'clock, pi y « morming. Fhere P=, full of debris. lonely. , : © | were three diftinet oscillations, last. deaf | 3 bs. sugur top bisenits, Be. ot The Gillette Safely Razor" is soll [ing Sixt - wvattent seconds, No i damage was done. received rt MeAuley's book stove: Gat Swit' Seranton coal at Swift's

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