Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1906, p. 8

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Spa e made in the very latest style for Fall finished in the most approved ly trimmed ; in fact equal in cvery way are showing at 2 and three times-the WILL BE SOON UNDER WAY, TT a---- | The Queen's Men Wre Getting ; Down to Work. By the first of the coming week the students at Queen's will . Bory more a SE men definite can yet bo stated, but judging from the attendance at class far, the prospects all o an advance on ng "@ years, with opening of this session, 5 Ek g F Corsets made to order, perfect ot fit teed. Call and see our styles be elsewhere. New York } "powder" 'cleanses the nd makes the hair soft and Be. Jr Bast'w We have in = that's good ne a HOSIERY, "Stout, serviceable Hos- iery for a man who is JP comtantly. on. his. feet black and colors, 2sc., Warm, © { I : ; jie EDITION: i i fs I ; 1 I f= vEels, id 3 ge i on PE Ems ] it appointed later and they, will form a council g = ; ot 19th. mh Rio el ee Temiskaming and Northern railway commission to carry free all lumber and 10618 "required for the rebuilding of the town Hoflebury, ecumtly al most entirely out. hy . It ) "that the order will also be mded 10 pl legitimate supplies for purposes. John O'Gorman, formerly of Lon- don, how of Toronto, was arrested, this , on the premises of the Hara Pros company, of which he a pariner, He is rgod with erook- od - practices in connection with the dominion election in London, in 1904, and the hyo-election in the same con. Stituendy on June 13th, 1905. It is al loged that O'Gormon promised Poy and paid money that he conspired to obtain informa- tion from polling booth as to how cer tain voters cast their ballots, = One tna or. called this morning, Jere mi Collin, deputy-returning officer at sub-division No, % He told of 0. getting possession of the ballot box the night before election and instradting him how to fod the 50 he could tell how every man voted. Witness was to hold up his Hv hund dor a Hyman vote and his t for a urey vote, while James Pearson, Toronto, an inside scrutineer, with a list of the voters in his hand off the vote. The case was ad- ill Monday, 0 worman being journed allowed out on bail, The provincial board of health continue in power 'for thres years, would Le composed of the following : Dr. Charles Sheard, Toronto: Dr. Mit. ton fra Beeman, Newburgh: Dr. John William Scott MeCullough, Alliston; Dr. Charles B. Coughlin, Peterhoro : Dr, William J. Robinson, Guelph, and Dr. William R. Hall, of Chatham. Pay Up Or Lose Boats. Prockyille, Ont. Sept. 98.~8ome months neo a customs officer visited Brockyille, - and informed 'several own- 'ore of gasoline launches in which are installed a certain line of American engines. that they had heen JQrought into the country under value, and that unless the extra duty was paid, boats and engines would be seized. Re- contly the owners were givon further notice that if such was not paid by night the boats would be seized, No seltures have been 'made, Settle ments. have cither been made or the boats moved to an American port. 88¢c. Basket Table Peaches. Extra fine large table peaches, 5c; per basket, green or blue grapes, 30¢ J. Crawford, Court Earl Roberts' Meeting. Owing to the popularity which at- tended last year the fortnightly done. 'es of Court Earl Roberts, LOF., the members of that lodge have decided to, renew them again this season, and arcange for the Dutposs of ments for same, a special meeting of the court will be held in the lodge room at Tete do. Pont barracks on nest Mgnday evening, "After Men And Instruments. Reaut Seret. Major MeKinnon, of the Rk HA. is regarding tha in Montreal, of new instrunients, and alto trying to secure some more much to enter the band. i -------- The Last Of The Green Gages. Come carly in the morning, forty | baskets only at Carmovsky's, fruit grown, also small pickling. J. Crawford. -------------- ooth brukhes™ extra . good value Hor Be. Too to give away, Real bargains at Gi 's Red Crosa drug store, opposite ig office. " Stadents I We ve Lowney's "College Girl" chocolates in pound and hali pound boxes, buy one for your Indy friend, Shate choice, Ed] wards & Jenkin, 274 Princess street. I "2 3 £ 4 % : 2 g = ct. number bars of seap in his show window, ---- A Word With Advertisers. the pressure on the Whig's ees 65¢. Basket Table Peaches. Bxten Sug large table peaches, G5¢. per et, gréen or blue , 30c, J. Crawford, Ripe . Grand Military Night. a The advent of Edward Branscombe's Westminster Glee and Concert party {from London), who are announced to appear at the City Hall to-night, have the distinet fiscination of presenting to us, a concert of a nature somewhat out of the ordinary ruck; at the same time the charm of the highest plane of artistic excellence, Recovering From His Injuries. Dr. R. Hanley is able to be' out ai- ter being confined to his room for nearly a week suffering from injuries he. received in the G. T. R. train col- lision near Napanee. He is still sore from the battering he got, a broken 1ib being the worst injury. The doctor had a decidedly narrow escape from death; The seat saved him, Without A Superintendent. The general hospital is without ao superintendent, Miss Gordon, who has { acted during the past two years, left | yesterday Ee her home in Toronto, {I'he "medical man to be appointed on Monday will be needed to begin duty «at once. The governors did not anti- cipate 'making the change until No- | vember Ist, but Miss Gordon could not remain, { | Expects No Increase. | City Assebsor Gordon says he does | not expect aly increase in Kingston's | population this year. He has not | completed his figures, but is at pres- { ent inclined to believe that the popula- { tion will show no gain over last year. 10 | There has been no work of importance | here this season, to bring in when, and Yurthermore there has been quite an exodus of mechanics to other places, rt ---------- Prayed For His Restoration. Rev. FB, Stratton is seriously if in the General Hospital., He had fairly good night and showed some improvement to-day. On Thursday, Mr. Steatton's condition was an. nounced in the Methodist conference, which instantly a business for a minute, while Dr. Anthiff led in a | Most reverent prayer for his welfare. {A message of sympathy was ordered to be sent to Mrs: Stratton. Police Station Troubles. Things have been very quiet at the bolice . station during the. past few [days, and the uniformed guardians {have had to raise a few squablles | among themselves. Yesterday's wrangle was over the declaration that "Nick" Timmerman had the largest pair of boots of any. member on the force, Actual measurement proved this to be {%0. To-day, there is dissatisfaction 'among the orange "hobbies" over the {green kalsomine put upon the station walls. Constable 1 is elated, while' Constable Filson declares that the woodwork must be painted orange I the sake of balance. Mrs. De Porcheron's Death. ' Fhe death of Mrs I. Du Porcheron, at Champlain, N.Y., on Saturday last wae most unexpected. Although Mrs. De Porcheron has been ill for some time, she had been much better late ly, and had taken a drive on the Mon. day previous to her death: But para- lysis, the disease from which Mrs, De Poreheron suffered, "stole . on unnotic- ed, and sapped the life. Mrs. De Por on, whose name was Ma- tilda MéDowall. was the mother of Mrs. David Laidlaw of this city, and '| had many friends here. Her daughter had honed: to have her spend Christ mas with her, Much sympathy is felt for the family. ------------ + @8e, Basket Table Peaches. Extra fine large table peaches, 65¢. per basket, green or blue grapes, 30e. J. Crawford, : Tin ® and Cross The only strictly sold in Kingston: Huyler's from drug store. "Phone 280. Mnkintouivs "toffee" and Callard and Bowsers * butter Seotch at Bdwards & in, 274 Princess street. Peaches, pears, grapes. Crawford's, IN "| which funds were Tepresienting an increase of $50 in cach case. Rev. T. Ferrier, Brandon, © moved that _ the word matrimony in the discipline the worde "and admin- ister sacraments' be inserted. He ex: plained that in isolated districts lay members were. empowered to perform the marriage ceremony, and this would give them a little extra neces: sary power. It was agreed to. -' It" was decided to change. the name of the Assiniboia conference to the Saskatchewan * conference, The church and parsonage fund com- mittee. stated that the capital was to- tally inadequate to present needs, and the matter was worthy of the imme- diate consideration of the church. The comniittee recommended that the board should have authority, 'when ne- cessity arose for immediate loans, for not in hand, borrow from time to time such sams as' might be considered requisite, the aggregate not to exceed $15,000, The request was granted. It was also de- cided to make an effort. to increase the capital of the fund to $100,000. It is now only $27,000. "A committed was appointed to pro- mote lay agency work. A vrotest was registered against the principle of ecclesiastical precedance at state functions, and a deliverance Was made as to the attitude of the church as to remarriage of divorced persons. Conference adjourned at 10.10 o'dlock last night. INCREASING INTEREST ---- In the Appointment of a Hospital Superintendent. The interest in the appointment of A medical superintendent for the gen- gral hospital is widespread, and there is feeling against the choosing of an otitéider. 'It seems that the young western doetor, recomsnended by the commnittee, is uamarried. Al along, it has been the rule of the.governors to appoint only a married man as superintendent, and it is still advis- able to do so. Interest in the appointment . has spread to the lodges, and a leading member of two of these organizations declared, today, that 'mot another dollar subscriptida -to the general hospital wounld come from either if the, hospital governors tarned down the choice of the- Kingston doctors for the. position. As churchman said: "Pll gee tha there'll Be no eollection taken up in oir sharch' fot the hospital if the gov- ernors act. contrariwise to the recom- mendation of the local doctors, who are best qualified to judge who is thé most capable man for the position." The city council may also have something to say about the appoint- ment when the hospital's grant has just recently been increased to $3,000 a year.- Kingston institutions should be loyal to their own. . Ar ---- Peaches, Pears And Grapes. The finest fruit grown, also small peaches for pickling, J. Crawford. Stole The Constable's Prey. Late this. morning; the police sia- tion received a call to the corner of Ontario And 'Princess Riwtacto take y of a young woman who was Charge When Constable Driscoll re- sponded, however, two men had the woman in charge and were escorting her past the barracks' gate. The con- stable hurried after them.. but before + he reached the barracks' gate, a wag gon. was hailed by the men, 'and they jasper into it, and all made for iefield, waving an adien to the fast approaching policeman. 65¢c. Pickling Peaches, 65c. Large baskets of choice pickling peaches, only 68¢. J. Crawford. ---------- 2 "It means much for the baby," if the infant's foods wou feed it are fresh, It pays to buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "Phone 230, "Students of Queen's I' when you want to purchase a box of choice fresh chocolates give us a trial. Ed: wards & Jenkin, 274 Princess street. Your last chance. ito ged cheap peaches will be at Toye's King street store. on Saturday. was inspection of winter kit on Tete de Pont barracks' square this afternoon. Buy Bu-Ju Kidney Pills at Gibson's Red Cross 'drag store. Fresh there, - Pickling peaches. 68, basket, green to H will LADIES' and 10.00 and per yard, and trimming, rows of tra-spéci made nice and full. Hosiery for Ladies and Children HESE stockings we fist below 'not take second Montreal, Sept. 2% -- The congmis-|§ a5 to wearing qualities and a Sion to. which has been refirred the ance, toy wiry that deanchd iu Oro the te, the Sauctal svies of at anywhere near the : | Dointed and hes organised for the |§ regular prices. They are first- 10 extend over i four years, It clase in every respect, and in buy- ho Bow been made clear that the ing them here you may be sure of the famous "Footnote" roading iat yon are ng them ' tres \ dancing, cards, thous amd other little Sdvaues on malo" Beives Tiles and £ nde Sy in J Seueeal 42 any Yetarler ever proineti ly. the duties oi probationers and minis: |J LADIES' BLACK ters. The commission is composed of HOSE, plain and of ten ministers, ten laymen and the gen- genuine "He dye, eral superintendent and will conduct a shaped, and just the weig lakge part of its investigation by cor- for present wear. PLAIN BLACK CASH- MERE HOSE, of fine qualities, ab: solutely fast-black dyes; per-pair 90, 75, 59, 50 and 40e., also a special-at 3 pairs 1.00, or per pair ........... LADIES' RIBBED BLACK CASH: MERE HOSE, all fast dyes, of ex- ceptionally fine quality at 49. pair, and also makes, per pair, 25, 35, 45 . for in heavier JOHN FL/ oy 11,50, and black, full 60 inches wide, ities, which have proven their great worth, already .to Kingston women, per yard, 1.00, 1.25 and JOHN LAIDLAW & SON CASHMERE|THE CELEBRATED good quality, ae Special 2 to-morrow, per pair ..... 39 Rp Jaany periods place, - for as "LEATHER for boys ang es have heap doubled and doubled again . during the last two years, 15 per pair, 25, 23, 20, 18 and * KNIT" STOCKINGS, girls, of which our sa) well CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHM ERE STOCKINGS, plain and of strong even makes, fast black dye, in three qualities, priced according 1, size, per pair, from 25 it, 49¢c., from 25 to 3%c., and 25 from 20 to". 0 » 19 CHILDREN'S BLACK CASHMEKT STOCKINGS, ribbed and of exc, lent mmkes, priced according LADIES' EMBROIDERED HOSE, £0" siz from 25 to 196. frees 25 more popular now than at any| 95 ¢, 29¢.. and from 20 to * 'time before this season, in the : : pretty shades of tan, candinal and ; = navy, exceptionally fine BOYS' [HEAVY CASHM ERE, cashmere, daintily embroid- 65 wide{ ribbed, extra-special, 19 ered, por pair. iui vias ® per pair, from 25 to ..... . LAIDLAW & SON Stylish and Good Rain Coats for Women The summer we have just pass- ed through certainly didn't have when a raincoat was needed as a waterproof. But that's not saying how many times you'll need such between now and winter. The fall is the raincoat's most useful season. Rains are frequent ; chiil winds are blowing nearly every day and the evenings are always cool and from all these a good raincoit will protect you perfectly. . And the cost doesn't need much consideration either. We have the very latest styles in excellent qualities at such popular prices as these ; 3.75, 5.00, 5.75, 6.50, 7.50, 8.00, 8,95, 9.75, While if you have the least trouble about getting one to suit you ready-made, you could not do better than have one made to your order from some of our : CRAVENETTE CLOTHS, in the popular shades of grey, fawns and navy, in threc"exceptionally good qual- New Tweeds for Separate Skirts only frill in wi shirring centre al Saturday JOHN LAIDLAW & SON - Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts and Waists If you ever have any use for black waists and underskirts, we would advise you for your own sake to come here to-morrow and see the new arrivals in sateen. The Waists ars of fine lustrous qual- ity, finished [or the most part mero- ly with hemstitched tucks and box- pleats, and will be sold for 75 and 99¢., 125 and 1.49 each. The underskirts are equally good in quality of material and workmanship come with various amounts of Extra outside sizes will be shown. Prices moderate, running at 70 and 99¢., 1.25, 1.39, 1.49 and 1.75, with: this one extra special : UNDERSKIRT, of good quality "lus- trous black mercerized sateen. with twdve-inch flounce finished twelve rows of shirring in groups of * six; and five-inch : o'er 99 ety me Are you trying to make up your mind what to do about a separate skirt to tide you -over this period ? more about it, but take our advice, choose some of the stylish tweed mixtures and have a skirt made, before the dressmakers' rush is fully on. 'Twon't cost you much, at this rate--which is a fair example * DARK TWEED MIXTURES, of good weight, fects--a dark brown mixture with a faint blue thread check; a dark grey mixture with a faint white check; and a dark blue and mixture with a faint red check--full 40 inches wide, Don't worry any Come here to-morrow, and in three very popular of grey Saturday, id with th six shapes an s pair. or blue grapes, 30. Crawlord's. ¥ Try Bibbs 81 shin ----GUARAN The celebrated Burtt & Every pair TEED PATENTS -- A Young Everyone THE LOCKETT SHOF STORE New stock of Trunks Just Received. All Good Values. < Man's Shoe A Shoe For X Packard Korrect Shape uaran t ' d the old # a ever put on the foot. . The latest too. The most comfortable Nothing like them. Try a YEAR 73: NO. 228 Oly One Week Long FOR OUR Great Removal Sa | FURNITUR Music Cabinets, $3.50 to $7.50. Re lar $8 antl $9 goods, Five 0Clock Tea Sets, for $12. Regular $18. A line of Mahogany Parlor Cabin 25 per cent. off. mahog Large Mahogany Dressers, mirror 20, regular price $50, for $35. A few lines of Mission Furnitun weathered oak, upholstered in M can leather, will be sold cheap. Robt. J. Re; The Leading Undertaker Two Doors Above Opera Hou First: Fruits. Of + the. season preserved glass. E. D. Smith's Pure Ge are what they are represen Guality and prices ta attract. Smith's Pure Plum Jam in glass Smith's Pure Peach Jant in glass Smith's Pure Strawberry Jam inj 200. Je; Smith's Pure Crab Apple glass, 16e. GRAHAM'S LILY BRA Marmalade in glass, at 10¢. and Raspberry Jam in glass, 10c. am Strawheryy Jam in glass, at 10c¢ 15e. Peach Jam in glass at 10c. and Black Currant, Red Currant Strawberry Jelly in glass, at 10c¢ 15¢. ; also to hand; Jams in 7 Ib, pails, F. W. VAN LDV 246 PRINCESS STREET, By JOHN H. MILL Auction Sal Of Upright Piano, Brussels, Rug: Tuesday, Oct. 2n At the Residence of Jas. A. Jacq 432 Priugess Street, Vaughn Ter all of the Fine Furniture. Viz: Weber & Co. Upright Brussels Russ, and Carpets, Bras other. Bed. om Furniture Parl i Room ¥urniture, py Lining Kitohth Utensils, and a household effects." Piano at 12 ~~on. Sale at 10.30 a.m. Terms cash. JORN H. MILL! Auctiy * ASR Corres ; TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV to moon of the -8rd day of Octo addressed to the City Engineer, tons more or less, of anthractic 15 cords of ft. lomg hardwoo or less, one - cut, to be deliver time to time and in such quanti in such places as may ho required Buiktings and Fire Halls Specifications of the above ma) and all other information obt the offiée of the undersigned ERNEST I. BECKWI City Fx Kinston, 27th September, 19 Making Shoes Still the same high both in New Work : patrings Wear "Aller . Military. Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 | TAKE NOTIC Parle For & Hall Stove, Par go, or any oth che NA ns as 1 have t stock i hawe ever had: ala Furniture = and Carpets. TURKS SECOND-HAND 868 Princess i ------------------ See September Bulletin-F 4 The "Romans. the tn Ome * as of ; Soh Sadie: all modern it oe 3: conveniently situs ear line, overlooking Lake ( Ansty 0 y REAL RRTATE AN] * ¥ INSURANCE See Bibby's Krench back Steadily increasing sales, Swift's Seranton coal See Ribby's new overcoats 5

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