Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1906, p. 5

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est ne 5 vol Canadians at itative Record of Canadi rance, Literature and AT, Trad, LY ILLUSTRATED > iouiision and lo turhering tr r Medium in the Old Cu to offer to British invasions. ade and ig. for Canad; land Pun oy rd, Sunda and contains articles hy. some of all the rudtway' bookstalls e ps, libraries and hotels Dt th cial articles upon the Onta ol \ Medical Association in RE hey Club tables of ohalt. as well vor write t be obtained) any of the Canadivn offices 0. 180 St. James Street, Montraa], ss Street, Winnipeg. » credit to Canada BBY'S ... Pe-- rcoats re ow eady od ddock ~! letot 2stminster lington nnerman amberlain ing These Beauties Bibby Co. RICE CLATHING STORE a # Stylish Shoes For You Made of Patent Colt, Velor Calf, Gun Metal and Demi Glace Kid. . They are made in Blucher Lace, or College Cut Button i in Nobbiest Shapes and Swellest Designs. Our Prices are Right t $3.00, $3.80 and 84.00 Sie Ag nis for Utzasd Dann > and I & T. Bell. Shoe > Store AN EATER SHOCK . ¥F © a-- ® | Felt at San Juan,' Porto Rico x i ' Yesterday. ¢} Sanduan, Porto Rico, Sept. 9 - . y pt. 28.--An # earthquake shock, lasting half a min- 6 Fins ms felt here, yesterday morn- > re. The people, gr the San vy ih Fancisco and Vak aiso catastrophes i op panicsstri oi and rushed in- treets and public ig . The fret shook which was slight, - Sune at) 10.47, Other shocks follower e | mum Ee ise their maxi- intensity in twenty seconds, of 8 i Which they inighed and gradu- 4 * | ally stopped 'ton weconds later. The mo- tion was first backward and forward, followed { dow iy Mpyard any "u all Dr. we, pore Rina a oul Pepsin. sulitere' knew what nn would do for practically be As aur Shoop's troubles ie Dre the nerves Fam full- Call for - yetom- : : hd J 's Restora- a = She Is Made Well by Lydia B. Pink- ham's , and Writes to Mrs. Pinkham. -- a Cheon letter for al other women afflicted © s 1 C ey may be benefited as she was. She writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- plan was arranged to place before the "1 heastily recommend Lydia E. Pink- Ghali Ce I of: Public dn ham's ond aga tome and Loo teed : tor for als trouhjes, 1 suffered for sir Wil Nr y four years With displacement and no one ir Willd Laurier is at the Cha: but thosy who have experienced this dread- | teau Frontenac. The prime minister ful peony tan fri any iden of the physies] arrived, this morning, and it is stat- ad mental I" Vout Vegeuble Compound od, that, at his own request, Mr, thu Sour Veg a mpoun Robitaille, one of the candidates in cared me. Within three months fully ped to health and strength - now my are regular and painles What a +f. when so Juny 4 doctors fail to help you. Your medicine is better than any doctor or medicine I ever had." No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles as has Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Sompoynd hc who are joubied inful r peri backache, bloatin; {or allen ea on dis 3 Asian) of organs, flammation. br mr can be re- al to perfect health and strength b taking L; E. Piakham's Vegetable I Com h Mrs. I Pinkham invites all sic! : women 4; 10sty and pronounced hy some of to writs bet for advice, She guided {41,0 fow travellers who have seen it to on eq er experience ia be even greater than its North Am- very great, and she gives the benefit of it to all who stand in need of wise counsel. She is the Sanphierind slaw of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has |! been advising sick women free of charge, | per Parana; Address, Lynn, Mass. t CE E-------------------------- TT ISD YALE FREE OF DBT. Gifts to University Endowment and Extension. New Haven, Conn., Sept. Yale University is free of floating debt for the first time in several yenrs. The gifts for the year to the univer: sity endowment and extension fund approximate $2,000,000, including $1,000,000 froin. John D. Rockefeller; $187,500 from Edward 8S. Harkness, and $100,000 from the Jennings fam- ily. The par value of stocks and bonds held by the university is $3,508,454, while the present market value is $250,000 greater. Many Children Sick. 98 - St, George's Lake, Sept. 27.--The pice ¥arying from 150 to 180 feet in Here is the latest example. A Peter- box social held in the Methodist height. Above the falls is a broad ex- | boro man was in the city and gister church was a decided success. C, | panse of river, while below is a nar- | od at the' Randolph hotel, His mis- Gowdy had the misfortune to I gorge through which the water is sion ? Why Peterboro need a hal one of his barns' burned to the ground forged in a rapid torrent. The Fitls | hack for their football teant and a while he was attending Parham fair, of Iguazu offer a notable contrast to | fast centre for their hockey aggrega- the cause of the fire being the burn- | Niagara in many important features, | tion. "Marty" Walsh looked good to ing of a fallow near the burn. The for as the river makes a sharp bend | 64 'the dual position, hence the wind wag in the direction of the barn the main volume of water rushes stranger's visit. "Marty" was not and a spark caught in the building, around the inner bank and is dis- | yecessible at once, however, as he is and it was soon a mass of ruins charged ig to a long, narrow gorge, at sailing on the steamer Belleville. That Some valuable machinery which was | one RS making a plunge of 210} didn't worry the man from Peterboro in the barn was alse burned. Fhe | feet. Not all the volume of the. river, | however, and he waited over till the rumbling 'of the = waggons gathering is received at this place, however, the | steamer arrived and interviewed his iron and brass is heard in all direc- | rest of the water running out past | man, It is scarcely likely: Walsh will tions. A nuinber of children have been | it into the white elbow formed by the | be induced to accept an "offer tempt- very ill, but we are glad to say all [bend and circling along the further {ing though it may be, fof he has al are on. the [air way to recovery. Vis- | shore among many rocks and funds ready. decided to enter medicine at itors: Arnold McGinnes spent Sunday | before teaching the edge of thé cliff, | Queen's as soon as navigation closes at Vennacher. M. Huyck, Sharhot | where it makes the descent in two | There is one outstanding circumstance } Lake, spent Saturday at G. W. Rish great leaps of 100 feet each in.a vast] however, of which Kingston cannot op's. Mrs. Switder, Rockwood, King- | semi-circle of 3,000 feet. but {eel proud and that is . that the | ston, at: G. McKever's. A large num- The scenery surrounding Iguazu falls | outside teams in search of "good ma ber from "here shipped their hogs at is in peculiar harmony with the sol- | terial generally have to come to the Tichborng yesterday. v + | emn grandeur of the cataract: The old Limestone city, whence 80 many SpE -------- roar of the water is more impressive | nthletic stars have sprung, and Whose Mountain Grove Notes. from the solitude of the spot and the | names are brilliant marks in the eal Mountain--Grove, Sept. 20.--A very eternal silence that reigns in the dente ander of Canadian sport. . 2 sucpessful harvest dinner was given by the' Methodist church people here on Wednesday, Sept. 19th, the proceeds amounting 10-379.26. Addresses. were given in the aftérnoon by. Revs. Messrs. Clarke, of Havelock, Fulcher, Sharbot Lake, atid Crowe, Arden. Mr. Clarke, the fofmer pastor, occupied the pulpit on Sunday, September 16th. Mrs. | Barker and children, Mrs. William Flynn and sons, Medicine Hat, Alta, returned' home after a pleasant: holi-* day with relatives here. Dr. Smith .is | in Kingston. The infant child of George Smith was buried on Sunday. ---- Rheumatism is not incurable. Stub: born? Yes! But Dr. Shoop's Rheu- matic Remedy will, if faithfully used, drive it out of the system, It's: the blood that's at fault, Poisonous erys tals like sand get into the joints and museles. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Rem. edy prevents this. It drives Rheuma- tism from the blood and then Rhow | matism dies. All druggists recom- mend and sell it. Dress Reform special corset strong | ATTEND ) MEETING] OF THE PROTESTANT cour - A Private Conference Held in Re- 5 wl chairman, and out-of-town members of the Protestant evening, to attend a meeting committee, to-day, at the parliament buildings. Among "the members who arrived bia Hon. © Sidney Fisk Messrs, IP. . Mackentic, MPP H, PEN MPP; John Whe Walker. Last evening the foregoing gentlemen, together with Messrs. W. Walker, M. PP dor Huntington; G. M. Parmalee, and Tlon. Judge Mes Corkill, who took a prominent part in the recent crusade in the eastern toWnghipe: to" promote thi "interest of meeting* to compare work for future guidance. ing being private, nothing was given out, Quebec 'county, "will have with him at eleven o'clogk, to-morrow ods s. ng it is to obtainsuch relie? morning, South America Has National Seographical Magazine, thé meeting place of three republics, ture has chosen the site for a master- pared only to the mighty Niagara in erican counterpart. clear leap in an enormous sheet water twenty feet thick over a preoi- "CIL OF INSTRUCTION. gard to Mission Work Among the School Adherents--Sir Wil- frid, Laurier in Quebec. Quebec, Sept. 28.--Rev. Dr. Shaw, the majority of the ommitice of the Council of Public In- truotion, arrived in the city, last of the frotestant education, held a private notds and talk of the ultimate work of theif mission The meet- but it was presumed that some an interview at the Chateau. RIVALS NIAGARA FALLS. Cataract Claimed By Three Republics. in thy heart of South America; 'at jrazil, Argentina and Paraguay, na- niece of scenic grandeur to be com- The Falls of Iguazu are at the junc- ion of thm Iguazu river with the up- & PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All | : © Over The World. 'Switzerland hotels are declining to accommodate Russian guests, ibe government has decided to of fer handsome prizes for competitive plans for the new departmental build-- ings at Ottawa. stone, of Regina, heave been appointed judges in the supreme court of the Nogth-West Ferritories, A government force of seventy-five long and euch costing about $475,000. Frederick Gebhard and Mies Marie L. Gamble, better known as Miss Marie Wilson," an) actress, who came into public notice as a member of the "Florodora"™ sextette," have been mar- ried s'nee January 2nd dast. In New fork, ace Sterling, Coun tess Mankowski, wife of Count Casi- mir Ignace Mankowski, and daughter of the late John M. Rixby, the blacking manufacturer, was adjudged insane add incompetent to manace her property, valucd "at several thousand dollars. The attempts of a revolutionary body to overthrow President Castano of Venezuela is said to be the indirect cause of the indicting of five men hy the New York federal grand jury on the charge of having dies in their pos: session for the making of Venezuelan silver dollars. Bertha Beilstein, a shoe- wealthy young in a territory famous as he original locality of the Jesuit mis: sions ¢stablished in the sixteenth cen- tury, seen by those who visit the falls. the course of the apper Parana there | known. are of the others equal the the Iguazu, Until recently the inacces sibility %of "this region prevented being known to any but daring travel lors, discomforts across the pampas and through forest, under the blaze of sun, "buf ndw that the Argentine gov- ernment has. recognized the importance of opening mp this route regular excur- fons from Buenos Ayres and other places. the ruins of which may still be many notable waterfalls, but none its to bear the fatigues and of many days' journey the a tropical willing take many visitors to Iguazu a of The: édtaract of Niagara makes forests that mark its border. traveller may look in vain: the world over for -a rival to the charm and seductive. Beauty of these [alle as they plunge out of the recessez of a semi tropical forest at a hundred different points. Here nature revels in per abandon and presents a spectacle sel- dom seén in these dayw, Disadvantages Of 'Handcuffs. The theadvant: of wearing hand cuffs were brought vividly before the public misadventure which bef. 1 two prisons at Lochgelly, in Fife shire. Thee were marching dowh the street srapplxd to each. other's wrists with hoops and were being per sonally lucted by a constable, when a passing bicyclist fell and was run over by a van. The constable's humanity him to first aid, and the: prisoners succumbing {o temptation, ran away, by a ol cc impelled yith a crowd at their heels. Driven nto a blind alley, they climbed a nll supeessfully, but one of them as an ordered corset $1.20, Sold hipped back and they were left sus. only at New York Dress Reform, { { by the wrist, one on cilber * * genuine ebony ones Nail brushes, 25c. Gibson's Red opposite Whig office. Cross drug store, TENDERS JIFNDERS WILL TE RECEIVED UF noon of the 8nd vay of October inst. sides to the City &ogineer, for 100 or less, of anthractic coal and a ord of 4 ft. long bacdwood, more or less, ane cut; to be delivered from time 10. tine and in uch faire wt GH in such places as may requ a 5 and Fire Halls. tions of the above may te Sen o toe "anersimes obtained at EET, sire of the wall. Their re-capture was ro} difficult. In' magnificence of | woman of Alleche ny, Pa., confined in the insane asylum at Dixmont, Pa.. {since her conviction for the murder of her agid mother eight years aco, es caved from © that institution Sunday night, and her | whereabouts is 'un- It is said she left by the fire escape and was whirled away in an automobile. PETERBORO AFTER WALSH The Queen's Man Wanted For Rugby and Hockey. Amateurism in the O.R.F.U. and 0. H.A.! What a joke that is getting to be and how foolish the Yarce is becom- ing. LA him who®is without sin tast the first stone. Both these organiza: tions "can cleanse their skirts very con siderably and should do so before they clothe themselves in the garb righteousness - and stand aloof from that terrible hogy," professionalism. IFELL "DOWN SHAFT A BAD | ACCIDENT IN PIANO Mrs. Dalstrom's three-year-old child Aecide was burned to death jn a fire that de- Natur: nt 9 Suiow stroyed the dwelling® of Peter Lund A : near Sprague," Man, your serious accident ocourred As a result of the wreck of the Wa- chorily aftee_one o'clock, on Friday bash train at Catlin, Ill, the dead | aftersnom, whereby Gilbert Merritt, now number ten. Mrs. J. B. Waldman, u Street, was seriously injured. Guelph, Ont., died from "hlirns. Merritt is employed as a piano mak: The Alan steamer Parisian, from | Ff at Wormwith's factory. He . had | Boston, for Glasgow, sailed from |EOne Up to the top of the building on Boston, at 6.16 ~a.m., with nineteen | thes elovator and, later, accidentally cabin and forty stecrage passengers. fell down the shait. Medical assistance Messrs. C. A. Stewart, of Short & {Was® hastily summoned and the Stewart, Calgary, and L. C, John- | Ufortunate man removed to the Gen- eral Hospi The Merritl, who was on the second floor at the time, ran and jumped as he cavalrymen encountered = forty self- | thought on the elevator. But the ele- | styled revolutionists thirty miles | vator havoened to be at the bottom hove' Eagle * Pass' Mexico, and dis. | OF the shaft. heice Merritt was preci- persed "them, killing two. pitated to the ground. In his fall he Chfferd Bonneville, a wealthy resi struck the eross beam above and dént of Linlithgo, N.Y, died from landed on his back. Dr. Bogart was wounds frdfn a gun fired by J. Fost summoned and looked after the lad's tor: Fellir, a fiftden-year-old son of |iniurics. At the time of roing to press Deputy- Sheriff John' H. Feller, Merritt had regained consciousness, The Detroit Free © Press announces | and an examination revealed the fact the luunching of a big:steamship com- | that no bomes were broken, so unless pany on the great lakes that will | internal injuries follow he stands a build at once eight ships, each (00 feet | fair chance of recovery. Merritt is about eighteen vears of age. ---------------- Movements af gan on business. WORKS. Gilbert Merritt Went Up to the Top on the Elevator and Met ital in Corbett's ambulance. canse of the accident was that PERSONAL MENTION. the People--What They Are Saying and Doing. Alderman Daniel Reeves isin Michi D. A. Caye leit at noon: to-day Toronto, en a business trip 3 Miss Lillie. Smith, Glenburnie, is visiting friends in Kingston, ohn and* William Irwin arrived this for morning from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Miss Myrtle Knicht, Napanee, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Scott, Division street. Dr, Milton I. Beeman, Newburgh, hag been appointed a membgr of the pro vincial board of health, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Noel Gill have taken a house, No. ¢" Earl street, and wll move there shortly i Canon Loucks has returned from short visit to Picton, where his parishioners were. glad to see him. a old George R. Grant and Teonard V. Welth, both formerly of Cape Vincent, , have opened a law office in Buf ~ N.Y. Miss Beatrice Norman, who was threatened with blood poisoning, caus ed by a seratech from a fish bone, is slowly recovering. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. Canada now has thirty-five dhartered banks in operation Canadian iv dishursempnils in October will te ¢ to ) 4 It is rumcred th t IR. may shortly begih constry on another tunpel under the St. Clair ' Fort William, Ont., Coy is figuring oh the building of a B5.000 bride A by-law will be voted ofr for this pure pose, At: the ammual meeting of the sham: holders the Hothelaga Bank a pro posal will Le subisitted to increase th apital hy $1 000.000 Pie Intsoiational Salt Co. of Ne | York has oe of sal 0 cents "per owing to the large deni | and the scarcity of ears for shipping Ponders are being fivited for the erection of new engive shops for the Can adian Northern Railway at Wimmipex. The shops will te located in Fort Rouge on the uroperty acquined for the 'pur pose by the company some thug azo The Comfort Shoe factory at Ham berstone is ore Mm operation, is employ sive hands. The factory aged wand owned hy B is now he od This winter Parker, of I' Colborne Mr. Parker will uidertake the mapu- facture of shoe packs Rumor which some brokers claim comes fro thoritative sources, savs that a controlling interest in Colmit: Mining company hes It is said 600.000 sharss of the ce many's stock has 1 nm scqui nl by Buffalo syd te for 50,000 cash Cc heese Markets. "Everyone 1s In Slumberland But You | and Me," "Cherry," "Flying Arrow,' "She Waits by he Deep Blue 8 ete, We will give you another chance to procure the "Star Dance Folio No. 6," at Me. per copy. It contains 38 pieces of popular music, among which arc "Cheyenne," "Silverheels," "Why | : : Din't 'you Tey," "Alice;*Where = Are | Again We Say Peaches. You - Going "Is It Warm Enough | For Saturday we will have five hun For You," "Sympathy," ete, Our spe dred baskets at from 3c. to Toe ; cial offer in sheet music for Saturday | MODE higher. All unsold at 0 p.n. wil Lr will be "Tola'" intermezzo two-step, | 8° at redned prices, A clean sweep and "Waiting at the Church," both for | Saturday nicht at Carnoveky's. 2c. McDeggmott Bros; 260 Princess | street. 1 ' Princess | . Pickling Peaches, 85¢. i | baskets - of" choior pickling, i ly 68¢. J. Crawford. L Extensive. Island Deal. | , only Gorge E. Morse, Clavian, N.Y., has | Pickling pon 6c. basket, green recently completed the purchase of th n : ale | or blue grapes, 30e, Crawlord over one hundred islands in the vicini | ty 'of Clavton, being part of those re- 5c. Tape it _ corsets, Ras cently fold in a partition action by shoulder braces Oc. New York Dress | Grengg, H. Cobb, referee. 'A convey- Reform, ey : and box of + 30OR has been, delivered. This convey- ai] spun] = gr ny box Fry ance includes the westerly half of Ma- chocolates a - iv : one. Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess { } strent, "Have you a rive them a bok friend going away," at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Ready = made 'corsets from 25c, tall and examine our French modi l= We have a beauty Peres Reform | 'We are looking for please vou. Chorolate chips Lat Fdwards & 'street. 'in. bulk, + sons Red Cross drug store, Whig office, of McConkey's, or Huyler's high class candy. Sold only nn at $2.50. New York | an order from vou for Swift's Seranton coal. Tt. will or boxes Jenkin, 274 Princess : wards & { plo island, one of the finest islands on | the river, Maze and seve ral of hia friends have formal a syndiente in this purchase. 65¢, Pickling Peaches, 65c. Large baskets -of choice pickling i peaches, only 65c. J. Crawford. hot water bottles, "fountain syringes, It pays to buy 'these at Gibson's Red Cross' drug store, opposite Whig office. Cranberries fresh. today at Ed- Jenkif, 274 Princess street. Last sale of choice penches, cheap, | "Rubber goods" t, Gib on Saturday, at Tove's, Kine' street. | More." i (Ree the tooth brush window a es Pickling ie harks Music, Music, Music. Saturday, Septemlwr 29th, the last | day of our Peptember sale of music at the low rate of one copy lISc,; 3 copies, H0¢.;. 7 Copies (assorted) 81. We have on hand the very popular pieces, "lola," "Is It Warm Enough For You,' altz Me Around Again Willie, "Waiting at the Church,' "Cheyenne," "Why Don't You Try,' It is understood that Mr. | Tweed, Sept Thres hundred nd thirty-five y» boarded ; 180 wold at 12 13-16¢ Madoc p thousand and thirty boxe ) sobd at 12]c¢ A Visit To The City. i Canon Farthing was received yestor day at T. station hy Rev. G | L." Starr the wardens of the | cathedral, and became a guest of Mr Mills ut Rishopscourt, The nominatin | commit ter called upon him and had pleasant hour. The new dean has ms ade the and {an offer for the residence of the lat Jean on King street, which will be ac cepted. An addition will be built Canon Farthing has left for Wood | atosk, 1to return for the installation i serviea on November lst, All Saints' day, and the anniversary of | the bishop's consecration in the cathe dral. A good fresh seidlitz powder in the morning is good for the system. Put up in tin boxes at Gibson's Red Cros¢ | drug store, i Last sale of choices peaches, cheap, on Saturday, at Toye's, King street Buficlo. Fastern League champions, | drew first blood in a battle with Col- winners of the American Ag yesterday in a. four to | nmbus, | sociation flag, | one result. | It pays to uy 'tooth brushes at Gib son's. Red' - Cross drug store, They wear so well, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane, Nanington. West Virginia, left for home yesterday after a visit with relatives here, * i Your last - chance to get cheap peaches will be at loye's Kine siroa | stare on Saturdav. DAILY © BRITISH whi, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. i m-------- down the house. and see what we have fot you. Five special bone AR T= The James Johnston Store, and Prices. bring ; Bear that in' mind and come to : - Johnston's on Saturday Fine Table Cloths Size 2 yards, long. double damask, soft finish, fine aol Regular price £350, Satunday for, Table Nap x25 inches, good quelity, all pure Linen. Regulus. Titite £7 wd Saturday, per dozen .. Twilled | Sheeting re linen. om . $2.19 Size 2 $3. * English Bleached Twilled Shesting, 2 yards wide, hv heivy ality. Regu- lar 40c. per yard. Saturday, per yard . Fel avarekh wissneass SHO. Wool Blankets Double-bed Blankets, pure wool, froo from burs and grease, with pink or red borders. fie. pur $4.50. Saturday, per pair Lo. en 25 Ladies' Coats New Light Fancy Tweed Coats, just received ' 'this 'morning. Two very swoll garments, only to be had at this store. They are fine, To see them is to buy, The best value if Kingstan-at Newspay oot: 180 WELLINGTON STREET. THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST AT ALL TIMES. oh i "TRUFIT" 4 a peg yaranteed.. hp Combines your peculiar Foot needs: With our ABILITY and Choice of Leather giving you COMFORT AND DURABILITY. : 286 Princess St. wr. i 1 ture, as we #0 noth-* staff, which is at your service. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker Ww -- = Fo All the Furniture and S realized by ng but high-class work; as we do all our own Upholstering Highest prices. n Parlor Suits, Couches and Mattresses. We keep a large : Qasatian Ghinee- | 'a1 RingSirest Open from 10.30 am. to 3.00 The best plate to met an all Lune in the city. Meals of. sll on' shortest notice. lish © dishes a specialty, Is a. great fea- 'Phone 147 for the White Ambulance. -- NIGHT SCHOOL Kingston Business College | Limited, Moad of Queon Street. Ressions-- Monday, Wednesday and Friday evecriigs, 7.80 to 0.80 o'clock. Individual Instruction-- Equipment and Teachir g Btafl second to none in Canada. 9 he Col oge that appeals to university graduates as well as all other ambitions young wen and women, Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- pertios. wi uhdeinnt Fa County Dettu~ tures. received Mork hry HE rmbt allowed. 8. 0. McGill, Director. Office, 87 Clnromee street): Kingston, Rogig'er now. Rates moderate. Office open day avd evening. POS : 'Phene 410. H. F. METCALFE, Principal. New or Chinese Restaurant FTES TTI ; Princens-& tg Open from 10.90 a.m. wo 8.00 am v The best place to get an all round GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES on shortest nation. English and in THE FINEST IN THE CITY 50c. per Ib. OPERA ORCHESTRA HOUSE No wedding Sampivte u without sultable music. ® special rates 3 Tor 'Not Out: parties and '| 3 EH MERRY, Lea dor 5 jon 1°0 Sydenbam Etrost A. J. Rees, 166 Princess st. Viol Inasruation + HAT Scoonos 9333000306 aaa " see barton fhe cheung chahedhch ch OS FINANCE AND INSURANCE § Ye Old English Floor Wax --- . AT \ be CUSTOMS BROKER - |If You Want a Home 3; . . ; o... 5 = WISTBNY BUGAA. or avr. hana " Strachan's Hardware ., oii or - i 14 curried on In his talk with < a A UES ply George Zeiglep, XEAL ESTATE me. Elder's Rressmaking G. A. BATEMAN 80 LRIGIeP, "5 insuRANCE Ma e. Eider pl Who fir the last five yorf hus 87 Brock Street, Ladies Tailored Sait. Coste ead peen usshiiated with Mr. Olver Costumes, Troussepux, Birt Waists, "oie. Practical instructions given in cutting Uenigning, cpp ------ en FARMS FOR SALE 31 by measure, maining, ote. Money to Loan! : ce rw wiv ti {| ar be from before. We n Foal" you wept and the ohms oe T. J. Lockhart Beal Estate Agent, Kingston, : 8, Mcintyre & McIntyre ::- BARRISTERS :: King Stree Kingston 0 B88 scr rascssrasartasaten oe «0. ¥ ¢ : : : ' : : : : & A Lesson In . Simplicity. Tit-Bits Prof. Thomas R. Lounshorey, the noted grammarian of Yale, believes in simpls English. He opposes those who woull substitute for simple: terms pe- dantio ones. Dispussing this question , fess And she scratched out 'Got up a a seven' 'and wrote 'Rose at seven its place, That night the bov Beforn retiring ended the entry for the tay with the sentence : 'Set at nine." v Try a Pound of $ Myers' nous. mave Sgt 21st Annual New York Excursion. | | Buy: chamois vests and ' chest - protec- tors _at Gibson's Red Cross drug | he gaid : "There was a little boy who Via New York Centrgl lines, Octe Pos to keop a diary. His first en | hor 2nd and rd. Ten days' ret rol. 1 For Sunday's Break try wos st up this morning at | limit; $7 from Kingston. Fast s sd Brock Stre seven o'clock.' He showed thé entry to his 'mather, and she horror stricken, 'Habe you never. bem at school? sot up,' usleed | Sich an expres. trains on October 2nd, equioned with {first-class day coaches Tumaing through to New York Eo Taskels good and at

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