Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1906, p. 5

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ENS nd $12 ITS ium prices. will be scarce iy There has been a big ad. yollens, Trimmings, labor and that goes into a Suit of s advance and wisely made ock before it took place, RESULT ing the BEST $10 and $1» \gston, The best tailoring, best of everything that it is ocure, a medium priced - Fall and bad blunder if he fails to Bibby Co. IE OF THE TOWN. ERAL GOOD TEAS only in ONE Respect libbon PA n fall body, delicate fragrance, and esome.{too, and Invignorating. 5¢. to §1 a Ib.--All grocers Qne of the most distinctive charming features of a well dressed women is her Shoes They show gentility as does probably no other item: of apparel. Shoes must" be correct. or all is wrong. A host of descriminating wo- men save themselves all worry on this score by : ming for their shoes: Our omen's Shoes are . al- Vays away abave the level of lines of Women's Shoes bown "by most stores, They're 2D OF STYLE TION OF FIT , the Best of Sh governs this Shoe Store = - 0. 3.75 to 5.00 he stock and 'shoe making in our best." No womad will ear mes here for shoes: 'FS ARE NOW RRADY ETHV'S spe min iT 13 PURE | New Weaves. from, 5 yards to 20 yards, to-morrow 7c. and 8¢. a yard. The James Johnston Store 180 WELLINGTON STREET. THE STORE THAT SERYES YOU BEST AT ALL TIMES. eS Jit tre sri Neatly and _ done Come. to.us for good work at reasonable prices. Our work is sure to be satisfac- G. FROST We guargntee our milk to be ABSOLUTELY pure ; put up in sterilized bottles Trey it. CEYLON GREEN TEA Free from dust; dirt and all foreign substances. Lead Packets Only. 25¢., 30c., 40c., 60g. and 606. per 1b. At all Grocers. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904' Most furnaces are put together like two joints of stove-pipe. That is, the steel and together; and cement rubbed into the cracks. In a month- after. st tarting the fire, the. difference in expansion and contraction .of iron and steel loosens the bolts--cement drops out--and gas and smoke come inte the house. It is a case of plugging up the cracks with cement --or living in a dusty, smoky house, 'A man, who teKes my advice and buys a '"Hecla'" Furnace, saves himself all that trouble and annoyance, In the "Hecla", joints between steel and cast-iron are FUSED and are absolutelyaid permanently tight: That means that HECLA generates fresh, clean hot air --untainted-by gas or smoke. Let me send you the.Hecla 'catalogue, Give me the dimensions of your bouse, and 1 will tell you the cost of installing a "HECL A', Address ¢*Clare's Furnace Byilder", care of" which tells all abeyt these ideal heaters, services gre free, CLARE BROS. & CO, LIMITED, = KINGSTON AGENT : ELLIOTT BROS: r the * Vital Question Cook CANADIAN REDD ED WHEAT 60 Liman: gars ati, Ont. Toron 82 Church St, to Office, OUR GREAT DISPLAY OF New Dress Goods and Coats New Styles, New Qualities- and New Prices. New Fabrics. New Ideas, We show in Dress Goods New Sedan and Chiffon Broadcloths, New Venetians and Mannish. Tweeds and Che- viots; Canvas Suitings, Voiles, San Toys and Eoliennes. etc, New Black Dress fabrics in' all weaves and weights. goods opening out every. day. isit Our Ready-to-Wear Department. 'We are showing some small new Tweed Coats in me-, dium and dark grey mixtures, trimmed with black braid silk, velvet collar, and buttons very special, at $ro. Black Kersey. Coats, silk braid trimmed and velvet col- lar, $8.50, $9.75 and $12. Factory Cotton Remnant Sale. 1,200 yards ol 10c, and 123c<Eastory Cotton in ends of While the lot lasts your choice Guarantee It is the best. tory. All The Heat You Want. without any Smoke, Dust or Gas. W.. cast-iron are bolted Both 34 - PRESTON, On. Made } in Canada of the choicest od Capndisn wheat, clean- team cooked and shredded. ps the stomach sweet and + and the bowels healthy active --wholesome, site sugthening, appetizing, Tiy it, New Fancies, New LARGE. p---- He Shot His Wife and Mother-in- Law--Feared He Has Done Away With Himseli--Was An Adventurer, Ottawa, Sept, 35.- No trace has yet been found "of Dr. Joss 'ph Savignac, who shot his wife and mother-in-law, at Juneville; ast night. "He has not boen-seen since the shooting, despite the fact that the city and. county po- lick have scoured. the country. Wis feared that he may have done away with himself, as he had a. loaded ve- volver in his possession when last seen. He dashed towards the woods surrounding Notre Dame and Beoch- wood 'cemeteries, and may have jump- ed a freight on the Montreal and Ot-) tawa short line. Both Mrs, Savignac and Mrs. Mite chell passed a good night, and it is now thought that both will 'recover. A sensational feature has developed: in the unusual esse. Savignac the fugitive who seems to have been an adventurer, was ordained to the Prek- byterian ministry, some years ago, at Montebello. Rev, Drs. Herridge and Armstrong, Ottawa, officiated at the ordination, corcmonies, but did pot known that Savignac was still in the district. They 'believed that he had remained in Florida, where he went a short time after joining the ministry. A GREAT WHEAT YIELD. Man's Farm Averages Over 30 Bushels." Winnipeg Sept. 25.~The finest yie dd of wheat in the province is that which Peter McKinnon has near Pipestone He threshed 10,000 bushels, which av- eraged over thirty bushels to the acre. One piece, 105 acres, went thir ty-eight bushels, McKinnon has yet to thresh about ten thousand bushels which will yield thirty bushels an acre. The wheat is all No. 1. hard. New Furnaces Going In, Yarker, Sept.-25.--The wheel factory is having a new coat of paint and smoke stack, which greatly adds to the appearance of it. We have to re- cord the birth of a son at John Wood house's. Henry Gordon had the' mis fortune. to break: his collar bone, Clarence Weagant left for Montregl having finished his vacation. Mrs. G. Joyner has gone to California, U.S; Lizzie Firdey, Strathcona, spent a few days with Mrs. S. Winter, Xr. (Prol.) Bell and Ada Waitin, of Washing- ton, D.C, are at the home of Mrs, B, Guess, William Hope who taught school here fifteen years ago, and left for. Galifornia, gave us a call last week, Mrs, Brain and Alfred Connolly ure on - the wick list. Miss Adeline Wilde, H. Shultze, E. Green and wife, and. Mrs, Kelly, Watertown, N.Y., were the guests of Mrs. Stanley Shultze, E. W. Benjamin is having f new furnace in his residence, The Methodist chairch here will also have a new furnace. Miss Violet Ewart has opened out here in the millinery, Wilmur Wafts. Sept. 24-Phe commenced their fall cutting and potato order of the day. rapidly in the Orser's a' new built. Our Wilmur, farmers have work and corn- digging are the Work 1s progressing mica mines; on A, mica house has heen Sabbath schoel has closed for the winter. A number of young people of this vicinity. spent very enjoyable and profitable Knowlton's corn-husking last lay. Visitors: W. Orsor at W. man's; Miss Etta Simpkins, Me ville, at J. K. Freeman's; W. Sears Gi. Knowlton and W. McFadden at J. Freeman's; J. Lee at W. Cory's; Mrs. J. K, Freeman and Miss M., have returned from visiting friends at Merrickville . R. (G. Stonness and A. McFadden returned from Wat@town, N.Y. Mrs. Avkroyd and Mrs. Stoness visiting at Maple Leaf. H. visiting at Portsmouth Pe) time at W. Thurs- Free A True Bill Rendered. Ottawa, Sept. 26.--At the fall as- sizes here, to-day, presided over by Justice Anglin, a true bill was return ed against Napoleon Boyer, charged with manslaughten in connection with the death of "Thomas Ouellette, who disd at the Water Street Hospital of a fractured skull ¥en days. after he had boen struck and knocked senseféss by Boyer, the accused. A New Application Needed. Ottawa, Sept. 25. Judge Rochon, at Hull court, decided that the estate of the late '¥. B. Eddy Case company can be made to. produce the last au- dit of the company, But not under the motion before the court, this morn- ing, and a new application must be made, Carries Loan By-Law. Ont., Sept. 26.--The by law to give the Peterboro Boiler and Radiator company a bonus of $5,000 and exeinption from taxation for ten the vote being 119 Hastings Hastings, wears was carried, for and 1 against, Suddinly Called" Aykroyd IS NOT rg remscnss_ coerce (DR. SAVIGNAC © IS STILL AT Mo voments Of The People--What They Are Baying And Doing. Bx: Jlayofand Mrs, "McFarlane ar rived home: from Toronto on Satur day. Miss Fannie Kallivan, New York city, is visiting her mother, on Alred street. i Capt. John Bonison. ADC, a Can adian, has been promoted to be a road-admiral. Sir Richard Cartwright and family return from Kingston to Otta- wa on Octobey 1st Albert West; head Cross drug store, homie in Carleton Place. Richard Davidson, of Calgary, is in the city, having been called here on! account of the illness of his mother. J. W. Martin, Brock stront, brated his eightieth birthday, yostor- day. He has been "a pe psident of Kingston for over half a century. Miss Annie McWater has returned to the city, from Rochester, N.Y. she spent five months, visiting her | sister, Mrs. Otto Hewton. She ig now clerk of the Red visiting Mes. 8. A. Avkroyd,: York street, ' Albert Mavety, son of Dr, Mavety, of Toronto Junction, is here to enter | Queen's for a medical i aduate, and the jeading practitioner ut Tor: onto Junction, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Cure your cough ai _once. "Short Stop" will do it. 15c, The Methodist general conference will likely adjourn on Thursday. "Colgate's Pine Tar Soap" sold at Gibson' 8 'Red Cross Drug Store, "A Trip to the Highlands," on Tuesday, October 2nd, is eagerly awaited. Prof. Macnaughion (picon's at the will represent quarts centenary "of Aberdeen. College. Large how axminster rug, carpets, sideboard, pictures, plate glass mirror for sale at Miss Chown's, 187 Brock street, Wednesday morning. "Bill" Kennedy, captain' of Queen's wrived in the lar practices senior rugby team, has city, He says that will' begin on Thursday. William Baverstock, the gypsy, pleaded guilty to stealing the of Richard Worden; senteticod, ut G years in. penitentiary. livery person should and try 'Housekeepers' who horse | of Erin township, Was wiph, to three Siiver Cloth"; and mountings like magic; no or powder required, simply rub the article to be polished briskly with the prepared cloth and a brillant polish | is secured in a glean, quick, handy | way, Price 25c. For sale by L. oT. Best, druggist, Princess street. Trial samples free. Second Thoughts Are Worst. A recent German paper gives an anecdote of a man who straypd into a "charity bazar," and had a trying experience, He had made several quite factory purchases, to refuse the demands of the saleswomen, and at last, he could myke one unsatis not knowing = how pretty to prove that sensible investment, he bought small match-box, and carried it off in triumph and in haste Examining it after he had left the | booth he drcovered that there was 'no; place Bn which to light the mitehes, bt So, with #he air not to be cheated, of dhe he marched back to the young lady of whom he had bought the box. "There is a mistake here," he said, "You sold me this poe ket and there no place on it to seratch the matches." "My dear sir," "vou 'are said the right; 1 Guite made a mis -- Costs The finest of South bird dancers are the American cocks o' the rock These birds have regular daneging plac es, level spot which they of sticks and | stones. A keep clear dozen or rapidly un til hé is spinning like At last, tired out, he hops out of the = ring takes his plac Sor of the dancers, and sand hill cranes. sight to watch a crane 20 desperately solemn over the per formance. He looks like ash man who has just and is rather plishment. sinks and another quail tribe are so are the It is Americar ashamed of the accom Hal Walters Jumps. Ottawa, Sept. is visiting at his! where | o i guilty Best's | know about | polishes silverware, "ull bright metals | paste | determined | mtch-hox, | young lady, | take. That is intended for a jewel-hox, | fifty cents 'more, if you | Mr. Dowdell, was present, and did please.' { all he could to amuse and 'entertain "And what did you do?" asked a | the little folk. All enjoyed themselves friend, to whom he related his tale of | very much Last woek W. A. Dean, woe, | Newark, N.J., arrived here, after an "I you've ever heen to a fair," 're- | absence of wighteen yours, His father plied the other, in an aggrieved tone, | was overseir of the paper mill here. "vou know very well what I did, I.| He found the place greatly changed, paid the 50c., of course 1" | but few of the people ho loft are here : now He stopped, while hers, with Dancing Birds. the Madden and Lott families, He more assemble around this spot, and then asvock bird, his scarlet crest | were pleased to see him and. leaen he erect, steps into the entre, Spregd- {wos doing eo well James Hillman ing his wings and tail, he dances, at | made a trip to Ottawa. last weok; R. first with slow and stately stops, then | Rook has returned, after an absence gradually more and more { of several weeks at Smithfield. D. A, a mad thing. down, great a ludicrous | dancing; he is | Young learned to waltz 2.~That Rough Rid: | IN A FIGHT with OFFICERS AT BROWNVILLE. 257 Arrested, All Heavily Armed --500 Negro Students "Sur- rounded By Troops--Members of College Faculty Arrested. Atlanta, Ga,, Sept, 35,-Two «+ ne groes wery killed, today, in a fight with offiters. One negro was kired in Brownville, by militia, to-day, while tiying to break the lines, Two hun- { did and Bity-seven negroes have al- | ready been placed under arrest in | Brownville, heavily armed. Une of the first arrested was L. J, Price, a negro postmaster, who is charged with "supplyi ing ammunition to the blacks. Deciding that the negro students, { ive hundred in number, who live in the camps of Clark University, exeont- ed the attacks on officers in South At. | lanta, last night, the military au- tthorities . have sent troops to, the {*scene, They expect to capture and | search all the students snd punish the Ones, | Gammon AH of the negro students of seminary, four hun dred 'in number, and President Bowen, of the faculty, have been: placed under arrest in Brownville on account of trouble there this morning, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. S------ The Paid at Prices Various Centres. Toronto Junction, Sept. 24.--At the Union Stock * Yards, to day, the qual ity -of 'fat cattle was fair; trade as | good; export prices ranged from $4.2 110 84.75, the bulk selling at $4.40 to | 84.60. Export bulls sold at 23.50 to 1 34.25, Butchers' prices for pickad {lots of choice ranged from 24.70 to $4.60; good from $4 te 84,30; medium; 60 to RYO; common, £3 to $1.50; butcher cows, £2.50 to £3.50; | canners, $1.95 to. 82. Veal calves sold {at 85 to $6.50 per ewt.; -mileh cows and springers at $35 to 852, Export' {ewes from $4 to $1.40; bucks, $3.25 to $2.75; spring lambs at $5 to 85,60 Hogs, solects © sold at $6.40; light, $6.15, ; Montreal, Sept." 24.-About 1,700 {head of butchers' cattle, 25 'milch | cows, 50 calves, 1.200 sheep and | lambs, and 300 fat hogs were offered Hor at the Fast End Abattoir to. | day. Amowg the offerings word a | number of prime North-West cate, which sold at 4}e. to 4fe. per Ib; ily good cattle sold at 3je. to aw de., and the common stock, 2}e. [to de. per Ih. Milch cows sold at $25 to 850 cach. The calves were nearly all grassors, and some of them very lean at that; these sold at 2e, 16 24. por Ih. Sheep sold at 3c. to de per i lambs at Se. to Sic. per Ih. Gaod |e of fat hogs sold at about O¥e. pir 1 Gentlemanly As Ever. Strathcona, Sept.: 24.550. 'B. Mae- gilliviay and wife, attended the county Napanee, Glenora; exhibition at with - Mrs. | staying Macgillivray's | brother, Byron Rose. Several from { this plack attended they fair; the day | wns fine and the exhibi#ialio, All sepmed to enjoy themselves, Mrs | Robert Shelter har been quite HE Lit [tle Viva Cooper was seriously ill for a few days. The railroad company is | improving its property about the sta tion, bailding: new tracks and | switehes, laying concrete walks, and otarrwise improving things, J, Granger, superintendent of St. Jade's Sunday school, gave the pupils their annual outing by holding a picnic in | McAvoy's Grove, Mr. Grangiv..andD.. | Assevlitine hired a large band-waggon i to drive the children, also the par- | ents, with" the refreshments, to the nds, After games were in- jumping and swing rector, dinner | dulg ny racing, ing and' a tug y-war., The business at Newark. All who knew Mr, Dean when a little boy | knew him for a gentleman. He has not changed in that respect. The same good natured, freehearted Willie, as called him. His. friends has a fine 1 | his playmates | Nesbit, B.A, occupied the pulpit of | the Methodist church on Sunday last. | Charles Carter bas given ap the farm { he has rented for the past. two wears, | and taken Mr. Cook's, in the third , | concession of Camden, | Toronto Street Market. Toronto, - Sept. 21.-Wheat, white, per bush., T4je. to The; wheat, red, , Tide. to The; wheat, spring, | per bush., T2c wheat, "goose, por por bush bush., 8c; oats, per bush., 40c.» onts, new, per bush., 36¢.; barley, per | bush.," 50c. to Sle; rye, per bush, 65¢.; peas, per bush, Tc; hay, new the country. He stinate catarrh, but no imminent tom- plications are feared. * e------ Pimples call for immediate treat- ment. and dreaded than a pretty face cover- ed with eruptions. The body { he "kept perfectly healthy with -Hollis- Kingston Milk Depot "290 yueen St. Telephone 526 ! ter's Rocky ountain Ten. ea 4 tablets, 35¢. Mahood's ig store. of Bagot Sts. Big Storage Warehouse in con- . "Eis S00 Ear00C « een. dealers, nection; moderate rates. # Yonge street," Toronto, have assigned is' sufferino from ob- sicl, advise a sojourn in the Ri: vie ut the emperor refuses to leave There's nothing more .oliensive must or Louis. Peterboro, Sept. 25.= Robert N. ling- ers ure making a big effort to round gper ton, 810 to 812; hay, old, a hii lish, one of the oldest and most res- | up a lot of the best mien available | 313 to #14; straw, per ton, i Seeds, pected merchants of Keene, died sud-fand put a winning team on the gr id alkike, fancy, per sh... ho oO denly yesterday. He expired from heart { iron this fall becamg even more ap- | ¥°0 als Ro. L per er » to failure after fifteen minutes' illness. parent than formerly, this afternoon, | Alsike, No. 2, pet i % jo Deceased was sixty-six years of age! when Hal Walters, the old Ottawa | ; ved slayer, per Josh, 2, 0 and unmarried, | City man, stepped on to the field at * ; dressed ous, > to Vn Lansdowne Park garbed in red, white | "0€%, per tose, He. : da =ic.; butter Has Obstinate Catarrh. ! and black, Walters thus jumps the St. | dairy, 22. to utter, greamery, 2: Q 7 5 + | Patrick' i 'hich pe slaved | The to 28; ; ch Kens, dressed, per 1h., Vienna, Sept. 25.--Emperor Francis Patrick's Clnb with whic! play 4 Bt: Ton. tughiva, per 1b, 13¢ a Jomph has, returned from Jschl. Bad Fe fall and will he seen on Rougl | 14. hans, por Ih., 9c. to 1lc.; apples, thie i Tr BL," 811 $100 OTRTO; provement + his health and his phy- 1 bag; Re. to $1: cabbage, per dozen, There is a quéer connection between | ag: to 500. herrings ond marriages in Scotland. 1.10; beef, hindquarters, $8 to $9; It ie always after a good fishing sea- | apuartors, £5 to £6; choice, carcase, son, and when t fishe lady have | g to $8: medium, earcase, 36 do i plenty ol money, that the lasses make | 86.50. mution, per, cwt., $8.50 to $0; | thei ir best "catches." Vea per ewt., $9 to 811; lamb, per Miss Elizabeth Harper. fwenty- tour , 810.50 to 812. years ddd, daughter of John Harper, | pe 'of Sandwich, (nt. swallowing carholic acid at the. home of her sister, Mrs, Belle Dupont, . The average woman. of forty think in the world ended her bile by | a broken Jhaurt is the funniest thing { onions, per bag, 81 to Look at the Pandgra rafige before © | purchasing, "They are taking. the loud St, | somtay; Lemmon & Sons', 355 King | street In twelve hours "Dover's Cold # NEGROES KILLED]S The majority of them were | Rainn fur.. Upholsteing ! ture, as we do noth. ing but high-class work; as we "do all our own 'Up in Parlor Suits, Couches and Mattresses. We keep staff, which is at your service, JAMES REID, The Leading Ui 'Phone 147 for the White Ambulance. g 4 CUSTOMS BROKER - ah ada Breakers" will eure: the worst cold. 2%, 0, box, at Best's, or and all i. vi in an moderate way. © The Cout illustrated. while follow ing the lines of the popular-loose type varios sufficiently in details cutting and exclusive and It comes in stylish patterns in ey novelty tweeds, finished with vel. vet collar and fancy borders, lined throughout, body and sleeves with best: quality miredrided lining, Our price: oi. Other Prices -- $11, $12.50, hho Children's and Misses' Conte finish to be decidedly "different in st; and $38 hk Sees Eas} Is a great fea- FINANCE AND INSURANCE | NE A p----- 'The business. of the late Os Oy Oliver, will be carried bw in his offices, 79 Clarence street, G. A. BATEMAN ako for the lass. 835 Seats Nas heen aupuciated With Mre Olver. -------------------------------- Money to Loan Mcintyre & McIntyre i: BARRISTERS :: King Stree Kingston ~~ a EDUCATIONAL. If You Want a fone or talk with ra] FARMS FOR SALE come os to buy farm, - col our é 5 ets fist to 15, Jeiect nd heforas you want and the A 71. Beal Je A dn FE RR have B57 Brock Street. : Lookhait Estate Agent, Kingston. --nn08 NIGHT SCHOOL | Kingston "Busine Limited, Head of Queen 9.80 o'clock. Individual Instruction--Equipment and Teach 8 Staff second to nond in Capada. The Coliege that apgoals to: university gradustos AB 'well an ull other ambitious young men and women, Register now. 'Phone 440. KING'S OLDEST SUBJECT Was Born During Pitt's Admin. istration. James McNally, who is believed to have beeir the king's oldest subject, died in England on August 18th at the age of 100. It ik inating Sd note that the old man was bern d ing William Pitt's first adaairite. ond in the sume year as the battle of St. Vincent was fought, that he lived in three centuries, and during the reigns of five English sovereigns, bad memories of both 'I'rafalgar (1805) and Waterloo , (1815). James McNally: was born in Ireland on Feb- ruary 15th, 1797. He was by trade n seafiolder, and assisted in that capa-, city in the building of Colney Hatch lunatic asylum, in 1861. At the age of sixty he emigrated to America, where he - lived: from 1857 to 1878, when he returned to England; and at the age.of ninety-five became an in- the "Little Sisters of the Poor," in Meadow-road--on February 15th, "807 ~the 100th. anniversary of his birth was celebrated by a fete, in which the entire establishment participated. The present Archbishop of Westminster as- sisted. It was then conclusively proved that the old. man was actually the age that he represented himself to be. McNally was fond of his pipe, and "always enjoyed a hat with his many visitors, . 3 Rates modarate. "MH. F. METCALFE, Principal. Duptis © Be at styles : Cheapest A satlond 'of MoClary's famous Pan- Joa 3 Jaton. arrived to-day at Lem: , ss College F essions--Monday, Wednealay and Friday everiu 83, 7.80 fo Office open day. ard. evening. MISS KING'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 98 EARL STREET, KINGSTON. Classes Re-open Sept. 6th For information, King, Alice street. "256 University Ave, Concert. Spectat Prices for Afterncon Plano Tuwing and Violin Instriction ee ------------------ The railway * ii oft: called becatise on 'the earliest ways first-class lowed to book days in advance, s the fini, fo Coflegiote, Civil ricu tion Examinations. ting apd Physical Cui connoetion. Junior class gv apply to Miss Alice of * Workmanship: : Brompt services fit. nest Mu E. MH. MERWY. + coder, 135 Sydenham 8%, Bust, or §ueatre, rail al= 'Some were. Seats

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