to will, 'on Mon: | chai vats boight £300,000 | an the London market 0 Superior Corporation dl lynchings have taken * United States within , of British Columbia: bench and Ottawa, whose Hunt for attrac tions is not amang the productions of the farm, the forest or the dairy. The Industrial or the Cen boomed Tor the ex thow in the combined werk of man and nature, but for the things that ate imported from Europe and bear the stamp of royalty. «The department of agriculture in On- fario made an heroic attempt to cor rect the public tastes dome years ago, disallowed the grants that formerly went to the county fairs un. levi there was some assurance that the original purpose of them was main; tained. Here and there an attempt was made to revive the agricultural foa- fairs, but without success. The vaudeville has the call, wd Ottawa has discovered that with: out it the financial conditions eannot be regarded as satisfactory, The offi- cers of the government may against this fact as please. They may frown down the vul- gar show, and scorn the racing at the expense of the speeding in the ring, but the proceedings before the grand stand continue to divert and draw the took place at Peter- on Sunday. It oroke out i tral are no longer een St. Louis and after a lapse of over ten date 82 persons entitled to ants under the volunteers land - -- I - £ i Forty thousand dollars was paid fo the Columbia Hotel property at the and Queen streets, Thres men of the insurgent command of Guas have been sho Las. Verss for assaulting Fridenve of 'extensive I arth West, lands OF, was given bei , Was gi ore 'the i EE Fri, 5 i E it: $ Eb I tyres Gf the fall Martin was 'arrested stove fixtures from the dry company, Toronto. lan: Parliumbnt. § : Fe - "of the defunct Rus- F federal parliament will Hy it November Sth next. i of Sydney, a Paci Steamer, while off the Mexic near Acapulco, was stru spout in the night and ria escape from destruction. . Editoriat Notes, The Toronto tories have undirtak- en the issue of a new morning news pape. What is the matter with the Mail ? Is it not partizan enough ? -------- The insurance commission is mak: ing wome society men and members of parliament Jook worried, as tho facts come out with regard to their land ) tenced: Wilson, a sub- agent of the Dominion lands depart- ment there, to two * ment for overcharging a set About twenty-five Grand Trunk om. were arrested at Goderich for of the court en- joining them from track-laying on a of proper Guelph and Goderi an of Tuckey is said, in a to be suffering from but a correspondent in Constan writing to a prominent medical al lately, says the disease from he sultan is suffering is renalfal us, -- The Osler faction want a paper in Toronto which will be more devoted to their interests. It is an expensive luxury, as the projectors will pres- ------------ SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Ready For Service. Dr. Willoughby declared himsell in avor of a portfolio of health. An by the same token, from his 'chair, and wi an lay his hand on a man Hamar Greenwood, M.P., can afford to ignore the men who would depre- political' character, libralism is not of yesterday's or list year's growth. The dominion parliament will pro- bably pass a law which will prevent the insurance companies or * societies ftom speculating The sooner the better, Time Will Tell. great ability. The party would be very is Wil Ten | much pleased if he left the legislature, utes phe subply of to- to tify. % matoes is inexhaustible, We'll be better : gratify it in able to judge as to this when we see B what we have to pay for them in the can next winter, Dr. Willoughly favours the estab. lishment of a health department connection with ment. oes he want the leadership of it? Ja he still panting for graft ? Women And The Franchise. The Montrdal Herdld has it that - "there is a tremendous difference be- © J tween a voluntary organization, such 6s the Methodist church, and the of the state." This in in reply to the Whig's 'observation that the papers which bewail the re jection of the women, as applicants SN for conference dembership, should be- come the champions of fomale suf good. deal of mntiment uestion. Some of the wo- i men who would be likely tn cecupy ~ ate in the conferences, if eligible, Whitney's Chance. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has invited premiers of the provinces to attend n conference at Ottawa in October, This will* vive Premior Whitney his chance to entertain and instruct the leaders throughout Canada with the story of his travels in England. The. circulation of a damaging scan- Fast Elgin, has Will he prosecute his slander ers? Heo ought to, and there should be no delay about his work, A Worthy Trio. Lomdan Advertiser, of Oroshyatekha, Hon, George E. Foster and Hon. Dr. Mon- tage may yet be inseribed in golden letters in some future western temple fof fame as the names trio of Foresterd who united to build up the Canadian west by speculating Mi. Bemnvett and My. Foster had a great deal to say at the last _wion of parliament about the men who trafficked in' North-West land, The Foresters' investigation has lifted the lid so far as they are concerned. -- We have been told that in the mat- tor of "the correct thing" the Napa- nes ladies ean give the Kingston limit. Personally we don't think they can, but. we may be pre judiced, in our masculine way, charms of Kingston's WOMEN IN POISON"S GRIP. Takes Laudanum. Buffalo, N.Y. Sept. 25. Two cases of what the police term attempts put an ond to life by swallowing poi- son were reported at the New York Central station, Both took the at the Central station, hospital gave their names as Bessie Boland and "Countess" Baldwin, The latter is only sixteen years old | recently from Niagara to work as a servant. She en- at nine o'clock with belles. Wo nave over to the society editor that , matter may be decided in a competent manner. We may say that we have very confidence that the decision will tered the station 70 CROSS THE WATER. oe is o Giantess and Cn aliigent uite In- MEN'S $10 and $12 SUITS FRAULEIN FASSNAUER, New York, Sep prospect that F height. BUG POWDER Twenty. oned through the product of a bake out of danger. ill while at a theatre on Friday night fears for his pecovery. The other pati Graham, the ten-year-old daughter of Dr. Graham, An investigadion was made by Dr. Graham and Dr. Weller, and it was said that the poison was roach pow der that had dropped from a shelf in the bakery into a barrel of sugar. The case will be taken up by ° the health authorities, WORKED ON SUNDAY. 'Goods Spoiling For a Want' of Cans. Essex, Ont., Sept. 25.--For some time past the Essex Canning company has been waiting the filling of a large order for 'cans by an eastern factory. Meantime stock on hand was spoiling and the company was suffering a large financial loss, On Sunday last the company decided to open its own can factory, and at once put men at work, on it. They had no sooner start ed than Secretary Naylor, ef 'the local brafch of the Lord's Day Alliarice, notified the factory people that if work was not stopped complaint would be laid against them for a vio- lation of the act. Naylor. is secretary and principal stockholder of the local electric light company, The officials of the canning company say they will at once start proceedings to see whe- ther the light comvany which over ates its plant on Sunday, has ~ any special privileges, Besides -this the can ning company is considering removal to some other town where there is not so much regard for the observance of blue laws, Kingston And Smith's Falls. The steamer Rideau Queen for the balance of the season will carry pas: sengers from . Kingston to Smith's Falla and return ub the very low rate of $1 or $3. including meals and berth. This is a rare opportunity. to. sec the beauties of the Ridean. Leave King ston of Wednesday and Saturday, am. James Swift & Cd., agents. Who's Hurt ? In every family some one receives serious or minor injuries every little while. Life is beset with bumps, hruis- es, strains, aches and pains. For all these Smith's White Liniment is the best possible remedy. It heals and soothes all hurts and eaves all pain. Have it in your home. Large bottles 2e., at Wade's Drug Store. ---------- A curious thing about woman is that either 'they find fault with the way cheap cigars smell in the house or with the money you waste on good ones, A : The finder ofa sBrling silver brooch on Joinson -steoot, between Division and Clefgy streets, can hear of the loser at' *he Waig office. It's a fortunate thing for some that. killing time isn't punishable by hanging. Good Suits at medium prices. will be scarce in most stores this season. vance inthe price of Woellens, in fact, in everything has been a big ad. Trimmings, labor ang that goes into a Suit of We anticipated this advance and wisely made provision for our Fall Stock before it took place, ¢ we are showing the BEST MEN'S SUITS in Kingston, the best fabrics, and the best of possiblé for money to procure, t.*25.~There is good jn Marie Fass Bauer, the famous ' Tyrolese giantess, will soon_pay a visit to the United States. She is twenty-seven years old, and was born from normal parents in Tyrol. She is seven feet four and one half inches tall and weighs 326 pounds. She. is = quite intelligent and = reads and writes well. In the picture The best tailoring she stands beside a man of normal : Pp! everything that it is Falls on Bread and Poisons - The man who wants Winter Suit will make come here for it, a medium priced - Fall and a bad blunder if he fails to Pittsburg, Pa, Sept. 25,--Six entire families of Allegheny whose members number over a score, have heen pois- shop. The poisoning was caused by eating wares that were purchased Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week, according to a physician who has been treating the cases, and while the afflicted have not recovered all but two were, Inst night, reported H. D. B + THE SUIT STGRE OF THE TOWN. ibby Co. The family of Dr. G. G. Graham, which consists of Mrs. Graham, three daughters, twelve, ten and thirteen Years respectively, and a dinner guest, De. E. V, Weller, and John W. Davis. Mrs. Davis, - her brother, eighty-four years of age, and four sons were among the afflicted, who were in the greatest danger. Mr. Davis was taken THERE ARE SEVERAL GOOD TEAS But they are good only in ONE Respect Blue Ribbon ~ Ta | every Quality---In fall body, delicate fragrance, and delicious flavor, Wholesome.ftoo, Black, green, mixed and last night physicians had grave ent not expected to recover is Marys : Is Superior in and Invignorating. --25¢. to §1 a Ib.--All grocers HIGHTGRADE FOOTWEA @p.FOR' WOMEN 67 _ One of the most distinctive charming features of a well dressed women is her Shoes They show gentility as does probably no other item: of Shoes must' be corrector all is wrong. host of descriminating wo- men save themselves all worry on this score by coming for their shoes. Our omens Shoes are al-' ways away above the level of lines of Women's Shoes THE STANDA RD OF STYLE \THEJPERFEC CTION OF FIT Nestle's Food will be s happy healthy semmer, NOW to feed Moderat: prices for good Shoes, the $2.50, 3.00 3.50, 3.75 to 5,00 . While oor prices are pleasing, the stack omer s ure the very best. poor shaes who comes her THE NEW FALL STYLES A ABERNE and shoe making in our No wamad will wear E NOW READY THY'S This isthe pu CEYLO! Free from dust; dirt Lead Packets Oaly. 250. 30c., HIGHEST AY All The HB without any § Most furnaces ar stove-pipe. That is, together, and cement r In a month: afte in expansion and cont the bolts--cement droj inte the house. It is a case of pl --or living in a dusty, A man, whe buys a "Hecla" that trouble and annoy In the "Hecla", are FUSED and are That means. that HEC --untainted by gas or Let me send yo which tells all abeut these ide: bouse, and 1 will tell you ¢ services gre free, Address CLARE BROS. & CO, LI KINGSTON / The Best ". WhE Send for the "Vita CANADIAN SHREDDED. Toron OUR GRE New Dress New Weaves., New Fa New Ideas, Now We show in Dress Broadcloths, New Venet viots; Canvas Suitings, New Black Dress fabrics goods opening out every Visit Our Read 'We are showing son dium and dark grey mixt velvet collar, and button Black Kersey Coats lar, $8.50, $9.75 and $12 Factory Co 1,200 yards ol 10c. « {from 5 yards to 20 yard: to-morrow 7c. and 8¢, a The James 180 WELL THE STORE THAT SE £ Hone Guarant We guargntee our milk ABSOLUTELY pure : pu sterilized bottles It is th Try it od Kingston, Milk D oH