ey -- wd # i i lal QUALITY IN . BACK COMBS Our Hair Ornaments Are Strictly High Class And are' the newest designs possible, hav- ing had a package reach us only this k direct from the cturers, Decorative gold is used for some, while others have NEW ART 1 ns with STONES es hs Watch Rea jor the rush of busi A coming this fall. Ne A time to have it pu "Jeon vou will mot be without it for. a day, is well and promptly our prices unusually JINNEAR ATE Successors to P. B. O 100 Princess § |} WARM f gyere's nothing In the we 'much interésted in as Coal ut the year. It may sou 'speak of coal buying and science, but that's what Ww fwo important discove "made are that complete sa pur customers Paye best, way to win business is to Booth & FOOT OF WEST Phone 133. BRITISH - AM HOTEL KINGSTON "Had undergone alt 1s now open to', the public, Ww TELFER - - Peeves wwwMaY ¢ { 'ADAMANT' Wall Ready ase by ade Put up in bags, 100 1 White Rock Fi $ Put up In bags, 30 1 ' {P. Walsh $°; Pres ssasssasssen Must Ba Sold To Clos: ty S= Chgnaiek Ste Selle jagot St. extensl Kitch all modern. 108 t St. extensio moderns 108 Bagot St.. extensl Wichen, All modern, dias a Sarid o gent. Ye Old E Floor mee AT. .. Strachan's § W A IN All the Furniture Highest prices realized JOHN H. The Leadin (anadian Chinese 331 King St Open from 10.30 a.m. The best platé to get Lunch in the ¢ity. WM bo shortest notice. Engl dishes a specialty. 'Pho Wm, Murray, J 27 BROCK New Carriages, Cutt etc, lor sale. Sale of Horses Ev THE FROKTI LOAN & INVESTME! ESTASUSRED President--Sir Richa Money loaned om City rte, Muuicipal 253 Princess St., Cc Ladies' 'Tajldred Sui Wraps. Bveni Costu Shirt Waists, ete. Practical instructions by measure, designing, 1 Dressmakers sent out 263 Princess NewYork Chinese 83 Princess Open from 10.30 n The best place to Luuch im the city. Mea shortest motice. B dishes & specialty. Try a Pound Myers' HOME MAD For Sunday 60 Brock