. Sat yo have got to buy ; s both, this season. If so, in knowing where you can Least Money and come in, and see what /¢ 50 many pew Suits and you about them. here. We e that is new and the prices. ne goods, just as well made rs less than all others for II not ask you to buy. eaten $4.50 to $16.50. wom $4.80 to $18.00, Juits, Short © Pants, - wens. $8.80 to $8.00. and double breasted wee 90.00 t0 $6.50. & Co. cess St, Sets the Pace, eT -- ---- -- wa . HELP | FOR MEN n positively cure Jost manhood is® ye ellous German Remedy diseovered desu s controlled in this country by the Dr. Koh ompany Sider h in themed hoy St mn ei et hy uown sot men, have fail TB Es <ul from diseases erative organs uch as fos SE pte 5. nervous debility, the rests of abuse, {his 0 and will cure you fo slp cod, 7h The headache, . cocele, pain n the k and failing She Jiv- : completely in the worst cases in from one k's treatment. We make the honest offer of return your money. Thousands of {gt imoutials. dence treated cofidentinl, FIVE day's scent free with a book of rules for health, diet ¢. Our greatest successes have been those who ed with other treatments, This remedy is used ne French and German armies, and "15 in these countries are models tats aled in plain wrapper. . The onty reme "x Jmown t » P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montrec LS hoes he Invictus Shoes are 1 by men. and 'women ho Know Good Des.' he Invictus Shoes are ys made on neat fitting ~-- made to fit" every of the foot. s are made in many new and dressy, at the | | comfort to your feet. t leathers, as Vici Kid, 1 Metal Calf and Patent ES ad 5. 3.75 and 4, do all our own Upholstering attresses. We keep a large eading Undertaker 1} Ten Days Return Limit. TRAVEL ANGs Sis sssatsrasutisctiat, TALATESATET TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL _EXGURSION T™ NEW_YORK Via New York Central Lines | October 2d and 3nd, 06 $7.00 «2% $7.00 'Fast Through Trains - First- lass Day Coaches | Aan Ask New York Central Agents and watch newspapers. fips Bro-ssssassasssssaiasiaiiisiisaaaeaienge GRRE] New York Central & Hudson Arnual Western Excursions River R.R. Sept. 20th, 21st and 22nd JETTY | Deas tiCas LES) SYSTEM At, the following fares from Kingston, Star: The Montrealers GREAT SORROW icage nl., $17.80 TRUNK LINE have been getting going fairly well, Port Huron, Mich. . «a 10.50 and Pud £ Souk bald of th Was Manifested Over Death of J. Detroit, Mich. 12.00 : players © this morning for the rst C. Wilkins. Grand Rapids, Mich. 14.75 | Shortest Route to the United time, and scuns to have cawght on. | | 0 (0&0 Bay City, Mich. .. 12.90 States Via Kingston and od anchull hue talker Sach 4 So hold edu Alas Wie Clicens of fronton 2 i 1 s S seas g > - . » . + ne by rood & Cy Wa Mak A WLS Saginaw, "Mich. .. 12.80 Cape Vincent, N. Y. venir tard publishers are uarheting ACU BU BUELL us Lic Vat A wos St. Paul or Minneapolis haseball ¢ carts. bearing the. phot | cay, wien bug wales cashed Wie word via Upper Lake Route ... 37.30 | Lv. Kinimon Otr 5:00 &.m. $00 po. graphs iF Ee oh Aon ga a baow cot wikis Wat Onli Craig Arr. Cape Vincent (str am, | . wily vi Rev, Ww, wats St. Paul or Minneapolis, Lv Cab Nmeant 7.1 . Dries! tured in the games, by the thousands. | Wikis, son of Bev. Ww. 4. wis, all rail . » 33.80 | Arr. Watertown, 8:10 a.m. 5350 p.m. | Gilbert and" Doolin, of the New | M=¥ Gili Slessuges now" tat pod, AlL tickets valid eturiing from des- | Arr. Oswego, 1L:09 a.m.. 9:12 pam. i York Nationals, have found the sa, , U8 SWkay gare woid hat he was 0 ) Are, 8 2:14 N 32 hs s -3f ; tinetion on OF before Oct: 8th, 1906. Am ee 3 ria "han 2:53 om loon business profitable in New York, I viry low, Ald SINIOE, LUT wil Who Arr. Utica, 20 pan. 9:45 pane in cenjunction with ball playing, it 'BW Bs YOUBET 10Lus. dasorie OL Harvest Excursion Arr. New York, 6:00 vam. 7:12 am. | hing function that the pay cleared | Arefiton, fed Bal ne woud pul To Canadian: Northwest Pasgengers wishing to take 5 a.m. up $10,000: between them in their first | througn. it was not tw be and devoted Going dates, * September ;11th | Steawser may secure staterooms 'aboard parents, browhers and sis and 25th. Tickets days. Reduced Fares to Koolenay and Pacific Coast Points From Aug. 27th to Oct. 1906. For Tickets, mnd all other P. HANLEY, Unlario streets. good for 60 | (i anfent train service in direction, PULLMAN. SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursi return. From J Going Saturday oprosite 31st, n to Watertown, © 16th to October 1st. »:00 a.m, and 3 p.m, Pullman accommodation information, apply to J Returning - Monday, Office Cor. Johnson i y and | 9:10 a.m. and 4:40 p.m 2 Cents a Mile Hooks for 500 miles of Jrayel on New York Central and a lines Within State of New York, $10, while hooks for York Central, Rochester & leaving Watertown i RL LE at ERAN / In Connection With md only Boston & Albany. Buffalo, Pittsburg. Philadelphia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersey Canadian Pacific Railway cost $20. Secure = further information ; -- ST Purves ickate (ro 0 See . on, ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS | ont. Sept. 20th, 21st and 22nd, at the "aOR DALY, Chicago. Ii, from Kin ans, 80 Passenger Traffic Manager, 2 NL Ax H. Smith, General Manager,' Detroit, Mich. 13.00 Ga C. Gridley: General Agent. Grand Rapids, Mich. 14.75 2 iro ieee Bay City, Mich. 12.90 TIME TABLE aginaw, Mich. 12.80 St. Paul or Minneapolis, STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER all rail i... Levey forge 33.80 Beginning Sept 4th. St. Paul or Minneapolis Loave Wolfe: rr via Upper Lake Route ... ' 37.30 a XN 234M. 100 300 PW All tickets valid returning from desti- 100 3m natigh on or before Oct. Sth, 1906. I ix arvest Excursion im 3m To Canadian Northwest Going dates, September 25th. Tickets good for 60 days. 2.30 - 5.00 horns Kingston: 3- Monday. .. 30 MAM 220 Tuesday, : » 11.30 i 'edneaday 3 3 Reduced Fares 0 Kootsnay and| Thorsds...s% 11% i Pacific Coast Points Sean 830 1.3 i From Aug. 27th to Oct. 31st 1906. Full particulars at Kr & P. and C, P, Re Ticket Office, Ontalio sire F. CONWAY . A. FOLGER JR. Gen. Pass. Kaos, Ten. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway *Thursday special : Breakey's Bay, How land (W id rs Dock), Halliday's Dotk an a Bro- whys Point. Leaves Hreskey # Bay 630 a.m. Returning, leaves Kingston 8 p.m. Thue Table subject to change withoat notice. ¥ E. BRICRLAND, Manager Boal calls at Garden Island going to and from Kit gston, Daily Line New short line, for Tweed, Napande, Dessronto, and all 'local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. J de CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry. Xingston. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal, Steamers Kingston & Toronto LEAVE KINGSTON : Going East--Daily at Going West--Daily at 5 p.m. Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Sunday only, Single fare. Kingston to Montreal and return, go- ime Saturday or Surday, returning G.7T. R. Monday. Fare $60 Also Bxeursion rates -to Toronto and Charlotte, going Saturday, returning Sunday or Mon day. © Hamilton, Toronto, to, Bay of Quinte | and Monfredl Line Dominion Exhibition I HALIFAX, N: S. Sept. 22nd to Oct. Sth,'06 HE SIX-TRACK| he $1.35 1.000 miles over New Island | THE SPORT REVIEW £ | COLLEGE BASEBALL oo T0 G0 TO JAPAN, - ! Montreal's "French Rugby Team-- Chicago Ties the Baseball Re- | cond -- General Notes on Sports. Hal McGivern prodicts that the yug- by championship will go 16 the Capi Ital this year. : Péterboro is trying to arrange an exhibition rughy®rame with Varsity for September 20th. ¢ Chicago has tied the record of the Nitional League for 106 games won, made by New York last year. Peterboro will have a strong city Fagiie of ive or six teams and may enter a team in the junior O.R.F.U, | The Toromto polo team will play two return matches next week across. the line. On the 25th the team plays at Rochester, and on the 29th at Buffalo. is a' In Chicago it goes as In New York Hogo a "toddle" base on balls. 'a stroll," in Philad: Iphia, a 'dead' head," and Pittsburg a "complimen- tary. 25c; 'Jum! package contain '2% times the guantity of 15¢c. package. : Sold by all grocers in 15c. and gsc. packages. Every 15c. package contains a coupon good for premiums. ~~ Write *' Orange Meat, Kingston" for new 'premium catalogue. RESTORED TO 3 its original color by the use of GRAY : DR. TREMAIN'S The Tidings From Various Points "In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Ssying. Reyunoldston Reports. Reynoldston, Sept. 21.--The supply of alk to the factory is going down, owing to the dry season. Corn husk- ings are the order of the day. -A num- ber from here attended the fair wt Parham. Miss Pearl Jeffrgy intends going to 'Wilton, to take up tress making. The service on Sum was ably conducted. by Mr. Main bA great many from around here took in the excursion to the North West, 8. Asselstine, of Verona, made a fiy- ing-trip through hero on Tuesday. A wee girl has come to stay at R, Botting's, "also a young son at ¥ ab | : H NATURAL HAIR : RESTORATIVE. not a Hair Dye and will FURR SORT 1 a mins no Grease or Oil. + Young Corbitt and Terey MeGovery have heen matched for a six-round fight, to take place before the Na- tional Athletic Club, of Philaddlphia, on October Sth. "Worcester has: won: the pennant ia the New England League; Norwich has captured the Connecticut League | streamer, and Birmingham has _ the League emblem cinched. year, The Montreal National Rugby Club is getting right down t. husine oss, and it promises to make good in this, its first seaso in. the Quebec Rughy Union. Ovide Lafleur, the Ottawa rughy player, will coach the team. Among those who will be available . for the National team will be a num- ber of graduates of Ottawa College; incheling Masson, Sergins, FEanctot, |" © and Brais brothers. I'he Cardinal baseball team, attach ed to the Stanford University, of fe ahifornia, may possibly visit Japan next sammer to play-a retuin serios of games with the representatives of the Waseda University, and also to { engage in several hit and ram contests {with the diamond artists of the Tin perial University of Tokio. A firm «dealing in' athletic goods in San Francisca has made the offer to the collegians and guarantees to pay the entife expenses of the round. trip. JUMPED THROUGH WINDOWS. Dangerous Criminal Crippled For Life. Berlin, Sept. 22.--~A dangerous crim- . inal named Siebert has been sentenced ) here to a long term of imprisonment for various crimes and misdemeanors. He earned notoriety at his first trial by a daring attempt at escape. Sud- denly, without a note" of warning, he sprang from the dock, jumped through the double windows of the court room, out into the street, and, cover- ed' with blood, was about to clamber over the railings when he was captur- od. In his niad leap through the dou- ble windows he c¢rippléd himself for life. Council Threatens To Resign. Limerick, Sept. 22. Several mem- bers of the Limerick corporation threaten to resign because the council is in future to meet in the daytime, They declare. that if it does working pmen cannot become municipal repre I ntatives, Is Your Liver Torpid ? Why not enliven the liver, stimulate the kidneys and tone up your sto- mach ? Done in one night by Dr; Hamilton's Pills, .which give you that happy, healthy and vigorous feeling. [pe everywhere, 3 25¢. per box. Guns Frighten Fish Away. London, One of a number of Dartmouth fishermen whéd appeared on board the Aeolus yesterday to protest again gun practice in the hay said that when the guns were fired the fish refused to bite and jumped out of the water Sept; 22. English Naval Centenarian. Special Fares from Montreal and LEAVE KINGSTON : . . points west, via Intercolonial Railway Going Fast, Wednesdays, Fridays and London, Sept, 22.--~The only known and connections. '| Sundays at 4 p.m. survivor of the naval battle of Nav- Going West, Tv Saturdays at 4 p.m, J. P, HANLEY Ticket Arents" Pr " §, Thursdays and + SWIFT & CO. - Pretait Agents, September 19th-23-25-30th and October 1st-- Kingston to Halifax, N.S, and return -- $24.10 September 21st, 28th--Kingston to Halifax, N.S., and return-- $16.55 Limit. for return both , Halifax not later than October 9th 'LIMITED iver and Bui of St. Lawrence Sumer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw' Trbn ss "Campana," with electric lights, elecific bells and-all modern comforts, issues to 'leave Montreal Ticket Office. 111 St. James Montreal on Mondays at 2 Street, Salle te: 10th, dnd Len Sept. for Pictou n., Pt. . 55 Salil at Quebec, Gwhve, Ma) Bay. Cape oie Grand River. Sunmner- TEL, id Chas Charlottetown, rd BERMUD/ onto Ticket Office, 51 King St. ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. pmmer BEOuHOn, | HOS Deena Tontun, Sept. 21. Oct. 19. Nov. 16. lian» 5500 wis: Saline ine om New Virginian |. Sept. 28. Oct. 25. | York, 19th and 26 7 "Tem- Tunisian « Oct. 5. Now 2. ,rature cooled Jou sea ip seldom Victorian Oct. 11. NoV. 8. | rises above 80 degrees. 3 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Moderate Rate Service. Pretortan Numidian Mongolian : aFor rates, % 3. 5 HANLEY. Am EL yi The finest trips of the season for health and .comfort. : ~ ARTHUR ABERN, Secretary, Quebec. oe ickets al 'staterooms, anply ary FAN NLEY, or J. P. Sibel SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, . ; o GILDER- QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY arino, which' took place in 1827 is John Stainer, of Ryde, who has en- tered upon his 100th birthday, He was ja middy on board the Talbot, feeling, is entirely unnatural. ~ Your lazy liver and bowels need a tonic. The best soothing /osic: to every « or gan= is Hollistér's | Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or tablets, 356. Mahood's drug store. Tr TRAVELLING. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam boat Company, Limited STR. CASPIAN 1000 Isiands--Rochester Commencing Sept. 2nd, steamer will leave Kingston, Sunday only, at 10.15 wn. for Alexandria Bay, Rockport, Gananoque and: Thousand Islands, He- turping will leave at 5 pm. for Rochester, N.Y., calling at of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA Leaves daily. except Sunday at 8 pm, for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Steamer eh at Deseron- to, Northport and Bellevl For full, General Manner. Kineston : J. Ticket Agent: Jas. Swilt & Co,, Freight Agents. Bad breath, coated tongue, a languid * information, ar-'v to B, E.q restore FOr hair to its nstural color ever it has been gray for years, tee 18 In every case or money re- nde 35 your druggist for it or send direct a. One Dollar or Six Bottles tor Five . Express Prepaid, THE TREMAIN SUPPLY CO., bept. K.2 22 Buchanan St, Toronto rs are bow: wl in gre, mg win them, veccused was a student in-the aud the Lown 18 Ove uow- wie deepest sywpathy or arts ant Civil eDRLLB Ing cours. s in \Gueeh s Lniversity, sangston, and at the end ed the G. P. surveying pariy: when taken ill a Jin of weens ago he was ben avout forty Fort WHaam, and was about to re turn home to resume his studies at the university, On reaching tort Wil liam he was alarmingly ill, and his brother Chagles who happentd To. be there on professional business, urged him~ to immediately enter the hospital, The end soon came and a young life full of promise was ended. the griel stricken father was on his ' way to Fort William, hurrying to his dying son's bedside, when death came rand he received the message at North wiles. north of | Bay. On Wednesday he and his son Charles, zeached Trenton with the re "mains, The obsequies took place this al- ternoon. Services were conducted at ' the manse by Rev R. J, of deceag:d, and he vices at the Members of Trent Lodge, No. , AL Fok AM, and visiting: brethren attended in nu body and conducted their ervices. Members of Trenton fire brigade also attended in a body ont of love and respect for ons who had for some years heen an Craig uncle also read the ser- associate. The funeral was also - at tended by a ereat number of citizens The high, and public schools were dosed during the spect for the dead, i institutions. The obsequies were at tended by the following relatives, all of Kingston, Rev, Mr. and F Messrs. William and James Crai, un cles, and Hugo Craig. and - Arthur Craig, cousins of deconsed: It is dif cult to intrude upon a soprowimg fam ily at this time but we desire to as sure Rev, W, 7. Wilkins, and family thyt they have the heartfelt svinpathy afternoon out of re; an ex-pupil of both Craig, of all and every of their fellow ecitiz ons it thee sad bereavement. All | know what a hapny domestic circle has been theirs andr all grieve that the circle should be broken by the death of such a popular and interesting member of the family, POLITENESS IN PAR 1S. Npntering _ Street Cars. | Paris, Sept. 22.-The readefs of the Figaro are discussing in the columns of that paper the question whether or not a gentleman ought to salute when entering a railway compartment al ready occupied hy oler passengers, Feom the letters received its appears that the weaker absolutely in favor of this custom, and some of them eyen ask how --suelra question can possibly arise | The male 'correspondents, to be strongly Men Lift - Hats on CX ure too, in favor of preserving seem Frendh politeness. "Politeness costs nothing," says the proverb, An ultra republican's reply is to the effect that A any ladies are { takes off his hat. When the ment: is only occupied' by meh ho | glances at the papers they are re nding and if they dre of his political views he salutes, present he invariably compart You Should Visit New York. In October. The most pleasant month of the yesr in the big city. All theatres, open and large stores displaying their choicest full' and win ter ofierings. You can go there back for 87 on the New York Central lines, twenty-first annual excursion October "2nd afd 3rd. Ten days' re turn limit. Fast through special ptrwing on October 2nd. Through coaches on' cerlaio trains on return trip.. Make your plans now to join. Ask ticket agents for partiouluss. Peaches, Plums, Grapes. Great big red pehches, red and blue grapes. Crawiord. , white For those hard on corsets try "Dress" Reform Special," strongest corset made. Price - $1.20, Sold only at New York Dress Reform, | o1 whe last JSention went west and join- | and + Bush's. Visitors : Rev. Charles Bi cock and wife, of Cordeva Mines, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Babcock, at C. W. | Reynolds ; T. Botting and Mrs. Wil. ! son, at R. Botting's; Mrs. W, Miller, { Sr, and grandson, of Mouniai Grove, at her danghter's, Mes. X, | Reynolds; Miss E. A. Reynolds, at her sister's, Mrs. A. Shaltz; W. Pao awd wife, at Mountain Grove; Miss Baalim, at M. Clow's, Zealand Happenings. Zealund, Sept. 21.--The [afimers around here have not got their grain shreshed yet. A number have their [ potatoos dug, which have yielded a wood crop, especially the carly plant: ed ones. Lhe yours people are kept | busy attending husking bees, 'Three successful ones were held at the homes of 8. Armstrong, J. Bishop and H. England. Miss Julia Garratt, of -Zea- land, is staying with Mes. J. Hother- ington; of Sharbot Lake. Mrs. Cather- ine Mclatyre, of Port Huron, visited her sister, "Mrs. Donald Ferguson, * of "ing Shade Cottage. Un her return home her sister accompanied her southward as far as Silver Lake, where she visited her two daughters, Mrs, 1. Garrett and Mrs, J. A. Con: Loy. Harry Sargent had a bee raising a building that was wrecked by a squall this summer. Mrs. John Burk, | of Oso, paid a flying visit to = Lake View farm, the home of her parents, Mr. andy Mrs, John Conboy. George A, Garrett,® of Silver Lake, went to El phin one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Garrett's youngest son died lately at their home, South River. Pleasant Valley Items. Pleasant Valley, Sept. 21.- Death has removed one of the old landmarks of the township, John Sigsworth, who passed away at his home here; Thurs day morning, at seven o'clock. He was ill about three months, He leaves a widow, four sons and one daugh- ter. Funeral on Saturday to Harvow- smith. A severe electrical storm pmss- ed over this place last Thursday, killing a cow belonging to F. Eller beck. One of Mr, Goodbury's horses kicked the atker, breaking leg; the 15st had to be shot. Farmers are ing. potatoes, preparing for fall plowghing, hoping that rain may come to soften the soit and make it plough #ble,. Among those who attended To ronto exhibition from here were : Mr. and © Mrs. Richard Ellerbock, Mrs. Jahn Hughes and her daughte vr. Mrs. § Bishop. Visitors : isses_ Rosa 8. $x bby Kerr, Pe tworth, at John Hughes'; Mrs. William FF. Fllerbeok's; Mr. H. Watson, over in York state, visit ing Mr. Watson's William Fradford has rented his farm to bis brother, J. 8. Bradford, who is now moving in. F. Ellerbeck contemulates a (Hp to Manitoba, to leave next Tuesday. Mise E. A. Barr spent a week's vacation at home, and has re Trousdale, at and Mrs. Thomas sisters, tumed to Camden East. Mrs. Wil lium, Ashley and Miss Violet visited at Jolm Hug last week, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barr and daughter, Anastasia E.. visited at David Leslie's, Ficca- dilly. Mount Hope Budget. "Mount Hope, Sept. 21. Archibald ! Knight has reated a house in Arden, white he "intends © moving in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gend ron. made this wick; | as' the a flying trip tos, Newburgh Cows are failing in milk, grass is drying up and water scarce. Water has failed to supply the cheese "factory, and Gilbert ae has the pleasure of draw ing it Harry Thompson, eldest son of George Fhompson, whe his been | dangerously ill with pneumonia, is recovering I'he choir is growing small, as two of the most popular singers have left, Allen Dellor and 1 Miss Adelina Gendron, the former hav ing gone to Saskatoon to visit his | sister and other relatives, anil the latter to attend Néowburgh high school Gilbert Thofipson . took charge of the Sunday school on Sun day last, the superintendent, Nelson j Peterson, being at Beaver Creek holds jing service. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson { Boomhour attended the fair at Napa nee Quite a number from here ex pect to. attend Tamworth fair, on Saturday W. Parks, a Rathbun ! foreman," who hays been tatting logs | here for some time, leit, on Monday, { with «his men, for Larkins. Rev. My. Crow conducted the prayer meeting on Thursday night. Visitors: Mrs, David Thompson, who has beéh vi iting relatives here, has returned to her home sin Napanee; Mrk. George Hartwick, of Saginaw, Mich., has been renewing acquaintances around here; Nathaniel Hinchey and son, of Tamworth, at J. B, Géndron's; Sid ney Williams, of Camden East, st John Lewis'; Mrs. M. Woodcock and Herbert Gene , at John Gendron's. Provost, Brock street, has received all his fall and Winter -importations for order work in 'his tailoring de- partment, consisting of Scotch tweed, blue and black serges, great varioty of black cheviot and Vicunas; also n splendid stock of 'overcoating, Any- one trusting him with an order mey rest assured they will he well pleased in securing a good fit at low p i Ii-you are nervous and dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pilla. | Dys. (pepsin makes you nervors and nee vousness makes von dyvrpeptic; dither one renders you miserable, and those little pills cure both, i Fe Hind Tailored Gactsents, ena bed Copia Tor Fall. Holidays are over. Ledves are tiring. Soon. Jack Frost will be nipping noses: High' time to think of heavier garments, So if you want to sce fall fashions. --as they 'sre wand as they will bee visit the Jit-Reform Wardrobe FOUR distinctive Fit-Reform creas tiohs, in single and double breasted Sack Suit are already on ViCWe-- "THE BROADWAY" "THE 1906" "THE REGAL' "THE REGENT" The range 'of patterns and effects ~in richness, in elegance, and in numbers -- surpasses any previous season. . Come to see--even if, you are not ready to buy. Welcome always. 8 -- "E. P. Jenkins, - have been built under the makers' guarantee in I last sixty yoars: : They grace the kitchens of comfortable homesin every municipality in the Dominion. And the house-wife in every one of these homes is pleased with her Souvenir Range. [ts Aerated Oven Jaces it away ahead of all other kitchen ranges, and it possesses other ; tages as well. Pvery Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Limited HAMILTON, WINNI'EG, MONTREAL, VANCOUVER b- Long Distance clephone Main 5500.01.02 Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on. Commission" Investment Securities Both Listed and Usilisted. Information spon Request Members . Toronto Stock Exchange Commission Orders Executed on All Exchanges "Balle Moo TORONTO . an EE GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY ~ 80c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. PECIFIC GERI A.E. HEROD. " "TRUFIT " With our ABILITY and Choice of Leather giving you COMFORT AND DURABILITY. i | a