Ef FROST aes, CHIL * ARRITATED ) Shy OR Also, An. Excellent and Sealp Cleanser, Large bottle, 25 canis. : "If not for sale at you S. r . bra) are be procured at 3 Dr. © Seott's White 2 . Rd St. John, nnn: + and of al v san : Moderate il. Prices. r Exclusive Furrier, ; 78-80 Brock St. '| Phone 700. QUALI iy IN BACK COMBS Our Hair Ornaments Are Strictly High Class And designs ing the newest sible, hav- had a package regch us only this week direct from the manufacturers, are pos Decorative used for some, others have N gold is while ART SMITH BROS. elers- Opticians MOTOR GASOLINE In 5 Gallon Lots or over, 26¢, a Qallon Supplies always handy on the dock. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. N ovelties Direct from Great Britain Received through cus- toms to-day some: very de. sirable Novelties, includ- ing :-- " Belts High Grade Belts, in , aluminum and other direct fram the There lot, at silver, gold, new styles, London market real gems in this prices from 50¢ to $2 each, are some $1 Hat Pins for 50c. Very Pretty Hat - Pins, mounted with sterling silver * and at half the usual price ....... Se mach, Trina ha aE { Fancy Ribbons = 2 est Creations! in Faney Ribbons, wide width, plaids, checks, stripes and dresdeps to Sc. a yard. ong Length Kid Gloves n 16-Button Lengths, extra fine quality, in "either dressed or un- dressed. And mete the prices-- 2.50 quality, $1.75 $1.75 quality, undressed, for $1.25 Ve are doing the Coat trade of the oity: If you want to know. the Secret of this, you can do so by looking at our display. They sim-- gh sell at firs She Ne: dressed, for... mi ep + druegigt, amce BLAS CHAPS Dr. Scott's Etininoat Hair Restorer 1 u, helms \W. F. GOURDIER A * On sale Saturday, Rousing mC remarkable bargain. long as the goods last. Here Are Honest Prices List of Good for Saturday Full particulars of the vast stocks that have just arrived You have our word for it that every item in this list is a | | | | | vd . =a for Honest Goods LADIES, - TAKE NOTE OF 150 YARDS, ONLY,® THIS BARGAIN :-- ALL-WOOL TARTAN PLAIDS ONLY 275 YARDS, Different "clans represented, pure EMBROIDERY: | - dyes. : Bughlat, price Sto. and 'gh: Very wide, suitable for babies' yafd. . dresses, waists, underwaists, éto., On sale Saturday, 39c. Yard beautiful designs, some with bead: , ing near sige. Regular price 30c. and" 60c, yard On sale "Saturday 'Morning at g o'clock; 88c. Yard 350 INFANTS' WOOL POLKA COATS--- Finest knitted wool, finished off with silk" "Every one . a sample, thorefors, diffcrent in-colirs and de signs, Running in prices The., $I and $1.25. On sale Saturday, only 49c. Each See thém in our window. 2,000 YARDS, GREY ALL-WQODL FLANNEL-- In twilled and plain, inches wide-- 26-and 28 Lot 1 Regular price 35c. On sale 28c. Yard Lot 2 Regular price 40¢. yard. yard. 15¢ On sale 80c. Yard 575 YARDS, PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING-- Plain 'white, alg" suitable for" roll- ers, 33 inches wide, Regular price 12c. @nd deo yard. and only 9c. Yard A Hmit of 10 yards to a customer. 55 WOOL HONEYCOMB SHAWLS In cream, pale blue, pale pink, and aad brad ok finest yuality. On sale Saturday, 76c. Each Just nice for this weather. 500 LADIES! VESTS AND DRAWERS oa cream and grey wool mixture, igh neck 'and long sleeves, hatton- ed front, and peatly fimished, Praw- ers are EE Tata, unshrinkable all sizes. Regulur price 75c. to $l On sale Saturday, 48c. 853 YARDS, SHAKER FLANNEL-- * 32 inches wide, good heavy quality, in difierent' sfriped patterns. Regu- lar price 10c. and 12¢c. yard. 950 YARDS, FANCY WRAPPERETTES-- All shades and -designs, fast colors, 28 inches wide, will make lovely wrappers, waists, children's dresses, kimonas, - etc. Regular price lde. "yard. On sale Saturday, only 9c. Yard A Timit of 12 yards to a customer. LATEST NOVELTY. | 150 ROLLED PLATE | BRUACHES Set with best imitation pearls, in | crescents, horseshoes, sunbursts, star and pretty shay 5c. hearts, | othe ¥ He. | canes, many Regular price On sale Saturday, | only 28c. Each 63 ONLY, LADIES' FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS- In pink and white, stroiig flanelette, mother-bubbard yoke with lace in sertion; si he, 58 and 60. Regu lar price $1.% On sak Saturday, 88c. 150 YARDS ONLY, REVERSABLE PLAID WRAPPERETTES -- Only two shades, in red and black, real Scotch plaid. Very good school children. Regular yard. On sale Saturday, 123¢. Yard 300 LADIES' FANCY BACKCOMBS--- In latest shapes, with high s and shaped backs, -overed gold plate ornaments in m tiful designs, strong value of these 60¢. Our price on Saturday, 25c. Each lor price 18¢, str aight with wiv beans "he real combs is 3c. and com's 500 YARDS BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED TABLE LINENS Bleached-68 inches wide, pur lin- en. Regular price 90c. yard, On sale Saturday, 68c. Yard Unbleached--56 inches wide, good heavy linen. Regular price 3sc. yard. On sale Saturday, 8c. Yard On salé Saturday, 28c. Yard Positively Invincible Clothing Values . ANOTHER LOT OF 60 MEN'S SUITS--- Just unpacked, single breasted style, made of fine English fancy tweeds, fall weights, grey and dark check patterns, best lining and trim- mings. Exceptionally good value for $15. On sale Saturday, $9. 95 200 MEN'S DUCK WORKING SHIRTS In dark stripes, well' made, all sizes. Regular price 50c. and 60c. hy + On sale Saturday, 89c. JUST UNPACKED. 1000 PAIRS MEN'S STRONG WORKING PANTS Made of strong Canadian and Eng- lish tweeds, extraordinarily well made. Regular price $2 to § On sale Saturday, $1.39 A NEW LOT OF 300 PAIRS HEAVY DENHAM OVERALLS With and without bibs, in grey, blue and black. Regular price: 90, and 81. On sale Saturday, only 89c. Pair A limit of one suit to a customer. Small Profits on Notions > ====== | muslin edged with yellowish: Vifleneien SAUTY PINS BONE HAIRPINS-- . nes lace, these tucked and plaited pan- BEAUTY PINS 10¢ Worth 3c. each els extending around: the skirt." At the On. Sart, 3 > ® RL : q «| top of each plaited panel was a scroll, On. Sale iit ois aia Be. card On SBale ...... aia . 3 for Be. | Snot pattern. done in: natrow, NR a TRS BEST QUALITY ELASTIC gathered, white silk ribbon. The little SIDE GARTERS 12¢; vard decolette bodice - was trimmed about Best elastic, worth 20c. pair. In all>colors, worth 12c. yard. the upper part with a shaped berths On Sal ye 15¢. pair On Sale ...... A erates Sates Se. be. yard of yellow lace, the lace being farther . Bl Dime. a : STRONG. KU BBER COMBS--- «= _| trimmed by little scrolls of the gather- BACKCOMBS---- . ed ilk ribbon following the pattern . ox Worth: 20c. 'each. here and thers, The lower part of the With nie 3 ope, worth '5c. On Sle... Soin 160¢. each | waist wax trimmed with thrée plaited On Sale. .. . 15¢. each A eo frills of the narfow Vedenciennes lace sin GILT BELTS used on the flounce, these festoons be- BLACK SILK. BELTS-- With pretty buckles, worth 33c. | ing outlined by the gathered ribbon. ) each. 4 Bow knot designs of the ribbon-also Worth 35¢. cach. On Sale 19¢. cach On Hale cis nein . 19¢c. each | decorated the short puff sleeves 'and 95 "13 the bodice above the plajted lace trim- ming. Wany other Bargains too numerous to mention, . as long as you ican. 'If you don't buy do, all will be right, for your every pur- goods at small prices, = Come and stay t's all right. If you chase. ll bring you good THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK £0. _ Princess Street, Redden' and Cra et, 180 IN MARINE CIRCLES] | OPPOSE CAPT. PT.SCOTT'S VIEW {entirely with Capt. That brief- commendation from the !gard to the value of the Gunn shoal store that always keeps faith with its piblic, should be suffi-| | the shoal acts cient to cause brisk buying, starting early and continuing as | water to. the lower tly all | any «at Bath. , '2 | ardabiis' | real. and €1 each. | Swift's wharf to-day, with a large ex- OF GUNN SHOAL. Mariners Say it is No Protection as it is Too Deep--Itis a Menace to Deep -- Draught ' Vessels. eueally, disagree H. Scott in re. Local mariners, in the harbor. Capt. Scott holds that LIFE INSURANCE Liggrpoot y= ROYA Lo Same profite paid for | past ® years, a. rates and particulars on applica: W. 3. B. WHITE, - Kingston as a natural breaks part of the har- This opinion' i: opposed hy near- captains, Three old-time ma- riners informed the Whig to-day that the_shoal forms no protection to the wharves, for the reason that at the upper end there is nineteen feet of water over it and at the lower end fourteen feet, thus giving full play to heavy sen that may be rolling. If the shoal was a foot or twe from the water level, then it would form a breakwater, but as it now exists it iy useless' in that "regard, and farther more a menace to deepdranght ves: sels. 'There should be no buays in Kingston harbor, "mariners say, and hence there should be no shoals. | bor. Marine Paragraphs. The schooner Pilot is loading oats The schooner Marionette is unload- ing coal at Craig's. The * stesmer Orion is loading at Richardsons' for Montreal. The steamer Simla is unloading at Richardsons' from Chicago. The schooner Acacia cleared to-day for Oswego, to load coal for Crawford, The steamer Glengarry and tow; are loading corn at Richardsons' for Que- bee. The steambarge Navajo is'at Rich- unloadine freight from Mont- at her The steamer Dundurn touched Swift's wharf this "morning "on way east. The yacht Castanet was in at | eursion party. Swift's : The steamer Picton passed up. this afternoon. The steamer King- sian passed down this morning. The steamer Sharpe arrived to-day at the M. T. company's whard with 79,800 bushels of flax-seed from Chi- cago. The Alabama, just ordered for the Goodrich Transit company, will be brourht out next July and will cost $250,000. The new ship will be for use the vear around and will have a double thickness of plating at the how and at the water line for erush- ing and resisting ice. The Alabanta will be 260 feet over all, 200 feet "keel forty feet beam, 164 feet molded denth; 2,000 horse-power engines, wi'l give '. a sixteen-mile an hour speed. x ---------- WAS RELEASED On Making Oath That He Did Not Steal the Goods. Wolfe Island, Sept. 18.--(To the Edi- tor) : 1 wish hereby to explain that I was not arrested at the port of Cape Vincent on Sunday last for stealing, but on suspicion was detained for six- teen hours. The reason for same was that a quantity of stolen goods had been placed aboard the yacht some- time before, entirely unknown to me, but upon taking oath of same, 1 was released, I also may add that it. was a plea- sure for me to find that the Kingston people in general and especially. the business men declared the report un- true, they knowing I would not be found 'guilty of above mentioned. GRANT PYKE. A Fine Gown. Evening or dinner gown of white silk muslin, The skirt was made in panels, there being a narrow tucked panel in the middle of the front, with a pancl on either side Household Doctor. Once tested, you will realize a remedy which should stantly on hand. It is for colds, la grippe, feverish condi- tions, be: kept con- trimmed to jlist below the hips with three-inch plaitings of that Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (laxative) is a positive cure headache and constipation, A A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing In the world wo'ré so much interested in as Coal at this time 'Gf the. year. It mihy sound queer to speak of coal buying and selling de a science, but that's what we've made it. Two important discoveries we have made are that complete satisfaction to our Customers pays best, and that the way to' win business fs to deserve It. Booth & Co. "FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133. 42 WA iGONS Just = what you: want, the turning and easiest draught wagron ever made. It is short turning, large front whoels, easy draught: strike body; Gannot tip over, and many o show you if you call at The Carriage Maker 390 Princess St ee, HOTEL KINGSTON - - 'ADAMANT' Wall Plaster Ready for use by adding water. Put up in bags, 100 ibs, In each, White Rock Finish 3387 Rarrack . 'Phone 109 P, Wals "FOR SALE Must Be Sold To Close Up Estat The Best Mower Only $350 ee A Tom Highest prices realized by JOHN H. MILLS, 831 King Street dislies a specialty. Puce: 656, 27 BROCK st. ., for sale. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 1863. ney loaned om City and tures. rigages received and injerest allowed. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kinaston. Payne's Ci d is sold at | shortest notice: Engle wud Gibson's ek Fo TE wa a Hisbes 4 specially, i shortest | wheels do not ather points which we will Le pleased to James Laturney's Kingston BRITISH - AMERICAN ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and is now open to the travelling |x of Whig, this mornipy, Owner can public. have same at Office. : s : IHANDSOMR. CHILD'S COAT, WED. J c=...» Pro nesduny, on Murvale Rowd, hy 3, B, W. TELFER : ropnetor Pirdy, Real Estate Amwnt. Pressssssessrreeveseel Put up In bags, 50 Ibs. In cach § eto The following desirable City Proper 187 Brock St. cesidence of late B. Chowna i : re Bagot Stas extension dining and | Wedding of Miss Gracey, to J. W. \2 Oe Bagot St extension Kitchen, al Banfield, Bevin moderns Gananoque, Sept. 2A A very plea- 108 Bagot St. extension Wining and .. Strachan's Hardware .. WANTED All the Furniture and Stove. The Leading Auctioneer | Ganadian Chinese Restaurant Wm. Murray, Auctioneer Mew Carriages, Catter, Hamers Soe. a Horses Every 'Saturday Presidents Richard Cartwright ee an Sa Darna: erties. ounty Mo purchased. Depost 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. NewYork Chinese Restaurant CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, le. a word. Each com scoutive insertion thercafter deo. a GIRLS, APP TO N. C. POLSON & word. Minimum charge for one in Co., Ontario street. > wortion, 256. : J GIRL, POR LIGHT ROUSEWORK. Advt. 4 lines 'or under a Week, $1. Apply tu 209 IY Steen, A GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT, CAP. Adut, 4 lives or under a month, $3. nani Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIS EEE TIE TTT HELP WANTED--MALE, REPORTER, LIVE, STRADY ; STATE saluacy and oxporiepce H.." Whig, Kingston. BOLLERMAKERS. APPLY, STATING experience, to the - Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Pelrborough, Ont, ---------------------------------------- BOYS ; - STEADY WORK ; GOOD wawes and chance for advancement, Apply Kingston Hosiery Co. a ------------------------------------------ JUNIOR SALESMAN AND A PARUEL boy at George Mills & Co Manufac- turing Furriers ated Hat Specialipts. me pen mgmt eet een HELP, THE YEAR ROUND, SITU- +, ations vacant, domestics, hotel d factories. Department "B.2' 203 Wellington street. ---------------------------------- MEN EVERYWHERE-GOOD PAY-TO distribute Chredlar, adv. matter, tack sign No canvassing. National Adv: Soren, Chicago. GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR overeonts made to look like new; pressed and clea or turned. New work guaranteed to please. Prices right. Galloway. the 'Tailor, 131 Brock street. AGENTS, PERMANENT POSITION TO and World Map. two maps in one; work waking Addriss Rand, soll new Canada sive 66x46 incMes representatives now at 20 to $50 per week, eee BR 1A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. - STRANGE, HELP WANTED FEMALE. 136 King street. ply ab 191 University Avenve. THIRTY GIRLS, AT ° WENT BROS. ca Works, foot of Princess street. A HOUSEMAID, wright, dteferences requi at this Office." FOR LADY CART- reds Apply GIRLS, WITH AND WITHOUT BX. perience ; steady work ; good Wages, Apply Kingston Hosiery Coen i ------------ -------- Se A NURSE MAID, REFERENSEB RE- quired. Apnly to Mrs. J. Mo Camp tell, 8 Sydenham street, A ------------------------------ A YINLRAL riage RE iy wash "from $13 to oh 5 Apply at Bagot St. after @ por, 3 GOON COUK, FOR PRIVATE HOS. pital. Must be thorowghly come potent, energetic. and clean, "Salary a month. References i ) Pook Box 19, care Whig office. STABLE WITIF pr mops om ave oT yy Ww Oa IURNISHED BRICK RF MN Start water heating Apply next door. STORE, 217 PRINCESS ST., DOL Poek, ry improvements will UNFURNISHED FLAT, FIVE ROOMS, and attic: moder conven leu, dining room ad Stuchen in addi 00, Apply 98 Barl St. before 3 pan. ROOMS SUITABLE FOR DENTAL oihee, mutual or dwelling over 215 Princess , sopurate entranceg Apply to Fro '81 Broek street, LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT sowing 'at home, Whole or spare time; good pay: work sent any distance ; chaviges paid : send htaip for full articulars. National anufacturing 'ompany, Montreal, WANTED Cabinet Makers, Fly Finishers, Carvers, McNally & Co., 142 Fifth Ave. Naw York. WANTED--GENERAL. mre NEAR WATER be permanent tenant. Box 51, Whig office, FRONT ; would Apply at on FOUND. CHATELAINE PURSE, IN FRONT ean have same at Whig o ~ BOARD AND HOOMS. Owrier kinds * 203 Wellington street eo GAN ANOQUE NEWS. gant and interesting soc iad event took Polishers and Rubbers. Higheat Wages and steady work to compet. ent men. The Williams Piano Co. x Limited, OSHAWA, ONT. FOR SALE. a . YO! MFOR SALE" ADVT. PUT YOUR Ol He RE: FIRST CLASS constructed ok Ta {mpro OUR POLICK RE vod building an TUpRNY Goduie (] Sauare. FS -- LON Fire 'Insura WM, NEWLAN ARCHITE! Eres POWER & SON, A chant's Bank corner Whig office. Watt, Stone trot, left for Hotered) last cvening to fgend a few days Messrs, Sed) Birmingham and Herbert 'W, Britton, leave next wee to spend a short vacation in New kitchen, all modern. Price and rticulare, see Geo, CUM | place at the manse, Stone street, at Real Fatate ont. nipe o'clock yesterday morning, the | occasion being the marriage of Miss Dorothy, second daughter of Rev, Mr. Lawn Mowers and Mrs. Henry Gracey, to J. Wood- the Cuba, Bantield, of Havana, was performed by the before the immediate circle of the re- latives of the 'contrpjoting part The bride and grovm were unattel ded, After the ceremony there was a de lightful -repast. The happy couple left by. bout in the. evening -for Montreal, Quebec, and Halifax, whenee they will sail in a few weeks' Royal Bank of The ceremony bride's father, rufl, Canada, & 3: | hands of the The police, of ~ permits bay question for boat who has beech some "weeks past, left for home = last + Green Sickness tion. te | Cause it arises from blood. Iron and sug demanded by the system. 0. Toronto, time for their houses in the was alsd 'among those discussed and was left in the hands of ACT wrnegie, building in spector. A large numbee of applica tions have already been made to him, - Miss Phyllis Banfidd, of HalWax, a gudst at the mange for or Chloresis. fatigue are experienced on slight exer Chlorosis is much like anaemia be- hoor quality of other restora: | w, tives and blood builders as are pom bined in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food are The regular and persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food dannot fail to henefit any girl or. young woman wal fe " i the guest of Mrs, KE. street, has returned home, John Gra- coy, manager of the Dank of Toronto, akville, came down to attend his sis Lter's we ding; and will epend a few | days with his purents, at the Brights' Disease. but it is due to irritable conditions of the kidneys which may easily removed in the beginning. Peck's Kidney and Liver kidneys, Increasing Bank Capital. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 20.~The stock holders of the Farmers' Deposit tional Bank in this city special meeting here vote on the this afternoon te proposition naw $500,000 to 30,000,000, i" to give the present shares of the new stock, tional banking concern in the United States, Inceburg, Ont. ~ Job For Dillon. the departmenty and; it is suid; draw two thoudand a year. York city. Mrs. Hax, of Redwood, N, who has been spending a few days Berriman, King manse, In its advanced stages it is incurable, be Pills will remove any irritable conditions of the liver or bladder and restore Na will 'hold a . to increase the capital stoik of the bank, which is The plan each holder of one share of stock seven and one-half or for each west of New York, with ene Public works department at Ottawa. @ will have charge of the reports of will let in plsasant house fin tory. location, "without board | ARTHUR Er requir unioas applican' Wl a ot Ney near core known. Address *H, T." care WE | gLECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT HORSE Se offioss ' or now rushing in Whix Prose of Queen and PRIVATE BOARD AND"ROOMS, AT HENRY Aor Fe 428 Princess strest, Vauchn Terrace. | qyry AND = FARM PROPERTIES. Pr Our plan' No FARM FOR SALE. partment "'D..'- 908 Wallloston Bu en TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS, TOWN. Ee 3 xe ship of Kingston: two miles from | AMBRICAN . ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW, r city, ~135 acres. Township of Pitts sixtoen volumes, ot a discount, for | DR, McCARTHY, Felon LATELY burg, near Washburn,-- acres. reason. Apply na ie occupied b; corner Apply to Cunningham & Lyon. 79 o! and . Clarence street, Kingston. Ont. ; SPLENDID CORNER GROCERY IN MISCELLANEOUS. ind vie new sigh. ocd. aiagdy, Pe > ) ALL OTHER trade and. cash busin ORBAN FARM HELE, AND AL oartnent| rossons for selling. Apply Box 33, [A FLALL GOLD RING, ON MOND. A reward for its nium 10 Whig offees kicking their shocs to picces. Well, long wearing shoes. The children will 3 do better than get a of our shoes. H. JENNINGS, aie Mme. Elder's Brepsmsking Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am dred shares 13 > The best siace vo EE an' aif vound | 7Y0ine. Mise May Bullous, whe. has Fone % hres TH are of, ee ried 263 Princess St. Cor. Sydenham | Lane fn the + city. Meals of all kinds been speniling Na few days with her ho ks : a of . oa i aa Rl Ladicw Tailored 8 Suits, {Cdata and Poglish da Onl mother, Mra, I. Bullous, King street, he bank will have the distinction of Po. Bvenite Costumes, 'ITpusseaux, bn shortest notice. i" a nese | has returned to Redwood ~N.Y. U. A. having the largest capital of any na- Shirt Wists, et s by neagure, desighime. trimm ukers sent out by the day. single excention, 'Fhe bank's deposits ir Frnt now are $22,000,000. 'The last public 263 Stroet. | wile of the stock . was SLO per | TT. : shire, A CLEANLY AGE. Donahue-Murray. Twentieth Century Ideas Ineling Ottawa, Sept. 20.--A protiv wodding Just ; was oelebrated. yesterday, At Pem- Toward tation and . at the threshold of © woman- broke, whin Miss Murr Flizabioth ventatives. hood, that trying Puriod when the Murray, +hist : danghtor ve the lake Nowadays scientists believe that i en o e fis std - une tal a Gom- William Murrdy, was married' to | cleanliness lies the secret of prevention BT a on many a mr ee a vie Juclge Dennis J. Donahue, of fof disease. "He wroxis or green sicknos Renfrew county. ® The ceremony {| To prevent a "disease remove the. er disposition changes and she he- wos performed by Right . use, Somes he appetite. is eke, wlan N. 7. Lorrain, bighop of Pepbroke; Just as unclean habits brecd wily I etme ll weariness hor assisted by Rev, M. J Brady, Wal- | diseases, so careless habits will breed' dandruff. Improper use brushes, combs, ote. will surely cause dandruff; 'and, in time, will just "as surely cause baldness. St. Catharines, Ont., Sept. 20.-R, It's 3 td mierobie infection, nothing Dillon, editor of the Star- dournali nore or loss, ¢ has received an appointmedt in the Newbro's Herpicide kills the dandraff germ, und causes hair to grow luxur- iantly. Herpicide is absolutely . frée from grease or other injurious stances. School - Shoes You know the youngsters' delight in ' have to be fitted out and yop cannot | . KING ST" | Prectiost tate ions given jo cattiog ine, ote. of another's, new home in the city of Havana. these organs to perfect health, Curd | wy are pr for them with our At the meeting of the town council backache and weitk backs. In boxeh ting . ' oe ' : > last evening the question of defending We, For sal only at Wade's drug $1.25, $1.50 School Shoes he Yiuon ase. appealed by William 1240ve; Money buck if net satislagtory. | $1504 Hiihe, was talked over amd left in the Mothers say they - - never saw such 4g scientific remedy that you can de- ring' from chlorosf- anaemia = or pend upon. In boxes, 2%e. Rold only 83 Princess Strget fering 3 and frregularition, which ro. Alaska 'Sable Searfs. . at Wade's drug store, Money back if | Open from iC,80 a.m. to 300 am | ylt from poor hlood and exhausted Made from choive «kins, $7, $9, $12, Co Detroit, not. satisfactory, The best' San al) round | nerves, : $15 and up. All perfetly made and special 'agent. Sigel 19 the aa ts Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box, avery oho' supttid [¥aluel, atthe pitice. Chinese | it 811 dealers, or Edmanson, os Bros, the manuféturing Bates byte Sold by' leading druggists. Send We. "in. stamps for sample | 18 Abe Mich. eR driig store. there,