Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1906, p. 4

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adie a Rentlemens coats, so that they look fading or shrinking. and our driver will The whole collection 1s of Fine New goods, selected with care grove Bros. ov X STREET + Wesson, Own. THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE ' 'and heal and bladder--take sway pain ¢lear the urine--enable one For ¢ i ey ; oe. Wewvoms wil ot breaks reedily at the turn. over line, The special quality of linen used gives the g-eatest resistance to wear. A row of stitching sides: the laundty man In preserving tho orig. inal lines of style. TOOKE BROTHERS; Limited; MONTREAL: 908 EMBOSSING And, & ------ Neatly done, at the ~ Whig Office. Each tiny gréin of WINDSOR ABLE SALT aperfecterytal {rewarding tariff friends ENGRAVING THE "EDW. J. B, PENSE, Managing Director. Daily Whig. ofl Three Cotumn Tariff, Ottawa despatches revision of 'the tariff, the purpose be- | ing to plunge at once into this sub- ject as soon as parliament assembles in November. As was intimated by Mr. Fielding, last winter, says the St. John Telegraph, a three-column tariff .| 1% proposed, with maximum, minimum and preferential rates, o- tariff which will have business features. and pa- triotic features, which will permit of and dealing with tariff, enemies, besides continuing and perhaps inéreasing the present fa: vors to Britain, "The form of the present British pre- ference will be shodified. In place of the flat preference on all British goods the rate may vary according nature of the article. Certain classes of British goods; -- evidently, will bu admitted at one rate, and others at higher or lower rates. In this way the goverhment, if it desires to do so, can direct considerable custom into British channels with certainty. For example ;an article which we can buy frome Britain, Germany and the United States might be made to come Very considerably cheaper from . Britain than from either of the othér coun: tries which would be opposed by our maximum rate! The Americans and the Germans, it is indicated, could se- oure our minimum rate if they ult the need of it enough to make them ower their present excessive schedules in our favor. But the preferential rate they could not secure. mm ------ Prohibition In Naine. Prokibition was the great issue be- fore the people of Mhine in the elec: tion held last week. The republicans had put themselves on record as the defenders of the present prohibition law; the democrats had insisted that the question of the repeal of that law should be submitted to the people. That was practically all there was to the state clection. The result of the balloting shows a heavy republican loss, the eancidate for governor being elected by a plurality of about 8,000, as against 26,800 two yeats ago, the year of a presidential election, and 227,490 four years ago. In gubernatorial elections Feoming midway between = presidential elections the republican plurality in Maine advanced from 8,872 in 1882 to 38,978 in 1894, and then dropped to M,760 in 1898 gnd advanced to 27,490 in 1902 These are the figures with which the returns of ghe election should be compared. The republican plurality in the state is than it has been century, Evidently the time is close at hand when the question of prohibition ver- sus high license will come squarely before the people. The democrats ap- pear to have the better of the argu- mont, remarks the Ottawa Free Pross. They say that prohibition does not prohibit, that liquor is sold and al- ways will be sold in Maine, and' that the sale goes on under the most de- moralizing conditions, it is a sneaky, underhand business 'which corrupts the morals of the people. They point to the enormous consumption of patent medicines containing a large percent- age of aleohol 'and to the alarming increase of the drug habit, and say that it would be altogether better for Maine to have a high-license and lo- cal option law which. would not only bring in a revenue to the state but | would lead to a degent regulation of the liquor traffic. This view is clearly gaining ground. , Ontario First. Many Ontario journals are givin to now lower in a quatter of a | singing the praises of the west, as. a field for settlement; and the dompard- tively easy conditions of becoming comfortably established as farmers, are a great temptation to the young men of Ontario, whe have not the will, il, indeed, they have the stamina, to undergo the hardships their fathers underwent, fi hewing a home out of the forest. The lure of the west has | been responsible for 'so 'much ulation' of parts of Ontario, thdt the problem of Yealing" with the situation thus created, has - become n serious one, sys the Peterboro Examiner. The guardians of provincial interests should discugy some means of check net be accused of being narrow and sectional in insisting upon some re- list from the = depopulation under which. Ontario is suffering, hy the loss of the eream of vyr young men. * This year this province Kas suffered ee | hand left bohing. : announce great activity by those charged with the to the | ing this drain of population. One can-|s bor in the westera young young men forget for, a month or so, and that, on the whole, they will not do as well, nor enjoy 'as comfortable conditions, as if | they had remained on Ontario farms, at a lower, but more continuous, scale of wages. The glamor of west- ern conditions is liable, in 'some cases, to prove g representing some- thing legs substantihl than what they The got-rich-quick microbe infects many of the young men on our farms, 88 it does the speculator and the cap- italist, 'and, Sometimes. there is suc- cess, and, sometimes, disappointment ~mingled. in Such proportions, as 'to counsel 1o.cau on in leaving fairly qomfortable * tions, for possible betterment, oF no. change for the bet. ter that would justify deserting the home circle and. the hoe province, Ontarie journaly. owe their first duty to 'this province, The west in hig on: ough, and fertile enough, to act us tempting Ture 16 our young men, without the roseate pictures of Op- tario newspapers. The west will grow --i8 growing--in population, from oth- er. sourced, and Ontario needs all her own resources of populatian to cope with the industrial conditions which the expansion of the west creates. We wish the West snecess, for the more populous it becomes the better for the industrial enterprises which so large- ly engage our urban population, to the advantage of a home niarket for farm products, and the conséquent ad- vantage of Ontario farmers, « Bditorsal Notes. The school children are to be used to, gather farm statistics for the pro- vincial dopartment 'of agriculture in Prince Edward 'Island. A good idea. ; I------ The aldermen who have been sum: mering from Dead Man's' Ray to Old Orchard are home, with new ideas as to how to boom Kingston. But none tan give 'pointers as to how to clec- irify-the revenue -80- that their schemes can be carried out. Mr. Cochrane declares that the Hydro-Electric commission was not ignored by the disposal of the Healey lease. Mr. Cochrane is right, the Lon- don Advertiser thinks. Far from being ignored, the commission the head with an axe. was hit on ------ 'The torigs of Ontario are calling for the gerrymander in provincial ridings, and "'a fairer 'representation of the people," or in other words for the conservatives. Will thoy do as the fed- eral government did send the matter over to an impartial commission ? -- With hotels going up in flames the commercial travellers are enquiring as to the equipment carried for easy egress. Wheve it is not provided the authorities are to be appealed to to have it put up. And they will also ask the legislature for further devices for easy, escape in times of peril. -- So far from liberals being opposed to public ownership, the statutes show that in 'regard to all public utilities, .and as well to various mat- ters not usually so classified, the lib- eral party has led generously and freely in extending ' the powers of municipalities. A surplus, a real surplus, is what is now reported on the Intercolonial railway. The St, John Sun is generous almost to enthusiasm in its references to the reforms wrought during the past year under the administration of the Hon. H. R. Emmerson and his de- puty minister, Mr. Butler. Flags are not good material to feed on; they can be used to demonstrate with under favorable circumstances. In Manitoba, in the wild weather, many a school marm. may hurt patriotism when she exclaims belween her chat- toring teeth and as she fumbles with benumbed fingers at. the halyards, "Drat that flag 1" ! - ---- The agricultural = industry is very backward in the Temiskaming region. The curse of the settlement says' the Globe, is the non-resident landholder, the development of the district in more or less paralyzed un- til he is Uriven out. He should. never have been allowed to obtain a footing, and the sooner he is compelled to chaosp between giving up his land and living' continuously on'it 'the better, ; . ---- * Bishop Turner, of the African M. E, church, and leader of the movement migfation: to Africa, has lost none of his bitterness towards the United States, which he calls an "ac: cursed" country. The bishop is engag- ed in promoting a steamship line from Atlanta; Ga., direct to Monrovia on groes would willingly emigrate to Si. beria. In his mind all the hostility to: ward the negro and all of lynch- black men ure simply seat by God as harvest fields, thus not only hel ing to deprive us of our ' men, ut helping to excite in the latter hopes that will not be fully: realized. Xi Anh that the high wages quoted, last only | 4 man in the pulpit j Chickering's, at McAuky's book store. WILL BE NO CHANGE Sst BUT. THE RULES WiLL BE CAREFULLY REVISED. By a Special Committee For Next Conference--Debate on the Superannuation Fund -- New Type of Evangelism. Montreal, Sept. 17.--The povernors of Viotoria University have not been , although the boards for the other educational institutions have been * nominated. The education com mittee has . #stablighed the prineiple that hereafter these nominations will be made by it. A project to have written a history of Methodism was discussed hy the book and publishing committee, The discipline of the church Te- garding theatres, dancing and other pastimes will not likely be changed this session, The appointment" of a committee of twenty men to canvass the whole issue, revise the rules and report. to next general conference is recommended, The committee "on discussing the division general secretary, occupied hy Rev. Dr. Sutherland. It is proposed that thete be two general secretaries, one for home and one for foreion work, and that cach have am under secre- tary. A: sub-committee of the church union committed "will recast the clause with reference to the negotiations with the other churches. In case there was not a ready response forthcoming from the Anglicans and Baptists, the original negotiations with the Congrerational- ists and Treshyterians would not be delayed. \ . The establishment in citics of hoard- ing-house bureaus for airls, who are Strangers, employment bureaus for men, street preaching und that tvoe of évangelizition that doesn't take a is urged. The long debate in the superannuation fund committee has concluded. A pronosal to place the furid on aw dotuarial bas is as persistently advocated bv Thom- as Hilliard. Watérloo, was defeated. It still remains a pension fund. The committee on Union church re- lief fund recommended that the bat ance ol money in hand, $17,000, be divided among the different annual conferences according "to membership, The fund was organized twenty years missions is now of the office of ago to help embarrassed churches, and $77,000" has already bedn paid out. * -- " +The malanaholy days have como, The saddest of the year." First, why the poet said it is Leyond us fir when the air nips, things move; : Frosty pumpkins and not dead: leives are sym- bols of the season. ' RETR With us the Fall Season is one of unusual activity, and our store is the centre of life for the male commuaity. : Will you join the majority in: getting your NEW SUIT, YOUR "OVERCOAT AND YOUR FALL TOGGERY from this leading establishment ? Everything is waiting for you in all its f.] freshness at moderate prices. The H. D. Bibby Co, One Price Store. The discipline committee had an in- teresting topic to discuss which relat- ed to the allowance made to minis- ters for keeping their horses. Hither- to the grant made has been £60 per annum, but the committee recom- mended that the amount be inet eed to $100. "This is not much," re marked one member, "when the price | J of oats and the wear and tear eo : hicles are taken but I suppose we for. small mercies." Much 'concern is expressed by: the members of the conference at' the ill- ness of ene of the delegates, Rev. E. J. Chegwin, "BA; Moosejawg who came to conference 'as one of the dele- gates of the Assiniboia conference. Mr. Chegwin was unwell on the city, and his illness has developed into typhoid fever. He now lies in the Homoeopathic hospital. ve into consi eration, must be thankful ; arrival in SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Sure As You're Born. London Advertiser. : , Sir Wilfrid Laurier says that Ot JAS. MCPARLAND. AGENT. " from tested, natural / spring water, selected bar. § ley malt, and a blend of the choicest growth of hops. No sub- 2 stitutes for hops or barley \ are used. An aid to diges- tion and a cause of comfort after Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - 339-341 KING ST. tawa can become the finest city in the world. Not if Ottawa has to spend its own money, The Sorry Cause Of It. Toronto News. The Montreal Star says that la crosse is dying out in Canada. At any rate manv of the players are be- ing almest killed. Serves As An Exar.rle. Louis Post-Dispatch. Putting a. bank president in stripes does not restore the insane nor bring back the dead, hut it may set other | trusted officials to thinking. St All Summer Resorts Alike. Kansas City Star. A tourist, 'who returned this week from Colorado was asked if the out This city has no municipal system of garbage collection, but it has some thing just as good." Enterprising par ties are gathering the o al free of charge. and feeding it to hogs, which are sold to the people of London. The Big Head. : New York Post. The diagnosis of the professor who had an opportmmity fo examine Wil Ham J. Bryan's bumps at Cincinnati contained among other things the finding that his_subject had a "large head." This verdict shoultl add much to the dignity of phenology as an exact science. S EE ---- ing was expensive, The tourist re plied © "I have lost everything but'| === T " -- honor, and 1 believe.oven that is ploy 3 . ii Our More Offal. ans London Advertiser wea Upholstering ing but high-class, work;-as we do all our own Upholster ing in Parlor Suits, Couches and Mattresses. We keep a large JAMES REID, The Dr, KOHR'S RESTORINE :- Century, --the most wonderful Medicine ever covered. It is astounding the medical world. 1 cases cured 'in one month in Paris. e Na Medical Board has recommended this Remedy for tse in the Insane Asylums where, as is well known majority of the male inmates are victims oi lost Vitality Sn its most terrilile f In Furope the remedy if endorsed by all governments and is now used as * Specific in the great standing armies of both France and Germany. Stoos losses in from seven to ten days so that they never return. In rus entire Re after a few day's treatment. T' the eyesbrighl. Confidence retur regular. Jiea 'aches disappear. 1 mory, the mind becomes bright and active. A Froa for brain and Mood. A perm=znent cure mo matter how chronic the case. Jnst sen lus to-day your and address plainly written an a § duys trea of Res'orine wil be sent' FREE in plain sealed Age. Do not hesitate a moment We will tréal you with success and wi'h honest confidence. Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. P 0. DRAWER I 2341, NONTREAL. X Is a great fea- ure, as we do noth- taff, which is at your service. Leading "Undertaker 'Phone 147 for the White Ambelance. Henry Cunningham, tuner from See the Horticultural show, Peaches, the finest. Crawford's, Huyler's saltod almonds; fresh Gibeew's Red Cross drug store. : After binding and gagging the night fireman, George Seay on on blew open the safe in the office of the Lynn and the lower Sampseott car barn, secured $125, and made their escape. Half-Sick When your nerves are weak, when you are easily tired, when you feel | all run down, then is the time you need a good strong tonic -- 's Sursaparilia. Your doctor nerves, it makes thie blood rich, at | and whyit and it a ee Boston street railway at} FORGSTREET WEAR OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF LADIES' FINE SHOES ARE IN They are selections from the best of Canadian and American manufacturers--such as - | and I Bell, Geo. A. Slater, Invictus, The Art Shoe, and Utz & Dunn of Rochester They comprise the newest creations in footwear. : See our Ladies' Patent Colt Blacher, $3, $3.50 and $4. Col- lege cut, buttoned, lace or Blucher styles. = -- P-- A, TRULY msm Vigorous Heal of Power to => Wome One of the m richest men of article, has sai¢ whatever succes world I'owe al day 'I first kne inspiration, and wy life.", the love and ad: to inspire him t; self, should be a If a woman fir flagging, that «h shadows ap backachr , Nervor ness, irrey shou'. { start at on by % tonio with sp dja E. Pinkham i. Following we letter from a you Dear Mrs, Pinkha "Ever since fered, as I hope * inflammation, fe down pains, ach It affected not enjoy my mea spent beds "Lydia E. Pinkh made me a well wy that I am glad to marvelons recover new life and vitali 611 South 10th Stn What Lydia J Compound did fo for every sick an If you have sy desstand write daughter-in-law Lynn, Mass. 1] alwaws helpful; EET ------ THE BR. war Of the Foreste Con Toronta, . Sep connected with Rustralian the Independent amd the celebrat the chief feat atekha's evidones commission, this tour «finding of « the "Victoria "thi guilty of bribery was absolutely w dence to support tained by the He asserted male the, s return for soet; mier of Victoria that no part charged the Foy The net resnlts tension of . the encroachment on the order to t The executive! h: the foreign worl meant five local those jurisdiction carry on the wor locality. There | ture of 8500.6 geveral fund ott of management v ount had bten lo as an inveatn the department heavy expenditur said, had been t cutive had enrts Dr. Oronyhatekh expenditure in grounds . that t in planting the « the expenditure Miss Mary Cob of Prince Edwar 1st of Seéptembe formerly . of St took place at Bi 1 all dyspepsi Dr. Shoop's Res them, Dyspepsia iseuse of th y 1 10 inside nerved--th Stomach distres ness, bloating, | the Restorative mend and sell tive. Some music cabinets. | mahogany drosse If you want t can be grown, \ ford. specials Zutoo Tabl The tablets c completely that them any more. "AN! Litterateur (| Delicate wome something they ¢ MRS. . The editor of ; box in his deska sonal ienc claimed for then bo ate L.E 1Ex-GrandMaste

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