Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1906, p. 1

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'ven an ioticed 3 nongst : ought § ma. 5 were y ap. le m | that | Se we a el. ording - that wily ecause ny ing Some ol you sad of ». too, ht and latest: day, in ) inche} 4 thread groin, wide, quality, Winter Davies ne tity. 1se - Leino tm---- i " YEAR 73. N . 219. UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR No one likes to have his undershirt shrink so smiall that find it with a magnifying glass. Some makers' shrink, Some. are positively unshrinkable, goods are he can hardly sure to TWO GUARANTEED POSITIVES Celtic Brand for fine wear. Stanfield's for heavier wear. Our guarantee goes with "every ga ment. Two other good values-- Spring Needle Ribbed. Penman's Ribbed, satisfactory lines r- and B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. | MUSIC Rxselient Cast 2eclal Scenery and Effects RESIE 26. 35..50 ERX 76 Seats now on sale. Thursday, Sept. Canada's Leading Tragedian 20th JOHN GRIFFITH Awd a superior company in a majesti revival © of Shakespeare's tragedy. ic fimmortal King Richard The Third New Fire Proof Scenic = Equipmen Novel Electrical Fffects, -Rich and ~€eo rect Costuming, Startling Battle Table aux ud vantage. rl o 80c., -85¢c. and 25c. now on =; t, r~ le Friday, Sept. 21 Special and Most Expensive Engage~ ment of the Famous Black Dike Mills Band From Yorkshire, England, now touring Canada, World, Winners in $40,000 in prizes. Prices, $1, 75¢., 50c., bc., 2c. Seats now on sale SATURDAY, Sept. 22nd Bargain Matinee at 2.30 Evening 8.15 The Greatest Brass Band in the The Shadow Behiad the Throne Greater New York's Breaker. Love and War in The For East, and Secrets of the Chinese Capital. T Dymunite Explosion in the Palace. Fun, Frolic and Fantasy ing Dani Def Rece: nt Record Scenes he Viceroy's y- shRgidl +26 .35..60 3R%+1s .7 Bargiin Matinee, Children 15¢ Adults 25¢. Seats on sale Thursday. MONDAY, Sept. EDWARD A. BRADEN Presents The Gingerbread Man With Same Big All Star Cast ag sc here last season, with its own Prices, 25¢., Sc, Thc, $1, $1.5 Seats, h Seats on sale Friday , B Sept: 27th, THE SMART SET Mme. Elder's Brepsmeking 24th | en Orchestra ox 258 Prinress St. Cor. Sydenham o Nadies' Taflored Suits; "Counts and | piel oon Whips. Evening Costuuies, Trousseaux, he Tota consists 'of 278 acres, MON Shirt Waists, etc. or less, all, of Which, with the exception Practical Instructions given in cutting | of about B30 acres, is gjod workable by "measure, designing, trimming, e lagd.. There is a good elling house, three barns, Wood shed, granary, drive Dressmakers sent out by the day. 283 Street: SERIAL TROPERTY TON SALE | 3 Close the estate of late E Chown. . J} | the North 150 acres 'amd. the South 123 } ouble Brick Dwelling, 187 Brock Strect, acres Mi, Road Sve TERMS 'OF SALE. Dwelling, 108 » The terms of sale, which are reason Por detalles see JUNE & BULLET. able, will be made knoWn at the time REAL SSTATRE AND of the auction, or may be had by ap SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGEFOY plying to the umdersigped RRNA WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer. T. J, SHORTALL, Washburn. T NOTICE CUNNINGHAM & LYON, Solicitors, ] 'AKE 79 Clarence street, Kingéton. ior a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, itchen Range, or any ° come and mew me as I have the largest : tack did have ever had: also a lot of | Turn ahd Carpets. Bverythine'| TURK'S pv rn Kiange Of Name, SEALFD TENDERS WIL L RE 2 Wilwinukr, "Sept. 10.--The' Brother- | Ceixtt ME 10 BOON nes EEDA hood Locomotive Firemen Jost ing wid eomerete work required for the nigh o er » o al ml completion « t to change the EE eh on "the property of the Light, the order to the Brotherhood of 0 | ite of Kingston. on Barrack St. comotive Firemen and Enginemen, be Specifications. may be seen at the Gas cause twenty-five per cent of the wmem- bein ure envineers. SH Bay Zam Buk at Gilson' store. : "SECOND-HAND STORE| 898 Princess Street. Red Cross "| for & junior salesman and a parcel boy DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese Board, "Arrival of House, 8.13 pam. The sun rises Thursday at and seis at 8.08 pan Horticultural Show) at the Armouries this evening and to-morrow Meeting of No. 66, 1. B.C. nd RB L. Union to-night at Labor Hall : George Mills & Co. advertising xa 1.30 pm. Thursday. Kitty," Grand Opera 5.24 am, are This day in history --President © field, of U.S. died, 1881 ; de cated F J 130 a. Trench at Porteers -- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243---Business Office : 220---ExXit. 1K 202 Jobiane looms. Dainty China Constantly Arriving ' All. the latest novelties can be found in our assort- ment. " We are opening New Goods everyday. ROBERTSON BROS. Queen of Furs SEAL SKIN We have received a fresh consign ment of beautiful SELECTED ALAS KA SEAL SKINS from: our dresser, LONDON, EN ND. In richness of lustre and durability they are superior to any other grade. If you are thinking of purchasing, now is the TIME to place your order, as the RUSH SEASON is fast ap proaching. WE INVITE YOU to eall and in- spect our SKINS and MODELS QUALITY," "CORRECEINESS off STYLER aud. PERFECTION of FIT have always been chavaeteristic of OUR productions. for FUR CATA- Send us your name LOGUE B John McKay Fur Heuse 149-153 Brock St., Kingston. Flower. Show Armouries To-night and To-morrow ~ Sept 19 & 20. 14th Band Concert. Admission, 25c. Children,' 10c. / HA > Auction Sale -- Adri bee gh Fi Hog Saturday,. Sept. 22nd. at Eleven O'Clock 'Forenoon, on BROCK STREET, Market Square, Kingston. Shortall- Brothers farm, situaty near Sixth Concession in offer. for sale their Joyceville in the the 'Township of milk house and wind plenty of got yard aH the year house, cow stable. will on the prémises ; water im the barn around "The property will be alfered either as a whole or in two parcels consisting of NOTICE. Works Office The lowest or any tsader 'wot neces sieily meoepted. 4 : L. W. SHANNON. City Clerk. I Vil Ai Union Jack To Fly While ! Parliament Sits. IN THE FAR NORTH GRAIN! DOES WELL AT LESSER SLAVE LAKE. Bad Feeling Between Whites and Indians--Suit By Quebec Gov- ernment to Recover Succes- sion Duties. {+Gtlawa, Sept. 19.--The suit institu ted 'again by the Quebec government to collect succession dues to the amount of $233,000 from the estate of the late KE. B. Eddy came up for hearing in Hull, amt was adjourned till Friday for argument. There is a dif ference of some five million dollars in ihe value placed. upon the late Mr. Bddy's mills and factories in Hull by the estate and by 'the provincial gov ernment. A report from Superintendent Con stantine, of the Mounted atin ewho has charge of the lessor Slave Lake distriet, says that wherever grain was planted this season in that remote region it hasbeen doing very well. A report froin Fort Graham says that there has been bad feeling between the Indians and the whites there since the rush to the Klendyke gold fields, and: that it will take a little. time before this feeling dies out. The government has decided to fly the Union Jack from the parliament buildings every day during which the house is in session. . It was learned to-day that Mayor Ellis has decided to run for the may- oralty for a fourth term. Dr. BE. H. lawson, son of James Lawson, is surgeon Monteagle, at Hone Kone and his friends are gratified to lear. that there was no loss of life én the boat. Rov. on the TO DROP BOMBS. The Latest Scheme of the Revolu- ' tionists. Brussels, Sept. 19.~The Independence Belge publishes a despatch from St Petersburg, saying the reason the car and family left Peterhol. on 'a vachting cruise, was because the po- lice thero discovered a revolutionary plot tp drop dynamite bombs on the palace from balloons. The despatch adds 'that the .revolu- tionists bought two dirigible balloons from an American and are keeping them in Germany until .a favorable opportunity offers for them to carry out their plan. The rovolutionists hope that the vietims will inclutle the carevitch and Grand Duke Vladimir. BOUND FOR PARIS. Guards Lined the Station at Berlin. Berlin, Sept. 19.--The Netionnl Za: tung says a special royal train passed through Berlin mysteriously - early vesterday morning. The whole staff at eich station in and near she capital turnegd out 'and guarded the aporoach es to the stations. The train was boupd for Paris. It contained several Russian grand dukes and their families who 'have found Russia too hot. Almonte Waterworks. / Almonte, Ont., Sept. 19,---At a spe- cial meeting of the town council, Messrs. McDougall & McCrae, Ottawa, were awarded the contract for the preliminary work of making plans and surveys for the proposed water works in this town. Thére were several other offers, but the contract was awarded to the Ottawa people, who are in a sense specialists. The work will be proceeded with at once and the larger question of the putting inh of the water will likely be submitted to the peaple at the next municipal elections in January. Tammany's sSiggest Splurge. New York, Sept. 19. Fightern hun drod members of Tammany Hall will go to Buffalo, the largest delegation Tammany Hall ever sent to a. state conyention. Two hotels, the Lafayette and the Court Inn, have been engaged for them. Charles F. Murphy, with 150 delagates, will make his headquar ters at the Irogmoid, 400 members will Iw housed at the Genesee, and 150 at the. Tourgine. They will go to Buffalo in ten dpecial trains on the morning of September 24th, the day be fore the convention. Charged With Bribery. Warsaw, N.Y, Sept. 19.- Former Supervisors Byron D. Gibson and W. B. Jackson, of Erie county, were placed on trial here on an indictment charging them with having accepted a £5,000. bribe from Rowland J. Con- over, the North street cemetery. eon tractor, in June, 1902, when the latter was puid $15,000 on his body-remov- ing contract. After several -objections made by counsel for the defence had been overruled, the work of securing a jury was begun. McBride Denies x, "Vancouver, B.C., Sept, McBride denies the | report legislature is to be diately. He dubs ak senseless sensa-, tionalism the rumor that the leuten- ant-governor insists upon this course. ~ Premier See the henntiful flora) disvlay at Led by the at the or ae | Ex-Cheincellor Harrison of the Uni versity of New Brunswick died at Fredericton. Jobm Strothcamp, Harrison, N.Y. was killed jn a prize fight with Philip sy of Port Chester. ! building committee of Knox church, Toronto, will recommend the erection of an edifice to cost $100, 000. A Rock Island railroad train 'went through near Dover, Okla; a score missing. The death of passenger a high bridge vight Sire dead and Mr, FPraderiek Cook and the buvic! of her babe in the back ward are being investigated by the "crown attorney at Toronto, Three United "States ships saluted as the body of Rear Admirgl Chichester as placed on board the British bat Ueshir Formidable at Gibraltar, Wilbur Glen Voliva was chosen by the people of Zion City as their lead er- by the overwhelming vote of 1.$11 to- 6 for his opponent, M. E. Rillds. Members of the board ob governors of the University of _Loronto asked the government for financial aid for the erection od the physics building. It is stated that Charles R. Devlin, member for Galway, is about to resign his seat in the imperial house and that he wil re-enter Canadian politics. Mr. Quinn, reported killed in Gilmour fire at Ottawa, at his home in was singed, triffing. Pb Tntellield, tne has arrived Lansdowne. His hair but his injuries are until recently employ WER. at Medicine Hat, was killed by a train in the C.P..R. yards, Calgary. He deliberately walk ad in front of it with suicidal intent Charles M. Floyd, Manchester, NCH, was nominated for governor by the New dampshire wepublichn con vention on the ninth ballot, Winston Churchill. was the formidable oppon: ent, True bills were found at Halifax against Senator Lovitt and 8. A, Cro well, president and vice'president re- spectively, of the Bank of Yarmouth, who are charged with making false returns to the government, Herbert, Parsons, president of the New York county committee] won' a sweeping victory for the control of the republican organization, while Leader Charles F¥ Murphy, Tammany Hall, retained his position at the head of the organization by & narrow margin. RAID ON EUROPEANS. Iron Works. Pillaged and For- eignérs Pursued. Tangier, Sept. 19. Sherif Taclai nein, with 230 men, vesterday, entered Casa Blanca, pillaged the Prinee iron works and pursued Europeans through the streets, wounding several of them After terrorizing the town for two hours Paclainein was induced by the governor to leave, the governor hav ing been reluctantly forced to act by the foreign consuls' indignant pro tosis, The Strike Troubles. Man., Sept. 19.----A confer held, to-day; between the Winnipeg, 'once will be committee of strikers and builders' exchange. The civie committee will await results of this meeting before taking any action. The master plambers state they have their shops rumning and 1h yv have nothing to ar bitrate A serious aspect, from the contractors' point of view is that sov oral bricklayers and carpenters are leaving the city, whieh will make a scarcity of labor when trouble thed, 1% set New Naval Constructors. Washington, D.C., Sept. 19. Three of the six vacancies in the corps of naval constructors will be filled this year, She junior line officers destiged for transfer being Ensigns J. BE. Ot terson, Charles A. Harrington and Edwin 0. Fitch, They will be sent to the Massachusetts Institute of Tech hology for a course of instruction, and later Will go to the navy vard at Brooklyn for 'a of their training, practical application Baseball Sununary. National leagne--New York, 3; Pitts burg, 2. Cincinnati, 49; Brooklyn, 22. Boston, 6; Chicago, 1: Philadel phin, 3: St. Louis, 2 : American Jeague---8t. Louis, 7; New York, 2. Cleveland, 7-8: Washington 52. Chicago, 7: Philadelphia, 0. Nos ton, 7; Detroit, 5. Eastern league Buffalo, 1. Toremto, 7; Jersey City, 3 ter, 4; Baltiviore, 3 3: Newark, Roches ---- Going Very Slow. Havana, Sept. 19.Notwithetanding some appearance of aefivity, no. de cisive progress wak made, vesterday, in the negotiations. Insurgents i plac in the ape not willing to enter field on negotiations until all the con spiracy prisoners shall have been re leaned. 'A Fresh Disturbance. London Sept. 19. Lloyds agent, at Port Said, says that it is reported that done hundred men were wounded jn the mutiny, yesterday, on board the Turkish troopship Assyr. 'No one was killed. Thére was a fresh disturbance on board today, but it was quelled. A Crisis Is At Hand. drid, Sept. 19.--It is said tia a in dikely 18" ¢ at any moment privging the resignation of the minis try. King Alionso and Queen Victoria Kingston, Ont., Sept. 15h, 1908. the armouries, to-night and tomor- Fortune Gens, Buy Plans Charles EH. Wilson' Jumped in Front of the Cars and Re ceived Injuries That Quickly Proved Fatal-He Was a Stock Speculator. Now York, Sept. 10.-Dejection caus- od by the - Hoss oy ha he wl made as a unger' in Wa airent, is given as the reason Charles Wilson, twenty-two. years old, dived to his death . under the wheoht r near Fort Lee, Satur- Henry Benait, motor: man of the car which cut off Wilson's i, stated that the young man made an unsuccessful attempt to have the car kill him as it was going to Englewood, and on its return rip waited for it and jumped under the wheels when it was impossible to stop the car in time to 'save him. Mrs, Wilson, however, states that her son accidentally fell under the car through weakness due to an attack of typhoid fever from which he was only convalescent, Mrs. Wilson and her husband recently separated, and her son, not wishing to take any wide in the controversy between his parents, went to live in West 1dlst street, When he was il he was taken to the J. Hood Wright hospital and, when recovering, went to No. 101 West "ifty-first street, where he resided up to the time of his tragic death. Baruch Bros, No. 05 New streot, Wilson's employers, thought well of him and kept his place open while he was ill 'so that he wight resume his duties there on his recovery. "Uf Charley killed hi f, which 1 do not believe," Mra. Wilson said, "it was because of worry over being a burden to us. He often suid, I'm not doing anything for you.' 1 believe "he was knocked down in trying to get on the front platform of the car. Wilson went to Central Park with his sisters, Saturda, ternoon, and Therotning Adpnen ---- rue them wont ferry he boarded Benoit's car and alighted when the 'car 100k n switch at the top of the hill to let another car pass it. As Bonoit's car ctor ted, the motorman says, Wilsen tried to be rum down by it, but Benoit stopped the ear im time and roundly abused Wilson for what he thought was sin- pidity. On the return trip of the-ear, Be- noit states, Wilson, who had walked half way down the hill to the ferry, hid behind a telegraph pole, and when the car came near enough ran out and threw himself between the fender and the front wheels. The car wai stopped before' the rear wheels passed over the young man, bit he had already sus. tained injuries which proved "fatal an hour later Wilson when only twenty years old had a very sucdessful series of stock speculations, - and acquired | a small fortune, then going inte business as hroker and attracting much attention because: of his youth and acquisition of wealth. His fortune did not last. Boys Run Away. Mimico, Onf Sept. 19. Escaping has apparently SY epidemic among the lads of the Vietoria In dustrial School here. Last week tins young gentlemen walkid off, though they were all very soon "walked" back again. Yesterdny two more went off, it is believed, fram the play ground, immediately after breakfast. The escaped © lnds® are Roy Rogers, Hamilton, and = Peter Raker; Ganan- both being between thirteen and vears of age. The superin thinks: hoth: runaways will brourht back, og, fourteen tendent soon be tn "y The New Inspector General: h.C., Sept. 19.--Col. E, who will be the next | inspector general of the United States army, ix w wwiiber of the general staff, who attains his higher Poe on the retirement, at his own. request, on nceount of. ill-health, of Gen. G. "H. Burton, a New York man, for, many years on duty at Governor's Island, Col. Garlington ix the brother-inJaw of Gen, J. Franklin Bell; chief-of- safl, and is: well known in the mili- tary ne rvice. Washington, A. Gurlington, gr tne A Peculiar Accident. Hamilton, Ont, = Sept. 19. John Frawlev, a deck hand on the Macassa, met with a peculiar accident at the beach. As the boat was being tied up at the piers hisufoot caught in the rope. Before he could release himuell the boat moved forward-amnd bis foot wae severed from his leg at the ankle, He was brought to the city hospital, where hia lng was' amputated at the Knot. tg gaiadal For 'Brave Fireman. , Piomas, Ont., Sept. 19. ~A fire an varie MeGiuire; of this city, of the Wabash, will be awarded a medal by a Hwmane Society for rescuing' the infant doughter of Farmer Ren: wick; about three weeks ago, by climbing on the pilot of his engine at the risk of his life and picking her wp, while the train was running at. the rate of forty, miles: an hour, have taken up their residence in the palace of LaGranja. Frititntivee are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Dén't forget the. big Hower show. ME TOK LIFE] .| two stranded and seven were damaged | government while A. CO. Caselman is | to Fort Les. After crossing on the | A \ THOUSAND LIVES Were Lost in n tie ~Typuvon at .. Hong Kong. Manila, Sept. 19.--Latest advices trom Hong Kong state lives were lost in the typhoon and that the damage "to property, public and private, will amount to millions of dollars, Two vessels were sunk, | and one-half of the native craft in port were sunkesThe shipping trade has been partly saved through lack of lighters, Bishop Is Missing. "Hong: Kong, Sept. T4.-The typhoon which swent® this port, vesterddy, was of a local mature. Over one thousand Smpang and junks are. missing from Hong Kong alone, Wharves were swept away and collapsid, "I'he military bar- racks are in ruins. Several thousands of Chinese water dwellers must have perished in the, ruing. The losses, in lives and in property to the Chinese were appalline. One launch that was capsized had 130 Chinese on hoard. They were all drowned. The Rishop of Victoria, Dr. Hoare, was on his way to visit some neighboring islands, when the storm broke and is reported missing His--lounch hasbeen found floating bottom up, VERY POOR BINDING Of Public School Booka, Principals. Toronto, Sept. 19.---Bome rather sug gestive evidence was brought out at he sitting of the school book com-1 mission, which opencd its investiga. tions in the parliament buldings this morning, The members of the commis. sion are: T. W. Urothers, St. "Thom as, chairman; John A. Cooper, Toron- to; George 8. Lynch, Mr. Staunton, K.C., Hamilton; and James A: Mac donnld, Toronto. These represent the ~ Say a secretary, Richard Southam, president of the Mail Job Printing company, Toronto, testified that the readers cost 83 1-3 Pr cont, more than they should, and 0 would . agree to supply them at 23 1.3 per cent. less than the present cost. He would publish all the public school readers for $20,000, whereas the present wholesale. - price was $32,000, and the cost to the pupils 84a.000, Ernest A. Coombs, principal of Newmarket high school, Albert o- Dell, public school inspector for the county of Northumberland, and Thom- at Caxscallen, principal of the Galt Colleginte Institute, all gave evidence | { iat HN en ol Rocke. been were badly bound, and camp to pistes : readily; and that hooks which should novelti last for three years lasted some times signs al 1088 than a year. large hats to extreme: ones, combined with a workmanship, X Delightiand satisfaction fa every woman who wants Ni Fall Headwear at our Mil ery Parlors, ; bats hi Py ao York here in great num but those of ra own te unfavorable charanter; that the books GENERAL ASSASSINATED Another-Foul Outrage in Warsaw A Invited y Warsaw, Russian Poland, Sept. 19. ] Are Vv Gen, Niecfaiofi, of the artillery, was besassinated here to-day. He was | to inspect at leisure tl walking on Wislkn street when he was surrounded by five revolutionista and shot dead. The murderers escaped, Gen. Nicolaiefi, of the artillery, was thought to be a member of the field court martial, beautiful display in our My linery Parlors on the seco floor. Hindoos At Harvard. Cambridge, © Mass, Sept, 19.--Ar- rayed in flowing robes und high white turbans Amar Singh and Copal Singh, his cousin, both pure blood Hindpos, arrived at Harvard, to-day, and regis. WILLIAMSON ~On Tuesday, Sent, 184 1906, to Dr. . apd Mrs. rR. he Willlvmsoh, a son. tered ax students in the Harvard } graduate school. They are the first HENDERSON-1Y Hin Watertow full-blooded Hindoos that have ever \. Sept... 18¢ Ara Pe wor, to Mise ny Aen Lynch, attended Harvard. town NY Harry Smith Killed. Detroit, Wich. Sept. 12. Wheels ; Ny man Hacry Smith, aged twenty-four ID years, Sombra, Ont., son of Hanker ROBT. J. RE A Smith of that place, was killed at Escanaba, Mich., on Sunday, by fall- The Loading Undertaker ing through a hatch into the hold of the steamer Mitchell. He joined the steamer only last June, - 833 Princess St: | COFFE Nothing is #0 much eriticised' ¥ hone ary. Big Fire At Buenos Ayres. London, Bept. #9.=A great fire is raging along the docks at Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, according to private messages received. It is reported that the entire shipping of | harbiGr is threatened with destruc Coffee. Nothing' is harder to tion, rr just right, That is the reason = take such 'special care im To Push It Forward. roasting and blending of our Quebec, Sept, The work on the construction of the Quebbe and Ra: guenay Eleetrie railway, from St. Joachim to Malbaie, a distance of fifty-vight miles, will be commencnd shortly and pushed to completion with all' possible speed, mtn England imports nearly £18,000,000 worth of timber a year, A well. known "authority on forestry declares | that £15,000,000 worth of timber might be produced in this country if we went thé right way about it. A funeral from Alexandria Bay, the remain to be interrid at Odessa, passed throtigh the city this after- noon, It is ite toga) for a child to be christen, by a single letter instead of a beet T's never safe to fud woman' thoughts by what Ci phy : $150 CASH 3 Lots on Victoria Street | sc, tial Nos. 83, 83, 84. APPLY TO JAVA AND It gives universal satisfaction. Making Shoes * Srillithe 5 both in pairing, i he John McKay, Brock St. a.

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