Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1906, p. 2

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Hil fF EReld i il i it ; ! i i : fig iH I sipk I : §* i i i if in Con- FE =f ir, Toplifle, by Rev. S. "Shib- "dokn Gal. A. Mackenzie at ; Yiesworth, 's cathedral--Holy- - fine arts, fruit and | oe at 8 am. Rev. Dr. Tucker grains Mr arts and' at 11 am, J. M. Sherlock, of fruits: D. ¢ grain and | roronto, will sing during the offertory. he - Offerings towards superannuation hibits had laced Jn) Sydenham Street Methodist church Positige, Hating 5 and | Rev. C. E. Manning, pastor. Sun. day, September 16th, 11 am. the pastor; 7 pm. Rev. G. H. Cobble of Woodstock, sermons will be delivers tation of the General rath at, St. James ore on, ent a James in { ing, St. Paul's in the evening; by Rev. ; Tucker, at St. G 's in the fas y morning St. Luke's in the even- crowd which alu, Presbyterian, rie. and Earl streots.--R Conn, M.A., will preach"at both ser- " Sunday school at 3 pm. A union missionary meeting to be ad- by Miss Jamieson, Thursday, at 7.30 pm. Strancers cordially in- vid to oll the services, + i i comer Bar- ¥. James R. TT 1 =F G. H. Hunt- Ee -- X an and o- tot off, got dorwn | Y.M.C.A. Sunday Notes. to work, t varie- | The morning watch will meet at E seven o'clock, and 'clock Bible class at ten o'clock. bee { ------ play of tomatoes and onions was King Richard The Third. J good. Outside of the building there | 8 "splays appeal to the {was a small exhibit of agricultural | highest order of intelligence; they are implements, next to a miniature mod- | the exulted ideals of dramatic litera- el cheese factory, which hing alone in | ture. **King Richard the Third * is its class of course, secured prize. | undoubtedly the best of them, as far In the live stock department the | as the requirements of stagecraft are line-up fur excelled that of last year. | concerned. It is vigorous, interesting The cattle, sheep, and hogs 'were of | and portrays the mentality very best. Of the latter Tamworth, | of a king to whom nature had refus- being especially admired, an excellent | ot aby attractive physics] qualities, exhibit being made by A. Hunter. | No living actor can Play King Rich- Thomas Sproule was one 'of the judges | ard as well as John Griffith. It has in this department, The sheep were | boon his study for Years, and he well represotited, as were also the | brings to its portrayal all the mental horses. Lisut,-Col. Young, DAAG, | and physical requirements that his together with Mr. MeAdoo, judged te art i play it here on Thursday night, Sep- on the race (rack the first | tember Mth, at the Grand = Opera ovent was the judgin of ho haw Boum, wind will have the rt of uxiliary trans » authori y an ex t company and adequate mins tn for | scenic embellishment. = three years, and intended to be used to a means of bringing up A ------ i: To Join Royal Engineers. supplies to the main force in case of Lieut. James Gemmill, a diwtinguish- cident, Turning t all their muscular power to get out of the way, They succeeded by a nar ing struck, but their fishing lines were of the latter was carelessness and in the loss of tife. Mechanics, Farmers, move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, otc., use The "Mastor Me- chanic's" Tar Soap. Albert Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers. high standard, of excellence and our He will | values were never better. See showing of Alaska sable scarfs from $7 up. Mink scarfs $15 up, bell Bros., the manufacturing furriers, (ber of the people who went from this Kingston beauti of if the parks had the of of hey leave of the city's of proper § t water the court house grounds. a starving man. Let next summer, grass left to water. WOMAN'S ART CLUB. One. A mecting of the Woman's Art As- sociation Kingston was held on Thursday when the year's reports were presented. The secretary reports fifty- four members, and the treasurer go balance of $30 in the bank. The offi cers were upanimously re-clocted : President, Miss Machar; first vite-pre- sident, Miss Gildersleeve; second vice ident, Miss Ella Fraser: secretary, | Drummond. ;* treasurer, Miss Nor- val Macdonald. A 'new charter is to be issued to the Canadian association, by the Domin- ion i » in November, and un- der it the in smaller cities and towns will have their voice in de ciding matters of general interest. The Kingston branch 'will have an exhibi: tion of pmintings here in a few months, it is not yet settled of which 'school examples will be shown. LADIES' NARROW ESCAPE. Their Skiff Almost Run Down By Launches. Yesterday about two o'clock, two Kingston ladies while trolling in the vicinity - of Whiskey Island, had a very narrow eseppe from a serious ac- side of the island they suddenly saw bearing down up- on them two gasoline launches, which were racing with each other. The men running them were so engrossed with their sport that they did not notice the skiff, and the ladies made use of row margin, their boat escaping be- carried away by the launch. The act nothing short of might have resulted Sportsmen. To heal and soften the skin and re- The Wearing Of Furs. Our' furs still maintain our usual our big at Camp- mies Dreams Unfulfilled. It is understood that a large num . The Aim. The Kingston, Business College, head of Queen street is a high Salle: ead hose hi t aim is the z invasion. Twenty-five teams have ol uate of. the: Royal Military | Vicinity to Cobalf, are returning 'falready. been enlisted, and of this num: | College, will join the Royal Engineers | home. Dreams of fortunes to be made bot twenty-two turned out for inspec | oy hatham, Fogiand. He was ae | there have not materialized, tion. Rach waggon was supposed 10 | compunied by Livut. , an RM. have a yng capacity of 3,000 | C, graduate, lately. garetted to the William Swain, piano tuner. Orders Joutids and besides their regular pay, Roral Ganson Artillery. Previous to [received at Me uley's' book store, or i ton, three prizes were offer | soiling, Lieut. Gemmil was banquet Jed by Lieut Con Hu ter for the best | ted by a number of military fiends outfits. They were judged by Lieut. |in Ottawa. 4 Col. Young, D AAG, and the pri the City is Decii- of Appearanc:s, house to the wat- # valuable asset has apparently accounted as nothing of the cricket field, and Park, have been allowed to of beauty ' have been fruitful of good restlts. The expense would have been Jittle and the return much been kept watered hot spell. Then the wide green would have been the all visitors, whereas now the city with a poor esti- h advantages for care. Ohce this season the firemen have used their hose Son ts like placing' food beyond the reach of some arrange- ment be made for watering our parks that is if there's any The Year Has Been a Successful v j . x ; g y, - i -- 2 The "Matches. Charles Taylor in the croquet singles yesterday. On ay, X field beat Mys. W. S. Hughes. -------- Suffers From Blood Poisoning. John Leinmon, fireman at the upper station, and driver of the team at tached to the chemical waggon, is in the Hotel Dieu, suffering from blood- thiflg of which | poisoning. t during the sum. ¥ Recovered A Go-Cart. P. C. Arniel returned a baby's 'go- cart to the owner, this morning. Com- plaints a' police station stated that the cart had been taken from in front of a store on Princess street while its owner was inside. When re- covered from an English family, liv- ing on Princess street, the children, * | who had takem it, claimed to have picked it up on Princess strect. Viewing The Pictures. The A. L. 8 moving pic- tures were the attraction at 'the Grand Opera House last evening. There was a fair audience, which viewed the many scenes presented with deep attention. The comical scenes shown caused much oan find a seat laughter. The illustrated pictures and pleasure, nothine but' barren the songs of K. Cahill were admired. of shri _grass. Surely a The exhibition. of pictures, to-night, will close the engagement. The ma- tince this afternoon was well attended. ---- A Mason Injured. This moming rather a serious acci- dent occurred at the new Free Metho- dist church, in course of erection on Colborne street. John Revell, a mason, whose home is in Verona, was working on a scaffold when one of the posts slipped out of position and he was thrown to the ground, break. ing the two bones of his right fou arm just above the wrist. Dr. Camp- bell was summoped and attended to the injuries. ---- "The Arrival Of Kitty." The season's comedy success, wp Arrival of Kitty," will be at the Grand on Wednesday, September 19th. This comedy has made a pronounced hit everywhere presented and local theatregoers who relish tuneful music, unique dancing, charming songs, bright dialogue, together with beau: till costumes and magnificent stage settings, may look forward to a most satisfying entertainment when this delightful comedy is presented here. They Do Love Each Other. Commenting on the report of United States Consul Van Sant, a Washing- ton correspondent says: "Of all the recent reports on the commercial rela- tions of Canada and the United States probably the most rosy is that which H. D. Van Sant, consul at Kingston, Ont., has just sent to the. state de- partment. Van, Sant fairly. glows in his description of the neighborly; not to ray brotherly, regard growing up between the two countries," A New Jewelry Firm. Kipnear & 1V'Esterre, jewelers, have entered into business at the stand for- merly occupied by P. B. Crows, corner of Wellington and Princess streets, aid aig now in a position to satisfy a the wants of the citizens of King- ston in the jewelry line, They carry a complete stock of all requisites and will endeavor to call upon them. for the last two please all who 'may | Frank Kinnear was | years with the firm | of Norman- Ellis, Hawi'ton, while | Jack D'Esterre was an employee of E. | Bates, Sarnia. Both partners learned the business with The Fllis | o., Toronto, | ------------ | | A Birthday Party. | A very enjoyable time was spent at | the home of Sidney .J. Watts, Glen- | vale, Monday evening, September 10th, | the occasion being a birthday party, | given in honor of Miss 1. A. Ashley, | Kingston. The house was beautifully | decorated, with Chinese lanterns, | flags and evergreens. She was the cipient of many handsome gifts. At 11.30 o'clock, m the dining-room, where a sumptu- | OUs repast was partaken of. Games and music were indulged jn, until the | wee sma' hours of the morning, when | all wended their way homeward, very { mach delighted with their evening's | amusement. All wished their young | hostess a hapov birthday, and many | of them, | re- and useful all assembled | | Particularly Straight ! There may be lots of "knockess' in this town, but this wasn't' one of them. He was young and a citizen. She also was young. but a visitor. She remarked that Kingston was . a i nice place, "but laid out awful funny, | a 1 Mrs. Walter Macnee won from Mrs. own- j trees are all trimmed in readiness for | What is Going on About the | western {TAXES OF THE Cl QUENTS AFTER TO-DAY. = i Amount. of This Yeats Far Paid in is Large--Wur- rants For Street * Watering Rates--An Assessment Change. This was the last day for paying in this year's city taxes, without being. charged interest. Those who have not paid their taxes will havé interest atided on to their dues at the rate of five per cent. The total taxes this year amount to SI5R.000. It was expected that of this amount, $115,000 would have been, paid in before the city treasurer's of- fice closed this afternoon, lear ing R13, 000 uncollected. The collector has till December 31st to get in that amount, and by that time very little wil be outstanding. The collections this year are fully 210,000 ahead of those of last year at this date. On September 13th, the total collected was $121,000, on the same dav last year, it was $107.000. With this prompt payment of the taxes, the city is in'a much better position financially, Never. in Kingston's history have * the Yeur's taxes been so well paid iti as this year. Of last year's street watering rates; there is still about $300 unpaid, and the collector has issued warrants for delinquents. This year's street' water- ing bills are' now being ted, Next year the street wateting rates will be put on the eeneral tax roll, and their payment will thus be - more Promgn. The assessment notices for next year are also being distributed now, and those who are aggrieved concerning their assessment, as fixed by the as- Sessor, are reminded that they must notify the city clerk of their com plaints by October 15th, so that they mav be heard hy the court of revision. There is a change in income assess ment for next year. Non-householders this year were assessed 'on income over and above $400. Next; year. their income up to 8600 wi'l he exempt. Taxes So Concrete Walk Construction. There are about fifteen concrete walks to be built before the frost comes. So far this year, five miles of concrete walk have been constructed, The other walks will total another mile. The second long walk on Upper Princess street from Alfred street to | near the city limits will be completed i on Monday. There ure half -n-dozen walks up town, in Ridean ward, next to go down, and then the walks in Cataraqui ward will be given atten- tion. Alderman Millan cannot see why Cataraqui ward 'was left until the last. He has been endeavoring to have that ward's walks laid much earlier, but the route of construction was (tapped out by the city engineer's de- partment in the spring. Claim There Is No Delay. The city engineer's department claims there is really no delay in trimming trees for the erection of elec- tric. wires. When the light department wants a tree trimmer, one is invar- iably sent at once to do what work is required. At present, Division street the ectric wires to be strung. ---- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Harbor. The steamer Ficton will be up this evening. The steamer Kingston passed down this morning. The steamer Rideau Queen left this morning for Ottawa. ie steamer Stranger went up the Rideau this morning The steamer Dundurn touched at Swift's this morning Toronto. The steamer Rideau Queen goes in to Davis' dry dock next Tuesday to receive a new whisd, It is expected on her way to 'hat n steamer for o company will be built in Kingston during the winter, The steamer Missisquor the river this afternoon, to Davis' " wh The Donnelly Wrecking company still at work near Hamilton, raising the sunken government dredge Nipis sing, The tug Rronsol cleaved for Mon treal with two barges; the tug Jessio Hall cleared for Montreal with one grain barge: the steamer Wallace arrived from Duluth with els of flaxseed. came up and went in dry dock to receive a new eel, is S has TR.000 bush. and when vou start for a place you The barge Cornwall, sunk in the seam to get there by going somewhere canal by the steamer Dundurn, was else." This was too much for the | raised last evening and is on hey d loyalist. He drew himsli up, af: way to Montreal. The carco ned fronted, and with dignity remarked : barge are both . i "I guess you're mistaking us for your { own town--Kingston's laid out par- | ticularly struieht.' And the mind wandered to streets which meet the | water at both ends, ' streets that get tired of going in one direction and | pick themselves up at another angle several blocks farther on, streets that | cold give the Hampton Court maze |. day, the slightly dhwnaged, bat to just what extent cammot be estimg ted yet. ---- Sheds Destroyed. During the severe storm on, sheds of were Thurs- near by lightning, injury but the church, struck The church #scaped Railton, (For Headache ang Noung a id ay Bri same manmer. Large bottle, 23 cents An Excellent Resi and Sealp Cleansep "e ha | not for sale at y = the our dry, * can al be Sait, n can are Procured o¢ Jameg Dr. Scott's White Liniment » St. John, . Con Propr's. t. John NB. and Op --_-- Reliable Furs... ~ Moderate Prices. W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier, 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700. QUALITY IN BACK GOMBS Our Hair Ornaments Are Strictly And are the newest designs possible, hav ing - had a packax reach wus only this week direct from the manufacturers. Decorative gold is used for some, while others have NEW ART designs with STONES SET SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians Phone 6686. MOTOR GASOLINE In 5 Gallon Lots: or over, 26c, a Gallon Supplies always handy on the dock. SELBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. 10-NIGHT Silk Belts Drop in and see the new line of Silk Belts with eye- let embroidery, in pretty hades of white, black, navy, myrtle at soc each: Collar Tops 10 dozen White Embroi- ered Collar Tops, spe- cial at 5c. each. Ribbons Another snap in 15c and 17¢c. Silk and Satin Ribbons, broken lines, for the points, amd the hearer gasped to | sheds were destroyed. Ioc.a yard. realize to what noble purposes per- | ------ wry could be apy lied. | New overcoats at Bibby 's, Underwear | The Haunt Of Big Game. The northern part of the provines of Ontario is the mecca for the sports- man 'and hunter. Deer and moose abound in the several histricts that are reached by the Grand Trunk rail- way system including = "Muskoka 3 sing," "French Riv- "Temagami," "Georgian Bay," and several poi on the Ottawa Di- vision between Scotia Junction and Algonquin Park. Last year nearly twelve thousand deer and three hund. | er," ston diovese, Lace, cancluded this my I~ Try us again to-night far your « ply of candies. : & Jenkin, few hints on bei of the Sountry than Put together, The retreat of the Priests of Kine at the archbishop's pa roing. ony up- , Special sale. Edwards 271 Princess street Even a had man can give others a i ng good. There is more an in this section - Bll other discases and until the last few tars was su incurable. d dies, tly fai red moose were taken out of this jo Cure With local treatment, Prope g territory and from reports received catarms sanCurable. thea Proven his v he A, : be a constitutiona! disease and this vear, t "supply ® as great as | therefore requires constitutional treat- ever. All huntine districts easy of nt Hal's Gatarrn Cure, manufactur. fo ageess. Full particulars in "Haunts of Ohio, is the onl y & Co.. Toledo, Fish and Game" cation miving all information, game 1 Jaws, ete, sent free, on application | to J. Quinlan, district Dossenger a~ | h ent, venture Stathon, Montreal. ---------- 'Atidiess : a Take home with you to-night one of j Toledo, Ohio. J. CHENEY 4 Co, our We. "special" boxes of candies. | Sold hy Druggists, 75e. Edwards & Jenkin, i ae Hall's . Family Pills for consti. an illustrated publi- | th cure. Send for tals. he only constitu e market. It le re tional cure on from 10 drops t ects directly on the urfaces of the undred dollars . internally in 0 a teaspoonful blood and one for any case jt fails to Girculars and testimon. fall wear. range in men's, women's, girls' and boys'. Buy your Underwear for We have a big Coats Our Coat display is still the popular topic at after- noon teas and social func- tions where the ladies athet. You certainly ought to see the range be- re bu: ing. 4 L NEWMAN & SHAW Each stu Equipment an very moderate. : The Co Register t tion. { | Sessions Ever, Full par! open evenings Poros KINGSTON BL Devoted to higher those who desire tb ing the highest and cial subjects taught graduates placed in logue, TTT VVV VLU JSS BATES PRI For Girls as il reopen at he Conwiate Building, ( Clergy streets, on Sept Arrangeinents made f All: branches of ku wht. SS ronch. German, | ibe, Physical Cult Bei Morals carefu Special Aftestion : Advanced Classes: for. which Languages, Lit position are particular For further informati Boe seit MISS KE " FOR GI Classes Re-ope Pupils prepared for Bore ard atriculati Classes in Painting a ture. Music in commect es for boys amd girls, For information, ap King, Alice street. ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE Trafalgar Castle Whi Pi bea hely lig the the ture cuti and Large Pipe Organ, Pianos, and the most equipment in every det Undoubtedly the bes Canada."--Lord Aberde t. 10. Send. for Cs 3 PNANE. Ph.D., Priy BOR} WOOD. ~At Morven, S J. WoW and Mrs. J. FARRINGTON. --In } to Mr. und Mrs. J daughter HILL. --~On Sept. Robert Hill, 8th, Tyene son MeVICKER --At Des 6th, to Mp. and . McVicker, a son. ------ MARR] SKEFLS--BACKUS Aug., Etta Albe Thomas P. Skeels, NAYLOR--SCOTT.--A Aug.. Beatrice Vio Edward Naylor, BAR} ROY .--A Glenora, on Sep Baldwin Batber, Rosetta Blanche, Charles M. LeRoy bureh, ALLEN--M¢CULLOUG on Sept. 10th, Ric Napance, ang Mis lough, Tyendinaga. WOODSTOCK --~McOAY on Sept. 6th, MN Deseronto, and Mi Napanee ---------------- HOGG. AL Toronto, Thomas Howey, re yile, Limited. Ro Picton, Ont., and late Willinin =~ Hogg years. FRASER <At Deseror Mabel Marguerite, Mr. and hoi PB four months and ¢ KULLY --At Deseronts Willard Kully. age m------ ! She! Lost Hi Last evening, Mrs, ham © street, was Street in front of the the sime moment tw whools, rode down vither knocked from or grabbed a purse S35. The parties. in 1 to the police and a gation is now under Wasp 'waists will Coming winter. Mo loctor, . Try Bibby's for me

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