ii Brdsidd ir ¢ liam Service: Date i Rev. R. Calvert. Date ar allay win gy 7th hey gg Rev. Dr. arin Sept. 23rd, Rev. W. K. arg Spt. 2rd, Rev. R, Still- Hisrrowsmith.--Sept. 2rd, Rev. J. . Lidstone. B i ~Aug. 26th, Rev. W. Tim- RR dt ah, op was December be observed ship as good citizen- i to her custom, spoke n as "All aust oeiont" individual kn ihe own - "the intelligent compositor," , dor reasons best known to , attempted to qualify the t, and the honorary ident 10 say that the un- wero "'almost efficient." Now officer best, known to the above is the naturally thinks qualification must have been an ngs. FEAT "» y Z Es at knowledge of hor GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Moving Picture Entertainment Gives Satisfaction. A goodesized crowd assembled at the Grand Opera House again last evening to Witness. the sutertainmunt provided by Shepard's Muaving tures. views of the world's fair at St. Louis were excellent, and clear and distinet greatly pleased auglience. The humorous pictures did not fail to please those over the difficult ole Dam Family," Of the illustrated songs "Will You Love Me In Docember In May" was sung with telling effect and received a I-meritod encore. An entire change of to-night during which "The White Cape" will be presented. Kirby Cahill was o mumber of St. John's cathedral choir, apt Tot Be Ge oye ed ongaged for t oir of ngels' church, New York. "UNEXPECTED INHABITANTS ------ Found Understhe Y.M.C.A. Roof By Workmen. Yesterday while men were making alterations ut the Y.M.C.A. building, came across they will be wi pie will now Poar on the menu of the caretaker. ------ NO PROVISION MADE. fi ~ id t » to his father, from Pic- Ruder broke; w i jE ind the purty abandon. . They anchor with feet of line, that it would keep the boat off shore. The chances arc that if the boat ever got where the anchor took hold, she immediately foundered. -- Marine Notes. The steamer Clara Youell from Sod- us is at Booth's with coal. The steamer Missisquoi from Rock- port, was at Craig's to-day. The schooner Lizzie Metzner cleared from Crawford's for Oswego. schooner Queen of the Lakes is a Richardson's with coal from Char- lotte. : A number of pleasure yachts "were in at Craig's wharf yesterday after- noon, " The water was quite rough on the lake and river /, but not suf- ficiently so as to interfere with the running time of any of the steamers, MT two barges; the Montreal with four hy ho a D. Davidson, cleared Duluth, - tug Bronson cleared for KINGSTON MAY. BOOM. If CPR. and GTR. Fxtend Lines. Citizens are awaking to the benefit thas would 'accrue . agents, ma- ize, If these railway extensions go through, the benefit to Kingston will be very great. The result might mean a great boom here, and a big increase in population. ---- Penalty Of Blood Poverty. Blood is the life. Life sets its orim- son igual in the face, W you lack the ruddy of health you lack life, you are inviting diseave. If the face is pale; if the hands and foft are con- tinvally cold or there is any other sign of deficient circulation use Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. '¥ 8Ie a great nerve strengthener and Hood maker. In boxes, 25c, at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satisfactory, ------------ Peaches, Peaches, Peaches. The finest peaches, large, ripe fruit, 68c., 78¢c., $1. Crawford's. ------ Wrist supports, all leather kind, 25¢, ibson's Cross drug store. Peaches, extra five, Crawford's, I ------------ "Kingston's Famous For Store. YOUR FUR JACKET It may be long--or short --tight fitting or loose fit- ting--they are all in goed style, and if you choose or order here you're certain of fect Bt yporrect style and dependable quality. W, RR 1 qual- ity Persian Lamb Jackets at less" than = wholesale prices. That's why we are receiving from Moatreal and To- roato, : Watch our windows. Let us have your name for our new catalogue of fur fashions, : ---- ® no equal for quality or style and are worn by men of taste the + These celebrated hats are in Kingston only at Camp- the style centre for yuen's Is Much Appreciated. All year round the various rooms at the Y.M.C.A. have been bountifully supplied with handsome bouquets of flowers, popplied br Sho Ladies' Auxi- dary. Their thoughtfulness is appro- bl by the members of the associa- tion. Not On The Wrecked Train. R. Boyd, Colborne street, received telegram from his son, George Boyd, who left on Tuesday for Winni . that he was not on the ill-fated C.P.R. train which was wreckéd near Sud. bury on Wednesday. He was on- the ahead. train Will Not Put Up Another. The large flag pole which occupied a position on the top of the Y.MCA, building has been removed as jt was in a dangerous condition owing to it having decayed. It is not likely that another will be erected as it is too much of a strain upon the roof of the building. Visiting His Parents. W. Clark and wife, of Watertown, N.Y. are in the ci the guests of Mr. Clark, an old Kingston boy, has {ust returned from a trip to New York ¢ity and intends to locate again in Watertown, where he will engage in the plumbing business. ---- Special Rideau Trip. Commencing Saturday, September 15th, the steamer Rideau Queen, will make two trips per week between Kingston and Smith's Falls, leaving Kingston every Wednesday and Satur day at 6 am. calling at all ports, Leave Smith Falls Monday and Fri. day at 5 a.m. James Swift & Co, ------ To Enclose The Trophies. George English and Thomas E. Slat- er presented the Y.M.C.A. with a handsome oak case, with glass door, in which will be displayed the vari: ous trophies won in the athletic de- partment. The case will rest in the middle of the main entrance hall, surrounded by the pictures of the champion basket-ball teams. ---- Visger Acquitted. W. L. Visger. Alexandria Bay, ae cused of assaulting Raymond * Corn- wall, a young lawyer in the office of V. K. Kellogg, who sell tickets dur- ing the summer at Alexandria Bay, was acquitted by oa jury after one minute's deliberation. A crowd was 5 3 -- . 4 . Occurrences In The City Ana Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Remembered. Pegiches, extra fine. Crawford's. There blank docket at the police court this morning. Several dogs have been poisoned lately in the vicinity of Bagot street. Florists are despairing - of having a very fine exhibition owing to the lack of rain. This is the seventh or eighth year of good times we have had, Hurrah for Laurier ! The last and best ball games of the season at Lake Ontario Park, Satur day. A delightiul and healthful confee- tion "after dinner mints," 25c. box, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The supplemental examinations in arts and science are now being held at the university. Those in médicine be- gin next Wednesday, JO! wad some power th' giftie gie us To see oursel's as ithers see us."' Yet would it not be better far To see ourselves as we really are? A number of Kingstonians drove out to the Inverary fair to-day. Some good events in horse racing were sche- duled to come off. Peaches, extra fine. Crawford's, | *The most courteous staff of ushers of any season yet," was the: remark | made by a patron of the Grand Opera House last night, and a lady "patron toe. » Charles Diamond, cabman, has "a telephone at his residence, 211 Mont- real street. Phone No 739. Calls promptly responded to. Ontario 'street at 8:30 o'clock, this morning, looked as if there had never been a drop of water on that thor- oughfare this summer, ag the dust bl in clouds down the utreet. Rubber rings for self-seaers: Se.: doz. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, © None of the Kingston hordes snter- ed in the races at Brockville vester- day afternoon secured places. The Mec. Cue Bros' trotters did not go as well as Watertown last week. She said she loved him with all her might; No wonder he was elate, For she was a lady in weeds bhedight, And the widow's mite is great. An employee of the street railway | and bathe 4 well, othe treaty, With the liniies; +p i Large bottle, 25 cen, We have now in choice Persian Lamb and Seal Skins, specially adapt. ed for Jackets, We would advise those thinking of getting one to leave their order with ys and make sure of Quality, Fit and Style. W. F. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock St. Exclusive Furriers, QUALITY IN BACK GOMBS Our Hair Ornaments i%, Are Strictly High Class And are , the ne t designs possible, ing had a p 5 reach us only week direct from the manufacturers. company, whose wuniformn has become . very shabby says it will have to do for the rest of the year as he cannot afford to buy another. The company, he states, provides the buttons, but the employee hgs got to buy the suit, an arrangement which he thinks _ is hardly a fair division of the expe Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall and winter importations for order work in his tailoring de- partment, consisting of Scotch tweed, blue and black serges, great varioty of black cheviot and Vicunas; also a splondid stock of overcoating. Any- one trusting him with an order may rest assured they will be welll pleased in. securing a good fit at low prices. The other' evenirg workmen on the Union . excavations left : the wrench for the hydrant behind them when they collected' their tools after quitting work. The result was that | the children of the neighborhood had { lots of fun after dark giving each other grand duckings and needless to say watering the lawns profusely. ---- Stop Limping, Cure The Corn. Quickly done by Putna®s 'Painless | Corn Extractor. Acts in oye day, | Causes no puin, removes ev ery trace gold is d », while ooh ' NEW ART S SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians MOTOR GASOLINE i In 5 Gallon Lotsa or over, 26c, a Gallon. Supplies always handy on the dock. | FREE SEIBY & YOULDEN proves Purnam's 'is the best. Refuse } substitutes, surging to d fro when Attorney | Cornwall was struck back of the ear. The crowd was so dense that witnes es were unable to tell who hit young man. ------ . ot and was de- livering a bag of coal to a resident of of the walk he called the lad Chatham street. Racking to the edge | house and asked 'her to of coal off the wagyron. save him . from getting off his seat. | Neighbors sitting on their door steps nearby were, to say the least, highly amused at the man's nerve, The Route Chosen. J. W. Leonard, superintendent of the | construction department of the Can- adian Pacific railway, is having a busy time of it in prowWding for new lines in Ontario. He tells the Toronto | News : "The new road from Montreal to Toronto will leave the present line at a point near Kemptville Junetion, run to Brockville and from there fol. low the St. Lawrence river and north shore of Lake Ontario to Toronto. qt will pass. through a¥ the towns on the route instead of running along the water about a 'mile or a mile and a half from the fowns. The 310 grade will be the maximum, and we hope to nave a good fast service. It will be | tO be seen in our Ready-to-Wear six or eight months before the surveys Domplated and tenders can be called or. . ---------- Hope For Better Time. It is said that the tweniy minute service on the street railway system comes into effect next week. any rate this will, it ie hoped, not be without some benefit to the public. While it does not seem right that a town the size of Kingston should have nly a twenty-minute service vei, wine 5: it he innsigwatet, at least, thefe i t that the cars will then run time, Complaints to HEI ih Hi = i LIMITED. You say, and rightly sO, but they are only a small fraction of the many Swagger Garments of the new Montreal-Toronto road are | have the big city styles with the big Department. We city prices left off, and our well-known small profit prices substituted. If you want the newest out this is the place to come, and remember, too, that every garment is new, not one of last season's left over, Our Dress Goods Styles ARE WINNERS and are selling rapidly. LOOK OVER OUR DISPLAY. TO-MORROW. Newman & Shaw Wi Men's you wil the mat tirely a ence. be niercha our fav prices, keep th come a M. Saturd Mi urday M and 60: 6 lar 25¢. Be 65¢. an M special M Saturd M $1392 M made, $2.35 |