Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Sep 1906, p. 5

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: ' oy as | doctor called kidney Tropic pt d, | fhe emmale organs. My bac uo Ferien ful Pork rd apd 1 suffered go with E. | walk across the Toor f fd Bary x- | better, so decided octoring ug, 32 o-| Physician a Pinkhar) nd E. pi egetable Compound. and I , any le to say it has entirely cured tg annul i pen work, have no more backache ang 0 \d FHmbloms have disappearad, af 0 hy at | and would advise al} woicine ho 1 . kidney tro ! en suffering with jo . W. Lai i a New York, is of 626 Third Avenue, n | Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- 8] "I have been a t J v i | trouble. "My back ached ui. kidnes d | I was disco ed ¢ hme ad pas dise raged. I heard that Lydia E 5 Fin Ram's Vegetable Compound would g ue X dney disease, and I began to take it: : gn it bas Chred me when everything else recomme it to - | of people and they all praise it. oe highs 4 es, Pinkham's Standing Invitation, 8 omen euffering from kidney t 1jor any. Tag of female a le 0 promptly communi vi 8 | Mrs, Pinkham, at py eg he 5 resent Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter. i] w of Lydia BE. Pinkham, her assistant y ore her decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women... Out of the great wu ume of experierite which she has to nw from, it is more than likely she hag tl very Knowledge that will help your Betptal er advice is free and always i 2 Woman's Remedy for Woman's fis, Clothes :: four GOOD CLOTHES of recommendation, tor hile good clothes do not mn they give him Hand Along Life : : : served," said Sherlock | who is careful of his husiness, careful of his rything. Clothes indi- vho can afford to dress « somewhere and fails to r himself, his family and nN you meet are wearing 5 and $18 Suits. 8 and $2 00vercoats. r a Look. FOR STREET WEAR OUR KEW FALL STOCK OF LADIES' FINE SHOES ARE IN They are selections' from the est of Canadian and American nanufacturers--such-as I and T ell, Geo. A. 'Slater, Invictus, "he Art Shoe, and Utz & Dunn f Rochester. They comprise the ewest creations in footwear. See our La ies' Patent Colt lucher, $3, $3.50 and $4. Col- ge cut, buttoned, lace or Blucher yles. Mrs. Jos. D. Denis, Jeune Larctte, P. Q., writos: "I am cured of. the catarrh with which I was afflicted for four months, Iowoemy perfect cure fig trom this ailment to your rem BN dies, Peruna and Manalin" ouis Byrens, auctioneer, commis- sjon merchant and business broker, #85} Richmond street, London, Ont., Nritent "Lp ittered with chronie catarrh, ter spending money for medicines and doctor bills, Peruna Was recommended. After using it I found relief. I wish to convince oth- ers of the merits of your remedy." 'You have No Reason for Not Using Zu i Some people think that all headache cures are alike--that they all undermine the health, even if not perceived at the time of taking them. Well, we'll admit that the drug cures do this, but that is no reason why you + should not take Zutoo. Zutoo is a harmless vegetable remedy. One ingredient is soda-- just old-fashicn- ed soda that our grandmothers used to take to settle thestomach, when they had: che. And there is nothing better, The principal ingredient--the one thai stops the headache, is a vegetable ingre- dient, imported for us from Japan, It wont hurt you any more than will the There is absolutely no reason why you should not use Zutoo, If you suffer from headache there is every reason why you should. : in time, two tablets will ward off a headache. Taken later, they will stop it in twenty minutes, and leave you feeling good every time. If Jou are using a drug remedy, why not discard it? Zutoo will cure just as quickly and will save you the penalty, that all must sometime pay, who take the drugs which these cures contain. . If you will give Zutoo one trial, you will never take any other headache rem- edy again. 10c. and 25c. at dealers or by mail. B. N. Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Que. Itis as Harmless as Soda EC RRR ER COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going On In the Business World--The Markets. Ounadian Pacific earnings for week end- | Img Sept. 7th, increased $301,000, So rg Sup of the Nova Secotiu : oand Coal 10 Pa ) 56 Was RI Con Cquipany for August was -T. O'Brien was elected a member of 'the Montreal Stock xchange to-day He hod. recently purchased 4.5004 'Tues niggest ' nugiret vet has been taker out of one of the new veins Nipissing Mines property. It said to he almost solid silver The Grand Teank Pacific duty om the 50.000 buusht in the United States. Last the Custiims Department at Ottawa. In" the. United of ra for 'the first time crosses the $400,000,000 line excels hy far the value article of merchandise sent Country. The all Kipds aopregated but Week a chpque for £382,000 was sent = Mrs. cotton exported $186 _.600.000 those of provisions hut £211,000,000 and of fron end. steel manufactures but {ome £161.000,000. Cigradian defaults during Angust wers 88 in. maater and 8696.361 in amount of ss, compared wth 99 fail ures. year, when liabilities were only A887. e Manufacturing defaults were "on r ond: $322 847 in amcunt Al failures lost year for $81, 0? 35 i . addinn cotton mills, seve a M J waper. continue to de exceed. inely Well, and. they sre well stocked with' Srders. In fact. it is said that "the fills are handic qd ow ing th scarcity of operators, to turn some ordirs asl Fave nd ' Co, i id to te. A ( -- ed oF eters. av could use | onto," yesterday. do 2 4 . many I06re. Mise Sybil - Winslow of Toronto is RE = the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robert Adamless Eden. Ottawa. Sept. 19.-Thete ix not one | Mies mele indent enrolled for this session home © of the Ottawa Normal College. Peaches, Peaches, Peaches. The finest peaches. latge, ripe fruit, B3¢., Tbc., $1 : Crawford 7 1 a | Bell Carruthers, Mrs. 1 There is a rumour that the dancing . much earlier hour to-night a seat ford \ on the | husband. weights between 8.000. and 4,000 pounds, and is] has paid tons of 'steel rails States the total valve nnd of any other out-of "the exports of hreadstufls . of were 65 trading failurcs for « to Toronto bd gnet © 79 last yewr when i Cs £211.732. ba Ottawa Ladies" College. wa heroic resol? hero. Bold in the Guwilight Bressssststrncscsiaang The Country Club tea, on Saturday, a pleasant break in the quict of things social. The committee of the club was hostess, so to speak, and the afigicr - was very enjoyable. Among those who went over were Mre. John i ; Iva Martin, Mes. F, Strange, Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs, Arthur Flower March, Mrs, Francis Macnee, Mrs. Hivam Calvin, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Bessie and Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Mabel" Brownfield, Miss Frances Macaulay, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Eva Rogers, 8 Marion Redden, ) Kathleen Harty, Miss Frances Sullivan, and Miss Phyllis Shortt. Hereafte: the re- gular Saturday tea will he given by two ladies of the club. - » -. | % 'is to begin at the yacht club at a than be- fore, and everybody, except the invet- erately late, seems to have heard "the rumour with pleasure, ae iw a | Mrs. E. T. Taylor's dance for Miss Flsie Taylor, on Monday night, was just as pleasant as it could possibly be. The long drawing-room makes a eapital room for dancing, and Colonel and Mrs. Taylor are always most kind. The very best of dance music was played by musical ones at the party. Among those present were Miss Frances Macaulay, Miss Mabel and Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Kita Kirkpatrick, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Elsie Pense, Mi s Eva Rogers, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Muriel King, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Marie Carruthers, Majbr Moseley, Captain Russell Brown, Mr. P. G. Campbell, Mr. W. Harty, Mr. Dobbs, Mr. Clive Bette, and s the first class cadets «oh ® . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skinner left to- day, for Toronto, after: a week's honeymoon at "Maitland House," They say it iz an ideally quiet spot and their many friends in town who knew nothing of their being here, will endorse the fact of its quietness at any rate. After spending a fortnight in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner will leave for India, where Mr, Skinner wi réjoin his regiment, the 19th Punjahik. Very warm wishes for their happinfss through a long future, will folfow them, { "cle elite Little Miss Freda Burns came home, on Monday, from a nine weeks' holi- day in Fonthill and Toronto. Miss Jessie Macpherson, of Ottawa, will sail for England, this week, with her aunt, Miss Reiffenstein, : Miss Annie Scott has returned from n visit to Miss Marcella Gibson in Toronto. Mrs. Henry Skinner and Miss Nan Skinner came home, last night, from Toronto. * a o's Mrs. Clare Worrell is coming up from Halifax to Montreal shortly, The Misses Rogers are out of town on a'Ritle visit, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Stanley and N Emily Smythe left, to-day, for Clinton, ».Y, : Miss Charlie Shortt will join the Kingston contingent at "Havergal Toronto, this year, Hall," Mr. and Mrs. Staples, Toronto, are vig Hick; ing their niece, Mrs, J. S. University avenue. * Ce sa Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gildersleeve * of ildersleave, Conn., came to town on Saturday, stayine till Monday with their covs'n, = Miss Gildersleevo, Mr. Gildersleeve has a delightful person- ality, and all who met him and his wife were very fortunate, Mr. and Mre, George Shaw, Mont- real, are visiting Mrs. Beall, 201 Union street. Mrs. Todd and Miss Watt, of Bos- ton, who have been spending some time in town, have gone down to Ot tawa for the week. . . . -. James Mr, Mrs. and Miss Kearney, who have been visiting Mrs, D. J. McDer mott, have returned to New York, Dr. and Mrs. MacBracken, of San Diego, Cal, are visiting Mrs. Webster Augustus, 163 Division street. Mrs. Cecil Milne and her two chill dren, who have been visiting Mpg, Milne's aunt, Miss E. Gillespie, John son street, have gone to Toronto. «re Among those who will come hack ] to Kingston at the end of this month f will be the Misses Crisp, who have i been spending the summer in Nova ' Scotian, and Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, "who has been up in the west with her Mr. John Cousins, University ave i nue, has returned home after spending his vacation in Toronto and Hamil ton, Charles Kirkpatrick, left yes- terday for Montreal, Yo visitiher aunt, Mrs. Whitehead. Mrs. R. 8S. Wilkinson . has been in town from Amherst Island, She will leave for Fernie, B.C.. the end of this month or the beginning of next, to join the Rev. Mr, Wilkinson. ee Miss Margaret Mudie went down to Montreal yesterday, to spend two or three weeks. Miss Matthews who has been visit- sling Mrs. Hiram Calvin, has returned Miss Arielle Elder left yesterday Mrs. David Price is expected down from Aylmer, Cnt., this week, to visii her daughtpr, Mrs. Charles Low. - . - . Miss Elsie Taylor, went up to Tor- i Crawford, Barrie street. Massie, Bagot street, is im Toronto. after several weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. 'John Cooper, Grange Road. x Miss Edith anit Miss Daisy. Fergu- #on are home from a visit to Mrs. ! staying for a few days at 1960) ap 3 son. street, left, this morning, Montreal, and will sail for England on Friday Mrs, Hector Reid is home from Petewawa. Captain Reid came back to-day. Captain and Mrs. De Bury will be in town for the winter, and will be at 190 Johnson street, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Toronto piano manufactorers have i an ultimatum to their striking employees, Bye-elections in Fast Flgin and North Renfrew on October 4th; no- minations September 27th, Permancnce Beauchman, four-year- old daughter of Bernard Beauchman, was burned to death near Winnipeg. A dividend of 53%¢. on the dollar has been declared on the estate of the SARE RIFE ------ IN IEDICE=-THE STORIES OF FEAREUL CRUELTY. Women and Children Put to Death, Wounded Slain and - Other Victims Wantonly Tor- tured--Correspondent Sees the Tragedies. X © Warsaw, * Sept. 12. With the sanc- tion of the authorities, who provided an acmed guard, 'The Associated Press correspondent this afternoon visited Siedlee, the scene of the murderous events of September Sth, 9th and 10th. The railway station at Siedlec when the correspondent arrived there was crowded with Jews, gmong whom wera many starving women with infants in their arms. Alnost on the moment there fell upon the cars of the fright- ITISY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, Douglas Ford Printing company, To- ronto. Superintendent Ross, of the general post office denies the charge of the Toronto Labor Tribune that child la- bor is employed there, Brandon. will probably have a union railway station, the C.P.R. having consented to allow the Great Northern ened people the sound of a volley in the ing Which lies half a mile back, A fc ensued, men trembling with k and women imploring the sol: diers for mercy, anticipating shhugh- ter. enslaen roughly sitjered the oe to iet, assuring them their Rok: was Belen. On Warsaw street the stores and access to their property. In view 'of the existence fever at Guayaquil, it is probable that Secretary Root, who was expected here on the American cruiser Charles: ton, will go direct from Callao to Pa- nama. Thomas Laycock, the fourteen-year- old son of Henry Laycock, Glace Bay, N.S., was found drowned at Burnt Min Cliff. Young Laycock told his sister he was going fishing, He probab- ly fell over a cliff. The body of Mrs, M. K. Lewis was found in a closet in her house in Philadelphia, with bullet and knife wounds in neck and breast, and her babyy was found spattered with blood. No clue ta the murder, Nettic Hicks, Winnipeg, a colored woman, attempted to murder her hus- band through jealousy, She fired three shots at him from a 38-calibre revol- ver, and, although each bullet hit him, none seriously injured him. Charged with robbing Mrs. Emily L.! Heine, Cincinnati, of $51,700 hy a fraudifent sale of costly rugs and paintings, two Australians were ar- rested in New York, on the eve of =ail- inf for Europe. They are Frank Kiss and 3. Rosenfield, both of Chicago. 1 t CALLED TO REST. -- Late Rev. G, F. Johnston, of Montreal. Rev, George Fulton Johnson, Mon- troef, whose death is announced in to-day's papers, has at different times been a visitor in Kingston, as the guest of his brother-in-law, Rev, Slex- ander Laird. His last visit to this city was made in June of 1905, when the general assembly of the Presbyterian church was meeting here, Mr. Johnson was born in California, the son of a mining engincer, thirty four years ago. He was educated in Dalhousie University, in the Presby- terian college, Halifax, and. in Har. vard. He afterwards took post-gradu- ate courses in Edinburgh, Oxford and Berlin. He was for over five years minister of St. Andrew's Preshyterian church, Westmount. Until the month of May of this year no fears for his health were entertained. Then he was compelled to retire from work in his first and only eongregation, where he was greatly beloved. He was the in- striiment in extending to an unusual degree the strength and influence of his congregation in the city of Mon- treal. He died in the Holy Cross hos pital, Calgary, of tuberculosis of the throat, and will be laid to rest next Tuesday in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. INSURANCE COMMITTEE Looking Into the Home Life Affairs. Toronto, Sept. 12. Before proceed ing with the evidence before the 'in surance committee, this morning, Mr. Tilley took advantage of the oppor- tunity publicly to correct fn error which crept into the répprts of the public press, crediting the Tate Thom- as R. Wood, instead of R. A. Wood, with having received a bonus for sell ing stock to Mr. Pattison, formerly manager of the Home life. J, Warren, solicitor for the People's Life, who carried out the negotiations for the amalgamation, said these were carried on openly and that the Home Life, under the McCutcheon contract, was no worse off than had the con- tracts with Messrs. Pattison and Firstbrook been continued. The five per cent. commission paid Mr. Me Cutcheon was simply. a substitution for the commission paid the mmnager Mr. Pattison gave further details re garding his contract, whih was ap proved by the annual meeting of the company. School Teachers Picnic, Mélhaven, Sept. 12.-Mrs. Elmer Sharp and daughter have returned from visiting rfatives at Hamilton and Toronto, E. Sharp and Robert Bickey took in Toronto fair. Our teacher, Miss Ballantyne, gives a pic. nic to her pupils and their parents on Friday in James Fairfield's grove, A grand time is anticipated by the children. Caarles Chimery, Water- town, N.Y., was a visitor at John Clements' last week, Miss Finnigan is visiting at Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Burk and daughter, Rochester, spent their holidays the guests of Mrs. Os: car Amey, John Sharpe and family, Sillsville, spent Sunday at B. Amey's, Peaches for preserving. Crawford's. France spends two millions a more on her army and navy than does Germany. Her expenses for na- lions a year. British exports. and imports and to India are now millions aeyear. 1904. This is below the average. ¥= Richmond's Bt Lawrence camp, Wet Foriyth Grant anid' his, sister, ; he Grab of yellow , year | tional defence are nearly forty-five mili! number from here took in the Only three British millionaires' es | tin. tates were assessed for death duty in | Cloyne. Mise' Lizzie" Ingoldshy shops were closed, all showing #gns of having been plundered. Pictures of sails were hanging outside the win- 'dows of many houses, mute appeals to | the soldiery and looters to spare the inmates.' Everywhere in the street {were to be seen soldiers rebdy To fire on the least provocation The streets word littered with Jews' thats, torn clothing and damaged carts. The most severe damage had Deen done in Pienka street, where the thouses were riddled with bullets and | in many instances walls had been de Imolished with cannon shot. Cows and goats, escaped from their pens, wandered" through the streots aimless tly. At the Victoria hotel the dining J room had been despoiled of its fur nishings and the doors of the guests' 'roams had bien broken down and their contents thrown into the streets and burned, From this ppint the cor: respondent was obliged to turn back, as shooting began. He was made prisoner by some sol diers, but shortly afterwards released by the governor's order. . Refugees state that Governor En: igelke was taken sick a week ago and that control of affairs in Siedlec then ds of Col. Tucha- mite. The meople at once began to desert the Yown, arnre- hending. an attack upon the Jows. It is asserted that paid provocative agents Bo contrived matters that on Saturday the soldiers began shooting in the streets and bombarded houses, the octupants being forced to flee. To quicken the flames soldiers threw oil upon burning houses, An army officer, stumbling upon a wounded Jew, remorsclossly killed him. It is related that soldiers killed the Jewish proprivtor of a fruit store, | put his body under the table and ate is provisions as they were spread up. on the table. Another refugee states that Satur day night the doctors at the Jewish hospital in Siedlec lighted 'the gas in that institution prepuratory to oper ating upon the wounded who 'Bud been brought in, who numbered seventy, when, without warning, the soldiers in the street opened fire upon the hos: pital, kildog two of the inmates. # a man was taking his wife and newly-born child to a hospital they were fired upon by soldiers and the wife and child were killed. Aidew ventured out of bis house to | bring some water for his thirsting | little ones. As often as he reached the door with a pail of water soldiers compelled him to empty the peil upon the ground. This was done eleven times. The twelfth time the father | appeared with water for his children | the officer of the guard washed bis | boots in the pail and made the chil- | dren drink the fouled water In many cases the soldiers spmred | the lives of Jews upon the pnyment by the menaced persons of £25. Yarker's Band Assisted. { Yarker, Sept. 12.~Yarker band | played at the lawn sofial, Desmond, | in aid of the English church All | crops in this seetion were good, and the threshers have all they can handle Edward Purcell had a horse drop dead on the road while driving home from | Selby. v. Mr. Farnsworth and fam ilv are away on a two weeks' v tion. Quite a stretch of cement walks | have been laid down hero this year W. Doller hes resumed his work as mail clork. William McKay and wife Lowell, Mass, spent a fow days here | at P, Vanluven's, Mrs. M. Lake and Mrs. H. Cambridge wore at M. bridye's, Napanee, visiting. M. has returned to Yarker from Syra euse, N.Y. H. Purcell and wife have returned from a visit to their son in New -Yorl. Jessie Winter left here fon Lebanon, Ky. to assur of superintendent of . Flimbeth's hospital there. R. Woodhouse nnd wife leave here for Seattle, Washing Cam Tobin ton, to reside. Mrs. 6G. Joyner has returned from her western trip, © Jovner will move ta the house vaea fed by KR. Womdhouse. Rev. Mr, Powell has sold his team of horses to Mr. Kenny, painted by W. Cummings and Cearge Woodhouse, and shows up well. J, Winter, Strathcona. was home Sun day. Lena Penimmin leaves here for Toronto. Mrs. 8. Winter has returned from Watertown, N.Y. Centreville Notes. Centreville, Sept. 10,~A large num ber from hore attended the M.B.A. picnic in Deseronto on Labor day | Martin James, Queenshorough, is | spending a few days with friends bere | The annual exhibition of Camden | Agricultural Society will be held at { Centreville, ou Saturday, September 15th. The usual generous list of priz- es will he offered and the splendid re putation of the show sustained, A Toron- i to exhibition and renort a good time. from | FE. H. Perry spent the week in the | vractically | back country. A ttle girl has come equal, being each about thirty-seven to brighten the home of James Loe { head. Clarence Weese and sister Net- kent a lew duyr with friends' in i at { temdine Model wéhool in Navanee. Ed- A fotibis, loot. of lead weighs 711% léward Lyons is on the sick list. | pounds; mercury, cubic foot ! -------- chi. $49 pounds, , Teather kind, 25¢. ih dry | the city. | mager of Queen's rughy team, has res | dolph. the position | The HM. charch has been | SEPTEMBER 12. . = and look them over--you 4 with all prices between. in every desirable shade. The best yard. this to you if vou will come and Tweeds of all kinds, in all shades know you will. 'No trouble to showgoods: at this store. We are showing sotve very natty patterns in Scotch Tweeds, in Dark and Medium Shades, of Greys, Browns, Blues, Black and White, ranging ia price from 50c. up » 50-INCH VENETIAN : 50 inch Venetian, all pure wool, already spenged and shrunk, . 4 We are showing at 30c, per yard the best assortment of Dress Goods ever shown by any one house in the tradt. We will prove value in Kingston at 7c. per AT B80c. \ A soo the Goods. They inchule RK Green and Browns, in plain shades, We Armures, Prunella, Crape Redona, Crispine, many other makes, at the popular price of 50c. per yard, We, are showing very swell Tweeds, in heavy weight, for Lad- ies' Coats, in 3M inch wide, for $1.25 per yard. The James Johnston Store, 180 Wellington St. The Store That Serves You Best At All Times Come. & don't have to buy, but we. ~ Greens, and to $1.49 per yard, \ : of light and dark Greys show Venetians, HH 3 Ottoman Cords and -------------------------- Our... ey A 3 [OPN Ips Is a great fea- ture, as we do noth- EE BEE la ing but high-class work; as we do all our own Upholstering in Parlor Suits, Couches and Mattresses. staff, which is at your service. We keep a large JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 147 for the White Ambulance. CANADA METAL CO, En REP EOP PEPE GANONG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY . [ 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. FAAPPIPIVIC FFPIIOG S BABBIT > All Grades Toronto, "1729 PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They Are Saying and Doing. W. J. Blake, Toronto, is a guest in Miss Irene Dunlop is visiting friends in Toronto, G. H. Mills, Bullalo, is yegistered at} the Randolph. T. Gibson and R. Thompson, Otta- wa, are in the city, T. Ferris left this afternoon on a trip to Gananoque and Ottawa. Patrick Welch, Brooklyn, N.Y., is] visiting relatives on Hove Island, Miss Helon Grasse, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Jeseic Longlord, Ot tawn Mrs. M. Peters; Montreal street, ix visiting her son, Rev, Granton, Ont Mrs, M. Koen, William street, leaves Saturday for the states, where she will reside in future, Harold Gibson, James Abrey, ' the stalwart serim- turned to the city. Frederick Geoghegan returmed, to- day, to North Bay, alter spending his vacation in this city, Mr, and Mrs, George Thwaites, Tri. nidad, B.W.L,, arrived in the dty, to- day, and are stopping at the Ran- Mrs. W. 8, Gordon, Montreal, has returned home, alter spending a few weeks with her friends gnd Mrs, James Weir, Alfred street, Mr. and Mrs, F. 8. Goodanough have left for their home in Utica, N Y. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weir, Alfred street, Au old man who has been wandering about lately, and who is doubtless de mented, was taken in charge by the police this afterngon. | James Stinson, lately of Kingston, | but formerly of the G.T.R. despatch in Stratford, hak accepted a the desputehers' ers' offic In position agnin in office in Stratford, Charles Comer, Calgary, Alta., an { old Kingston boy, ix in the city fora brief trip. He will attend the meeting of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd- | fellows at Toronto bedore returning | home, Duty On Cotton Waste. Ottawn, Sept. 12.-The customs do partment announces that cotton waste | white or eolored, when machines, | eleaned and adapted for use in wiping ! or eloaning machinery, is subject to | a duty of twenty per éent. ad valor: ein, ' int the church INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. This is peach week at Crawford's ; Fifty years hence the oldest inhabit past wil talk about the hot summer of The last and best ball games of the weaton at Lake Ontario fark, Satur- day. The places where ice-cream sodu is disposed of, did a rushing business to-day. Considerable money has been wager: ed in this city over the outcome of * the Brockville races, Veaches, extra fine, Crawford's. The Inverary fair will be hold to: morrow, and a number from this town will drive out to attend, The very clean and orderly manner in which the market square is kept ro fleots great credit upon the city. scav- enger, This is peach week at Crawford's, William Welborn has been given. the contract fof placing macadam on the Portsmouth road, and will begin york at once, Take one Blaud's Tron Tonic Pill + ter euch meal. That means new life Lo you 25e, bottle, Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Friday evening there will be a meet- ing at the YMCA, of the committes on religious work, and on Monday evening a meeting of the board of directors. Peaches for preserving, Crawford's. Some person ol rather a humorous turn. of mind has decorated the gate posts at the Artillery Park barracks, with dark colored puttess, producing an effect similar to a draping of crepe, Whether it means that the men, %o fur as ever coming back ugnin, are dead to Kingston, is not stated. The pipe organ presented hy De. K. Clarke to St. John's church, Ports mouth, and rebuilt by Messrs. Brockels & Matthews, Toronto, will be dediea teed at a service and recital to he held to-morrow (Thursduy): evening, at vight o'clock. Some of the leading musicians of the city will take part. Finest peuches, lowest price. Craw fords. SECRET SERVICE MEN Looking Up Dimmonds Dowh in Montreal. o Montreal, Sept. 12.--~Three United States secret servies men are in the city on an inferesting mission, - It is Prince Regent May Die. Berlin, Sept. 12.-Albrécht, Prince of Prussia, regent of the Duchy of | Brunswick, has had a stroke of apo- plexv, and, as a resultt his condition is dangerous, China has sent abroad a large num- ber of students to various countries, | There are now fifty in France, fifty in , Germany, 100 in Belgium, about sev: centy in London, and others in Aus | trina, ote." A load of new hay should weigh 19 ewt, 32 Ibe; a load of old, from hich the moistrre is gove, 18 ewt, ) } red'; E------ aii known fo the government of, that coniry that $180,000 worth of dia monds were recently purchased in Antwerp, for io Nowe York deal er, and wore be to this city. It is the belief of the officials that. it is the intention fo smuggle the jewels into the states if the opportunity pre : in Voroo........0 ASSETS over, Lt... BAO TX If selling oat, pay higher missions and get far higher By the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS. ---- sents itself. They are keeping a close watch on the people concerned. ---- Z A Double Header At Lake Ontario / Park. On Saturday," Gananoque vs. City -------------- team; Three Links vs. LCBU, ha} teams.

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