! SACQUES, of fine ality ont style, with oh herr } A wn Collar and full sleeves | 3) arly sold all semvmer ut . SACQUES, of exception 'back, opening at the side vinty insertion and ribbon, i neck, collar, cuffs and | 5 each, youks to-morrow SACQUES, of fine quality yle, with loose' sleeves, all ery, and finished with neat ed exceptionally fine at , 10-morrow, 25c¢. n's Sizes Here. This is the time when a shin- ter will buy goods worth more n double its value. These corset ers are from our regular summer srtmént--by far the most popular ever had--and amongst them are we of the Mugusrto style--in 32--full and short to the waist , which wauld be especially suita- for. children<--for at least another ath's wear. Like this, they are 1) mde ' of good quality 3) wed with 'lace, others with | in with very fine lace in- | Jad gularly excellent values at | * lo-morrow only nd 34 only, na Repaired , 171 Wellington St. Leading Undertaker bulance. $ FOR FALL lie new styles for fall com- some very smart shoes. 'he Gun Metal Blucher College the Box Calf Blucher, low cut} atent' College Cut Blucher; Patent Button, large buttos, last. All these are Smart y Shoes and look well on any Ve have the same shoe; in the r cut for those who want them. youn, though will all he College y oe. makes from $3.00 to $5.00 is all in. SHOE STORE Se 5 iB # s+ YEAR 73. NO. 213, LOOK YOUR BEST. An unbecoming hat will spoil your w appearance. A" little care and attention given to the selection of your hat will pay you big dividends in contentment. We haye a | assortment moulded on the newest blocks awaiting your inspection. ey look right, fit right and are priced right, and are right here in our store. B. P, Jenkius Clothing Co. Frontenac County Fair Harrowsmith i ming, SPE. 13-14 and Friday, Ealarged Accommodations "Better Features Than Ever. Lowest one way first-class fare on K. & P. Reilway, from all Stations be tween Sharbot Lake and Kingston; good roing Sent. 18th, and returning wp to 15th An extra train will smith, on Friday, p.m. leave Harrow- for Kingston at 5.30 Self-Toning Post Cards. Medley's Drug Store Half a Century Making Shoes Still the same high standard both in New Work and Re- pairing. Wear "Allen's" Milliary Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 8+ Brock St. Taxes, 1906 After 15th September A charge of § per cent will be made on all unpaid taXes, and collection will be enfo at once. 0. V. BARTELS, Collector. TAKE NOTICE For a ' Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Ranye, or any other Stove come and gee me as I have the largest stock | have. ever had: also a lat of Furnityre and Everything TURK'S SECOND-HAND_ STORE Carpets. 398 Princess Strept. anb-------------- ------------------ DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE of late EB Chown, bien Te . To Brock Street. Pain EE 1 Ba rt ¢ S eoaie ses JUNE UL LETIN. REAL B AND gh AOR AGENCY CHARGES UNFOUNDED Lik pr a TET But Meat is Prepared Under Bad ¥i 14Conditions. London, Sept. 12.~The Standard \ the report that Col. Percy Hobbi is preparing for the war office on the canned feat industry of Chi- cago, 'which' he was appointed to in vestigate, will state that the charges of the meat being bad are unfoun fd, but the ednditions under whivh the nieat je prepered are very unaanitary. | ---------------- Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if your hose and throat discharges--if your "is foul or feverish. It contains of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, ote. incarporbited into a imported, creamlike petrolatum. sogths, heals purifies, controls. Call ab all 'deugiste for fre trial box. Bu-Ju Kidney Pills for weak kid- ui day. and sets at 6.16 p.m. This day in history :--Wolfs lands troops . at uebec, 1759, Marshal Blucher died, 1819 : Frontenac made foveroor endels- solm born, JUST OPENED ROBERTSON BROS.. . REFLECT A MOMENT fair price for of any kind when fair prices car- ] - 3 = TION ? purchase guaranteed. DAILY MEMORANDA. It pays best To buy fine Furs At Campbell Bros., the manufacturers. Cheese Board, 1.80 p.m., Thursday. Lovie Light Committee, 4 p.m., Thurs- The sun rises Thursday at 5.36 a.m, of Canada, 1672; 1809. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243---Business Office. 229--EMditorial Rooms, 29. obbing Department. al-Doulton Some very hand- some goods 'of this celebrated maker Come and examine the quaint odd shapes. Does it not pay you 'to pay a .,or FURS with them a guarantee of ALITY and SATISFAC- Every price here is fair. Every LOOK AT OUR PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS MADE TO SPECIAL MEASURE. Samples now ready. Send us your name to-day for Fur Catalogue B. John McKay Fur Heuse 149-158 Brock 8t., Kingston. BY JOHN H. MILLS Auction Sale Of Furniture, William & Son ano, eto. Friday. Sept. 14th, at the residence of Mrs. M. Koen, 204 William Street. Vie William & Sons Square Piano, Parlor and Dining Room Chairs, Ladies' Secretary, Brass Beds, Springs. and Mattresses, Bedding, Rugs, Carpets, Drese'ng Cases, Wash stands, Mirrors, Side Table, Kxfension Table, Clocks, China and Glassware, Happy Thought Range, Sideboard, Fancy Fasy amd other Chairs, Chamber Sets, Hat Raek, Fancy and other Lamps, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy and other Rockers, Lace Curtains, Blinds, Sofas, Pictures, Sewing Machine, Fedstead, goods too numerous to men- tion. Piano at 12 noon. Sale, 10.30 a.m JOHN MH. Terms cash MILLS, Auctioneer. FOR LADIES re-opens, Momday, Earl St. Teacher, cated to teach Singing class Saturday AND GCG} 17¢h Miss _ Singing for child ROSEMOUNT ON ROCKS. Weather. A Detroit despatch says : out twelve miles below lighthouse. The steamer feet out and will have ed, She is said not to vicinity which covers the surface of Lake Huron. of a fleet of English built vessels own ed by the Montreal r company, and is valued at $90,000, A er Married At Kingston Mills. Wwdnesday morning, mmited in marriage to William MePar yeys. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross reopens She Ran on During the Smoky "The Can- adian steamer Rosemount, coal laden, for Fort William, is on the rocks ab- the Detour a is thirteen to lighter part of her cargo before she can be relens. be leaking much, The accident was caused by the thick smoke from forest fires in that The Rosemount is one Transportation at the Roman Catholic church, Kingston Mills, Miss Angie Donoghue, of that hamlet, was land, of this city. The groom is an J ARD F Between British And 'Na- tives In Nigeria. THE "SILENT ONES" MURDERED COMMISSIONER CREWE READ LAST JUNE. Severe Fighting and Heavy Rains Caused Severe British Loss '-- Native " Losses Heavy--They Fought With Great Courage. , Liverpool, Sept. 12.--The steamship Tarquah; which arrived from South Africa; brings details pf severe fight- ing, in the border land of Benin, in Southern Nigeria, which ended on Au- gust Sth, in the surrender of the re- bellious natives to the British. A nativn society called the "Silent Ones" murdered Commissioner Crewe Read last June. Captain Wayling, with an expedition of native troops, was sent to recover the body, but he was wounded 'in the first encounter, several of his men were killed, and thirty-one wounded, and he was compelled te ask for rein- forcements. Capt. Rudkin, 'with an- other native force, was hurried to his assistance, and after heavy fighting succeeded in relieving Wayling. The combined British force then vigorously attacked the native town of Owa, and defeated the enemy, who, though taken by surprise, fought with great courage. The severe fighting and heavy rains caused the British a loss of twenty-five dead and one hundred wounded. After 'the eapture of Owa, Read's body was recovered, and his murderers were tried and put to death. The native losses are believed to have been heavy. | WA EFEX ERR KE ¥ HAYASHI TO RESIGN. Ww -- # London, Sept. # Daily Telegraph's Tokio # correspondent says that 3 count Hayashi has ver- A lly stated his intention 12.--~The # of resigning as foreign # minister, but that it is #4 hoped he can be prevailed 3 on to retain the portfolio. » cr ------ PIGMY IN APE'S CAGE. El Make Vain Effort in Protest. to Mayor. New York, Sept. 12.~A committee appointed by the negroes of the city to protest to the mayor against the incarceration in the ape cage of the New York Zoological society in Bronx Park, of Ota Benga, an African pig- my, tried to see Mr. McClellan, but failed, They declared the placing of Benga in the cage with the apes was a disgrace to the nation and an out- rage on the negro race." The mayor sent word to the delegation that he was too busy to see them and that the conduct of the Bronx Zoological park rests with the New York Zoolo- gical society. Took Carbolic Acid. Oswego, N.Y., Sept. 12.--Francis W. Henry committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid in his cell at the county jail in his city. Henry was arrested in New York in July, charged with passing worthless cheques -on the merchants in the village of hacoma. Henry's residence was supposed to be in» New York, but as a magazine and newspaper solicitor he visited many places. -- Married At Belleville. Belleville, Ont., Sept. 12.-Dr. Thom- as W. Caldwell, Yorkton, Sask., and Miss Lena Alberta Ford, of this city, were married at the residence of the bride's mother, this morning. It was a fashionable wedding. Rev. A. P. Drumm performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by many guests from outside places. Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell will reside at Yorkton. Baseball Summary. National Leagus--Pittsburg, 0; Cin cinnati, 0, fifteen innings. Boston, Oo New York, 3. Brooklyn, 3; Philadel phia, 5. American Boston, 3. Detroit, 4; Cleveland, 4; Washington, 1. Eastern League--Toronto, 3-1; Bal- timore, 9-1. Rochester, 3; Jersey City, Montreal, League--New York, 11; Chicago, 3; Bt. Louis, 7. 3. Philadelphia, 5. Providence, 1s Bufialo, 7. 0; Newaek, 6. Hold-Up Near Windsor. Windsor, Ont., Sept, 12.-The sixth of a series of recent hold-ups, near f | thie city, was perpetrated, last night, when William Pare was set upon -{men, who jumped into his waggon, beat him severely and probably rob- bed him. Pare is still unconscious and unable to give an account of the af fair. The police are investigating. For New Irish Council. Dublin, Sept. 12.-The Muil says the - | government contemplates handing over the old purlipnient house, on {said to be under hay DREAM RUINS COUNTRY FAIR. People Afraid to Attend For Fear of Lightning. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 12.~A dream will make the Laurel County, Ky., fair a failure this year and cause a loss of many thousands of dollars to the fair association, The Laurel county fair is the largest in south-eastern Kentucky, and every year at least ten thousand persons: are present on each of the four days on which it is conducted. A few days ago Rev. J. A. Jones, a Baptist minister, had a dream, in which he saw the buildings of the fair association struck by lightning and entirely deitroyed while the grounds and buildings were filled with peaple. Mr. Jones told of his dream, and the report spread like wildfire, It ix said that the Rev. Mri Jones denounced the fair and said that if it were held this year it would be visited by a great loss of life. The people of that sec tion, to a great extent, ave supersti- tips mountain folk,. and they say that they will not attend the fair this PRINCE URUSOV. The liberal Russian ngble, fordidly w er, Hut © now WoRimple un- titled," oftizen and mowmber of the éx- dovma, Who will probably be president of the next parliument, cleotlons fur which will be held in November. THE THREE FOREIGNERS 2» Plotting Against Kaiser = Are Italian, Austrian and Pole. Berlin, Sept. 12.--The three foréign- ots arve at Breslau, have heen commissioned natiénal terrorist organization to assassinate they Kaiser during the military mancéuvres in Silesia, are an Italian named Matacei, or Maccini, an Austrign kpown as Fliegner, or Friedling, and a Pole named Landes berg, or Luandenberger. Mutacei was expelled from Italy two years ago, since when he hag associated with Russian terrorists. in Geneva. He shared in recent outrages in Poland. The three arrived ot Breslau at dif feremt times. They 'were watched by detectives for several days and were captured together in a house which was their rendezvous on Posner street, The desperadoes savagely resisted with knives and daggers, but were finully overpowered, It ja stated papers found in the house establish the fact that the three men' were constantly communicating with the terrorist group, for whom they were acting as agents and indicate their intention to throw, a. bomb at the emperor while the latter was riding in an automo bile between certain points of the manoeuNTe area. OCTOBER BYE-ELECTIONS, Renfrew. Ottawa, Sept. 12,~-Arrangements are way for the parlia mentary byc-cloctions in Fast Elgin and North Renfrew, and it is said that voting in * these will probably take place the first week in Oetober. None of the election writs have been issued. The Dominion Bridge company is the lowest. tenderer for four bridges on the sections of the Transcontinental railway under contract, and the Lo comotive Muching compmny the lowest for four others. The former tender is about $100,000, and the latter about £60,000, Ex-Grand Vigier Fined. Teheran, Sept. by the clergy and dismissed Grand Vizier Ained Dowlen. This ac tion ms put an end to the agitation and , business is being resid. John Piiftor, brakesman on excava tion train, on' the Pennsylvania rail road, fell asleep om a teuck load of | debris, and was sent down a ninety foat hurt. w THE HUMAN WANTS are 80 many, but THE WHIG- WANTS Haileybury firm. Cross drug store. employee of the locomotive works, | College Green, which is now being . - . Secived thn: congratulations of | used as the Bank of Ireland, as an can fill them numerous friends. assembly house for "the new Irish Only 1 cent a word first council. i ¢ ro. Another water power in the north, et : sub ona each Fountain Falls, on the Montreal riv-| The choice of royalty candy, "Me-. Mi rf er. is sid to have boen leased to a | Conkey's" sold only at Gibson's Red mumcharge, 350. SEPTEMBER 12, 1908. by the tas Voting in East Elgin and North [™" 12.--The shah has signed the reform ordinance demanded the ex: chute too sodw, and mortally w w # Ee REBELS Chinese _Overawed ' City's Officials. MISSIONARIES WERE IN SER. ¢ 'I0US DANGER. A German Officer Camsed the De- feat of the Enemies of the Government--There is Great Uneasiness = Due to. the Famine. : Shanghai, Sept. 12.--Word has just boen received here from Sohping, Shansi province, of the narrow escape of the missionaries at Tsoyunhsien meoemtly, where a large party of rebels entered the city, overawed the officials and gained control, The situation seemed dark, but a German army lieutenant who was tra- velling in the neighborhood rallied the Chinese teoops and defeated the Box- ors, killing their leaders and eleven others, and taking forty-two prison- ers. None of the missionaries were harmed. Native reports speak of the persist ent uneasiness especially in the Yung tse valley, following on the floods, which are resulting in scarcity of food. The foreign office advises against inland travel for the present. Sohping, Bhansi vrovinee, is about two hundred and thirty miles west of Pekin, almost on the border of Mon- golia. Tsoyunhsien does not appear on the maps. available here, but is presumably near Sohping. Most of the trouble feported heretofore: has been farther to the east and south than Shansi province, NEW EXPEDITIONS, i: » 2 S------ #¢ Brussels, - Sept. '12.--At . ¢ the elo session of the Polar Exploration ' Con- gress M. ariot announc- ed his intention to organ- ize a new south ole ex- pedition, while M. Bernard annouficed that he would THE NEXT BATTLESHIP. American Designers Puzzled as to Plans. Washington, D.C, naval constructors on the plans for the battleship au- thorized at the last session of econ- fess are somewhat embarrassed by the indefinite terms of the law, pro: viding for that vessel. The qualities mentronad by congress for the new battleship require characteristics which are mqual to those of "any known vessel" of the battleship class. This meant at the thee of enactment the design of a battleship which would be the equul, at least, of the English Dreadnaught, and it is to this end that the naval constructors have been working. They are now asking them- selves whether the introduntion of the new Italian battleship, described as the superior of the Dreadnaught, does not present additional requirements and exact something of the battleship designers which they had not counted Of course, it is possible to re- gard the Drepdnaught as the stan dard. ann to ignore anything which is merely described as surpassing jt. At the same time it is vealized that the situation may-jrovoke critics of the navy and opponents ol naval increase to obstruction of the plans for im provement hereafter, and some of the more apprehensive of naval officers are predicting a lively debate in congress when the plans of the néw battleship are received. It ix realized that there is some danger in the too general re quirements of congress respecting the next battleship, Sept. 12.~The who are engaged A DISTRESSING EVENT. Wife Killed as Her Husband Arrives. Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 12.<Alice M. Barber, forty-five years old, while pre- paring to wash windows of the sedond storey in her home, yesterday, lost her balance and fell to the stone walk. Her skull was crushed and she died in half an hour. As she was placed in the ambulance hor hushand, "| Frank M. Barber, reached the house, I | having come fronv Utica to enter a hospital. He went to his room, eall- od for his wife and was then informed that it was she who was taken away in the amb " Wants Decree Abrogated. London, Sept. 12.-The Tunes pub- -- randum submitled to the Ch ciation, which represents ina asso~ almost all China, asking that the government take steps in concert with other pow- recent Chinese customs decree, which contend that nothing short of a fresh odiet ean undo what the imperial edict has done, : HAD NARROW ESCAPE ishes and strongly supports a memo the great British commercial houses in ers to procure the abrogation of the they regard as pregnant with dancer to the conduct of foreign trade. They ------------ The largest moral muscles are not HIDDEN IN BRUSH HEAP. ---- 3 Jewellery Stolen Three Years Ago. : Chatham, Ont., Sept. 12.--September 19th, 1908, there was a bu from the jewelery store of Walter Poile, Tilbury, now in business here, in ing to i find a veguler ou minein the ashes There were irty-four cases works having been her of chains and links of a cheaper order, Mr. Poile was communicated with and identified the goods. Among | them were watches belonging to Mrs. | W. J. Taylor and George Chalmers, Tilbury. REV. T. A. MOORE ------ Elected Secretary of Montreal General Conference. Montreal, ae., Sept, 120-The Me: thodist general conference , tor day, in St. James' church, with a large attentlance. The election of the secretary of conference two ballots. On the first vote, Rev, T. A. Moore, Toronto, repeived 104 yotes out of 228; Dr. James Ross, Onkville, 25; Rev, James Allen, Tovento, 13; remainder scatierd On the second ballot Rev. T. A. Moore obtained 206 out of a total of 226, scattering. Rev. T. A. Moore is now associate secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance. Rev. A. Carman, gevieral superintendent, gave his quadrennial aires this afternoon A WILL NOT CONTEST And Vilas Gets the Seat By Ac- clamation. Mbntreal, Sept, 12.1 Canada pub- lished n Knowlton despatch abmownc- ing the retiroment of N. W. Westover, the independent liberal candidate in the. Brome county provincial . tion, thus giving the seat to W. F, Vilas, the: regular liberal nominees, by acclamation. This was a seat Hon. J.C. Motorkill, translated to the bench and Vilas only got the no Suinition o a Majetity o of four vols thi 4 nomi § Wostoner Seciod ger anyhow, but since that; announcement strong sure has been brought to fear on a to obwinte the necessity of a contest, th Harbin, Sept. 12.--Five political prisoners have been killed, and four- teen have been wounded in a fight with their guanis. The prisoners tained revolvers and o turnkeys. Th escape from building and succeed. od in forcing the gate. Once outside the patrol fire on hv . Text Book Information. - " Tarouto, Sept. 12.-Hon. Dr. Pyne, minister of education, brought back with him somgilete sets of text books in use in Pagland, Seotland and Ire land, with prices in ench came and in. formation regarding them. He will onsint tHe text book commission with information gathered upon his trip. He found that in the old country the local boards prescribed the toxt books, and that this stimulated competition among the publishers, Durnan Accepts Towns' Offer. Toronto, Sept. T9-Champion FEddie Durnan, is in of a cablegram from Sydwey, Australla;, declaring Town's willingness 16 vow him for the world's championship in Murch, and offering £100 for exprases. Durnan will leave for the other side of the workd about ~ the middle of next month, Still Are Violent. New York, Sept. 12.~A Valparaiso cable, dated yesterday, says: "An. other vielent earthquake shock, at a quarter past cight o'clock, last oven. ing, caused a terrible panic. The peo- ple fearing another catastrophe, spent the whole night: in parks and open space. The quakes continued ot short intervale, but were lews violent." Night Attack By Pulajanes. Manila, Sept: 19~Tieut. R. F. Trondwoll of the ult ine was kil last pight b ajanes six miles north of Paine He was in command of a small detachment of scouts, whose bivouas was attacked during the night by one hundred Pula- janeas To Be Released. Paris, Sept. 12.--~Mme, Humbert and her husband are liberated, the counsel of ministers having authorized the minister of the interior = to issne an order for their immediate release. LL ------------------ Reported Killed. : Atlanta, Ga., Sept. In a wreck on the Western and Atlanta railroad, at Ringold, Gn., today, Engineer hur and seven others are reported illed. Rs ---------- : New razor strope all leather kind, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Eile This is peach week at Crawford's. | ROBT. J REID ; i A "Phone B77. 232 Princess 86 those that move the tongue, \ EE ------ i i STEA 1 t street, a son -------------------- ------------------ paiih i pe v o pot lier. SAROOER Walter H. i of ES : pe a Scouts | *