Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Sep 1906, p. 7

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tention orders are Promptly of. [S FOR THE 38 and Ranges 2d the best made. " BROS "Phone 35. Res, 55. POPOD PLP D oe TI TERS i ACHINES i : epaired 11 Wellington St, 23S $440 * Day to sip a little cup of » bbon trength to the energies. $1 a Ib.--All grocers Is and Stocks t and Sold on Commission ment Securities Unlisted. Information upon Request Members onto Stock Exchange R'S RESTORINE = --the most wonderful Medicine ever dis- astounding the medical world. 10,000 1 one mouth in Paris, . The National has recommended this Remedy for use Asylims where, as is well known, a male inmates are Yictims of lost Vitalit rible form. Tn Ei the 'reme Il governments Foy now used as a gloat standing armies of both France Stops from séven to ten dayt fever return. Drains entirely cease "8 {featment, The skin becomes clean, « Confidence returns, step elastic, bowels aches disappear, No more weak me- 4 becomes bright and active. A Food A perm=znent cure no matter = ond Just send us to-day your name 'ainly written and a 5 days treatment 1 be sent FRER ia plain sealed pack tesitate a moment. We will treat you 1d with honest confidence, WER I 2341, MONTREAL- os You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with rge Zeigler, 3 SAT cs 87 Brock Street. RMS FOR SALE o 12 nt vw to io" farm, Ch A and the price Te nat you J. Lockhart al Estate Agent, Kingston. Perret vTITIeTTTeCTERTB TS coPyrvignT We fear no com ition in:the milling and sale of flour. it doesn't take a book to tell why .. "PERFECTION" is the best' flour for general family use. This flour is: made from the finest Manitoba and Ontario wheat, scientifically blended and milled on the most modern process by millers who know how to make such a fine flour as "Perfection." Ask your grocer for "Per- fection" flour, Other leading brands, "SEL- KIRK," 'special bread flour, «SILVER MOON,' pastry flour. MANUFACTURED BY The Hedley Shaw Milling Co. LIMITED. Frontenae Mills, Kingston, Ont. School Shoes You know the youngsters' delight in kicking their shoes to picees. Well, we are prepared for them with our $1.25, $1.50 School Shoes Mothers say they never saw such long wearing® shoes. The children will have to be fitted out and you cannot do better than get a pair of our shoes H. JENNINGS, - KING ST. WAGGONS Just what you want, the shortest turning and easiest draught wagron ever made. It is short turning, large front wheels, easy draught; wheols do not strike body: cannot tip over, and many other points which we will be pleased to to show you if you call at 4 y . od James Laturney S humanity. It has a population of e The Carriage Maker 390 Princess Street, Kingston LIFE INSURANCE ten ROYAL "52 i 14% sti Insurance in Foree.,......$104,000,000 ASSETS over. . $40,000,000 PROFIT 4 PAID, ..$8,226,000 Same profits paid for past 40 years, Premium rates and particulars on spplica- tion, W. J. B. WHITE, - Kingston Tourists having occasion to enlist the services of London * 'constables,"" if only to enquire the way to some point. of interest, find them, as a rule inteligent and well posted. This is because only men of intelli gence and good character are avpoint ed. They get upon the rolls after passing a rigid civil service examina tion and producing incontrovertible certificates of character, Once appointed, the constable as the London patrolman is call<d-i not dependent upon political favor, if he does his" duty he is sure of his position and a prusion upon retire ment. The discipline of the force is severe; to take money from a liquor dealer, even for a legitimate service, means instant dismissal. Most of the London wolice are walk ing guide hooks to points of interest. They know the history of the city and the location' of its famous places; they can direct one to the residence of a living eclebrity or to a quaint nook immort: lized by Dickens. And yet these men are woefully underpui | Upon joining © the force, the recruit must be content with a salary of £330 a year, and it is only after a consil erable term of service that he re ceives his maximum wage of 8460 The pay of New York patrolnen ranges from 2900, at the beginning, to $1,400 a year. 4 A New York roundsman gets $1,500. a sergeant, 82,000; a captain, $2,750, and the chief inspector, $5,000. Upon the London foree a sergeant, corres ponding with =n roundsman, gets $790; an #hspector, corresponding with the New York sergeant, $1,730. Superintendents, corresponding with captains on this side of the water, get $2,100, and the chief constable, or head of the force recvives £4,000. The difference between the pay of offices is not so great as between the men in the ranks on opposite sides of the ocean. It costs London taxpayers $9,331, 145 a vear to maintain the police force, of which amount $7,251,065 is paid for salaries. On Decéinber 31st, 1904--the latest date to which published statistics have been brought--the strength of London's police force was thirty-one superintendents, 539 inspectors, 2,148 sergeants, and 14,129 constables, or patrolmen. Five superintendents, 152 inspectors 220 sergeants and 1,627 constables were employed on special dutiss in connection with various government departmenfs. The remainder of the force looked after public welfare in the usual manner Each member of the force is oranted one day off duty each fortnicht, so that one-fourteenth of the entire force is constantly on leave. Of course a number of men are always away on sick leave in addition, the average number being 471 a day. The men of the force work eight hours a day. They guard the greatest city in the world. The district to he protected extends over a radius of fifteen miles from Charing Cross, and includes 699.42 sauare miles, This area is exchisive of the old sec- |e shown in the city o# London pro- per, which consists of one square mile in the heart of the great gathering 897, and under the lord mayor has its own separate and complete city gov- ernment and its own police. All the remainder of the metropolis ie comprised of twenty or more se- | parate cities, each with its own may or, representative councils and other municipal officials, but all together i that part commonly ge different municipal communi ties, however, have no control over the police that guard their streets. The Metropolitan force, ax it is called, iz directed by the national government through the office of the home secre- tary. It is a thoroughly efficient and hon est force. There are no police scandals, Drunkenness is punished by dismissal. Stringent rules regulate financial ded ings be tween policemen and the public, The American Ladies Tailoring Co. 261 Princess Street debts, Not only is he prohibited from tak- cannot borrow from the keeper £ a We take pleasure in announcing the ar- | public house, rival of Mr. Metz, a most expert de- siguer and ladies' tailor, having had the | {hat most policemen accept tips. 11 rare opportunity meted out to a man fy,, ack him how" best to proceed to In his trade to practice in the most fashionable cities of the world, viz. : london, England and Paris, France. It shilling, he will touch his helmet and is, therefore, not necessary for us tof. oh you. Willingness to accept tips ®ay that the best workmanship and fit is scarcely surprising in men who may Is guaranteed. , Cy ods istomers can supply their own gol $460 a year. or secure them from the company. Mon- ev returned if work is not sasisfactory. 'Phone 666. Pursuant to R.S.0 , Cap. 129, S. 38 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO Al person or Bergons having claims voluntarily or in the discharge of duty sion to retain them. mental in saving life in a street acci Avainst the estate Mary Jane fdent, is expected to report the reward, Phillips, late of the &y of Kingston, Milliner, or Anuie Phillips late of the ity: of Kingston, Milliner, that they are hereby required on or before SAT- URDAY the 15th day of September, 1906, to send hy post prepaid to the detsigned © solicitors or to Williai ha Philting, of Harrowsmith, Ont. the policeman is allowed to keep the re- eases he is supposed to be doing only istrator of the said Estates," Ur lio spin and paid duty, Christan and surnames, addresses a fescriptions, the full particulars of EE ------------------------------ Uweir claims, a statement of their se | Rleumatism Almost Killed Her. curit secu' . WY anei oaths Stare After ® the said | For years Mrs, S. Stahlschmidt, of hy the administrator will proceed ia Humberstone, Ont., was a re to stribute Fstate "~ving regar! " i ke i d onlv to we said. J of which he shall rheumatism. "1 wae 3 ill and athe © notice and he will not he liable to | 1 could scarcely wa she writes. sny person of whose claim he has not | "An attmck striking mv limbs made ther notice. SMYTHE, KING & SMYTHE, Ontapio Chambers, Kingston, Ont. ™ +41 at Kingston, 7th August, 1906. er --------------m-- The annual efiective cost of upkeep of a battery of Royal field artillery on lower establishment is £13,000, and Lancashire that of 8 ter. of the. Seld bat walking impossible. Friends and doe- go that "Bobby" promptly pays his ing money from a saloonkeeper, hut he Visitors to London have noticed some point of interest and reward his courteously" given information with a be compelled to support families on For more important service rendered there is a class of rewards, but the general practice in the foree is to NOTICE TO CREDITORS [Ik mm citer ni eure perme A constaife, or patrolman, instru- if one is given. As a general thing, the ward: but he cannot receive anything from people in the community which he is employed to watch. In such Good sense and toleration mark the the London policeman. These conservators of law and order are seen at their best in the manage: ment of holiday processions or brilliant harshness | or insolent orders mi~ht in- tors gavp prescriptions, but T onlv got relief * from Ferrozone. 1 took twelve boxes and gained from the The policemen do nothin : degree, con humanity tate a crowd that is first. To-day 1 am well, feel stronger, tealth." Whether muscular or inflam- alien, He. pet good natured. They look on and sel- dom give orders; when they do it is done courteously and quietly. The pol- | | ice know the temper of i gowd sad seldom get out of harm- weigh heavier and look the picture of matory, chronic or otherwise, Ferro- ok convicted by magistrates, 519 were ac ire] sate docs cure _rheumatiim ahd | ted and S17 were. dismiseed. The Rropurtics of Silonies to a 'ash Low) of the population was 2.443. The value of property stolen decreased in 1 104 over $140,000 from the figures of the nrevious year. A considerable sum, in the aggre j rate, was saved the nublic in the way of recovery of lost property. Found in | public conveyuncrs, 53,131 articles | were taken to headquarters to await claimants, The number of fatal accidents in He streets of London has decreased of re- {cent years, notwithstanding the in- crease of nonularion and in the num- ber of visitors, both from the English | proyinces and from foreign countries, | During 1904 the number of policemen | injured while in the dischar~e of their ! duties reached 3,054. Of these, 340 | were out of service longer than a week, | For its size, London is remarkably | free from serious crime. There are pickpockets--students of the Fagan { type--and sneak thieves in plenty; but | the habit of metin~ out swift justice i 1 discouraves greater crime, Duriig 1901 there were reported, (irom a population of over 000,000 | peonle, only twenty-four murders, | Sixteen of these murderers were tried {and nearly all convicted. Six accused | persons committed suicide, one escap- ied and the other, a woman was not prosecuted, owine to the peculiar con- ditions of the case. In 1904, there were twenty murders { reported. Twelve of these were arrest od and eleven convicted. Altogether | there were 20,372 charges of serious | crime brought to the attention of the | authorities. Of theve, 14,491 persons | Were arre psted, and 10,380 were convict: od. Presenting thie record to the public' the members of London pelice foree | think thoy should be better paid for their services, i GANANOQUE NEWS. | What is Going on in the Town on the River. Gananoque, Sept, 8.--~Chgrles Latiis more, son of James Lattimore, Charles street, spent a short time dur ing the forepart of the week in Belle suit case on the Thousand Island icoach at the station, and on reaching | thejunction it could not be found. As yet no trace of it has been found, The Busy Bee Mission . Band re-or- ganized for the season in the lecture room of Grace church yesterday after noon. The election of officers resulted as follows : President, Frederick Mul ling; vice-president, Edith MoCammon; recording secretary, Grace Wing; cor responding seeretary, Bessie Arthur treasurer, Madeline Meggs. the sehooner. Theodore Voges have ing unloaded her cargo of soft coal for the local vower house cleared last evening for Charlotte, ; The young people's society of Grace church mot at eicht o'clock, last eve ening, in the church parlors for the chair, daughter. Clara, are spending a week the Misses Elder, Ordnance street, in Athens, Seeley's Bay, and Lynd- burst, - have returned home. Miss Amy Arthur, River street, is soending a couple of weeks with her father in Montreal. Wesley Stafford, Seeley's Bay spent the day with relatives in street, who has been spending the Holleford Movements. Holleford, Sept, 6.--The farmers are having their threshing done hy A Abragns, and report a good yield E. Bedour as foreman. Among those Misses Stella Trousdale, and Masters Wil liam Medeof and Harold Redmon Freeman has returned from Kingston friends in Rochester, N.Y. Mr. an Mrs. James Walker, Mr. and Mrs David Walker, and Mrs. John Ww. Redmond attended the arriage of Lake, to Miss Orser: Wilmur, on Ty A. Thompson, at J. D. Walker's; Mr Mr. and Mrs. D. Freeman, at b Walker's. The Cry Of Bad Blood. Let the blood become impure or im poverished and the nerves--whick are apt to reply with pain. Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Locomotor Ataxi pnd other painful affections arise from Wade's Prug Store. Money back not satisfactory. mt te eee kept is in an affidavit made by Joh 159%. ville. On his way there he placed his al purpose of reorganizing. The pastor, Rev, William Timberlake occupied the Mr. and Mrs. William Allan 'land in the Limestone City, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robison, Stone street, who have been spending the past month with friends and relatives Arthur, dau~hter of Mr. and Mrs. F. town, + Miss Bessie Arthur, River past couple of weeks with relatives in Yharker, has retumed home, ee The feldspar mine is , running full blast, with T. Grant as manager and wlio attended Toronto exhibition were dith and Edna Walker and ia Smith. Bertram Ewing , re y, for British Columbia. Misses Della Ewing, Alma Walker and have gone to Sydenham to attend high school, Miss Hattie Collins is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Dwyer, Watertown. Miss Beatrice Mrs, J. Redmond has gone to visit mn their nephew, Charles Walker, Desert day. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Davey, Sydenham, at L. Davey"s;: Mr. and Mrs. A. Redmond, at J. D. Medeof's; and Mrs. George Redmond and Miss lena and Misses Ada Martin and > Alma Walker, at J. W. Redmond's; - dwaw their nutriment from the blood npure blood. Debili ad muscular knees has the sume caw. The] ~~ work I do, than any other worker you ever certain remedy is Wade's Iron Tonic They are a great norve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at The earliest known mention of erie Derrick, of Guildford, in the on 3 69 & 71 Brock Street. FULL WEIGHT EACH PACKET OF "SALAD CEYLON TEA Contains, inside the lead, exactly the quantity of tea specified on the label, s 260., 300., $0¢., 500. and 60c. per Ib." AT ALL anocsns. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. The World's ord BH ye vpmed or the convalescent.-is lr WHEAT choicest Canadian Wheat Send "vial Code Book. CANADIAN SURESDED WHEAT Limi. Whatnre Fails, Out. Newest Styles in Fall Shoes ... We have opened our new stock of fall foot wear. Every shoe has a neat and handsome appearance. We have Walking Shoes, Evening Shoes and Rainy Weather Shoes, for men, women, boys and girls. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Oxford Shoes and Brown Spats are one of the leading fashions for this fall. SEE THEN W OUR WINDOWS Noernethy's Shoe Store § Excesses and indiscretions are the cause of more sorrow asd suffering than all ter ¢ Sissdses combined. We see the victims of viclons hi every hand; the sallow, Plinpled Sacer dark cl rete form, siunied evelopment, bashful Ts, Moopink conutenance th bearing world his folly Ln Our weak treatment Joatti 1 and removin, ct excesses. It op all losses and drains and guickly restores the patient to what nature intended--a healthy and apps mh man with physical, mental and nerve pow. ers compl For over 25 years Drs. K. & XK. have treated with ef t success all diseases of men sod ave any secret disease that is a and ce to your health consult old relapsed phywe- Jae. ho do not have 10 experiment ou you. We guarantep to cure Nervous Debility, Bicod Diseases, Stricture, Varicocele, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. If unable to call, write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment. DAs. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 'bowtie: i "MRS. HOUSEKEEPER : ; "I would like to work for you twenty-four : tours a day. MY SALARY is nothing, and : it costs less to keep me, in proportion to the had. "Yours very truly, "HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE." Care of McKelvey & Birch, i earns his slender pay by ; * his alerts in preventing crime, and e u es to proportion oO in Lon It's your liver! In nearly every case ! ; La anywhere se in |} jog the liver. That means consti- fe other offenc check to a commendable pation, biliousness, dyspepsia, poor i territory | | blood, headaches. Your doctor will in which erimin- | | tell you that good health demands at least one good, free movement of re in Lond eh py Atle the bowels each day. Ask him if he Arrested § SO Oo Lh £3 ne 8.530). ae 107 woke convicted knows any laxative better than Ayer's were | | Pills. Then do as he. A DECADE AGO People wore woodkn shoes. We have three pairs in our window." A looRywill convince you that your feet. would not stand such treatment, but you will find ease and comfort in TRUFIT. 3" ; A. E. HEROD, -

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