DAILY BRITISH KINGSTON, ONT. ONTARIO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1906. ALFONSO SHOOTS GROUSE |. zx. [i Telephone Box. London, Sop. 8. ~The latest pattern of telephone ei is a genuine Sedan v chair. A telophome in a ir or WA, lve Castle. \ o a! : Py : Shiwirss the man bas hci Se. Thohton "at | Specie' Charge: a That of dai : Re 3 aE he & ' oat go combining the uth = wit Ren a humen Punishment to a Be A oho paintings, and the inside wy Bh with Berlin, pink satin. Opposite the cushioned seat she has had her Saletan fixed, and an electric light in a rosy shade. "We have executed seve ral orders for Sedan chair telephone boxes," the manager of a West End firm said vesterdny. "One of the pret. tiest was designed in white and silver, boy was put tl the lining being of pale green silk. | but persisted But Sedan chairs are not the only | cence novel form of telephone boxes. A lady has had a miniature temt of rose-colored silk erected in one comer of her boudoir. A colored Japanese | pended lantern hangs inside, and nobody | burning hot W realizes that it is not only for show wouldt be all the m uni] the iy a tun and dis- close a telephone no dainty ar- scene, rangement is a rustic arch before the | boy's ye cries § telephone, over which imitation roses, | The wovernor lef¢ ; at: perfoet copies of the real flowers, are | inquiring as to the "s fate. When, trained.' however, he returned a few hours lat te Lawn Hoists, of + plain | Sig ey ily iitnped with embroth , regularly i] Te iy 1.00. AOD. Yours oh choice to- r 7.30, each only .. LAIDLAW & SON - TT Tt -- * Fall on ovis gue Jow-ardays. 18 one of the most es; being a ts pro. it y close and ight ; is just er water or out in the country where kind of jack-of-all-trades of outer IW. They are decided! 'diff 75. 960, 10.00, 11.00 ani 155 | 'HOUSE OF LOVE." Matrimonial Swindle Unveiled | purder." When Rival Suitors Met. ae Rheinische Zeitung publishes the Paris, Sept. 8.--A woman of forty | following extract from a letter sent and pretty blonde of eighteen have howe By a German soldier in South been working fortune hunters in Paris | West Afrion. ak with a matrimonial swindle, the girl| "During one of our scouting expedis DECIDES HER FAT posing as an heiress to $2,500,000, tions we came one evenin to a wal while the older woman acted as agent, fourteen and extracting fees for introduction. The BY GAME OF CAR CARDS--BLACK would-be suitor was intreduced to the "heiress" sometimes between 'the acts | black figw th fduey sha yoke and meat box Ves, ving neatly all sizes from 32 to 40 bust 9 BH , well worth $11, Monday only dave a Raincoat Made, Here : X ina box at a theatre and sometimes | we found to be those ALWAYS TRUMP, Selon ut a thentre and sometimes | me lon a hee lar shades of grey, fawns ani navy, : "Fhe women toe wi ree extepti ly good qual- r ' Hearts, Her Lucky Color, Not The women played their cardf so | knew that a worth, 'already to Ringston 1 49 SERtAReRiaLs Shakeresnasatants hessesnns . A Turning Up, Swiss Girl Com- | well that the fair "heiress" was con- | men were in mits Suicide. stantly receiving substantial presents, | did not want Geneva, Sept, 8.--~Mile. Nesthe, of | While the elder woman was extracting | we had shot Soleure, a handsome Swiss girl, gam- Sousideabie wa froin Shes having | would have shot er bled with death yesterday--and lost. hint " getting F , Her father, who died recently by his o" own hand, was regarded as a wenlthy The clash came when, owing to a 3 mistake, three or four young suitors ; Women shool Grouse on man. His only daughter was, however, met on' the woman's Bo 8 | {fe # As 2 D4 i Scottish Moors. SEEKS MISSING PRIEST. left Pituflou owing to serious losses wamen Ate. naw in St. 1 rison. . : 1m Jpetulalions, x The investigating magistrate already i greatest interest. It is mot reported Hindoo Sherlock Holmes Adopts When the Shouse and forniture wan pon Tene peri a | a erest. s x . . ] : G t the In- 2) THE K KING oN MOOR! whether there was any "hoochin'" or Pari SAH. Mathods: » Deval roid by Dublic austion 1a me the > women, 3 not, hit their majesties entered into Paris, Sept. X. rolessor 8% I ive. wt n hiandn . | the damce with the greatest zest and the Hindoo seer, who is said to have live with One friends, and her mind CROWN JEWELS STOLEN. i n delight discovered by divination the where. hog lo have become unhinged by ------ | yy " : a Rian y : . r troubles, . ves ALFONSO PROVED HIMSELF | "Kin: Alfonco and his consort are in rot Abie Detyrue, "ow busily | "My Tuck day in Friday," she said | Ooms Said to Be pan 10] she Imad capital health, and if, durine the last missing Abbe Delarue, is now busily - a " a Portuguese Ca { i SUEDE LISLE GLOVES, cxactly lik A THOROUGH SPORT. weak, the Toor oo hd av From seeking the abbe himself. ~ ba al Janu ihe, dnd T Jack Lisbon," Sept. 8:~A Beavilian nanied : Ta | undressed kid in appearance, in TS mas j have been damped, not so the ispivia']" 70 ; b The "professor's Sherations have not bear Hite any lon Guerreiro has been arrested in Samed | shades of fawn and drab, witu tae He Trafped the Heather Whether | of bod royal visitors, who have thor- - La - How heh aietral, 10 He Ca Yesterday being ie. she asked | ance with a cabled request from the 1 strong dome eSteners and ne Rain or Shine--A Ball of | ©V2hly enjoyed their stay as the guests / % ¢ Jurie]s : of I ive. Ho |her friend to come and see her play | Brasilian government on oF charge of of Lord and Lady Leith, bord Lerth Yves || dure ig sufficiently impressive. He J | having st a portion of the erown stitched back, of good weight und Great Brilliancy Was Given in |" (0c * op he wel : : : lors about the lanes and woods{ cards, and as her manner seemed | ho ne . pu onal] strong quality, sizes, i othing could syeeed : the welcome TO PROVE IDENTITY. § wanders ah th strange, her friend humored her, "You | ewes of Brazil. | ally Ch Honor of King and Queen. King Alfonso and Queen Victoria Fu- with an abstracted mien, sniffing the will see that hearts. mr luk. color The crown jewels Soniet Winipuily | me or Monday, 3) Aberdeen, Scotland, Aug. 17.--King ! genie have received in the Hi~hlands s 1s in Court That He is Not air until an inspiration seizes him, a ig Ay, Soar: of twelve enormous pair Alfonso. of Spain atid his consort, {und in Scotland generally. Wherever | SWears i He then darts aside, thkes up some luined Aree anonoh, matter | Dumber of smaller stones, the whole Btaasasnaps thee Amramsasiens + Queen Victoria, who are the guests of | they have been. 'und in no matter Dead. earth and smils it, and then a stone De mes nd butler ' A nn being valued at $400,000. LAIDLAW & SON Lord Leith at Fyvie Castle, will no ' whe at kind of weather, the whole coun- London, Sept. 8:~A man who was [and tastes it a always Fini 8 None of the jewels have been found, doubt long retain pleasant memories | tryside has turned out to welcome identified as drowned, and w hose sup- Putting these in his pockets he turns ways Sppes abnounced to her unaus- and they are supposed to have been 'hese On Monda of their short sojourn in Aberdeenshire | them. Tiny little cottages lost in the | posed body was buried by his rela- {aside to examine an untenanted tne Hd a ad To a hidden in Lisbon. for during the week just closing his | hills and off the beaten track have | tives, appeared yesterday in the Bat- | house, snifis at the kevhole, bursts in | I 1 g dl 4 a wr ou pac The director of the Brazilian trea: ider some of the best staple values] majesty appears to have found al- | flown the Spanish flac. Little com. |tersea coroner's court to expluin to |a door, and . carefully inspects the | '® Sey ML: Poa . 0 ie an Went f sury, in a search for some missing ki P most immeasurable delight following ' munities--once or twice it has been a | the coroner that he really is alive. rooms. a 0 » room without uttering an- |, tex which had been withdrawn from in ng so are good, too. We buy the grouse. | Roman Catholic community -- have | The man is Thomas Oliver Weston, Going to the back vard he rammages th bic 1 bei . Mlle. N ciroulation recently, discovered in the intities. et t one : : as | tramoed miles to see them, and this | a laborer, of Bethnal Green. On Au- lin a heap of decaved wood, and pro he friend being used to Mlle. Nes- | yrongury vaults chests filled with for- mes we get one During the three days the king was a al : : abating the's eccentric humors, took no more 1 a } 5 fe } 130 | morning Crieff was alive at six o'clock | gust 21st last his wife and bis brother | juces 5 knife, with red stains--<blood 1 0 gotten ingots of gold and silver dat- --bought under the most favorable] vit - : he oes no fe wot Yank irst | and crowds waited in the vicinity of {identified the body of .a man which | cenins they are supposed to be, [Motice of the affair, and went out {ine from the empire, pold and silver : other Ontari sto! besid - Face. fel] Yo nS fran, Sob at his uel the station in a persistent drizzle of | was recovered from the Thames as his, though they might have been mere shopping. On her return, on entering | chalicos used in the celebration of the ne a ies our shooting expedition. in. Scotland ma in for three hours to welcome the | and buried it. He came home on the | net marks. her friend's bedroom, she found Mlle. mass, and the imperial Brasilian i , "CPSs! j raw « o $ ric € C . : . beadquarters--from the makers-- be said to be a thoroughly successful Ra ot Snain. dav of the funeral, and had some | pn this fashion his search is pro. | Vesthe dead, still holding in her hand | crown, seeptre, and robes belonging . z e ® one. . : i -------------- difficulty in convincing his relatives rsSing , 1. which en-|® small phinl which had contained | to Pedro 11. Twenty of the diamonds us saving middie-men » Rai in. hig ity s i 3 r gressing and the Journal, whi Y io any 4 ] dame ist of staples eed d i i wr er a to . NEAR-SIGHTED STALKER. that he was alive. x gaged him for the peregrination, pub. |Prus€ic acid. with which the crown was set were Oi you no now, an his element when tramping up to the isi) When he entered the witness box |JEtC O v of hie. mo -------- missing. Bo lay. knees through the purple heather, and Mistakes the Horse of a Friend | yesterday, Mr. Troutbeck, the coro mentous movements. GROSS VANDALISM. MISS MARIE CORELLI even during the few minutes he con- s ner, said : "I have sent for vou that DEVOTION OF BROTHER. LondonaS + 8;-The first authent TABLE PADDING, of 1, strong For Deer and Kills It ' i » t a BO AChR versed with Lord Leith, of Fyvie, on ng EC you might state on oath that you Anti-Ritualists Destroy Pictures portrait of Marie Corelli, the noted | cotton filled with the fin-st pur the station platigrm at Fyvie in the | Cape Town, Sept. S--An amusing [YOU AE Sol A 00 SAW DEAD MAN'S FACE. and Ornaments. Sacrificed Love To Nurse Sick | novelist, appeared recently an frontis i ome a he i carly hours of Yerday moraine a: honsiag incidens has hatibened a. an inquest was held on what was a London, Sept. S.--Another anti-ritu Sister piece of hor latest novel, "The Tron * v all realy lor was about two 6 clock--the moors and | to the near sight of a Mr. Jones, who }_ sed to be. voir hotly: English Member of Parliament don, © . anti- . . . . : hou ) Wi. 0x75 inches. at 165, jus the shooting fdrmed not the least im- | went out antelove hunting with a up a Jou Total him: to 2 Relates Strange Story Slisn_ outrage Jaw han, Sommmiited at in ed Beak; 8. A, vathatie. sat ot fre Heavy." hau 4 on size G incl at 1.75. Monday i That he other d Gadzema P 3 : TT : we church of St. Matthias, Malvern | a brother's life-long devotion to an ' portant topid of conversation. at | friend the other day at Ga 1 arte ks. which: bie | wile Q. § --Proathing the | 1 | t c r ; Miss Corelli had alway refused to by the yard--50 inches wide Ki 2 fntame) gn herd | teth- | show certain mar h he I London, Sept. S.--Preaching in the ank, which a fow days ago was invalid sister is reported from Erlen, ing Alfonso and Queen Victoria mean | Jones' friend saw a herd, and te and brother had described in identi- | Congre p ¥ Seaf i : : . - : rose for a pieture and the result was ] : . . ¢ € « ¢ 1 gregational church, Seaford, on'| broken into. On that occasion four- t f vie, I y at Te, and G0 inches wide 81 RD make the most o thet ay jn pric] his horse 1 to a ree begun, to fying the body which they buried. Ho | Qunday Compton Rickett, M.P., re- | teen valuable pictures ---- el nthe Cans a urge i an ac hat the nrigna Ricures, Murporting ht Scotland was evidenced bv the early | stalk 'the animals. Jones, from whe lid so, and the brother was then call the : followi incidence, which - . + : to be portraits the author nes : i h iol w com- a p ile sig he J 114 30, ¢ H lated the following coincidence, which | ornaments were destroyed. cident sixty-five vears ago when she Towels morning journey, which they accom- | he had parted meanwhile sighted t ol. and admitted that he had heen |} shod -§ true: The ond b i J bear the slightest resemblance to her. . b abhare OXSe although it carried + e s a he vouched for as true: he second outrage was committed | was' seventeen years "of age, and the | 3) ar y " LINEN HUGKABACK TOWELS, of wished ou heir way Ao. Deummorl Yeti rod ive md ald sgh it a or mistaken in the previous identifies "A gentleman, whose son was at | late Thursday night, All the remain- lowgr part of her body was paralyzed. Bren now | oral Joe ruasd i ) it pmistit agle; olor a NO sagdle yon & tion. hed to the British forces in South | ing ornaments were sither destroved 1 » do Oilers of ie " purest white, neatl hewstitched, . ' Pai ou ag N ; ea er citement he dis- S . : tached to h ing ornamen re either destroy She has just died, her only nurse dur- | our most od special, stiven spt Fyvie Lastie : Tinerdey a Heer, IF Real plo -- within The coroner said that this case il. | Africa as doctor during the Boer war, | or defaced. A notioe had been posted | ing that long period having been her her Fhotograph 10 be sed for : re. 20x38 inches, Monday, each HB evening their majesties EE re h i Toun tec 2" fired pig volley into | lnstrated strongly the necessity of Ipaid - a visit to two of his sisters. { up in the norch offering a reward for | brother. production. pe : . station, and by three o'c oct Voy. 8 200 vards, fire a : * y freezing apparatus in connection with |They remarked that they were glad | information with regard to the first leven years after her accident an YF acsisiaenes weavaranisn sos doer their way 10 | the flank of the "antelope ° a 3 Eleven yea LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS, pure arived St Aberdeen - e the unk of he ne Jatilant, hunter the mortuaries and of a more se hou) his son had returned home. On the fa- | outrage, and this was torn down, and operation was performed and she was FLEET SEARCHES FOR CAT. IEA "at, I™ e rd ire Highlands. dronped, x . fie system for the identification of | ther replying that his son was still in | another stating that the vicar was i 1 k little, The hol, and i" n to £ aut I+ to find LN replying a n wa 1 2 0 he Ar Was 8 | for a time able to walk a little, he | ad ently 2h ime Fis, Lord and lady Aberdeen were am- ar A a hie friend's rat edt, bodies South Africa, they exclaimed that] "wolf in sheep's clothine leading the brother, who believed she would be | Signals Ships to Look For Miss- | each 2¢c., others 21x38 inches ong the guests at the ball, and the | t at it x) tor his friend decided to they had seen him looking through | provle to Rome," was substituted. The cured, heeame engaged to be married, Animal. 3139 scene was one of great brilliancy. a a se whith he had It sometimes happens that the lead- | the glass pani of the door of the [ notice alto declared that vestments | but when his sister had a relapse, Yond Sept. 8.~The ships' coms cach Be. and others 21: i the royal | raffle off another horse which ad, 1 | . v wondon, | l inches. enol . Their majesties. engaged in a I--Jones bought the winning [er of an orchestra is . afraid to go corridor about 6 pm., just before the | and ornaments had no place in a Pro' | making recovery hopeless, he broke off | nanies of the Channel fleet are res | BATH TORE: au SY iil quadrilles, but it was in an che aS he At. . home to his wife and face the music. [father's arrival. testant church the engacement to devote his atten | {nied to learn that the black and fa LS, i» ma litios reel that they seemed to evince a , A ---------- "The father returned to London,| For vears the use. of vestments at | tion completely to the invalid. white cat Toby, which was supposed x : ; an aa ies. Bh sn mb TT yy and next morning made inquiries at | St. Matthias' had been protested to have bein i into the naval y Priegs from. Such » | Eas: Ww, the war office. He was told that in- | acainst, and evidence with regard to » service while +t fleet was at' East ve of Chwre " fe formation had just been reccivod that | than was viven before 'the ritual com- ENDS GRIEF IN DEATH. bourne, has been found ; : is his son had died the previous evening | mission. Recently the Kensit rreachers On leavi ih hound. the vice-ad: froin enteric fever, the time of death | visited Malvern Link amd conducted | Drinks Rum to Face Ordeal, Then == Caldey island, in miral caused the followin, 1 to being 6 p.m. English time." some heated debates on the subject. : Hangs Herself. oo. made : "A letter having re- L . Putia, Sept © B=Baron Hama Ak ceived Mating that = favorite ia Wak . 3 THER' J MEN OTE! recht Von Eichetedt, described as at- | und white tomeat named To d the Bristol Chan- SUORNS FA R'S CASH. AP WY) = az tached to the German Embassy in | taken out of a doorway at -- , Son of British Peer Will Wed | Snapshooting By American Wo- London, was married 'there in July | bourne by one of the sailors, ships last to Miss Bertha Kloesel, a lady | pre to say whether this cat is on American Actress. Tm Regarded as Offensive. born in England of German parentage. wid or not.' London, Sept. &~Lord Aberdare has | Kobe, Sept. 8.--The action of three | They came to Paris and stayed at a | The minds of all are now set at rest written {0 his son informing him that | American women tourists in snap- | hotel in the Avene de I'Opers. The | by another general signal, as follows: he will stop his yearly allowance of | hotting Javanese society ladies while | baton fell in love with a pretty Pari- | "The black and white kitten bas been L500 if he persists in marrying Mise | takine baths in a bathhouse at Dogo | sian woman and forsook his wife, recovered, and the owner at East Camille (Clifford the American actress, | Hot Springs, Tyo province, has caus | who went to modest lodgings to live. | bourne apologies for having The son save he regrets his father's | ¢d intense resentment here, Unable to bear her grief, she, this |a blusjacket of having stolen it." opposition, but the stoppage of his | The Javanese women as soon as | morning, made a rove with her night- allowance will not alter his decision | they could put on their clothine went | dress and, after drinkine a pint of from the mali actuier Fine Kid Blucher 0 Boots: nel, Purchased by Benedictine Monks te - to marry, in a body to the police station, and rum, hanced hersell in her bedroom, A Sehiruus Faz a of Tan} He has a private income, and he }Protestad against the conduct of the where jewolry to the value of $6,000 Londen, Sept. Sr dist ' is IRI a hopes with this and the profits of his | Yi%itors as an outrage on wood taste.| has been found. erville, to mitigate ¢ istraeh, tate h These 02ds automobile garage to suvwort his wife | The chief of police accordin~le went Bel ths "legged Lo alan heel. g as she deserves to be supported to the Funaya Hotel, demanded to we Hounds Hunt Terrier. a nailhes a. merely taking mn 5 to $3.00. The aye dine date is fixed for Febru Yin Avtcdicans, a confiscated the ob- Londen, Sept. 8.--A oss, EXtragidi- the a i - $2 74 anv 14 jectionable negatives. incident occurred w m- tage lay SATURDAY Mr. Price denies that Miss Clifford Seattnbiiitbutb stock Otter hounds seqre hunting the When i S ' is puitting the stage, but he save she They All Falled. Yeo. After showing good sport an ot- in : will not continue geting with the view Many have tried to devise a corn ter had a tussle with a terrier in toa often to supporting him, cure equal to Putnam's, but after fif- | some mud, When the hounds came on thei He considers it d diserace for a man | ty years nothing has come upon the [the scene later they mistook. the mud- |! dey wad Jrem the Gilfar CHI/s. near to be even hall susborted by his wife. | market that so readily and painlessly |dy terrier for the otter and dispatch. Sak : sed the lish Benedictine B: th enres corns and warts. Don't prov 4 ed him. 1s 4, in the Bristol Channel, has been' purcha by Eng! ic rothers Tha OLLARS E STORE children are staying at grandpa's | ment, use the best, and that's Put- ------------ Caldey ected with the Church of England. Four and a hall years ago they were living Mama has gone down to the a nam's, Exhibition artillery drill, "B". bat- a community Sonn pian to Painsthorpe Abbey, York. That house has, however, grown too | pons is ot home working, tery, Kingston, at Brockville fair. Oe a euthers. and they have now acquired the whole Tula nd of Caldey, where they are | Keuming weil with Rocky Mountain] The Drewk pram of South Arbon | Orca Cole Honky and Tome Cola, at small tor hes | In the fifth century Caldey was the home of Celtic monks. monks. . Tea. has strongly narcotic properties. Wade's soda fountain. erect'ng new buildings.