Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1906, p. 3

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FROST BITES, CHILBLANg IRRITATED SKin OR CHAR. PLY... Dr. Scott's Liniment Also, An Fxoellent Bair Restore, and Sealp Cleanser Large bottle, 25 copy, "It not for sale at Your can al LArueeiet, i aye be procured bh wes i , Scott's White Linime.: ! mt N.B., and Cpelo™ FURS We have now in stock choice Persian Lamb ang Seal Skins, specially adapt. ed for Jackets. We would advise those thinking of getting onc to leave their order with us and make sure of Quality, Fit and Style. : W. Fk. GOURDIER 78-80 Brock St. Exclusive Furriers. QUALITY IN 'BACK COMBS Our Hair Ornaments Are Strictly High Class And are designs possible, ing had a package reach us only this week direct from the | | manufacturers. Decorative gold is the newest hav- used for some, while others have NEW ART designs with STONES SET. SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians Phone 666. While shing near "Beechwood," Cape Vincent, N.Y., Jasper Woelpper, Philadelphia, and: Peter Garlock caught twenty-six nice black bass, the smallopt fish weighing something over a pound and the largest three and one-half pounds. : One of the oddest facts in geo graphy is the enormous preponderance of land north of the equator. 0-Wear WS__» r Department, and it isn't any of, Kingston and district had the iant assortment of garments as we s the van, and in proof of this w made to ladies who have "gone th - a very careful comparison ha e "latest out," mal them. and you are to see ful Coats is extra large, and incl all reasonably priced. VE HAVE SOME CREAT VALUES ~ IN WAISTS As Follows: ; rint Waists, in pretty patterns, ROR iii Aerie ; 43 made in lannclette Waists, style, each lack front and separate collar, sizes all sizes, Sateen Waists; with shir to 10, special, each ............. 7 \ Skirts. Particular mention micht xford Greys, neatly made in lntest braids, all legit, 3 to Bin Sood, | Hosiery, Values. | Flainelette, 36. inches wide, 0 will Be a Remarkable Day of Soptombor Values" Each one of the bargains value you'll find hard to duplicate give represent a an induce- Hach ment that should bring you early ip take advantage of it. ay JUST OPEN OASE OF 500 YARDS LADIBS'® WINTE COATS TWILLED SHAKER FLANNEL 75 Ladies' Coats, made of imported high grade beaver cloth and novelty tweeds, in four shades, tourist mo- del, double. breasted, length 48 ine! 'hes, sold all over for $12 to $15. ' On sale here Saturday . only $8.95 A GRE. AT CHANCE TO GET G FURS AT LOW PRICES Just unpacked our new furs. 50 Ja- panesé Mink: Stoles; with six tails, and fancy braid ornaments, lined with brown satid, length 38 to 42 inches. Regular price $12 to $14. We will clear them on . Saturday at $6.98 Goon 12 ONLY, SETS CHILDREN'S WHITE THIBET RUR-- (Consisting of well made Stole * and oft A $ovely set for the little ones. Regular price $4.50 per set. On sale Saturday, $2 Set 95 ONLY, BABIES' FLEECE AND ALL-WOOL POLKAS--- Trimmed with pink apd blue. lar price 75¢ t. en On sale Saturday, 49c. Each Regu- 200 YARDS FANCY SWAN'S DOWN-- Suitable for wraps, dressing jackets and kimonas. All new designs. Reg- ular 25e yard, On sale, 18c. Yard Reguldr 20e. yard. On sale, 12§c. Yard 300. LADIES? ; ENGLISH NATURAL WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Best quality. Regular price $1.25 each. On sale Saturday, 78c. Each "tani 12c. "28 inche§ wide, shades, pink salmon only. Good value at yard. On sale Saturday, 8c. Yard A limit of 10 yards to each tomer, cus- JUST RECEIVED--A LOT OF FINE BLACK CASHMERE STOCKINGS- Embroidered in white, blue and red. Regular price 50c. and GOc. pair. On sale Saturday, 88c. Pair or 3 Pair for $1.00 80 PAIRS LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS * Hemmed and with fringe. 38 and- 18x34. pair} Sizes 19x Regular price 40e. 39 ONLY, LINEN TABLE COVERS With fancy red borders, gound, size 60x84 price $1 each. On sale Saturday, 69c. Each. fringe all fuches. Regular 25 ONLY, LADIES: FANCY FLANELETTE SHIRT WAISTS- Well made and trimmed, colors blue and red. Regular price 08¢. cach. On sale Saturday, 38c. Each JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF SILK WOVEN SHAWLS In cream, black and pole blue. ular price $250 to $3. On gale Saturday, $1.48 Reg- Note the Big Price Cuts in Men's and Boys' Clothing WE'RE READY TO SHOW YOU A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FALL SUITS--50. ONLY, MEN'S SUITS Made of English tweeds, in light and dark 'checks, double breasted style only, splendid make and fit. ular price $10: to $12. On sale 'Saturday, $6.96 5 MEN'S OVERCOATS-- In black imported beaver cloth, fine smooth latest long Chester- field, with broad shoulders, lined with hepvy mercerized lining, long vent in back, sizes 34 to 44. You will pay elsewhere $15. On sale Saturday, $10.00 GREAT SAVING IN MEN'S WORKING PANTS Just arrived, 150 pairs Men's Pants, in two grades, made of English all- wool tweeds, strongly made and well finished. One Lot--Regular price $2.50. On sale Saturday, $1.89 Pair Another Lot--Regular $1.50, On sale Saturday, 88c. Pair SHOULDN'T PASS 28 ONLY MEN'S RAINCOATS-- In dark Olive cravanette cloth, long "8nd loose fitting, high padded shoul- ders, lined all farmers' satin. Regular price $12. 18 ONLY, MEN'S SHORT. TOP COATS-- Made of fawn English cravanette cloth, single breasted style, good Jtalian linings, vent in back, Regular price $10, 65 BOYS' SCHOOL SUFPS-- Made of fine Canadian and English tweeds, two-piece, made in Norfolk style, different patterns, price $4.50. BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS Made of same kind tweed. $6.50. THESE NOTIONS BY BEST TIGER FAST BLACK MENDING COTTON--- PERFECTION ALL-WOOL MENRING BALLS n Worth Sc. ball. + On Sale 3 earda Jou bi; "On Sale, per' ball cs oii 5c GOOD RUBBER COMBS BEAUTY PINS Worth 20e. sath. Worth 10c. each. On Sale, each ........c 10c.| On Sale, 2 for... 15¢ 3G asIR TAPE- COLLAR BUTTON SETS Different widths, worth Se, bunch, | on ecard, 'worth 20c. On Sale, per bunch nn be. On Sale, set ... Be. . 200 YARD SPOOL FANCY TOP HAT PINS-- LINEN THREAD : Worth each. Worth 16c. spool Oh ha .10e,| On Sale i HE Tt walips y you to visit out store and examine the bargains iol RY offering for Saturday. | 1f you are not som y that you until you are ready for it. THE MONTREAL BANKRUPT STOCK £02 180,.Px Princess Redden's and d Craw ready for them you may pick out like Yad we will put it away for you i < SHest, 180 On sale Saturday, 28c. Pair i through with good Og sale Saturday, $1.80 extra On sale Saturday, $6.50 Regular On sale Saturday, $2.78 Suit Regular On sale SAturday, $3.76 ) DAILY THE GES IN ONTARIO RUGBY RULES. "The Game to Be Played in Quartérs = Usless Otherwise Agreed--General Notes on Sports. This Jour s Ontario rugby rules show no radical change from those in force and © the game will not difer front" that of last year in any cssential detail so far as He Paving eode is concerned, " te promises to be more oo Sie owing to the improved methods, Rew systems, team and combination plays hich are onstantly being in troduced |b the various clubs in the union. aps the most t change made in the rules at Inst jin o union es rtment of the the oul has * hetatofore been wore or I neglected. When one consid: ers the spectacular qualities and the effectiveness of the goal kick, ome wonders at the scant attention paid to the play in the past. Goal kicking has been developed to a marked degree by the big college teams across the line, and is one of the most attractive features of the games there, The Ontario Union last year discussed this department of the game thoroughly, and, after consider able debate, the delegates decided, in order to encourage clubs to develop the play, to change a goal from a drop kick from three to four pints. Another rule to which clubs should give special attention applies to off- sides. Under rule VIII, section 3, of last year's rules a player being off side was enabled to take two steps towards his opponent's goal, and, as might be expected, the privilege was greatly abused, and the referees ex- perienced the greatest. trouble ia pro- tly enforcing it. In order to oh yiate this difficulty and eliminate as far as possible off-sides, the union has decided to strike out the words "two steps" from the rule covering this play, and make it illegal for a player who is off-side to advance any distance towards his opponent's line with the ball in his possession. Another impprtant change applies to the kick qut, the rule applving to the play being made to read, in part, as follows : "A player making a kick- out cannot afterwards run with the ball unless it has touched gn opponent or been passed to him by one of his owh side. The object of this change is to eliminate the "fake" kick, and thereby make the game even more open than formerly. It has also brew decided that all gaies. must played in' quarters, unless the A ooh othe er iss agrees, in which ease the game may be play- ed in halves, A Crack Ball Team. Although the baseball season upon the river has just closed, plans are now being laid, at Thousand lsland Park, for a team to represent the re sort that will have no equal at the Thousand Islands, Further than this it is proposed to secure a baseball field and eréct a fence and grand. stand. | George W. Cooper, this sea- son's manager, is planning next sen- son's campaign. As a starter, four of the best men of this vear's team have been retained. They are Clark, Moore, Zimmerman and McCory. McCue Horses Won Places. The horses of McCue Bros., secured places in the Watertown, N.Y., fair races vesterday afternoon. In the 2.24 class. Pretty Nell got third money and in the 2.16 class Helen D. was second. On Wednesday, in the 2.28 class, Pretty Nell took first place her best time being 2.23. She won three heats. Likely To Be In Game. Among the most likely ones for a position on Queen's rugby team this fall is Ernie Cooke, who will enter upon a science course. Although young at the game, Cooke played magnificent ball for the Limestoney last fall, and bears the stamp of & comer. Another Yacht Race, Another yacht race has been - ar ranged for to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock, under the auspices of the local club. The Gananoque boats may come up to give the Kingston sailors a brush. The Croquet Tournament. Mrs, Taylor and Miss Fraser won in the doubles, yesterday, in the ladies' croquet tournament. General Sporting Notes. Rritt says he is ready to meet cither Gans or Nelson. Delehanty, of the New York High: landers, made two home runs, a three base hit, and a single out of five times up recemtly. His famous brotherrstill holds the record, how- ever, having made four home runs and a single in one game. Mrs. Hillyard, one of the leading tennis oi of England, in a tourna- ment played last month was obliged, so as to secure a foothold on the slippery grass, to discard her shoes Hand play el her stocking. Under these conditions she managed to win the open singles and doubles. It is reported that Swith's Falls will endeavor to gain n place in the Eastern Canadian "Amateur Hockey League the coming winter. The idea is to replace Shamrocks. The Falls team will likely remain the same as it was last year, when it won the Federal League championship. \. McCuaig, of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association, esta: Don't nl a i Stent hE 50c.~6 lor $2.50. THE SPORT. REVIEW: fo In a i saty-four the fiark that has , of 1902] awa' Capital r, may Jose the sight of his right eye. This distressing news way imparted when Water street RN bis physi- i Bh operation. that it was eye could be Was injured a ice on the Oval, ball into the r the nets was him, the end of Tom on the lft eye for an inch. The af. actidental. Alexandria Bay Couple Married on Saatdien Soil. Gananoque, Sept, 7.--Chas. Porter and Miss Virginia Hoadley, both of Alexandria Bay, came to town vestér- dur in a 'gasoline - launch, procured pecgssary license here, and were -- united. in marriage by Rev. William Timberlake at the parsonage, at ten o'dock inthe morning. About three o'clobk yesterday after noon, Edward Watson of Brockville, and' Ahinie, 'Qanghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shaw of tus township, were united in marviage st the parsonage, Pine street, by Rev William Timber- lake. The schooner Collier having unload ed her carvo at the Scranton coal company's sheds, oleared for Oswego 10 N a Kennedy of Perth, has been spending the past week 'in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A, Jaeck- son, First street, Mrs. K. E. Baker, King street, who has been spending the past week int Toronto, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bl Ross, of Shang hai, China, arrived spend a few weeks sister, Mrs. street. Mrs. George Fales, Sydenham street, with Mre. Ross' Hugh Wilson, Garden Portland ...... . Garrett's Rest. Rideau Ferry... & Smith's Falls, arrive... ..."... From Kiagston to Washburn ..... From Kingston to Jonds' From Kingston to Westport. From Kingston to Portland. From Kingston to Smith's Falls... A. DUPONT, Owner, Ready For readiness for the schools next Monday. keep pace with the ingrease of number of' children expected for new school year the board of educa tion has made good use of the vaca tion months to opening of . the hoped that it will be possible to place nearly all children in fulltime classes. were made in various sch: builaings, distribution on the opening day. is in strong conirast of former years, when the Jack of sup- plies in many cases caused serious de lay in the work of the schools several days and be realized what ah enormous ta: with the necessary books and supplies, from the fact that thousand orders, , had to be fill ed this year. eries of 'the necessary for Superintendent and his subordinates to forego vacations, Domestic Science Im. 'The Army. Washington, D.C., Sept. 7.-The re Ports from officers in the army whe have to do with the schools cooks, and bukers show that much in- enlisted force in the hstrugtion, = es pecially as commanding officers there are offered $15, respectively, for ex ce in thei work. There is a growine demand tc entor the classes, dnd it in realize ficers who were work, and 'the menu would have been a gfedit 4 the bes {of city hotels, the i repor cently as an that the service might Baye in its en- be attached to aud orovide g od that this contentsint of the men. food. Tt wns reason. MA of Chemitts" Co. of Canada, "Toronto, rental of over £100,000 u year. : ' "4 yesterday, to Opehing Of Schools. New York, Sept. 7.<Everything is in in an effort to the the provide additional quarters for school purposes and it is At the same time many improvements The text books and supplies required | Sho! for the various schools have all been | delivered and are ready for immediate This to the methods for even weeks. It hav wk it [good sports is to supply the schools of New York more than wix including more than + 120,000 different items To complete the deliv- books and supplies it was | speedy as Jones their for terest is being awakened among the are : inclined to encournee Othe work, and wrained ankle. for every fifteen or 'twenty students two prises of $10 and that the service will materially benefit by this desire, At one of the western poste the graduates gave a diner to one hundred guests, including the of- interested in their wis one which | states, The plan to alucate cooks and is. ope which was started re experiment, to the end listed force competent men who would company or troop would contribute to the The Seottish fishings big in a - RATES First Insertion, 10. & word: Back thereafter HELP WANTED--MALE, ET I ae TRA SR A BOY TO DO LIGAT WORK. PLY Stency & Steacy. ORR. | ARTL BOY, AT ONCE. APPLY TO R. Uglow & Company, 141 Princess St. ------------------------------------ TWO GOOD STRONG YOUNG EN to" ass st in tinshop. Atoly Chown & Ry i : A BOY TO hRive. AND WORK IN RYOtery., one accustomed to preferred. Apply 235 Divigion aN, oR PACKING. YOUNG MAN SXberience in drugs who wan's on Advan. Apply "XN EK. Whix i KXRERI ENED DRIVER, STEADY work and good BY; Apply at Cars nOVSkY'S Fruit lore, after eight pom. rm ---- AAR, HELP, THE YEAR ROUND, SITU- a - ADVERTISING 7 a it" or ime he ISTERS Ah ne ONE 8S. ALL BAY MARE AND ONB . second Wagon. Chown & Fy EE = a ANY ONE WISHING 70 BY houssh furniture, in con roy at 961 University Ave. any ie between 11th and 14th of September. Jelly &Co., 142 Fifth Ave, New Yor " . d Frcs Wha vert oll ol TAUM. 95 ACRES 1) MILES RAST Wellington street, } two wun, on the Vinee? oct Tad: MEN EVERY WHERE-COOD PAY--T0 well fenottl, will wa ne distribute Ciroulurs, adv. matter, daisies. lr Smith, Odessa. Ont. tack 'siems, ete. No ecanv ' National Adv, Bureau, Chicago. _-- " ANTED--GENE . SALESMAN, HAVING SOLD NOVEL- Ww. RAL ties antl ca das Jot Advertise ¢ AP JOIN commission per oon! what | F IN hr PLY TO Hoe Vou sol. Address Rand, Me: ron, 1S Y SA YAU AAING--GGAWYANMAOMATENTRE a Fin nary HELP WANTED-FEMALE. i aie" Any A POMPETENT HOUSEMAID, 167 paint OR _VARNISHED SKIFF, rete | US AL MLE Rein Hot A GOON BLAIN COOK. APPLY MiSy CML Wake alte, : A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO Mrs, Donald Ross, 300 Alfred St. A GOOD PLAIN COOK AND ROUSE. LEER EES SE wl A PATEL A RNA i spent the day dn. the: Limestone City, wad. Apply to Mes. Hurry 'Pandy, Williqm Allan, Charles street, who has 86 Johnson street. buen spending the Past. few dave with | EEE OL LLINARY friends in Pittsburg, hos returned and Dress- inking eon ltn Ap home, Mrs. and Miss Lafrance, North ply Steacy & Ste a : ; pn pantie Sredt; Jum yesterday with 'friend in | C0 TCO ORAL SERVANT, NO ingston. washing or iroming. Apply Mise Smythe, 59 West strect, t d Passenger Boat. Mew Freigh Al wh fo n A COMPETENT SERVANT. NO #he steamer tranger wi eave washi Apply in the even'- Mrs' Kingston every Wednesday and Satur- Chas. A. Low, 199 Broek street. day morni at six o'clock for Smith's Falls and all points on the | A SOMPHTRND HOUSEMAID. ups Rideau lakes. The freight and pas. Hoh OF Nidkier 155 Ean streets senger rates will be lower than usual and any freight consigned to the {GOOD nS SEERA L SBRVART. NO Ry . i ive. dea washing or ironing. tl Stranger wil, reeeive cdreful and Ad AREY At THE Bar ee prompt attention, Following is the time table : COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT Kingston; leave... .... 6:00 a.m at once. Wages four dollars a week: W No whshing or Ironing. Apply to . Mrs. Knight, Alice st A OGBNERA SERVANT - ALSO A Rdtwe. Se tombe 14th, to en to Llinto N. bur of - Utlea, ood" Wares ivan, As BT Leo A NICE SURPRISE NEWBURGH DEFEATED YAR- KER AT BASEBALL. Both Teams Played First Class Ball, With Some Grand Stand Flourishes--Many Students at the High School. Newburgh, Sept. (--Surprised | Well I guess wo but such a pleasant sur prise | After their performance here a » | weok ago, no opie doubted but what Yarker would Win from Newburgh, in Napanee on Monday, but the locals turned the tables on the crack aggre gation from Yarker by a score of 11 to 4. There was no fluke about it. Everything was of the clean eut vari ety. Montgomery pitched for Yarker and Wood for Newburgh. For the greater part of the game it was a pitchers' battle, but the local artist was the steadier with men on bases. Shorts at first base was just about ' his eatch of a difficult foul fly being about the grand stand article. Both pitchers were effective, Wood striking out sixteen men, and Mont gomery fourteen. Both teams played good ball, but the Newburgh boys bunched their hits, and won by a good margin, The Yarker boys proved and took their defeat without a word, With a team played out after the Yarker game, and Shorts and Rose injured, the locals went up against the Picton team and were beaten 9 to 4. The Picton bunch gre about as there is, and the locals in their condition did well to hold "Pie ton dpwn, Hy the way, if our Enter prise friend is looking for the kick ery' cup, it might he found in Picton. Clarence Trimble of Napance umpired both games and gave general satis faction, : The Epworth league will hold its apnual reception to the high school stall and students on Monday even: ing, in the basement of the Methodist church. Miss Noung has a badly The high and. public schools re-opened on Tuesday. There were 102 students present at the high school, Thomas Shorts, Arthur Shorts . the Misses Wright of Hartford, Conn., i | are visiting at John Bhorts'. James Thomson, J. B, Aylesworth, W. W Adams end wife. and Mrs. Frve, are in Toronto this week. Harold Ryan returned on Monday, after spending three weeks at Sydenham, Dr. H. A. and Mrs. Neshitt spent t | Sunday at D. A. Neshitt's. Mrs. Nos ¢ | bitt sang "In the Secret of His Pre sence," during the offertory in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, r SITUATIONS VACANT, SALBSMAN, WITH EXCEPTIONAL te October, Literal terms. Lovell Co, Toronto. ability to sell our of private dosiens. Orders taken fro middle of MEDICAL. DR. MCCARTHY, OFFIOn LATELY ostupied | Ryan, streets. MISCELLANEOUS PI TE A He ZH Bimon Fitmmartin's team ran away last week, but wert eaught before any damage was done, F. G. Millar of Newbureh High school staf returned on Monday, have ing spent his holidays at his home in Wiarton and on Lake Huron, Miss Ef. fie Welbanks, Marysville, t- Bune doy at hec home here, Hugh Kelly, Montreal, spent a fow days this week at his howe here. Frank Clancy, Wes- ley, has taken Miss Chant's place in the Newburgh Pharmac, Miss Jessie Wilson and ive Elsia Moore are ate tending model school at Napanee, Misy Florence Wilson deft on Monday to take a course at the Normal school, Toronto. Mr. Sager is havine his new house remodelled. Miss Grace Donoan Jolt, this week, to teach school near Flinton. Miss Anna Sutton will suc. coed hor as assistant postmistress, M. Ryan is spending the week in Toron- to, The baseball boys ought to bring the Picton or Kingston nines here for an game, after their feat of Monday. The fans would like to soo Thompson's pets run uo acainet either of those teams at Diamond Park, in Kemptville, Harrowsmith Notes. Harrowsmith, Aug. 31.--On Bunday morning, death called Elizabeth, wife of George Lew. She had been ailing for some months and death was a welcome visitor to her. She was of a kind disposition and well liked, The funeral took place on Tuesday; service in the Methodist chueeh, Harrow- smith. The harvest excursion for - the west was well patropized from hers by Frank Patterson, David © Wallace, Houry Bumett, Earl Wallace, John Henderson and Arthie Irish. Farmers are about through with harvest and some are threshing; grain' turning out well. Last Sunday evening the Me: thodist pulpit hére was filled hy Rey, E. Buck, son of Danford Buck, of this place, The church was filled to the doors and an clogent sermon was delivered. This fine speaker is a eredit to this place. Mr, Buck and wile started for Kansas ou Tuesday, where he is stational. Some of Sur young men have changed hoarding house, Mise Annie Lyons returned to Kingston on Wednesday. Kieomge Rex mond has returned from Cobalt, James McKim and Charles Stewart, Sr. are attending Toronto exhibition, Ernis Redmond and Chebox Davideon, who spent Sumy at home returned to Jieowiille on i Mack Wallgoe 2 "sisters, who - have been spending a fow days in West port with friends, have returned. Rey, Mr. Milligan has returned, after Ache ding o one month at home in St. John, In his absence his pulpi Rev, Me, Coton was ably filled hy of ow. Visitors: Me. aut Mrs; William Cook and son, of Smith's Falls, at Thomas Cook's; A. Fi Mrs. Nesbitt has a beautiful contralto voice, and; those who heard her on Sunday wete greatly pleased. The Epworth Leaguers picnickel down the river on Saturday. Mr, Me Rae, Kingston and Miss Warner, Cole- brooke, spent Tuesday with the Misses Warner. Miss Beaman of the high school staff, returned on Monday af- ter spending ber holiiays at her one of Napan®, at J. Bertram's: W ant Davidson, of Brownville, N.Y, with { foul. Frederick Patterson, \ who has a position in Montseal, is home for wounded. He was taken to the hos pital at Liverpool, and while there was nursed by ion Smith. So kindly did she nurse him and so gentle was her disposition that svon fast friendship ripened oa warm affec- | tion, which stronger and stron, until, when he weturned to Canada, they corresponded and finally he asked her to come to this conabry to become his nile. athe ruremony pirformed hy . Thomas Mitchell, at 162 John ot, and afterwards a social evens ing was spent, during which which . ion. did programme was rendered con slate 4 a solo Mr, why Mins Campbell and Mr, Cutler, accompanied by Miss Albright; A Hero and Gentle man, Myr, McLanghlin, and a' duet, The Battle Eve, John Drew and P. Wheel er. The harpers of Tony Vita were present and several instrumental num- bers and dances were enjoy bride was nscisted by Mise A. Wheelor, and the groom hy D, Wheeler, One On The King. La Tit, ts Ring Edward bra b back from Eastbourne an ex t story, Hie majesty and his host, the Nuke of De- vonshive, loft Com Place for stroll on Beachy wearing jacket suits and _ bowler hats. They were met hy on group of wha an right road to Compton: the ying wan slaving "You are in and" roy mov on ag 8 hs Fors] wa EE . looking bloke is when a This was greatly trious pedestrians. I all dyspepsia sufferets Dr. Shoop's Restorative wi them, Dyspepsia would practi n disense of the past, i Restorative by ite direct t inside Ae true sto Stomach distress or weal non, bloating, bel She Rustorating, All mend and well Dr. tive, vacation. Campbell Bros. Sole. genta in Kingston for Scott's high grade $4 hats. oo mene ico Mrs. : Rouben Bissell is dead in North Tous ehh aged seventy nine, ps, liom Swain ved at MoA

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