have not s : y pace to de. ibe these new ribbon beauties, we mire them almost more than any her novelties we have received, 'lor to-morrow the prices wi] from 8c. a yard for the d row effects, to 25¢c. a + very wide designs, Do not fail to visit our ribbon tion, and at least. examine them ble Sale of k Towels If, mostly for the fact that it will se sold as "extra special at h'" for 18c. each or two [or 35¢. t the lot last week, and it reach- Two days though, are plenty, out it goes in the morning like Will rug ainty pgp. ard: for gj, full bleached, and very) rs wide, neatly hem- and of splendid weight | | before and considered [ ¢ Yours to-morrow at ho) air, or each .. Jandkerchiefs, Too 1 2 Well over the to-night, ed another sol again. ours for New Imported Flannelettes he case of 27 to 3l-inch Flannel ettes, in mice 'stripes, as well as plain pink, blue and white, most suitable for night-gowns, chil- dren's underwear, men's pyjamas, ete., per yard, to-morrow, 0c. ne case of 31-inch Striped Flannel otte, of very soft finish and good weight, pretty color effects, extra special, per yard, to-morrow, 12}c. ne case of 32inch English Flan- nelette, extra heavy, of very dain- ty new designs, for men's working- shirts and night-shirts, per yard, to-morrow, 15e. nll, see the Metal Canada" Metal achinery Hall. tment and Lowest Prices plendid Suit Case, Water- proof, $1.75 and $2.00. tter grade, leather corners, $2.50 and $2 75. olid Leather Case, hand- sewed, $4 75 and $5.00. , double handsome nsive. 8 are imported and can be SHOE STORE YEAR 93, NO. COPY RICH 100 YOUR BEST. An unbecoming hat will spoil your whole appearance. A little caré and attention given to the selection of your hat will pay you big divides in contentment. We have a large assortment moulded on the newest blocks awaiting your inspection. They look right, fit right and are priced right, and are right here in our store. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Frontenac County Fair Harrowsmith wi pity, SOP, 13-14 and Friday, Enlarged-Accommodations Batter Features Than Ever. Lowest one way first-class fare on K. & P. Railway, from all Stations ho- tween Sharbot Lake and Kingston, good voinir Sent. 13th, and retuming up to 15th. s An extra train. will smith, en Friday, leave Harrow- for Kingston at 5.30 MASS MEETING IN UNION HALL Under the Augplices of Trades and Labor Council Friday Eve'g, Sept. 7 White, of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, of London England Everybody cordially ifvited. By order of Exteutive JAS, LEE, Secretary Half aa Century Making Shoes Still the same high standard both in Néw Work and Re- pairing. Wear '**Allen's"' Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 'Brock St. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY; September 8th MARKET SQUARE French-Canadian Mare 1,300 Ibs. Hout les )8., sound and kind, single or WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer TAKE NOTICE "or a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Chen Range, (or "any other Stove ¢ and see me as I have the largest hive ever had Iso a lot of niture and Everything che TURK'S SECOND-HARD STORE 368 Princess Street. Mme. Elder's Prepmaine 2528 Princids Bt. Cor. Sydenham Ladies" Tailored Suits, Coats and Carpets, Wraps. Hee ne tumes, Trousseaux, Shirt. Waist, ete. Pragtical instructions given in cutting bv méasure, designing, trimming. ote. Drebsmakers, pent, gut. by the day. 26 Street. er m---------- A ---- DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE To close the of late E. Chown. 209, DAILY MEMORANDA. ~~ Take The hint Buy your new Hat at Camphell Bros The introducers of new styles : Yacht Race, 2.30 p.m. \ Union Mass meeting, 8 p.m Sale of Mare, at 11 a.m. Concert to-night. Last one cent day at Ontario to-morrow. Last Excursion to morrow, 6 a.m. Excursion to Watertown, a.m. and 2 p.m. See announcement of system steamer line. The sun rises Saturday at and sets at 6.25 p.m. 14th shooting competition at P tiary' ranges to-morrow afternoon. Murcay's to-morrow and Dance at Ontario Park Park Jones' Falls to- Saturday, New Rideau 5.830 a.m., eniten- Sale of Real Property, 324 Divisio y, 32 sion street, at Murray's to-morrow noon This day in history :--Sehastopol taken, 1855; . Queen Elizabeth porn, 1533. " W. G., Brock St. church, Garden Party, at Mr. Kemp's,. 431 Jo nson St., to-night. This is one of the Minor Saint's Day that of Enurchus, bishop of Orleans : to-morrow will be tho Festival of the Nativity. George Mills & Co. is the name Selling Hats has brought them fame, Their new fall stock is now complete At one-six-onc-eight Princess street WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editorinl Rooms, 202--Jobbing Department. Royal-Doulton Some very hand- some goods of this celebrated maker JUST OPENED Come and examine the quaint odd shapes. ROBERTSON BROS.. If they are handsome and fashion able, are decidedly becoming and add greatly to a woman's costume. The of a fine set of OUR stock of warmth and comfort FURS is STOLES, STOLE COLLARS a delight the newest PUFFS, in all very large. Handsome sets of Ermine, Sable, Mink, Black Lynx, Chinchilla, ete. Send your name for FUR CATA LOGUE B. Long Distance Telephone 489. John McKay Fur Heuse 149.153 Brogk St., Kingston. COFFEE Nothing is s> much criticised as Toffee. Nothing is harder to get just right. That is the reason we take such special care in the roasting and blending of our JAVA AND MOGHA It gives universal satisfaction. Guaranteed Pure Price, 40c. Jas. Redden & Co The Home of Good Groceries. 2 CARD OF THANKS. THE TRADES' UNIONS THANK the general public and donators for their kindly assistance in making Labor Brock t ' d success and also invite Brick Breet Dy oar Mr. White, Lmhor Leader For details LET. of Englan®, speak in their Hull, at '8 SWIFT'S o'tlock to-night. § GRNC TRADES AND LABOR ¥ By order of TRADES | Se -------------- COUNCIL ---- i UR LS : a -- w-- {der most circumstance angular one. There a, tA} ROBT. J: REID Undertaker © © Fur Scarfs. Wo are offering great values in fine fur searfs and of all kinds at Camp- Il Bros, the manufacturers of re able, well made fars. last one cent Saturday children's n ¢ Lake Ontario day on street cars to Park. ' rom-- 0 ALLIANCE Be Formed Between Britain And Spain. To AND INTIMATE BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES, Alfonso, Will Look to London For Political Guidance if Not Help May Get a Triple Alliance Be- tween Britain, France and Spain. London, Sept. 7.--Despite vigorous reports to the contrary, it may be ac- cepted as certain that ne steps have been taken toward the negotiation of a formal alliance between Great Bri tain and Spain, and it is very doubt ful if anything of the kind is in con; templation, The rdations between the two coun tries are very cordial, and the newly created Kinship between their royal houses adds another close and inti mage bond to their cordiality. It is very probable that King Alfonso will now look to London with greater frequency far his higher political as pirations, and that under his leader ship the Spanish government would be brought into closer wdrking relations with the British government. But no thing in the nature of a written al- liance is looked for with Europe at peace. Spain eo-operated with France and Great Britain at Algiers, and un- es will probably be similarly allied in future, . There is no reason to believe that France would view the close approach of Spain and Great Britain other than with.approval, or that France would object to making the partnership a tri exists certain dif ferences between France and Spain, but well-informed circles here Jegurd them as susceptible of easy adjustment. CAN'T LIVE LONG. Margaret Carnegie is in Serious Condition. New. York, Sept. 7.~Loudon cable grams state that Prof, Lorenz, the famous Viennese "bloodless surgeon," who got $30,000 for an operation on Lolita Armour, has been appealed to in the case of little Margaret Carne gio. Dr. Lorenz says that owing to her weakness and her age he does not think she could endure an oneration, and that he doubts whether one could be successfully performed. Little Miss Carnegie is in such seri ous condition at present that her father, Andrew Carnegie, recently de clined invitations to public functions; saving he could not leave his suffering child. It is not believed: she can live many months, Her death might prove a fatal blow to her father. SAW ISLAND BORN. ---- Officer Witness to Strange Earth- quake Phenomenon. San Francisco, Sept. 7.--Lieut. Hep burn, U.S navigating officer of the U.S.8, Albatross, believes he witness- ed the birth of the volcanic island which arose from the sea in the midst of the Aleutian Islands about the time this city was shaken by earth- quake last April. The new peak was so sizzling hot when the Albatross passed it that no attempt was made to land, and when the revenue cutter Perry came along later her officers did go ashore and christened the new land Perry Jsland. NEW GERMAN BATTLESHIP Will Be a Rival of nought. Berlin, Sept. 7.--According to the Cologne Gazette the new German 19, 000 ton battleship, which will be a rival of the Dreadnought, will carry sixteen big guns compared with the Dreadnought's ten. The guns, how ever, will be of rather small callibre, although their enormous length, forty six feet, will enable them to carry an unusually heavy charge, while the pro- jectiles will be: 280 pounds heavier than any of the present German pro. jectiles. the Dread- YANKEE-GERMAN COMBINE Aims at Exclusion of \ English Commerce. London, Sept. 7.---According to the Hamburg. correspondent of the Daily Mail the agreement recently entered into between John Wannamaker and Herman Tistz, the owner of mammoth retail stores in Berlin and other Ger man towne, aims at reducing expenses and 'excluding English competition. Each agrees to buy solely through the other what he hitherto has bought in England. Kitchener To Marry. London, Sept. 7. is reported that Lord Kitchener is soon to marry, Mrs. Samuel Sloan Chavneey, former. Iv of 'Lovisville and New York, Mre Chauncey is 4 widow, her husband having been a New York millionaire, who died some years ago. AL ---------------- Croker Is To Come Back. New York, Sept. 7.-Miss Annie E. Campbell, 'who arrived on the €oro- nia, told that she was at a dinner in Belfast, Ireland, when Richard Croker told W. J. Bryan that he would re turn to New York and work and vote for him. . RELATIONS * CORDIAL] INGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, -- UNIQUE DISTINCTION Has Been Conferred Upon An MRS. W. P. FLEMING. New York, Sept. 7.- Mrs. Wilhelmina Paton Fleming has received the unigue distinction of being elected a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London. This . honor wus conferred upon her in recognition of her dis- tifiguished services as a discoverer of stars duripg her work as enrator of the astronomical photographs at War. vard University. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Insurgents in Santo cantured Dajabon. At Port Perey * William Tremeer choked to death while cating a piece oa named McKniff, has struck it rich in silver on his farm in Hali burton. Hon. Frank Oliver said in an inter view at London that Canadians were all imperialists, At a meeting of tanners in Toronto it was decided to mike an advance in the price of leather. Of 319 samples of milk analyzed at Ottawa, 189 were more than half adul terated or doubtful. The hydrowleetric commission hos boon asked. for 2,000 horso-power from Niagara for Guelph. A jocular remark by a teamster caused a run on the Sovereirm bank at St. Catharines. The panic was soon allayed., ; : Mrs. Pirt, well known in connection with the immigration of children, says Domingo have Canada is no place for the "horn tir." Everybody in the dominion works. Lawrence Heyden, whose mother was a daughter of Hon Robert Baldwin, noted in rebellion times, is dead, in Toronto, aged seventy-three, He was a great bibliophile, tear Admiral! tenberg will at Gibraltar, son and officers cruiser squadron. Hamar Greenwood. M.P,, banqueted by the Toronto exhibition hoard, read a letter from Winston Churchill, ns- surine Canadians of the friendshin of the liberal government for the eolo of Bat entertain on the Drake tear Admiral Brown of the U. 8 Prince Louis second nies, It is stated arrangements for the transfer of Halifax dockyards to Can aja, are practically completed, and that the Dominion government will assume control about the middle of October. John and Peter Quinn, littl brothers, were burned to death in Cloveland, as the result of a fire play- fully started in a dog shel by a number of other children from whom the brothers had hidden. Samuel Brown, a whitehaired Ken tuckian, brandizhe! a knife and de wanded to see William J. Bryan dur ing the reception to the Nebraskan at the 'Auditorium Annex in Chicago. He was turned over to the palise Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. limped in to Glenwood Springs, Colo., yestor dav for trentment for a sore loo which he had scratched badly whil hunting. He had been out eleven days without getting any game. The Liverpool Trades Labor Con gress pute itself on record against any increase of armaments, all ins dious attempts (o introduce conserip tion, and in favor of taXing 'the land values of the wealthy to raise pen sions for evervbody over sixty. Sir Frederick Borden, when asked if rumors regarding impetiling changes in headimiarters sinfl and in some of the military districts, evasively re plied that "smh matters were wholly in the hands of the militia council." The post of G.0,C. may he restored, though holders of the office will be home-grown. The hody of D. A. Wile was found soereted ander mn woodshed at bis home at Ripley, N.Y. The skull was crush- ed and he had apparently been dead several days. There wax a trail of blood leading from the sitting room to the kitchen and hence to the wootlched, showing that the body had been dragged through the house. J. J. Cowie, the Scotch herring ex pert, engaged by the Dominion gov ernment for the past two years, says he never in his life saw such herring as those now ranning in the Paice des Chaleurs. Heretofore the. spring run ning in the gulf have only been used for bait and fertilizer, but under Mr Cowie's direction a _ pack has heed made that js expected to bring in New York from ten to twelve dollars ao sarrel. The Best $2 Derby. In Kingston are at Campbell Bros., the style centre for men's hats, STH English Pressmen Beaten By Circassian Guards, TAKEN IN ROUND-UP OF 2,000 PERSONS IN ST. PETERSBURG STREETS, Russian Government's Declaration of Policy Has Favourable Effect in Financial Circles-- Fears ' of Mutiny in Sebas- topol Garrison and Fleet, St. Petersburg, Sept. 7.---The govern ment's declaration of its policy has had a favorable effect in commercial and financial circles. There was a gen- eral rise in prices, yesterday, on the bourse. For the first time since the internal loan was transacted, four pet cent. bonds rose to seventy, 'The moderate and liberal newspapers praise the agrarian proposals, but condemn the repression of the revolus tionary propaganda in the army be- cause it is retromctive. On the other hand, the revolutionists and extrem: ists of all kinds continue irreconcile: ble. Under the imperial ukase of yester- day governor-general and similiar au- thorities in districts that are under martial law, are empowered to send accused persons before a field court martial without preliminary examin- ation. The court, consisting of a pre- sident and four army or navy officers, will make its decisions in camera within eighteen hours, and the sent ences will be carried out within twens ty-four hours, -- English Pressmen Beaten. London, Sept. 7.~The Standard's correspondent at St. Petersburg says: J. Foster Fraser, the Standard's special correspondent, and his secre tary were arrested in Tuesday's round: up of 2,000 persons in' the streets, and wore taken to the yard of the gover nor's palace where they were beaten by the Circassian guards. Probably only the intervention of the adjutant, Lovarnor-Gensral Seallon, saved their ives, Troops Suspected. Sebastopol, Sept. 7.--Admiral Skey- dloff, commander of the Black S fleet, and the military commander here are very apprehensive, regarding the attitude .of the sailors of the fleet and the garrison of the fort reas. The annual cruise of the training squadron as well as the regular fleet manoeuvres have been abandoned. The warships will only make short trips to sea, pearcely venturine bhevond the range of the guns at the forts The military patrols in the city have been withdrawn inside the wally of the forts, the governor announcing that the men are needed for their regular military training, but it in said the step iz due to fear that the soldiers will be ted if they are allowed to be in contact with the masses. corry Concession To Jews. St. Petersbirg, Sept. 7.<-The council of ministers has sanctioned the plan permitting the Jews to open element ary and secondary schools under the same conditions as people of other creeds Baseball Summary. National league-New York, 6; Brooklyn, 2. Chicago, 2; Pittsburg, 0. St, Louis, 7; Cincinnati, 2 (first Cincinnati, 2; St ix, 0, game.) Boston, 2; Philadel gan.) (recond phia, 0, American ledgue--Cloveland, 9; St, 3. Chicago, 13; Detroit, B§. Louis, 3 New York, 6; Bowte Fostern league Rochester, 9: Mon treal, 4. Buffalo, 6; Toronto, 2. Balti more, 10; Newark, 1. Providence, -K; dersoy City, 7. Jersey City, 9; Pro: videnee, 1, Gutted By Fire. Ottawa, Sept. 7. S[iswex Seanrell's grocery store, street, was badly gut ted by fire' early this morning. The blag was started in the basement and worked upwards. The damage to the building will pot excoid $1,000; loss on stock, $2,000, insured.' 'Nother Farewell. Lemdon, Sept. 7.~The Telograph an- nounees that Patti has decided to close her professional career. She will ging on farewell concert in London on Decomber Ist, and will give a series ol provincial farewells in the autumn of 1907, Met Instant Death. Metiba, Yucatan, Sept. 7. The part ing of a cable dn th British steamer Hallo, * in the port of Progrése, brought instant dh to six men, yesterday, Think of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure if your nose and throat discharges--if your breath is foul 'or feverish. It contains Oil of Ewealyptus, Thymol, Menthol, ete., incorporated into an imported, ereamlike patrolatum, It soothe, heals, purifies, "controls. Call at all druggists for free trial box. Rev. €, A. Bykes, Smith's Falls, will conduct anniversary services in Athens Methodist church on Septem- ber 30th and October Ist. Mra. Emma E. Schwab, wifs of Charles M. Schwab, is seriously iH at her home on Riverside Drive, New York. Plums and pears, Crawiord, LEFT FOR FORMOSA To Marry and Labor as a Mis. sionary. Montreal, Sept. 7.--Miss Winifred, eldest daughter of Rev. Thomas Ben: nett, 'teavilling secretary of the Mont. roal branch of the 'Bible Society leaves for the island of Formosa on the 27th whore she is going 16 work as a mie sionary of the Presbyterian church. Miss Bennett passed an honor course at MeGill' University and nlso attend: od the ladies' college in Ottawa. She was superintendent of the Y.W.C.A, while in Ottawa. When she arrives there she will be married to Rev, Mil ton Jack, who is now workine in that field, WOMAN KILLED BY RATS. Was Paralytic and Could Not De- fend Herself. New York, Sept. 7.--Mrs, Elimbeth Vanhart, a paralytic, sixty yoars of age, was killed by ratd in hor home in Elizabeth, NJ. Mrs. Vanhart liv. ed alone. Her daughter-in-law called yesterday and found her dead. Rats had attacked the helpless old woman as she sat in a chair, possibly asloop, and severed an artery in one of her feet that caused her to blexd to death. The flesh of hoth feet was much torn by the rodents, CUTS OFF THEIR HEADS, Demented Mother Tells Neighbors of the Deed, Columbus, Grove, 0., Sept, 7.Mrs, Henry Kunippon, wife of a farmer liv. ing near Cloverdale, Putnam county, decapitated her two children, yestor- day, a boy, aged three and a girl, aged one and one-half years. The boy's head was neatly cut off, The girl's bend was complotely severed and was found near the body. The woman was discharged recently from the Toledo State Hospital for the Insane, WAS TORN BY CAGED LION, Trainer Richard Bass Narrowly Escapes Death. Watertown, NY. Sept, 7% Capt. Richard Bass, a lion trainer, had o narrow escape from boing torn to pieces at the Jefferson county fair grounds late yesterday. Base was in a cage making theee lions perform in the presence of a crowd of severdl hutidred persons, when ohe of the beasts Jeaped upon him from bohind and buried its tooth in his buek. The trainer wandged to keep his feet and beat the animal off, escaping with a painful laceration and a few seratoh- os. He was taken to an hospital, Brockville: Opera House Leased. Brockville, Sept. 7. At un meoting of the town comet! it was decided to re open the opera house and lease it to F. 1. Ritchie for one vear for thren hundred dollars. Last spring the council passed a bylaw 'ordering ity close, as it was conwidersd unsafe, but Mr. Ritchie, acting for A. J. Small, has agrewd to make several improve menis. Nelson On Fishing Trip. Goldfield, Nev., Sept. 7.-The report that "Batting" Nelson was danger ously ill and was likely to die, as a result of the beating he received at the hands of Gans Monday night; is untrue, Nelson left Goldfield yester day, for Truckee, for a fishing trip, Aside from a few bruises and intornal hemorrhaoes, he was not severely hurt in the ficht, -------- Guerra To Be Active. New York, Sept. 7~A despatch from Havana says Col. Guerra states he is now poing to take the offensive; be will not fortify a position, but will move rapidly everywhere, Hy says many veterans are awaiting the result of peace pegotintions, and if an honorable peace is not obtained they will join the insurgents, Likely To Collapse. Montreal, Sept. 7.--~The park super intendent has reported to the eivie authorities that the magnificent monu- ment to Sir John A. Macdonald, on Dominion Square, near the Windsor Hotel, in in danger of collapsing, ow- ing to the deterioration of the found- ation through dampness. Sudden Death At Regina. Cobourg, Sept. 7~Harold Pearse Field, died very suddenly in Regina hospital after five duye' illness from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mr, Field was the only son of John Pearse Field, Cobourg, senior member of the well-known dry goods house of Field & Bro., Cobourg. Accused Of Arson. Montreal, Sept. 7.~Capt. Frederick Cushing, a well-known Monty 3 ap peared in the polite: court, to-day, to answor the charge of seitine fire to his brother's barn. He was so that an inquiry could be held into his mental condition, Bartlett Pears. pears, the finest Bartlett Crawford's, Buy Lydia Pinkham's Compound at Gibson's drug store, Spewker Cannon hints at a third term for President Roosevelt, Plavix," Crawlord, Emergent Meeting. MEMBERS OF BRANCH 9 (. A. ure roquosted to met in thelr Hall, Brock St, this evening. st 8 o'clock, to make arrengements to funeral of their late Bro, Cauley. 4 grown. Vegetable Red Cross B. er jt Silks : Fares, Dresses Wo never before had such value to present For theso Silks are not hble value just " trinsic worth ef the fabrics--~but bre also in the rich thie We Believe WILY bo fo gfent favor." We Invite You Eo To call and see these beautiful fabrics. We alge wish tadmpress on yor the necessity of ah early enll on STEACY"S MARRIED, INSLEY OSBORNE. ~At Pleton, on: Isaiah . Mleton Sept. 1st, Myrtlo Maud RAYROI-- YOUNG AT ursh, Lhol, on Sept, drd, Ralph Harold "Raynor. Hui wull, to Helen Beatrice X oung, Athol, 5 LEAVITT--WILLIAMS, --~At Picton, on. Sept. iat, C It itt Lite Fn Ne Ah ova Williams, To Ohio, " SKINAAuaMAGE t SW yi Dt Wg ontr, Methodist hutch, Boa ir th Lu t 1 «of olin i BD. DrLob. ings Tine Sian LM: % L b. Heats i 20th "us pd youngest son of (he late. Henry = Hiinner, Fea. of te M.D. 'Kingston, to Mable ary, daughter of the onourable Justice James agee, Toronto. DEED. McAULEY .--In Portamouth, on Sept. ; Oth, 1908, Robert MeAujoy. Funeral from the residence of his hrother- in-law, T Howard, SunMlay, at 8.80 pm. to the church of the Good Thief. Friends and »atquaintances ary rempwetiully invited ta attend. On Monday, ut ¥ a.m, there will be a solemn requiem mass sung for the repose of his soul. ROW ~Wallace Keable, Aug. 18th, 1908, years and seven mu ko ober K MONDAY The Daintlest Q Doily and Beauty Chorus, mand Costumes. The of the a J 81: ny, , 00, Seats now on male. 5 Nights RATHEY, Sept. 11 A P d » § sation, "ONLY A BAUGHTER, Prices; 10¢., 15¢. a