Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1906, p. 5

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usin €Ss imines ov wicks, Mo twists or 4 3 to serve you pa to supply you with the ood 0 208t to you, and we are doing i 000 FRIDAY th Skirt for $1 08 hile in Toronto a few : cent. off the. wholesale «1 ago he benofit. On Friday your choi price of... . Slog men's Cravenette Raincoat signs that experts can produce between maker and wearer, 7, a buying indiscretion, ay's Offerings JOHNSTON Stone 1gton Street we, and To misg eT eeettesVesVvLIIGY TE -- STOCKS ONDS AND Bought and Sold Commission Investment Securities bh Listed and Unlisted, * Informatio, Members Toronto Stock Exchange ur ew vercoats Are ready for your coming. We are "AT HOME" to vho call to buy or to see 's the latest in MEN'S |} iRCOATS. Our assortment includes 'addock atic Paletot Winchester nnerman. . Bibby Co. I A t-- a --e 'Traveller to is a little cup of libbon Pa er. Rafreshing, vitalizing. 25c. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers -- B. CHOCOLATES N THE CITY per Ib. b6 Princess St. ADE AGO es. We have three pairs I? | convince you that our fost "wi € Ret gowil -- CM "po ee A GRITICAL PERIOD reason ; If her system is in a deranged condition, or che is predis- posed ta apaplesy of any o , it is at this time likely to become active and, with a host of nervous irritations, make At this ig aleo, cancers and tumors are more liable to begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, dizziness, headache, . dread of impending evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irre- gularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude are promptly heeded by intelligent women who are approaching the period of life when woman's may be expected. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Come pound is the world's greatest remedy for women at this trying period. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- md invigorates and strengthens the lemale oiganism, and builds up the weakened nervous system as no other medicine can. Madame Louis Belleau of 17 Ramsay 8t., Quebec, Que., writes: Dear Mis, Pinkham: "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound assisted me to pass the change of life with but, very little sickness and pain, and I am pleased to give it my endorsement, for I feel that itis t should e medicine which every woman children, and when I reac! e.- 1 am the mother of three the age of fifty naturally my health was none too good, and 1 feel sure that if I had not taken your Vege. table Compound I should not have passed the climax safely. I took it off and on for two years and now find that I am in splendid health and strength and feel Jounger and better than I did ten years ago. Much praise to your medicine, and may all suffering women learn of its value." For special advice regarding this im- riod, women are invited to to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. She is a daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years has been advising sick women free of charge. Her advice is free and always helpful to ailing women. WHO FIRED GUN? Guilty Parties Could Be | Mrs. R. J. Carson;and family are A Fined. back from their summer outing i! hou o ' ack . among the Thousand Islands. ay sight * halt pat ten o Wock, last George Boyd leaves for Winnipeg, Farl : Sons Svdenham struets: wire to-morrow ecvening. He will go into X Si vets were alarmed and mystified by two shar reports from a revolver. They rang out distinot 'and clear in the stillness of the night, hut were not followed by any other noise. To fire off a gun in the city ofignce of a hy-law and anyone is lia- ble to a $20 fine for doing it. House breakers worked in that vici- nity a couple or 'three weeks age and it was thought that it might have been a second attemid, householder seeine the the act, fired and some' would-be thieves in the revolver to scare them away. station to-day. The Yacht Club Dance. Last ni~ht's dance at the Yacht Club, was an exceptionally jolly af: fair, and all the younger "bunch were 'there, and~danced through the cool evening with thorough enjoyment. Among the married ladies were Mrs Iva Martin, Mrs. R. E. Kent and Mrs John Cochreme. Those who had visit- ors brought them, and this made it all the more pleasant. ---------- «QC, B," For Cadet. An Ottawa gentleman has been up against it hard. He hac to come back to the Royal Military College early last week to put in sev eral days of "C, B." which he hac not finished before the closin~ in June This is certainly a sore touch anc more than the limit. Enjoyed Oysters. .At_the close of the meetine of Gra- nite Lodwe of Oddfellows, last even ing, 'a number of the members ad journed to the Chinese restaurant where an oyster supper was indulge in, on the invitation of a newly initi atéd member who shortly for the west. Woman Is Insane. Lucy Jenman, in the county jail for Arlington avenue, ume to Mon- the past two weeks on a charge of treal on Friday moraing. ot n vagraney. will be brought before Mag- Miss Irene Miller, Aon 7 he istrate Farrell to-morrow. It is un-} guest of Miss Edna Aiken, 2 art derstood that Dr. Sands has pro- | street, will leave shortly ar her n nounced the woman as insane, and | home in Edmonton, Alta she will be sent to. the asylum. Never Slit Your Boots. That doesn't cure the corn. Jus Miss Sarah Lavell has returned from apply the old stand by, Puinam's Park, and will be Corn Extractor; it acts like magic Kills the pain, cures the corn, does i without burn or scar. it's "Puinam's." eet 'Alberts's New Chief. Winniveg. Sept. 6.--Alexander berta provincial nolice. A Look In Our Window Will show you some of the best made ..GUNS... Ya 'the Gn.' We allow you to try all Guns before Shells, Cartridges buying. sll of the best. is an No such report, however, came to police cadet has expects to leave Get the best-- For- sythe has been appointed chiel of Al] "are PERSONAL MENTION WHAT IS TRANSPIRING IN J To Leake For Edmonton--Back From Their Dummer Outings-- | The Movements of the People Too and Fro. Miss Mabel Wrenshall haslgone to Toronto. Herbert Kirkpatrick, Montreal, is in the city. Con. Millan is in Toronto, taking in the exhibition. J. Edwards and Hamilton. Alderman Millan has returned from a few days' visit to Toronto. Miss Florence Williams leaves Mon- day to attend Whithy College, Miss Ltavi?t has retirned to Brock- ville, after a short visit in town, Thomas Slater has returned from a few. days" stay in Guelph wund Tor- onto. Miss Gertrude Harrison is spending her holidays in Newboro and Smith's alls. is visiting in Toronto Lieut, T. Constantine of "A" hat- tery, left to-day noon to report at Toronto. ¢ Miss Iva Schofield, ; Brooke avenue, Montreal, has come to visit friends in Kingston. Miss Etta Fisher, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky, Prin- cess street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godwin are home from a trip to Toronto and Nia- gara Falls, Dr. and Mrs. Simpson and Mabel Mills have trip to Toronto. : Erastus Purdy, Cataraqui, is spend- ing a few duys in Toronto and Hamil- ton on business. Ligut, A. W. Gray, 17th Reginent, has béen granted a certificate of mili tary instruction. Earl Hogan, an' old Kineston boy, now located in Chicago, is back home on his vacation. Miss returned from a John Marshall, Montreal, is holi- daying in town, visiting his mother on Colborne street. Mrs. "E Bailey, of Lancaster, has heen visiting her aunts, the Misses Baxter, Sydenham street. George Mackie, city editor of the News, leaves to-night for a week's holiday in the Queen City. Miss Alice Martin went up to Belle- ville to-day to be ready for the open- ing of St. Agnes' school. Miss Irene Wiiliams left yesterday for Ottawa to attend the convent No- tre Dame, Gloucester street. the eab driving business there. Miss Pauline Sparling left on Wed- nesday for. Morrisburg and other east- crn points on a visit to friends. Kenneth Millan, who has been spending the past couple of weeks in the Queen (ity, is home again. Miss Essie Friendship, sy ing the past couple of weeks in Ti to and Bowmanville, has returned home. John. Denowan, a Queen's science: student, is in town from Dalkeith, for his supplementary examinations. Dr. Smith, Mountain Grove, was in the city, to-day, on his way home, af- ter spending a vacation down east. Mr. and Mrs. Joha Bell Carruthers and: family arrived home today from spending the summer at Little Metis. Sergt-Major McGowan left last night for Toronto to conduct a course oF instruction in signalling in that city. * Revd. 0. Crisp, Mrs. Crisp and Miss Kuthleen Crisp are expected | home this evening from their trip + 3 west, J. Macdonald, manager of Toye's wholesagh? coffectionary and "fruit-de- partment is in Toronto on his vaca tion. Miss Carrie tenham, to-day, to Rev. J. I Edmison lft for Chel stay with her 1 | brother, Edmison, at the mans Miss Nellie Morgan, visiting Mrs. T. 1|J. Bennett, Wellington street, for the . | past six weeks, returned toduy to 1 | Ottawa. Misses Jessie Derry and Grace Brouse have returned home after a very pleasant visit with friends in Belleville. Miss Mary Edwards, Carleton Place, has- come to Kingston, where her fe "| grandparents res and will attend i the model school M. J. Meaney, advance agent for Sheppard's moving. pictures, which fill the bill at the Grand all next week, was in the city to-day. i P. Pipes, of Montreal, who has been this week guest of Mr. Oakey, appointed le Oxford Univer for a few days W. L. Grant, MA, turer on history in sitv is in Kingston t renewing old acquaintances. Thousand Island » the guest for a month of Mrs. R. E. Sparks, «University avenue. - : iss > Margaret Dunnet, Kingston, has returned. to her home after spend- ing the month of August the vuests of Mr and Mre. Dunnet, Augtista street, Ottawa. ; R. N. Meclelland and her three who have spent the som- near Brockville, and t daughters, mer at Union Park, cniiie. up to Kingston, yesterday, are' at "Avonmare." "Drs. Kaufmann and Alport, special- ists of Birmingham, Eng., attending the British association in Toronto re- cently, are now the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Dupuis, University avenue. The marriage of Miss Florence Good- selected raivins trapt 25c.. at Mullin's Hard or soft corns match, They " oR in, youngest daughter of George | Madiey Valse--"Is It Warm Faoourh Cor In in Bttawa to lewis William For You ; Powell roodwin, re: S ». Toron- |Overture-- Scotch Airs" Mackie Stone. sqm. of William Stone, Some March-- 'Why Don't You to. will fake place quirtly on Tuesday Try" Van Alstyre xt Regimental March pax! God Save The King. 54 lbs. gran migted sugar 26 Passed Anti-Trust Fill. 4 lbs. pulverized sugar 25c. 3 lbs. 3 2c. 33 Ibs. cleaned entrants Me. 3. bottles flavoring ex- cured with three Peck's Corn " Balve, : KINGSTON WAS BEATEN treal, Montreal Gazette. . scoring marked the open- ment at Toronto first game by seven goals to one, and Calgary defeating Montreal in the se. cond game by 14 goals to 1. On yesterday's play it looks very much if Calgary, champions of the west, will make a clean sweep of the tournament. Two more games are scheduled for to-day, Calgary meeting Kingston in the first and Montreal meeting Toronto i the second. On Saturday the tournament will close with Montreal and Kingston, Calgary and Toronto as the contesting trams, Each Jean thus meets the other three entered, a win countin v i and a draw one. § TWO Poiany Kingston is the youngest of the four Competing clubs, and while they met with a decisive defeat yesterday, their showing was creditable in view of the inexperience of some of their Players. They were unfortunate in getting away to a bad start, Toronto rolling up four of their seven goals in the first period. In the second period they held Toronto to two, and the third passed without a score on either side, Toronto took one in the second, and the last goal of the match 8 scored by Kingston in the fifth and final ten minutes. The team picked up wonder fully after the second period. as the scoring would indigate. In the early part of the game the play was all at the Kingston end, the ball seldom passing the centre field. Toward the close rushes by Col Williams and Wil- liam Harty became the feature of the t had hard luck in this period, the ball, on one occasion hit- ting the nost and boundin~ out. Col. Willianis carried off the honors for Kingston--Harty, who was -hurt in a game last week, played under preat disadvantages, but was up and down with every rush and ably backed Col. Williams in the Kingston rally ward the close. to INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Saturday children's one cent day on sireet cars. Whole mixed pickling spice 28e. per Ib., at Mullin's. The steamer Missisquoi arrived this morning with an excursion from, Rock- port and Gananoque. The new organ at St. John's church, Portsmouth, will be opened on Thurs day evening of next week. Frank O'Gorman, Scranton, has re- turned to the city and will probably start in business for himself. "At New York prices" Huyler's can- dies only at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. The steamer Castanet brought a large excursion to the city from am- ong the islands this morning. It is said that there were 173 passengers aboard the, cradt. ' The first tea of the fall series at the Country Club House, will be given by the ladies of the Kineston Golf Club on Saturday afternoon. All members of the goli and country clubs are in- vited, Kvery person should know about and try "Housekeepers' Silver Cloth'; polishes silverware, all bright metals and mountings liké magic; no paste or powder required, simply rub the Larticle to be polished briskly with the prepared cloth and a brilliant polish is secured in a clean, quick, - handy way. Price 25¢. = For sale by L. T. Best, druggist, Princess street. Trial samples free. NOT YET CAUGHT. The Escaped Prisoner Still at Largs: Up till three o'Wock this afternoon no word had been received of the cap ture of Jacob Jebrelski, the Jewish prisoner, who escaped from the car window, Tuesday night, while en route in charge of constables from Chatham to the penitentiary. Authorities ave still on the look out for the much- wanted man. It has been suggested that Jebrelski may have lain along the track and boarded the first «reight and was in Montreal before morning. Now that he has kept his liberty for nearly forty eight hours he will not likely be cap tured very speedily. POLICE ON TRACK. Bobbies After Statute Labor Tax Evaders. The case of refusal to pay statute labor tax adjourned till tomorrow's police court, may not materialize. The young man has not vet been served with a summons and it is understood he is willing to pay his dollar. But more such cases may develop as the police are after those who endeavor to evade the assessment. On the "other side," in many states it is the custom that before a voung man can vote he must show his cer tificate of payment. of statute labor tax. Were this done, here much trow- ble would be 'avoided. Band In The Park. By permission of Lieut.-Col. Kent and officers of the 14th P.W.0. Rifles, the band will play the following pro- gramme under the direction of Wat- son H. Walker, bandmaster, at Mac donald Park, at 8 o'clock, this even: ing: # March--" 'With Flying Colors' Introduction and Valse--" Fru ings Lieder' Intermezzo--""Tdla"" Grad Military Soldiers" Caprice--"The Cruger o-- h- Gung' Johnson. Pantasia--"0Our Whistler and His Yoore Pryor 1 sndon, Sept. 6.--A desoatch from Melbourne sinter the senate of the commonwealth has passed the anti- trust bill. Wamvole's tasteless tion of In the Polo Tournament at Won- ing of the three days' polo tourna] "| St, Lambert on edueniay defeating Kingston in o [G, THURSDAY, ICHANGE OF SYSTEM al a Raed | ' DECIDED UPON FOR GENER- AL HOSPITAL. Lh -- Governors Decided to Appoint a With Causing the Trouble. The regular t monthly meeting of the board of governors of Kingston Gen- arternoon at four o clock, Present, G. ¥, Chowan {chaimuan), James A. Superintendent -- Dr. . «Wood» Obarged the 'Doctors' i eral Hosmital was held on Wednesday | ! | SEPTEMBER 6. | i itself. i Minnes, Charles Livingston, Dr. J. C. l + Lonneal, Major Bruce Carruthers, Rev. | ' Lie. Macgiliiveay, Sheriff Dawson, Kev. | Professor 4 bergy Ur. Third, +. Lockett, Kr. Welch, K, J. Larson, ee Ragin he I horn. Resin, Jr. in . Lhown, Rev. D, Laing, J J ey, KR. , De. Abbott, br, Gar rett, br. Wood, Ix. Bell, Dr. Kilborn, J Mcintyre, I. McK, Robertson, Dr. Winnett, The chief business before the board was a motive of motion given at the is in the interest of hospital to revert to the of having a medical superintendent, and that the board at its annual meeting in October appoint a medical head for the hospita - Since the August the meetine tendent," was received, and the nors at" yesterday's meeting accepted | it A committee was appointed to ad: { opt a resolution in her services. on the resolution to revert to the old system of medical superintendent and resolution was passed almost mani mously, only one vote beine recorded against it on a show of hands. After the decision make the change in the system, Ir. Wood charged that the dissatisfaction which had prevailed for the past year or more in regard to the hospital man. agement, had its origin within the to 1 | see ae Price, Archdeacon Ca- | * | | ] August meeting to this eficct : That it | old system | signation of Miss Gordon, as_superin- | gover- | appreciation of There was very littl: discussion up- lady superintendent of nurses, and the | institution, being largely due to th medical - staff, which, he had backed un the local press and also said, patients in attacks made on the hos | pital. He blamed the doctors for the | trouble. J. A. Minnes agreed with Dr. Wood. The charges were repudiated by more than one of the doctors pro- sent, who denied that théy had in spired the dissatisfaction that had be- come so ~omeral over the hospital conditions for some time past. They had done all they could to support the institution. Dr. Kilborn) Dr. Third, Dr. J. C. Connell, Dr. Garrett and «Major Bruce Carruthers were appointed, with the committee of manacoment, to revort at the next meeting of the board re- commending a medical superintendent also a superintendent of nurses. The new appointments will go into effect on November 1st. T. McK. Robertson ang F. 'W. Span- genberg were appointed visitin ernors for September. It was decided to renovate the baths throu~hout the hospital. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going On In the Business World---The Markets Net garnings of the Soo line for July increased $1v3,000. the purchase of the IlronM.s ¥ by the Canadian vamsolidated Smelting company is along the hines of the nuunced policy of the Cun Dany in Toronto for Bald my hid for prompt shapment for No. 1 timothy, the general. price is $0.5 No. 1 timothy and $4 for No. 3, in car lots For the week ended Saturday last, gh 8s earnings of Toronto railway were 77.202, as agwinst $70,000 the corre wn Hay $10 is be wnadian Pacific Railway com return of | trafic earnings from 21st to August S1st were 1908, #1. 1905, $1,539,000 ; in- CPense 4 Of Qamudian bacon, 98.173.242 Ibs wld ut $11,563,619 were sold in Eog Tod last year, which is a considerable decrease mn the preceding vear, when the trade was 116,705,157 1bs., worth $12,180,817 The output of goM from the Rand mines in August is estimated by Kaffe houses at 500 000 ounces, fine gold, an in- July crease 'of 2 200 ounces over and another hivh record in the Transvaal edd production Hon. R Faunerson has minced be double-tracking of Inter 1 Railway eastwards St N.B will be commence next spring. and he hopes to ses the rails as far as Rothsuy, or even Humpty ny the end of neXt season The +4 dian Pacific Railway through General Manager McNicoll nounces timt an order for fity loc tives, to st £1.000,000 has "teed th Re Locomotive Mechline any Of Mont ren), th adian bn of The American Lod tive com : China's remk ad a purchaser of eon cottons mo A meris « indicated hy dhe fact that i two weeks ago. A sold at that price, but the greater part went at 124c. ; 3.947 boxes wore hoard od and all but three factories sold Woodstock Rept B.A Merings 1 000 boxes: balance of Aucust make large quantity that could be got Picton Sept, S.~Boarded #11 boxes all colored ; highest bid, 11 9-1dc There was a fairly good-sized turn ont on the square this morning. Mark Be A Strong Man. Increase vour vitality and nerve en ergy, restore vim and overwbrked body. Ferrozone will de this as it Beauport, N.B., who writes : say Ferrozone has from nervous exhaustion | scarcely able to drag boxes and my health was complete For wen who are tired prepara Cod Liver Oil. Fresh at Gibson's Red wov- | wet com | week of last year, an increase | 3 were The marker was slow, and 12Qc. was all et produce sold at last Saturday's prices, force to your | | . Mackie, Mawshall, Frof. | Martin, Wo B. Dalton, FW. Spangen is Sma TT Youcanmakea mighty good break- fast of just coffee and toast, or rolls, if you have Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand. It's a breakfast in ET 8 the re H Autumn Ready-to- Wear Exhibition Revealing perfectly the style tendencies of the season UNDREDS of new Ame rica nready-ta- : wear hats; just from York and embracing every style that is to be worn the present season. The new Fall and Winter Mantles--latest _ correct designs. ew and most | 'A DINING ROOM COMPLETE This week we are displayiog a Din- | ing Room farr.ished compiete in gold- {en oak, consisting of Buff ¢ with a plate rack attached. ; | Chioa Closets with grooved shelves {to stand plates on edge, also cup hooks. ? ! Oak framed Dining Chairs and | Bpriug Beats covered in horse hide. i Quartered oak Extension Table, | round or square styles. i SPENCES™ 'JAMES REID, The Leading { IR " fo d arm air oz while it's good heat-- } 1 of AIR, Corru- - not after it's gas gated fire-pot walls Cc loaded, dustchoked, § treble radiation, -- an- 5 = lakewarm. That] other trick to make the Bs point's a big one." coal do more work. - Come and look--or, write for book Tui GURNEY Founpry Co, LIMITED Toronto Hamilton Montreal '|. Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver 'Phono 147 Tor the White Ambu Even in Arctic weather this furnace uses LEAST fuel to heat MOST By eae Ips uilt so it quickly cold air into hot heat--its grate burns a lot of and little fuel Ali the fire-heat moves 4% inonedirection--so you it. get the heat's good burns any fuel urnace Grate bars are hollow, " #0 air canget into every atom of fire, that way the coal has to burn a For 8a'e by Simmons Bror., "The Yellow Score," 211-213 Princess Street. Phone 404. EDUCATIONAL. the largest + ome of these hi of the 71,000,000 vids of cotton cloths exported n 1908 408 O00 went to | China. while shout 188.000.0060 varie went tO the Ameriean countries south of the United States and 2% 000 ton vards to Asia other than China" am Oceanic BU that pay, exist only where Cheese Easier. Peterhor Sept. 5. ~The tras of Chesne yoard Was 140 as high as t the : 12 9-16ec. was the highest price reached, as against 2ic¢ 'MISS KING'S SCHOOL | FOR GIRLS 98 EARL STREET, KINCSTON. y Hd Tor Motto wood of | Classes Re.open Sept. 6th "1 ean given we a NOW | Servico and lease of life. A year ago 1 suffered oo Pupils prepared for Collegiate, Ofvil atriculation Examinations. Classes in Painting and veical Cul ture. Music in comncetion. WOE | gs for boys and girls. mysdl around. | unior clase eo Leading Milline: ® ag, Wiley et} ' Undertake J. ROSEN, 236 University Ave. Fine Ladies' Dressmaking- and Tailofing J Now establishment now opened at | University Avenue. ; Auction Sales If selling out, pay higher com=~ missions and get far higher prices. INESS POSITIONS amount of grade which is the only system that a ned viom. Wa sisotsnch hala arate MOON'S SYLLABIC SHORTHAND & BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kara Hall 468 St. Catharine St. West, Montreal. Be ENT For a Civil Service Cingsion Biss Cologs 1, | promptly . responded to. : The civic employésk ars busy this week cleaning out the water tank at Williamsville. v real street, Cally For information, apply te Miss Alice My appetite. was gone. I ba | King. Alico street. no color or ambition and Jolt OT a a used up. One box of Ferrozone started | Charles Diamond, ca a me a to health. 1 {ook s number of | telephone at his, residoen; 211 Mone at or 4 thigugh one No y your - 8 ER NOW Shorthand pr AY. BB WEWCALYE, ad ssascsesan By the Leading Auctioneer, JOHN H, MILLS.

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