Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1906, p. 3

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S808 Sorts Bathe the throat fre. ly Nagy with a soft cloth, keeping od in Excellent he ---- Large bottle, 25 cent, "It not for sale at your can dry, always be procured gt eat. 1 LX Scott's White Pony Propre. Si. John, ET ae ET ------------ Ladies' Fur-Li ur-Lined Coats We have NOW in stock qa] shades iff cloths and silks, spi. table for Ladies' F ur-Lined Coats 'and Opera Cloaks Come when you can pick your own linings and trimmings and be suited with up-to-date style and fit. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUIVE FURRIERS 78-80 Brock Street Phone 700. Linimg; + NB. and Chait QUALITY IN BACK GOMBS Our. Hair Ornaments Are Strictly High Class And arc the newest designs possible, hav ing had a reach us only this week direct from the manufacturers. package zold is while NEW ART designs with STONES Decorative used: for some, others have SMITH BROS. Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 666. LIFE INSURANCE isdrseot ROYAL Founded 1845 EXPENSE Yee S15% 2 ARATE. 2 \ INCOME Insurance in Force....... $104,000,000 ASSETS over...... $40,000,000 PROFITS PAID, 1905 ........$8.226,000 Same profits paid for past 40 years, Premum rates and particulars on applica- W. J. B. WHITE, - Kingston Time To Buy Your Dress Every lady likes to get the newest ut for her Dress, and this car e done By buying now, as yon have ie widest possible choice in our mag ficent colleetion, and the pri * a pleasant surprise to you. Cash eres, Broadcloths, Venetians, l'op- ns, Tweeds, in plain and fanc) pat rns, plaids, ete. Prices 25c. to ¥2a wd, The Black Goods we show are caus g many pleasant remarks to be sso. These are all imported from eat Britain and all the values are the eat. It will pay you to so splay. Gloves Long Length Gloves, Lislé and wha, in pretty shades of Grey and . ampagne, Prices, 50¢., 75c., 9c. a irt Coats lave: you seen our Coat display? not, you are missing a treat. EWMAN & SHAY i %. y oN il Will Be § _ Soptomber Each one of the bargains given below represent a value you'll find hard to duplicate. Each oy induce- ment that should bring you early to take advantage of it: y a Remarkable Day of Values JUST OPENED A CASE OF LADIES' WINTER COATS 75 Ladies' Coats, made of imported high grade beaver cloth and novelty tweeds, in four shades, tourist mo- Vv del, double breasted, length #48) ° inches, sold all ovér for $12 to $15. On sale here Saturday only $8.95 A GREAT CHANCE TO GET GOOD FURS AT LOW PRICES-- Just unpacked © w furs, 50 Ja- une ERM and lanky: braid . ornaments, lined with brown atin, length 88 to 42 inches, | Regular! price $12 to $14. We will ¢glearthemon Saturday at $6.98 ™w BL a 12 ONDIY, SETS ORIEDREN'S- °F WHITE THIBET FUR-- Consisting of well made Stole and Muff. foomet for the little ones. * Regular price $4.50 per set. On sale Saturday, $2 Set 80 o5 ONLY, BABIES' FLEECE 9 AND ALL-WOOL POLKAS-- Li Trimmed with pink and blue. Regu- lar price 5c. each. On sale Saturday, 49c. Each | ! 200 YARDS FANCY SWAN'S DOWN Suitable for wraps, dressing jackets and kimonas. All new designs. Reg- ular 25¢. yard. On sale, 18¢. Yard Regular 20c. yard. On sale, 12}c. Yard 25 200 LADIES' ENGLISH NATURAL WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Best quality. Regular price 81.25 each. On sale Saturday, 78c. Each OF 28 inches wide, shades, salmon only. Good FLANELETTE Well made and trimmed, colors blue and red. 500 YARDS ILLED SHAKER FLANNEL pink value ard. On sale Saturday, 8c. Yard A limit of 10 yards to each tomer. JUST RECEIVED-A LOT OF FINE ACK CASHMERE STOCKINGS-- Embroidered in white, blue and red. Regular price 50c. and G60c. pair. On sale Saturday, 38c. Pair or 3 Pair for $1.00 PATRS LINEN HUCKABACK TOWELS Hemmed and with fringe. 38 and 18x34. Sizes 1 Regular price pair. On sale Saturday, 28c. Pair ONLY, NEN TABLE COVERS With fancy red borders, fringe round, size 60x54 inches. price $1 each. Ou sale Saturday, 69c. Each ONLY, LADIES: FANCY SHIRT WAISTS- Regular price 65c. cach, On sale Saturday, 89c. Each JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT SILK WOVEN SHAWLS; In cream, black and pale blue. Reg- ular price $2.50 to $3. On sale Saturday, $1.48 and at 12e. cus- 40c. Regular Ox all "Note the Big Price Cuts in Men's and Boys' Clothing WE'RE READY TO SHOW YOU A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FALL SUITS--50 ONLY, MEN'S SUITS-- Made of English tweeds, in light and dark checks, double breasted style only, splendid make and fit. Regular price $10 to $12. $6.95 On sale Saturday, 25 18 ONLY, 50 MEN'S OVERCOATS-- MEN'S SHORT TOP COATS In black imported beaver cloth, fine Made of fawn English cravane smooth finish, latest long Chester- | cloth, single breasted style, field, with broad shoulders, lined good Italian linings, vent in back. with heavy mercerized lining, long vent in back, sizes 34 to 44. You will pay elsewhere $15. On sale Saturday, $10.00 GREAT SAVING IN MEN'S WORKING PANTS-- Just arrived, 150 pairs Men's Pants, in two grades, mado of English all- wool _ tweeds, strongly made and well finished. One Lot--Regular price $2.50. On sale Saturday, $1.88 Pair Another Lot--Regylar $1.50, On sale Saturday, 88c. Pair ONLY, MEN'S RAINCOATS-- In dark Olive cravanette cloth, long and loose fitting, high padded shoul- ders, lined farmers' satin. Regular price $12. On sale Saturday, $7.50 all through with ge Regular price $10. On sale Saturday, $6.60 65 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS- Made of fine Canadian and English tweeds, two-piece, made in Norfolk Regular style, different price $4.50. patterns, BOYS' THREE-PTECE SUITS Regular Made of same kind tweed. $6.50. On sale Saturday, $3.76 ptte extra od On sale Saturday, $2.76 Suit SHOULDN'T PASS THESE NOTIONS BY BEST TIGER FAST BLACK P MENDING COTTON- On Sale 3 cards for ......cccccovvnnnne be. GOOD RUBBER COMBS-- B Worth 20c. each. On Sale) each... i 10c. COLLAR BUTTON SETS-- x 4 on card, worth 20c. On_Bale, set ... Ge. FANCY TOP HAT PINS Worth 20c. each. On Sale, each a It will pay you to visit ouf ERFECTION ALL-WOOL MENDING BALLS Worth Sc. ball. On Sale, per ball ... BEAUTY PINS Worth 10c. cach. On Bale e, 2. for as Ou Sale, per inch . 200 XARD. SPOOL LINEN THREAD-- Worth "15¢.. spool: On Sale i i ow ins we are offering for Saturday. If you are not ready SO until you are ready for it. Between Redden's t widths, worth Re. bunch. store and examine the for them you may pick out that you like and we will put it away for you One Gananoque Girl Becomes the Wife of William Valyea, of Kingston--A Poultry Case in the Police Tourt. i Gananoque, Sept. 6.--In the police court, yesterday, the adjourned case of W. . Shipman against Thomas Shipman, for allowing poultry toi trespass on a neighbor's property af. ter receiving warning to keep them away, came up before P, M. Heaslip. Two separate charges were made, and. julgment was given for the plaintiff, with a fine of $2 on cach charge, and costs, in all amounting to over $16, William Mallory, for drunkenness, non-support of his family, was, on his promise of sobering up and to, work, dismissed with the warning of six months in jail if he does not keep his promise. The home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lloyd, Maple Grobe, was the scene of a very pretty honse wedding at nine o'clock, last evening, the occasion: be- ing 'the marriage of their daughter, Annie Isabel, to Joseph Wilford Nut- all, of Leads township. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Joseph Cor nell, in the presence of about seventv- five invited guests. The young couple lft at midnight for Toromto. The home of Mr. and Mrs. William Megys, Garden street, was also the scene of another pleasing social event at nine o'clock, last evening, when their only daughter, Lena Gertrude was united in marriage to James Carpenter, of Ottawa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wiliam Tim. berlake, before the immediate rela- tives of the contracting parties. The happy couple left at midnight for Ottawa, where they will make their home. A third wedding was consummated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, (ase, Hickory street, at cight o'clock, last evening, the contracting parti« being Mies May Janet Case and Wil liam Valvea, of Kingston. The cere mony whe performed by Rev. William Timberlake. A large number of hand some and useful presents attested the bride's popularity among her many friends. After the ceremony a wed ding dinner was served and the young couple left nt midpight for the west to spend their homevmoon. On their return they will loente in Kingston, Alexander Marshall, of Howe Taland, passed awnv to his rest, vesterday. in the eivtv-vixth veer of his ace. The fimera]l will take plage from the fam- ily residence to Mowe Tsland cemetery on Friday moming, Max Shear, Stone street, i spend- ing a few dave this week in Toronto. Mr. and Mre. James A. Thome Firet street, whe have been spending a few dave this week in Toronto, re- turned home' lat evening. Joseph Geroy, Charles street. is spendine a few davs this week in Niagara Falls J apd Toronto. Mrs. James Root, Mon- 'Areal, i: occupyine the summer cot- tage of Adclrhue Wiltse on the river front east of the town for a few weeks. AFTER Godoirens To Seek Redress Through Official Channels. Washington, D.C., Sept. 6.-~Lient.- Gen. H. C. Corbin is determined to "go after" the army officers who have been submitting themselves to news paper interviews, with the result of charging that he and other prominent army officers have been using official facilities in Manila for .thé embellish ment of their private establishments. For a long time it was the custom in Manila for the quartermaster shops Yo do odd jobs for army officers, all of it in the way of improving the gov- ernment quarters ocoupicd by the of ficers and their families. It was in the interest of household comfort anc domestic sanitation, qualities which could not have been improved by re sorting to private facilities in that city, where there are meagre means of doing such work. This labor did not represent an expenditure of the public money for personal" benefit, and, what- ever was done on the quarters in the way of improvement on the exterior or interior has been for the benefit of any who chanced to occupy the build- ings at that time and since, Corbin feels - keenly the criticisms which have been made, and he bas asked the war department to aster tain from certain army officers who have expressed themselves, just what they said, and, if he finds there has been an snjustice done to him, he in tends to seck redress through official channels, Gen. King Edward In Vienna. Vienna, Sept, 6.--~Everything is in readiness for the reception of King Edward, who is expected to arrive here, to-morrow, and will be the guest of Emperor Francis Joseph at Schoen- brunn for two or three days. King Edward, who leaves day, will be received at the station and will immediately drive to Schoen- brunn, the magnificent imperial castle near the city. THe programme of en- tertainment arranged in honor of the king's visit does not contemplate any public functions. (The visit of the king will be merely of a personal, in- timate nature. It is expected that the visits of the king to Berlin and Vien na will lead to an understanding of the three powers concerning their ntti- tude towards Russia. Don't think of giving a Kingston lady candy unless you give Huyler's or McConkey's high class. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Thomas Baker, Amel 2, bas grown "Salzer's North Dakota' corn with ears measuring seventeen inches. THEY MEAN IT No ome should suffer a moment longer with Plies, for Dr. JLeonhardt's Hem- Roid will cure any case. A for $1,000.00 goes with package of the Hem-Roid. No matter what kind you have, Blind, al, External. Itchine or . Leonhardt's Hem Bi ating, wil cure you, 8 is a. strony statement, but it is Marienbad' to- | by Emperor Francis Joseph in person | CALL PRUGGISTS Frontenac County Fair Harrowsmith tary Gant 13-14 and Friday, Enlarged Accommodations Better Faatures Than Ever. Lowest one way first-class fare on K, & PP. Railway, fom all Stations be tween Sharbot Lake and Kinuston, good rolnee Sent, 18th, to 15th. An extra smith, on Friday, pan. and returning up train, Will Jeave Harrow- for Kingston at 5.80 CONDENSED ADVERTISING A BOY TO DO LIGIT WORK. APPLY FOUR ------------------------------ SMART BOY TO DELIV PARCELS nd do light dhs ag TWO - GOOD STRONG YOUNG MEN HELP, Steavy & Steacy. = Bs SARTERS, AT ONOR. AT Swift's Coal Yard. lo ligh Geone Mills & Lo. to awe st in tinshop. Apply Edwin Chown & Co. THE YEAR ROUND. SITU: mes o- «hotel and factories, Depa 203 | TWO FARMS $4,900 BACH: ALBO Wellington street. 's residence and fam 39, y NE Suny Sandie 181 MAN, FOR PACKING, YOUNG M r. Ap with experience in drugs who Wu's Wellington street. 8 to advance. Apply office, vXLX LZ," Whi SALESMAN, HAVING SOLD NOVEL. ETT AO ties und calendars for advertising: | yp ' i comanission 25 per cent: State what | FUR FINISHERS, APPLY T0 JOHN line you woM "hn dress Rand, Me- McKay, Brock street Nally & Co, 142 Fifth Ave., New : York. SITUATION BY CHINESE COOK, IN family. Apply 199 Weollimeton St. GENTLEMEN 70 HAVE THEIR | comms ---- on. oo bs overcoats made to look like w. lA COMPETENT STEONOGRAPIHER Pressed und cleaned or turned. . New and typewriter, one papable of make work guaranteed to please. Prices ing out Invidees. Apply WW. WB, right. Galloway, the Tailor, 131 Dalton & Son. Brock street. _ OR _VARNISHED SKIVF, nt 16t. ust be - in good eon HELP WANTED-FEMALE. wnd _ cheap. Abply Box * Whig office. A COMPETENT JIQUSEMAID, 187 King street, LOST. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. Hora, 45 King street, A GENERAL SERVANT, APPLY TO Mrs, Donald Ross, 500 Alred St, APPLY MISS A GOOD PLAIN COOK AND waid. Apply to Mrs. 86 Johnson street, HOUSE. Harry Tandy, h wren -~No. 1, $k; ¥ & a FR Si o a, ¥ Ie, canes, $s per box. 1d y oll druggists, or sent Feb Nolet: Address! ThE Aa MEIOE 00. ToRONTo. ONT ormerty Winder mre ett ANOTHER WONDER SCIENCE. OF Biology Has Proved That Dan- druff is Caused By a Germ. Science is doing wonders these days in medicine ag well as in mechanics. Since Adam lived the human race has been troubled with dandruff, for which no hair preparation hus heretofore proved a successful cure until New- bro 8 Herpicide was put on the mar: ket. It is a scientific. prepuration that kills the germ that makes dandruff oc scarf by digging into the scalp to get at the root of the hair, where it gaps the vitality; causing itching scalp, falling hair, and fipally bald- ness, Without dandruff hair must grow luxuriantly. It is the only destroyer of dandruff. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10c. in stamps for gamble to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W, Mahood, special agent. DON'T FAIL TO SEE .. WACCONER'S .. RANGE OF ---- Scotch Tweeds and Fancy Worsted Suitings. The largest consignment ever shown in up-to-date goods of the latest novelties for fall stock is now complete. : Please call and examine before buying elsewhere. All Suits from $16 up, with first-class trimmings. Fit guar- anteed or no sale. Carriage Painting Neatly and promptly done Come to us for good work at reasonable prices. Our work is sure tor be satisfac- | tory. y WwW. G. FROST 299 pucen St. Telephone 520 Big Storage Warehouse in con- nection ; moderate rates. | ™ A Clean, Healthy Tante Produces a luxuriant Jequth of hair, positive cure for headache, neuralgin, unositive cure for headache, nouralgin, dandruff, and eczema. ent for moustaches and' other tomgrinl purpos:s Manufactured apd sold wy. = St, MME. B. ELDER, **® S5 ras tan nam. Ladies' Shampoo a Specialty. GREAT FORESTS BURNED. | Belt i | of Fire Being ¥anned By High Wind: Algiers, Sept. G---Beich and oak forests, covering an ares of 100,000 doves in the Collo tenitory, have been burned, The villages of Bessemboury and Cheraria are threatened by the flames, and their inhabitants are flee. ing. A helt of five surrownds the Ain oo a testimonials < ' : from those who have beon permanently | uma mine. A high wind js fanning cured by Heu-Rold, . SE iy the fire, and hove of controlling the you a ow you your | conflagration has been @Wandoned. 1 On pu | hive the fire. wa started by Ont. pative incendiaties.' © TY APPRENTICES, FoR MILLINERY and _ Dress-Making departments. Ap ply Btleacy & Stoacy. id ba + CERPAL First insertion, lo. a word. Kash pom) for FRoRIE Rove, SORA i HOT AIR FURNACE, REGISTERS and pipes. All In ~clngs order. Avply at 23 Division street. ONE SMALL BAY MARE AND ONE hand wagon. ply Edwin Chowan & Co. ¥ ND F PROPERTIES, - OTN A. No. No pay. De RE SE EIHT-ROOMED iO DA Cs lower Albert. sto a Apply : WANTED, pret EE------T---------- A HLACK VALISE, BETWEEN DREAD Murs Bay and the Clty, Fioder Will oe rewi Ly leaving tat. Ustar: agnl Sohvoel. ; - ROW ROAT, BA GREEN coLbR, ar Nod wland, on Sept. 1st oward for its recovery, Suly M. A. Machull, Robhester Yacht Club, Rochester, RY. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. KO washing or ironine, References po quired. Apnly at 134 Farl street -- PRODUCE AND PRICES, Prices At Present Prevailing in The City. Kingston, Sept. 5.-The local pro- dueo market prices this week are: Flour and Feed.~Flour, bakers' strong, $2.26 to $2.35; farmers', $2.25 to $2.40; Hungarian patent, $2.00 to $2075, oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50; cornmeal, $1.00 to 81.65; bran, $18 to a ton; shorts, $21 to $23 a ton; straw, 5G to $58; hay, loose, 90 to $8; pressed, $7 to #9, Bggs--New laid 18¢. and 20¢, a doz, Butter--Choice crenmery,' 28¢. a Ib; farmers' butter, in prints, 25¢. to 28c, fe ewt,; cholee b.; veal, by the quarter, Be. to Be. a Ih.; cuts, Be. to Yale. a lb; by car- case, Be. to Te. a Ib; cutlets, 18¢c; a Ib.; hogs, live weight, $7.50 per ewty carcase, $9 10 $0.50 per ewt.; cuts, 150. a Ib; lamb, dressed, $4 to $6 each; quarters, $1 to $1.50, salmon, 30c. a lb; Atlantic salmon, 30c. a Ib.; salt codfish, 7c. to 15¢. a lb, halibut, 20c. a lb.; fresh haddock, 10¢, Ib. bulthends, 10¢. Ib; red herring, 15e, box; mackerel, 15¢. a lb.; salt white fish and trout, 100. a lb.; perch, 30¢. a dozen; frog's legs, 40c. a lb; cls 6 $1 a pair. 10¢, Se. nuges, to 7%. doz; pears, 50c. doz; 0c. basket; lombard plums, The. Bc. nnd 60c, basket; peas, Oe. i 5c, peck; melons, Se. up cach; water melons, 30. to Ge, Vegetables New potatoes, BG0e, celery, Bc. a head, or 50c, a doen stuff, 5c. a bunch, John McKay, for hides, 9e. hides, sheop pelts, fresh, 81 to S¥50; 1h.: wool, tallow, rendered, dc. per Ib. Toronto Street Market. bush., 76ec.; wheat, hay, new, perston, ton, § GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO FARM FOR SALE. ens erac, Avcle MISS | rw -FIRSRCLABS FARMS, TOWN. s 2 ship of Ki in: two mi from : i city --~105 seren. Township of Pitts GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASH Dube, near Wash e378 acre ne. elerences required. pply to oO i a Mr. Almon, 22 Barrie street, AB hi Th gh on, A COMPETENT i BER VANT, NO rT VACANT. washing, oply in the evens rn. SITUA ONS y Chas. A. Low, 199 Brock street. SALESMAN, WITH EXCRPTIONAL "0 a a ability to sell Our series of vi XK COMPRIS, JOURIMAIN MUSE | ©. Core Tring eit sie 3 . ® ddwions. ore Hugh C. Nickle, 155 Earl street. idle. of Sept : Liberal terms. COMPETENT GENERAR SERVANT |pR. WMeCARTHY, OFFIOR LATELY at once. wes four dollars a week occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon No washing or ironing. Apply to tren] and Brock streets. Mre. Knight, Alice street. -------------------- A GENERAL SERVANT: ALSO A MISCELLANEOUS, nurse, Hr S[entember 14th, to =n to AND A OTHER Clinton, N.¥., suburb of = Utica. | FARM ELE, AND a Bavarian Hood wages given. A- '= B7 George kindy 208 Wellington . a lby packed and roll butter; Re. to Fruit--Lemons, 40, to Be, doz.; or California to 40c. doz.; bananas, 15e, to 20¢. doz.; California peaches, 30c, to home-grown peaches, ble. to to Woe. basket; green gages, $l; grapes, to Mc. a bushel: new cabbage, 5c. head; pickling onions, 8c. a peck; all grein Brock street, reports the following as.the ruling quotations per Ih, for trimmed dairy skins, 85c. veal skins, 12c. per washed, 2c. to 26. a Ih; Toronto, Sept. 4.~Wheat, white, per red, per bushy, 56e.; wheat, spring, per bush., 7dc. to 78c.; wheat, goose, per hush,, Tie. to 6c; oats, per bush. 38e. to 40e; oats, new, ot bush., 334. to Je; barley, per bush, 48¢. to 80c.; rye, per bush., 65¢.; peas, J bush, 72; $10 to $12; hay, ber Optober Lovell Ue., Toronto ee ---------------------------------------- MEDICAL. bush., 60c. to T0e; cabbage, dozén, 30, to SOc; onions, sacks, 81.50 to 81.75; beef, hindquarters, $s to $9.50; beef, forequarters, $5 to $6; beef, choice, carcase, 87.50 to $8; beel, medium, carcase, £6 to 86,50; mutton, por ewt., $8.50 to $9.50; veal, per ewt., 88.50 to $9.75; lamb, per owl, £10.50 to 812, COUNTESS OF WARWICK, Appears as Prophetess at Trades onion Congress. Landon, Sept. 6.~The Countess of Warwick appearod as a prophotess, yosterday, at the session of the Trades Union Congress at Liverpool 25c.m 1b. Aftor saying sho had been persecuted Meat--Cattle, on the hoof, $3.50 to by the aristocracy for her adhesion to $4 per ewt.; bool, carcase, $6 to #8 the cause of socialism, she dramati- cuts, 10c. to bc, a cally exclaimed : 'Before long the There will be a so- cinl revolution, apd in a social re volution 1 will be more useful than now. Socialism is the only hope of the workers." © storm will burst, Likely To Be Built. Fish--Salmon trout, 12je.; ' white- As to the Kingston, Smith's Falls on buss, 18¢. a Ib; white and Ottawa railway, the Smith's fish, 124c.; pike, Be. a Ib; Chinook | Fully News is informed that negotia- tions ard now pretty well perfected, whereby this long deferred line will be built, and that it is to be taken over by a wealthy and established raflroad corporation, A deputation will' visit Smith's Falls in the near future, and then the particulars will be given the coos, 15. a lb, public. Mr, Drummond, the chid pro. Poultry--Fow], from The. to $1 a] moter, will be in Smith's Falls, on pair, or 10c. a lb; spring chickens, | Friday. and will interview the coun be. to $1 a pair; young ducks, Tbe. | jl and executive of the hoard of trade and lay any proposition he has before them. To the tected. In these busy when weer fon secur with uth 1 no man is in duty if he does not pry . LIFE INSURANCE Come Into the Canada Lite Office and get the bests J. O. Hutton, Manager 18 Market St. Telephone 703. A three-motiths old baby, in charge of the officials of the Allan line, from Toronto, hus areived at Liverpool in the best of health. » In sealed packages, Saturday children's last one duy on steel ears, old, per ton, 4; straw, per dressed hogs, Sg x 13; $0.25 10 89.75; eggs, per dozen, 200, to 22.; butter, dairy, 2le. } ° to 0c. butter, creamery, 25¢. to 30g; chickens, dressed, por Ib., 15e. to 16e.; tarkevs, 'per Ib, Me. to 10e; hous, per 1h, 10e. to lle; potatoes, per Commander Baoth-Tucker, the vation Army, with dguarte wife to Col. Reed, of the Salvation Army, intends to hl ¢ United States this fall for an extensive tour, , Hupder's and McConkeyts delicious "thocolutes, only ot Gibson's Red Cross drug store, international se rs in Londen, who ta:

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