Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1906, p. 1

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v|64 only, Fine White Law 2 Waists )| very dainty designs, runuin gh | ular prices from 1.49 ¢, your choice to-morrow with exactly LAIDLAW & SON 275 each. after 9.30 » Waist Patterns The proportions that the silk waist vogue has reached this season testifies to the jm. mense serviceableness and value of a good silk waist. {The p: patterns we'll have for to-morrow | are of the very popular Habutai | silk-famous for its wearing qualities --and the designs are rated as being some of the daintiest we have ever received. To-morrow's prices : For the Waists, 2.99, 3.50 and 3.96, For the Fronts only, 1.25 and 1.99, ---- . We think that everybody knows about + all the popular "Peter Pans" of the | season, so we'll not attempt a de | scription of the = collars. haven't seen them, come. Ii you know what they're like and want, one, como, too, or telephone three-nine-seven. Thursday 8 prices, 25, 35¢,, and ....... LAIDLAW & SON If you AIDLAW & SON erwear for Now rly or ol this a good say --- rouble ry ch. ar, nd ng 49 tment and Lowest Prices Splendid Suit Case, Water- proof, $1.75 and $2.00. etter grade, Jeather corners, _ $2.50 and §a.75. Solid Leather Case, hand- sewed, $4 75 and $5.00. gs are imported. and can be SHOE STORE YEAR 73. No. 208. ---------------------- ONLY 15 DAYS LONGER For Our Great Re- moval Sale of Furniture. Pda '$3.50, Spring Seat, to Sideboard $6.50 to $125. One $95 Bedroom Sett only $75. Iron and Brass Bed $25, for $18. Iron and Brass Bed $12, for $8. Iron and Brass Bed $6.50, $4.50. Springs, for $2.50 to $5. 4x6 Ostermoore Mattress $13.50. Marshall Sanitary Mattresses ; also other Mattresses $2.50 to $15. Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker Two Doors Above the Opera House Telephone 877, Ambulance, for TAX SALE Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Tax- es in the Municipality of the Qity of Kingston. TAKE NOTICE THAT I HAVE PRE- pared a list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes in the said municipality of the Gity of Kingston, and that an advertisement embraeing such list is be- ing published in the Onturio Gazette on the 1st, Sth, 15th and 22nd days of September, A.D., 1908, - And take notice tht Copies of the said list muy be had at my office in the City Buildings in the said City. And take notice that unless the Taxes and Costs, as shown in the said list be sooner 'paid, 1 shall at the hour of 12 o'clock moon, on WHDNESDAY, the 5th day of December * next, at the Council Chamber, in the safd City Buildings, proceed to sell by publi¢ auction so much of the said Junds respectively as may te sufficient to Sigtharss the arrears of Ta und Cos Xes thergo: » P. Euan, isa ity Treasurer. Kingston, RR 1908, Important 0f Valuable Household Furniture on FRIDAY, Sept. 7th At the store recehtly occupied by John Halligan, No. 53 Brook Strest. : Viz :--Very Fine Oak Bedroom 'Sets, Handsomd#™ Old Fashioned Library Table and Desk, Fine Silk Covered Parlor Suite, Fancy Parlor and other Chairs, Oak Hall Stand, ine Hall and other Tables in Oak, Mirrors, Mantle Bed Ss Onyx Table, Brass Bed Black Walnut Bookcase, Black Wal- rut Extension Table, and other valuable 'ture. Sale at 10,80 a.m. Terms onsh. JOHN HM. MILLS, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE --C Pe Valuable Freehold Property. THERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR sale by Public Auction by William Murray, _ Auctioneer, at his Auction s, Market ware, in the Ciiy of ston, on SATURDAY, the 8th of September, 1908, at welv 7e_ o'clock noon the followipe property : Part of Lot No. 8, accordibg to MeDowall"s Plan in the Oity of Kingston and County of Frontenac, upon 'which is erected a Frame dwelling known as number 324, situate on the West wide. of, Division street, near York, in the said" City of Kingston and formerly occupied by Mary Arniel, deceased. FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE, apply to T. J. RIGNEY, 115 Brock St. Kingston. Dated this 24th day of August, 1906 DRUG STORE NEWS THE . . New York Elastic Water Pad Truss Is sold for $1.50 AT Medley's' Drug Store Half a Century Making Shoes Still the same high standard both in New Work and Re- pairing. Wear "Allen's' Beotmakers DAILY MEMORANDA. Stylish Hats And fine Furs at Campbell Bros Band Concert, Macdonald -Park, 8 p.m. Sale Furniture, at 38 Brock stree to-morrow, 10.30. *. Steet The sun rises Friday at 5.29 a.m. und sets at 6.27 p.m. : This day in istory :--CGeneral Lafay- ette born, 1757 : Richard I defeated Saracens, 1191 ; Mayflower sailed, 1620 ; Great London fire, 1666 WHIG TELEPHONES. 243---DBusiness Office. 229--Editorial Rooms, 202-J obbing. Department. Royal-Doulton Some very hand- Come and examine the quaint odd shapes. e FU mond Prefontaine to Canada . Bod H they dre handsome and fashions. ship, nd for the aby i bpble, are decidedly becoming and add fioers during age. The presenta: gre y yoman's cos s. T tion will for at once. Jieguly to a woman 2 Sung The 4 8. Yok, arfand fo commercial warmth and comfort of a fine set of FURS STOLES, STOLE COLLARS all is a delight. OUR stock of And MUFFS, in the newest styles, is very large. Handsome sets of Ermine, Sable, Mink, Black Lynx, Chinchilla, ete. Send your name for FUR CATA JOGUE B. Long Distance Telephone 489. John McKay Fur Heuse 139-153 Brock St., Kingston. MASS MEETING IN UNION HALL Under the Auspices of Trades and Labor Council Friday Eve'g, Sept. 7 apm on by Mr. C! ed Socicty of of London A talk on Ls White, of the "Awa g Carpenters and England Vety By order of Exceutive. JAS cordialy invited LEE Secretary. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, September 8th MARKET SQUARE French-Canadian Mare 1,300 1bs., sound and kind, siogle or double: WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove nd. see we as k have the largest 258 Princess 8t., Cor. Sydenham Ladies' Tailored Suits, Coats and Wraps. Fwvenine Costumes, Trousseaux, Shirt Wists, etc : Practical instructions given in cutting by measure, designing, trimming, ote. Dregsmakers sent out hy the day. Princess Street. > The Fall Session Of Fed- HOPE FOR PROGRESS Christmas vacation. JU ST OPENED Oh The government has promised its o upon the soon as. the speech ROBERTSON BR has been disposed of. a. us retary of the tariff commission, John { subsidy question will probably be the premier, together with the of finance, has under consideration thoughtfulness of sending the remains. of the 'Hon. Ray- EET ov, THOV 5TH - eral House. IN TARIFF REVISION BEFORE CHRISTMAS. Piece of Silver to Be Presented to Captain and Officers of Do- minion--An Acknowledgment of Services Rendered to a De- ceased Minister, . . Ottawa; Sept. --Parliament will MISS LILLIAN MOOU, some goods of this probably be a fot Tuureday, No- Now York, Sept. 6. Misa [lillian vember 15th, which will permit of at | Moog presents one of the most in celebrated maker least a month's sitting before the teresting cases of modern medical {1 The latter will be si not more than three weeks' dura- stimates will also be ready to lay table of the commons as from the throne The revision of Bain, 1 The sub-committee of the council to |drawal of meet the provincial premiers on the ministers customs, marine and fish- eries and justice. minister of marine and fisheries the presenta- tion of a piece of silver plate to Capt. Kingsmill and officers of the battle ship Dominion on account of the the admiralty in The agent at Sydney, Australia, points out that propertiopately the increase in imports from Canada to the Au- stralia commonwealth last year was greater than that of any other coun try. The total imports of the common- wealth were £38346,731, of which £230,981 are credited to Canada, and which £43,288 went to Canada. 'The the total exports £56,841,035, of population of hoth New South Wales and Queensland are increasing some what at the expense of the other states, During the last three months 312 Australians remgved to Canada. The growing "interest which business men of Great Britain and other coun- tries are taking in Canada is evi denced by the increase in the number of trade inquiries received. A few years ago they did not average over cight or ten a week, was a notable advance in the num ber, a total of over three thousand being received during the first eight months of the year. But these figures look small when compared with this year, when during the same period over eight thousand inquiries have reached the department of trade and commerce, an average of over one thousand a month. Last year there DIVISION AMONG PRELATES Over Church and State Separa- tion Law. Paris, Sept. 6.~The French bishops and archbishops met twice, voster day, but it is understood no definite decision regarding the attitugle which the French churches will assume to wards the charch and state separa- tion law has yet been reached. There is considerable division of opinion among the prelates. AN AMERICAN JESUIT « May Be Chosen as the ol, Rome, Sept. 6.--According to gossip in' clerical a Rev. Father Meyer, St. Louis, is most likely to be chosen by the quadrivium now in session, here, as the "Black Pope," or general of the Society of Jesus. Father Meyer is considered to be one of the most eloquent and most, able Jesuits "Black on 1 bave ever hag; also a lot of in the World, Furnit ure and Carpets. Fverything - cheap. Greece Is Too Cool TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE Aix-Tes- Bains, Sept. 6.--A most dis 898 Princess Street. tinguished visitor for people to stare at and follow is King George of Greve. He is about the only one Mme. Elder's ressmaking who isn't complaining of the heat. His majesty says he likes it, as Greece has been too cool all summer. He will remnin hero three weeks for the cure. \ A New G. T. BR. Office. Montreal, Sept. 6.- The Grand Trunk railway has created a new office of superintendent of Montreal terminals, the first appointment going to P. I, Fogerty. office was rendered ne cessary Dy the increased waffic in this city. science. without any apparent cause, its position from the left to the right casts have appeared, Bor] Kgitates Three years ago cha anged tariff revision for the early part of |side of her chest. Before the | found drowned in a canal, 4 the session, and it is hoped that con: | change Mists Moog was delicate and Stensland, the defaulting bank pre siderable progress may be made upon | sickly, but since her heart changed | sident, will be brought back from this before Christmas. he department | its position she has enjoyed robust Tangier on a merchant liner. health. She has declined several large offers 'of physicians and medical so cieties that tried to induce bequeath her body to them. the election act, the amendment of the pe ------------ telephones. insurance act, and the readjustment of THE RUSSIAN POLICY The San Francisco street car strik- the provincial subsidies in case the S---- ers have decided to go back to work government accedes to the latter de- | Issued, and Promises Many and submit the _ gpestion of wages mand, will be among the most im- Liberal Reforms. and hours to arbitration. This act portant features of the session. The | St, Petersburg, Sept. 6.--The do | °° has vet to be ratified by the ministers of finance, customs and mar- | (aration of policy * by the govern seven affilisted unions. Nod a ine and fisheries are now at work on |, ent, of which lately several fore- MTY. Jompins, ahas De nods, To. the tariff revision, assisted by the sec- : y sentenced by Magistrate Denison, To- was issued yes It promises many liberal re- forms, including the immediate with- useless restrictions against Jews, incrensing provincial anto- reform of the police and other public services, the establishment of zemstvos in Polabd and the Baltic provinces, and the institution of an income tax. Meanwhile the govern: ment is determined to maintain or- der, and it accordingly decrees court. martial for political crimes, and, in- creasee the penalties for carrying on the revolutionary propaganda: STREET CAR TROUBLE, ' tal of Flowery Tokio, Sept. 6.--The © her © mt trouble' ol tween the sireet car com their employees resulted, last night, in a demonstration that degenerated indo incipient rioting in several districts, Cars were stopped by mobs through- out the city," and five of them we smashed to bits. Several persons were seriously injured. Further agitation is expected. terday. the nomy, UNKNOWN SCHOONER SUNK In Lake Erie, Near the Marble Light. Sandusky, Ohio, Sept. 6.-The Marblehead life saving station reports an unknown schooner sunk in Lake Erie, at a point five mites north of the Marble light. They are unable to learn the vessel's name. The erew was pro bably picked up by a passing steamer Floats 13,000. Miles. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 6. "Dropped overboard 12th day of June, 1882, from the bark Golden Gate at Nor folk, Va., by First Mate Joseph Kel ler," ix the inscription found on a bit of puper in a bottle picked up in Puget Sound by G. W. Boerhing, of Seattle, and returned by him to this city. The bottle had been floating about on the high seas for twente four vears and had drifted 13,000 miles at least Auto Kills Pugilist. Chicago,® Sept. 6.--~Harry twenty-three years old, known in prize fighting circles as "Kid" Murphy, struck by an automobile, last night, and suffered injuries which caused his death later, The automobile was op erated by B. H. Roper, who is held until the inquest. Javobs, when struck by the car, wax running from a fight on the sidewalk, where shots were be ing fired, Jacobs, was Baseball Summary. Eastern Leagne -Toronta, 5; Mont real, 11. Rochester, 1-9; Buffulo, 5-3 Newark, 3: Baltimore, 4, -- -- American League--Claveland, 1; St Louis, '0. Boston, 1: New York, 6, Washington, 1; Philadelphia, 3. De troit, 0; Chicago, 2. National Leagus-Brooklyn, 3-1; New York, 4-2 Boston, 5; Phila- delphia, B. Pittshurg, 4; 8t. Louis, 9. Murder Suspected. Jamestown, N.Y., Sept, 6. The body of E. BE. Wild, a young unmarried man in the village of Rioly, was found un der the floor of his woodshed last 'night. The skull was crushed. Murder ie suspected. Growing Worse. Caleutta, Sept. 6.--The rice famine in the northern provinces of India is beeoming worse and is extending to wird Pengal Prices "ats abnormal and crowds are looting the shop. Prevost, great clearing sale in ments, clothin ad dothio; we Fe il wil bon Jy t sacrifice of all Sepa HIST EWS Despatches From Near And THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THR BRIEFEST POS. Matters That Interest Everybody pended in Cuba in view of the offorts to restore peace, her heart, | in Peace River country, who disappeared a fow days ago, was her to fed a the government operate long distance ronto, dorsemont He considers it no compliment to be | éndorsed (dorses Mer. Brock street, i» having a Distant Places. SIELE FORM. --Notes From All Over--Little Fighting has been practically sus. The arty Macdonell government survey report a rich discovery of gold Lindgay boy, Garfield Barjaro, a The Canadian Independent I "elephone Association, meeting in Toronto, pass- resolution recommending that to serve four years in the peni- tentiary for four thefts, Minnie 't omp- kins, his wife, will be incarcerated for six months in the Mercer, for eqmpli- city in the thefts, At the office of the Allan line at Liverpool. Capt. Nunan and Second Officer Miller, of the Ionian, were pre sented with silver medals and certifi- cates awarded them by the liverpool Shipwreck Humane Society, for brave conduet in rescuing the crew of Norwegian bargue Trio in the middle of the Atlantic Inst May. W. J. Bryan hos repudiated the en by a convention which en- Sullivan, who is a high® officials in a franchiseholding corpor- ation which' is constantly sccking fa: vors at the hands of the government, and holds that no man can thus re- present a corporation and the people. GREAT FLOODS IN INDIA. Country For Miles Has Appear- ance of An Open Sea. Lahore, India, Sept. 6.--Floods have devastated a large section of Be- har district. Whole villages have been obliterated, great areas of food crops have been destroyed and the indigo erop is ruined, There are nine feet of water on the low-lying lands, giving the country for miles the appearance of an open The inhabitants have sought re- wea. fuge in the hills and ave depending for | buildings, season's erops and then subsistence on raids made on the half- | jumped to the brick house, which was MOORE.~-AL Lroekville, vid » ripe whe atfields situated on high | destroyed, with contents. Not sen ground," tent with this, the flames leaped to | MeGULLIY, ~a Role oF Behar province lies about 200 miles | an adjoining farm and did similar de- dh we northwest of Calentta, and has a pop- | struction on the farm: of William - ulation of over 24,000,000, It is drain. Ready. Ne ighhoes are booldng after i «d by the Ganges and its branches, the suffering families, who have lost 2 i ed by ang all. Mr, Boyed's Joss 'will excesd MUIR-MUNDELL.--At St. James' SUICIDE OF SANDERSON. | 30.000, while Mr. Ready's is over| = Sepy. $4,000, The threshing separator was MacMorine Canadian Iron Worker Xilled alte dentroyed und: uith of the hofees, ta Himself By Poison. ON A MASON-C 2 Niagara Falls, Ont., Sept. 6.-John TO LEAD REVOLUTION, Sept, a wien: Sandirson, an iron worker, twenty So the bride's mother, University Aver three years old, committed suicide at The Orders ho to a Mexican Dp 4 John. the hourding house of Mrs. Smith, Man. daughter to GG, W " 131% West avenue, Buffalo, He was El Paso, Tex, Sept. 6.--A letter Mibier of and ih Bevery. > wil found suffering from earbolie acid | found on Bruno Treving, one of the iain Roars asutt oF Oriana: maf poisoning andl hurried to the River | men arrested as Moxican revolution- DONBING MIWA AN. Aug. side hospital, but the doglors were | ists, dated Toronto, Ont., and «i 1 in New York City. John "Baward unable to save him. Family trouble | R. Flores Magood, head of the Moi. wan. duchies of Margnret L. M ix the cause of his rash act, as he lean revolutionary junta, instructs Yow Brookviile. and his wife separated shortly after | Trevino when he has one hundred men POSTER-BROWE. ~~At Pleton, on 22nd their marriage, two years ago. After | willing to fight, to attack the Nogale August, ihn, both of to Men: spending the holiday here he returned | custom house, take arms and then to 8 to Buffalo and took the poison short- | proms to interior tov CORB OT MES. ~At Pictod, on I wines and gather ly after' his arrival. recruits, Sept. Ist, Fxiwin Oorke, Athol, to ® Maude mes, Sophiasbureh. WOMAN SAVED CHILDREN. The Tonnage Is Big. ofED, Toronto, Sept. O--A Detroit des: | THBATI At Los California Five Had Narrow Escape From | patch says during the month of Au: Aug. 25th, J te Tomb eldest Burning House. sist the total freicht tonnage through | fdaushter of Biaand, Margaret N ¥ St. John, NB. Sept. Mrs. morning, aad The loss will amount to 85,000, John Jamieson Dead. Chicago, 11., Sept. 6. son, formerly of Brantiord, Sunday in Chicago, He teen years nresident of the tion publishing the high grade $4 hats, Saturday children's last one cen day on street cars to i G.~-Sinclnir McKeil's bakery was burned, yesterday MeKeil and four childeen nurowly escaped being buren- od to death, Mes. McKeil twice tried | 954,278 tons, well up: 6 four million to pierce the smoke and flame before prc more than for the same period she wns successful in reaching the air | last year. with her children, and all were badly 2 burned about hands and face. The Big Tactical Field Day. bakery and stables were destroyed, and also Cortell's stables next door, John Jamie Ont., died | | wad for nine- eorvora- Western British- American and the Canadian American, | 1, 1be anstsciim of Jules fue For. | Pure White Wine Vinegar ne wi We BHccoede ny orgs P 2 £ Sutherland for many years his asso- turning ont finelaty Hiren go Pure English Malt Vinegar cine, Mr. Jamieson's funeral was con- Bhp a erica. reds . ducted hy the Masonic bodies of Chi. | Pleased customers testify to onr yup. ALL GUARANTEED PURE. cago. He leaves g widow and one son. eriority as manufacturers of fine furs A pis Suerlully given as Campbell | Wise Housekeepers use ros., t store qual, y. : Campbell Bros. ; -------- only Pure Goods for their The home in Kingston of Beott's gpepsia in is worst forms will Anniversary. of a Great Crime at Buffalo, N.¥. Canton, 0., Sept. 6.--Five years ago to-day, in the" late wlternoon of Sep- tember 6th, 1901, President was shot and mortally wo by Leon Crolgosz, an ignorant fanatic of anarchigtio tendencies, a public reception at the Temple Music, on the grounds of the Pan-Am- erican exposition in Buffalo. President McKinley died of his wound, on Sep tember 14th, at the residence of John G. Milburn, president of the exposi- tion, whose guest ho was during his visit to the fair. The scones at the time of the assassination, the anxious days of the fatal illness of the president, the grief caused by his un. timely death throughout the country will never be forgotten by the of this country, who loved Mokin as a man, full of human kindness, hon- est and upright and by a deep love for his country. Many large costly monuments, erected In large and small cities throughout the country, to honor the memory of Me Kinley, speak eloquently of the love and esteem which the American poo ple bore their ill-fated magistrate, The magnificent monument which will commemorate the martyr presi. dent in this, his home city, is not yet completed, but it is expected that next year, on September 14th, the anni versary of MeKinley's. death, the na. tional monument will be unveiled and dedicated, The monument will cost £500,000 and a fond of an additional £100,000 is no® being raised to form an endowment for the purpose of keep ing the monument in repair. The im- posing monument in Buffalo ix com: pleted and so are scores of other & monuments in other citios, less pre: x tentious; perhaps, but no less ol tokens of the peoples' love for the ess departed soldier-statesman, i 7 3 SEEKING EXTRADITION -- present . to the people For the Mitchell Brothers For | For these Silks are fre Sk Snir remark- Misdoing. able value just beca Detroit, Sept. 6.--Duri a negro | trinsic 'worth of the fo excursion on the Canadian steamer Premier, on July 16th last, Robert Buith, pussnger, died, to have als ma Gi ohn ine Prumier, ann Un States mide of the ri be charged piracy: in Canadian waters and will face only the minor charge of assault and robbery. The Canadian govern- ment never changed its high seas law #0 as to includy the great lakes al- though the United States government way forced to do so many years ago. THE VIGOROUS FLAMES Did Serious Damage in Nepean Township. Ottawa, Sept. 6s~A disastrous fire occurred near Black Rapides, Nepean township, yosterday afternoon. A spark from a steam thresher on the farm of William Boye, councillor of Nepean, ignited the straw in a mow, and, fanned with a strong: gale, burn od furiously, destroying the barn, out: To call and see these bowstiful" fabrics. We also wish to impress on you the necessity of an early call on ote dressmakors, STEACY'S ------ the Soo canals was 7,343,727 tons, al- most one lion tone more than last August, The acuregate tobnage for the season, up to September, was 20, mpson, tawn, Sept. 6.-A big tactical field duy for the Mtawa garrison in assurnd for Thanksgiving day. Al the units will turn out in force. The lst Regiment, of Brockville, will take part. . -- Persian Lamb Jackets. We defy competition when it comes Pure oink Snives Pure Cider to the use of Carter's Little Pickles and Cats, a: Carter's Little : Park, ¢ Ther te Blah a Jas. mash :

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