Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1906, p. 1

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IL, od schools ang about as important oo ve to be trained, boy, | growth. We maj, and offer our patron 8 a vast difference "Just School Shoeg" es." x L0eS lour Calf, laced or 0.and 3 oo, Oes n Metal Calf, Laceq up to $3.00. our School Shoes School Shoes made, hoe Stone ANPP tani POPP SPD bbe ES} TERS ies paired 1 Wellington St. PPP PP $444 ERS \LTY! [PANY, Toronto, Ont. ---- the Hour: AT Is it Clean? { Is it Pure ? Is it Nourishing? CROWDS XHIBITION ace in the New ing MAKING DED AT tritious cereal IN CANADXK of thing like it on it. ivery Shred, )ICER. ok," postpaid. ed, Niagara Falls, Ont. it. E.P.Je 15 DAYS LONGER For Our Great Re- moval Sale of Furniture. pSSuet $380, Bpring Seat, to Sideboard $6.50 to $125. One $05 Bedroom Sett only $75. Iron and Brass Bed $25, for $18. Iron and Brass Bed $12, for $8. in and Brass Bed $6.50, for Springs, for $2.50 to $5. 4x6 Ostermoore Mattress $13.50. Marshall 'Sanitary Mattresses ; yy other Mattresses $2.50 to Robt. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker Two Doors Above the Opera House Telephone 877, Ambulance, Hats Opened To-day. Our New Derby This is ome of the best shapes we have ever shown in young men's hats, we think you will agree with on. see the hat. for is best 1 only the best kind of hats, best in le, best in quality, and el in town. We Let us show you. RO ey Tre nkins Clothing Co. ive Cases New American And See Us About Furs DAILY MEMORANDA. Jo 4, Suen Ios Weta: OVernors, 4 p.m., a, uy in history :~French republic 1 2ule at Furniture at Hyman Rowe'r, an aca fits, Wednenday at 5.27 a.m. WHIG TELEPHONES. Hoey ui. Royal-Doitor Some very hand- some goods of this celebrated maker JUST OPENED Come and examine the quaint odd shapes. ROBERTSON BROS.. To-day Whether you are out to buy or merely in search of suggestions a visit here will repay you. We call special attention to our styles in ISSOBELLA FOX SETTS: John McKay Fur Heuse 149-158 Brock 8t., Kingston. Suite, Fancy Parlor and Oak Hall Stand, ine Tables in Oak, Mirrors, Mantle x able, Brass o nut Bookcase, Black Wal- nut Extension Table, and other valuable Frmitare, Sale at 10.80 a.m. Screens, Fine Black find Auction Sale of Furniture At the Residence of Hyman Rowe, No. 165 Alfred St. Wednesday, Sept 5th Viz :--Bedroom Sets, Toilet Springs, Mattresses, Oak Hall Rack, Fxtension' Table, Room Chairs, Parlor Suite, Brussels Rugs, and Carpets, Lace and Chenille Curtains, Range, Pug Stave and other Tables, China and Glassware, Parlor and other Lamps, and various other goods. Sale at 10.80 a.m. Sideboard, Furniture on FRIDAY, Sept. 7th At the store recently occupied hy Jobn Halligan, No. 53 Brock Bere Vis (Very Fine Oak Bedroom Handsome Old Fashioned Library Table Fipe Silk Cowered Auction Sales 1f selling out, pay higher com- missions and get far higher prices. By the Leading Auctioneer, i JOHN H. MILLS. Times Have Changed There was a time when you could not in our vou ; wee all, for fy from ith, first-class Stoves. or selling, no better vlace than Ferrol drug store, Fresh there. sale by Public Murray, Rooms, Market Square, in the Ci.y of Kingston, on. SATURDAY, the 8th of September, 1908, at twelve o'clock noon the following property: Part of Lot Drop Leaf Terms cash. JOHN H, MILLS, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Furniture Thursday, Sept. 6th At the Store, Golden Lion Block Wellington Street. Viz i--~Black Walnut Sideboard, Rance Fine Square Heating Stove, E Table, Dining Room Chairs. Mwhoeany Tables, China and Glassware, Springs, Mattresscs and other Household woods. Sale at 10.30 a.m. Jon Extension Terms cash. N H. MILLS, Auctioneer, Important Auction Sale Of Valuable Household other Chairs, Hall and other Terms cash. JOHN H. MILLS, a Auctioneer. . buying. STORE | 898 Princess Street. is sold at Gibson's Red Cross AUCTION SALE Valuable Freehold Property. THERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR Auction by William Auctioneer, at his Auction No. 8, according to MeDowall's Plan in the City of Kingston and County of Frontenac, upon which is erected a Frame dwelling known as number 824, situate on the West side of Division stroet, near York, in the said City of Kingston and formerly occupied hy Mary Arniel, decease od. FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE, apply to T. J. RIGNEY, 115 Brock St. Kingston. Dated this 24th day of August, 1906. Half a Century Making Shoes Still the same high standard both in New Work and Re- pairing. Wear '""Allen's"' Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot. 84 Breck St. RA et ---------- TOILERS ON BATTLESHIP Killed By An Gas. London, Sept. 4--There was a tre- mendous explosion, vesterday after noon, on board the battleship Riverik, which Vickers, Sons and Maxim are building in their yards at Barrow-on- Furness. Someone carried a burning naphtha lamp into a tank containing inflammable gases in which men were at work. The result was that four men were killed and eight seriously injured. GUERRA IS BUSY. Explosion of His Army Again ian Motion in North. Havana, Sept. 4.--Pino Guerra's in- surgent arty is again in motion and it is assumed Guerra plans to sweep the entire north - coast of Pinar Del Rio province before ending his march. The loyalists are showing a marked willingness to get away from the in- surgent army instead of rushing to battle. Steamer Wolfe Islander. For change in timetable sce advt, elsewhere in the Whig. Charles Diamond, cabman, bas a telephone at his residence, 211 Mont. real street. Phone No 739. Calls tly responded to. Promptly Porritt, aged about twenty- one years, was found drowned at Rockwood, é "Salted nut meats," Huyler'z, ogly at Gibsons Red Cross drug store, ed. The meeting of EXEEXEERER RR EEE KINGSTON, ONTAR "HL RIGHT ONLY COMMER CIA IS THE RIVALRY BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES. Germany No More Thinks of Com- Piling For Mastery of the Seas n Building Railroad to the Moon. CHANCELLOR VON BUELOW, London, Sept. 4.--The Daily Mail published an interview had by its cor respondent, at Nordernay, with Chan- cellor Von Buelow, The chancellor contended that although Germany had made strides in building warships the navy was small in proportion te Germany's over-sep commerce. It was .ponsense to argue that Germany thinks she is competing with Britain for the mastery of the sea. She might as well bé accused of wishing to build a railway to the moon. Hogan Fnglivh ouspitions for = frying i ! " land wherever she can, the chancellor declared there was no foumdation for hem beyond commercial rivalry, which was as legitimate as it was universal. This was as true in con- nection with the Bagdad railway und Turkey as anywhere else. Referring to the recent meeting of King Edward and Emperor Wilham, the chancellor said: "Acute political questions were not discussed for the reason that no such questions exist- the monarchs marked an auspicious stage in the gradual climination of the misunder- standing between the two countries." HELD CARTRIDGES. Moscow, Sept. 4.--~A huge pumpkin, carried by a man garbed as a countryman, attracted the attention of the police by its excessive weight and induced them to make an investigation, with the result that it was found to contain cart- ridges. The bearer of the pkin was identified as revolutionist. PEEREEREEEERF REX | i NEW BUNCO GAME. Glass Diamond as, Bait in Trap- ping Unwary. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Sept. 4.--A new game of swindle is being introduced among the farmers north of here. A well-dressed stranger stops at a farm- house And announces the loss of a valuable diamond pin in the roadway. All turn out to assist him in his search. The pin is not found, but the man cays he will be back within a week and holds owt an offer of $100 for 'the finding of the pin. A few days later a tramp turns up at the farmhouse with the pin, say- ing he picked it up on the romdside. The farmer sometimes "bites," buying the pin from the tramp for £820 or $25. AMer an anxious wait for the return of the stranger the pin is taken to a jeweler and found to be worthless, BLACK HAND DEFIANT. Italiaps Kill State Troopers in Pennsylvania. Punxuitawney, Pa., Sept. 4~In a bloody battle between Italians and twenty-one troopers of the state con- stabulary, two soldiers were killed and' one fatally wounded, on Sunday. The slayers have barricaded them- selves, and further loss of life is fear. ed when their capture is attempted. The trouble began over the arrest, by Rergt. Logan, of Leopold Searlot, for killing his brother-m-law. There are many treacherous members of the "Black Hand" about the city, and wild excitement prevails. Police have riddled the house where the Italians are besieged. It's the only medicine known that penetrates into. every organ of the body and stays there. It's the best toric in the world ~Hollister's Rocky Mountain Ten. Tea or Tablets, 35c. Mahood's Drug Store, Over The World. od to death. M Ky rate, wile found drowned at Orillia. by 'drowning Bt" Sask 3 y skatoon, An atoon Ems, Germany, on Saturday. T , onused a loss of $300. trod: British militia. the $37,000 Futurity race in New York, Fi ~ Malcol oieyeacald a colm The now An imperial the Chinese for constitutional govern- ment. William Jennings Bryan received an enthusiastie regoption at Newark and Jersey City. Construction has commenced on an electric railroad to connect New York and Chicago. William Ball, London, Ont., was badly burned by pouring oil in the kitchen stove. Henri Laurier, half-brother of the premier, died suddenly at Arthabaska- ville on Monday. The Sultan of Morocco has relsased his elder brother, imprisoned since the death of their father. The Charlton Lumber company's tug Balizeran ran aground and sank in the re, Little Detroit In wll 452 persons lost their lives ns the result of the disastor of April ISth, at San Francisco. James Leashan, a Toronto bread driver, dicd from ivjuries received in a collision 8 street car. rt Gordon, Sixteen years of nge beat an ei old lad into in sensibility at 0 and buried him alive, 3 Eleven thous coal miners of the Rhymney Valley struck at Cardiff, Wales, 3 inst employment of non-union Men. The arsenal has started for 2,000,000 Krag ps for the United to fill a rash ord H X The next issue of the Canada Ga- zette will contain 'a proclamation fix- ing Thursday, October 18th, for Thanksgiving day. The post office at Almond, N.Y., was robbed of 8608 in stamps and money. The safe was blown to pisces. There is no clue to the robbers. Fishguard, a Welsh seaport, and Wex- ford, will save several hours in the carrying of American mails. It is said that Gabriel Marchand, son of the Inte Hon. FP. G. Marchand, former premier of Quebec, will be a candidate for St. John's, Que. A syndicate of Cobalt men has leas ed from the Ontario government the Hound Chute and the Noteh, both water powers on the Montreal river. Prosper Bernard, Beloil Station, Que., twentyiwo vears old. was burned to death. She was lighting a stove and the flame caught her dress Five boys went into an old coal mine at Stellarton, N.8.. to look for a ball, They lighted a match and a gas explosion followed killing four of them. The absence of Winnipeg clergymen on 'their holidays ix said to be seri- the citv to be married, Mrs. Burgess, Ottawa, was killed at Carleton Place by a train striking the automobile in which she was driving. Two other occupants of the automo- bile were severely injured. It is reported in usually well inform- ed circles that Dr. HW. W. Wood, col lector of customs, St. Johns, Que., is to be superannuated, and is to be replaced by Gideon Fredette, Jr, Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne, has fue coeded in making eultures of the can- cer bacillus in a cortgin mildew form- ing on plants. When transforred to animals the bacillus caused genuine cancer. On Fridav night the large bank barn belonging to William Tittle, liv ing about two wiles west of Trenton, wns burned with most of $s con tents, including sixteen hogs The loss is about 83,000. The proposal to suspend the colloe- tion of, customs duties at New Chwang, while Dalny remedinsg a free port, and goods enter Manchuria from the Rossian frontier free, has been referred {0 the mivisters of the vari- ows powers at Pekin, Real Estate Trust sompany, Philadel stunendous looting. "I intend to pro- ceed to the limit against the persons linble," was the statement made by District Attorney Bell, ed at Dauphin, charged with misappropriating money belonging to the post office department. The sum involved is in the vicinity of $800. 'Bear was committed for trial, bail . being refused. BREE AEE ERR RAE RE Chasles Seater. Barrie, died in To- ronto & Arthur Hartle, Cornwall, was scald- miners arc entombed near of Capt. Pratt, was committed suicide shock was felt in -is-wisiting Toronto. Fire in Bt. Paul's separate school, oronto, \ The rider element will be in- need the i With fifteen entrics Fiectioneer won McEachern th at Carman, Man, LPR. steamer Princess Royal, was launched at Esquimalt, deere aims to prepare The new routeito Ireland by way of ously interfering with the plans of country couoles who are coming to From evidence the eoflapse of the phia, appears 6 be the result of SHAS POSTMASTER IN JAIL. ---- ¥ Winnipeg, t. 4. George C. Dar iia iar x at Ethelbert, was arraing- % Of The Evils In The Deaf CAUSED _ SENSATION EVERY MEMBER OF FACULTY REMOVED, E. B. Nelson, For Thirty Years| Principal, and Every Person on Fay Roll Ordered Removed By Board. : Rome, N.Y., Sept. 4.--A scatdal of far-renching proportions has been dis. covered by the state bofied 4 Shal- ties in the management 0 Cen tral New York Institution for Deaf Mites, So appalling were the conditions un- earthed that a clean sweep has been made, hot only of the faculty, but of all 'employees, big and Hitle. An investigation made showed that the whole institution was honey-comb- od with evils 'which ved not only misthandgement, but immorality. Extraordinary drastic measures have been token by the state board of charitics to clean up the institution and rectify the outrageous condition of affuirs which ly has oxist- ed for a long period. Peremptory orders were issued by the state board to the local manage- ment board rexgriring the jmmediate dismissal of every employee on the pay voll 'of the institution. This or der has been complied with, Unless its commands in this respect were met, the local board were notified that the state, which is the min sup- port of the institution, would extend it no further aid. Prof. KE. B. Neleon, who has boon principal of the institution ever since it was founded," moro than thirty years ago, in March, 1875, is one of those dismissed. His place will be taken by Prof. Fdward Clarke, of New York, who will carry out the work of 're form on the rastie lines miappod out by the state board of charities. Not satisfied with npesing all of those connegted with institution 3 fom of xis on aa nXetigatars Me are about seventy-five young girls in the institution, most of them about sixteen years old, Approxim- ately an equal number of boys of the same age are also 8. The state provides most liberally for the support of educational institu- tions for the deaf and dumb of the character of the one here. For pupils between the ages of twelve and twenty: five the state makes a per capita al lowance of $260 yearly. and for pupils of between five and twelve years an allowance of $300, The salary list of the officers and principal employees of the deaf nd dumb 'school here is in excess of $20,. 000. Of the 150 pupils, all but a very small number are . supported by the state, which practically maintains the whole institution. QUEBEC BYE-ELECTIONS Quebec, Sept. 4.~~The hye- elections for the legislative assembly in the counties of Argenteuil and Brome, rendered neceisary by the appointment of Hon, W. A. eir to the cabinet and the retirement from politics of Hon. J. ©. MecCorkill, will take place on Sept ber 17th. EXFEREEN EER ERE EXEEREEENFERERX Baseball y National league--Chicago, 7; Cin- cinnati, 0, (first game.) Chicago, 5; Cincipnati, 2, (second game.) Pitts- burg, 2; St, Louis, 1, (first game.) Fittshurg, 7; St. Louis, 1, (second game.) New York, 4; Boston, 0, (first game.) New York, 3; Boston, 2, (se cond game.) Brooklyn, 10; Philadel phia, 0, (first game.) Brooklyn, 8; Philadelphia, 0, (sccond gate.) American league--New York, 4; Phil- adelphia, 3, by game.) New York, 9; Philadelphia, 0, forfeit, (second game.) Boston, 8; Washington, {first game.) Washington, 6; Boston, 3, (meond game.) Cleveland, 10; Chi. cago, 3, (m game.) Cleveland, i; Uhicago, 8, (afternoon game.) St. Louis, 5; Detroit, 4, (fiewt game.) De- troit, %; St. Louis, 5, (second game.) Eastern league ter, 3; Bul falo, 0, (morning game.) Rochester, 8; Buffalo, 3, (afternoon game.) To- ronto, 6; Montredl, 1, (first .) Toronto, 14; Montreal, 3, (second game.) Baltimore, 3; Jersey City, 2, (first game.) Baltimore, 10; Jersey City, 1, (second game.) Newark, 7; Providenoe, 1, (first game.) Newark, 4; Providence, 2, (wecoml game.) Every should know about and try A aelDory' Silver Cloth"; polishes silverware, all bright metals and mountings Jike magic; no. paste or powder required, simply rub the article to be polished bri with the prepared cloth and a brilliant ish i secured in a clean, quick, + way. Price '20c. Foe sale by L. T, Best, druggist, Princess' street. Trial simples free. : Look for the small Red Crom" on each box of the genuine Wladd's. fron EEX TEKEX Tonic. Pills. Fold only at Gibson's \Red Cross drug store, Take no other, i iH 3 - © : ; ii : 5 i i ihe 2 3 His if Bl # § ; i ; 5 z eelee & i> if 251 bt °F will land them in What the C.P.R. has done for up-building of Canada is best ted by the words of Sir D Millan, Keutenant-govermnor toba west, who is homew on the overseas mail from the old country. He. with Millan, have come over press of Ireland. Siv Daniel representative that 3 lominion ns this new wer- vice, which broug within a month of her far-off possessions. "The fact that no fewer than four members of House of Commons came over on the Empress of Ireland is substantial ovi- went usually by the American wan, ship lines, and spent the of them making, per haps, a hurried trip to a few Cann: dian points. This ix all being chan ged, and with the splendid service the CPR, is giving. 1 that Cannda will be visited ph he this invasion, for it moans the intr duction of more British capital, and Teltinh workers here and wo need hot ROUNDED UP AT TANGIER. Defaulting Yankee Banker Caught simian, Pi or Bank, ot Chisato Pure Pickling Spices the assintant stato attorney Pure Cider Vinegar | Pure White Wine V Pure English Malt V g raltar, and to this port, wi . prisoner arrived Tast night. After his war Soudueted to the de Fo ion, wi he was NORWEGIAN FOLE SEEKERS Straits on Their vols. ? on on i an reachod Stalls, having Jin June, Phos, a Picton Is Released. Montreal, Sept, 4The stéuiner Pes Olirieinhin, Sept

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