Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1906, p. 7

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100L Boys? ll ready for and largest [oronto and 10le for dis- , Styles or onest mate. dependable . rth of your materials, really worth .50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, to 2.00 more. doing sb. t are to be very fashion- re picked over. . In these busy days occur with such frequency -his duty by bis family it carry a INSURANCE 0 the Camada Life Office best. Iutton, Manager ¢ St. Telephone 703. of Rail and Canals DEAU RA DEALERS IN CEMENT TENDERS ADDRESSED endorsed '"Ten- 7" he it," will 6 received at this 8 o'clock on Friday, the er, 1908, for the supply of of Portland Cement, "0, be or- pany's Sheds, in the Canal City of Ottaws, by the er, 19086. . 8 can be procured at the meer of anal, Canadian Building, 1d after this date. aent does mot bind itself to vest or any A LK TONES, Sarr RAED. Railways apd Canals. « 38th 'Aucust, 1908. this advertise- from the De THE INDEPENDENT DALY 1.50 A YEAR DAILY BY MAIL . A PAPER OF CHARACTER WHOSE COL UMNS ARE FULL OF INTERESTING WHOLE. SOME, RELIABLE REPORTS OF EVERY MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE. SUB. SCRIBE NOW. SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST . Sound, Solid, Serviceable School Shoes That's the kind we sell, the kind your boys should wear, Get them at McDERMOTT'S and the qualities and prices will please you. McDermott's Shoe Store PPPPPPPP PPP PPOP FO POO DDO £ BICYCLES i § TYPEWRITERS ESEWING MACHINES Sold and Repaired $1. B.C. DOBBS & 00. 171 Wellington St. +1354 SEPP PEPPP PERE SEE SE -- TT nr A DINING ROOM COMPLETE This week we are displaying a Din- ing Roc m farrished ¢ mplete in gold: en oak, consisting of Buffet with a plate rack attached. China Closets with groaved - shelves to stand plates on edge, also cup hooks. Oak framed Dining Chairs and Bpring Beats covered in horse hide. Quartered oak Extension Table, rouad or square styles. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 147 for the White Ambulance. BOGARFOP GROOD © GANONSG'S G. B. CHOCOLATES THE FINEST IN THE CITY 50c. per Ib. A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. ERG GRRE RRDE FIBRO GM -- SOLDERS OUR SPECIALTY : THE CANADA. METAL COMPANY, Toronto, Ont. Fhone Main 1729. \ Er -- Bt If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a ' ' talk with : | : ¥ 4 ¢ ¢ ' ¢ / FINANCE AND INSURANCE - CUSTOMS BROKER - The business of the late Oy G. Oliver, will be carried ba im his office, 79 Clarence street: G.A. BATEMAN Who for the last five years has been assgciated with Mry Oliver. ~~ -------------------------------- George Zeigler, "3" Rei \ikcs 57 Brock Street. ips. FARMS FOR SALE Peescscssarcssrcscscsssccscsses aval 3 Money to Loan! pew, sims sm ¥ ; cintyre | mom er eats ame Nelmyred ts hi T. J. Lockhart King Street : : : Kingston | Beal Agent, Kingston. . R- a cssesessse@@ NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: ENTS TELL US. » The Tidings From Various Polut: . In Eastern - Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Glendower Tidings. Glendower, Aug. 30.--Farmers have got their harvest in and report a good crop. 'The late rains have dong a dot of good. Christopher Leemon is home from New Ontario, whete he was work: ing in the silver mine at Haileybury. Mrs. L. & Goudy preached in the Friends' church last Sabbath. Berries are scarce in these parts. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Allan Snider at Sand- ford Leemon's; Christopher Leemon at Harrowsmith, Budget From Arden. Arden, Aug. 30.--~Weather comtinued very dry. The pastures 'are drying up, and cows are failing rapidly. Milk 16 the cheese' factories - is getting short, H. L. Spankie, son of Dr. Spankie, opened the Arden school on the 20th inst., having been appointed principal, vice John McCurdy, who resigned. Mrs, Lindsay is presiding in the . junior room. The patrons of the Harlowe cheese factory, were paid one dollar and four cents por hundred pounds, and Mount Hope factory patrons, nine- ty-six cents per hundred pounds, for CAPT. B. HOWELL, SKIPPER The 62-foot sloop Ei by Capt. S. B. Howell, recently w time allowance during the cup ra was designed by Henry Gielow, milk delivered in July. Farmers about through "harvest, except with their corn and potatoes, and threshing will soon become general, Johnson and O'Reilly were loading a goodly number of sheep and cattle at Arden- dale station on Tuesday on the C.P.R. cars. Price paid for lambs was four and a half cents per pound live weight and a considerable number was sold, f ---- A Colebrooke "At Home." Colebrooke, Aug. 29.--~The Misses Warner, Colebrooke, were "At Home" to a number of friends Friday evening last. Among the guests present were : Misses Florence Ward : and Georgie Wartman, Colebrooke; 0. Sills, Tella Jaker, and Flora Asselstine, Moscow; Pearl Patterson, Florence Anderson, Georgetown; Pearl Perry and Alice Pruyn, Napanee; Messrs, He ves, Hach- lin and Dr. Milsap, Napanee; S - tin, G. Stark and Dr, Yarker; H. Vanluven, A. Baker and Dr. Bell, Moscowg B, Martin, Selby; and Ross MoRae, Kingston, 8. r McQuade, A Tamworth Hold-Up. Tamworth, Aug. 24. --Ernest Cars- mer's. James Gibbs while returning on foot, from Centreville, where he had been working on a farm. was set 'on by two men, who relieved him of all the money he had. with the exception of some silver. This they told him to keep as he might want it. Hiram Keech was here calling on friends. A goodly number of our townspeople at- tended the picnic at Asselstine's grove on Wednesday. JF. A. Floyd, Mattawa, visited his father and brother, Monday and Tuesday. A baby boy came to stay at D. B. Floyd's last week. Geo. Caton is in town this week. Mr. Bar- rett. teller at the Sterline Bank, who is laid up with a sore knee, went home to Toronto. Mr, Brandon, Tor- onto, has returned to take his place, Chief Rankin and party, Napanee, are camping at Long Lake, ---- School Has Reopened Moscow, Aug. 29.--The new cheesp factory is almost completed, and is a great improvement on the former one, t commenced making cheese a week ago. We are glad to report that Mrs. Henry Huffman, who was BO scriously ill, is improving. School opened on Monday with a full attend. ance. Mrs. Everton Van Luven spent a few days this week in Napanee. Dr. A. M. Bell has gone to Kingston, where he will spend some time in hos- pital work. Miss Ruth Lampkin en- tertained a few friends at a private picnic on Sydenham lake on Saturday last. A number of the young people by the Misses Warner on Friday night. Miss Maggie Montgomery, Kington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Amos Huff man. Mrs. Cronk and som, Asa, who have heen away for a long 1 , Are renewing acquaintances, here. as Stafford, Mbntreal, has been the guest, of Miss Baker for a week. There will be no service in the Methodist church on Sunday, as Mr. Farnsworth is away for his holidays: The Friends will hold theif auarterly service here next Sunday. Mary Johnson came fort, owne d hy ee ---------- are | callen and wife, Brooklyn, 'N.Y. visit- | ¢ Kepler Pppeni gs. A yn, s VISH Kopler, Aug. 30.--Elginburg and ed here last week. Dr. Wilson WAS in Yi ole Sunday shool. vine i Toronto last week attending medical \epl r 4 unday school join m a association. Stanley Wagar visited | Picnic Tuesday in Herbert Johnston's i wb ~ " grove. A very pleasant time was Washing Rock last week. Mrs. Thom- WA yo ) as Hodgins visiting at Mrs. Herch- "Pent. Mrs. Amy A, ay is moving attended a party at Colobrooke, given | v after spending her Perry. en Storrington Council. - Sunbury, Aug. 27. Members all pre- wont, Treasurer reported a balance on hand of 8370. On motion, Ritchie Slpeth, Frederick Fergusdn granted #10 for draining road near cheese Jac: tory, when the ditch is completed. Voted: George Ulough, plank, $9.72; Rathbun 'company, plank, $134% A, Sandy, spikes, 50¢; George MoFar- land, plank, $1: William Jamieson, gravel, $13 William Moreland, Hyd £6.75; Morrison and Dr. Ross 'for examining Mary Connell, a lunatic, A by-law was passed, striking the township rate at three mills; rate ten mills; general school rate mills. On motion, Pruce- Slpeth, 850 granted to road division 3, to be expended with their commu- tion: money in getling an stone Cathar. On motion, Ritchie Seth. Mr, T. Anglin! to examine a oulvest near Irwin Card's, and give an order, Mr. Smith to examine the hill on the boundary and repair; Mr. Bruce to examine the eulvert on the side road below Inverary toll-gate and repair.. Adjourned until the last Monday - in November, ak Some Drencheg Picnickers. Strathcbna, Aug. 29.-The Misses Laura 'and Flossie Dunlap are visiting frichds at Philadelphia, Mis Tillie Wood, Violet, at Mrs. CG. Dunlap's. Mr. and Mes. Wood, Owen Sound, have been ' a few dave with her mother, Mrs. L. Lott. They came to Napanee to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wood's utele, the late (0. W. Lott. Stephon TE TTT -- Frank M. Smith and sailéd on the coveted King's Cup on a ces at Newport, R.I. The boat Wecse is under thy doctor's care; he 'is in a very precarious condition. Mrs. George Hayveock is confined to the house seriously ill. Frank Gran- ger, who has been at the Point for several months, has returned here. William Finley, Sr., and daughter, Boston, Mass, are visiting Mr. Fin ley's son here, 'Mrs. Wartman, Wes- ley, and Mrs. Calder, Richmond, spent ; Tuesday here. Mr. and Mrs. Shewster, formerly Miss Corn Madden, Belleville, spent Sunday at her grandfather's, Robert Madden. John Boyer made a flying visit home last week. Mrs. James Wilson and children visited at Selby 'on Wednesday. Mrs. Balance continues in poor health. Charles Asselstine and wife, Napunee, spent Sunday here, George Madden enter tained a few friends; they went down the river to fish and picnic, Every thing went beautifully till a drench ing rain came on, Then, well they fled for shelter to Byron Rose's. Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Owen Sound, were the guests of homor. Thomas Me- 'Avby and two sons, of Campbelliord, Ie been visitiag relatives hore. to Sydenham, to keep house for Ina Dell A'owley who is going to high school, Miss Maggie Dowsley returned home from visiting friends in the city. Miss Lilah Buck is teaching school at Colebrook. Dr. and Mrs, Lapp and fa- mily are renewing old acquatntance in this neighborhood. Mrs. T. A. Town- send has returned home after spending some weeks with her daughter at , Latimee, H. A. Townsend is spending a few days at Washburn. B. Guess and wife, Guess', Harrowsmith, are at Stanard A Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Aug. 30,--Farmers are well pleased with the excellent crops this year. A number of young people left on the farm laborers' ex- Jia Wednesday morning - for dif ferent parts of the west, Mrs. William Barker and children, Medicine Hat, N, W.T., are spending a month at R. ! Flyan's, Miss Maude Sanderson has ! returned after a t visit in + Tweed. "G. Gates, Westbrook, visited 'his daughter, Mrs. I. McDonald last week. Master Bruey MeDonald is in Wewtbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Smart, Tor onto, visited their son, Rev. W. 8, {| Smart. Miss Maude Mae, Oshawa, is with her sister, Mrs. Smart, Rev. T. C. and Mrs. Sanderson, Muncey, Ont., left Thursday, after a sant visit with his brother, BH. B. Sanderson, and misters, Mrs, Godfrey and Mrs. Price. It is twenty-one years since Mr. Sanderson visited his boyhood home, and wad rather the place. John Godirey and 1 di, on Thursday on a tour t "as far gy Vancouver, B.C. R. Butler has returned to take charge of the vil- lage school, A little boy has arrived "at the parsonage. For d hu zachal lips; oe souph skis HIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31. '| manner in which it grows and spreads RECORD SURGEONS' FEES. Medical Man Receives $20,000 For One Month's Attendance. Prof. Bergmann, the great German specialist, kas been summoned to Con- stantinople, to the siltan's daughter, 'who is suffering "from ndicitis; this is one more illustration of the desperate and costly measures adopt: ed in the case of serious illness, In England doctors rarely .make ex: orbitant charges far going any distance he soe their min inea a mile is supposed to a ir average charge, with an Sxlinarys fee at the end of it; and several well: known surgeons are content: to visit cases 100 miles away, on a line with reasonably fast and regular trains, for forty guincus and their oidinary fee, It is quite possible to combine several cases in a district, Sir Frederick Troves used to send cases to Westgate, and pay an occasional combined visit to them, and at places like East: bourne and Torquay every consulting physician has several patients who welcome a visit, x Specialists of world-wide fame, like Prof. Pagentecker, the German oculist, lose such large sums by two days' absence that they must perforce charge more. Dr. Pagentocker has more than once received a fee of 1,000 guineas for coming to England. French surgeons dislike leaving Paris, and charge exorbitantly for do ing so. A famous living surgeon re- cently charged £800 for 'going from Parid to Biarrite (a {ed hours' jour ney) to perform a long, but simple, operation; and a well-known Paris la- dies' doctor refused « an offer of the same fee to go to Nice, An American lady, who became suddenly ill at Cherbourg, and was visited twice a week for a month by a Paris su : was horrified to receive a hill for £4,. 000, On one ocension when the late Cecil Rhodes was ill in South Afvioa, an English doctor "treated" him by cable, every symptom and change be ing carefully telegranhed to London, and instructions sent back. -------------- A Rare Find. Brockville Times: The Brockville Times botanical standpoint, F., Morris, one of the teachers in the Port Hope school and a young man well know in Brockville, has discovered on an is land in the Rideau the first walking fern ever reported in this section of the province, This particular species is one of the many graceful kinds of ferng, and derives it name from the says from a itsell. When the fon grows to matur ity the top droops over and when it comes in contact with the. earth it takes root and this process being con tinued during the summer months, it received the name by which it is known, Mr, Morris is an indefatigable searcher' after new samples in the bo tanical world 'and he has succeeded in recent years of identifying and pro. perry naming a large number of or chide found in this section, besides many other wild flowers and plants, ip ---------- From 1000 to 145% Scottish bank: rupts were compelled to wear a sokt of convict dress, hall yellow, half brown, RHEUMATISM come to every home that uses Beaver Flour. It's the greatest help any home cook can have --because it ic always the same --always the best for all baking. Beaver . Flour isablend of Manitoba Spring Wheat and Ontario Fall Wheat. Combines the whitences and lightness of winter wheat, with the strength * and nourishing food properties of spring wheat, un Dealers, write fof prices on all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains a Cereals T. IL Taylor Co., Limi Chatham, use Dr. Shoop's Green. Salve, ¢ posi tively mgkes lips and skin like ' by ol droggin, 4 + a Bi ** Bu-Ju' soothes irritation and heals inflammation. "Bu-Ju' increases the excretion of urine. This flushes the kidneys--opens up the pores--clears the system of poisonous deposits--and makes the kidneys well and strong. "*Bu-Ju" takes away the pain in the back and through the hips--cures the weakness. and nervousness--and relieves all bladder troubles. $ "Bu-Ju" will give you practically a new pair of kidneys, that wilt'do their work in nature's way. 53 "BitJu" does all this--and more--at a cost to you only 3c. a day, : » MARWAN, ONT, Dee. 1st. 1go5 "1 had suffered almost continually for Trouble, walk, and was unable to + work. Saw "Buju tl Vey I dread Pre - ro Y Ra a aie dak on was 0 ht Hare one box of ** Ba saved me slg ty X ITT, they are the finest pills made. As ve Buy "Bu-Ju" on our unconditional guarantee that they will cure or money refunded, nh If your druggist does not handle them, write to us direct. Ln CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., Limited, I= WINDSOR, Ont Both windows are filled with the in shoedom, ; Slalga fo! The New . Quality and the Ultra Shoes are the smartest ladies' shoes in town. . For men we have many natty effects in those well-known Packard and Wa Shoes. COME IN AND SEE. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. | her pe pid "Asbestos" d & In "The Asbestos Principle" A combination of comfort, convenience and 'effi ziency. The above cut shows No. 70.Laundry Set, consisting of one Asbestos--lined hood with handle and lock complete--two seven-pound cores, one six-pound core, and one asbestos covered stand. PRICE, $200 PER SET = We have these in a number of different weights and atterns, such as Pressing, Polishing, Sleeve, Flounce and ourist, We have these beautiful irons for every purpose, from pressing the heaviest cloths to smoothing the dai fabrics. oF McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71 Brock St. Labatt's Porter. Is a Prime Porter made from tes "{¥] natural cpringwater, selected barley malt and a blend of the choicest growths hope. It is allowed to mature in the na= tural way, No substitutes for h ) Darley are used. 'It is got charged at ficially with gas (i.e., carbonated) a are. It is not pasteurized, but Selicate flavor and aroma of the ma t. : convalescents. nursing. Labatt's invalids and JAS. McPARLAND, Res, Wises, Liguors and Cigars,

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