Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1906, p. 3

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r. 800tts Liningy For external use, i raises, t 8, Caniy, "Pfion gy 5 a 4 Yo ML Always Procured Pure Te, 2 Dr. Scott's § opr 8.. & St. Pho aan & eliable | Of All Kindg wl. Kingston's Only xclusive Fur Story RDIER Street . F. G0U 78 and 80 Brock PHONE 700. In Gold, Silver, Gold Filled, Gun Metal and Pearl We ars showing the largest assortment of Cuff Links our cases have ever held Plain Links, 5 dull for engravini. A durable pair of Eograved Cuff. Links, fully _guaranteod, need not be expensive, SMITH BROS, Jewelers--Opticians 'Phone 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. DTOR GASOLINE In '5 Gallon Lots or over, 26c, a Qallon upplies always handy on ock. LBY & YOULDEN LIMITED. ew Goods that is new and desir- Piles of fresh crisp ie big manufacturing )S DISPLAY ing a long way to see, is the latest in Dress ace to come. All the shades to be seen in these days. Seems y of the wide-awake d purchased their fall a beautiful range of 2 prices are from two vill be asked for the ig cities. y you. ything in the line of boys. English tte : 36 inches wide, a Yard. Shaw sToN& ° i LYE RY iN 4 ppm Em i, Bont. 1.4, : Retura Limi sept 1, 'ng; LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER Sed Single - First-Class Fare Going Data it Ser ©? Fara Laborers' ps' Excursion to the Canadian North-West Sept. 8th. Fare, $12. Full parti at K: &P. and C.P. R. Ticket O Ontario stree ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER JR. Gen. Pass. . Ten. Supt, Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deéeronto, . and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Xingston, ---------------------------- A hen. Hl LTE ERA Canadian National Sxtibition August aa to arfoag ONT. 1%e. Re turn tickets will be sold at $3.85 Good going on Monday, Sept. rd, and at $5.40 on Aug. se, Sept. sk, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and Sth. Tickets oh not be accepted on trains 1, 8 ord. Al tickets good te return on or before Sept. Pn 1906. Farm Laborers' Bxeuvsion To the COppadian NosthW eu, Sept. Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 3 Round trip tickets will be sold between all Stations in Canada at lowest ONE- WAY FIRST ULASS FARE. Going dates--Saturday, Sumday and Monday, Sept. 1st, 2nd and\ 8rd. Tickets valid returning from destination on or before Sept. 4th, 1906, Ottawa Exhibition, Sept. 7 to 15 Return tickets will be sold at $3.05, good roing on Sept. Tith, 13th and 14th and at $4.15, good ~ning on Sept. 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th ~»d 15th. All tickets wood to return on or before Sept. 17th, 1906. For tickets amd all other information annly to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson gnd Ontario streets. LENE "OPEN SEASONS New Brunswick -- Sept. 15th. Nov, 30th. : Nova Seotia--Oet. 1st-Jan. 1st. Quebec--Sept. Ist-Dec. 31st. BEST HUNTING GROUNDS ave reached by INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY WRITE FOR " Fishing and Hunting," "Week in the Canaan Woods," "Moose of the Miramichi," + "Trail of the Mic-Macs," : To Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James St., Or General Passenger Dept., Moncton, "N.B. QUEBEC STENSHP COMPANY LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrsaes Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw 8.8. "Campana," Iro; with electric. 1 ri il d all urate, Jignte, electric bells and a Sails from Montreal on Mondays at 2 Pn, 10th and 24th Sept. for Victou, » Salling at Quebec, Guspe, Mal Bay, "tre," Cape Cove, Grand River, Summer- sidp, P. EI P.EL -» and Oharlottetown, BERMUDA Wes a Thgirsion, gs 85 the by » "Bermud- fan, 5.56 tons. Rétling from New + 12th snd 26th September. Tem- breezes seMom The # health Snatt trips of the easen for ARTHUR AHBRN, Secretary, Quebec. TE titkets and staterooins, avply to : HANLEY, or J. P. GILDER- SLERVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steam- boat Company, Limited Sirs, tg ding 1000 JtgndussBoahister C leave Kingetsn onday." st do. 18 a.m. Kar Retire alt Rol - Qurhestar Forte ite gli rt ay Cat LOTR. ALETHA st 6 p.m., for Picton ey hk New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE $3.85 | Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Caps Vincent, N. Y. Lvs Kingston nr. ) 5 i J am. 2:00 p.m. Vincen str, wm, 4 p.m, ol Cape, Vi inocent, 7/90 oom 4:50 a Arr, tertown, rie a.m. 5:50 pun Arr. Oswego, am, 9:12 p.m. Aw. a 1218 p.m, 9:33 p.m. Arr, "1 2:28 pam. 1:20 a.m. Arr, Utica, 12:20 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Arr. New York, 6:00 p.m. 7:12 a.m. Passengers wishing to take 5 a.m. di PULLMAN, SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Cheap Excursion to Watertown, $1.25 return. From June 16th to Octobe: Going Saturday 5:00 a.m. and 2 p rls Returning Mand , Joey Ww PA ie Bp rod ing Watertown 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles of travel on New York Central an: ased lines within Yon cost only Stata of New $10 for 1,000 ruiles over New while books York po iral, Boston & Albany. Buffalo. Ro Pittsburg. Philadelphia & Convenient train service in oprosite rection; chester Reading Mg Central R.R. of New Jersey cost $20. Secure further information and purchase tickets from H. 8. Folger, New York Oentral Agent, Kingston, 4 C. F. DALY, Passenger Traffic Manager, + Av H, Smith, General Manager, G, C. Gridley. Ceneral Agent. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Beginning JULY 24th, ending SEPT. 10th, Welle Island :-- 30 3AM, 100 480 PM 7.50 9.15 100 400 9.13 1.00 4.00 0.3) 1.00 in 9.15 1.00 215 1.00 in 00 10 00 12.50 5.80 ngston :-- 30 1150 AM. 300 630 PM 8.30 11.30 300 6.80; 8.30 11.30 800 6.3% H% 8 "4 8 .8.30 11 %0 }u.e% 8.30 11.30 3.00 6. 9.80 11.30 1.15 6.00 pecial : Breskey's Bay, Howe Is- and dan 's Doek), Rallies s t no ae Bro Point. Leaves 630 a.m. Refaraing Jeaves Kingston 4 Time Table subject to EAR ee notice. ND, Manager 0 out Island going to and from ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Virginian, Aug. 81. Sept, 28. Oct. 26. Tunisian, 7. Oet. 8, ov, 2. Victorian, Sept. 14. Oct. 13. Nov. 9. Ionian, Sept. 21. Oct. 19. Nov. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Moderate Rate Service. 16. Mongolian, Aug. 380. Oct. 4. Nov, 8. Corinthian, Sept. 6. Oct. 11. Nov. 15. Sicilian, Sept. 13. Cel. 18. Lov. 22, For rates, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agen %. T. ,, Js P. GILDER- Sitve Canadian National Exposition Toronto, Ont. Return tickets will be sold by Steamers Kingston or Toronto at . ) Good going August 27th, to September Sth, re Hine fo amd including Sep- tember 11th 996, Meals included west- bound only," Berths extra. Steamers go Hust daily 5. 80 a.m. Steaandrs go West, da daily 5 p.m. Labor Day, Septen mber 3rd, 1906 Round trip tickets will be sold at single fare going September 1st., 2nd. or 3rd., returning September 4th. Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line Go East, Welnesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 4 p.x Go Wes Ruestiays, Saturday: t 4 pm. J.P, HANLBY. J, SWIFT & 00. Ticket Agéuts Frelebt 'Agents. SWIFT'S TOURIST TICKETS 1000 [siands,- intermediate Ports and Montreal any & om STR. "DUNDURN" day, 8 a.m. Of the' Bamilton-Montreal Navigation Company, Limited, Toronto and Hamilton Every Thursday, 2 a.m. every demand of J AMES Johnson Thursdays and A Steamer meeting the travelling public. foformation, Wharves, foot HARRY W. NEWMAN, Ticket Agent, Tor. Ontario' and Clarende street. SYIFLS TOURIST TICKETS Stes. "City of Hoatredl" and "Cuba" Detroit, Toléde, Cleveland, To~ ronto, Montreal. Going - West, Friday, 8 i Qoing East, Sunday, 9 For pr po SWIFT & CO., Wharvés, (oot street. JAMES Johnson Bo J¥ or a w Wi rdgor) , Toronto, Ont. Would ¥ou ? Chicago Record-Herald. He kissed me! --~ was very wrong : For though shi fonrt; 18 Warm and true Such AEntTaon wot to him helong. 1 ought to punish him, would you ? He kissed me ! How was 110 guenn That he the during deed would do 7 RE RAE t could vou? He "Higsed we Ourhéarts ven forgive the harm 's wiad raptures do! -| heavier crop than THE CANNERS BUSY EOWARD COUNTY. ------ Improvements Made to the Fac- tories--Good Wages Paid Help Which is Scarce--Something About the Work. In Prince Bdward county the can- ning industry is at its height. The season is thought likely to continue for some six hence canning face Font le es at | contrac and tomatoes are. am exceedingly tables. How to solve the labor ques- tion is a perplexing ques "We are forced to -- ic cuteidys hat, declared J. F. secretary -Lreasurer Ber the Shooto Packing company. of Bloomfield, in an interview with a Whig reporter. This company runs a boarding house, where workers may live during the busy season. This year a new fasten has entered into the work--the men," When the ming industry opened in June with the season, a num- ber of Indians ad Ip families took their tents to the er Settloment and are settled in the vicinity of the factory. Mr. Reringer declared them to be diligent, good, faithfal work- ers. With three factories calling for help, a small village like Bloomfield is necessarily taxed. The {factories have big vans which go into the county and take help early euch mora- ing from a district covering twelve miles. At night the toilers are taken home. Houscholds turn out. Wages arc good. Men earn $1.50 to #2. a day; women $1 and as high rs £8 a day. Female labor is piece work and the money earned depends on the agi- lity of the worker A visit to the factory is an interest. ing sight; to see the vegetables in all stages of the canning process, taking in the instance of the tommte, the clean, firm vegetable from the bushel erate as brought in by the farmer from the: fields, the peeling, slight "cooking" process and canning. Thou- sands of bushels pass through the hands of the peelers during a day. The "goods" are exceadingly perish- able and to prevent loss, workers toil late into the night and are at it with ha will with the early morming whistle, The season is short and money must be made. Many families earn sufficient. to nearly keep them umiil working time, comes for the next year. But as yet the consumption of the canned product is - confined to home consumption, bit that it is materially inereasing is evidenced from the fact that last winter, costly improvements were made in two of Picton's already well equipped concerns. The "Old Homestead" factory, owned by the Richardsons, of Kingston, is a model of its kind, a huge plant of concrete and iron building material with the latest and most modern of machinery. The estimated eost is $75,000 or $80. 000. Fully $30,000 imreovements wire made' to the Wright factory (one of the consolidates.) Goods from Prince Edward go to all parts of the coun: trv, from const to coast and on up into the Yukon. "In the near future," commented Mr. Beringer, "I look for an old country market, but before that can be accomplished the English peopls will have to be odueated to it. As yet it is almost impossible to make a sale of canned vegetables in Fng- land. They will eat tomatoes in small quantities, but will have no corn," The canning industry has not wet reich its height ore is a bright future ahead for it and our coumtry has for from reached her limit in procuctivencss to further the same. Carnegie's Youth. Chicago Record-Herald. Andrew - Carnegie was recently in- vited to attend the excursion of the old handloom weavers of Dunfermline, Scotland, - his native town. He was unable to do so, but from Skibo cas- tle he gave some reminiscences of his ancestors in the weaving town of Fife: "By inheritance I think | would be entitled to rank myself with that ancient and honorable guild, for my Grandfather Carnegie and father were weavers in the olde days and very proud of it. My Grandfather Mor- rison did not have the distinction, but he was a good shoemaker and thought there was nothing like leath- er. Even wpon my own account I should have some. elaim to member- ship in the old weavers' society, for I remember well*] assisted in 'giving in' the threads to my father when he was 'puttine in' his webb and a very proud boy I was in doing so. Well do I remember the morning that my fa- ther came home to tell mother that thare wasn't. a new web for him to and the family council derided that we should sail for America, my moth- er saying, 'Not for our good, we could manage to get along here, but there will be more scope there for our boys." So we set gail Tor the new land." Bird Cities Along The Coast. Brooklyn Citizen, Il along the coast of the Atlantic ocran are little - cities inhabited by birds alone. Gardner's island, at the extremity of Lone Island, is the place where the fishhawks come during the breeding time and, owing to the friendly attitnde of the family living on the island, the ospreys have be- come tame and build their ts upon the ground instead of in ig trees. In the Indian river of Florida is a small island called Pelican island. It received. its name from being one of the favorite settlements for the peli- cans during their nesting season. These bird cities or settlements are under the protection of the Ameriean Ornithological union. Hats For The Holiday. The new fall styles are in and are" nweting with the approval of » _-- them to-morrow at Campbell Bi the Store that saves you moneys on men's hate -------------- At last we have it figured out to our own satisfaction. men who design circ posters. never saw a INDIANS ENGAGED IN PRINCE | FE in New Dairy Gas Buoys on the 10 those used Saturday, Sept. 15th. other Becta Aaliocn, Aston umons and A tend Be « Fair and hate an Enjoyaile Tae, Sept. Tth to 15th, 1906 E. McMAHON, rete MES WHITE, n President. ry, FOR BUYING: Bicycles Baseball Goods Tackle Graphohone and The Records sdllsotion is 'of Fine Quality. a at selected ith care Angrove Br Bros. A A Look In- Our Window Will show you some of the best made and nicest .. GUNS... In the city. We allow you to try all Guns before buying. Loaded Shells, Cartridges Game Bags, Powder and Shot, all of the best. Mitchell's Hardware Kingston, Ont. THE STOLEN HORSE, An Old Proverb With a New Ap- plication: The woods are full of "so-called" remedies for. baldness. You may call anything in. treodion a remedy, but to use them is like look ing the stable after the horse is stolen, _ Baldness and dandruff are eaused by a germ--if you don't kill the germ the germ will kill the hair. Scientists have labored with the problem of a preventative for bald- ness for many years. Newbro's_Herpicide is the product of a modern Mea, and will eure dand ruff and prevent baldness because rms cannot exist when you apply Terpicide. Herpicide is a valuable hair dress ing and scalp disinfectant as well as a enre for dandruff. Sold by leading druggists. Send le. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. OG. W. Mahood, speciel agent. SUNDAY TRADING, Markets in Churchyard in Early England. time of the. Conqueror Sunday t received much attention. In: early s mar kets and fairs were held on Sundays and frequently in the churchyards. In 1205 the inhabitants of Coiemouth presented a petition to os theic market was fast Ueelming through the inhabitants ol Crosth- waite dealing in dorn, beans, flesh, fish, at their church ». Sundays and that thereby the: to pay their tolls to ti 4 vf 4 ard 1.) An order was issued oting the. church market: at Crosthw In 1285 a statute was was posed. enct- From the (1066-1087) ing that henceforth neither fairs por markets be held in churehyards, for the Jramer the church. In 1312. a ket was granted €6 the town of Sedgefield. Durham, to be held on o Friday, but pot soon changed to Sun- day. In 1367 ¢ rebifshoms of Can. of Can- terbury and Vol directing, among other hing thot thet "we firmly forbid anyempcto keep a market in the - churches, the : Potehe omiging gh lie ied the Lord' or o oly pl . day or other holy featiVAN. 4d Takes It a: . ny i a poor ticidne, soddd a Stun of figures My we r life." "Neither Sys wine. Bat a er at show. i GOOD STRONG Was ofl. BARN BOYS, WHO CAN BARN FROM 34 TO 88 per Week. Apply at ould' Broom Factory, and Queuns streets. HELP, THE YEAR ROUND. SITU- ations Seat Jomesiion, otel and factories. "B® 208 Wellington street. GENTLEMEN HAVE TR | ro Ba gy 32 oo De 4 5 t Prices as suaranteed to Paht. Galloway, the Tailor, 281 B street. HELP WANTED FEMALE, A COOK AND OUSENATE. APPLY 250 Kine street. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY MISS Hora, 45 King street. A FEW FIRST-CLASS SKIRT makers, Annly J. Rosen, 286 Uni- varsity Aven APPRENTICES, FOR MILLINERY ET TEE oF = ious op So Sor JH 10 BO wil me Er STEARNS B : : 260 TRS RARE A BAY MARE UR IN YBA ARATE | am CONFECTIONERY ANU BAKERY oy . Apply to 'Ant, and _ Dress-Maki Suna rementE. Ap ply Steacy & Steacy. a-- A GENERAL SERVAN AND NURS, Mncnee, 583' Kin straet. I a . IMMEDIATELY, GOOD GENERAL FURY EINIpERS. LAP APPLY TO JOHN at The Hub, Market street, ------------------------------------------" A LAUSDRESS TO TAKE Rove GENERAL SERVANT Also A A COMPETENT BousEMAW, MUST by xo to have Apoly to iy fe tates. wages jiven. Ap Heh OF Nieto, 165 Bayi street. ply 57 George A CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT, | TO RENT BY A STEADY 0eoy- able to do pin ooking. ko a _ who does not expeet the land. ine or ironing. Auwply Mrs. N. "te "we everything, » hous situ- Polson, 817 University Avenue. ated ot ar from water front. Small, compact house, with shed, de A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT : Wo Aboly cl hs family 5d two : reg ine given out. por £0 Mon Mnchar, 107. "Benny ven! s. eaten to Mrs. Machar: 197 BOARD AND ROOMS. A GENERAL; SERVANT Al A RON nirse, hv Sontember 14th A180 to HED eg Clinton, N.Y.. subhurh tics. Good wages "iven, Ar BT y Yolass uv GANANOQUE NEWS. T------ $ » Fides Eden Grove Event Drew Forth the Hungry. Gananoque, Aug. 3 ~"When Wo- men Love" was the attraction at the Colonial theatre last evening, drawing out quite a large audience, The annual harvest homie dinner at Eden Grove yesterduy was largely at- tended from the surrounding coun- try and drew quite a number of the townspeople for a good old-fashioned square meal. Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Belnois, King street, Jeft yesterday moming for a few weeks' visit with friends and re- latives in Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mri. Horace Griffin, King street, left on Tuesday morning for Douglas, Man., for a couple of weeks' visit with relatives, Misi Agaths Bedard of Boston, who has been spending the past two months here with her father, John Bedard, River street, left for home yesterday. James Rogers, M.D., of Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Rogers, King mreet, spent the past few days in town. W. J. Francis, of Oshawa, is spend- ing a couple of weeks the guest of Mr. and Mrg. James A. Thompson, First street, Mrs, Thomas Kelday, of Bul falo, N.Y., i» visiting for a few weoks with her brother, Major J. B. Robin- son, South street. George Bennett, who for some time past has been lo- cated in Kentville, N.S., is spending a few days here with his wife and family, Svdenbam street, Mrs. Willliam Mclellan and son, (hifton, corner First and River streets, are spending a week with friends in Toronto and Oshawa. J. H. Warren, of Lansdowne, spent yesterday in town on business, Miss Banfield, of Halifax, is. the guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gracey at the manse. Mrs. OC. A. Dixon of Cleveland, is Sounding a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs, L. 8. Knapp, John street. A Joke Explained. ork Glob no. yy Field, of Harvard, who has recently made himself the sponsor of snails, wquids, and dogfish as food---good and cheap food--was ex- plaining the other day that it haw taken the edible family of snails--the littornia--a 'half-century to ») from Halifax, where it wax first Yound on the Atlantis, 16 the western end of Long leland. He explained further in behall of the little mollusk ax a dish that in London he English people ent it as we do peanuts here in New York, and that it has long been consi not only a nourishing but a palate tickling morsel by the Britishers. "Ah!" said ome of his hearers, "that explains why the English are so slow to master a joke." The Islands At Their Best. No o tour showk them up so well as 's own tour om Saturday, 2.30 pm. Onlv 35. 3 i Budhine avd | lronfng for VA POA AN at vy of three te tr Sateen Mire A ok Hl | | 488 Printans sirent: Vee Horrise Whig office. HEA A A Oh OGRE ir FARM FOR SALE, STRAYED. A BAY HI0RRD, a ou ale ALERE ir Ey ew: rr to J. BE, ps Jones, 824 Alfred St. or Bt Rails x Es way Barns. ou LOST. LOOSE ROLL OF BHA. CONTAIN. es ©] 8 ny on hursday. tetwoen | FARM HELP, AND A OTHER Windsor and Albi Tota'a. # for itn retum to. Whi office Reward % » "fa RA Drowning. Bath, Aug. 30.~Alexander Welieids, one of the oldest residents Aid village, died on Monday. 1s last, in he Hotel Dieu, Kingston, and was buried on Tuesday in the Rowan Catholic here. He was Sevinty-oight years old and came here from land many years ago. Miss Annie Sliftord iting on 4 on Salt urday last from . Watertown, N.Y. rs. Wh eronto, is visiting at Fg Quite a number went on the ay to the Thousand Islands on Thursday. Tho trip wae under the auspices of » Anglicon a Stella. A num- he people are' making = ation for taking in the Industrial ex~ hibition at Toronto next week, The people of village were shock- ed to hear on Wednesday of lust week, of the death by drowning of Kanily Hespoth, a little girl who lived at William Tuekett's, It appears she was sitting on Wartman's dock, fishing and fell into the water. An alarm was given, and in a short time auite a number of men came and after an hour of determined search, succeded in finding the body, The little girl had boon adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Tuck: ett, and was from the Marchmont Home, Belleville, She was much be loved by her guardians, was respected by all the citizens of the place, The fomgral took place on Thursday to John's church, services being con- sted by Rev. A. L. McTenr. Her friends, including the United States vigitors at the Bay View/Villa, show- ed their sympatl hd the floral offer ings of which t wore quite » large number. Mr, "nd Mra. Tuckett, who so kindly showed their sympathy with them in their bereavement. The Misses Wood, of Selby, who have been visiting ot J at ogg Woods, re- Suniel home on rs. s Baker and Miss Wood So homie on Sunday lest from a week's visit at PF. X. Beaubien's in Gananoque, Mrs, William Smith has returned to Odes sa, after a fow days' visit with her mother, Mra. ©. Mille. Rev, Mr. Sex- relatives at Selby, Miss Gertrude Sex- smith is. visiting friends in Yarker, Miss Ethel Covert loft on the steamer North King on Sundn last for Roch: ester, N.Y, Earl} of town, spent Sundiy with his parents. Dr, C. C, Nash conducted the services in the Methodist church on 8 of Sidney in visi of this place. Belleville, who has 3 Death of Old 4 Resident--A Sud wish to thank their many friends here |

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